
TheLordOfTimeis there a template for a package removal request somewhere?  or at least a wiki i can read about the process in ubuntu00:34
micahgTheLordOfTime: file a bug against the package, state the reason, and subscribe ubuntu-sponosrs00:35
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  okay, that means i'll have to do further testing with saucy assuming it installs on the VM (I've had issues with doing that...)00:37
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  but that's the process to get a package removed from Ubuntu in all future releases?00:37
TheLordOfTimebecause this would be a longer-term blacklist since Debian is breaking the upstream code for the given program causing it to fail...00:37
micahgdevel and future, yes00:37
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  did i miss a freeze date or something, yet?00:37
micahgwell, if it needs a blacklist, state that as well00:37
micahgTheLordOfTime: for unseeded, no00:38
micahgfor seeded, no00:38
TheLordOfTimeunseeded as in...?00:38
* TheLordOfTime isn't 100% acquainted with all the terms00:38
micahgnot on an image00:39
TheLordOfTimeah okay00:39
micahgjbicha: owncloud needed 2 FFes filed for missing binary dependencies (I filed them)00:40
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  what's the freeze date for unseeded?00:40
micahgTheLordOfTime: 36 hours before release00:41
TheLordOfTimebecause based on the internet download speed here i'm going to be downloading Ubuntu for three days00:41
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  and scheduled release time is a while off then?00:41
micahgTheLordOfTime: Oct 1700:41
micahgwe can actually remove packages a bit later than that00:42
micahgjbicha: that means owncloud itself most likely should've had an  FFe00:42
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  oh good so i have at least a month to test this.00:44
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  sponsors approves package removals / autosync blacklists?00:50
TheLordOfTimedid not know that o.O00:50
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  i assume there's no "retroactive removal" from older releases, then?00:52
micahgcorrect, solutions can be found for issues if they're severe enough00:53
TheLordOfTime(except where Debian completely mutilates the package and causes a huge delta from upstream sources, which cases the program to completely not work)00:53
TheLordOfTime(which is reportedly what's going on here)00:53
micahgTheLordOfTime: that can be addressed in one of two ways, in Debian, or in Ubuntu00:54
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  working it from both angles00:54
TheLordOfTimehowever Debian's "Bitcoin Maintainer Team" is the source of the mutilation of the program00:54
TheLordOfTimeso they'll either tell me to go die in a fire, or they'll realize they made a huge fail and will slap themselves00:54
TheLordOfTimein either case, I'd like it to be fixed in ubuntu before I go stab debian00:55
TheLordOfTimealthough both requests will end up being filed at about othe same time00:55
micahgis there a bug complaint somewhere?00:55
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  multiple in the upstream tracker00:55
TheLordOfTimebut no evidence usable on the Ubuntu package00:55
TheLordOfTimeand the Debian package's bugs are... well...00:55
TheLordOfTimeold / unupdated00:55
micahgthere's always tech-ette as a last resort if there's something the maintainer is doing that they shouldn't00:55
micahgpackage: bitcoin?00:55
TheLordOfTimesource package: bitcoin00:55
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  i'm in the dev channel now for the bitcoin people, their people have heard the reports00:56
TheLordOfTimebut before I go spinning up an unstable image i want to ge tthe Ubuntu bug filed00:56
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  so my current system of processing this is as such: (1) install Saucy, (2) test program versus Upstream code, (3) confirm/reject the upstream claims.00:56
TheLordOfTime(4) install Debian and update to unstable, (5) test Unstable code against Upstream code, (6) confirm/reject claims00:57
TheLordOfTime(7) file relevant removal requests00:57
TheLordOfTime(depending on results of 3 and 6)00:57
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  because i really don't want to deal with Debian myself :/00:57
TheLordOfTimenot without evidence.00:58
micahgTheLordOfTime: a package like this if it's ABI stable and regression free might be able to get a tech board micro release exception00:58
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  from where?00:58
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  Debian's the source fo the mutilation00:58
TheLordOfTimethey're removing upstream included code00:58
TheLordOfTimereplacing their handlers using certain build deps with other build deps00:58
TheLordOfTimepreventing built-in signature verification from working which causes unusability in the program00:58
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  if it's broken in both Ubuntu and Debian, either the package needs to be removed, or Debian needs to take the package and [CENSORED]00:59
micahgsounds like a bug, replacing internal code copies with library versions is standard fare for Debian, if that breaks something, that's probably at least severity: important if not RC00:59
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  but i don't take upstream's claims at face value00:59
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  well... let me put it this way00:59
TheLordOfTimeeven here on Precise, there is a PPA maintained by someone that actually uses Upstream's code and doesn't mutilate it.01:00
TheLordOfTimethat PPA works for all versions of Ubuntu01:00
TheLordOfTime(saucy assumed, i'll test that too)01:00
TheLordOfTimeas well, building from Upstream code seems to work as well01:00
TheLordOfTimethe packages as in Precise and pre-raring are using old, unpatched code that won't work as is with the bitcoin network01:00
TheLordOfTimehowever there is precise-proposed code that would work01:01
TheLordOfTimeraring's got a passable version, but there's CVEs that weren't fixed until unstable 0.8.3 which is reported 100% unusable01:01
TheLordOfTimehence my testing to confirm that01:01
TheLordOfTimeif that happens, the "unusable" part means the package is literally unusable (importance: high in Ubuntu, maybe?)01:02
TheLordOfTimesuch that in order to sync with the rest of the bitcoin network it will return 'INVALID' on every thing it tries to download from the network, and will never sync uyp01:02
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  at this point, i'm stating what upstream's told me01:02
TheLordOfTimehowever i ALWAYS try and confirm this.01:02
TheLordOfTime(and as a user of bitcoins myself, if these bugs are confirmed, that means it's a much wider problem)01:03
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  all of this will be in (a) the bug report, and (b) the request for removal if I confirm this in Ubuntu and Debian01:04
micahgTheLordOfTime: sounds about right01:04
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  (i know some would do importance: critical or severity: serious in Debian BTS, but i'm always a little more conservative with my bug importance settings)01:06
TheLordOfTime(although if I file a bug in Debian it'll probably be serious because completely unusable)01:07
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  If I do my testing via a Live environment, would that be sufficient to gather evidence towards the bug?01:24
micahgmaybe?  idk01:25
* TheLordOfTime shrugs01:25
TheLordOfTimethe VM is lagging so... :/01:25
jbichamicahg: really? it built here and owncloud is universe, right?01:41
micahgjbicha: binary dependencies01:41
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  a removal is permanent, right?  Or can it later be reversed?01:54
micahgit can be readded if there's a good reason (or from a sync next cycle)01:55
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  so, basically, file a removal request for Saucy, and it could get readded in T-series by autosync?01:55
TheLordOfTimeor would it stand to just stay removed?01:56
micahgyes, unless blacklisted01:56
TheLordOfTimeokay, i'm probably going to go for the removal rather than blacklisting01:56
TheLordOfTimebecause hopefully Debian unfubar's the package and fixes it by T-series01:56
TheLordOfTimeif not, there'll be more requests (and maybe a blacklist request)01:56
micahglet's have a discussion when you have all the facts01:57
TheLordOfTime... okay, as expected, daily build won't install... :/01:57
micahgany Ubuntu DDs use Xubuntu?  I need help with alioth02:38
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dholbachgood morning07:02
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micahgjbicha: are you aware unseeded Universe packages require FFes as well?18:23
jtaylormicahg: I use xubuntu sometimes18:25
jtaylorand concerning ffe, as far as I know yes everything needs an ffe18:26
jbichamicahg: yes, I was sorta going off the ffe from comments 33 and 36 of bug 107762418:26
ubottubug 1077624 in flightgear (Ubuntu) "Update Flightgear to version 2.10.0" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107762418:26
micahgjbicha: that was a different cycle18:27
micahgrelease exceptions are supposed to expire at some point during the cycle18:29
jbichaand flightgear was ftbfs18:29
micahgthat just means you'll have an easier time getting it approved :)18:30
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pdumpfs-rsync/+bug/1219978  <-- not anyhting i'm working on directly. but this might be a good reason to remove that package?   since it's dependency is indeed not in any versions since Lucid according to Launchpad.21:08
TheLordOfTime(saw it in the bug announcements channel)21:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1219978 in pdumpfs-rsync (Ubuntu) "not installable because dependency pdumpfs is not in the archive" [Undecided,New]21:08
micahghow long has it been like that21:13
micahgTheLordOfTime: already done21:15
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  not sure if your question was pointed towards the bug i linked but... it's been like that since post-Oneiric apparently, to answer your question.21:17
micahgyeah, it's a shame no one caught it until now21:17
TheLordOfTimeand cool, that's good.  what about the other releases21:17
micahgnot much we can do21:18
micahgif pdumpfs came back, we could backport it21:18
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  so, set status Fix Released, comment it's removed in Saucy and later, make a note it can't be retroactively removed in other releases?21:18
TheLordOfTimei mean, while I'm on the bug and all... :p21:18
micahgyes, and you can note that if pdumpfs returns to Debian/Ubuntu, we can try to backport to any stable releases left21:19
micahgjtaylor: I'm thinking to make a pkg-xubuntu team on Alioth for packages that Xubuntu cares about that have been orphaned or are maintained by Xubuntu people21:21
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  i assume the package is also blacklisted until the dependencies are resolved?21:21
micahgTheLordOfTime: it's not in Debian, so no need for blacklisting21:22
TheLordOfTimecool.  probably was removed from Debian because E:NonexistentDependency or something21:22
* TheLordOfTime goes back to normal bug triaging21:22
micahgdebian 59675221:22
ubottuDebian bug 596752 in ftp.debian.org "RM: pdumpfs -- RoQA; orphaned, dead upstream" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59675221:22
micahgI have no evidence of pdumpfs-rsync being in Debian21:23
micahganytime recently at least21:23
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