
ab3eHi, something is wrong with my kubuntu, after startup I cant open a single program. Just the ones which where auto started run fine. Also I get allways the same sassion startet after reboot. 00:07
ab3eSo firstly whats wrong and secondly how do I wipe the stored session ? 00:07
ab3eIf i start firefox from the konsole i get this: GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion `sys_page_size == 0' failed00:08
ab3ethen I have cor ctrl c because nothing happens00:09
ubuntustudioCan anyone help me with an error message with zynaddsubfx?00:30
ubuntustudioHello, I have been here in the past to ask this same question, I've been having issues with it for months and months and months now - any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Essentially when I install Ubuntu - of any sort - it successfully installs but than the Radeon graphics card driver apparently doesn't work and the screen just turns on and off after boot.  WOrks great off usb.    Here is my driver info: http://paste.ubuntu00:30
ubuntustudio.com/6053323/ - also worth noting I've tried multiple times to DL the newest driver from Radeon site and the .run opens SO slow after 3 hours it was less than 25%, needless to say I quit out of that each time.... I've tried all the drivers I was able to find... and now I am unsure of how to even have these updates effect my actual filesystem on myPC - not just the USB, as I set up a 1.4G persistence.  Lastly it is worth noting 00:30
ubuntustudiothat RANDOMLY it will work after the install, meaning, the graphics driver just works, the screen does not blink on and off.  THe only reason it doesn't still work is I've had to reinstall due to other issues.00:30
FloodBotK1ubuntustudio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ubuntustudioHello, I have been here in the past to ask this same question, I've been having issues with it for months and months and months now - any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Essentially when I install Ubuntu - of any sort - it successfully installs but than the Radeon graphics card driver apparently doesn't work and the screen just turns on and off after boot.  WOrks great off usb.    Here is my driver info: http://paste.ubuntu01:05
ubuntustudio.com/6053323/ - also worth noting I've tried multiple times to DL the newest driver from Radeon site and the .run opens SO slow after 3 hours it was less than 25%, needless to say I quit out of that each time.... I've tried all the drivers I was able to find... and now I am unsure of how to even have these updates effect my actual filesystem on myPC - not just the USB, as I set up a 1.4G persistence.  Lastly it is worth noting 01:05
ubuntustudiothat RANDOMLY it will work after the install, meaning, the graphics driver just works, the screen does not blink on and off.  THe only reason it doesn't still work is I've had to reinstall due to other issues.01:05
decciI am faicng this issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/6053399/01:08
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lordievaderGood morning.06:25
lordievaderHey BallmerCurve, how are you?06:29
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lordievaderBallmerCurve: Doing good too.07:11
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:11
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torubi'm having the same error as this guy after tor-browser was upgraded: http://askubuntu.com/questions/336481/tor-browser-opens-with-and-unexpected-error-window is there a way to fix it? the answer doesn't help because ~/.tor-browser doesn't exist anymore (not does the executable tor-browser)09:25
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poeehow do I get the original kmenu from the classic menu?09:35
lordievaderpoee: Do you mean right clicking the menu and clicking "Switch to Classic Menu Style"?09:37
poeeyes. I ve done that already. I want the old big menu back now09:38
poeelordievader, ^09:38
lordievaderDo the same thing but this time click "Switch to Application Launcher Style".09:38
poeewell that was very simple. Thank you lordievader :)09:39
lordievaderpoee: No problem ;)09:39
poeealso one more thing lordievader , where is the option to create a new user?09:40
lordievaderpoee: System Settings -> User Management.09:41
poeeyay great :D09:41
poeethankee again09:41
lordievaderSure glad I could help.09:43
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BluesKajHiyas all12:50
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Riddell** commercial support now up http://www.kubuntu.org/news/commercial-support12:57
=== Guest9395 is now known as Max_tmn
ab3eHi, I want to remove some fonts like droid snans armenian but I get the message that this font does not exists .. why is it listet than in the first place ?14:03
monkeyjuicetrying to get a usb sdcard reader to work, have looked in dmesg and its showing usb errors (card in or out) ideas?14:15
monkeyjuicerunning 12.0414:15
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, try lsusb , to see if shows up14:16
monkeyjuicepluging in card makes no change to that output14:16
monkeyjuicethe card reader lights up and flashes when sdcard is put in14:17
monkeyjuicei have rebooted with card pluged in that makes no differnce14:18
BluesKajwhat about /var/log/syslog14:18
BluesKajdoes your pc have a sdcard slot other than the one in the usb card reader, obvious question but i have to ask 14:20
monkeyjuiceno sdcard slot ,, 14:20
monkeyjuicei see errors on usb in the syslog also 14:21
monkeyjuicemaybe i should try my usb harddrive to see if it connects14:22
BluesKajare your packages up to date ?14:22
monkeyjuiceusb 4-1: device descriptor read/64, error -62  seems to be the error 14:23
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, I have no idea what that could be , the HW port scan daemon might be mucked up14:25
monkeyjuiceok ill search other ways to do this then thanks14:26
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, ok , check system setttings>removable devices14:27
lordievadermonkeyjuice: Can you verify that the cardreader is not broken?14:29
BluesKajlordievader, seems no usb ports are listing correctly14:30
monkeyjuiceits not showing in the removable devices eather14:34
monkeyjuicegoing to try the usb harddrive later see if it will show up maybe this reader is junk14:35
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, do you have all the boxes checked in removable devices 14:35
monkeyjuiceit could be this reader///14:36
BluesKajright, but then why does your usb HDD error ?14:36
monkeyjuiceya im not sure why i have errors with nothing pluged in14:37
monkeyjuicemight be time to upgrade to 1314:37
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, have you done dist-upgrade lately ?14:37
monkeyjuiceyep i have14:38
BluesKajupgrade all the installed packages and kse if you have the backports enabled14:38
BluesKajkde rather14:38
BluesKajgot any other usb drives?14:39
BluesKajlike a stick14:39
monkeyjuicejust my usb harddrive ill have to get that 14:39
monkeyjuicei have a usb stick ill get that14:40
BluesKajplug it in to separate port , then try the port the reader was plugged into14:41
monkeyjuiceya that came up 14:41
monkeyjuiceboth ports work fine14:41
monkeyjuicemust be the reader14:42
* BluesKaj nods14:42
monkeyjuicestuped thing lights up and dont work lol14:42
lordievadermonkeyjuice: Do you have another computer to test the reader with?14:43
monkeyjuiceya the wifes windblows machine ill try it 14:43
monkeyjuicelol windows says it has a malfuntion and cant read it 14:44
lordievadermonkeyjuice: Jup than it is probably the reader malfunctioning.14:45
* monkeyjuice takes a hammer and smashed the reader into little pieces14:45
monkeyjuicethanks for helping 14:46
BluesKajmonkeyjuice, haven't convinced your wife to run Linux yet , can't convince mine , but lately she runs some windows only games , so i don't try anymore14:49
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ubuntownikhey kolego15:08
HorusHorrendusthe new NM applet (and dialog) was added pretty late in the development phase (at least I just got it today)15:18
BluesKajHorusHorrendus, ??15:20
HorusHorrendusBluesKaj: http://grulja.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/plasma-nm-preview/ <- wasn't this one added (as standard) to kubuntu? I don't think I added it manually ;)15:21
BluesKajiirc , the network manager has always had an applet in the system tray , maybe yours was hidden previously , HorusHorrendus15:22
HorusHorrendusBluesKaj: no of course it had one15:23
HorusHorrendusBluesKaj: http://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/html/openSUSE_122/opensuse-reference/images/nm_kde_connection_details.png <- this was the applet15:24
BluesKajHorusHorrendus, ok , so this is something new . I don't use the NM on pcs unless i need a wifi connection with the laptop15:25
=== lubuntu is now known as oblivionosbalrog
oblivionosbalroghow can i change to rizon ? 16:30
oblivionosbalrogi am using konversation16:30
MichaelPdoes kubuntu have anything that does like systemd-analyze giving boot time and user space17:24
shadeslayeryofel: do you have an idea where I can find verbose CUPS logs?17:33
nfkwhat's the state of xfs support? you guys completely broke my laptop a week or two ago19:15
yofelshadeslayer: there's /var/log/cups/, but that's all I know19:15
nfki'm currently wondering if there's any point in trying to chroot from a livecd and trying to fix grub from that or just install a distro that doesn't suck19:15
shadeslayeryofel: figured it out some time ago19:16
DarthFrognfk: If you're unhappy with Kubuntu, there are many other excellent choices of Linux distros available to you.   If you are capable of repairing GRUB via a livecd, why are you asking about it and not doing it?19:38
nfkbecause i'm wondering what's the kubuntu policy19:46
nfksince you totally punted xfs from the at that time latest kernel19:46
DarthFrogThis is a user to user support channel.  Nothing official here.19:47
nfkDarthFrog, am i not a user?19:47
DarthFrogYou're talking as if you expect official support/answers here.  19:48
nfkhow about this channel be renamed to ##kubuntu then?19:48
nfksince # implies official channel19:48
DarthFrogOnly to Freenode IRC network.   Nothing to do with Canonical.19:49
nfkcanonical has nothing to do with kubuntu anymore19:50
DarthFrogNot totally correct.  It is an official derivative but only supported by the community.19:51
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slatenailsi thought the topic read "official kubuntu support"19:54
DarthFrogHmm, you're right.  :-)  I'm surprised at that.19:56
DarthFrogAnd the topic was set by Riddell, who is the founder of Kubuntu.   So I sit corrected. :-)19:57
shadeslayerDarthFrog: s/derivative/flavor/20:06
shadeslayernfk: Kubuntu devs have nothing to do with xfs20:07
shadeslayernfk: if it's something that was caused by the kernel, #ubuntu-kernel is where you want to go20:07
shadeslayerwe only look after the KDE stack in the ubuntu project20:07
DarthFrogshadeslayer:  And is there a difference between derivative and flavour?20:09
shadeslayerDarthFrog: yes20:09
shadeslayerDarthFrog: Linux Mint is a derivative20:10
shadeslayerlike Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian20:10
shadeslayerhowever Kubuntu is a flavor since we share the archive20:10
DarthFrogBy flavour, perhaps version is meant.20:10
shadeslayerand we release at the same time as ubuntu20:10
shadeslayerfollow the same freezes20:10
shadeslayeretc etc20:10
shadeslayerDarthFrog: eh?20:11
DarthFrogFlavour is what you taste in your mouth.  :-) 20:11
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu20:11
DarthFrogEh, it's just wordplay.   Tho' I do take the point about derivative.20:12
DarthFrogHey shadeslayer, have you ever been to Goa?20:15
shadeslayertoo many tourists IMHO20:15
DarthFrogIs it as nice a place as it's presented to be?20:15
shadeslayernot really20:15
shadeslayerit's gotten crap over the years20:15
DarthFrogHmm, no surprise there.20:15
shadeslayerunless you're ready to shell out money for private beaches etc20:15
nemis installing kde in ubuntu the same as kubuntu?20:16
shadeslayernem: at the moment, yes20:16
shadeslayerbut after 13.10 it won't be20:16
DarthFrognem:  Install the kubuntu-desktop package.20:16
nem13.10 sucks20:16
FloodBotK1nem: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:16
nemwhats happening after 13.1020:16
lordievaderWhat's wrong with Saucy, it's quite lovely imo.20:17
DarthFrognem:  I prefer installing Kubuntu rather than Ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop.  That why your system doesn't have Unity or all the GNOME stuff. 20:17
nemi have successfully made this ubuntu desktop a kde machine, lordievader is hang after i entered my password20:17
nemfor 2 hours20:17
nemi dont want the gnome20:17
nemgnome is breaking as well my friends, the only thing that i like anymore is kde really20:18
DarthFrognem:  After 13.10, Ubuntu will be heading off by itself, down the Mir path.  Kubuntu will be supporting Wayland, instead.20:18
nemjust incase this messes up again, i have gentoo on a usb stick on the ready, so i can install that instead20:18
nemthanks for the information, i will wait for a new release of ubuntu and see what happens20:19
zizooHey, I've been pulling my hair out trying to get qjoypad to work, but I can't get its system tray icon to stay. It adds a space for it, then immediately gets rid of it. Every thread I read on the topic is old and either addresses a different problem or ends abruptly....20:33
zizooOtherwise, it appears to be running normally. Any help?20:33
nfkshadeslayer, thanks20:44
=== rmx is now known as _Porriko_
=== Toast_ is now known as Toast
ToastCan anyone recommend a colour management stack for 4.11? I see colord and oyranos discussed online. I would prefer a packaged solution, but can build it if I have to.21:25
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shadeslayerToast: both should be packaged21:31
shadeslayer!info colord21:31
ubottucolord (source: colord): system service to manage device colour profiles -- system daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.30-0ubuntu3 (raring), package size 252 kB, installed size 1260 kB21:31
shadeslayer!info /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin21:31
ubottuPackage usrsbinusrbinsbinbin does not exist in raring21:31
shadeslayer!info oyranos21:31
ubottuPackage oyranos does not exist in raring21:31
shadeslayerokay oyranos isn't packaged21:32
ToastThanks shadeslayer. Do you have any recommendation between the two?  Colord seems to the the Ubuntu choice and oyranos seems to get recommendations from the KDE side, but still doesn't seem to be part of the distribution.21:34
shadeslayerIIRC kubuntu evaluated both and went with colord21:35
shadeslayerToast: I see a package here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages21:37
shadeslayerfor https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages21:37
shadeslayerI meant : for oyranos21:37
shadeslayerthough like the PPA says21:38
shadeslayerit's experimental21:38
ToastI was just looking for the announcement that Kubuntu had gone with colord officially. I would be happy to go with an official recommendation if it means that it works without fuss. Was this a behind the scenes decision?21:39
shadeslayernot really21:41
shadeslayerI don't remember specifics, but it was discussed on IRC21:41
shadeslayerand with the developers21:41
shadeslayerand at the time we were advised to go with colord I think21:41
ToastOK. I'll go with that then. Thanks.21:41
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banchieany advice how to update from 10 -> 1222:17
BluesKajbanchie:  best to do a clean install , are you staying with LTS versions ?22:18
BluesKaj10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS, for example22:19
banchieBut cannot seem to make a install disk22:20
BluesKajyou can upgrade to 12.04LTS if you have the upgrade manager set to LTS only '22:22
BluesKajover the internet 22:23
banchiehmm, how might  I do iut22:26
BluesKajbanchie:  open muon 22:34
banchieneed my properties fixed before, cant even agt-getiƤ it22:36
BluesKajsorry I have to go22:36
amine_bonsoir on peu descuter on fracais ?22:49
robh71anyone here have any success getting kubuntu installed on a chromebook -- yes I know this is probably beyond scope here.22:54
`Muttley`Morning all... Just wondering what it takes to get onto the Kubuntu.org website? I keep getting blocked by the Canonical reverse proxy?!22:56
`Muttley`Or Kubuntu.com for that matter22:56
`Muttley`Wow. Thanks all.22:59
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Linusnewbhi all i have no security updates received since last week is this normal?23:18

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