
discopighi snkt06:24
hashkenWhere do I find the repos for the ARM architecture10:03
hashkenAny repo I check, only has packages for amd64 or i38610:03
hrwhashken: there are rumours that when Ubuntu A+1 will be released then armhf will be in official repos10:04
hashkenCan I install these packages in raspbian for raspberry pi?10:05
ogra_see the channel topic10:06
hrwpeople still use r/pi?10:06
hashkenOh sorry :)10:06
hashkenRaspbian repos are woefully inadeqaute10:06
hrwhashken: r/pi is ubuntu incompatible10:07
hashkenBasically I want to install mininet in raspberry pi10:07
hrwhashken: and nothing will change it10:07
ogra_or debian/armhf incompatible :)10:07
hrwis r/pi compatible with something at all?10:07
hrwno Fedora, no Ubuntu, no OpenSuse, no Debian/armhf...10:08
hashkenBut, it should be possible to compile the code to be arm compatible right?10:08
ogra_it is compatible with raspbian :)10:08
ogra_hashken, you need to recompile the packages and their deps against raspbian if you want to use them on the rpi10:09
hashkenYeah, this is a lot of work :)10:10
hashkenBy the way, the heading says Raspberry pi is compatible with Debian/armel10:10
ogra_well, tell the rpi people to use a proper CPU next time :)10:10
ogra_rpi works fine with old armel10:10
hashkenDo you know where I can find the repos for this?10:10
XorAogra_: you mean one they did not get for free on surplus market?10:10
ogra_no, somewhere in debian10:10
ogra_XorA, hehe, yeah10:11
hrwXorA: ;D10:11
hrweven people at ARM told Broadcom to not put arm11 into gpu...10:11
XorAeven my zx80 is more useful than a Pi10:12
hrwXorA: for sure10:12
hrwXorA: but original one or zx80core one?10:12
XorAhrw: I have both10:12
XorAhrw: although I need to populate the zx80core10:13
XorAwonder if I can fit a arm2 emulator in 16k of ram ;-)10:14
hrwXorA: 16K? rich one10:20
XorAhrw: got a few 16k RAM packs lying around10:30
aryansCAN anyone help IOMMU page fault on Snapdragon architecture10:38
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doomlorddoes ubuntu arm run on the new nexus7 :)13:51
ogra_the userspace surely does ... for kernel and bootloader setup as well as installation you have to take care yourself13:54
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kulveany alsa gurus here? I'm trying to configure alsa on Ouya but I can only get half speed audio on the left speaker..16:25
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prpplagueinfinity: greetings18:05
kulvealsactl: set_control:1464: Cannot write control '2:0:0:HDA Maximum PCM Channels:0' : Operation not permitted18:17
kulveany idea what might be causing that?18:17
TassadarIs there, by any chance, a person whom this github account belongs to? https://github.com/EnJens20:59
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