
IdleOnedebfan_: what do you need?01:06
IdleOnedebfan_: in the channel please01:06
debfan_I wanted to ask for permission to use the kubuntu channels01:07
debfan_I'll follow the rules and you'll have no probs from me01:08
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:09
IdleOnePlease read the guidelines and I will remove the bans.01:09
debfan_I use both kubuntu and ubuntu... I don't use the channels often but I would like the option.... it was foolish on my part01:09
IdleOneyou should now be able to join #kubuntu01:10
IdleOneHave a good day and remember to part this channel.01:11
debfan_I appreciate that01:12
debfan_I bookedmarked the guidelines also01:12
IdleOnedebfan_: Please part this channel01:17
bazhang* visualise (chatzilla@robot.c0ck.tk)08:34
bazhangvery bad news troll detected08:35
GiGaHuRtZMay I please be unbanned from #ubuntu+1? I am sorry for being offtopic and I was stoppiung the discussion right when I was  banned14:30
ikonianot at this time14:30
GiGaHuRtZI just felt it was the only safe place to ask that question14:30
GiGaHuRtZikonia: I dont want an answer from you. That is the whole point14:30
ikoniayou where told it wasn't the correct place and kept going14:30
GiGaHuRtZAnd now that you have answered, you are gonna be backed up 100 percent from your higher ups regardless of right or wrong14:31
GiGaHuRtZI was ending the discussion14:31
ikonia"no" "this is the perfect place" doesn't seem like an end14:31
ikoniait seems like "this it the right place, I'll keep going"14:31
Tm_TGiGaHuRtZ: it was wrong place even for ending the discussion14:31
GiGaHuRtZI am already there under a different nick anyway, so its not a big deal. What is a big deal is the way this place like a kangaroo court14:31
AlanBellGiGaHuRtZ: you are aware that ban evasion can get you kicked off freenode altogether right?14:32
GiGaHuRtZThe matter at hand is ikonia. I either want someone from the project to tell him to leave me alone. Or hold some sort of mediation between us where we can get over our issues14:32
GiGaHuRtZAlanBell: they wont.14:32
GiGaHuRtZthey really do no care14:32
GiGaHuRtZByut go ahead and try14:32
ikoniaI love the fact that you keep informing us you are evading14:32
GiGaHuRtZThat isnt the issue I am here to raise14:32
ikoniayet you seem so eager to get the ban removed.14:33
GiGaHuRtZikonia: I am doing so because it was recommend by you14:33
GiGaHuRtZikonia: nope, I dont care about the bans14:33
ikoniathat's not correct,14:33
ikoniaok, then bye14:33
ikoniaif you don't care,14:33
GiGaHuRtZI care about you14:33
AlanBellaww, how lovely14:33
GiGaHuRtZHarrassing me in non-ubuntu channels14:33
GiGaHuRtZAlanBell: lovely?14:33
GiGaHuRtZI am being serious here14:33
GiGaHuRtZYou guys are allowing ikonia to go after me in non ubuntu channels (thye very places you recommend I iuse rather than official ubuntu places)14:34
AlanBelland you are repeatedly burning bridges and making more trouble for yourself14:34
GiGaHuRtZAnd he is doing so while representing ubuntu project by wearing a poster fpor them on his back14:34
AlanBellplease go and enjoy the rest of the internet and all the possibilities it presents14:34
AlanBellif you are not here to discuss your behaviour in relation to a ban then you don't need to be in this channel, so please leave if there is nothing else we can assist with today14:35
GiGaHuRtZBurning bridges? there are no bridges. Unless you think this is ted stevens version of the internet14:35
ikoniajust so you know, I don't wear an ubuntu cloak14:35
ikoniaso perhaps worth being aware of that14:35
GiGaHuRtZAlanBell: I am here to discuss the behavior of your op14:35
GiGaHuRtZikonia: you still openly and publicly represent the project14:35
ikoniaI don't see how, as it's not in any of my information, but "ok"14:36
GiGaHuRtZAnd you pushing my buttons etc in other channels on purpose, is not right.14:36
Tm_TGiGaHuRtZ: that discussion will not continue in here, you have given the information to continue from here, so please stop now14:36
GiGaHuRtZTm_Tr: then where should it continue?14:36
GiGaHuRtZBecause it involves the ubuntu-irc project14:36
GiGaHuRtZAnd so far no one wants to listen to it14:36
Tm_TGiGaHuRtZ: you have given the information, see appeal process if you want to continue that, otherwise use other places for your needs14:37
GiGaHuRtZThey act like a typical police force or kangaroo court and when it is an issue that actually involves them directly, they put the blinders on14:37
AlanBellok, enough14:37
GiGaHuRtZYou should be embarassed, since you seem to take your postion as council so serious14:37
GiGaHuRtZI am not appealing anything14:38
GiGaHuRtZI am asking for someones behavior to be dealt with14:38
IdleOneThis is why we drink14:40
Tm_TIdleOne: drink water? tea? coffee? kool aid?14:40
IdleOneall of those, yes14:40
ikoniashock horror, getting random pm's from him - I'm ignoring it, and returning to looking at the udev issue I was earlier14:41
Tm_Tikonia: no no, you should be looking at me14:41
ikoniasorry, a udev rule is more interesting.....14:41
ikoniawhich is a pretty depressing situation over personality14:42
bazhangkarab pulled this elsewhere as well18:38
AlanBell@mark Pewp probably an alias for GiGaHuRtZ18:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:42
bazhang<karab44> issue is that I feel 12.04 is not supported anyway.18:43
bazhangcomplaining about bios, using uefi18:43
ubottuniko called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()19:15

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