
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwUbuntu Release Team: Please unblock ubuntustudio-meta (uploaded by micahg)07:39
smartboyhwWe need it in07:39
infinitysmartboyhw: Done.07:42
smartboyhwinfinity, \o/ thanks07:42
Laneystgraber: hmm, not sure why the script picked that up08:11
Laneylet me debug08:11
Laneyhmm, not there now08:16
loolHi folks, would someone please hint libgpod 0.8.2-7ubuntu3?  I've tested an amd64 build locally, I don't get a segfault from iphone-set-info anymore with the new one; also grepped the log for "incompatible pointer type" warnings, and none remains; built on all arches09:04
Laneysgtm, doing09:05
Laney& done09:06
phillwhi, in what direction should I point bug 1205643 ?09:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1205643 in xorg (Ubuntu) "VIA P4M800 graphics broken in Lubuntu/Xubuntu Saucy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120564309:29
phillwaffect 23 machines....09:30
Laneyubuntu-system-settings turned up on edubuntu11:13
ogra_edubuntu touch !11:15
Laneywhy isn't it in the germinate output?11:18
Laneyah, that is newer than the images11:19
Laneywhy is /that/?11:20
cjwatsongerminate output runs every six hours and isn't synchronised with images11:20
cjwatsonor some schedule like that11:20
LaneySure, I mean why haven't they had images11:21
Laneyoh, I do have failure mails11:21
Laneyblank ones - never learned how to debug those11:22
cjwatsonIt shouldn't be happening any more11:22
highvoltageyeah you have to get it by url11:22
cjwatsonBut it is11:22
cjwatsonI think it may be trying to fetch the log from edubuntu rather than edubuntu-dvd, perhaps11:22
cjwatsonHaven't had a chance to debug11:22
cjwatsonIt used to be because we couldn't predict the version number on the livefs builder side, but we now have http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/saucy/edubuntu-dvd/latest/livecd-i386.out11:23
highvoltageAh nice.11:24
cjwatsonxnox: ^- looks like that failure is yours11:24
cjwatsonCould you fix it?11:24
highvoltageI don't think it's xnox's11:24
cjwatsonI do11:24
highvoltageok, I trust you then.11:24
cjwatsonubiquity shouldn't be failing to configure when the U1 plugin is missing11:25
highvoltageit started happening after I added a divert to move out that ubuntu one registration step based on stgraber's advise.11:25
cjwatsonOK, in that case maybe it isn't xnox's fault :-)11:25
cjwatsonMaybe you need to put a blank no-op plugin in its place or something11:26
highvoltageI thought that it might get fixed if I make edubuntu-live depend on ubiquity, did that yesterday and it didn't solve it.11:26
highvoltageso not sure what's causing dpkg to behave like that.11:26
cjwatsonNot dpkg11:26
highvoltagecjwatson: I thought so too but stgraber assured me that it's not necessary. maybe we'll end up doing that just to get round that error.11:26
xnoxhighvoltage: maybe it's time to put the check in ubiquity it-self?11:26
cjwatsonIs ubi-ubuntuone.py by chance a dangling symlink?11:27
cjwatsonThe error is from py3compile ...11:27
highvoltagecjwatson: I can check, but I think it's highly unlikely. when I installed the newer edubuntu-live package on the last working livecd, it moved ubi-ubuntuone.py to ubi-ubuntuone.py.disabled successfully.11:28
cjwatsonShould probably be possible to run a test build with livecd-rootfs and then chroot in to see what's wrong.11:31
cjwatsonPROJECT=edubuntu SUITE=saucy in this case of course11:31
cjwatsonSorry, PROJECT=edubuntu-dvd11:32
xnoxcjwatson: highvoltage: in ubiquity we already detect each flavour, and e.g. if get_release_name says it's edubuntu, I could just set UBIQUITY_NO_SSO environmental variable and disable the u1 plugin.11:32
cjwatsonPossible.  Judgement call on whether this belongs in Ubiquity or in an Edubuntu package.11:32
cjwatsonI suspect Edubuntu isn't the only flavour that might want to disable the U1 plugin so it seems that it should be possible for flavours to disable it neatly ...11:33
xnox(well U1 is already disabled in a few cases, e.g. when u1 packages are not installed in the livefs)11:33
* smartboyhw has to run a Ubuntu Studio ISO to see if U1 is included11:33
xnoxcjwatson: right, the other way I was thinking that maybe ubiquity should source environment variables from somewhere in .disk/* ?11:33
cjwatsonMaybe something a bit less fragile like a configparser configuration file, but yes11:34
cjwatsonThat would be one approach11:34
* xnox needs to check for kernel cmd environment variables are preserved across the pkexec, i suspect they are not....11:34
xnoxthus we should probably be re-reading the kernel arg line =/11:35
cjwatsonAlthough the practicalities of that aren't completely ideal; that means people have to ask for merges into bits of cdimage in order to change things, rather than uploading a package under their own authority11:35
cjwatsonAre u1 packages installed in the Edubuntu livefs then?11:35
xnoxcjwatson: yes.11:35
xnoxinstalled, but removed from the launcher. It's a pre-installed, optional, aftermarket feature which people can login into. But it's not actively promoted.11:37
xnox(in edubuntu that is)11:37
xnoxother flavours are: Kylin, Gnome. So far there were bug reports / feature requests from jbicha. But only edubuntu at the moment express desire to disable u1 plugin by default.11:38
darkxstxnox, we don't even ship u1 on ubuntu GNOME11:49
xnoxdarkxst: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/current/saucy-desktop-amd64.manifest ubuntuone-client has 3 hits.11:58
xnoxdarkxst: so, yes you do ship u1, in a sense that there is something that will be able to use the u1 token from gnome-keyring.11:58
xnoxmy reasoning here is that if ubuntuone is shipped, it would also have some benefit to be able to sign in / up for u1 at installation time.11:59
highvoltagexnox: I actually prefer your solution of setting UBITUIQY_NO_SSO automatically when it's on edubuntu12:07
xnoxhighvoltage: let me try a patch here locally & i'll pastebinit to you.12:08
* xnox fetching edubuntu amd64 dvd takes some time =)12:16
xnoxhighvoltage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054987/ this is the patch, in live system it's to be applied against /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity12:24
xnoxhighvoltage: with this patch total number of steps is 9 (no dot for ubuntuone), with user login details as the last one before slideshow.12:26
xnoxhighvoltage: commited in ubiquity and pushed to lp:ubiquity, let me know if you want this uploaded but it will need to be unblocked anyway. So maybe stgraber can upload & unblock.12:30
highvoltagexnox: ok, sounds like you tested it fine already but will check it out too and ask stgraber to acknowledge the upload12:30
highvoltage(well, approve it)12:31
xnoxand then other tweaks/hacks will need to be backed out from the other package this has been attempted to be tweaked.12:34
highvoltagexnox: yep, I'll go ahead and do that12:43
xnoxhighvoltage: shall i upload ubiquity now then as well?12:44
highvoltagexnox: I think it will be fine, yes.12:45
highvoltagexnox: I'll poke stgraber to let both packages through12:45
seb128Laney, hey, why are ubuntu-system-settings and ubuntu-ui-toolkit are "block request by laney (contact #ubuntu-release if update is needed) "13:20
Laneyseb128: try "seeded-in-ubuntu $package"13:20
Laneybuggily included in edubuntu13:20
seb128why is u-s-s seeded?!13:20
seb128hum, k13:21
seb128can we unblock it then? ;-)13:21
Laneyit'll fix when they get their respin built13:21
seb128JackYu, did you want ubuntukylin-default-settings and ubuntukylin-theme updates in beta1?13:21
seb128those are blocked as well it seems13:21
JackYuseb128, yes, please:)13:22
seb128Laney, ^13:22
stgraberhighvoltage, xnox: both packages look good, letting them through13:59
xnoxstgraber: thanks.14:02
Riddellmlankhorst: you're into mesa right? this seems like a significant problem on arm bug 121986915:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219869 in mesa (Ubuntu) "ld.so.conf incorrect on arm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121986915:10
mlankhorstRiddell: no that might be correct15:11
mlankhorstRiddell: update-alternatives --display armhf-linux-gnu_egl_conf ?15:12
Riddellmlankhorst: hang on will need to boot it up again15:13
mlankhorstRiddell: armhf is fun, the only officially supported platform is panda, which requires a weird reverted xserver :P15:13
highvoltagethanks xnox and stgraber15:14
ogra_Riddell, mlankhorst, the alternative points to the correct dir ... (it always should point to the device specific gles libs)15:15
ogra_Riddell, mlankhorst if the PVR libs really end up in some mesa dir that would be horridly wrong15:15
mlankhorstogra_: the mentioned file is a symlink to /etc/alternatives15:15
mlankhorstwell there is no supported hw in mesa anyway15:16
mlankhorstwe *could* add freedreno probably15:16
ogra_ /usr/lib/pvr-omap4-egl should be the right dir ... and that should be populated if DKMS did its duty properly15:16
mlankhorstbut kernel team wouldn't support it, so no point :P15:16
ogra_it is definitely not an issue of the ld.so.conf link15:17
mlankhorstyeah the bug's amrked invalid now15:17
ogra_(i could imagine DKMS didnt run or the pvr driver isnt installed properly or some such)15:17
Riddellkubuntu@kubuntu:~$ update-alternatives --display armhf-linux-gnu_egl_conf15:20
Riddellupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for armhf-linux-gnu_egl_conf15:20
Riddellmlankhorst: ^^15:20
ogra_so it looks like pvr was installed during build at some point but then removed or some such15:21
Riddelllibwayland-egl.so.1 is in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/15:22
ogra_well, but the device specific libs wont15:23
mlankhorsthm i doubt you'd have a system without egl :P15:24
ogra_no, but since that setup is bound to the alternatives system you only have either/or15:24
ogra_its either mesa or the vendor blob15:24
Riddellit's just the daily build of kubuntu running on a pandaboard15:25
ogra_if you want to mix and mash you will need to re-design that on top of something else than alternatives15:25
ogra_i also belive you would want a libwayland thats actually built against the PVR driver for it to make any use of accelerated graphics (i might be wrong though)15:26
mlankhorstRiddell: meh that would need some build logs, is pvr-omap4 installed in the image?15:27
ogra_mlankhorst, well, if he wants to use libwayland it will break anyway15:28
Riddellmlankhorst: yes it looks like it is15:30
ogra_there should be a dkms log somewhere15:30
* ogra_ forgot where 15:30
ogra_panda is sooo long ago15:30
ogra_(and Mir makes arm graphics so lovely easy ... compared to that old cruft)15:31
LaneySetting up pvr-omap4 ( ... update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/pvr-omap4-egl/ld.so.conf to provide /etc/ld.so.conf.d/arm-linux-gnueabihf_EGL.conf (arm-linux-gnueabihf_egl_conf) in auto mode15:32
ogra_looks fine15:32
Laneyit's not what you asked him to --display earlier15:32
ogra_oh, indeed, it is the capitalized one that is used15:33
Riddellogra_: well it's not fine if it stops us finding libwayland surely?15:33
ogra_Riddell, see above, someone would have to re-design the thing witout alternatives15:34
ogra_in the armhf Xorg wold EGL is an either/or thing ... if you switch to mesa its all SW rendered ... if you switch to the binary blob, mesa cant be used ... thats why the alternative was initially used15:34
Riddellso wayland on arm is just broken?15:35
ogra_if libwayland from the mesa dir now works with the binary blob it should either be shipped in another dir or you need to re-work the setup to not use alrenatives15:38
ogra_Riddell, for a test i would copy libwayland to /usr/lib, run ldconfig and see if it works then15:38
Riddellogra_: yep kwin starts if I do that15:40
ogra_dunno, i never used it15:40
ogra_Riddell, so i would ship it in its  own path as a quick fix15:40
ogra_or alternatively find a solution for the alternatives :)15:41
Riddellmlankhorst: does that sound like an acceptable change to the mesa package?15:41
ogra_i mean, what would happen if you install MIr on a system that has wayland installed ... you probably  want something like a "compositor-lib" alternative15:42
ogra_(or the other way around)15:42
ogra_Riddell, wayland Mir coexistence should probably have been a vUDS topic ... to solve exactly such setup probs ...15:44
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cjwatsonstgraber,Ursinha: I guess we're skipping the mumble call today due to the US holiday?15:47
stgrabercjwatson: sounds good, not much to cover anyway (and I'm not supposed to be around since it's also an holiday in Canada)15:49
cjwatsonOK, I couldn't remember :)15:49
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-bbl
loolHi folks, would someone please check gvfs 1.17.90-0ubuntu1 and hint it if it seems ok?  it fixes the libimobiledevice issue I've described on the list; I did some testing with current gvfs binaries and could reproduce the bug with an ios device plugged, and browsing the device worked when updating the binaries; I've also checked the upstream git log between our saucy and and saucy-proposed upstream versions and it was fixes and cleanups16:01
loolpitti and Laney weren't sure on the value vs. cost in lost testing, so feel free to push back if it seems too low priority to address for beta116:02
pittilool pointed out that our current saucy gvfs doesn't work any more with the new libimobiledevice 1.1.5 that we got into saucy recently16:03
pittiit's causing crashes now16:03
pittiI uploaded a new gvfs upstream version to s-proposed which fixes that (lool confirmed with ipod); I tested locally with other hw (usb, mtp, etc.) and the autopkgtest (which cover gphoto, mounting, cd, archive, etc.) are also green16:04
pittiso we might want to consider leaving that through unless it unduly sets back daily testing16:04
pittilool: ^ replied on u-release as well, FTR16:14
Laneylool: pitti: I'll get that one in16:53
Laneyhow do I edit the milestone manifest?16:57
stgraberLaney: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/series/37/manifest16:57
Laneystgraber: what's the UI path to that?16:57
stgraberLaney: just enable/disable as appropriate, don't remove anything unless it's meant never to be released in the series16:57
stgraberLaney: Admin => Series => Manifest16:58
Laneyah under series16:58
LaneyI tried to find it from Products and Milestones16:58
stgraberyeah, the manifest is per-series not per-milestone, we just enable/disable stuff in it to match what we want in the milestone16:58
Laneygot it16:59
LaneyB1 should be right now17:00
LaneyDon't think I'll be able to get on later to de-cron so I can either do it now, someone else can later or I can tomorrow morning17:01
LaneyOK, did it17:08
Laneyrespin if you need to17:08
Laneymight want to wait for gvfs though17:09
* Laney waves17:09
=== doko_ is now known as doko
phillwLaney: are the partakers of beta 1 now frozen on cron job and is the last build the most up to date (considering FFes)17:51
LaneyDon't know what that means17:53
phillwIt's darn annoying when queuebot answers the question :D17:53
LaneyI'll do a respin of everything tomorrow though17:54
phillwyikes? Why?17:54
phillwLaney: ^^17:56
=== psivaa-bbl is now known as psivaa
phillwLaney: is it worth testers from all the community teams to go test the B 1 as you are going to do a global respin? This does shorten down the time for testing, but I'm sure the teams would much rather await you re-spin. Can you please ley us know what time (UTC) this will occur so we can let our testers know. Thanks, phillw18:06
phillwgilir: hi boss, maybe stgraber or Laney will explain as to what the respin tomorrow is about, before I task the tsters.18:39
LaneyI did them just now18:57
Laneyassuming I drove the website correctly18:57
phillwLaney: so no respin tomorrow?19:08
gilirLaney, you blocked the migration of openbox ?19:12
phillwgilir: as and when you get20:02
phillwgilir: as and when you get a reply from Laney about respins, would you please let the lubuntu-qa team know (it may be a big help if you cc it to the ubuntu testing team). I'll not announce 13.10 beta 1 testing to lubuntu or any of the of the other teams until this re-spin has been finalised. Thanks, Phill.20:06
slangasekLaney: fyi I'm unblocking rpcbind; I was not expecting a beta freeze to be in effect so soon before beta1, and did not see any announcements to this effect - I think if we're going to have freezes for base packages for opt-in milestones (which I don't think is a good idea anyway), they need to be announced rather than relying on people remembering that they're there20:06
slangasekaccording to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/302/builds, only Lubuntu has candidate images so far, with no testing - I don't think it's reasonable to have base packages frozen for 3 days before there are candidates20:07
phillwslangasek: I was wondering why we were the only people there, hence my asking my head of dev.20:08
phillwslangasek: I'm told that it is a public holiday over in the US of A20:13
slangasekphillw: given the above, would you like a respin of lubuntu images for the updated rpcbind (when in publishes in a few minutes)?20:13
slangasekphillw: it is a public holiday here, yes.20:13
pkernslangasek working on holidays...20:15
cjwatsonSo what's new?20:15
phillwslangasek: if that brings in the latest, I'd really appreciate it, Can you do it easily, or should I request it via the system?20:15
slangasekpkern: checking up on my package uploads on holidays to see why people are filing duplicate reports of bugs I fixed two days ago, not the same thing20:15
slangasekphillw: if I push it from my side, I can trigger it immediately and make sure it picks up the right package version as soon as it's available20:16
phillwslangasek: press the button Mr President!20:16
phillwslangasek: with this build, do we have a Beta 1 that the guys and galls can test?20:17
slangasekphillw: well, at least until the next issue pops up that warrants a respin ;)20:18
phillwslangasek: WE KNOW THAT :p20:18
slangasekphillw: well, it's always the case when we do a respin that we expect it to be worth testing20:19
phillwI'll put the announcement out of that B-1 is building.20:19
phillwas long as that is okay with you? slangasek20:20
slangasekit appears that only lubuntu alternate is affected - live / preinstalled don't have rpcbind so I won't respin them20:20
slangasekbefore I give you the green light, though, let me scan the proposed-migration list for other updates that ought to get in20:21
phillwslangasek: are any other flavours going to join http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/302/builds ? IIRC, we flavours all wanted a B 120:21
phillwI'll await, some news sites are infamous for premature ejactulation20:22
slangasekphillw: yes, Laney said on channel an hour and a half ago that he was starting the respin of all flavors (in lieu of his original plan of respinning everything tomorrow)20:22
slangasekand Ubuntu-GNOME should also already be there now20:23
phillwslangasek: yeah, it is... only ~4 more flavours to add:D20:24
slangasekstgraber: it appears that packages that are part of the Ubuntu Desktop have a freeze block on account of edubuntu.  I don't think this makes sense given that these components are covered by our daily quality testing; blocking them holds up Ubuntu development and doesn't improve the quality of the Edubuntu milestone, and we know that archive inconsistency is no longer an issue for milestones due to -proposed.  Do you think it would be reasonable20:25
slangasek... drop the block for packages that are only used by Edubuntu+Ubuntu?  (At least in the future?)20:25
phillwslangasek: is there still a need for for the Lubuntu Desktop Preinstalled armhf+ac100 ? I've not had any reports back from what used to be the arm team. Is it still of use or just using cpu for builds?20:27
slangasekphillw: you're asking the wrong person.  The flavors decide for themselves which targets they want to support.20:27
stgraberslangasek: yeah, I don't think highvoltage or I ever requested that big a block. Personally I'm happy to not have a block at all as I can always block specific packages if I feel it's too risky (I watch -changes pretty much in real time, so I have plenty of time to add a block rule before it gets migrated to the release pocket)20:28
slangasekcertainly if it's not getting tested and not getting released, we would like to drop it - but that's something Lubuntu needs to decide to do20:28
slangasekstgraber: ok, thanks for confirming.  I'm not going to try to unwind the whole block right now, but I see bamf is currently blocked for this so I'll unblock it20:29
phillwslangasek: lubuntu were asked by what was the arm team to allow Lubuntu Desktop Preinstalled armhf+ac100 We have no real interaction. Is there still any semblance of an arm-100 team or has everyone upgraded?20:29
slangasekphillw: you probably want to talk to ogra20:30
jbichaslangasek: aren't the Ubuntu desktop packages also blocked by Kylin?20:32
phillwslangasek: I'll try to catch him/her to ask if they still want to have the low RAM version,20:32
slangasekjbicha: mmm.  I suppose kylin would also be affected, yes (and doesn't show up because they aren't currently using seeds).  Of course, their testers also aren't going to be online at this hour, so I'll take care of a respin if necessary.20:35
slangasekphillw: it's not about having a low RAM version, it's about having something that works on that hardware at all20:35
phillwslangasek: I know, lubuntu is the only DE that will fit on there. My only question is does 13.10 still work? :)20:37
phillwstgraber: slangasek who disabled the lubuntu alt images? or was it an incorrect "the rebuilds will not effect alternates"  :P20:40
phillwCut me some slack guys. I'm trying to write an email :)20:42
slangasekphillw: I said *only* alternate images are affected.20:54
phillwslangasek: are they expected to build?20:56
phillwslangasek: any time scale? I know time scale is a PITA for you guys, but I so have to 'rally the troops' to test the darn things :)20:57
phillwOy,, who said it all had to be done by Thursday :)21:01
phillwslangasek: I do not see an alt for ppc in the list of alternate?21:04
slangasekphillw: so the last britney run should have picked up my rpcbind unblock hint but did not; I'm looking to see why it didn't.21:11
slangasekphillw: alt for ppc> I haven't done anything that would change this recently, whatever archs are currently listed for lubuntu in the stock config are what's getting built21:12
phillwslangasek: alt for ppc was being built, it dropped out on the alpha cycle as the kernel team finally got some man hours to work on the kernel issue.21:15
phillwslangasek: as the work they did was for ppc server, I'm puzzled as to it vanishing from the lubuntu suite? Can you look into why the build is not happening?21:17
phillwslangasek: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline/view/head:/etc/crontab21:20
slangasekphillw: what about the crontab?21:20
phillwslangasek: it shoud call the alt for PPC :)21:21
slangasekno, it should not21:21
slangasekwe don't configure the architecture list in etc/crontab, we configure it in etc/default-arches21:21
slangasekheh, looks like my hints file may have been ignored because my username is referenced in the Debian britney config. :-P21:24
phillwslangasek: well, it was building, and we could not test it because the kernel team told us it was broken. So, if you can turn the little critter back on, we can then go back to "This ISO is ovdrsized21:25
slangasekphillw: lubuntu powerpc images are being attempted, but the build is failing with an error:21:26
slangasekMissing debootstrap-required iproute21:26
slangasekCD1 missing some packages needed by debootstrap21:26
slangasekmake: *** [/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/lubuntu/saucy/daily/tmp/saucy-powerpc21:26
slangasek/packages-stamp] Error 121:26
slangasekinfinity: ^^ is that something you want to have a look at?21:27
phillwcjwatson: also has a soft spot for PPC  ^^21:28
cjwatsonThat's a priority-mismatches thing21:31
cjwatsonI'll poke at it now21:31
infinityToo late.21:31
slangasekis it?  they seem to be 'required' already?21:31
slangasek(what am I missing?)21:31
cjwatsoninfinity: Oh dear, did we double-override?21:32
cjwatsonslangasek: required and shouldn't be.21:32
infinitycjwatson: Should be alright.  Oh.  Wait.21:32
slangasekcjwatson: oh.  then why was this only a problem on powerpc?21:32
infinityslangasek: iproute2 is required now, iproute is transitional and needed dropping.21:32
cjwatsonslangasek: No idea; I'd have expected a problem on all alternatives.21:32
infinityWhy this only showed on powerpc, though, is a mystery.  Funsies with ordering in the packages file?21:32
infinitydebootstrap is a fragile beast.21:33
cjwatsonNormally things in required/important that should be in lower priorities cause that (confusing) error.21:33
infinitycjwatson: BTW, don't smack around the rest of priority-mismatches just yet, I'm leaving a few of those there as a reminder that I need to do a cyrus-sasl2 upload to Debian and sync it to tear some crap out of my buildd chroots. :P21:33
cjwatsonYeah, I'll leave it now21:34
cjwatsonWill you check that iproute doesn't vanish after the next publisher run? :)21:34
infinitycjwatson: Oh balls, iproute is arch:all.  We probably just disappeared it.21:34
infinityGo us.21:34
infinityHATE THAT BUG SO MUCH.21:34
infinityIf it's gone, I'll copy it back in.21:35
infinityS'what I get for working on a day off. :P21:35
phillwinfinity: it's actually worse thab21:35
* slangasek mildly observes that a workaround for this bug is to actually take the advisory lock on IRC when someone asks you if you're going to look at it. :)21:35
infinityYeah, had I typed "fixing" instead of "Indeed", maybe we could have avoided it. :P21:36
infinityOr maybe we both would have typed something and alt-tabbed without reading.21:36
phillwinfinity:  than that,,, you get people to test stuff :D21:36
infinitycjwatson: Oh, wait.  We may be saved.  I think I hit "yes" after you did.  And the publisher ran right in between us.21:37
infinitycjwatson: Looking back, mine was a no-op.21:37
infinity4 publications remained the same.21:38
infinityYay for publisher frequency increases papering over races.21:38
phillwso, is http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/302/builds getting rebuilt with the alt versions and the ppc alt version?21:41
phillwcolin? ^^621:42
cjwatsonI have no idea; I'm not getting involved in b121:42
cjwatson(Other than occasionally sticking my oar in regarding archive issues that people have historically got confused about if I don't speak up ...)21:43
phillwinfinity: are you a a21:43
phillwb1 person?21:43
infinityphillw: Looks like B1 is Laney's baby.21:43
phillwcjwatson: the critters are not building, so how the heck they can go to beta is not really a beta issue?..... <begs>21:45
cjwatsonSorry, can't help21:45
cjwatsonNeed to do childcare if nothing else21:46
cjwatsonBug somebody else please :)21:46
phillwinfinity: I do not think myself and Laney will exchanging Christmas Cards after the 'fun' on release email channel got a person who insists on dotting the 'i"s etc.21:48
phillwcjwatson: it will be my utmost delight to bug Laney :D You possibly realise how much of a delight it will be :D21:50
slangasekcjwatson: so even after cowboy patching britney on lillypilly, it's refusing to read my hints file; any idea what's going on there?21:50
slangasek(in the meantime I will just shove my hint into someone else's hint file :P)21:50
cjwatsonslangasek: you don't appear to be in lp:~ubuntu-release/britney/britney2-ubuntu britney.conf, nor the corresponding checkout on lillypilly21:52
cjwatsonyou want HINTS_VORLON = ALL there21:52
cjwatsonand now I really must go21:52
phillwoops, there goes another Christmas22:12
phillwcard >)22:12
infinityphillw: Dude, it's 11pm for Laney right now.  Just how much of his day do you expect him to dedicate to you?  (Not everyone is as crazy as cjwatson and I)22:15
* micahg was about to respond to the ML with similar notes (and thinks he will anyways)22:19
phillwmicahg: infinity do please reply, after you have done so, read the logs of this channel :)22:24
phillwthen you will see the guidance he offered :D22:25
phillwDo I now tell all the teams who opted in for Beta 1 on the ML that the person charged with that task has failed?  Heck, I don't even know what to tell the lubuntu people.22:33
skatphillw,  looking into it now.22:34
phillwhi skat this is an un holly mess. the release team have, as ever been stars. Thats's22:35
phillwwhat they do22:35
skaetphillw,  I've been having IRC issues with my main system, and have switched to another for now.22:36
skaetcan you bring me up to speed on a PM?22:37
phillwsure... never ask to pm me, just do it.22:37
micahgphillw: please read my mail on the ML22:42
jbichaI think the problem is that Laney had things he wanted to do today after 6 pm22:43
micahgI don't think that's a problem, he's entitled to have a personal life22:44
phillwcjwatson: / stgraber have all the ISO's now built (i.e,. can I make an announcement for them to be tested a.s.a.p.)22:54
skaetphillw,  please make the announcement for them to start being tested, and if an expected image is missing,  please ask them to post in this channel.22:57
phillwskaet: will do.22:58
phillwthe Beta 1's are now available for testing. They are the pretty much the finished article (art work follows a bit later). If you want to see how 13.10 behaves on your system and ensure it behaves, now is a really good time to grab it!!23:16
phillw-- 23:16
phillwit's been posted to failbook and G+23:16
skaetslangasek or stgraber -   can you double kubuntu is in the builder?   It is the only one of the set I've not seen post yet.23:23
stgrabernot sure, they were scheduled, started building but never published to the tracker so my best guess is that they failed to build. I'll retry them now.23:27
skaetThanks stgraber23:35

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