
AskUbuntuUnable to install touch-coreapps on ubuntu 12.10 | http://askubuntu.com/q/34028704:37
AskUbuntuHow to get the intial value from the volumebutton? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34030005:57
dpmgood morning all06:02
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
dholbachgood morning07:02
_5m0k3Question.  I have the audio security policy enabled, but my app still does not play audio under AppArmor.  Works fine if I qmlscene directly08:15
WebbyITHack days \o/08:40
dpmhi WebbyIT :)08:43
WebbyIThi dpm :)08:43
dpmpopey, do you think we can mark bug 1207301 as Fix Released?08:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1207301 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Calculator app autopilot tests fail on device" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120730108:52
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popeydpm: will test and see08:53
dpmok, cool08:53
WebbyITchristina, hi :) Shall you say to Michal to give us input about bug 1214394 and bug 1214395 please?08:59
ubot2`WebbyIT: Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1214394 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1214394). The error has been logged08:59
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1214395 in Ubuntu Calculator App "[Calculator app] Label areas take up too much screen space" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121439508:59
WebbyITthanks :)08:59
WebbyIT*first bug is bug 121439309:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1214393 in Ubuntu Calculator App "[Calculator app] Calculation heading label icon should differ from the rest" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121439309:00
nerochiarodoes anyone know if there's a way to completely mute the phone ?09:10
PaoloRotoloHi everybody!09:10
dpmhi PaoloRotolo!09:10
PaoloRotoloHi dpm :)09:10
PaoloRotolodpm, ehm, did you tested the new .svg icons in the clock app?09:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218751 in Ubuntu Clock App "Reset and lap icons appear pixelated on a phone" [Low,In progress]09:10
LaneyDo we have anything choosing date / time currently?09:23
LaneyI'm looking for precedent in the absence of a proper picker in the uitk09:23
dpmLaney, I don't think so. In the Calendar app we're also waiting for the date picker, so I think in the meantime we are just using text entries. mzanetti I think had created a picker a while ago?09:24
Laneydpm: last I heard it wasn't scheduled :-/09:25
Laneylet me see what you do in calendar09:25
timpzsombi: ^ perhaps you know more about the current plan for time/date picker?09:26
seb128dpm, Laney: pat discussed it with the sdk guys on friday and got it raised in their priority list I think, but that's still non started work and other things might still be higher on the list09:26
zsombitimp: I'm on it09:26
Laneyah that looks alright09:26
dpmLaney, you'll see it in the New Event view, but as I say, it's pretty raw09:26
timpzsombi: awesome :D09:26
Laneyit's better than text entries09:26
Laneysome kind of spinner thing09:26
Laneyseb128: seen that?09:26
dpmLaney, actually, yes, it looks much better than the last time I looked at it :)09:27
mzanettidpm: I've found my datepicker in the current calendar app09:27
seb128Laney, "that"?09:27
zsombiLaney: seb128: it's about 6 components to make to happen... and some issurs are still not clear: should it be an OSK layout? should it be in a popover?09:27
Laneyseb128: the way calendar does it09:28
Laneyfor 'new event'09:28
mzanettidpm: altough slightly modified to what imho makes it a bit workse09:28
seb128no, let me look09:28
dpmmzanetti, nice :)09:28
zsombimzanetti: does it follow this design? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeAndDatePickers#Specification09:28
mzanettizsombi: pretty sure it doesn't09:28
mzanettilemme check09:28
dpmPaoloRotolo, not yet, but I'll test the new icons today as part of the hack fest09:28
PaoloRotolodpm, nice, thanks!09:28
Laneyzsombi: I hadn't expected OSK really09:29
Laneywould it work on desktop if it used that?09:29
mzanettizsombi: no it doesn't... there was no design back then when I created it09:29
mzanettizsombi: mine looks more like the N9's one09:29
mzanettiseb128: http://notyetthere.org/data/fahrplan2.ogv go to 1:2009:30
mzanettierr... zsombi ^09:30
mzanettisorry seb12809:30
zsombiLaney: it sais it should be exactly the size of the OSK, and most likely will be invoked from a text input i.e. TextField, so I was wondering whether should it be then a layout of the OSK09:30
seb128mzanetti, no worry ;-)09:30
nerochiaroWellark: hi, any news on what's going on with the hud ? in the latest image it is still not showing up actions unless a search is made09:31
LaneyNot sure if it will usually be a TextField09:31
LaneyThe design I am working on now isn't: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeAndDate#Phone (scroll down a bit)09:32
seb128Laney, nice (the new event dialog in calendar)09:32
zsombimzanetti: right... well, I'll grab the design to agree on details anyway... I also saw that the non-selected elements must be dimmed a bit...09:32
Laneyshall I steal that for time & date for now?09:32
Laneyworking on that backend now09:32
Laney& thent he ui09:32
mzanettizsombi: feel free to reuse any code if you might can use. https://github.com/mzanetti/fahrplan/tree/master/src/gui/ubuntu/components09:33
Laneynobody answered me about GPS so I will JFDI that too09:33
zsombimzanetti: +109:33
seb128Laney, what about GPS?09:33
Laneysorry, NTP09:33
seb128oh, right09:33
zsombiLaney: right, in there it would not be a text input... but then, the other spec says it should (quote) "take up exactly the same screen space as the on-screen keyboard"09:34
LaneyDon't know what that means when you don't have one of those09:35
zsombiLaney: right... in your link  the date/time pickers (crossed though) look like are in a dialog09:36
LaneyIt seems there's still some incoherence09:36
christinaWebbyIT, yes, I will. He's away today09:37
zsombiLaney: yep...09:37
WebbyITthanks christina :)09:37
Wellarknerochiaro: right..09:45
Wellarknerochiaro: when you make the initial search is it at least then updating the list of actions properly without additional searches when you change an app?09:45
smartboyhwpopey, ping10:07
popeysmartboyhw: yo10:07
smartboyhwpopey, is the Hackfest today?10:07
nerochiaroWellark: if i start a new app i need to search in that app to be able to see the actions in the hud for that app10:08
nerochiaroWellark: and when i close and re-open an app, i need to do a search to see the hud actions10:09
WebbyITsmartboyhw, today Calc and Clock :)10:09
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-app-devel to: http://developer.ubuntu.com | App development on Ubuntu: how to do it & how to make it better | HackDays! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/HackDays
smartboyhwpopey, well, if you can find me something to play with:P10:19
nerochiarogusch: i'm trying to build the camera on desktop and it complains that it can't find libusermetricsinput, do you know what package should I install to get it ?10:20
guschnerochiaro: saucy10:20
WebbyITdpm, popey, is boiko on holiday?10:21
nerochiarogusch: i guess i should bit the bullet and just waste a few hours updating10:21
guschnerochiaro: I upgraded because of that reason10:21
popeyWebbyIT: no, i dont think so10:21
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popeysmartboyhw: we have some bugs... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app & https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app10:22
dpmWebbyIT, it's still quite early in Brazil :)10:22
WebbyITdpm, is he brasilian? Ahhh... I think he's from Portogual :)10:22
dpmsmartboyhw, here are some bitesize bugs to get started: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize10:23
popeycan someone replicate / confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/121976810:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219768 in Ubuntu Clock App "Scrolling list of cities overlaps labels" [Undecided,New]10:24
dpmpopey, done, I was actually about to report that :)10:25
smartboyhwdpm, poping Bug 1219718 to me10:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219718 in Ubuntu Calculator App "[Calculator app] Top label underline is too long" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121971810:26
popeydpm: another for you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/121977010:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219770 in Ubuntu Clock App "In Timer, clock face is off screen when selecting preset" [Undecided,New]10:29
nerochiarogusch: did you upgrade to saucy using the update-manager ?10:32
guschnerochiaro: yes - about 2 month ago (after that X didn't start anymore ...)10:33
dpmpopey, confirmed, triaged, milestoned -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+milestone/hack-days-130910:34
nerochiarogusch: in my case it fails to do the upgrade, complains about broken pacakges10:38
popeydpm: in the calculator, would you expect to add a label to a calculation and then press "Enter" to finish?10:40
WebbyITpopey, IMO yes10:40
_5m0k3I have the audio security policy enabled, but my app still does not play audio under AppArmor.  Works fine if I qmlscene directly. What's the secret?10:40
popey_5m0k3: Jamie is probably the person to ask, but I suspect he's on holiday today10:41
guschnerochiaro: maybe remove all optional apt-get sources, and downgrade the broken packages?10:42
nerochiarogusch: sounds like a good advice10:43
smartboyhwdpm, can you branch https://code.launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/ubuntu-calculator-app/fix-lp-1219718/ and launch the application? I can't run it here since I have my own version of qt5:P10:43
dpmsmartboyhw, sure, but can you send the merge proposal to see the diff and so that I can add any comments after testing it?10:45
smartboyhwdpm, doing10:46
smartboyhwdpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/ubuntu-calculator-app/fix-lp-1219718/+merge/18341910:47
dpmthanks smartboyhw testing it now10:47
popeynice one!10:47
smartboyhwThat *should* work, as in *should* terms;P10:48
smartboyhwI hope the Jenkins bot will be happier this time10:48
smartboyhwIt's good, I'm contributing to Ubuntu Touch by bug-fixing Core Apps10:49
dpmyeah :)10:49
smartboyhwdpm, heh, too short;P10:51
dpmsmartboyhw, unfortunately, that did not quite fix it, see the comments on the MP. I'd suggest installing the SDK and testing the app to see the effect10:51
* smartboyhw has his own branched qt5, so he can't do it10:51
smartboyhwdpm, ah, so I patched the wrong stuff right?10:52
dpmcan't you install it in a VM?10:52
* smartboyhw has no time to set up a VM10:52
smartboyhwdpm, what is the size you want? EXACTLY an oprand size, right?10:53
nerochiarogusch: turns out there was an x11 package that for some reason the update didn't like, i had to apt-get remove it before it would continue10:54
popeysmartboyhw: might be better to have the right tools otherwise you'll waste your own time (and others) going over patches repeatedly to get them working.10:55
smartboyhwpopey, it's not that I can't have the right tools, but I'll be dumping KDE Frameworks 5..10:55
smartboyhwWhich, no.10:55
popeyThat's exactly what it is.10:56
popeyIt's not efficient to provide patches which haven't been tested at all.10:56
smartboyhwpopey, I'm now getting errors when launching the app10:57
popeydo you have the SDK installed?10:57
smartboyhwpopey, yes10:58
smartboyhw(Actually using the SDK here)10:58
dpmsmartboyhw, it's got nothing to do with operands' width, it just needs to have the same right margin as the operands10:58
smartboyhwAh, can launch it now10:59
dpmbut I agree with popey10:59
* smartboyhw continues to fix with now the app launch11:00
popeydpm: I'm going out to lunch (need to buy a birthday present) so will be afk for a little bit11:00
dpmpopey, go and find a nice one :) - I'll be afk for a bit this afternoon as well, I need to sort out some things at the bank11:02
guschnerochiaro: well - good luck then ;)11:04
nerochiarogusch: yeah, if i disappear you know I'm busy fixing x after the upgrade finish. it's downloading stuff for now11:04
smartboyhwdpm, what is the type of value for rightMargin?11:14
smartboyhwsigh, let me search myself11:15
dpmoSoMoN, when you've got a minute, could you help us with the 2 latest merge proposals for Calendar? They are going to make quite a difference, as they implement the final designs for some views, so if we could get them landed, that'd not only be awesome, but also really inspiring for the core apps contributors. I realize you're super busy, so the more I appreciate it, thanks!11:22
smartboyhwdpm, can't work it out:(11:23
oSoMoNdpm: sure, they’re already high on my list, will get to them today11:23
dpmthanks oSoMoN!11:24
dpmsmartboyhw, WebbyIT is one of the calculator developers, he can probably help you, although I think he's away for lunch now. mihir can also help you when he's online11:25
smartboyhwdpm, OK11:25
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
nerochiarogusch: i upgraded to saucy but that package libusermetricsinput-1 still isn't there12:04
guschnerochiaro: weired - should be in main saucy - let me check ...12:06
guschnerochiaro: mine is installed from saucy/universe but called "libusermetricsinput1"12:08
nerochiarogusch: it was the  -dev package i was missing. whoops12:09
guschnerochiaro: but I'm glad the upgrade went smooth12:09
nerochiarogusch: well, unity doesn't work but i like gnome2 anyway. and there's an error regarding friends dispatcher when logging in but it seems harmless and already reported12:12
nerochiarogusch: so, it was smooth enough :)12:12
WebbyIThi smartboyhw , do you need something? :)12:15
wellsbWhat is Jamie Strandboge's IRC handle?  Or how do you suggest I get up with him after the holiday?12:19
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fugue88wellsb: He has some contact info at https://launchpad.net/~jdstrand (including irc nick and e-mail).12:51
wellsbAhh yes.  I should have thought to look there.  Much appreciated, sir12:52
netcurliIs there a standard way how the icon path for a click app should be specified in the .desktop file?13:27
cleptonetcurli, I think just the name of the icon13:28
cleptorandomcpp, ping13:29
randomcppclepto, pong13:29
netcurlithat's what I thought too, however for my akari app the unity8.log says: "Fail to load themed icon for: "akari_logo_128.png"" and there is no icon displayed13:29
cleptorandomcpp, do you have time to spare?13:30
netcurli"QML QQuickImage: Failed to get image from provider: image://gicon/akari_logo_128.png"13:30
randomcppclepto, I think so :)13:30
cleptonetcurli, ask mhall119 , he might know13:30
cleptorandomcpp, how can i get all the entries in a U1db.Document?13:31
randomcppjust set the db as model13:31
bababooeyAm I able to dev from mint?13:31
randomcppthen in the delegate you can have a 'docId' and 'contents'13:32
popeybababooey: not tried, but you could add the ppa and let us know if it works?13:32
cleptorandomcpp, you talking about a listview?13:32
popeybababooey: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/13:32
randomcppclepto, yeah and should work with Repeater too13:33
cleptorandomcpp, I can't get get the entries? or the number of entries... its just for debugging purpose13:35
randomcppclepto, try with model.length13:36
randomcppclepto, to get all the docId there's a method wait a second13:37
cleptorandomcpp, and what about document's entries? notesDocument.contents.length return error13:38
mhall119clepto: what question do you have?13:39
mhall119sorry, netcurli what question?13:39
netcurliIs there a standard way how the icon path for a click app should be specified in the .desktop file?13:39
mhall119netcurli: ah, I saw this on others too13:39
randomcppclepto, because contents is normally a object13:39
randomcppnot an array13:39
mhall119netcurli: I *thought* it would use the added Path= field for doing icon lookup like it does for the Exec=, but it doesn't13:40
mhall119dholbach: do you know if relative Icon= paths should use the Path= field ?13:41
mhall119netcurli: FWIW, the only time I've seen the icon load is when the full /opt/click.ubuntu.com/etc path was used13:41
camronis this current? "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk"13:47
camronI'm supposed to see a "Ubuntu" section in "New Project" right?13:48
popeycamron: are you following http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/ ?13:49
camronI'm on mint though13:49
camronTrying to test with this http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/getting-started/currency-converter-phone-app/13:49
camronDon't see this though "Select the Projects > Ubuntu > Simple Touch UI template and click Choose…"13:49
popeycamron: http://popey.com/~alan/qtc.png13:50
netcurlido you have a .desktop file for "Ubuntu SDK"? or are you just opening qtcreator13:50
popeythats what you should see13:50
camronthanks popey13:50
camronnetcurli: It made the shortcut. launches "qtcreator %F"13:51
mhall119netcurli: it seems that it's a bug in click.  It is supposed to set the absolute path to the final installed location of your icon file but it wasn't, there's a fix being made now13:52
netcurlimhall119: ok13:52
popeycamron: strange, you're not using unity then?13:52
popeyis there a /usr/share/applications/ubuntusdk.desktop ?13:53
camronThere's one that launches "qtcreator %F"13:54
camronAs I mentioned before, I'm on Mint13:54
popeyoh of course.13:55
popeysorry, your nick change fooled me ☻13:55
camronNeed unity?13:55
popeyshouldn't do, no13:55
camronDon't need "ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper" right?13:56
* popey wonders if %F means some parameter needs passing13:56
camronwhat does ur shortcut say?13:56
popeyExec=qtcreator %F13:57
popeybut if I just run qtcreator I get the ubuntu stuff too13:57
camronMaybe there's a platform setting somewhere.13:57
popeyI suspect you're missing a package13:57
netcurlicamron: did you have qtcreator installed before?13:58
camronJust ran "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk"13:58
popeywhat version of ubuntu is mint based on?13:58
popeywe don't test on mint, so you're blazing a trail here13:58
popeyis that package installed?14:00
popeyhmm. sorry, not sure what's up there14:00
camronWhere are most of the Qt settings saved?14:02
camronor plugins.14:02
popeyif that directory exists, then close qtc and delete it then restart qtc14:03
camronI have a "Touch" button on the left menu though14:05
popeyperhaps Mirv can assist, he did the packaging for this.14:06
popeyMirv: camron is trying to run our sdk on ubuntu 13.04 based mint14:06
dholbachmhall119, I have no idea, sorry14:07
matzipanhey guys14:08
popeyhi matzipan14:08
matzipanhow's the hack day going/14:08
popeysuper, i love finding bugs and then discovering nik90_ has already fixed them ☻14:09
matzipancan I ask for a how to bzr and how to launchpad tutorial recomandation?14:09
popeysure thing!14:09
matzipancoming from a github overly simplistic environment, i get really confused with it14:09
popeyhmm, is that site dead ..14:09
popeynope, just slow ☻14:09
matzipanpopey: works for me14:09
popeythat page also has links to launchpad related stuff14:10
popeyif you get stuck, just ask14:10
popeyhttp://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/survival/bzr-for-git-users.html also may be useful ☻14:10
randomcppdoes db.putDoc("", docId) work for anyone for deleting u1db entries?14:10
matzipanpopey: lovely, thanks14:11
popeykalikiana: ^^ is that one for you, question from randomcpp14:11
matzipanpopey: so, do the coreapps on an intel desktop have te same features as the ones on the phone/ or am i missing out on stuff because i can't test on a n4?14:12
popeythe only thing missing at the moment is OSK14:12
popeyI _think_14:12
matzipanpopey: osk being... ?14:13
popeyOn Screen Keyboard, sorry.14:13
kalikianarandomcpp: what version do you have?14:13
matzipanoh, okay... sounds reasonable14:13
randomcppsudo apt-cache showpkg qtdeclarative5-u1db1.014:14
randomcppPackage: qtdeclarative5-u1db1.014:14
randomcppkalikiana, ^14:14
camronIs there supposed to be a wizard.xml in "usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/ubuntu"?14:15
mhall119dholbach: sergiusens identified it as a bug and submitted a fix14:16
kalikianarandomcpp: hmm should be good. do you have code I could try here?14:16
randomcppkalikiana, the "deleted" document is still displayed as empty entry in the listview14:16
dholbachmhall119, do you have a link?14:17
randomcppkalikiana, https://github.com/random-cpp/saucybacon14:17
mhall119dholbach: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/click/older/+merge/183466 is the MP14:18
dholbachthanks mh14:18
dholbachgar, autocomplete disagrees with me today :)14:18
dholbachnice one14:18
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ ls /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/ubuntu14:20
popeybackend          cordovaubuntu  hybrid            scope   tabs14:20
randomcppkalikiana, also, should I use Index to filter entries by category?14:20
popeybackendplustabs  html5          projectypes.json  simple14:20
popeycamron: ^^14:20
camronThanks popey.It all matches. The other wizards have that file so I'd thought I'd ask14:20
dholbachmhall119, and 0.4.1 is already uploaded - great14:21
* mhall119 still sees 0.4.414:24
mhall1190.4.0 that is14:24
camron"Ubuntu" shows up in "Help > About Plugins"14:26
kalikianarandomcpp: I think I see what the issue is. You're using the database as the model. I only tested my fix with a Query :-/14:27
matzipanhow many guys around here are employees and how many volunteers?14:27
popeycamron: what version of mint are you using. I'll spark it up in a VM and have a go at mirroring what you have14:29
popeymatzipan: some14:29
kalikianarandomcpp: wrt categories yes definitely14:29
kalikianaI'll file a bug for the Database still showing deleted stuff…14:29
popeymatzipan: I can see at least 25 canonical people on the channel list here14:30
camron15 Cinnamon 64. But I'd rather you didn't.14:30
mhall119matzipan: the two aren't mutually exclusive either14:31
matzipanpopey: surely the rest are not all working on the apps, rather lurking around... I'm asking because I can barely find time between 2 jobs to help out :(14:32
popeysome lurk, some develop14:32
popeyirc is like that everywhere14:32
matzipanand i wanted to know how others manage it :P14:32
popeymatzipan: ignore your children/wife/bank manager14:33
kalikianarandomcpp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/u1db-qt/+bug/121986214:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219862 in U1DB Qt/ QML "Deleted documents show up in Database as a model" [High,Confirmed]14:33
matzipanpopey: i'm a student :P14:33
popeyeven better! :D14:33
matzipanso it should be easier in theory14:33
randomcppkalikiana, thanks :)14:33
popeystop drinking ㋛14:33
kalikianamatzipan: students are those people with a lot of free time, right? I envy you :-D14:33
matzipanpopey: is that what you did while you were a student?14:34
randomcppkalikiana, but until this https://bugs.launchpad.net/u1db-qt/+bug/1214538 is fixed I can implement category filters :/14:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1214538 in U1DB Qt/ QML "Not indexing documents unless all fields are in the index expression clause" [Critical,Confirmed]14:34
matzipankalikiana: it depends. I'm not that tipe of student :( i'm currently a ui development intern and a aspiring games developer at a small firm :P14:35
matzipan*type. can't believe i typed "tipe"14:35
cleptomatzipan, to me its sounds like you are having a good time :D14:36
matzipanclepto: except it's keeping me from doing stuff i would enjoy much more :P14:36
matzipanlike ubuntu touch, raspberry pi and electronics :P14:37
mhall119I wrote Perl code the whole time I was a student14:37
mhall119which was unfortunate, because all of my classes were about Java14:38
matzipanthe last fun thing i did was this http://www.youtube.com/user/UniCPUTeam14:38
matzipanmhall119: i hate universities teaching java...14:38
cleptomhall119, the first time I coded was bash and I wanted to make a prank on my friend :P14:38
nerochiarooSoMoN: kalikiana is working on the settings API,  a work in progress is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/appsettings/+merge/181304 and the blueprint is here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/sdk-app-settings14:39
matzipanmy first time was php :-s *runs*14:39
popeyI first programmed on a Pr1me running Pr1meOS via a dumb terminal. Yes. This makes me old.14:39
camronmatzipan: You shouldn't hate that. It really is a great language for teaching software development14:40
cleptomatzipan, I'm starting university in two weeks and we have java in the second semester :P14:40
popeyFirst PC I had was an Epson PC with an 8086 CPU at 8MHz! Happy days.14:40
kalikianarandomcpp: I started investigating and wrote a test case for it. apparently the problem is related to the order of fields. but I need to dig deeper14:40
matzipancamron: it's for teaching programmers, not engineers14:40
oSoMoNnerochiaro: ok, thanks for the update14:40
mhall119matzipan: Java is a fine language for teaching14:40
mhall119though it does feel weird implementing a hashtable using multiple heavy objects14:41
netcurliI learned Ada in my first 2 semesters at university14:41
matzipani did c++ in high-school. was the best programming course I had to date. in university I did python with a Java option. chose pyhton, like 90% of the students14:41
randomcppclepto, java in the second semester I won't see object oriented languages until the third year or so14:41
matzipanpopey: wow... that's a cool computer... do you still have it?14:42
cleptorandomcpp, we have C in the first and I was like.. wait what? :P14:42
mhall119randomcpp: they use Java to teach non-object programming concepts, mostly because it's a relatively simple and unsurprising language14:42
popeymatzipan: nah, sold it to get an IBM PS/2 Model 50Z ☻14:42
matzipanpopey: still have this one?14:43
matzipani think python is a god teaching language. java has too much boilerplate, too strict ...14:43
cleptomatzipan, python +114:43
mhall119matzipan: that's what makes Java a good teaching language14:43
matzipanbut still my high-school c++ algorithmics was better14:44
randomcppmhall119, I did stupid program with C the first year, then next month I'll start doing C more seriously14:44
randomcpponly in the first semester14:44
mhall119python is a great language to work in, but I don't think it's so good for teaching14:44
matzipanto work in ?14:45
matzipanwhy would you work in it14:45
matzipanunless you're doing something websy14:45
popeymatzipan: i wish ☻14:45
mhall119because it's great for getting things done14:45
popeyI do have a DEC VT101 though ☻14:45
randomcppkalikiana, will it be fixed or partially solved by the end of the contest? :/14:45
randomcppkalikiana, just to know if I have to remove that feature or not from my todo list14:46
mhall119python is as much fun to write as perl, without the hassle of having to hold down the shift key all the time :)14:46
matzipanhere comes the bomb: I like javascript as a work language14:46
mhall119it's growing on me14:47
mhall119I find that I like Javascript so much more when it's not running in a browser14:47
camronCheck out Google Dart14:48
kalikianarandomcpp: I'm keen to fix it asap. I will continue looking into it tomorrow14:48
matzipanmhall119: it's because the DOM is crap14:48
mhall119I can agree with that14:48
randomcppkalikiana, great :D if you need help or testing ping me14:48
matzipanmhall119: if you abstract away the pain and use something like backbone and some solid apis... it's quite pleasant14:49
cwayne_hey popey, you gonna test out my fitbit app when it gets more ready? :D14:50
matzipanoh that reminds me of the appshowdown14:50
matzipanis it 2 weeks till the deadline?14:50
cleptook qml related question :P why does this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6055428/ prints undefined?14:51
netcurliclepto: did you mean: console.debug(values['idCount'])14:52
netcurliwith quotes14:52
popeycwayne_: you bet!14:53
popeycwayne_: I already use your fitbit indicator14:53
matzipancamron: last time I looked at it I didn't like it, but I also don't wanna like dart because of this constant push from google14:54
cleptonetcurli, ok it worked but I don't remember using it that way.. i though that because idCount was a variable it will be ok14:54
cwayne_popey, :D  I use it too, i need to fix that up though.. it keeps getting ignored due to my ADD14:54
matzipanlike I didn't like coffeescript and whatever that es6 shim is called14:54
cwayne_speaking of unrelated QML questions, anyone know why the color of my rectangle isn't being applied? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6055448/14:55
netcurliclepto: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4199126/how-to-assign-variable-value-as-variable-name-in-a-hash14:56
cleptonetcurli, man thanks! i couldn't figure out....14:58
matzipanwe've become too dependant on stackoverflow...14:59
cleptokalikiana, how can i get all the contents of a U1db.Document in a list/variant?14:59
camronIs anything missing? "qtchooser -list-versions"  "[qt415:03
matzipanpopey: is a proper ubuntu guideline coming? like the one elementary os has15:05
matzipanpopey: aka this http://elementaryos.org/docs/human-interface-guidelines15:05
popeymatzipan: guideline for what?15:05
popeyyeah, documentation is in progress ☻15:06
kalikianaclepto: document.contents is a variant if you define it as U1db.Document in qml15:22
kalikianaotherwise you can do database.getDoc(docId) to get the same variant15:22
cwayne_aaaaaand rate-limited.  seems i need to take a break :)15:33
aquariusMy installation of Ubuntu SDK, on 13.04, does not let me create Ubuntu applications -- clearly *some* of it is installed correctly (I get the nice "Create a project" Ubuntu-specific screen) but actually clicking create-a-project gives me a list which doesn't include the Ubuntu project types. (It does include stuff I installed historically, though, such as Meego Harmattan project templates.) I do not know how15:40
aquariusto rectify this; I have tried purging and reinstalling ubuntu-sdk and it didn't help. How might I go about fixing this?15:40
popeyaquarius: you're not the first to report this today15:41
popeya linux mint user had the same problem, mint being based off 13.0415:42
* popey pokes Mirv 15:42
* popey boots a raring vm15:42
dpmaquarius, have you tried http://askubuntu.com/q/259719/9781 - perhaps the old problem came back?15:43
aquariuspopey, what I don't know is... I have no idea whatsoever how to fix it. I am assuming that there's an exchange possible in which $QTHACKER says to me "what's in file $SOMEFILE?" and I say "$CONTENTS" and they say "aha, it should be "$UBUNTUCONTENTS", purge package ubuntu-something-or-other and reinstall it and you'll be fine. But I don't know how to proceed without that conversation, hence asking :)15:43
aquariusdpm, aha, I have not tried that15:43
dpmaquarius, it might be a shot in the dark, but that's what I can think of for the moment15:44
beunoaquarius, btw, you could use qtcreator from the PPA as well: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/staging/15:44
aquariusthat fixed it!15:45
aquariusnice one dpm :)15:45
* popey wonders if beuno is trolling aquarius knowing how much aquarius hates PPAs15:45
* aquarius upvotes the answer15:45
* popey updates his raring vm to see if that breaks it15:45
aquariusbeuno, I think I actually *am* running it from the PPA ;)15:45
aquariusdespite how much I hate PPAs, as popey correctly notes :P15:45
beunoaquarius, saucy?15:45
aquariushell no. 13.04.15:45
popey16:40:11 < aquarius> My installation of Ubuntu SDK, on 13.04,15:45
popeyaquarius: you're dead to us ㋛15:46
* aquarius grins15:46
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMeneses
aquariusif it is actually the case that you have to be running a development version of Ubuntu in order to write apps for it, I think that you're OK to declare that, but you have to actually declare it ;)15:47
aquariusit also means that I don't write any apps, but that's not a huge loss :)15:47
popeywe do declare that on fine white bond paper, in a locked filing cabinet etc15:47
PaoloRotoloGood afternoon :)15:47
popeyhello PaoloRotolo15:47
PaoloRotoloHi popey!15:48
PaoloRotolonik90, nik90_, ping15:48
aquariusHow do I add a new file to a project, if that new file already exists somewhere? I can see how to add a new *empty* file to a project (right-click, Add New), but not how to copy in a file which already exists.15:50
dpmaquarius, I *think* there is an option somewhere, let me see if I can find it. Otherwise, you can add the file directly to the .qmlproject file, the syntax is pretty straightforward.15:52
aquariusalso... how do I actually run this newly-created HTML5 project? "Run" is disabled in the Build menu.15:52
aquarius(apparently "the project WordBits has no active kit", whatever that means.)15:53
guschom26er: ping15:56
dpmaquarius, so to the first question: there is an option to "Add existing files...", but it's grayed out. Not that useful. To the second, I think you'll have to go to the Projects tab, then click on Manage Kits to set up a default kit15:57
aquariusdpm, OK, I have Manage Kits, and I can Add one, but I don't know what to add :)15:58
dpmaquarius, I'm not an expert, either, but that's what my kits in Qt Creator look like: http://ubuntuone.com/0yfBeOazthg77RAZHXcPfS15:59
beunomhall119, approving15:59
aquariusI have that "desktop" one, but mine is pointing at qt4. Should I edit the desktop one, or create a new one for Qt 5.0.2/15:59
aquariusalso: we sure surely not expecting everyone to do this? Shouldn't it be set up for people, this kit thing?16:00
aquarius(I am worried that everyone working on this has already set one up and so now isn't troubled by it)16:00
dpmaquarius, it should be set for you, but it seems there are a few cases where it isn't. Mirv is the expert on how this works, but he's past his EOD now16:01
mhall119aquarius: you should have qtchooser stuff installed with the sdk, which would point /usr/bin/qmake to the qt5 path16:01
mhall119aquarius: probably whatever problems you had previously with the SDK not finding templates and such is related to why you don't have qt5 path's in your kits16:02
aquariusqtchooser is already installed, I am old.16:02
* mhall119 bites his tongue16:02
aquariusignoring that I am not old, you whippersnappers, qtchooser is not the problem; it was already installed.16:04
aquarius(whatever it is, it might not be doing its job right, but it's installed :))16:04
aquariusso, how do I set up one of these Kits?16:04
aquariusto be honest I would much rather purge stuff and reinstall such that it all gets set up right, if everyone is convinced that my problem is that I have a bunch of old bad configuration16:05
aquariusthat way when I write this stuff up I'll be able to actually give instructions that are correct for people16:05
aquariusrather  than "I had this problem but you might not" stuff. :)16:05
mhall119bzoltan: ^^ can you help aquarius16:05
Laneyhow can I display text in a Dialog?16:09
LaneyText {} is ignored16:09
aquariusLaney, set a text: property. (http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components-popups0-dialog.html suggests that, anyway)16:10
Laneyaquarius: Wasn't clear enough16:10
LaneyI need to have it multiple times16:10
LaneyThere's a few TextFields and I need to say what they are for16:11
aquariusthat's not a Dialog, then, I don't think, at least according to the design guidelines16:11
aquariusI might be wrong16:11
aquariusbut I believe a Dialog is meant to be a one-shot decision-maker ("The Dialog caters for cases in which the application requires the user to determine between optional actions.") You may want a DefaultSheet or similar?16:12
camronI just installed the SDK in a VM and I'm getting the same problem I had on Mint...16:18
aquariuscamron, is the problem that when you try to create a new project you don't get the Ubuntu project types listed?16:19
aquariuscamron, dpm suggested http://askubuntu.com/questions/259719/qt-quick-ui-templates-missing-from-qt-creators-new-file-or-project-dialog which fixed it for me.16:20
aquariuscamron, it is not clear *why* it's not being automatically set up, but that may get you going.16:20
rschrollA QML Question: Is it possible to catch and recover from import errors?  I'd like to use UbuntuWebView if available, but fall back to the standard WebView if not.16:25
aquariusrschroll, it's doable, but awkward; you have to dynamically try and create the component with a Loader ot Qt.createQmlComponent or similar. You can't do the Pythonic thing of "try: import WhatEver; except ImportError: import Fallback"16:27
rschrollaquarius: Thanks.  Didn't think of that approach.16:28
camronaquarius: That appears to have worked. Thanks a lot. That link should really be added to the "getting started" page in a "troubleshooting" section. I'm gonna boot to mint now to see if it works there too16:29
aquariusrschroll, no worries. I'd like to get some hacking done on Beru when I get a chance; thanks for closing out the issues I filed :)16:29
aquariuscamron, it's supposed to happen for you -- the link is evidence that something's going wrong in the setup. I'd like to see the setup fixed (or given better abilities to autodiagnose failures) rather than documenting workarounds, myself, but that sort of thing is an mhall119 decision ;)16:30
camronIs there a bug filed?16:31
aquariusI don't know; filing another one would be a good idea (the worst that can happen is that it's closed as a dup :))16:31
mhall119+1 for filing bugs16:32
rschrollaquarius: Didn't realize you were you.  Hi!16:32
aquariusrschroll, yeah, I have too many names :)16:32
camronI had to make it point to qmake in "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin", so maybe it only affects some 64-bit systems16:32
om26ergusch, pong16:34
guschom26er: ok - I hope I finally get it working https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-atest-toolbar-opened/+merge/18319516:36
om26ergusch, looks good, I'll approve on jenkins +116:37
om26ergusch, btw, why don't we actaully rely on toolbar.state ?16:37
cleptonetcurli, ping16:37
PaoloRotolodpm, sorry, how can I increase the size of a font in Qt? Right now it's setted at "x-large".16:39
camronQTTOOLDIR was set to the right place though, so that bug is really confusing now16:39
cleptonetcurli, about that thing earlier with variable in maps, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6055789/ , doesn't work..16:39
PaoloRotolo"xx-large" doesn't work...16:40
netcurliclepto: can't you do something like this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6055798/16:42
cleptonetcurli, wait to test16:43
dpmPaoloRotolo, the largest size that can be set in a resolution-independent way is "x-large". Are you trying to set the size for a core app or for another app? -> http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/qml/ui-toolkit/resolution-independence.html#fonts16:44
dpmthanks oSoMoN_ for doing those Calendar reviews!16:44
oSoMoN_dpm: yw16:45
Laneydoes tabbing through components usually work?16:46
Laneynot sure if it never does or if I just broke it somehow16:46
guschom26er: I don't think it's big difference (I'd rather prever the easier to read .opened)16:46
Laneyif not, can I define a tab order somehow to make it work?16:46
PaoloRotolodpm, ty, it's relative to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/121533416:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1215334 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Clock app] Digital clock font size is smaller than design spec" [Low,Triaged]16:46
vjdhamaHello all!16:47
dpmPaoloRotolo, and the font is already set to "x-large"?16:47
PaoloRotolodpm, yes...16:47
netcurliclepto: I am afk now for dinner, will be back later16:48
dpmPaoloRotolo, I've updated the bug requesting info from design16:49
aquariusdpm, irritatingly, "Add Existing Files..." is only implemented for .pro-based projects, it seems. So one has to add the files to the appropriate folder by hand, annoyingly16:49
PaoloRotolodpm, thanks!16:49
dpmaquarius, ah, yeah, bummer :/16:50
aquariushow big are we expecting the phone screen to be in gu?16:50
aquariusqml projects default to showing a desktop window at 100x75gu, which is not the aspect ratio of a phone. I'd like to have it look a bit more accurate...16:51
dpmnot sure, perhaps one of the SDK guys can help on this one16:51
cleptonetcurli, it seems ok, thanks again!16:51
mhall119aquarius: depends on the phone16:55
aquariusmhall119, I know it does :)16:55
aquariusmhall119, I can just make up some rough numbers; aspect ratios on a phone tend to be roughly 1.7:1. But it'd be nice to have something that actually corresponds to something real.16:56
mhall119I think 50gu is roughly phone side width16:56
aquariusHTML5 project successfully run. Where does the click packager get its information from? It thinks I'm stuart.langridge@canonical.com, which I clearly configured somewhere, but I don't know where ;)16:57
mhall119that's what I use when running in a desktop window anyway16:57
mhall119aquarius: I think that's QtCreator getting the info, not click16:57
mhall119not sure where it gets it from though16:57
aquariusmhall119, yeah, I'm not sure either. I looked through Tools > Options and couldn't see anything like that16:58
dpmfrom bzr, perhaps?16:58
mhall119perhaps, the bzr configs match what it's putting in my click manifest anyway16:59
popeydesign use 40gu for width17:00
popey(i counted them)17:00
popeyaquarius: did it get it from your DEBEMAIL ?17:02
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ echo $DEBEMAIL17:02
aquariuspopey, don't know wha that means17:02
aquariuspopey, nope, I don't appear to have that set17:03
popeyalso, see above, 40gu17:03
aquariusyep, have set the window to be 40x68.17:03
aquariuswhich looks phoneish17:03
aquariusannoyingly, the webview needs to reflow17:03
mrqtrosbzoltan, hi!17:06
bzoltanmrqtros: hello17:06
mrqtrosbzoltan, do you remember our dialog about click packages and C++ plugins? :)17:06
mrqtrosbzoltan, any news? :)17:06
bzoltanmrqtros:  yes, no :)17:07
mrqtrosbzoltan, :D Ok, I expected it :)17:07
mrqtrosbzoltan, so what about pushing my plugin to Extras? :)17:07
bzoltanmrqtros:  right now the only thing I can suggest is to do it manually .. so get the armhf binary of the extension and the qmldir file and add it to the qml app's source tree before packing with click17:08
bzoltanmrqtros: I would not put to extras...17:08
bzoltanmrqtros: let's try to the main toolkit17:08
mrqtrosbzoltan, o_O why main toolkit in priority? :)17:09
bzoltanmrqtros:  just simple the extras is not a good place imo17:09
mrqtrosbzoltan, hmm ... I think that Extras is good place for third party17:10
bzoltanmrqtros:  I do not, but let's not argue about it :)17:10
bzoltanmrqtros:  basically if an API is crap than it will not land on the image anyway, regardless of its location... but if it is good then why not to add to the sdk17:11
mrqtrosbzoltan, Ok, it's little late today, can we discuss it tomorrow? :)17:12
bzoltan mrqtros:  sure17:13
bzoltanit is late17:13
aquariusbzoltan, when the click packager builds the manifest, where does it get the information in there from? In particular, my email address that goes in "maintainer"?17:13
bzoltanand yes17:13
bzoltanaquarius:  that is easy ...we have quick link from NSA, we know everything about you, just did not want to add your phone number and shoe size17:14
aquariusthe NSA still think I work at Canonical, is the problem ;)17:14
bzoltanaquarius:  ok... kidding .. it comes from the 'bzr whoami'17:14
aquariusaha, winn0r17:14
aquariusI'll fix that then :)17:14
bzoltanaquarius:  good idea... or call the HR to send the paycheck :)17:15
aquariusyeahhhh, fixed.17:17
aquariusthanks bzoltan :)17:17
bzoltan aquarius: no probs, mate :) keep the apps rolling :)17:18
aquariusbeuno, does my developer namespace *have* to begin com.ubuntu.developer ?17:19
aquariusmhall119, dpm, are you expecting people entering the competition to upload a click package early and then keep overwriting it with new versions as they improve the app, or would you expect someone to just publish bzr branches or similar and then upload a package once they're confident it's finished? (Obviously once all this stuff is properly up and running, I shouldn't release a package until I want to17:22
aquariusactually release to users, but the competition is different because we're still so early days)17:22
mhall119aquarius: I expect people to use bzr branches to share their code until it's pretty close to completion, and only then start uploading click packages to the store17:22
aquariusmhall119, right, OK. bzr branch it is, then ;)17:22
aquariusmhall119, perhaps you know the answer to the question I directed to beuno above? does my developer namespace *have* to begin com.ubuntu.developer ?17:23
dpmaquarius, but I'd personally like you to upload the package already, since you provide such good feedback17:23
aquariusooh, dissenting advice from the community team ;)17:23
dpmand if things break you know who to talk to and then we get things fixed for everyone17:24
mhall119aquarius: no, it doesn't17:24
aquariusI shall happily upload a package.17:24
aquariusmhall119, right, so I can make it be org.kryogenix and that's all good?17:24
mhall119aquarius: as long as it's unique, that's all that matters17:24
mhall119aquarius: it's not conflicting advice, btw, since there's a difference between what we want *you* to do and what we want *others* to do :)17:26
* aquarius grins17:26
dpmyeah, and when we really dissent we go for fist fights17:27
aquariusI am filling out the form for my app. Does the "description" (a paragraph) get displayed alongside the "summary" (one line), or should I repeat the one-line summary in the description?17:27
dpmbzoltan, so back to my question from this morning, checking if there is a way to do it, or if it requires work on the tools: I've got a compiled binary for a C++ QML extension and a QML frontend. I know how to put them together in a click package, but how to I get the QML code at runtime to know where the C++ binary is? (i.e. it's on the same folder as the QML, not in the system locations)17:28
wellsbI'm having more problems with click and apparmor than deb packaging17:29
aquariusdpm, Qt.resolvedUrl(".") returns a file URL for the folder that the qml file is in, I believe.17:31
aquariusQt.resolvedUrl("mybinary") should return file:///path/to/wherever/the/app/is/mybinary17:31
dpmbut can I use this info to do the import?17:32
bzoltandpm:  check what the QML extension + Tabbed UI template does, that is the simplest example what shows exactly what you need17:32
aquariusdpm, oh, you don't want to reference the binary, you want Qt to add the folder that the binary is in to the QML import path? NFI how to do that, that's a bzoltan thing to ask ;)17:32
* dpm checks the QML extension + Tabbed UI template17:33
* bzoltan has to call it a day if he does not want to sleep on the couch :)17:35
beunoaquarius, right, you can pick whatever namespace you own17:38
aquariusorg.kryogenix it is :)17:38
wellsbI'm afraid I may have added an extra dot to my namespace.  Hopefully my apps don't turn out com.wellsb..appname17:39
beunowellsb, I can check for you. Under what name is it submitted17:39
beunoaquarius, we should probably make that clearer in the UI, huh?17:40
wellsbOne sec, beuno.  Let me check17:40
aquariusbeuno, yes, I think so. At the moment it's not clear -- and I don't own com.ubuntu.developer.sil, so it does rather suggest that I can either make up what I want, or that I have to be under c.u.d.*17:40
wellsbbeuno: account name is bradwellsbcom I guess?17:41
dpmhm, either I don't understand it or the QML extension + Tabbed UI template does not really do what I was looking for17:41
dpmIt still loads the plugin from the system location :/17:42
beunowellsb, fixed17:42
dpmaha, found it17:42
wellsbI appreciate it17:43
dpmqmlscene needs to be run with the -I ../modulepath argument17:43
guschom26er: somehow ther seems to be a new issue now - can you have a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-atest-toolbar-opened/+merge/18319517:45
om26ergusch, sure17:47
om26ergusch, the failure is rather different17:47
guschom26er: yes, but why did swicthing the tab stop to work?17:50
om26ergusch, probably a race17:51
om26erlets retry first17:51
aquariusdo I need to make my icon the Ubuntu Shape myself? Or does the package stuff automatically crop it to being an Ubuntu shape if I provide a square icon with colour right up to the edges?17:51
wellsbI've added networking and accounts security policy groups, but under apparmor the account model is still not being populated.  It works if I just run the qml in /opt with qmlscene directly.  Is there another policy I should add?17:52
guschom26er: started a rebuild17:52
netcurliaquarius: you can just provide a square icon17:59
aquariusthanks netcurli18:06
aquarius(although I have now done a nice rounded one, using Lucas's template :))18:06
aquariusmhall119, what do I choose as "licence", if my app contains things under different licences? Can I just choose "Other Open Source"?18:06
mhall119aquarius: on myapps?18:07
aquariusmhall119, yes, sorry, in the new beta myapps create-your-app-and-upload-it process18:07
mhall119aquarius: I don't think it strictly matters, do you have a primary license for your code?18:08
aquariusmy code's public domain; some of the sounds are CC-BY; the wordlist is from WordNet, which has its own (open-source-compatible) licence18:09
aquariusI've put Other Open Source for now (there's a detailed list of the licenced stuff in the app's About page in the app itself)18:09
aquariusmhall119, also, do I need to ask for "audio" permissions just to play any sounds at all from a WebView, or is that for apps that want to play *background* audio?18:09
mhall119aquarius: good question, and I don't know the answer, you'd have to ask the security team18:11
* aquarius asks jdstrand ;)18:12
cleptokalikiana, will this work? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6056097/ (my actual code is more complicated)18:15
wellsbIs there an issue with N4 audio today?  I'm not getting anything18:17
aquariusmhall119 or popey, are you in the mood for testing a package? I'd like to know if I've built it right before I upload it.18:17
beunoaquarius, if you also send it my way, I can run it through our lint checker18:18
popeywellsb: audio works here18:18
aquariusbeuno, popey, http://ubuntuone.com/1hVGw1kJiNCaBef0uyfjEi18:18
popeyUbuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130831)18:18
popeythats the image tho18:18
aquariusI think it's quite possible that I haven't correctly built the package or something, hence checking :)18:19
popeyaquarius: what do I do with that?18:19
aquariuspopey, I have no idea. It's a click package. :)18:19
aquariuspopey, you tell me what to do with it18:19
beunoaquarius, package names need to be lowecase18:19
aquariuspopey, as far as I understand it, I can't install them on the desktop yet :)18:19
popeywell, I'll start by doing adb push to get it on the phone18:19
beunolowercase, even18:19
aquariusbeuno, what??18:19
aquariusbeuno, it didn't say that. Anywhere. Nor did anything anywhere complain.18:20
popeythey also need to have ~1 on the end18:20
popeyI kid of course18:20
wellsbpopey: push it, then do pkcon -p install-local <file>18:20
mhall119aquarius: yes, there are bugs to make things complain about that18:20
beunoaquarius, right, the SDK has a bug filed against it and we're updating the web18:20
cleptorandomcpp, ?18:20
popeythanks wellsb18:20
randomcppclepto, you should use db as model,18:20
randomcppnot a document18:20
aquariusbut I can't fix that in the web, can I? It was pretty clear about how I can't change the name of a package once it's built.18:20
beunoaquarius, right, once you upload it. If you already did, I can change it for you18:21
aquariusdo I have to delete my currently-set-up-and-waiting-for-an-upload app on the web, then?18:21
beuno    "lint_maintainer_format": "invalid format for maintainer: sil-launchpad@kryogenix.org",18:21
mhall119aquarius: beuno can change it, and once the fix is in place changing won't be necessary anymore18:21
beunoalso, ^18:21
cleptorandomcpp, here is using a document http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~uonedb-qt/u1db-qt/trunk/view/head:/examples/u1db-qt-example-2b/u1db-qt-example-2b.qml#L7918:21
randomcppor if you to use your methos18:21
popeyaquarius: ping me when you're compliant ☻18:21
aquariusbeuno, I haven't uploaded the click package yet (that's why I'm having you guys test it first), but I *have* done all the other configuration and uploaded icons etc18:21
beunoaquarius, you should be able to change the package name18:22
beunoif not, I'll change it for you18:22
randomcppin the delegate you should be able to access data with: modelData.title18:22
* aquarius gives beuno the stink-eye18:22
aquariusnow I have to work out where all the names are set and change them :)18:22
cleptorandomcpp, ok I'll try18:22
beunoaquarius, I know, I know. Still a lot of manual things until we scan packags on upload18:22
beunoand, we've just opened the store18:22
beunoso hitting this bugs now  :)18:22
aquariusbeuno, so my "Application Name" can be upper-case if I want, but "Package name" must be lower-case, and it must also exactly match the name in my manifest file?18:23
beunoaquarius, correct18:23
aquariusbeuno, does the filename of the click package itself also have to match that?18:23
beunoall of this will go away in a month or so, as we'll scan18:23
beunoaquarius, it does not18:23
aquariusis the filename of the click package important at all?18:23
beunowe rename them18:23
cleptorandomcpp, but first i need a way to get the length of "notes", any idea?18:24
aquariusCurrently QtCreator keeps resetting the stuff I set in the manifest. Is it supposed to be saving these things?18:24
beunoaquarius, happens to me too. Moind filing a bug?18:25
aquariusbeuno, not at all18:25
aquariusbeuno, I can't change the package name on the web; I changed it on "Your app" (first screen of the upload "wizard") from "WordBits" to "wordbits", but it gets set back18:26
aquariusbeuno, do you need to change it?18:26
beunoaquarius, gah, that sounds like a bug. I'll file it and fix it for you18:27
cleptorandomcpp, TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined ... i already try it :/18:27
aquariusbeuno, thank you. (I think it may be app 21, but I'm not sure. Also, if it is, cool, 'cos that's my U1 id too ;))18:28
randomcppclepto,  maybe you call it before you actually defined a model18:28
beunoaquarius, fixed18:28
wellsbHmm I'm not even getting audio when testing the ringtones in the sound settings18:28
aquariuspopey, were you serious about packages needing ~1 on the end?18:28
aquariuspopey, I don't know how to do that; the click packager isn't doing it18:28
popeyno, i was being comical..18:28
aquariussod off18:28
aquariuswhen I do not know what I am doing is not the time to troll me about requirements :)18:29
cleptorandomcpp, do you want to check the code?18:29
aquariuspopey, http://ubuntuone.com/63Dmm7YUlllZMNs8kGTC3N  should now be a correctly-lowercase click package.18:30
aquariusI have much feedback about this whole process, incidentally. You guys might want to prepare for a long email ;)18:31
beuno  /o\18:31
beunoaquarius, did you fix the maintainer field as well?18:31
randomcppclepto, alternatively: db.getDoc(docId).notes.length18:32
cleptorandomcpp, tried and tried and not working... I'm feeling desperate :P18:33
cleptorandomcpp, notesDatabase.getDoc("notes").length gives undefined18:33
randomcppcreate has to be set to true18:33
randomcppotherwise that document won't never ever be created18:34
randomcppthat's why you have undefined everywhere18:34
popeyaquarius: it has no icon, you know this?18:35
popeyit also fails to start18:35
aquariusah, I haven't set the icon, you're quite right ;)18:36
popeynot sure how to debug it not starting18:36
netcurlithe desktop file has uppercase letters in it18:36
aquariuspopey, can you see what happens when it fails to start?18:36
netcurliUnable to activate  "org.kryogenix.wordbits_wordbits_0.1.desktop"18:36
popeywhere do the desktop files go?18:37
aquariuscan I just drop "icon64.png" into the root of my package and put "Icon=icon64.png" in WordBits.desktop?18:37
aquariusso loads of stuff has to agree with the package name, then?18:38
* aquarius looks annoyed.18:38
beunook, off to the dentist, bbiab18:38
aquariuspopey, ok, try the url again18:40
aquariusnew version of the package. I have not changed the version number18:40
aquariuspopey, sorry about this, btw; I'd test on my own device if I had one ;)18:41
aquariusit might have an icon now... and might not.18:42
popeyshould that say something?18:42
aquariuswhere are you getting Results from18:42
aquariusgod knows18:43
aquariusI don't know what that means :)18:43
* popey reboots phone18:43
randomcppclepto, solved'18:43
netcurliaquarius: icon is there now18:43
popeyodd, i didnt see one18:43
netcurliaquarius: but I still can't launch the app18:43
popeywonder if we're missing cordova or something18:44
aquariusnetcurli, I suspect there's something else which needs changing to be lowercase.18:44
aquariusNo cordova required.18:44
popeyyay, icon now I rebooted18:44
aquariusis it starting the correct desktop file now?18:44
netcurliaquarius: what does your manifest.json look like?18:44
aquariusnetcurli, it's difficult to say because I can't see that18:44
popeystill uppercase here18:45
aquariuspopey, the file itself is uppercase? Or the thing it's trying to *launch* is?18:45
popeyExec=aa-exec -p org.kryogenix.wordbits_WordBits_0.1 -- qmlscene $@ WordBits.qml18:45
netcurliyou should have a manifest.json in your project directory?!18:46
popeyi wonder if click didn't upgrade the package i had18:46
aquariusnetcurli, oh, should I?18:46
netcurliafter qtcreator builds the click18:46
netcurliit gets generated18:46
aquariusnetcurli, ooh, so I do :)18:46
aquariusit doesn't show up in qtcreator ;)18:46
aquariusis my manifest file18:46
netcurlias I suspected :) same mistake as with my app18:47
netcurliunder "hooks"18:47
netcurlithere is still a not lowercase version of the app name18:47
* popey would recommend "find . | grep W" ☻18:48
netcurlimh.. the name is not org. .. but com.ubuntu. ..18:48
aquariusok, try the URL again :)18:48
aquariuspopey, I don't want to rename everything to lowercase, because that'll sod everything up. Obviously I will not make this mistake again, though :)18:49
aquariusnetcurli, it keeps resetting that. I think that the latest version should have .org in there18:49
cwayne_i'm having a lot of trouble making my list scrollable, anyone have any ideas?18:49
boikocwayne_: where is the code?18:50
aquariuscwayne_, a ListView should automatically be scrollable. Does it scroll with the mousewheel?18:50
netcurliaquarius: I can launch the new app now18:51
cwayne_aquarius, nope, it doesn't18:51
cwayne_boiko, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6056224/18:51
aquariusnetcurli, that's a start! does it *work*? :)18:51
cwayne_or lp:~cwayne18/+junk/ufitbit-tracker18:52
netcurliI think so18:52
netcurliI can do stuff in it18:52
popeyit starts!18:53
popeywell, i get a blank qmlscene18:53
popeyblimey, eventually it appears18:54
popeythat took a while18:54
aquariusnetcurli, questions to answer: do you get a list of words correctly; when you get a word right, does it show that word; does it play a sound on a correct guess; on an incorrect guess; does Hint work; can you switch to the About tab and back again/18:54
aquariushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins/+bug/1219948 filed about the Packaging stuff resetting all the options every time I open it, beuno18:54
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219948 in Ubuntu QtCreator Plugins "Packaging resets package name, other attributes to default every time it's opened" [Undecided,New]18:54
popeyaquarius: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-02-195433.png18:54
aquariuswhy's that all tiny then?18:55
netcurlithe layout looks correct on my gnex18:55
aquariusit's correct layout in qmlscene here :(18:55
popey 3132 phablet   30  10  199m  38m  28m S  21.8  2.0   0:01.79 QtWebProcess18:56
popeythats eating cpu quite a bit before I see anything18:56
aquariuscwayne_, try setting the width on your listview (you don't have one, now)18:56
cwayne_aquarius, just setting it to parent.width?18:57
aquariuscwayne_, yep18:57
cwayne_aquarius, ah, that did it!18:57
aquariuscwayne_, qml really doesn't like it if stuff doesn't have widths. Loads of things just silently fail. It irritates me no end :)18:57
cwayne_aquarius, yeah, until i set the height the listview would only show one item, was SURE my js was wrong18:58
netcurliaquarius: so I can play the game, go the the About tab and all, but I don't get sound18:58
netcurlibut that might just be my device18:58
aquarius(technically they're not silently failing; the problem you had was that the listview was 0 px wide, which is why you couldn't scroll on it, but the content in it overflows. I wish ListViews were clip:true by default.)18:58
cwayne_aquarius, agh, now it tries to scroll over  the row at the top, hm18:59
aquariusnetcurli, yeah, I believe that sound just doesn't work on the devices, yet; mhall119 tried the web version of the game (http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/wordbits-html5/wordbits.html) and didn't get any sound there either, so I think maybe sound just doesn't work. But it's hard to tell ;)19:00
aquariuscwayne_, you're using Tabs wrong. Observe http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components0-tabs.html -- your Page should be the page: attribute of a Tab, not just a child. So Tab { page: Page { page goes here } }19:00
aquariuscwayne_, I get tripped up by that all the time, too :)19:00
mhall119aquarius: some sound works, I can watch youtube videos on my phone browser and I get sound19:00
aquariusmhall119, is that video playing in the video player, or inbrowser?19:01
aquariusmhall119, and can you get any web page or app to make a sound? :)19:01
mhall119aquarius: in browser19:02
aquariusooh, so it plays sounds in the browser?19:03
mhall119now sure if it's using webm or flash or gstreamer plugin or what19:03
netcurliaquarius: and now that I opened it a second time I have to agree with popey, it takes quite some time to start19:03
mhall119aquarius: for videos anyway19:03
aquariusnetcurli, right. I do not know whether that's my fault or not. :(19:03
aquariusnetcurli, that is: I do not know whether I can make it be faster, or whether that's just how long it takes to start qmlscene and a web widget :(19:04
aquariusI'd work on minimising that startup time -- maybe showing a loading screen quickly, which I do sort of do anyway -- but testing that sort of thing remotely is close to impossible. Bah.19:05
aquariusmhall119, are other HTML5 apps starting up in good time?19:05
mhall119aquarius: only other one I've tried is your canonical-auth, and it seems to load fine19:07
aquariusmhall119, ah, but that's not an HTML5 native app with qmlscene and a webview -- that's actually in-browser.19:08
aquariusI don't know whether the startup time for wordbits is slow because I'm being slow to initialise stuff, or whether it takes a long time to set things up before I even get any influence over it19:08
mhall119so maybe your issue is loading QWebkit's WebView QML component19:08
netcurliaquarius: you can try the analyze tab in qtcreator19:08
aquariusnetcurli, I can, but that'll only tell me how long it takes on my desktop, and it's not slow there :)19:09
netcurlithen I don't know how much more you can debug without a device19:12
aquariusyeah, I know19:13
aquariusI was hoping I wouldn't *have* to debug, what with things being convergent and all ;)19:13
aquariusbut clearly a device is needed, for two reasons: 1. it's slower, and why that is needs working out (perhaps the stack can be made faster, or a splash screen loaded and then the webview loaded with a Loader in the background), and 2. it comes up tiny on popey's device for reasons I do not understand.19:16
netcurliaquarius: what happens when you resize the app window on the desktop19:17
aquariusit scales correctly19:18
aquariusI tried that :)19:18
aquariussometimes the webview decides to put the wordbit buttons all in one tall column or soemthing equally weird (there's a workaround for this on startup inside the code), but it never renders the whole thing perfectly in a quarter of the screen.19:19
aquariusI don't understand why that might even happen.19:19
cwayne_boiko, hey, sorry, my internets died19:23
boikocwayne_: no problems,19:23
aquariusanyway, thank you popey and netcurli for testing. Now to decide whether to put it in the beta USC or not.19:25
cleptorandomcpp, should the create property be always true? in every run?19:31
randomcppat least the first run19:31
aquariusevery run19:32
aquariusu1db-qml creates a document if it doesn't exist.19:32
aquariusyou can just set create:true and forget about it; on second run, it'll just ignore it (it will not overwrite the existing document with the defaults).19:32
cleptothanks aquarius19:35
cleptorandomcpp, I sorry for not answering before.. I'm making progress but very slow19:35
cleptorandomcpp, for some reason listview's model return undefined...19:46
randomcppclepto, post some code19:47
cleptorandomcpp, wait19:47
cleptorandomcpp, https://github.com/Clepto/cnotes-ubuntu-touch run it and create a note19:49
cleptojust title should be fine19:49
randomcppok a sec19:49
randomcppI finish a commit first19:49
randomcppdoes anybody know what's the arguments PopupUtils.open takes?19:53
randomcppthe first is the component, the second the caller and is there a third?19:53
cleptorandomcpp, i don't think so19:54
randomcppclepto, the note appeared after I clicked on archive then on notes again19:57
randomcppI know what's wrong19:57
randomcppsince you use an array19:57
nik90_mhall119: ping19:57
mhall119nik90_: pong19:58
randomcppas a model, you have to call each time you modify that array the *changed() event19:58
randomcpppass the array again as a model19:58
randomcppsimilar to this issue http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/31880/19:58
nik90_mhall119: tomorrow can you ask balloons to look into the autopilot bug that I am facing for the clock app? In the morning, I am at work and cannot talk to him. And when I get home, it is too late to catch him on irc19:59
nik90_mhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/+activereviews19:59
nik90_mhall119: the top 4 MP are blocked due to it.19:59
mhall119nik90_: I'll put it on my list19:59
nik90_mhall119: thanks. I tried contacting him but no response20:00
cleptorandomcpp, how i call the *changed event?20:00
wellsbpopey: You said audio works fine for you.  Do an upgrade and dist-upgrade and let me know if it still works fine.  I just did a clean install, and audio worked.  After upgrade and restart, it failed again20:02
popeywellsb: sure20:03
nik90_wellsb: since when did audio stop working for you? And which device?20:03
nik90_wellsb: i am facing same issue on nexus 420:03
randomcppnotesDocument.contents.notes.changed() or notesDocument.contents.notesChanged() or alternatively set the model again20:04
wellsbN4, I just noticed it today, but it could have been around a while20:04
popeythats all that needs to be updated20:04
wellsbWhat security privileges do I need to access Online Accounts?20:05
wellsbI have accounts and networking with no luck.  I think I even tried content_exchange.  It works when I qmlscene from /opt directly, but the account model does not populate under apparmor20:06
popeywellsb: updated, i still get audio from playing Sintel20:09
sbeattiewellsb: I *think* you also need the 'accounts' privilege as well, but I'm not sure where the state of the online accounts mediation is at, at the moment.20:09
wellsbpopey: and it survived a reboot?20:09
popeythat was after a reboot20:09
sbeattiewellsb: oh, hrm, you have accounts already. What rejections show up in /var/log/syslog?20:10
beunothanks aquarius!20:13
cleptorandomcpp, i re-set the model but i still get the error regarding the length20:13
cleptorandomcpp, sorry for the trouble20:13
randomcppbut notesDocument.contents.notes.length20:14
randomcppworks at least?20:15
cleptorandomcpp, sometime it works other not... now its not :P20:16
cleptoI'll do it tomorrow from the start with clear head20:16
randomcppclepto, than there's something wrong in how you create new notes20:16
randomcppbecause the only reason why *.notes.length returns undefined is because *.notes.length is not an array :p20:17
cleptorandomcpp, right now I really can't think :P20:18
randomcppnik90_, I've implemented Image preview20:25
randomcppit shows an image per time, it doesn't work as a gallery20:26
randomcppand btw nik90_ those guys from f2f didn't answered yet >.<20:29
randomcppgood night guys, see you20:32
cwayne_can you change the color of progressbar?22:10
cwayne_mhall119, any idea? ^22:40
mhall119cwayne_: maybe by messing around with the theming22:42
jecHi guys! What are the programming languages that i need to know to get started? Are they qml and c++ only?23:36

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