
Kilosmorning all06:05
kbmonkeymorning ZA06:52
not_foundfrom the official IRC logs there has been two messages the whole day from here... so I will add one more... Hello :p09:27
Kilosmorning not_found 09:28
not_foundhow are you today uncle Kilos?09:28
Kilossome peeps on #linux-studies too09:28
Kilosim good ty not_found and you? just cold again here09:28
Kiloswind coming off the snow on the berg09:29
not_foundI'm OK thanks...09:33
not_foundnice and sunny here :p09:33
* Kilos jealous09:33
not_foundand with nice and sunny |I mean hot as hell09:50
Kilossis just got some weather thing on tablet, says it is 11°c but feels like 9°c09:52
Kiloswind very cold09:52
Kilosand thats midday09:52
not_foundk... 9 degC sucks but at least not going down to 0...09:57
kbmonkeyman I really hate this xfce open dialogue09:57
* not_found needs to go again... bbl09:58
Kilosto make the degrees goodie i use compose key and double click o09:58
Kilosat least something ive remembered09:58
charlgood afternoon all10:27
charlMaaz: coffee on10:27
* Maaz washes some mugs10:27
Kiloshi charl 10:27
charlhi Kilos, kbmonkey10:27
KilosMaaz, coffee please10:30
MaazKilos: Sure10:30
KilosMaaz, rusks please10:30
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos10:30
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!10:31
KilosMaaz, gracias10:31
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!10:31
charlMaaz: thanks10:36
Maazcharl: No problem10:36
charldelicious, rusks, i haven't had those in ages10:36
charli don't think they sell those in europe10:36
Kilosdo they make buttermilk breads and buns10:37
Kilosthen you can make your own rusks10:38
charli don't think so10:38
Kilosgoogle bakeries man10:38
charlin NL and DE we have a ridiculous variety of baked goods10:38
charljust not that :P10:38
charlby the way, i was just wondering10:39
charldo any of you people use rtorrent?10:39
charlthe headless bittorrent client10:39
Kilosthat sucks. coffee and rusks be lekker10:39
charli just discovered a really strange thing, when i finish downloading a torrent it immediately stops seeding10:39
charlthen i stop the torrent, start it back up again, and immediately it starts seeding again10:39
charlthat without any custom configuration10:40
charlKilos: in germany they have these coffee pastries, really delicious with coffee10:40
charli should go across the border and buy a few again10:40
charltransmission is probably the worst bittorrent client of all times10:46
charlit constantly keeps thrasing the disk10:46
charleven when seeding10:46
charlktorrent is actually a really powerful client10:46
Kilosexplain seeding please10:47
KilosMaaz, define seeding10:48
MaazKilos: Seed \Seed\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Seeded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Seeding}.] 1. To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to seed a field. [1913 Webster]  2. To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations. [1913 Webster]  A sable mantle seeded with waking eyes. --B. Jonson. [1913 Webster]  {To seed down}, to sow with10:48
Maazgrass seed. [1913 Webster]10:48
charlis when you upload data to other people10:48
charlother people who are downloading the torrent you already downloaded10:48
charlor you have partially downloaded10:48
Kilosoh i see10:48
Kilostorrent is using many download palces for on download right?10:48
charlyes it's a distributed content distribution system10:49
Kiloslike splitting the download 10:49
charlthe idea that each person downloads and uploads to others10:49
charlyou could say that yes10:49
charlfor example, crunchbang is only distributed via bittorrent (last i checked)10:49
charland it's nice to contribute by seeding it again for others10:50
Kilosso seeding is your bit its feeding?10:50
Kilosyeah i remember i downloaded crunchband and it was very fast download10:50
charlyes i downloaded it at work, i got about 70MBps download10:50
charlthat's megabyte, not megabit10:51
Kilosi understand B as to b10:51
Kilos1 byte = 8 bits10:51
charli'm on gigabit ethernet but i was quite surprised myself because mostly if you download via http it's around 20-30MBps from the internet10:52
charlexactly so we're talking around 7*8=560mbps10:52
charlplus protocol overhead10:52
charlthere's also latency and packet loss and a whole lot of things that contribute to speed10:53
Kilosand per sec normally written /s10:53
charldepends on who you ask :)10:53
Kilosi dont ask i see output when downloading or upgrading10:54
charlbut that's acceptable yes10:54
Kilosi watch whole thing10:54
Kilosi enjoy watching upgrade details10:55
Kilosyou see the tiny and large packages10:55
kbmonkeyam back10:55
Kiloswb kbmonkey 10:55
* psychicist is back from Polish class and the supermarket, it's time for putting pizza into the oven now10:58
psychicisthi charl 10:58
psychicisthi Snowy 10:58
psychicistthese three users even exist, Time back oven10:59
kbmonkeyhmm pizza11:01
charlhi psychicist 11:06
kbmonkeyso pyweek starts in 12 hours11:08
kbmonkeywho in here wants to code a python game in 7 days?11:08
kbmonkey entrants to write a game in one week from scratch either as an individual or in a team11:09
Kiloswhew you need peeps like fly and weed on your team11:10
Kilosbut they aint go time11:10
Kiloshi superfly 11:10
Kilosdidnt see you pop in11:11
kbmonkeyman I need to get some food in this place11:24
charldo any of you people know much about alsa and using it with a window manager like i311:25
charli am having a really irritating problem11:25
charlevery time i unplug my headphones from my laptop my speaker sound is set to mute11:25
charland i can't get it unmuted except by opening alsamixer11:26
charlpreviously while running kde4 i could just increase my volume again in the normal fashion by using fn+left and right arrow keys11:26
Kilosdont unplug headfones11:26
charlnah man i don't want to wear them all the time :P11:27
kbmonkeythat is weird charl11:27
charlit's sweaty in the summer11:27
charlit's hot now11:27
charlyeah kbmonkey 11:27
Kilosuse external speakers11:28
kbmonkeyas in ping lag not lol11:28
kbmonkeyhmm, must be a config issue11:28
charlin my ~/.i3/config i have the following two lines11:28
charlbindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set Master 2dB+ unmute11:28
charlbindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set Master 2dB- unmute11:28
kbmonkeycould be a bug11:28
charli don't have a mute/unmute button on my laptop11:28
charlat work i have a mute/unmute button on my keyboard and i use an additional line11:29
charlbindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle11:29
charlthat works fine11:29
kbmonkeywhat version of alsa is it charl?11:29
charllatest version with ubuntu 13.04, lemme check11:29
charlamixer version 1.0.2511:29
kbmonkeymy laptop with headphones does not auto mute on unplug11:30
charli don't mind it i just want to be able to recover it again without opening alsamixer11:30
charlamixer doesn't do the job11:30
charlunmute doesn't work11:31
charlalsamixer works as expected though11:31
charlit must have something to do with amixer in other words11:31
charli have googled around but couldn't find a solution yet11:31
kbmonkeytry "amixer set Master toggle"11:33
kbmonkeyhang on.. restting 3g...11:33
charlyes i tried that but didn't work11:33
kbmonkeydoes it toggle mute if you keep alsamixer in a oen window?11:34
charlactually, muting works, it's just the unmute11:34
charlit mutes it but doesn't unmute11:34
kbmonkeyit mutes and unutes each time 11:34
charlnah first time it mutes fine but then second time it does nothing11:35
charljust keeps it muted11:35
kbmonkeythat is bizarre11:36
charlif i unmute it with alsamixer it mutes it again11:36
kbmonkeyso alsamixer shows it as unuted?11:36
charlbut then keeps it muted doesn't matter how many times i toggle11:36
charlno alsamixer shows it as muted11:36
kbmonkeybut it does not unmute11:36
kbmonkeywith amixer11:36
charlyes precisely11:36
charlbut i mean in the two above keyboard bindings it should unmute it in any case11:37
charlthe minute i adjust the volume11:37
charlhey wait a minute11:38
charlthis does work: amixer -q -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle11:38
charlsorry lemme just try something11:38
kbmonkeynot sure why you have +1 in there11:39
charlok found the problem, i need -D pulse11:39
charlthat makes the difference11:39
kbmonkeywas about to suggest you run amixer sscontrols to see the list of devices :D11:39
charlyeah i can take that out11:39
kbmonkeybha humbug. laggy typing11:40
kbmonkeybut you had -D pulse in your first command. how is that different?11:40
charlno only in the toggle11:41
charlin the volume up/down i didn't have that11:41
charli'll experiment with putting that in, that might solve the problem11:41
kbmonkeyah :)11:42
charlthe toggle i use at work because my keyboard has a mute button11:42
charli don't have that on my laptop11:42
kbmonkeyideally it should auto unmute, hey ;)11:42
charlnever realised that could be the issue until now11:42
charlyeah it's very strange11:42
kbmonkeysounds like a bug11:42
charlprobably is yes11:43
charlok well at least now i understand the problem (to some extent) so we made some progress11:43
charlthanks for the help :)11:43
Kiloskbmonkey, Telkom Mobile has rolled out over 1500 WiFi hotspots, offering an hour of usage to anyone.11:45
kbmonkeyyw charl !11:45
Kilosmaybe you lucky11:45
kbmonkeylooks like quiete a few people have that issue11:45
kbmonkeyonly 1 hour of internet ? bah humbug11:49
kbmonkeyI need 1x24 hours of internets :)11:49
Kiloslol i have 10g wifi data that for some reason just doesnt expire11:49
Kiloscame with topups free 2g a time11:50
Kilosbut you should chaeck if you get the connection man. isnt wifi cheaper than mobile11:51
kbmonkeyits not much of price but stability - these 2g things go up and down like a yoyo11:53
charlin NL the biggest cable company (ziggo) came out with a service that turned every cable modem into a wifi hotspot11:53
charlbut it's only available for use by other ziggo customers11:53
charlit went wrong on my router though so i disabled it11:54
charlgood idea but bad execution it seems11:54
charli have the ubee evw3200 which is one of the most standard cable modems around here11:55
charlhad to reset the thing a dozen times to get my connection working properly again after disabling wifispots11:55
kbmonkeyeish. seems like technology is a monster unto itself!11:57
kbmonkeyit's own worst enemy, hehe11:57
charli just blame it on lack of testing and bad execution11:58
charli just want my connection to work, i don't care about the rest :)11:58
charli'm quite happy with the dell optiplex i have at work12:01
charlapparently it uses less than 20 watt during idle12:02
charland the cpu temperature remains at a constant 21 degrees irrespective of the load12:02
charlthat's cool to the touch, impressive12:02
charlmy laptop runs a little hotter, at around 50 degrees12:04
charlbut it's also a laptop :P12:04
kbmonkeydoes the optiplex have a ssd drive?12:05
charlno regular magnetic disks12:07
charl2x internal 1x external connected via usb 3.0 (for backups)12:07
kbmonkeywow it runs very cool then!12:08
charlfirst is about half a terabyte (main system disk) and second is a terabyte (data disk)12:08
charland then 2TB for backups12:08
kbmonkeythe pyweek theme is only announces at 2am local time. 12:08
charlthe hard drives run slightly hotter at around 40 degrees each12:08
kbmonkeymaybe I will wake up at 4am to get going on that 12:09
kbmonkeysomeone is doing wheel spins outside again12:09
kbmonkeythey do this any time of day or night12:10
kbmonkeypetrol heads12:10
kbmonkeybenzin! what a good song!12:14
kbmonkeysaw Rammstein perform that live. it was great.12:14
kbmonkeyso much of fire on stage!12:14
charlyeah they are known for their special effects12:15
kbmonkeyits one show Id want to see again12:15
charlnever saw an actual performance of them but the videos are cool12:15
charldidn't they also perform in some movie?12:15
kbmonkeynot that I know of..12:15
charlknew it was some movie with vin diesel12:16
charljust forgot the name12:16
charlthey opened, i thought it was also with big amounts of fire, i thought it was feuer frei12:17
charlyes ! i remember right http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feuer_frei!12:18
charl"The song is featured in the film xXx, it is also featured during the CSI episode "Slaves of Las Vegas"."12:18
kbmonkeyxxx is such a porno film title12:18
charli thought so too12:18
charlmaybe that was what they were going for12:19
charlnow you must go google for "xxx film" and be careful what results you pull :P12:19
kbmonkeyah no worries I google that all the time!12:19
charla friend told me to google "japanese newsreader" once12:20
charli thought what could be wrong with that right12:20
charlbe careful when you include japanese in anything12:20
kbmonkeylol! yes it is a alien culture indeed12:21
kbmonkeylike my sister telling me of this prank involving velociraptors12:21
charloh yes12:22
charli saw that actually12:23
kbmonkeythat guy must have peep himself. lol12:23
charlit was on the front page of youtube in fact at one point12:23
charlno but seriously that thing looks realistic12:23
kbmonkeyah. I dont visit youtube much - must have missed it12:23
charllike it just came out of a movie or something12:23
kbmonkeyit so well done! only the second time did I notice the man legs underneath it :p12:24
charlyes me too i thought what has animatronics gone this far already12:24
kbmonkeyits RMS in JHB today12:24
charlisn't software freedom day over more than two weeks?12:26
kbmonkeythis is not software freedom day, only the RMS tour thingy12:27
charloh i see12:27
kbmonkeyunfortunately his schedule does not coincide with SFD12:27
kbmonkeybut he does talk about it12:27
charlseems to be on 21 september this year according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_Freedom_Day12:28
charldoesn't matter12:28
charlit would be interesting to hear him talk12:28
charlwill somebody upload a video?12:28
kbmonkeyapparently they will be recording it12:29
kbmonkeynotably with non-free codecs. he must be furious about that :D12:29
charllol and upload it to youtube instead of bittorrent :P12:31
charlhi Cantide 12:33
charlhow's it going12:33
Cantidehello '<12:33
Cantideit is going well :)12:33
Cantidewhat about you?12:33
charlgood good12:34
charlhow's it going with your korean12:34
Cantidenot too great :p12:34
Cantideit will improve when i get there :)12:34
Cantidewhich should be in about 4 weeks12:35
charlyes exactly12:35
charloh great !12:35
charlis this a one-way ticket?12:35
Cantideyeah~~ i got a job in Seoul12:35
Cantidei don't know yet12:35
Cantidethe employer will provide the ticket12:35
charloh i see12:35
Cantidejust waiting for it now12:35
charlsounds great12:35
Cantidebut i think i need a return ticket12:35
Cantideas my visa will be for a year, which i can extend12:35
charlthat's strange12:36
charlthey shouldn't require a return ticket then12:36
Cantidewell, after a year i need to get out12:36
Cantideso i think they need assurance of that12:36
kbmonkeyhello Cantide 12:36
Cantidebut then i can go straight back and get another visa :p12:36
charlwho books a flight a year in advance12:36
Cantidehey kbmonkey :)12:36
Cantideah, right12:36
kbmonkeyokay.. Im gonna try compile sfml now... holds fingers12:36
Cantideso i'm not sure about the return trip and when it'll be :p12:36
Kilosim sure you can just go out and back in12:36
Kilosmaybe next day12:37
CantideKilos, yes, that is correct :p12:37
Kilosjust go to neighbours and back12:37
Kilosno need to come all the way here12:37
Cantidei might just hop over to Japan, see my brother and then go back :p12:37
Cantidebut this isn't an immediate concern, so i haven't looked into it much :p12:37
charloh i still want to go to japan at some point12:37
charli think you can even take a ferry from korea to japan12:38
Cantidecool :)12:38
Cantideyeah, it's close12:38
charli looked at it a couple of years back12:38
Cantidefrom Busan I assume12:38
charli wanted to go to s.korea then take a ferry to japan and fly back from japan12:38
Cantidebut i don't know which city in Japan it would go to12:38
charlnever went through with it though12:38
Kilosdoes the ferry take you through customs12:38
Cantidecharl, sounds like a nice trip :)12:38
CantideKilos, probably12:39
Kilosthats all they wanna see, customs out then back12:39
charlyou should be able to take the train from there (i assume)12:39
Cantidetrain from where to where?12:39
charli would go to kyoto, tokyo and osaka probably12:39
charlmaybe some other large cities12:39
Cantideoh right12:39
Cantideyeah, kyoto has been on my bucket list for ages :)12:39
Cantideand tokyo now :p12:39
Cantidemy brother is in Saitama, so seeing Tokyo will be easy with him12:40
charltokyo has akihabara, the otaku capital of the world12:40
Cantideyup :)12:41
Cantidemy brother is often there looking for gadgets12:41
charlcan't pass up an opportunity to buy some manga and doujinshi12:41
Cantidewhat's doujinshi?12:41
Cantideoh, nice :D12:42
charlfor the "alternative minded" you can also get goods like a dakimakura http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakimakura12:43
charlfor the "forever alone" i mean :D12:43
Cantideoh, hahaha12:43
charlthere are a bunch of other things you can buy which i will not mention on this channel because it all goes downhill from there12:44
Cantidemaybe that's why my brother likes akihabara :p12:45
charllol you never know what you mind find coming out of the closet when you visit his house :P12:46
Cantideyeah, now i'm scared to go there :p12:47
kbmonkeyhmm who mentioned pizza? I am hungary :D12:56
charlCantide: here's what i'm talking about http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27033/Akihabara+Shops+10.html12:57
Cantidescooter's honey mustard pizza is a winner :p12:57
* Cantide clicks12:57
charla few things are blocked out, for a reason :P12:57
charloh yes i want a pizza now too12:57
charli am going to go out to get food shortly anyway12:57
kbmonkeyI want a pepper and mushroom pizza12:58
kbmonkeygood idea, actually need to go to the shops anyway12:59
charli usually go for sundried tomato, mozarella cheese and a lot of cayenne12:59
kbmonkeywho is general failure, and why is he reading my disk?!13:02
charlwho is peer and why does he keep resetting my connection13:03
Cantidecharl, really cool figurines! :D13:04
charlyup that's only the start though :P13:07
charlbut if you are looking to visit japan though, there is a _huge_ amount of photos and info on that site13:07
Cantidei'm not too much into anime and that kind of thing anymore13:10
Cantidemore interested in nature and temples13:10
Cantideand then a few skyscrapers and electronics on the way :p13:10
* Cantide clicks13:12
charlanother place i definitely want to visit is shibuya13:13
Cantidei was just looking at that :D13:13
Cantideyeah, Shibuya looks cool13:13
charland ginza http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginza13:13
charlthis also looks good http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikebukuro13:14
charloh and in the night most definitely roppongi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roppongi13:15
charlthat's in and around tokyo but there are also some other nice cities like yokohama http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yokohama13:16
Cantideyeah :D Japan has a lot to see13:20
Cantidewould be nice to go there a few times :)13:20
charlok enough internet touring13:20
charli need to leave the house to do shopping ... :)13:20
CantideI'll probably live in Sinchon in Seoul, and work in Yeouido :p13:20
Cantideenjoy :p13:20
Cantidegoing to Akihabara? :p13:20
charllol no that's a bit far13:20
charlmore like the local albert heijn and the town market13:20
kbmonkeyI need shopping too, lol14:27
kbmonkeya pity there are no night stores here!14:27
charlkbmonkey: what for a timezone are you in14:38
charloh, and back :)14:39
charland bought a pizza!14:39
Kiloshi JoTraGo 15:18
Kiloswb snowy15:22
Kiloshi nocware you winning?15:29
nocwareEverything is fine Kilos.15:32
charlhi nocware 15:33
Kilosgreat well done15:33
nocwareSup charl15:33
nocwareBtw Kilos do u mind giving me that manual link again?15:35
Kilosim just trying to find it15:37
nocwareThat's fine15:39
kbmonkeycharl, I am in +2 timezone15:44
charloh ok :015:44
Kiloshe be a banana boy15:44
Kilosthey fighting hard at the moment against them vaalies15:48
Kilosnocware, did you see the link15:55
nocwareYes Kilos16:10
Kilosyay sharks win16:50
theblazehenHey guys! Just got back from SFD!16:54
theblazehenty Kilos 16:55
charlhi theblazehen 16:57
charlhow was it theblazehen 16:57
charlpics or it didn't happen :)16:57
charlwe want to see the evidence16:57
theblazehenGreat :)16:58
charlwow you had your one early16:58
charlthe official one is only on the 21st16:58
theblazehenOnly have a pic of RMS. Normal camera on phone wont work16:58
theblazehenAnd phone dead16:58
charlin amsterdam it's also a week early16:58
charlhaven't decided whether i'm going yet or not16:59
charlit's far from here - about 2,5 hours on the train16:59
Kilostoo far16:59
charli've done the trip a lot but i have to have motivation16:59
charllet's see how the weather looks on the 18th16:59
theblazehenRichard stallman is awesome :)17:03
charli can't wait to see the recording17:06
charlplease ping me with the url when you have it17:06
theblazehenwill do17:07
kbmonkeycool theblazehen :D17:11
kbmonkeydid he rip anyone apart for asking a question? ;)17:11
theblazehenNope :(17:11
charlis he that terrible?17:12
kbmonkeyhe is known to do that and must be a sight to witness 17:12
theblazehenYeah :)17:12
kbmonkeyonly when the question deserves it of course!17:12
theblazehenI need to find a video on -youtube- I mean online17:12
theblazehenTrue kbmonkey 17:12
kbmonkeyhe is just very passionate is all.17:13
kbmonkeyI'd rather have him than steve balmer ha ha17:13
theblazehenI saw :D17:13
theblazehenEven convinced my friend to use retroshare17:13
charli've never used that either17:15
theblazehenBasically friend to friend network17:15
charli need to try it17:16
charli am using xmpp right now for instant messaging17:16
theblazehenWith chatrooms, forums, file sharing, and private messaging17:16
charlsounds good17:16
theblazehencharl, if you do, you can add my key17:16
charlok lemme put it on my list for the coming week17:16
charli'll ping you when i have it set up17:16
charlit's decentralised - does that mean you need a static ip?17:18
charlor does it have some centralised tracker?17:18
theblazehenNah, not sure how it does it, but most of my friends have dynamic17:19
theblazehenand it uses DHT17:19
theblazehendistributed hash tables17:19
charlhmmm i'm curious about how the protocol works17:20
charlDHT is great but you need a starting point17:20
theblazehenYeah, maybe when IP changes, you connect to friends with old IP, and tell them of new IP17:21
charlyeah but what if you go offline and all of your friends ips change17:23
charlthese fully distributed networks give me some concerns17:23
charlbut maybe i need to understand it better17:24
theblazehenyeah, well I never had problems17:24
charlyeah sorry i'm just one of those people i want to try and understand how everything works :)17:26
theblazehenSame here :D17:26
kbmonkeythink I heard of retroshare before,17:28
kbmonkeyis that where content is distributed across an encrypted network eh17:28
theblazehenbut only friend to friend17:29
theblazehenhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists wow...17:31
kbmonkeyso retroshare is a UI wrapper for pgp17:35
kbmonkeywith protocals for transferring data17:35
kbmonkeyerr, protocols17:35
charli think it's a little more complicated than that17:35
charli am interested in how the peer discovery works though17:36
charlthat has always been the most tricky part in any distributed effort17:36
theblazehenkbmonkey, sorta17:36
kbmonkeywith added bling :)17:36
theblazehencharl, yeah me too. If you find a good explanation, let me know?17:36
charli was watching the p2p-dns initiative a few years back17:36
charlit was one of the most active channels on efnet at the time17:37
charlbut met an early demise17:37
theblazehencharl, like namecoin?17:37
charlhaven't properly looked at namecoin yet17:37
theblazehenah ok17:37
theblazehenI'm gonna need to17:37
theblazehenAwesome speaker at SFD has a .name site17:38
charli'm looking at the wiki and it seems like it is using a combination of upnp and dht17:46
charlif you don't have upnp you need to either configure port forwarding manually17:46
charlor you need to make use of the relay servers17:47
charlthe german wikipedia article mentions relays, not even the english wikipedia page17:48
charl"Unterstützung von Relay, diese funktionieren ähnlich wie ein Proxy, optimal um eine dichte Firewall zu umgehen."17:48
kbmonkeycount von Relay - :D17:49
kbmonkeyI know the words but the concepts elude me17:49
charlit means support of relay, this functions as a proxy in order to go past a closed firewall17:51
charli don't see any mention of stun17:52
kbmonkeyso your pc can initiate connections?17:52
charlno it's because you can't connect directly between two hosts17:52
charli hate firewalls and nat17:52
charli want ipv6 :)17:53
kbmonkeymaybe we should start with the networking section in the LPI ;)17:53
charlstun was developed just to get past nat routing17:54
charlretroshare uses upnp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Plug_and_Play17:56
kbmonkeythat is interesting17:57
charlthat in turn uses this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Gateway_Device_Protocol17:57
theblazehenI hate going on wikipedia trips :(18:10
theblazehenAt least when I have stuff to do18:11
kbmonkeyreally feel like going to bed already, heh18:19
charlthis is also quite interesting: http://www.maketecheasier.com/how-bittorrent-dht-peer-discovery-works/2013/06/1418:20
charlthe main problem is bootstrapping18:20
charlthat's where you need to connect to a known host to get the first few peers18:20
charlthat's the only part that isn't fully dynamic and distributed18:22
charlbut you need it18:22
charlbah peer again18:25
adeebnqoHello everybody18:37
charlhi adeebnqo 18:39
charlgood you18:40
adeebnqoawesome. do you have any experience with cinnamon on ubuntu? my interface has been hanging alot these days -- was just wondering what could possibly be the reason18:42
charlonly experimented with it but haven't used it on a day-to-day basis18:43
charlmy experience has been that it is not terribly stable (yet)18:43
adeebnqooh ok, thnx.18:46
inetprogood evening18:55
inetproKilos: lekker koud vanaand?19:06
magespawnGood evening19:22
Kilosskuus man inetpro ek was vas aan die slaap onder die komberse19:52
Kilosvrek koud19:52
inetproai! :-)19:52
inetprogeen probleem meneer19:52
inetprois baie koud ja19:52
* inetpro was heeldag sonder krag19:53
inetprowel eintlik al van gister 13:00 al19:53
Kilosi dont often take an hour to answer19:54
Kilosai! dis sleg19:54
inetprodarem weer vanaf 20:00 aan19:54
inetpromaar eers nadat ek gekla het by 'n vriend wat iemand ken19:56
inetprofuse was by my paal geblaas19:56
Kilosjou pc eet te veel krag19:57
magespawnHey Kilos Inetpro19:57
Kiloshi magespawn 19:57
inetpronee man, gister se skielike wind gewees19:57
Kilosja ons krag was 2 keer vir dire ure af van daai wind19:58
Kilosbaie kwaai wind19:58
Kilostot groen moerbye van boom af gewaai19:58
Kilosen as jy probeer nie rypes plug dan sukkel jy19:59
inetprohi magespawn19:59
inetproKilos: sjoe20:00
Kilosgaan dit anders goed daar inetpro 20:00
Kilosjy nog gesond? en familie20:01
inetprogeen klagtes nie dankie20:01
inetprowas eintlik 'n lekker dag vandag, net koud20:01
Kilosja ek het rukke gaan le om op te warm en sommer aan die slaap geraak20:02
* inetpro gaan nou slaap20:03
Kiloslekker innie bed20:03
Kiloslekker slaap ou20:03
inetprote moeg om nog te wag tot 23:00 vir die baie 8ta data wat nog oor is20:03
inetprowens ek kon dit vir jou gee20:04
Kiloswget iets20:04
magespawnJust something, anything really20:06
Kilosdont lose data without trying20:07
Kilosoh my he only has 1 hour20:07
inetprogood night everyone20:07
Kilosthat sucks20:07
Kilosnight inetpro 20:08
Kilossleep warm20:08
theblazehennight guys20:11
magespawnNight theblazehen20:12
Kilosjust wanna try see if it bans me if i use ians nick20:18
=== Kilos is now known as Wolfeyes
Wolfeyesi dunno the password20:18
Wolfeyesor maybe they unbanned him20:19
Wolfeyesisnt it supposed to timeout if you dont identify20:20
magespawnIt should if the nick is registered20:22
Wolfeyesya it says its registered but no timeout20:24
Wolfeyesmaybe they sorry for banning him so long20:24
=== Wolfeyes is now known as Kilos
kbmonkeyhey what is going on here? lol20:28
kbmonkeywho is who in the zoo20:28
Kilosian was banned and we tried sort his prob for him and he mailed freenode to unban him20:29
Kilosso i tried his nick20:29
Kiloshad an 8080 open proxy so they banned him20:30
Kilosand he didnt know why or how20:30
kbmonkeythe freenode help channel might be able to help20:30
Kilosbut the pro gave some commands and we found havp installed20:30
Kiloshe could get on at all20:31
Kilosjust left him an email addy to mail once 8080 wasnt open proxy any more20:31
kbmonkeystill waiting for a reply on that?20:32
Kiloshe hasnt tried to get on again yet20:32
Kilostoo busy and too tired20:33
kbmonkeyokay. 20:33
Kilosgets home whenever and sleeps20:33
kbmonkeyshame man20:34
Kilosyeah but getting better slowly20:34
Kilosgot 46% of lungs working again'20:34
Kiloswas 20% about 7 months ago20:34
kbmonkeythat is amazing20:36
Kilosbut now i wont know if its his nick that was banned or his pc20:37
magespawnThats goog news20:37
kbmonkeythere is also the #freenode channel for support if he does not get a reply from email20:37
Kilosyeah he has some weird virus and 18 months deep sea diamond diving crystalised his lungs20:37
magespawnGood too20:37
Kilosnearly vrekked20:38
Kilosya they help me when i have probs20:38
Kilosnow he is being innoculated with his own blood20:38
Kilosout arm and in bum near bottom spine20:39
Kilosand is working so far20:39
Kiloswhere no meds could help20:39
kbmonkeythese doctors are too clever man20:39
Kilosordinary docs said sorry we cant help you20:40
Kiloshe is now seeing a md /homeopath oke20:40
Kilosusing himself to fight himself20:41
kbmonkeyso we are all night owls tonight20:44
Kilosi slept i dunno how many hours already20:45
Kilosbut if ian dont come on soon will go crash more20:45
Kilosvery lekker in bed20:45
kbmonkeyja that bed does look good!20:47
kbmonkeywas thinking to get to bed early to wake up at 4 or 520:48
Kiloswhy so early20:48
kbmonkeyearly bird catches the worm20:48
Kilostoo cold for worms20:48
kbmonkeyearly worm catches the bird?20:48
Kilosok lets crash. night all20:49
Kilossleep tight20:49
kbmonkeygn Kilos 20:49
Kilosmagespawn, dont be so scarce20:49
magespawnI prefer staying up late and sleeping late20:49
Kilosnight lad20:50
charli'm off20:59
charlgood night all !20:59
magespawnNight y'all21:01
kbmonkeygn magespawn 21:03

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