
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
xnoxcjwatson: Tajik translation was initially started in ubuntu, but then re-directed to debian. It's now at 100% in debian. What needs to happen to enable Tajik translation by default in d-i & ubiquity on ubuntu side? (apart from well merging/syncing all the udeb packages)12:15
cjwatsonJust that.12:15
xnoxawesome =)12:16
cjwatsonWell, there might be a few tweaks in things like gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, but it's basically all about merging everything up12:16
jbichaxnox: please disable the U1 plugin for Ubuntu GNOME also15:38
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-bbl
stgrabercjwatson: around?17:30
cjwatsonJust going for dinner now17:30
cjwatsonBack in a bit17:30
stgraberok, I'll dump my brain in here for now and then go with a workaround :)17:31
stgraberI'm reinstalling a 12.04 box that's booting through UEFI. I started d-i by having the existing grub2-efi boot into the kernel+initrd of the netboot image17:31
stgraberdmesg confirms the firmware is EFI, the partitioning step found the EFI boot partition and marked it as such17:31
stgraberbut at the end of the install, d-i tried to install the BIOS variant of grub and failing quite badly (not too surprisingly)17:32
stgraberchecking /target, none of the usual efi packages have been installed17:32
stgraberso it looks like something misdetected that machine at some point during the install17:33
stgraberI'll now try to install from a USB stick, see if that works any better... That box is my home router so I can't really spend much time debugging d-i on it17:35
stgrabersyslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6055948/17:36
=== psivaa-bbl is now known as psivaa
stgrabercjwatson: solved it, apparently the 3.2 kernel uses pstore for kernel panics and managed to use all of the available nvram space18:54
stgrabercjwatson: as a result no more settings could be changed and the kernel got quite confused about it18:54
stgrabercjwatson: I now managed to manually remove all the dump-* variables from nvram and I'm suspecting d-i will be much happier18:55
antarusstgraber: mmm so you are working on EFI based installs then?19:01
stgraberantarus: not working, just using. Most of my systems are UEFI.19:01
stgraber*not working on19:02
antaruswe have repeatedly kicked the can on that problem, managed to avoid it so far19:03
antarusalso why am I on IRC on a holiday19:03
stgrabercjwatson: hmm, spoke too soon, d-i still installed grub-pc instead of grub-efi...19:18
stgrabercjwatson: I worked around it by telling d-i not to install grub2, then manually installed grub-efi19:21
cjwatsonThe EFI test in d-i is simply whether /sys/firmware/efi exists19:38
cjwatsonSo presumably the kernel has got confused by something and hasn't created that ...19:39
stgrabernope, that was there, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to wipe the dump-* variables19:45
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~$ grep grub.*archite Desktop/syslog19:45
stgraberSep  2 17:26:02 grub-installer: info: architecture: amd64/efi19:45
cjwatsonThat's incredibly freaky, I can't see why it's doing that19:50
cjwatsonOh.  LVM19:50
cjwatsonBug in precise's grub-installer19:50
cjwatson    lvm:*:*:*)19:51
cjwatson        # Booting from LVM requires grub219:51
cjwatson        grub_package="grub-pc"19:51
cjwatson        ;;19:51
cjwatsonfor minimal-change-fix that probably ought to be lvm:*:*:grub)19:51
stgraberoh, that'd explain it!19:51
cjwatsonsaucy doesn't have this bug19:51
cjwatsonand I was looking there first so I didn't notice19:51

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