
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
g0twigjojojo folks10:45
g0twigI want to start, to make packages available for newer gnome software10:46
g0twigis anyone intrested?10:46
g0twiglike gnome-calendar, Polari10:47
g0twigZoiaguyver: jo10:55
jbichadarkxst: are you around?13:22
jbichaor ricotz, do we have good reasons for needing g-s-d 3.8? bug 121948613:25
ubot5bug 1219486 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "FFe: Update gnome-settings-daemon to 3.8.4" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121948613:25
mariusRhello all16:59
mariusRjust now I have seen that there is a ubuntu gnome version! my question to you is: is this a sort of a oficial ubuntu release16:59
mariusRI am interested in a verry stable release16:59
mariusRwill there be a sort of LTS releases?16:59
jbichayes, Ubuntu GNOME is an official Ubuntu flavor: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/derivatives17:01
ZoiaguyverIt is an official release, I think the next LTS will be 14.04 (it's a guess that ubuntu GNOME will be LTS for 14.04)17:02
jbichawe currently don't have enough developers and testers to be able to commit to providing long-term support17:02
mariusRNow I was reading the FAQ so I kinda got the point17:04
mariusRfrom what you said ....17:04
mariusRis gnome ubuntu in any way less stable then the same release of ubuntu17:05
ZoiaguyverIt's a nice fresh project :)17:05
mariusRps: if it's fresh then I am glad that I have kinda got it from the begining17:05
ZoiaguyverWell a lot is personal opinion, but so far even the Alphas are more stable than a lot of linux distros I've tried over the years.17:06
mariusRa ok...I get the point...I was asking puctual...as a direct compo with ubuntu17:06
mariusRsorry for posing so much questions...17:06
mariusRproblem with me is that I loved ubuntu but since the unity and all....17:07
mariusRI started disliking it...17:07
ZoiaguyverNo problem the more questions the better :). It's as stable if not more so than Ubuntu on my rig17:07
mariusRalso took a look at mint as it was more on my taske as an interface...17:07
mariusRnow with this...a ubuntu again with gnome...for me sounds grate17:07
mariusRI have downloaded it and now creating a bootable usb...17:08
ZoiaguyverYep a lot feel the same I think.17:08
mariusRthank you for your support....17:08
mariusRI am verry happy to see this project underway...17:08
mariusRthank you...and have a great night...17:09
ZoiaguyverNo problem, If you decide to make the switch and get any issues, just come back and ask, someone is normally around (not 100% of the time at the moment, but getting there)17:09
ZoiaguyverYou too17:09
mariusRok i will...17:09
g0twiganyone here?17:44
g0twigricotz:  jo17:44
ricotzg0twig, better just tell what the problem is18:30
g0twigricotz: oh there are you18:31
g0twigricotz: I want to help you, get gnome software onto Ubuntu (PPA)18:31
g0twigI compiled a number of gnome software, with packages which are in the staging ppa ((build)dependencies)18:32
g0twigricotz: can I help?18:32
ricotzg0twig, nice, what in specific? you can propose a packaging diff to the current saucy package and someone might pick it up and upload it18:34
g0twigricotz: for what should I "package" ? gnome 3 staging PPA or Ubuntu upstream?18:34
g0twigI dont understand ;X18:34
ricotzg0twig, or push a bzr branch with your changes against the matching ubuntu-desktop team branch18:35
g0twigricotz: if my package is in a good state, could you put it into the gnome 3 staging ppa?18:35
g0twige.g Gnome Photo version 3.9.418:35
g0twigand what should I do with really new software, software that isnt even released yet, but soon (gnome-software,maybe gnome-calendar)18:36
ricotzah, i see. i guess nobody looked at this one yet18:36
g0twigand gnome-maps of course18:37
ricotzyou will have to start a new packaging branch and propose it18:37
g0twigricotz: can we include software into the gnome 3 staging ppa, which does not even have a stable version yet?18:37
ricotzin case of those you might want to propose them to debian experimental which is already getting into shape with 3.1018:37
g0twigso, debian does care more about gnome than Ubuntu?18:38
ricotzif there is a released tarball it is fine to add those18:38
ricotzubuntu sync packages from debian and to avoid double work it is better to propose such new packages directly to debian18:39
ricotzbut of course we can add them to the ppa first too18:39
g0twigbut debian packaging is supposed to be hardcore?18:39
g0twigxD I dont know18:40
g0twigbut the software on experimental is still outdated18:40
g0twigwhy so18:40
g0twigits version 3.8 lol18:40
g0twignot even 3.918:40
ricotzpush you packages to your own ppa and testbuild them18:40
g0twigricotz: I just want to make sure I dont double the affords :X18:41
ricotz3.9 packages are currently in svn18:41
g0twigmaybe I look how to bring gnome-photos to a newer version18:41
g0twigricotz: what do you mean with "svn"? not packaged yet?18:41
g0twigor not built yet18:41
ricotzg0twig, http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/18:42
g0twig_sry, epiphany crashed18:43
ricotzso if there is no ubuntu specific packaging this is what you want to base your new package on18:44
g0twig_btw. epiphany is also outdated in staging ppa, the private mode is broken18:44
ricotz<ricotz> g0twig, http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/18:44
ricotzas said propose a diff of "debian/*" of your working package and someone will look at it18:45
g0twig_they dont even use git ;X18:46
jbichaI think the Debian GNOME team are interested in switching to git but no one's volunteered to do the conversion without losing history - they maintain over 250 packages18:49
jbichait's just a lot of work18:49
jbichathey also seem open to using dh7 now instead of cdbs18:49
g0twig_how can I get that branch18:50
g0twig_sry for being an idiot18:50
jbichasvn co svn://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/gnome-photos/18:54
g0twig_so I reused this src package , and was able to compile a version based on 3.9.419:10
g0twig_just added one new dependency19:10
g0twig_oh god.. gnome-photos is so slow19:12
g0twig_but it sort of works19:12
bjsnideroh, well that's good19:35
bjsniderdoesn't work for me. launches but nothing's in it and no way to add anything19:37
bjsniderthat being 3.8.2 in raring19:37
g0twig_bjsnider: so you used the original package from the gnome 3 repo?20:46
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darkxstjbicha, morning21:04
siwicaI am trying to install Ubuntu GNOME (latest stable version). After inserting my LIve CD and clicking "Install" I have waited fot about 20 min so far but only see a blue screen with no progress bar and only my mouse pointer. Is that supposed to be that way?!21:05
darkxstthe two main things I can think of are OSD's and power stuff21:06
jbichadarkxst: do you want to add some comments to the bug then? I wasn't sure which features and bugfixes were the most important from the NEWS file21:08
darkxstjbicha, sure will do in a bit21:09
darkxstI suspect there will also be a lot of bugs in gnome-shell caused by the old g-s-d21:10
darkxstbut I never really tested that21:10
darkxstthings like keygrabber21:11
darkxstshould be rather broken21:11
darkxstinput switching possibly broken also?21:13
darkxstbasically anything that was offloaded into shell/mutter etc is likely to be buggy21:14

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