=== _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem [04:00] Anywhere I can find this http://i.imgur.com/YVYu9wN.png on the developer site? [04:00] I've been looking, but without success. [04:09] Aha, I found it here http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/overview-ubuntu-sdk.html [05:01] I get a error "IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level" | http://askubuntu.com/q/339564 [07:15] Terminal isn't printing "Hello" python | http://askubuntu.com/q/339592 [08:23] Jenkins HATES me:( [08:25] nik90_: I think Jenkins does not exactly like you too:P [08:26] smartboyhw: yup. Jenkins and me hate each other :) [08:26] nik90_: Me too [08:26] My first code submit into any Ubuntu Touch Core Ap [08:26] And Jenkins failed many times [08:26] smartboyhw: the tests which I did not modify both on autopilot and application code wise fails now for no apparent reason [08:59] hi, can someone tell me, if QtLocation is now usable and gives position coordinates? [10:21] I guess I will find lots of people using bzr here, and as I am new to the version control, I need some help. Let's say that I've made a branch in launchpad. Me and a co-developer download the branch locally. I do a change to the branch and I commit and push the changes. A new revision has been created. How does the co-developer get the new revision so as to continue working from there on? [10:21] hakermania, bzr pull? [10:22] That's the normal way (except if there's conflict) [10:22] If there is, use bzr merge [10:25] smartboyhw, thanks. What about bzr update? I don't get what it does. As for bzr pull, my co-developer got a wrong like: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/wallpaper-changer /" [10:25] got an error* [10:26] hakermania, I'm wondering why there is a / [10:26] (At the end) [10:27] smartboyhw, he used lp:wallpaper-changer, not the above url [10:27] but you are right on this [10:27] hakermania, "bzr pull" should be enough [10:27] So, weird [10:30] smartboyhw, That's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6047338/ Bzr pull never works. If I do it with the lp:wallpaper-changer URL, then it does work (well, now it doesn't because launchpad is down, but you get my point) [10:30] Also, --remember never works. It never remembers the default location, so as to simply use pull [10:30] hakermania, weird === _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem [11:36] m-b-o: should land by monday btw [11:36] nik90_, ping [11:40] nik90_: thanks! [11:40] randomcpp: pong [11:41] randomcpp: i did try out your latest build btw [11:41] great, what's the impression? [11:41] I was adding sharing features [11:42] but I don't know how to share a recipe on twitter :/ if it's from the internet I could pass the source url [11:44] randomcpp: not sure about the sharing, but overall I like it [11:44] randomcpp: can you add an ability to zoom the images if possible? The current thumbnails are a bit small to look at properly [11:45] randomcpp: otherwise it is fine [11:45] nik90_, it's still on todo list [11:45] randomcpp: so what others things are on the todo? [11:46] menus, sharing, bugfix, category filter, bugfix and image zoom [11:46] and tests [11:46] and maybe a new databse system [11:46] database* [11:46] >.< [11:46] randomcpp: menus? [11:47] randomcpp: btw talk to lucas or sam hewitt on g+ to see if they can come up with any design improvements [11:47] yes, you can pin all the recipe you want to prepare for a dinner/launch [11:47] lunch* [11:47] randomcpp: ah okay [11:48] randomcpp: may be you could add the number of persons feature [11:48] the one where depending on the number of people, it will change the quantity of food [11:49] nik90_, it won't be easy, because the api doesn't provide proportions [11:49] randomcpp: none of the websites offer that? [11:49] and I need to think of a widget [11:49] randomcpp: dont worry about the widget, the designers can you help you there [11:49] I can parse from some website that value [11:50] * nik90_ needs to go prepare for a bbq [11:50] but not all websites provide proportions [11:50] randomcpp: okay [11:51] I'll see what I can do [11:51] randomcpp: if 2 out of 4 website offer that, then you can consider it [11:51] otherwise dont [11:51] the widget can always be hidden when not available [11:51] anyways I got to go [11:51] ok have a nice day :) [12:51] who want to do some bug hunting? :) [12:51] wants* [13:17] randomcpp, huh? [13:18] smartboyhw, I need someone who has some spare minutes to use my app and report all the bugs/quirks/glitches/errors he finds [13:19] randomcpp, unfortunately, I can't run it on a phone:P [13:19] smartboyhw, on desktop too [13:19] randomcpp, sure [13:19] What's the app? [13:19] https://github.com/random-cpp/saucybacon [13:19] randomcpp, saucybacon!? [13:20] * smartboyhw thinks of Jono Bacon:P [13:20] smartboyhw, in the readme there are all the instructions [13:20] randomcpp, sure [13:21] is there anyone experienced with autopilot tests in ubuntu touch app? I can't understand how to test a toolbutton click [13:21] mefrio, toolbutton.clicked() [13:21] randomcpp, nope I am telling of autopilot tests [13:22] mefrio: What do you mean by a "toolbutton" [13:22] You mean a tab, or a button that shows up when you drag up the toolbar from the bottom? [13:22] smartboyhw, a button in the bottom toolbar [13:22] mefrio, you can just check it out from the Ubuntu Touch CoreApps [13:22] smartboyhw, a button that shows up when you drag up the toolbar from the bottom [13:22] But, let me search that for you [13:23] smartboyhw, oh thanks [13:23] It will take a time though, I'm 1. Syncing chromium code, 2. installing the dependencies for randomcpp's app testing and 3. compiling Firefox using -j3 [13:24] mefrio, I'm going to look... [13:24] smartboyhw, aha no worries so :) [13:24] WebbyIT, great! [13:24] mefrio, BTW, randomcpp is correct [13:24] As long as you have a toolbar [13:24] set [13:24] toolbar = self.main_view.open_toolbar() [13:25] toolbar.click_button(button) [13:25] afk for a while sorry and thanks for help === mefrio is now known as mefrio|afk [13:26] or also [13:27] ^ That's the method used in the Ubuntu RSS Reader app BTW [13:27] toolbar = self.select_single("ToolbarName") [13:27] button = toolbar.get_children() [13:29] and then use button[button_index] [14:25] Window Icon set using xlib/X11 appears low resolution | http://askubuntu.com/q/339699 [14:31] Hi all [14:34] Hi nik90_ :) [14:53] nik90, ping :) [15:41] is scrollbar necessary? I mean, I can't almost see it :p [15:52] QUESTION: I had heard that EDS will be the backend for the Ubuntu Touch Calender app. Will it also be used for contacts, notes, and the other features EDS supports? [16:48] A QML question: Is it possible to style the thumb of a Slider? Specifically, I'd like to change its color when it's at one end of its range. [17:14] Josh015, i could be wrong, but i believe EDS is in fact used for contacts [18:38] WebbyIT, hey thank for your responses earlier...unluckily I had a little problem and I had to shut the computer down [18:41] No way to type on Nexus 7 with Ubuntu Touch? | http://askubuntu.com/q/339792 [19:49] So the click documentation says the package must not assume any particular installation directory (should use argv[0]). How are we to do this in our .desktop file? [20:05] Hi all [20:06] Does someone test Page's flickable property with GridView? Seems that no, because it is very buggy [21:01] mardy, ping [21:57] It says my name is registered. [21:57] But I guess I'm okay. [21:58] the tutorial at http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/getting-started/currency-converter-phone-app/ isn't working for me. [21:58] at step 4, I'm not able to finishing creating the new project. [21:58] Thus, I can't really get started at all. [21:59] It says I have "no valid kits" [21:59] and I don't even know what that means. [22:00] Well, my first problem is in step 2. [22:00] I don't have Projects > Ubuntu > Simple Touch UI [22:01] I just have "Other Projects" "non- Qt project" and "import project" [22:02] I'd love to dig in and start learning more about Qt, and app development, but none of the tutorials have gotten me anywhere. [22:02] The one linked above is pretty prominent, so I thought I'd point out that it's frustratingly difficult to get started with this. [22:52] mhall119, ping [23:01] does anyone know how to push data over a pagestack.push? === Guest46080 is now known as wgrant === wgrant is now known as Guest34878