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pittiGood morning03:33
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Mirvpitti: morning. some reviews needed. ubuntu-system-settings starts depending on content hub (both in universe) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6053813/ , unity-greeter-session-broadcast stops building its libraries for now and dbus changes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6053814/ (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/unity-greeter-session-broadcast/trunk.13.10/revision/22)04:32
pittihey Mirv05:04
Mirvhey pitti05:05
pittihttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6053813/ -> was there a MIR filed?05:05
pittihttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6053814/ ack05:06
Mirvpitti: I don't see one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings - that's seb128's package for a large part, I should ask him when he's around now that FF is behind us05:07
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/content-hub/+bugs rather, but no bugs there05:07
Mirvyes, neither for content-hub05:08
Mirvmaybe this week will be the week of MIRs05:08
Mirvthe setting stack can wait untils seb128 is here in a couple of hours05:09
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Laneymorning all08:00
darkxstpitti, Laney Hi08:03
Laneyhey darkxst08:06
seb128hey Laney, how are you? had a good w.e?08:08
Laneyhi seb128, yeah it was good thanks, not much sleep but still nice ;-)08:08
Laneyhave some bruises from paintballing too08:08
Laneyhow was yours?08:08
seb128oh, you did paintball, nice!08:08
seb128mine was relaxing, no bruises :p08:08
Mirvmorning seb12808:09
LaneyI lent someone my jumper as he was going to be fired on more by everyone else and then the rules changed and I ended up being pummeled wearing just a t-shirt :P08:09
seb128Mirv, hey08:09
seb128Laney, utch08:09
Mirvseb128: settings stack would need acking of the dependency add on content-hub. Martin was interested generally on the MIR plans of content-hub etc08:10
seb128Mirv, +1, I approved that MR08:10
seb128what "plan"?08:10
Mirvseb128: well, I guess if everything on the touch images is planned to be MIRd08:11
MirvI know there is a lot queued already08:11
seb128I've no clue when we want to MIR stuff08:11
seb128does it matter?08:12
Mirvhe did mention earlier that it's unfortunate that phablet images contain software that isn't officially supported08:13
ogra_seb128, we should MIR everything before release08:14
Mirvso I think that's the main question, although much larger topic than just settings/hubs08:14
pittihey darkxst08:14
pittigood morning Laney08:14
pittibonjour seb12808:14
Laneyola pitti08:14
seb128ogra_, pitti: hey08:14
seb128ogra_, "release", being saucy release?08:15
ogra_seb128, yeah ... we should at least try08:15
* pitti waves to ogra_, too08:15
Laneymy original gpg key expiry date has passed08:15
seb128ogra_, good luck :p08:15
Laneynow every chroot is complaining08:15
ogra_that should be a september target08:15
darkxstpitti, any ideas about bug 1219588? I am getting mouse flat notifications every 10 mins ;(08:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219588 in upower (Ubuntu) "wireless mouse battery percentadge incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121958808:15
seb128ogra_, the issue is that MIR team is not going to scale for those reviews, it's basically down to mterry and he's overbusy on greeter work and other stuff08:16
seb128ogra_, not to mention security reviews08:16
ogra_seb128, yeah, i know, thats why i said "try" :)08:16
pittidarkxst: probably the same bug as bug 110306408:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1103064 in upower (Ubuntu) "power indicator shows Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse batteries with 0%" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110306408:16
ogra_we sholdnt release official images without having all bits on the image supported imho08:16
seb128pitti, Mirv: in any case, content-hub is the content picker for the phablet, it's being done by kenvandine and gusch, I doubt we can do without a content picker, that's the only way to e.g select files to add to email, messages, gallery, etc08:17
pittidarkxst: as it happens I reviewed a proposed upstream branch for fixing Logitech wireless devices; I'll build a PPA package from this soon08:17
ogra_but if we cant make it, we simply cant08:17
Mirvin general news, all of cu2d green except for Apps and Unity that have known test related bugs reported and contacted upon08:17
pittiseb128: sure; I'm fine with the diff, I was just pointing out that it needs a MIR08:17
seb128pitti, it doesn't, system-settings is in universe08:17
pittiseb128: we build phone images from universe?08:18
pittiseb128: but then, sure08:18
Laneywhat's what ogra_ was just talking about08:18
ogra_pitti, even fromn PPAs still08:18
seb128pitti, of course, 90% of the new components didn't get through MIR yet08:18
Mirvogra_: we still haven't disabled all PPAs?08:19
pittiMirv: so, then ignore the MIR bit for now :)08:19
ogra_pitti, PPA usage was a task planned to be fixed by august first ...08:19
ogra_obviously ddint make it08:19
seb128pitti, well "of course"... things are crazy, we keep landing new stuff, the goal so far is to drop the ppa use, we didn't think yet about getting stuff in main08:19
ogra_Mirv, the demo-assets packages are still in the PPA ...08:19
ogra_and the webapps-demo packages too08:19
pittiseb128: as far as I read, we plan to upgrade 13.10 phone installs to some 14.04 daily snapshots after some time anyway, right? so doesn't matter that much I guess08:19
ogra_and all core apps come from the core apps PPA08:20
Mirvogra_: and I guess phone-app being replaced really-soon-now08:20
darkxstpitti, ok thanks08:20
ogra_(they are supposed to be click packages soon though, that will solve itself)08:20
ogra_Mirv, phone-app is gone since last week08:20
seb128pitti, I don't know the specific, ogra_ just said that we should try to go through MIR with everything before saucy release, not sure how realistic that is08:20
ogra_seb128, that we try ?08:20
ogra_i hope thats very relaistic :)08:21
Mirvogra_: \o/08:21
seb128ogra_, no, that we manage to get MIR team and security team to review all that08:21
seb128ogra_, or we need more people to do reviews08:21
ogra_seb128, yeah, i'm not that unrealistic to say we'll make it :)08:22
ogra_buut the paperwork should at least be done for all packages by release08:22
Laneywe should finish the archive reorg instead :-)08:23
ogra_Laney, feel free, nobody holds you back :)08:24
pittiLaney: well, however we reorg the archive, we still need some kind of Component Inclusion Report/Review for stuff that we support08:24
Laneythere's something but it won't be as heavy as MIRs iirc08:25
pittihow could it be any less heavy?08:25
LaneyHmm, can't remember the details08:28
LaneyBut I think there was some classes of things that weren't going to need a full review08:28
Laneyseb128: Help08:46
LaneyI don't understand what you mean by this: "* The design says "Switching to “4-digit passcode” should display a “Choose Passcode” alert with “New passcode” and two fields, “Cancel” and “Set” buttons. "08:46
LaneyThe current version has only 1 entry (I guess it's a type/type again to make sure there is no typo)"08:46
LaneyI do now08:46
Laneywhat does type/type mean though?08:47
seb128sorry I meant "password confirmation dialog"08:47
seb128type your passorwrd08:47
seb128type your password again08:47
Laneyah yes08:47
seb128type/type again08:47
LaneyI didn't parse the text correctly08:47
Laneyeither mpt's spec or your comment08:47
seb128yeah, it was not written nicely08:47
seb128well, I'm unsure08:48
seb128mpt's spec has a "2 entries..." somewhere08:48
Laney"two fields"08:48
seb128it's worth checking with him08:48
Laneydoing in #-touch08:49
seb128pitti, did the "need to import translation templates from daily build ppa" ever go anywhere?09:23
pittiseb128: hm, no response from launchpad in bug 120148509:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1201485 in langpack-o-matic "Need to import translations for the unity daily builds" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120148509:24
* pitti pings Steve and Willian in #u-devel09:25
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mptLaney, seb128: I shall change that to a sheet with three fields ... Three successive dialogs is an interrogation.10:23
Laneympt: I thought it was two, but maybe the same applies10:25
mptLaney, yeah, true, the first dialog containing one field and the second containing two fields10:26
Laneympt: Can you include what to do when the inputted value is wrong?10:26
seb128mpt, the "about this phone: storage" on the google doc, in the things to update you should add "list extra categories" (e.g movies, audio, pictures, other files)10:32
mptLaney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings?action=diff&rev2=28&rev1=2710:34
mptseb128, why?10:35
mptoh, right, the erratum10:35
seb128mpt, thanks10:38
seb128mpt, do I read correctly from the notes that "GPS" should be dropped from the main screen?10:40
mlankhorstseb128: does the kernel need any special support to run desktop sessions in saucy? my nexus7 doesn't work correctly10:45
seb128mlankhorst, try asking ogra_, I think he said we would need a special kernel for the n710:45
seb128we don't support desktop on it, just touch10:45
mlankhorstyeah I know, but still..10:46
mlankhorstseb128: can I force a fallback to the old desktop session?10:48
mptseb128, yes10:49
ogra_mlankhorst, iirc the tegra has an issue if you want to run X without having fbcon in the kernel10:50
ogra_touch doesnt use fbacon10:51
mlankhorstogra_: well the xserver initializes, but nothing gets started10:51
ogra_touch also hands over device handling to the container10:52
ogra_once we have Mir, XMir should work though10:52
ogra_mlankhorst, i think your best move would be to install raring desktop and dist-upgrade10:54
ogra_touch is surely not suited well for testing X10:54
mlankhorstogra_: yeah it's the path I took, but I was hitting a bug with xorg init10:55
mlankhorstand from some digging looks like saucy changed to using systemd init10:55
ogra_surely not :)10:56
ogra_but you most likely hit a bug with plymouth10:56
ogra_make sure to disable all the upstart jobs for it ... or force that console-setup runs from the initrd10:56
ogra_either will make it boot10:57
mlankhorstogra_: only error I'm getting in .xsession-errors is init: Unable to register as subreaper: Invalid argument11:28
ogra_oh, thats a kernel issue then11:28
mlankhorstthought so11:29
ogra_bug 121841511:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218415 in linux-maguro (Ubuntu) "upstart needs subreaper prctl support for touch kernels < v3.4" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121841511:29
mlankhorstoops, still on the old nexus7 kernel, which I guess was the desktop kernel11:39
ogra_as i said, the new -grouper kernel wont have fbcon11:40
mlankhorstyeah, it's sad that they can't have the nexus7 as supported for desktop11:41
loolHey, gvfs-backends is broken after the libimobiledevice rebuild; it needs porting to the new libimobiledevice API; this was done upstream in gvfs 1.17.3; upstream even has a 1.17.9012:26
loolI only saw bug fixes / cleanups, no new features in these12:27
loolis someone working on this update?  would be good to get for beta112:27
seb128lool, hey, thanks for working on that ... not sure about the update, pitti is the one who usually does the gvfs update12:28
seb128pitti, ^ did you start on those?12:28
loolI saw there are some commits of his upstream  :-)12:28
pittije peux le faire12:28
seb128pitti, ça serait bien, merci!12:29
loolpitti: ce serait super pour https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2013-September/002528.html12:29
loolpitti: merci  :-)12:29
loolpitti: grep-ing the build log, there seemed to be other potential bugs of the type "incompatible pointer type" in the log; outside of libimobiledevice, these are probably not new, but if you are tempted to have a look...  :-)12:30
loolpitti: I suspect https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/1214204 is fixed with new version12:30
ubot2`lool: Error: launchpad bug 1214204 not found12:30
loolubot2`: it's because it's private12:30
ubot2`lool: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:30
loolubot2`: not pretending you are12:31
ubot2`lool: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:31
pittisomeone please teach ubot2` some eliza!12:31
pittiubot2`: how do you feel today?12:31
ubot2`pitti: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:31
seb128sil2100, don't add the pot to the upstream lens, that was just needed once to "bootstrap" launchpad (it needs a pot to import)13:00
sil2100seb128: ah, ok, then I'll just add the changelog entry, ok?13:02
seb128sil2100, yes13:02
sil2100Mirv, seb128: I think both AP machines are down ;/ Looking on what's up13:03
sil2100jibel: ping13:08
sil2100jibel: could you take a look on what's wrong with jenkins and the AP machines?13:08
sil2100jibel: it looks as if they're not visible on jenkins13:08
sil2100jibel: rebooting the machines didn't help13:09
jibelsil2100, looking13:09
sil2100jibel: thanks!13:10
sil2100jibel: I don't see the jenkins slaves being ran on the test machines?13:14
jibelsil2100, right because "Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile /var/run/jenkins/slave.jar"13:16
jibelsil2100, it should be good now13:17
sil2100jibel: \o/ thanks!13:18
sil2100seb128: I already pushed the modified version, can you +1 that branch so we can merge it?13:21
seb128sil2100, done13:22
sil2100jibel: btw. do you know a thing or two about the mediumtest jobs, or is that more of a Francis-thing? ;)13:27
jibelsil2100, I know nothing about these jobs :)13:28
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pittilool, seb128: uploading gvfs 1.17.90 (will be blocked by freeze, though)13:58
seb128pitti, danke13:59
seb128Laney, around?14:22
Laneyseb128: yes14:23
seb128Laney, you looked a bit to the AS custom property stuff last week14:24
seb128gdbus call --system --dest org.freedesktop.Accounts --object-path /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User32011 --method org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set com.canonical.unity.AccountsService launcher-items "<[{'defaults' : <true>}]>""14:24
seb128Laney, I want to transform that to qt code14:24
seb128Laney, do you know how to format the "<[{'defaults' : <true>}]>"14:25
seb128should that be a QVariant?14:25
seb128    userInterface.call("Set",14:26
seb128                       "com.canonical.unity.AccountsService",14:26
seb128                       "launcher-items",14:26
seb128                       "<[{'defaults' : <true>}]>");14:26
seb128e.g I guess the last argument there is in buggy format14:27
LaneyAlmost certainly not that14:27
seb128well, I copied the gdbus line and started replacing bits14:27
seb128I'm just not sure what to do with the "defaults: true"14:27
seb128Laney, looking to https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/launcher-items/+merge/181061 is helping I think14:30
seb128QList<QVariantMap> items;14:30
seb128items << QVariantMap().insert("defaults", true)14:32
seb128Laney, ^ does that seems about right do you?14:32
Laneyseb128: sec, otp14:37
seb128Laney, no hurry, I did that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6055372/14:38
seb128seems to build fine, I can't really test it though, since the unity side didn't land yet14:38
Laneyseb128: well, I think it'd be at runtime that you see any problems14:42
Laneyyou could try adding a property with a matching type to security-privacy and see if that works14:42
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seb128Laney, ok, I can test on my desktop in fact14:44
seb128Laney, the unity8 work from mterry landed14:44
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)14:44
LaneyI don't understand what type that is though14:44
Laneyis a{sv} or something else?14:44
seb128Laney, + <property name="launcher-items" type="aa{sv}" access="readwrite">14:45
Laneyhence the extra QList, I did wonder14:45
Laneyyeah if you install the files from unity8 you should be able to test that14:45
seb128I've it in d-feet14:45
seb128so on the right way14:45
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loolpitti: should we request a hint to pass it though?15:06
loolpitti: Seems there are some crashes for ios users that might be worth fixing for beta1?15:06
seb128lool, you can try asking on -release about it15:36
loolseb128: I thought pitti might have a reason not to ask for it15:39
loolI've asked for libgpod to be hinted earlier today15:39
loolseb128: if you think gvfs is low risk, I can ask for it15:39
loolI've looked at the git log, and it seemed fine15:39
seb128Laney, ^15:40
Laneyno opinion15:41
Laneycan you get someone else to look at it?15:41
LaneyTrying to unconfuse myself about s-s atm15:41
loolI can try to confirm whether I get the same bug as the reporter and whether it's fixed, at least we know it's good enough on this backend which is one of the only ones updated15:42
looltrying that now15:42
seb128sil2100, when is the next tick?15:43
loolseb128, Laney, pitti: After testing, I can confirm that I got some error popups on login with an ipad plugged (bus timeout blahblah) and when clicking on the automatically added mount points in nautilus; when upgrading to pitti's packages, I got nice dialogs on login offering to import pictures, and nautilus allowed to browse the device15:57
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Laneylool: Maybe you could ask Colin (or Stéphane if he's still around) in #ubuntu-release to consider it15:58
Laneylool: Otherwise I'll look in a bit when I get done with this branch15:58
Laneythanks for your testing/work15:59
pittilool: no particular reason not to ask for it, just that it might unduly set back the image testing16:01
LaneyWe're not on full on image testing yet16:01
pittilool: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-gvfs/121/ is happy anyway16:02
pittiand I tested it locally, of course16:02
pittiwe have fairly good test coverage these days (just not the ipod stuff, but lool just tested that manually)16:02
loolpitti: please say so on -release  :-)16:02
loolthat you've tested it and that we've good coverage16:02
loolpitti: on #ubuntu-release that is16:03
sil2100seb128: 20:0016:03
sil2100seb128: we missed the tick due to machine problems16:03
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sil2100seb128: I wasn't sure if it made sense to re-run everything or maybe wait for the next tick probably16:03
pittilool: done16:04
seb128sil2100, ok, do you think you could retry the sdk stack while you are still around?16:04
seb128sil2100, I would like to see it published today, the new optionselector landed and I need it16:05
sil2100seb128: hm, ok16:06
sil2100seb128: running!16:07
seb128sil2100, thanks ;-)16:07
sil2100jibel: are you around? :)16:59
seb128sil2100, please tell me that the machines are not screwed again ;-)17:00
sil2100seb128: eeeeh ;)17:00
sil2100seb128: they *look* hanged up, wanted jibel to check what's up17:01
sil2100seb128: ok, screw that, we don't have too much time so I'll restart the machines and re-run SDK17:03
seb128sil2100, thanks17:03
jibelsil2100, I'm around, I'll have a look17:10
sil2100jibel: thanks! ;) Restarted them already though... the jobs were standing and doing nothing, the containers were accessible and seemed ok17:13
jibelsil2100, okay17:14
jibelsil2100, when you say "them" should I understand that not only intel was stuck?17:14
sil2100jibel: yes, the strange thing was that both intel and nvidia were stuck, so maybe the SDK stack has something broken?17:15
jibelsil2100, it could be, because previous freezes we had only affect intel17:15
seb128sil2100, jibel: I doubt it's a sdk bug, the log looked like dbus timeouts (again)17:28
sil2100seb128: *sighs*17:29
sil2100seb128: today is an unlucky day, I would gladly publish unity, but I'm not sure if the tests were indeed sane17:30
sil2100seb128: since only one machine finished17:30
seb128sil2100, let's be safe and publish tomorrow rather17:31
seb128sil2100, most things are blocked by the freeze anyway17:32
sil2100seb128: ok, we're officially screwed17:37
sil2100seb128: the AP machines are gone AGAIN17:37
sil2100jibel: ^17:37
sil2100jibel: help us, today everything is more unreliable than before it seems!17:38
Laneyze sky, eet eez falleeng17:39
sil2100Laney: I hope not!17:39
seb128sil2100, :-(17:45
sil2100seb128, jibel: aborting those builds, since it's impossible for it to finish now, so at least the next tick will run ;/17:46
seb128sil2100, ok17:47
* seb128 shakes fist at the qa lab17:47
sil2100What the heck is happening17:48
sil2100seb128: I *probably* restarted the testing slaves17:53
sil2100So I hope the 20:00 tick will kick in and finish17:53
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jibelseb128, sil2100 I'll monitor 1800UTC tick after dinner18:09
sil2100jibel: thanks :) Strange thing since the slaves don't seem to start up after a soft-reboot18:10
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