
ppisatismb: moin07:59
* apw yawns08:00
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apwppisati, i take it you are working with rob to get these patch sets for highbank in order11:15
* apw does an application pass over u-k-t11:41
smb /msg apw You should be pretty safe with today being a US holiday and the usual suspect on vacation11:45
smbinfinity, apw, Just to let you know I updated bug 1218817 with some xcp/xen-api story (maybe a bit of an approach without too much motivation to dig deeper ...)12:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218817 in xen (Ubuntu) "[FFE] Update to Xen-4.3 in Saucy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121881712:27
* henrix -> lunch 12:27
apwsmb, so is that saying, it was broke before, and not as broke after the 4.3 update ?13:01
smbapw, No, rather its broken as before at least for the levels I can use13:03
ppisatiapw: yep, the request to pull those patches came from Rob13:05
apwppisati, thanks13:17
=== gavin__ is now known as gavinguo
phillwHi good people,  I popped on an earlier day about possible issues with 3.11.0-4 this does not seem to be the culprit, but there are no logs available. As it is such a crash, I have to ask you how to trap the crashes.... http://pastebin.com/ACvL98hT14:24
apwphillw, welll normally if one cannot get any visible output when it occurs, we would be asking when it did work before14:26
apwphillw, if it works with some specific kernel, and not with another we can sometimes bisect for the reason14:26
phillwapw: I know one of the testers is trying to learn about bisecting. he is having an issue with LTS new release, this could be totally wrong in my reasoning, but it dies not really look like a fault of the kernel, more likely a driver. The problem is... the guys have no logs. 14:29
apwjsaulisbury is our prime bisect expert, he often has a bunch of them on the go at once14:30
phillwis there a way to boot the system with backtrace>14:30
apwif the system was bugging and could tell you you owuld see it these days, it could replace the graphics14:30
apwso if it has not, you are likley broken if you have done the sysrq things when it hangs14:31
apwthe alt-printscreen- plus letters14:32
phillwapw: if you read the paste... the system totally halts.14:34
apwdefine totally halts14:35
apwsysrq is done at a very very low level interrupt state, so it can work when the machine seems hung14:36
phillwapw: I'll suggest that to the OP14:36
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* apw calls it a day17:50
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nfkwhat happened to xfs?20:45
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