
micahgdh_python3 seems to creating a depends on python3-pyflakes in Ubuntu only which is messing up the build of python-flake8, I'm not sure where to file this bug now that we have dh-python as a separate source or if that's even the cause03:25
micahghrm, Debian is affected as well, so it's not Ubuntu specific03:26
pittiGood morning03:33
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ScottKmicahg: Please try it again with this weekend's dh-python upload and see if it's fixed.06:23
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dholbachgood morning07:02
darkxstanyone able to sponsor bug 1219148 for me07:16
ubottubug 1219148 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Fix gdm -> login transition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121914807:16
darkxstthat should have been bug 121240807:17
ubottubug 1212408 in gdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm/gdm needs to set $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121240807:17
darkxstAlso 118930907:21
darkxstbug 118930907:21
ubottubug 1189309 in libappindicator "nm-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_status_icon_set_visible()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118930907:21
brendandhey - i can see my package build has put the files into debian/tmp, but they aren't getting installed when i install the .deb file that is created08:49
brendandso for example in the build environment i see debian/tmp/usr/bin/my-app08:50
brendandand in the .install file i have08:50
brendandso i should get /usr/bin/my-app installed (shouldn't i?)08:51
Laneybrendand: export DH_VERBOSE=1 in debian/rules then rebuild and you'll be able to see what dh_install is doing08:51
brendandLaney, thanks for the tip08:52
loolev: hey, would you mind pointing me at the docs on how to connect errors.u.c reports with LP bugs?08:54
loolev: the libgpod-common one is the one I'd like to connect to LP #121254608:54
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1212546 could not be found08:54
evlool: this one? https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/28836a9ab5fd3bac86aa699f4c2be0a7d52b61cf08:55
evlool: just make sure you're logged in, then hit the Create link for the relevant problem on this page: https://errors.ubuntu.com/?package=libgpod-common&period=year08:57
loolev: yes this one08:57
loolev: ah I was looking for a login, but it was hidden by my browser's search box!08:58
loolev: ah so I can't link to an existing one?  ok, marked the new one as a dup -- it will still be able to track status updates?09:00
Sp4rKyW 3609:01
evlool: correct - you cannot yet link to an existing one. Marking as the dup is the right approach, but lp:daisy doesn't seem to have the smarts for that yet. Please feel free to file a bug: http://launchpad.net/errors/+filebug09:03
evsmarts to follow the bug to its parent when dup'ed, that is09:03
loolev: LP #1219706 -- thanks!09:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1219706 in Errors "Follow state of bugs marked as duplicates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121970609:06
ritztjaalton ping, wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxrandr/+bug/98520209:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 985202 in libxrandr (Ubuntu Precise) "libx11 causes kwin to crash on login (over NX protocol)" [High,Fix released]09:11
tjaaltonritz: ok, needs reopened?09:20
tjaaltonuh, what's using .cache/friends/avatars?09:20
tjaaltonI have 45k files there, 1.7GB09:21
ritztjaalton yes09:21
ritzlibfolks/empathy ?09:21
ritzthe patch needs to be updated to the "correct" fix09:22
seb128tjaalton, friends is using that dir, I though Ken said the new version was supposed to manage those better though09:23
tjaaltonseb128: ok, newest entries there seem to be a couple of weeks old. I had raring before that09:24
tjaaltonso, friends on raring is still busted I guess09:24
pittiwgrant, StevenK: we might have discussed this already, but I forgot: how much effort would bug 1201485 be on the LP side? duplicating the whole import logic in langpack-o-matic would be a lot of effort, and also rather brittle I guess09:25
ubottubug 1201485 in langpack-o-matic "Need to import translations for the unity daily builds" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120148509:25
tjaaltonritz: right, I can pull the upstream commit directly with less effort, if that's ok09:26
ritztjaalton perfectly fine :) thank you09:26
seb128wgrant, StevenK, pitti: our current translations situation is getting really suboptimal, all stuff under daily release (which is most of unity) don't get updated translations due to that09:27
pittiwgrant, StevenK: i. e. those translation tarballs would need to be fed to translations as if they were an actual ubuntu upload; or the tarballs need to be copied along with the package on PPA copy09:28
cjwatsonI think that's probably not that hard now.  In fact I vaguely remember us talking about it at the releng sprint09:29
cjwatsonWe have mechanisms to copy custom uploads in general, so it's just a matter of whether there are any translations-specific gotchas09:31
cjwatsonIt might be necessary to factor PackageUploadCustom.publishRosettaTranslations out to archivepublisher so that it can fit into the scheme expected by the custom upload copier, perhaps09:32
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ekarlso- https://launchpad.net/~endre-karlson/+archive/libra/+sourcepub/3458679/+listing-archive-extra < anyone know why this only does i386 ?09:39
wgrantpitti, seb128: As cjwatson says, it's probably not terribly hard now.09:41
cjwatsonekarlso-: Because it's an Architecture: all package.09:41
cjwatsonekarlso-: They only need to build on one architecture (i386), but are published to all architectures.09:41
cjwatsonekarlso-: Also, your versioning of that package is rude.  You shouldn't reuse the Debian namespace09:42
cjwatsonAppend something to the version rather than bumping it to -2 ...09:42
cjwatsonThough, wait, was this package not based on the gearman package in Debian?  (If not, why not?)09:43
sil2100gusch: hi!09:43
cjwatsonFrom the version number I assumed that it was a rebuild of the version in Debian.09:43
ekarlso-cjwatson: I think it's due to a not upstream yet support of ssl09:43
sil2100gusch: the gallery-app failing-AP-tests merge still has problems it seems: https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-atest-toolbar-opened/+merge/18319509:43
cjwatsonekarlso-: Bumping the upstream version doesn't require throwing away all the Debian history.09:43
ekarlso-cjwatson: again, I didn't do that09:44
sil2100gusch: while this failure is still blocking the apps stack from releasing ;)09:44
ekarlso-I just bootstrapped the package from a source tar09:44
cjwatsonekarlso-: OK, but you did bump it from -1 to -209:44
ekarlso-cjwatson: because I haven't done much packaging before :)09:44
ekarlso-but noted for the next bump09:44
cjwatsonRight, which is why I'm explaining that there are conventions for versions to reduce confusion ...09:44
ekarlso-optimally I wouldn't do packaging at all to avoid this09:45
cjwatsonIn fact it's even more confusing.  Debian's gearman package comes from a gearmand source package09:45
guschsil2100: the problem is, that the fix for the share component seems to not have landed there09:45
cjwatsonSo it looks as though Matthew Tai entirely repackaged it from scratch09:45
ekarlso-hmmms ok ? :p09:46
cjwatsonAh well, people do strange things09:47
ekarlso-cjwatson: the geamrna stuff is only temp until the changes we need go into trunk09:47
sil2100gusch: so we need also some other fix for this one to work? In which branch?09:48
cjwatsonAnyway, your i386 build will have been published to all architectures; if you want to check, look in the dists/ subdir of your published PPA for some other architecture09:48
guschsil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-ui-extras/friends0.2/+merge/18289509:50
sil2100gusch: so, this is causing the fails-to-merge? I actually thought that it should be ok if that's merged in, hm10:04
dpmcking, morning! On bug 1199073 do you have any suggestions on how to reduce the overhead?10:04
ubottubug 1199073 in Ubuntu Clock App "clock app on galaxy nexus generates ~2500 context switches a second" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119907310:04
sil2100Since the upstream merger should use dialy-build PPA10:05
ckingdpm, i guess only via analysing it via tools like strace to see what system calls are being used to figure out why it is so busy10:07
ckingdpm, I've got no knowledge of how this app works or any qml know-how, so I have no immediate idea why10:08
dpmok, thanks cking10:08
guschsil2100: it seems the fix is not yet in the saucy package - but it's quite weired, as it only fails for mako ...10:09
sil2100gusch: and even if not, that change is already released into release10:09
guschsil2100: can you check if the mako setup has an issue?10:10
sil2100gusch: it should be, it got released on the 29th - I'll try checking that10:10
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guschI'm trying to use libupstart-app-launch11:53
guschbut the library does not contain any symbols11:53
guschit seems dh_strip removes them during pakage build11:54
guschbut I don't see a resaon why this could happen11:54
guschdoes anyone have an idea?11:54
seb128gusch, hey, what do you call "symbols"? debug symbols?11:56
guschseb128: I mean by what "nm" reports for the library11:56
guschseb128: result is, that I can't link to that library11:57
seb128gusch, on what arch?11:57
seb128$ nm -D /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libupstart-app-launch.so.1.0.0 | grep " T upstart"11:57
seb12800002500 T upstart_app_launch_get_primary_pid11:57
seb12800002450 T upstart_app_launch_list_running_apps11:57
seb12800002390 T upstart_app_launch_observer_add_app_start11:57
seb128gusch, ^ that's what I get on saucy (i386)11:58
guschseb128: for amd64 saucy: nm: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libupstart-app-launch.so.1.0.0: no symbols11:58
seb128dpkg - l | grep libupstart-app-launch111:59
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guschseb128: oh - I get the symbols when using "-D"11:59
guschseb128: but why am I not able to link to the library?12:00
seb128gusch, can you copy the exact error/build log?12:00
seb128gusch, or share a vcs with your code?12:00
guschseb128: lp:~schwann/content-hub/content-start-exporter12:02
seb128gusch, there is no libupstart code in there?12:03
seb128gusch, can you share the code that fails to build?12:04
guschseb128: grrr - fogot to commit before ...12:04
guschseb128: pushed - sorry for that12:04
seb128gusch, no worry, I got it, trying to build12:05
seb128gusch, the issue is that you don't have the libupstart build flags12:10
guschseb128: argh12:10
seb128gusch, the check is in the sourcedir but that doesn't seem included in that CMakeLists.txt of that subdir12:10
guschseb128: I used it to get the library, but not for the build flags12:11
guschseb128: thx - I'd never had guessed that12:12
seb128gusch, yw12:13
guschseb128: somehow I still don't get it to link12:26
seb128gusch, can you push what you did?12:27
guschseb128: pushed12:29
seb128gusch, in that same file you changed did you try to add to12:29
seb128  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}12:29
seb128gusch, it only includes src/ atm12:29
mardyseb128: hi! About the shotwell update, do you know if someone has a branch with the updated debian/ stuff (apart from the online accounts parts)?12:29
seb128gusch, but the check is in the main dir12:30
seb128mardy, I do12:30
seb128mardy, let me push that12:30
mardyseb128: thanks!12:30
seb128gusch, the issue is that this subdir doesn't include the main config so it doesn't have the variable for the stuff that are checked in there12:30
guschseb128: no difference12:36
seb128gusch, I don't know much about cmake, but the issue is clearly that the UPSTART check you do in the main file isn't carried over to the subdir12:36
seb128gusch, try maybe moving that check line to the subdir CMakeFile?12:37
guschseb128: MESSAGE (${UPSTART_LAUNCH_LDFLAGS}) prints "-lupstart-app-launch-lglib-2.0"12:37
mardyseb128: please ping me once you have pushed your branch12:38
guschseb128: so it's carried over (using _LDFLAGS or _LIBRARIES is not much of a difference)12:38
seb128gusch, did you typo that or is that really the value? you miss a space between the flags12:39
seb128mardy, I've a diff for the debian dir there http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/shotwell.diff12:39
seb128mardy, does that work for you or do you want a vcs rather?12:39
mardyseb128: I think it should be OK12:40
guschseb128: no typo, but cmake sets it correctly in the link.txt12:40
seb128mardy, great; let me know if you need something else12:40
seb128gusch, let me have a look here12:41
mardyseb128: I always forget how to do it; was there a tutorial online?12:50
seb128mardy, how to do what?12:50
mardyseb128: to update the patch; I think I was using "bzr bd-do", but I cannot remember the steps12:50
seb128mardy, well, you can do12:51
seb128- comment from the debian/patches/series12:51
seb128- bzr bd-do12:51
seb128- renable it in the serie12:51
seb128- quilt push -f12:51
seb128- resolve conflicts/update12:51
seb128- quilt refresh12:51
seb128- ctrl-D12:51
seb128mardy, but just updating the diff is fine, use whatever method you prefer, if you do that over upstream git that works for me12:52
mardyseb128: excellent, thanks! I think I was following the steps you wrote now, last time, so I'll stick to that12:52
ogra_pitti, hey ... i would like to get rid of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/view/head:/live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/99-remove-documentation.chroot from the ubuntu touch buildss, i remember you implemented something like that in a clean way, but forgot how to achieve it12:57
ogra_(and google isnt very informative or my skills are failing me today)12:58
pittiogra_: you mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReducingDiskFootprint#Drop_unnecessary_files ?13:00
* ogra_ hugs pitti 13:01
pittiogra_: *hug back*, kein Problem :)13:01
pittiogra_: got a meeting with ev now, can explain details afterwards if necessary13:01
ogra_the wiki is pretty clear, implementing it at the right place of the build will be the tricky part :013:02
ogra_pitti, hmm, that doesnt adjust the /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sum files i suspect ?13:03
seb128gusch, yeah, I don't know about that build issue, it's probably an issue with the order of arguments/libs in the linker command but I can't figure out which one13:11
guschseb128: thx for checking13:12
JackYuhi, any one know what's the new name of apt.progress? it seems that it was changed in these days.13:13
xnoxogra_: no need generally, why shoud it? or do you thing that will be a saving as well?13:13
ogra_xnox, heh, no ...13:13
JackYuapt.progress from python 2.7...13:14
seb128gusch, hum13:14
seb128gusch, doing13:14
seb128extern "C" {13:14
seb128#include <libupstart-app-launch-1/upstart-app-launch.h>13:14
xnoxogra_: i use localepurge, which uses same mechanics (dpkg include/exclude flags) and yes md5sums is "pristine" (which may or may not be complete, and have extra files listed)13:14
ogra_xnox, i'm trying to set up an md5sum check to check the installed files before and after tests ...13:14
seb128gusch, works13:14
seb128gusch, in app_manager.cpp13:14
guschseb128: you are right - I should have thought of that ... thx13:15
ogra_xnox, so i was planning to do something like:  cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums  >tmp/md5sum.log &&  md5sum -c /tmp/all.md5sums >/tmp/md5sum.log13:15
xnoxogra_: $ debsums $pkgname, since it's all dpkg settings, it just works to verify as well.13:15
ogra_would that omit deleted files ?13:15
ogra_debsums would require me to iterate over all packages13:16
xnoxogra_: yeap, or simply run $ debsums, to do alll =)13:16
ogra_that would be very slow i guess13:16
seb128gusch, yw, I should have tried that earlier, I was focussed on the linker side ...13:16
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# time md5sum -c /tmp/all.md5sums >/tmp/md5sum.log 2>&113:16
ogra_thats quite acceptable :)13:16
xnoxogra_: you don't have to. you can do $ debsums pkga pkgb13:16
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# tail -2 /tmp/md5sum.log13:17
ogra_md5sum: WARNING: 3870 listed files could not be read13:17
ogra_md5sum: WARNING: 133 computed checksums did NOT matc13:17
JackYuseb128,  hi, do you know what's the new name of apt.progress in Python 2.7?13:17
ogra_thats my problem  ...13:17
seb128JackYu, hey, I've no idea, maybe pitti or cjwatson can help you though13:17
ogra_(4003 files from /usr/share/doc get deleted during build)13:17
xnoxogra_: well debsums on my install, reports all OK and exit 0, despite having translation files removed the same way as in that wiki page.13:18
cjwatsonI'm not aware of apt.progress having been renamed.13:18
cjwatsonPerhaps you could state your actual original problem.13:18
JackYuseb128, thanks.13:18
xnoxogra_: use debsums ;-) it's awesome and supports all of that.13:18
ogra_well, can i use "debvsums *" ?13:18
cjwatsonJackYu: ^-13:18
xnoxjust "$ debsums" iterates across all installed packages.13:19
JackYucjwatson, hi, we use apt.progress in youker-assistant.13:19
ogra_oh, cool13:19
ogra_lets see how slow that is :)13:19
JackYucjwatson, but it dosen't work now.13:19
xnoxit's perl.... =) and supports options, e.g. it can list missing stuff if you want etc....13:20
cjwatsonYou use specific things from the package apt.progress.13:20
cjwatsonapt.progress still exists, but the specific classes you're using need to be adjusted.13:20
JackYucjwatson, we use InstallProgress, TextFetchProgress from apt.progress13:21
cjwatsonYes, those have been obsolete for several years.  It's not about Python 2.7, it's about the new python-apt interface that came in somewhere around Lucid.13:21
pittiev: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html13:22
JackYucjwatson, ok, thanks. I will check soon.13:23
cjwatsonJackYu: You probably want something roughly along the lines of http://paste.ubuntu.com/6055145/13:24
JackYucjwatson, wow, correct, thanks:)13:28
pittiogra_: md5sums> hm, I thought I did that13:46
pittiogra_: but it's been a while13:46
ogra_pitti, well, the second code definitely doesnt ... (thats what we use now)13:47
ogra_(on the wikipage that is)13:47
pittiogra_: ah no, it doesn't adjust md5sum files13:47
ogra_if the first one does, that would help13:48
pittiogra_: what is first and second here? --path-exclude and live-build?13:49
ogra_there are two ways of removing the docs in the wikipage ...13:49
ogra_livecd-rootfs currently uses the second during ubuntu touch build13:50
ogra_(talking about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReducingDiskFootprint#Drop_unnecessary_files)13:50
pittiogra_: they need to be applied together, though13:51
ogra_but that leaves us with inconsistent md5 files13:51
ogra_i dont think the first one is ...13:51
* ogra_ checks the code13:51
pittiogra_: --path-exclude (dpkg) for installing/upgrades packages, and the live-build adjustment to clean up the files from bootstrapping before your dpkg conf file gets installed (if you care about those)13:51
pittiogra_: but yes, they both leave the md5sums file untouched13:52
pittithat just didn't come up back then13:52
Peace-can someone help me to understand thsi error ?  [60238.145947] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card13:55
tjaaltonnfs mounts don't seem to get mounted on boot on saucy14:06
tjaaltondoing manually what mountall-net.conf doesn't seem to fix things14:10
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ekarlso-cjwatson: what's the best practice when re-building a package that is upstream and has the same version ?15:15
cjwatsonekarlso-: dch -R15:15
ekarlso-I mean, so my package will get prioritized over the upstream one15:15
ekarlso-change the version nr to a higher version ?15:16
cjwatsondch -R will do the right thing15:17
cjwatsonAssuming it's a no-change rebuild15:17
cjwatsonIf you're making source changes, then dch -i15:17
cjwatsonActually, if this is for a PPA15:18
cjwatsonekarlso-: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage15:18
cjwatsonThat has specific advice which is more detailed than I want to reproduce in IRC :)15:19
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mitya57ScottK: Do you have anything against syncing new dh-python from Debian? The changes are our forwarded tests, couple of minor pybuild changes and bugfixes.15:59
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ScottKmitya57: I think it needs an FFe as I don't think it's all bugfix.  In principal, I think we want it, but it ought to go through the process.16:09
pittijibel: hm, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html has enough fodder for replicating this RUNNING bug again -- we have zero running tests right now, and pygobject is being held back by umpteen RUNNING ones16:16
pittijibel: (we are in freeze anyway, so it's not urgent at all)16:17
mitya57ScottK: filed as bug 1219900 (will subscribe -release when the linked build is done)16:18
ubottubug 1219900 in dh-python (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Sync dh-python 1.20130901-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121990016:18
pittijibel: I just re-run the update-manager test, as that ran with 0.191 and 0.193 fixes the pep8 errors16:19
pittiwrt. to syncing, did anyone else notice that LP seems to take awfully long these days to import new packages from sid? it used to take about an hour after Debian's mirror pulse, now it takes about a day16:19
xnoxthe timings did change. and it has been <= 6h since appearing on the uk debian mirror so far as I could spot.16:20
xnoxwhich is consistent with 4 daily dinstalls.16:20
cjwatsonpitti: The machine that runs the imports is currently down16:23
cjwatsonIt apparently needs physical intervention16:24
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks16:25
ScottKmitya57: See #d-python.  We want to wait for another upload today.16:34
cjwatsonpitti: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=6429316:51
cjwatson(Sorry, internal only)16:51
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ekarlso-canæt I pin to a version like this? python-gearman (==2.0.2-2libra1)18:30
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ekarlso-cjwatson: ?19:06
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cjwatsonekarlso-: just one "=" - see the policy manual19:42
ekarlso-cjwatson: but can I only pin to a version numerically ?19:43
ekarlso-or can I add stuff like libra1 ?19:43
cjwatsonIf you want a range, use something like "python-gearman (>= 2.0.2-2), python-gearman (<< 2.0.2-3)"19:44
cjwatsonYou can use anything that's a valid version number in there (again, *please* see the Debian policy manual for this), but you should only use exactly-equals dependencies for things within the same source package as otherwise you have to keep remembering to change them19:45
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