
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
MacLarenhello, i am just look for some help01:53
MacLareni am currently trying the ubuntu 13.10. But it seems i ma missing some of the apps ie. Document viewer01:53
MacLarenand way i can add these apps?01:53
wilee-nileeMacLaren, you tries sudo apt-get install01:56
RobbyFsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/collection01:56
RobbyFsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily01:56
RobbyFsudo apt-get install touch-coreapps touch-collection01:56
MacLarenwithin Ubuntu the terminal app? in 13.10?01:56
RobbyFdon't forget to update obviouusly01:56
MacLareni would like to, but it asks for a root password01:56
RobbyFphablet is pw01:56
MacLareni dont know thats -_-01:56
wilee-nileeuser password01:57
MacLarenlemme try what you guys said01:57
wilee-nileethere is no root password01:57
MacLarennope,the document viewer and other missing apps are still not there, rebooting now02:11
MacLareni take that back -_-02:12
MacLarenreboot did the trick, sorry02:12
MacLarenanother question, any way to get music/contact on this?02:13
MacLarenthe music app still dosent work :/02:26
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AskUbuntuInstall ubuntu touch on toro | http://askubuntu.com/q/34026802:57
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ikarus_ugh, can someone please just gather the info you need for sticking Ubuntu on a tf300, instead of linking half a dozen xda-developers posts written by people who don't understand Linux....05:40
ikarus_(I guess I'll do it on the wiki05:40
ikarus_also, how easy is it to stick another window manager on ubuntu touch installations ? a tf300 is not handicapped due to lack of a touchpad and keyboard05:41
discopigikarus_, i think with mir it would be relatively easy06:22
discopigit would probably be just a matter of starting mir then starting a window manager06:22
discopigand getting mir to work on ubuntu touch isn't too hard06:23
discopigi'd test myself but I'd need to reflash my nexus 406:23
ikarus_discopig: thing is, no one but Ubuntu uses Mir, so neither do the window managers I want, just get me a good old X11 session06:26
diwichow does one close/kill an application under Ubuntu touch?06:33
diwicis there a gui way or do you have to use the terminal?06:33
SeanHosie54Hi guys, just wondering if someone can help me with my nexus 10  ubuntu installation when I try to deploy the image to the device it pops up with (FAILED (remote: signature verification failed!))06:47
SeanHosie54 06:47
SeanHosie54anyone able to help?06:48
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dholbachgood morning07:16
mzanettitvoss: hi, I've been testing the location stuff on the weekend07:54
tvossmzanetti, working?07:55
mzanettitvoss: in general, works quite nicely, but I found 2 issues I think07:55
tvossmzanetti, shoot07:55
popeymzanetti: got sample qml code?07:55
mzanettitvoss: QGeoPositionInfoSource::setInterval() doesn't seem to be working. The source trows positioninfo every half a second.07:55
tvossmzanetti, yeah, known issue07:55
popeymzanetti: the core apps devs could really benefit from some sample code to implement location detection in their apps07:55
tvosspopey, qtlocation examples are a good place to start07:56
mzanettitvoss: the other is that I had lots of crashes when opening the device07:56
popeyif you can point me at a specific one I can paste into a new qml project I'd appreciate it ☻07:56
tvossmzanetti, how do you mean opening the device?07:56
popey(and it work)07:57
mzanettitvoss: when creating the QGeoPositionInforSource object07:57
mzanettitvoss: I think it happens when 2 application try to access it at the same time07:57
tvossmzanetti, hmmm ... there is an open issue where the default source selection is not deterministic. Let me see if it helps when we force it to the ubuntu location provider07:58
mzanettipopey: well... its so simple... the doc really should be enough07:58
popeyyeah, people say that07:58
popeyand none, _none_ of the examples we ship work07:58
popeyi filed bugs07:58
tvosspopey, http://qt.developpez.com/doc/5.0-snapshot/declarative-flickr/07:58
tvosspopey, flickr works fo rme07:58
popeybug 121436907:59
mzanettipopey: what I think is wea more important, is to tell people that they should stop the source when its not needed etc07:59
ubot5bug 1214369 in qtlocation-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Examples in qtlocation5-examples don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121436907:59
popeybug 121436807:59
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1214368 could not be found07:59
popey"qml_location_flickr crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance()"07:59
mzanettipopey: ah... yeah, the location examples only work since last thursday07:59
mzanettipopey: the map doesn't crash any more since last weekend, and the positioninfo started working end of last week only07:59
popeythanks chaps, will re-try with an up to date image08:02
mzanettipopey: in case you're interested: http://gitorious.org/getmewheels/getmewheels2/source/1442af229209bbaa2ae177c7752cf566b6711d37:08:03
popeyooh, nice!08:04
popeyis that like the Zipcar?08:04
* mzanetti googles tipcar08:04
* mzanetti googles zipcar08:04
popeyhourly rental of cars nearby08:04
mzanettipopey: nope. much cooler08:05
mzanettipopey: there are like 250 cars distributed over the whole city08:05
mzanettipopey: you can just jump on and off however you want. leaving the car wherever you want (as long as within the city boundries)08:05
popeyyou dont have to take it back to its home?08:06
popeythat _is_ cool!08:06
popeythere would end up being a pile of cars outside my house though :D08:06
mzanettithere's enough people that would drive them back to the city center08:06
mzanettiand then taking the cab home because they're drunk08:06
mzanettithats what I do at least :D08:07
popeyhah ☻08:07
mzanettithis app shows you a map with all the cars so can easily find them. and you can book them for half a hour so noone can steal it from you08:07
popeyomg! they have them in the uk08:08
mzanettiyep. in london so far08:08
mzanettiit started off here in Ulm 3 years ago... when I wrote the app, only Ulm and Austin-Texas were supported. by now its like 15 cities all over the globe. and new ones are appearing every 2 months or so08:09
popeyThat's great, hadn't heard of it. Ta!08:09
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mamenyakadiwic, hi, do you have a moment please?08:35
diwicmamenyaka, hi08:37
mamenyakadiwic, for the n8000, sinks are detected, no sound08:38
mamenyakadiwic, HiFi file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054406/08:38
diwicmamenyaka, there were some .state files in there too, right?08:40
Laneympt: Hi, happy Monday! Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#Phone - should the "Switching from/to" titles be sentence case?08:40
diwicmamenyaka, in the link you posted a few days ago08:40
mamenyakadiwic, yes08:41
mamenyakadiwic, the link: https://code.google.com/p/opensgn/source/browse/data/n8000/usr/share/alsa/ucm/Midas_WM1811/08:41
diwicmamenyaka, perhaps you could look at that file, and for every control in there, change it manually to what the state file says08:42
diwicmamenyaka, and see if that can make sound work08:42
mamenyakadiwic, can you give me an example?08:43
diwicmamenyaka, let's try something else. I assume PulseAudio is running on the HiFi profile. Run "alsactl store -f /tmp/speaker.state"08:45
diwicmamenyaka, then diff /tmp/speaker.state against init.state and see what differences you find08:45
mamenyakadiwic, okay, give me a moment08:45
mamenyakadiwic, just downloading the 0902 iamge08:46
Laneympt: Moving from #-desktop - are the "two fields" there an entry and confirmation text entry?08:48
LaneyIf so, how should we give feedback when the entries don't match?08:49
mamenyakadiwic, a question regarding my other device with no h2w/state; shouldn't the default state be the speakers?08:50
diwicmamenyaka, the default is to remember what you have previously08:51
mamenyakaand if there is no previous?08:51
diwicmamenyaka, then it should pick the one with highest priority08:51
mamenyakacan I change the priority?08:52
mamenyakait showed as I remember 100 for both08:52
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diwicmamenyaka, try adding "PlaybackPriority 200" in the "Value" section for speakers08:53
diwicmamenyaka, just below "PlaybackChannels"08:53
mamenyakadiwic, thank you, I will try it later, now installing for the n800008:54
mamenyakadiwic, alsactl is in which package?09:14
ogra_mamenyaka, alsa-utils, it is pre-installed09:14
mamenyakaogra_, thank you, but it doesn't show up09:15
mamenyakaoh, sorry09:15
mamenyakait doesn't show up as phablet user09:15
mamenyaka$ alsactl09:16
mamenyaka-su: alsactl: command not found09:16
ogra_surely does ... unless oyu messed up your path09:16
ogra_dont ever use su09:16
mamenyakaoh now09:16
ogra_sudo -u phablet -i09:16
mamenyakathank you09:16
ogra_cjwatson, do you know whats the reason that we dont adjust the path and environment with su ?09:17
mamenyakadiwic, no speaker.state file09:18
cjwatsonogra_: use "su -" rather than su09:19
diwicmamenyaka, weird, did it perhaps save /var/lib/alsa/asound.state09:19
cjwatsondefined interface since forever09:19
mamenyakadiwic, empty dir09:19
mamenyakaI used su - phablet09:19
ogra_cjwatson, right, but why dont we just use the proper user PATH that we use everywhere else ? (sudo and login set it properly)09:20
cjwatsonthat's odd, it should, I'll have a look in a bit09:20
ogra_without having to use a switch09:20
diwicmamenyaka, any errors?09:20
ogra_ENV_SUPATH      PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin09:20
ogra_ENV_PATH        PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games09:20
ogra_from login.defs09:20
mamenyakadiwic, paplay runs fine09:20
cjwatsonerr - that's a regression, I'm sure09:21
ogra_k, i thought there was probably a decision i missed :)09:21
cjwatsonperhaps su has lost pam_env or something09:21
diwicmamenyaka, it runs fine on the N4 under the phablet user09:22
diwicmamenyaka, did you run exactly "alsactl store -f /tmp/speaker.state" ?09:22
cjwatsonok, for those here who care about PPAs, I think we have now actually managed to patch things up so that the build farm will spend less time at half capacity09:23
diwicmamenyaka, no need to su to anything else09:23
mamenyakadiwic, I can try running it, but I have no speaker.state file, checked tmp09:23
cjwatsonso the current hideous queue should manage to drain09:23
diwicmamenyaka, it will create the speaker.state file09:23
mamenyakanono, that su thing was only for switching to phablet, now I know the right way to do that09:23
mamenyakadiwic, okay09:23
mamenyakathat I didn't know, sorry09:24
mamenyakaso now I compare09:24
diwicmamenyaka, compare speaker.state with init.state you found on the opensgn website09:24
mamenyakadiwic, doing that right now09:25
mamenyakadiwic, quite a lot of differences09:26
mamenyakadiwic, if you are interested, here's the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054522/09:29
diwicmamenyaka, always run  diff with the -u switch09:31
diwicmamenyaka, then it becomes more readable :-)09:31
mamenyakadiwic, I just used Meld to compare, but thanks :)09:31
mamenyakadiwic, yes, this is more friendly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054528/09:32
diwicmamenyaka, e g, "Speaker Mixer Volume" should probably be turned up, since it is '3' on init.state and '0' on speaker.state?09:33
diwicmamenyaka, and 'Speaker Reference'09:33
diwicmamenyaka, and 'DAC1 Switch' and 'DAC2 Switch'09:33
diwicmamenyaka, and 'SPKR DAC2 Switch'09:34
mamenyakadiwic, where do I need to edit?09:35
diwicmamenyaka, and 'SPKR DAC1 Switch' and 'SPKL DAC1 Switch' and 'SPKL DAC2 Switch'09:35
mamenyakaor how do I overwrite it?09:35
mamenyakawith my init.state09:35
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diwicmamenyaka, either in EnableSequence for Speaker or in the EnableSequence for the HiFi verb, depending on whether you need it for headphones too, or not09:36
mamenyakadiwic, what is the command to call the init.state?09:37
diwicmamenyaka, "alsactl restore -f /path/to/init.state"09:38
mamenyakadiwic, should I worry? alsactl: set_control:1325: failed to obtain info for control #150 (No such file or directory)09:39
mamenyakadiwic, but still no sound09:40
diwicmamenyaka, okay, you can take a new state (alsactl store -f /tmp/foo.state) to verify that the values changed to what you expected09:41
mamenyakadiwic, no, looks like still the same09:44
mamenyakadiwic, this is what I get on restore: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054567/09:45
mamenyakadiwic, the diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054571/09:46
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diwicmamenyaka, so, hopefully it's only about setting up the mixer correctly, but we can't know for sure. You can use amixer, alsamixer and alsactl to get and set the current mixer values until you get something working.09:54
diwicmamenyaka, if you need to do something more than just setting up the mixer, that would probably be hiding in the audio HAL code, if you have access to that.09:55
mamenyakadiwic, thank you, I will try my best09:55
jameshogra_: hi.  One thing I ran into when getting mediascanner running on the phone is that we don't support XDG user dirs out of the box.  I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-session/+bug/1219348 about it, which is hopefully the right place09:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1219348 in ubuntu-touch-session (Ubuntu) "Image doesn't support XDG User DIrs spec" [Undecided,New]09:56
mamenyakadiwic, with amixer, do I need to manually set everything_09:56
diwicmamenyaka, once you get things working, you should modify the UCM files to do the same.09:56
ogra_jamesh, if your service runs as the user you should get the dirs i think09:56
ogra_seb128, ^^^ ?09:57
jameshogra_: there was no ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs file, so it wasn't working.09:58
seb128ogra_, jamesh: in the latest discussions it was not clear they wanted to support customisable/translatables dirs in touch09:58
seb128that adds complexity and overhead09:58
seb128especially for the app isolation/apparmor09:58
ogra_who does that discussion ?09:58
seb128lool jdstrand tvoss09:58
asacoSoMoN: hello. any idea what could be wrong on the maguro tests failing?09:59
ogra_i think the mediascanner part is rather a system service, isnt it ??09:59
jameshseb128: if we don't support customisable user dirs, we could still provide the config file pointing at the non-translated dirs09:59
seb128jamesh, that would work for me09:59
oSoMoNasac: hi, I’m investigating09:59
tvossogra_, it is, or more precisely, a session service09:59
jameshthat way code that is written against the spec would still work09:59
ogra_tvoss, ah, thanks09:59
oSoMoNasac: mmm, looks like they didn’t run at all09:59
asacoSoMoN: webbrowser didnt10:00
asacthe rest did10:00
asacsomething fishy with a PID10:00
ogra_but had failures it didnt have on mako10:00
asacoSoMoN: we will retry webbrowser10:00
asacpsivaa: can you do that?10:00
psivaaasac: tests for today's image have started to run10:00
psivaaasac: i'll re-run webbrowser if today's one fails too10:01
asacpsivaa: ok10:01
oSoMoNasac: all the failing tests for camera-app seem to have this error message: Camera error: "Unable to connect to camera"10:03
asacogra_: ^^ that feels like us?10:04
asacogra_: did we change anything? when was the last test success there?10:04
ogra_asac, no idea when the last success was there, but rsalveti changed some bots on the android side iirc10:05
ogra_along with the switch to pulse10:05
davmor2Morning all10:05
kokoye2007where can check support CPU list10:07
looldholbach: it's nice to be able to install new packages that were uploaded since friday  :-)10:11
loolI tried the lighbulb game10:11
loolworks on read-only image10:11
loolthere are a bunch of small bugs in the user experience, but it works10:11
ogra_kokoye2007, cortex A9 and above CPUs are supported by ubuntu touch10:11
segastepyey i have A910:12
ogra_(technically you can run on A8 too, but single core wont be fun to use)10:12
kokoye2007thx ogra_10:16
kokoye2007MTK6589T is can't ?10:16
oSoMoNnerochiaro: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-extras/+bug/1219765, can you please have a look?10:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1219765 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit Extras "qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras0.1 doesn’t install assets" [Undecided,New]10:20
nerochiarooSoMoN: looking10:21
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oSoMoNnerochiaro: also filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-extras/+bug/121976610:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1219766 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit Extras "Share.qml: Binding loop detected for property "height"" [Undecided,New]10:22
nerochiarooSoMoN: the first one is a good catch. the second one i noticed too but from looking into it for a while but IIRC could not find where the loop came from10:23
oSoMoNnerochiaro: at least you can confirm it, right?10:23
nerochiarooSoMoN: yeah10:23
jantjemanhi guys, I've been testing ubuntu touch for a bit on my nexus 4 and last night the battery was almost empty so overnight my phone ran out of juice. I found it shut down this morning but now it doesn't do anything. If I try to boot the screen just stays black. I cannot even get into the bootloader. Do you guys have any idea what might by causing this? Thanks10:26
ogra_jantjeman, iirc you need to charge it for a while, then unplug the cable and hold all three buttons for 1min (not less !) to get it out of that state10:27
jantjemanogra, thank you, I will try that right away!10:28
ogra_and also always use the wall charger10:28
ogra_a USB port will only provide 500mA, thats as much as the device draws10:28
ogra_(or nearly at least)10:29
jantjemanOK, I'm going to charge it for a while with the charger, it's always been plugged in to the computer. I'll get back to you if it works out OK.10:31
popeyjantjeman: I've seen that too, needs a big fat charge10:34
jantjemanpopey: OK, I'll leave it plugged in a couple of hours then :)10:35
mamenyakadiwic, how to set up priority for speaker to be greater then headset for apq... ?10:39
diwicmamenyaka, try adding "PlaybackPriority 200" in the "Value" section for speakers10:40
diwicmamenyaka, just below "PlaybackChannels"10:40
diwicogra_, wanna upload another alsa-lib ?10:40
mamenyakaValue {10:41
mamenyakaPlaybackChannels "2"10:41
mamenyakaPlaybackPriority 20010:41
mamenyakaor should it be "200" ?10:41
diwic"200" probably10:41
diwicI think both is okay actually10:41
ogra_diwic, a little later, yes10:42
diwicogra_, yeah, no hurries. Just a little higher gain on the N4 speaker and N7 fixup10:43
diwicso nothing urgent10:43
mamenyakadiwic, great! thank you!10:43
mamenyakadiwic, can I MR this change?10:45
mamenyakadiwic, well, Music app is not working, when I pless play, it just ends in a fraction of a second10:45
mamenyakadiwic, but videos work with sound10:46
diwicmamenyaka, hmm, yes, I think we could merge an increase in priority10:51
diwicfor speaker10:51
diwicmamenyaka, at least for now10:51
mamenyakadiwic, could you do it?10:52
mamenyakadiwic, thank you! do you know anything about the Music app?10:53
diwicmamenyaka, it works here, I tested it this morning (N4, 0901.1 image)10:53
mamenyakadiwic, logcat shows nothing10:53
mamenyakadiwic, it worked like a week ago with the same file10:54
mamenyakadiwic, any way I could degub?10:54
diwicmamenyaka, mp3 files do not work by default10:54
diwicit isn't an mp3 file?10:54
mamenyakait's an mp3 file10:54
mamenyakathat explains10:54
ogra_try ogg10:54
diwicpatents and stuff10:54
mamenyakaogg working fine, thank you10:56
mamenyakaogra_, do you have any idea why the sintel video laggs like hell, but other work fine?10:58
ogra_because that coded runs software rendered atm10:58
ogra_will change this week once the new gstreamer stuff lands10:58
mamenyakaogra_, great!11:00
mamenyakadiwic, thank you for all your help!11:00
ax562anyone use eclipse?11:01
diwicmamenyaka, what's the name of the device with the apq sound card?11:02
mamenyakaSony Xperia Tablet Z11:02
diwicmamenyaka, ok, playbackprioirty merge is in, will be in next alsa-lib upload11:03
mamenyakadiwic, thank you11:03
mamenyakawill there be a 09-02.1 image?11:04
ogra_at 8pm UTC, yes11:04
ogra_(unless asac cracks the whip to have it manually built earlier)11:05
psivaaasac: oSoMoN: ogra_: the webbrowser tests in maguro are still failing. http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3916/webbrowser-app-autopilot/11:07
psivaai'm rerunning it again but this failure seems consistent11:07
mamenyakaogra_, thank you, I will test the change, just to be sure11:08
oSoMoNpsivaa: they’re not failing, they’re not even running…11:08
mamenyakaanyone watching? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2qOhDloy2w11:08
oSoMoNgusch, nerochiaro: would one of you be available for a trivial review? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/increase-test-timeout/+merge/18342511:10
guschoSoMoN: ok11:11
psivaaoSoMoN: the are running in fact but the results are not getting collected for some reason: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-maguro-smoke-webbrowser-app-autopilot/108/consoleText11:11
dholbachlool, it is :)11:11
ogra_psivaa, funnily it passed on the last mako run11:11
psivaaogra_: not only in the last one, on mako it was passing even before. the failure is only seen in maguro11:12
oSoMoNpsivaa, ogra_: and they consistently pass locally on my maguro device11:13
nerochiarooSoMoN: it looks good to me, but I am not really sure what happens if the environment gets even slower11:13
nerochiarooSoMoN: sounds like keeping things together with duct tape ;)11:13
oSoMoNnerochiaro: well then every single autopilot test out there will fail, for all applications :)11:14
nerochiarooSoMoN: so why your app needs a longer timeout and the others don't ?11:14
nerochiaroshouldn't they all fail already ?11:15
oSoMoNnerochiaro: because one of the tests requests loading a page that takes 8 seconds to load (by design), so that leaves only 2 seconds for the rest of the test to succeed, and in slow environments that might be a bit to short11:15
oSoMoNnerochiaro: with this change, the test now has 12 seconds, more than enough11:16
nerochiarooSoMoN: excellent. approved11:17
nerochiarorachelliu: good morning, can I ask you a question about the camera app ? or should I refer to another designer for that ?11:19
rachelliunerochiaro: hi! christina is working on the camera app11:19
rachelliunerochiaro: what's the question? I can see if I have a quick answer!11:19
christinahey nerochiaro :)11:19
christinanerochiaro, how can i help?11:20
nerochiarochristina: rachelliu: i spent some time looking into this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/1129132 but it seems that it's really hard to do what is requested there. so i was wondering if there was an alternative way11:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1129132 in camera-app "[camera] Fade out / in chrome between orientations" [Medium,Confirmed]11:20
christinanerochiaro, i will take a look11:21
nerochiarochristina: thank you :)11:21
christinanerochiaro, as im picking this app up now, is this when you rotate the chrome disappears and then re-appear?11:21
nerochiarochristina: yes, exactly11:21
christinanerochiaro, ok :)11:22
christinanerochiaro, do the chromes need to rotate to fit into landscape too?11:23
christinafor example11:23
christinaor stay the same?11:23
ogra_on my samsung phone the UI elements stay in tehir position but the icons rotate to match the screen rotation11:24
ogra_(in android)11:24
nerochiarochristina: the icons inside the toolbar rotate, everything else just shifts between the two short edges11:24
ogra_nerochiaro, would you want the bar to move to the bottom in landscape too ?11:25
christinanerochiaro, it seems weird to have the zoom in/zoom out not part of the toolbar as it is in portrait11:26
ogra_i thnk that makes pressing the shutter button a lot harder11:26
nerochiaroogra_: the yes, it is by design that none of the bars move to the right/left sides. they always stay either at top or at bottom side11:26
ogra_well, in case of the cameria i think it makes sense to keep the shutter at the side11:27
ogra_(in landscape that is)11:27
nerochiarochristina: it was designed that way to make it easier to use, because when the phone is in landscape it is normally held with two hands11:27
nerochiarochristina: ogra_: so basically with one hand you operate the zoom and with the other the shutter11:27
ogra_i think that makes sense11:28
christinanerochiaro,  have we tried just making the toolbars stay visible when we switch? we can test if moving from bottom to top/bottom between orientation is too much11:28
nerochiarochristina: you mean trying to have the bars visibly slide around the screen ?11:29
nerochiarochristina: that should be doable, i'll give it a shot11:29
christinanerochiaro, yes11:29
nerochiarochristina: ok, i'll try and let you know11:30
* ogra_ doesnt think thats a good idea11:30
christinanerochiaro, and if we think when rotating is too much distortion we can try something else then11:30
nerochiarochristina: sounds good. thanks11:30
ogra_unlesss you probably have the shutter button in a corner11:30
nerochiaroogra_: why not ?11:30
diwicrsalveti, last week you asked me to look into the volume hotkeys. I'm not sure how that's expected to work on the phone. On the desktop, it passes through gnome-settings-daemon, which is not running on the phone.11:31
ogra_nerochiaro, well, currently the shutter button stays at the same place on the screen ... physically ... if you start flipping the bar it will change position ... you wont find it blindly while atm you can (roughly)11:31
christinanerochiaro, cool. let me know how you go then!11:32
ogra_i think it iss easier if the one really iportant button does not change its physical position in this case11:32
ogra_(i dont care about settings and the like at all, if i need to use these i'm not taking a snapshot, in snapshot mode i would like to trust my finger memory for quick actions)11:33
nerochiaroogra_: it will have to change position when you rotate the phone 18011:33
seb128ogra_, can you get ubuntu-touch-settings added to the touch image?11:33
ogra_seb128, yep11:34
ogra_(you can too, as every core dev can :) )11:34
nerochiaroogra_: sorry, i meant when you rotate between landscape and portrait11:34
seb128ogra_, thanks ;-)11:34
nerochiaroogra_: basically: in landscape the button is always on the right of the screen. in portrait it is always on the bottom of the screen.11:34
seb128ogra_, (yeah, I just don't have a checkout/didn't do it for a while, if it's easy for you to do I would appreciate you doing it)11:34
ogra_nerochiaro, well, today the button stays where it is ... same position on the screen, no matter how you rotate11:34
nerochiaroogra_: i think we're saying the same thing11:35
ogra_nerochiaro, right, it is always Xmm from the bottom of the case and in the center of the screen ... physicallz11:35
nerochiaroogra_: yeah, so you can always find it blind11:35
nerochiaroogra_: and christina's suggestion won't change things, it will only add a small delay while the button transitions on rotation11:36
oSoMoNpsivaa: I strongly suspect the tests are failing because the device they’re being run on is in landscape mode, is there a way to verify that?11:36
ogra_i'm saying i wouldnt change that, you sounded like you wanted to change it11:36
ogra_oh, then ignore me :)(11:36
* ogra_ totally misunderstood the intentions :)11:37
psivaaoSoMoN: i'll need to check if there is any test to indicate that. but what i see is that the webbrowser test is timing out. it's not able to complete all the tests within 30 mins11:38
psivaaoSoMoN: i see unity8 is taking up CPU resources during the run11:38
annerajbogra_, you there?11:38
psivaaoSoMoN: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6054864/11:39
annerajbogra_, cat /proc/cmdline11:41
annerajb console=ttySAC2 no_console_suspend=1 --verbose -v INIT_VERBOSE=yes datapart=/dev11:41
annerajbconsole=ttySAC2 no_console_suspend=1 --verbose -v INIT_VERBOSE=yes datapart=/dev11:41
annerajbahhh it keeps getting cut off11:41
annerajbogra_, here http://pastebin.com/d91CL4zg does that cmdline look right?11:42
mpttvoss, "an mpt server implementation is available"? That sounds scary.11:43
loolstgraber: Ok, tested latest daily-proposed -> latest daily-barry (going down in version numbers, required cmdline with -b 0); now testing daily-barry's -1 -> daily-barry's latest11:43
tvossmpt, sorry :) I keep on confusing those three letters :)11:43
ogra_annerajb, sure11:43
psivaaoSoMoN: the unity8 impact is seen in some other tests as well: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-maguro-smoke-mediaplayer-app-autopilot/103/artifact/clientlogs/top_after.log/*view*/11:44
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oSoMoNpsivaa: is the unity8 team aware of the issue?11:45
psivaaoSoMoN: not really sure.11:46
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annerajbogra_, i dont see any upstart debug views on the ttySAC2 do i need to do the /etc/init/tty1.conf to be able to see that??11:49
ogra_seb128, what about ubuntu-system-settings ... are they different things ?11:51
seb128ogra_, ubuntu-system-settings is the settings app (control center)11:51
ogra_and touch settings are defaults ?11:51
seb128ogra_, yes, a schemas override to have a different unity launcher config11:52
ogra_should that probably also ship the XDG stuff from above ?11:52
seb128it's a bit trickier, those files are in the user directory11:52
ogra_or should that rather go into the session package ?11:52
OrokuSakiI had to edit default.pa and uncomment alsa-sink11:52
seb128so they can't be shipped from a deb11:53
annerajbogra_, here is the serial output are those sys_prop denied message deal breakers? or are they more like warnings http://pastebin.com/eCVLVLWC11:53
OrokuSakimornng ogra11:53
ogra_annerajb, nope, the tty1 upstart job is only for firing up a getty on the tty11:53
seb128ogra_, ideally we would have an upstart job or something creating those on login if they don't exist, or maybe the session script can do that11:53
seb128ogra_, same as having .local/share created11:53
OrokuSakiogra@ I have been trying like crazy to rotate the camera image preview 90 degrees... Is there a way to do this with the camera app? etc?11:54
ogra_seb128, right, so the session package then11:54
seb128ogra_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-menus/+bug/120459911:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1204599 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "Unity does not pick up changes to ~/.local/share/applications if it doesn't exist when Unity starts" [Undecided,New]11:54
ogra_OrokuSaki, rotates fine on the nexus devices11:54
OrokuSakiSomething to do with qcom11:54
OrokuSakiI am using cameraHAL11:54
ogra_seb128, oh, so we already started a collection of bugs it seems :)11:54
seb128ogra_, yeah...11:55
OrokuSakicamera controls rotate with the compass11:55
OrokuSakiI get really confused between the accel and compass11:55
OrokuSakiI know what a compass does11:55
OrokuSakiaccel... like a gyroscope?11:56
annerajbogra_, so that means i have to do something to get serial output from upstart? i tried copying tty1.conf and renaming getty tty1 to getty ttySAC2 but it didnt work11:56
OrokuSakianyways... maybe this will help. #define APP_ORIENTATION 90 to #define APP_ORIENTATION 011:56
OrokuSakiin my QualcommCameraHardware.cpp11:56
ogra_annerajb, no, yuo shouldnt need to do anything, it shuld just write to the console device you defined11:58
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annerajbogra_, i did something the other day that printed more debug output (like return value of commands on the init screen) dont remember how i think it's the INIT_VERBOSE=yes it worked when i had a different cmdline order12:00
annerajbogra_, btw that cmdline is not using the extend patch since that breaks my phone everytime i use it.12:00
ogra_annerajb, did you yrt with using console=ttySAC2 for the second console arg ?12:05
annerajbboth saying the same thing?12:05
ogra_also make sure that devtmpfs and devtmpfs mount are enabled in the config so that /dev gets populated as early as possible12:06
ogra_yes, both saying the same thing12:06
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ogra_? Unknown touch package: ubuntu-touch-settings12:10
ogra_[armhf] Merging seeds with available package lists...12:10
ogra_No changes found12:10
ogra_seb128, is that still in NEW or some such ? ^^12:10
asacpsivaa: very odd12:11
asacwonder what is diffrerent in webbrowser than other apps12:11
asaci guess retrying until we get some type of result might be the idea for now12:11
ogra_it loads pages from external servers12:12
ogra_i.e. it is relying on responses from there12:12
asacogra_: but nothing got run really12:12
asacat least there is like zero logs etc.12:12
seb128ogra_, it's in proposed, Laney big beta1 block (and buggy firefox autopkgtest)12:12
seb128Laney, can we get ubuntu-settings unblocked (that's only adding a new binary for touch)12:12
ogra_ah, k12:12
asaclet me try running locally i guess12:13
seb128Laney, can we force over the buggy firefox autopkgtest while we are at it? ;-)12:13
asacoh we have an intro OOBE thingy now12:13
asacswipe screen :)12:13
ogra_since a week ?12:13
asacogra_: no... it surely was never there12:13
asaci ran --pending on thu/friday i think12:14
ogra_i think i have seen it since wed. or so12:14
asacwho knows, maybe its not reliably happening12:14
ogra_it happens every new flash since12:14
ogra_for me at least12:14
asacok will keep my eyes open i guess12:15
loolstgraber: ok, upgrade worked within daily-barry12:17
loolstgraber: the only thing I expected and didn't happen is using cmdline to start the update when versions go down; I thought barry would hardcode this12:18
asacoSoMoN: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054976/12:21
asacthats what i get if i run it locally12:21
oSoMoNasac: the [Errno 32] traceback is a known issue in python (fixed in python 3), it has no impact on the tests12:22
asacoSoMoN: what about the 404?12:22
oSoMoNasac: no impact either, it’s because the engine is requesting a favicon, which the test server doesn’t have12:22
asacoSoMoN: OK ... how about : Sep  2 11:27:10 ubuntu-phablet utah: 11:27:10.779 WARNING testcase:115 - No tracing available - install the python-autopilot-trace package!12:23
oSoMoNasac: don’t know, I would say it’s more of an informative message than an error, you’ll probably see the same for all tests, unless python-autopilot-trace is installed12:24
diwicunity8 takes a lot of cpu here12:24
asacSep  2 11:09:57 ubuntu-phablet utah: 11:09:57.895 ERROR proxies:410 - Introspect error on :1.68:/com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject: No such object path '/com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection'12:24
oSoMoNthat one is clearly an autopilot issue12:25
* diwic tries rebooting12:25
psivaaasac: the webbrowser tests on maguro have been run 3 times with today's images and failed. they all timeout after 30 mins12:25
asacpsivaa: when you rerun, does it do a complete reinstall?12:28
psivaaasac: no, installation is on another test : install-and-boot12:29
asacpsivaa: so if we retry a job it will run against whatever was last installed on the device>?12:29
asacpsivaa: can you trigger a reinstall and then rerun the webbrowser?12:30
asacnot sure if that works12:30
psivaaasac: ok, it should work. ill retry that12:30
asacdoanac: ^^ lets discuss the case above when you are up12:30
asacdoanac: also want to discuss how to refine the way we log and export results12:33
jantjemanHi everyone, I've left my phone charging for 2 hours now and pressed the 3 buttons for 1 minute to try and boot the phone multiple times, but it hasn't worked yet. Does it take longer than 2 hours? Or should I start worrying now? :)12:33
asacjantjeman: i think it was 1 minute power button12:34
asacnot all 312:34
asacbut maybe i misremember12:34
jantjemanok, I'll try that :)12:36
jantjemanthank you12:36
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jantjemanhmm, not do anything, I'll just leave it a couple more hours and check if it works again then.12:38
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ejatelo … anyone know where i can refer / use presentation slide for ubuntu edge / ubuntu touch ?12:46
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annerajbejat, what do you mean?13:02
ejatintroduction … features …13:02
ejatso i can use as reference for my slide13:03
Laneyseb128: ok, and firefox is already unblocked by cjwatson as you can see in excuses13:18
seb128Laney, thanks13:19
Laneyif nobody is going to work on fixing those tests they should be removed though13:19
Laneyotherwise it's just pointless work updating the version every time13:19
darpaxhi guys i was here last week trying to get installed on a nexus7 3G - I'm getting the following in the dmesg on bootup "initrd: Couldn't find data partition. Spawning adbd ..." this is a pre-2013 tilapia device13:23
annerajbogra_, http://pastebin.com/qHyGX4n1 the init is crashing??13:28
ogra_annerajb, 40213:29
loologra_: hey, Mir images aren't on cdimage?13:29
loologra_: would you know why?13:29
ogra_lool, they are on jenkins (like all test images)13:29
annerajbogra_, i had that warning since i started never gone away13:30
ogra_lool, jenkins hackery is quicker and less effort yo set up i think13:30
ogra_for these short living test images thats a good way imho13:30
annerajbogra_, could that mean a problem with the /dev/?13:31
loologra_: ok13:31
loologra_: was curious if that was the only reason13:31
ogra_annerajb, with the console device13:31
annerajbmaybe it's missing a mknode /dev/ttySAC213:31
ogra_lool, we did the same with the pulse images before merging the new audio stack13:31
loologra_: and do we have a phablet-tools image type for them?13:31
ogra_annerajb, no, devtmpfs would take care13:31
loologra_: yeah; I think it's good not to make them too confortable13:31
psivaaasac: the webbrowser test on maguro had the same timeout issue even after a fresh install.13:32
ogra_thats why i asked you to make surte it is enabled (as well as devtmpfs moount)13:32
annerajbogra_, well devtmpfs is already enabled and moutn too. on the config.13:32
psivaathis was the state of the device just before it timed out (after 27 mins in to the running) : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6055164/13:32
ogra_lool, i think we do, but dont ask me whats the name :)13:32
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ogra_psivaa, was the fix that oSoMoN landed above ?13:32
ogra_(which extended the timeout)13:33
ogra_*was that with the13:33
psivaaogra_: i dont think so, it timed out after 30 mins which was the original value13:33
ogra_annerajb, hack something in that dumps "ls -l /dev" to /proc/kmsg ...13:34
ogra_psivaa, oh, probably a different timeout :)13:34
psivaaogra_: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-test-runlists/touch-runlists/view/head:/jenkins/job-creation/templates/touch-autopilot-base.xml.jinja2 still says 30 mins13:34
loologra_: do I understand correctly that the Mir images are private: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Mir ?13:34
ogra_30 min for getting a website seems a bit high13:34
annerajbogra_, where should i place it in the initrd of the init before it runs exec on upstart?13:34
ogra_lool, that could well be, i never used them13:35
loolok, thanks13:35
oSoMoNogra_: the fix that I landed today is not related, it was just a general-purpose enhancement, but I don’t expect it to make a difference in the failures we are seeing13:35
ogra_(i guess i will have to once the merge is near)13:35
psivaaogra_: the 30 min timeout is for the whole suite with 38 tests13:35
ogra_oSoMoN, yeah, understood13:35
ogra_psivaa, right, i mixed that up13:36
asacpsivaa: maybe the webbrowser test just takes longer?13:38
ogra_xnox, do you know anything thats faster than "find /" to get a list of all files in the filesystem ?13:38
psivaaasac: on mako it finishes in 21 mins13:38
ogra_mako has twice the power of maguro ;)13:39
asacpsivaa: whats our timeout?13:39
psivaaasac: 30 mins13:39
asacpsivaa: we should at least give it 40 min13:39
asacpsivaa: lets wait... i wam running this stuff locally13:39
psivaaasac: ack13:40
xnoxogra_: i know dlocate, but that's cheating as it needs a cache.13:40
asacxnox: ho13:41
asacxnox: how is emulator going? :)13:41
xnoxasac: working on a few projects/task simultaneously at the moment. no breakthroughs yet.13:42
asacxnox: what projects?13:42
xnoxasac: things for the sdk and stuff that came out of vUDS.13:42
sergiusenscjwatson: can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/click/older/+merge/183466 ?13:45
mhall119cjwatson: is the Path= that is added to the .dekstop file for click packages also supposed to be used for Icon lookup?13:47
mhall119it seems that right now developers have to have the full /opt/click.ubuntu.com/blahblahblah/image.png path13:47
sergiusensmhall119: the path to the icon gets set by the desktop hook13:47
mhall119sergiusens: it doesn't seem to13:48
sergiusensmhall119: I just proposed an MR to fix that13:48
sergiusensmhall119: right above you comment13:48
mhall119ah ha, nice13:48
mhall119you're fast :)13:48
sergiusensmhall119: saw the issue with sudoku and stock ticker13:48
mhall119sergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/click/older/+merge/183466 is the MP to fix it?13:50
cjwatsonsergiusens: Can you revert the first hunk?  "iff" is standard mathematical shorthand for "if and only if"13:50
cjwatsonIt's not a typo13:50
sergiusenscjwatson: yeah, sorry about that13:50
cjwatsonsergiusens: Good call otherwise though, I'll merge once you fix that13:50
sergiusenscjwatson: done13:52
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cjwatsonsergiusens: merged/uploaded, thanks13:55
mzanettidholbach: huh? the ubuntu touch software store is online?14:16
mzanettidholbach: does that mean I can really start uploading apps?14:16
RobbyFand i can download them :)14:16
dholbachmzanetti, http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013/08/software-store-for-click-packages-now-open-for-testing/14:18
RobbyFIt wild be cool if someone made a G+ app like the Gmail app.14:18
RobbyFI assume someone with skill could do it very fast.14:18
* mzanetti won't spend any spare time G* stuff14:19
mzanettibut I will upload lots of other stuff probably very soon14:19
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asacpsivaa: can we try the webbrowser on 02 with a bit more timeout?14:23
asacjust in case?14:23
* asac not sure if we did that 14:23
ckinghrm, where is the clock-app on today's maguro image? it's no where to be seen14:24
annerajbogra_, what is suppose to ls -l dev > /proc/kmsg do? I tried doing that on recovery and it dosnt show up on dmesg14:26
psivaaasac: i am running a copied version of the webbrowser test with 45 mins timeout. (did not edit the job config of the original one because that's setup automatically)14:26
annerajbogra_, it didnt work by adding it to the init it didnt print anything14:26
ogra_annerajb, well you would want /dev14:27
annerajbright i have /dev14:27
asacpsivaa: cool14:27
ogra_(not above though :) )14:27
annerajbyeah sorry14:27
asacpsivaa: so we have a jenkins job to try out. nice14:27
ogra_annerajb, also was that /proc/kmsg or /dev/kmsg ?14:27
* ogra_ cant remember14:27
oSoMoNWebbyIT: hey, I just submitted a trivial MR against calendar-app, would you have a moment to review it? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-ap-test-assumption/+merge/18347614:28
annerajbogra_, i have ls -l /dev > /proc/kmsg at the bottom of the initrd init before the exec14:28
ogra_annerajb, theoretically it should dump the listing of /dev nto dmesg14:28
WebbyIToSoMoN, sure :)14:28
oSoMoNWebbyIT: awesome, thanks!14:28
annerajbogra_, right but it's not printing14:29
sergiusenscking: it's there, search it or unfold installed apps14:30
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ckingsergiusens, doh, i didn't see the unfold14:32
sergiusenscking: many got hit by this, this was in the shell before, removed now seems to be added back in14:34
ckingsergiusens, well, it guess it's a "discoverability" issue :-)14:35
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asacogra_: for me webbrowser on maguro takes 12 min14:42
asacwith 4 failyures14:42
asacguess thats matching what we see on mako14:42
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rsalvetidiwic: I don't think bug 1204434 is a duplicate of 121905714:49
ubot5bug 1204434 in touch-preview-images "Volume up/down doesnt work" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120443414:49
rsalvetidiwic: the first one was just about volume not working in the indicator14:50
rsalvetithe other one (bug 1219057) is an issue in unity, because of the old indicator, breaking the volume keys up/down14:50
ubot5bug 1204434 in touch-preview-images "duplicate for #1219057 Volume up/down doesnt work" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120443414:50
WebbyIToSoMoN, I tested it, but it doesn't work also after I clean the db14:51
diwicrsalveti, which one is about the physical keys on the side?14:51
rsalvetidiwic: so yeah, the issue is not on our side, it's in unity814:51
rsalvetijust bug 121905714:51
ubot5bug 1204434 in touch-preview-images "duplicate for #1219057 Volume up/down doesnt work" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120443414:51
WebbyIToSoMoN, before clean db -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6055434/14:51
rsalvetithe other one (bug 1204434) was about sound not working in the indicator, which I had before as well14:51
ubot5bug 1204434 in touch-preview-images "Volume up/down doesnt work" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120443414:51
rsalvetiyou changed volume in there, but it wasn't affecting it for real14:52
rsalvetiwhich got fixed once we move to pulseaudio14:52
WebbyIToSoMoN, after clean db -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6055438/14:52
rsalvetithe indicator works just fine now, the problem is just with the volume keys14:52
oSoMoNWebbyIT: yeah, I’ve seen the failure for the CI job too, I pushed an update, can you check this one?14:52
ogra_asac, yeah14:54
rsalvetiogra_: the camera was working fine last friday iirc14:55
rsalvetiflashing latest to see14:55
rsalvetiogra_: seems the failures are only with nexus 7, right?14:58
ogra_rsalveti, yeah14:58
rsalvetiwill check, but it never worked that well with it14:59
rsalvetiat least it seems fine with mako and maguro14:59
rsalvetibut one interesting thing is that recording is not working anymore14:59
rsalvetibut the test passed :-)14:59
ogra_hmm, bank holiday for the US today ?14:59
ogra_do we do a standup ?14:59
rsalvetilabor day afaik14:59
sergiusensogra_: I'm on14:59
rsalvetiyup, quick one14:59
WebbyIToSoMoN, it works only after I delete the db, is it ok?15:02
oSoMoNWebbyIT: it shouldn’t really matter, can you please comment about your findings in the MR? I’ll take a closer look later15:05
WebbyIToSoMoN, sure15:05
rsalvetidiwic: will you push the pulseaudio bump in the archive?15:10
diwicrsalveti, yes15:12
rsalvetiawesome, thanks15:13
diwicrsalveti, that's just making a new version and uploading it, right?15:13
rsalvetidiwic: yeah15:13
sergiusensjdstrand: you around?15:15
sergiusensjdstrand: I think this is what caused the issue i mentioned on friday15:16
sergiusensjdstrand: open("/vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so", O_RDONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied) ...15:16
beunosergiusens, it's a national holiday in the US15:17
sergiusensthat's with aa-exec15:17
AskUbuntuis ubuntu touch available for xolo phones? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34046315:19
sergiusensbeuno thougth there might of been a slight chance of him not taking it :-)15:24
* sergiusens emails15:24
mhall119beuno: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/121987615:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 1219876 in Software Center Agent "Require all lower case package names" [Undecided,New]15:25
mhall119bzoltan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins/+bug/121987715:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1219877 in Ubuntu QtCreator Plugins "Force lower case click package name" [Undecided,New]15:27
bzoltanmhall119:  :) it would be nice to receive these click app naming policies in one bundle :) But I will fix it15:28
xnoxMirv: I'm rebuilding qtbase-opensource-src locally and I'm getting: .obj/release-shared/qfilesystemwatcher.o: In function `QFileSystemWatcherPrivate::createNativeEngine(QObject*)':15:32
xnox/home/xnox/canonical/qtbase-opensource-src-5.0.2+dfsg1/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp:76: undefined reference to `QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::create(QObject*)'15:32
xnox/home/xnox/canonical/qtbase-opensource-src-5.0.2+dfsg1/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp:76: undefined reference to `QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::create(QObject*)'15:32
xnoxMirv: yet last upload did build everywhere in launchpad. Any idea what's going on?15:32
mhall119thanks bzoltan, if I knew all of the rules I'd include them all for you, but I don't :)15:35
bzoltanmhall119:  No worries :) I am prepared to deal with changes like this15:36
beunomhall119, thanks!15:39
mhall119beuno: I'm preparing a new package15:44
beunomhall119, DO YOUR WORST15:45
mhall119beuno: I can't change the App package name in the new MyApps15:45
beunolet me check something15:46
mhall119I can change the Application Name, but not the packag ename15:46
mhall119and changing the application name to all lower-case (which I don't want to do) doesn't update the package name to be all lower case (which I *do* want to do)15:46
beunomhall119, I'll see if it's a bug and change it for you15:47
beunomhall119, yeah, once you upload you're stuck, which is reasonable I think15:48
beunoI'll change it for you15:48
mhall119I can't seem up upload my new package either...15:48
beunomhall119, why not?15:48
mhall119dunno, it counts down "second remaining" and stops at 015:49
mhall119but then does nothing15:49
beunomhall119, ah, I see someone else is stuck in the same place. Do you have something to debug what's happening to the request?15:49
mhall119ah, third (or fifth) time's the charm, it uploaded15:49
beunomhall119, ah, then it's a known issue we're having (and fixing today)15:50
mhall119I never saw any errors or anything in previous attempts15:50
* beuno nods15:51
beunomhall119, changed that package name for you15:51
mhall119bzoltan: is there a bug for the fact that hidden files and directories (like .bzr) are being included in click packages?15:51
mhall119thanks beuno15:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1214628 in Ubuntu QtCreator Plugins "Click packages need to exclude the .bzr dir" [Critical,Confirmed]15:51
mhall119beuno: I manually set the full Icon= path too, so hopefully 0.9.1 is good to go now15:52
mhall119thanks netcurli15:52
guschseb128: ping15:55
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seb128gusch, hey15:58
guschseb128: any idea why/if mako has an old package of ubuntu-extras?15:59
asacogra_: can we somewhat set the CPU to a low frequency state?16:00
asacogra_: force it during testing?16:00
asacin hope that thermal throttling is going away and our overall timeout thing becomes more predictable16:01
asacogra_: is it "just" enabling powersave govenor?16:01
asacor mayube disabling all governors and forcing low freq?16:02
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seb128gusch, no idea, try asking ogra_ maybe ... what image do you use?16:02
guschseb128: the problem is on jenkins ...16:03
seb128gusch, oh? url?16:03
guschseb128: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/426/testReport/junit/gallery_app.tests.test_album_view/TestAlbumView/test_album_view_open_photo_with_touch_/16:03
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beunomhall119, you are live16:03
seb128gusch, is there a fix that landed since and that you need or...?16:04
guschseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-ui-extras/friends0.2/+merge/18289516:06
guschups - just saw I was chatting with sil2100 about that issue, not you - sorry16:06
seb128gusch, no worry, but that fix landed in saucy last week: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/148752827/ubuntu-ui-extras_0.1%2B13.10.20130821.1-0ubuntu1_0.1%2B13.10.20130829-0ubuntu1.diff.gz16:07
sil2100seb128, gusch: yes, that's what I was saying earlier16:08
guschseb128: yes, but still, sometimes jenkins fails on mako because of that bug16:08
guschsil2100: ^16:08
sil2100This fix was in, but I still didn't get an answer from the QA guys what version of ubuntu-ui-extras is installed on the mediumtests16:08
sil2100But I guess it's using the fixed one16:08
sil2100gusch: is it possible that it's some different issue?16:08
guschsil2100: well - one time it worked today, and 3 times it didn't16:09
guschsil2100: it always and only fails on mako16:09
seb128gusch, sil2100: what is bringing ui-extra in?16:09
seb128Depends: gallery-app (>= 0.0.67+13.10.20130829.1-0ubuntu1), libautopilot-qt, libqt5test5, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot16:09
seb128shouldn't the gallery autopilot package depends on it if it needs it?16:09
seb128gusch, sil2100: to me it looks like you are missing a depends, I'm surprised it works at all16:10
seb128it probably works by luck on some machines with non cleaned status16:10
mhall119hmmm, apps scopes keep failing on me16:10
guschseb128: gallery needs it, and gallery has the dependency - I don't see an issue here16:11
beunomhall119, on download?16:11
mhall119beuno: no, on searching16:12
mhall119it's like things get stuck16:12
mhall119I clear the search, but it doesn't reload the dash results16:12
beunothat's an alecu thing then16:12
seb128gusch, if you need the current version you should depends on >=16:13
mhall119beuno: after installing, I don't have the /current/ folder, just /0.9.1/ in /opt/16:15
mhall119and my .desktop wasn't installed :(16:16
beunomhall119, that would be more of a cjwatson question16:16
guschseb128: I depend on almost every package on a pretty new version - but I could add that here just to get it integrated somehow16:16
* beuno dodges left and right16:16
ogra_asac, you need to do that based on what android uses ... ondemand on mako will for example make the device not behave well16:19
mhall119gah, stuck again16:19
mhall119alecu: how can I debug scope problems?  After I search I can't "unsearch"16:20
ogra_asac, i think powersave and performance might work, but that also would require testing, usually the BSP kernels are built around the preferred governor, ignoring all the others 9or if we break the others)16:21
mhall119hmmm, this may go beyond scopes...16:21
mhall119http://ubuntuone.com/4v3fUxUPkTDGzqOyGRC4Ha Unity doesn't see any apps at all16:21
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cjwatsonmhall119: That means that click crashed somewhere in the middle of the install16:25
cjwatsonmhall119: I would need an example I can reproduce16:25
mhall119cjwatson: try https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119/uReadIt/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.uReadIt-0.9.1.click?noauth=116:26
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mhall119the 0.9.1 directory in /opt/ is empty too16:27
mhall119so it's like it's not even unpacking it16:27
seb128gusch, otherwise wait on fginther and co to have a look, but it's an holiday in the U.S today so it's going to be for tomorrow16:28
mhall119cjwatson: beuno: here's my unity-scope-click.log16:28
cjwatsonUnfortunately that's no use due to bug 121848316:29
ubot5bug 1218483 in click (Ubuntu) "Installation errors are not reported" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121848316:29
cjwatson error setting ownership of symlink `/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.ureadit/0.9.1/debug/hot.json.dpkg-new': Operation not permitted16:30
cjwatsonis the actual failure here16:30
mhall119I had just dist-upgraded the phone too, so everything is latest16:30
mhall119dang, ./debug/ isn't even needed16:31
cjwatsonwell, it's not anything especially specific to that path16:31
cjwatsonit's probably a bug in the preload library; investigating16:31
mhall119it's strange because the symlink it pointing to another file in the same directory, both with the same permissions16:33
cjwatsonNot relevant16:33
cjwatsonclick has a preload library that it uses to ensure that the low-level unpack operation can't evilly overwrite other files16:34
mhall119cjwatson: is there any place I can add excludes to click build?16:34
cjwatsonSome details of this are a bit architecture-specific due to differences in libc; this is one16:34
cjwatsonmhall119: The intent of click build is that you assemble a staging directory containing the things you want to ship which you then build into a .click16:35
cjwatsonSo at present there's no exclude support16:35
mhall119ok, and QtCreator is just running it inside the project directory16:35
cjwatsonSince people seem to be ignoring / not aware of this intent, maybe I'll have to change this16:35
mhall119cjwatson: that would probably make it easier on the qtcreator plugin, since it has no way of knowing what files it should copy into such a staging dir16:36
mhall119but being able to run "click build -I.bzr -Idebug" to ignore ./.bzr/ and ./debug/ would be nice16:37
cjwatsonmhall119: I don't buy that argument as such, because it would need configuration for what to exclude just as it would need configuration for what to include16:37
mhall119true, but it's easier to maintain a list of excludes than a list of includes16:37
cjwatsonBut it may be convenient to add exclude support in any event.  Feel free to file a bug16:37
mhall119cjwatson: file a bug against what?16:37
mhall119https://launchpad.net/click doesn't have bug tracking enabled it seems16:38
cjwatsonUse the Ubuntu package16:38
cjwatsonIt's distracting for me to have to track bugs in two places, so I refuse to16:38
mhall119only two? :)16:39
cjwatsonNo point if I don't have to16:39
cjwatsonAlso, https://bugs.launchpad.net/click/ says "Ubuntu tracks bugs for packages derived from this project" with a link16:40
mhall119I suppose that's fine until Click packages become wildly popular on other distros and gains widespread use16:40
cjwatsonI've added a note to https://launchpad.net/click16:41
cjwatsonmhall119: Even so, you're experiencing your bug using the Ubuntu packaging of click, so you should file it against that16:41
cjwatsonIf it were the case that they were different, you wouldn't know whether it was a bug in the upstream code or the Ubuntu code16:42
mhall119well, I would because I know the original author's IRC nick :)16:42
mhall119https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/1219912 filed, marked as Wishlist16:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1219912 in click (Ubuntu) "Allow excluding specific files or directories when building a click package" [Wishlist,New]16:43
cjwatsonmhall119: I've fixed that symlink handling bug for 0.4.216:47
mhall119thanks cjwatson16:47
mhall119cjwatson: and the Icon path replacement was fixed in 0.4.1 right?16:48
mhall119I just need the relative path to the icon file now?16:48
cjwatsonmhall119: The bug fixed in 0.4.1 would have prevented the desktop file being written at all16:49
mhall119what do you mean?16:50
cjwatsonNot sure how to explain it differently16:50
mptseb128, Laney: Unless you make any notes in the "System Settings planning" doc, I'll start with the screens that don't have any wireframe at all right now, then work through the rest from top to bottom.16:50
cjwatsonmhall119: With <0.4.1, the problem was that "click desktophook" wasn't writing out a new desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications/16:50
cjwatsonmhall119: So you could have ended up with a stale file from a previous version16:51
Laneympt: can you re-link me? I'll try and look tomorrow16:51
seb128mpt, what sort of notes would you like?16:51
mhall119cjwatson: ok, the bug I was talking to sergiusens about was the fact that Icon=uReadIt.png wouldn't show the icon in the Unity 8 dash16:51
Laneypriorities for re-wireframing iirc16:51
seb128mpt, things missing?16:51
mptLaney, http://goo.gl/ZaL8VL16:51
mhall119cjwatson: sergiusens said it was fixed by his MP16:51
cwayne_sergiusens, ping16:51
cjwatsonmhall119: Not quite.  sergiusens' MP did what I explained above16:52
seb128mpt, "sound - battery - about" are my top 3 (we are close to finish those) if you want priority of things useful to me16:52
mhall119cjwatson: so does the desktop file hook replace the Icon= path with the installed location or doesn't it?16:53
annerajb_ogra_, i added a break before the mount move.16:53
annerajb_and ran the mount move commands by hand16:53
mptseb128, ok, I'll do those first16:54
seb128mpt, thanks16:54
annerajb_ogra_, i dont see a tty1 let me get a pastebin or something more readable16:54
annerajb_ogra_, sorry the other way around i dont see ttySAC216:54
annerajb_ogra_, http://pastebin.com/T1JkdHXD16:56
mptseb128, notes on preferred priority and/or things missing. :-)16:59
cjwatson17:52 <cjwatson> mhall119: Not quite.  sergiusens' MP did what I explained above16:59
cjwatson17:52 <cjwatson> mhall119: But "click desktophook" normally replaces the value of Icon with an absolute path in the modified version it writes out to ~/.local/share/applications/16:59
cjwatson(was disconnected)16:59
seb128mpt, k, thanks for adding those number, I'm going to have another look for things missing as well17:00
mhall119cjwatson: ok, I'll wait until I can get 0.4.2 on my phone then try installing again17:00
ogra_annerajb_, well, then you can not output anything to it indeed17:01
annerajb_so should i add a mknode on the init?17:01
ogra_i thought you already read output on that device ?17:01
mhall119beuno: it won't let me upload a new package again, anything I can do to debug this?17:01
annerajb_ogra_, what do you mean read output?17:02
ogra_annerajb_, i thought you asked how to get the console output printed to that device17:03
annerajb_ogra_, i can read output thru the serial but it seems some output like upstart is not showing up on the serial17:03
annerajb_the --verbose for example didnt do a difference on the serial output17:03
ogra_annerajb_, so you used something like init="/sbin/init --verbose" and that didnt work ?17:05
annerajb_----__----- no lol17:05
annerajb_i just dropped a --vebrose on the cmdline17:05
annerajb_i feel stupid..17:05
annerajb_brb let me change it to be init=17:06
ogra_(thats at least how i understand the upstart debugging doc)17:06
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ogra_ah, no, the first paragraph looks like just adding --verbose would be allowed too17:07
ogra_though i think your init dies before it can even be verbose :)17:07
annerajb_ogra_, you know what INIT_VERBOSE=yes is for?17:07
ogra_no idea17:07
annerajb_i had something that it printed a really verbose output on the serial but can't recall what it was or what combination of commands17:07
ogra_where did you get that from ?17:07
annerajb_it printed the output of every command the init executed17:08
ogra_probably some upstart specialist knows more :)17:08
annerajb_there's where i got that surfacefligner was started drm pvsrss17:08
* cjwatson gets pre-existing tests passing on his click multi-root branch - no bets on it actually working yet though17:08
annerajb_a bunch of apps are started17:08
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ogra_like xnox or jodh17:08
annerajb_ok ogra_ is surfaceflinger started by upstart?17:08
cjwatsonre upstart17:08
annerajb_cjwatson, so adding that on the kernel command line is enought?17:09
ogra_cjwatson, doesnt work ... thats what started this discussion17:09
ogra_at least thats what annerajb_ claims17:09
cjwatsonannerajb_ said "--vebrose" which is not the same17:09
annerajb_yeah it's written correctly on the cmdline17:09
annerajb_i am not copy pasting17:09
ogra_lol ... annerajb_ you shouldnt discuss with dyslexic people llike me :)17:09
cjwatsonI would not expect init="/sbin/init --verbose" to work; quoting on the kernel command line is optimistic at best17:09
annerajb_cjwatson, ok so ill change it back to --verbose17:10
cjwatsonPerhaps your boot is dying before it gets to upstart17:10
ogra_it is17:10
cjwatsonThen you probably want debug=17:10
cjwatsonLiterally that, nothing afterwards17:11
annerajb_ok what does that do?17:11
ogra_it dies directly after or at run-init17:11
cjwatsonTurns on "set -x" in the initramfs, which causes the shell to emit a debugging trace17:11
annerajb_does the order on the kernel cmdline matter?17:13
ogra_only for the console= statements17:13
ogra_if you have more thna one17:13
annerajb_CONFIG_CMDLINE="no_console_suspend=1 debug= --verbose datapart=/dev/mtdblock3 console=tty1"17:14
annerajb_that's how it looks17:14
annerajb_thought i will have to add console=ttySAC2,115200 at the start to see serial output17:14
cjwatsonYou'll have to add it somewhere.  Output should appear on all console=, but the last console= is used when opening /dev/console, so I'd be inclined to suggest putting the serial console last just in case17:16
annerajb_ok so ill put it after tty117:17
ogra_cjwatson, upstart wont like that since there is no /dev/ttySAC217:17
annerajb_but i cant atleast see upstart complain in ttySAC2 with --verbose :D17:18
annerajb_or should be able too17:18
ogra_well, you will see, i guess it dies because there is no proper cosole then17:19
cjwatsonogra_: If it doesn't get to upstart, who cares :)17:20
gaurav__which are the exact files to download17:20
gaurav__for mako17:20
gaurav__is this the lastest available?17:20
ogra_this is ancient17:20
sergiusenscwayne_: pong17:21
cwayne_sergiusens, was there a change to maalit recently?  our maalit config we dropped in ~ now causes maalit to never show17:21
annerajb_ogra_, that page needs a giant banner saying that is old i thought that was the latest too. since a bunch of web post on xda link to it.17:21
ogra_annerajb_, well, a bunch of ports have never been updated beyond that point in time ...17:22
ogra_so for them it is recent i guess :)17:22
gaurav__can you get me the latest page17:22
gaurav__can you help me install this thing17:23
gaurav__I am one a stock rooted nexus 417:23
gaurav__Windows 817:23
ogra_do you have working fastboot and adb on that windows box ?17:24
gaurav__i do17:24
ogra_ok, so first of all boot into fastboot/bootloader mode17:24
gaurav__1 sec17:24
gaurav__gimme the command to reboot17:24
gaurav__i forgot :P17:24
ogra_adb reboot-bootloader iirc17:25
ogra_(or without dash, i'm never sure)17:25
gaurav__yeah its without the dash17:25
ogra_download http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+mako.img17:25
gaurav__is this the very latest17:25
ogra_fastboot flash recovery saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+mako.img17:26
ogra_thats the last blessed image17:26
gaurav__1 sec17:26
ogra_there are untested ones in the /pending folder if you prefer something newer17:26
gaurav__1 sec please17:28
sergiusenscwayne_: for maliit, there were talks about moving to gsettings, seb128 might know more about that17:28
sergiusensas in status17:28
cwayne_sergiusens, thanks17:28
cwayne_seb128, ping17:28
seb128cwayne_, hey17:29
gaurav__OGRA thats done17:29
ogra_gaurav__, great, then boot into the new recovery mode you just flashed17:29
sergiusenscwayne_: the configs should be in lp:ubuntu-keyboard  fwiw17:29
sergiusensif anywhere17:29
cwayne_sergiusens, thanks17:29
cwayne_seb128, have there been any changes to maalit that would cause our configs to break it (i.e. have it not show up anymore)17:30
ogra_gaurav__, fastboot reboot recovery17:30
gaurav__and the name of the recovery?17:30
seb128cwayne_, I doubt it, there was no landing of ubuntu-keyboard since 0829.117:30
ogra_just these three words17:30
seb128cwayne_, I don't work on the osk though17:31
seb128tmoenicke does17:31
gaurav__no its just gving me a list of commands17:31
ogra_gaurav__, well, you should have a big green "start" on your screen ... just select recovery mode with the volume keys and press power17:33
gaurav__yea works17:33
ogra_great, now you should be able to run adb shell17:33
ogra_if that works, exit the shell again17:33
gaurav__Now what do i do?17:34
ogra_download http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+mako.zip17:34
ogra_then adb push saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+mako.zip /sdcard/17:34
gaurav__2 min to download17:34
gaurav__do i do it when the phone is in recovery mode or fast boot mode17:34
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gaurav__I am currently on the CWMbased recovery page on my phone17:35
cwayne_seb128, hm, im not sure when we introduced our confg, maybe it broken on 0829.1, i'll take a look thanks17:36
ogra_gaurav__, thats where you should be :)17:38
gaurav__where should i be to use the push command17:38
beunomhall119, yeah, we have a problem with the server17:39
beunoworking on it17:39
ogra_wherever you executed the fastboot command before17:39
* annerajb_ on reboot loop apparently those kernel cmdlines broke somethin17:41
gaurav__it says device not found17:43
gaurav__when i press adb devices there are no devices showing17:44
gaurav__should i just switch on my phone and put it in the sd card manually17:45
gaurav__OGRA you there?17:49
gaurav__can anyone help me out ?17:51
gaurav__i am kinda struck installing ubuntu touch17:51
netcurligaurav__: you are in the recovery screen right now?17:52
netcurlion the phone17:52
netcurliand you can or cannot connect with adb?17:52
gaurav__cannot connect17:53
gaurav__i am unable to push this file17:53
gaurav__so i booted up and maually copied the file into my internal storage17:53
gaurav__that didnt work out either17:55
ogra_select "install zip from sdcard" in the menu ...17:55
gaurav__i was unable to copy :(17:55
ogra_(once you managed to copy it over)17:55
gaurav__now i am in CWM based rcovery screen17:55
ogra_right, and you should be able to adb push the file17:56
gaurav__gimme the command again please17:56
ogra_adb push saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+mako.zip /sdcard/17:57
ogra_(it is a few lines above in the backlog too btw)17:57
ogra_k, now select "install zip from sdcard" on the phone ...17:59
gaurav__installed it17:59
ogra_now do exactly the same with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip17:59
gaurav__I push it and then install it from sd card18:00
ogra_download, push, install18:00
gaurav__okay it says 5 min to download18:01
gaurav__then what do i do18:01
gaurav__i just reboot?18:01
ogra_and thats it18:01
gaurav__will it reboot to ubuntu?18:01
gaurav__Okay one more question does it have OTA's18:01
gaurav__once i boot in18:02
ogra_not this image variant18:02
gaurav__Oh but this is a Stock Image right18:02
ogra_and if you want the system image there is no windows installation yet18:02
gaurav__Oh I get it!!18:02
=== psivaa-bbl is now known as psivaa
ogra_(system image is how we call the OTA one)18:02
gaurav__Is this the latest i can get?18:02
gaurav__I mean with the bugs and all18:02
ogra_no, that would have been /pending instead of /current for the download URl18:03
gaurav__So if i have to revert to android18:03
gaurav__Flash-all.bat would do it right?18:03
ogra_you just follow the instructions on the install wikipage18:03
gaurav__Thats kinda for linux so...18:03
ogra_ah, not sure there is a windows way described18:03
gaurav__was just wondering!!18:03
ogra_well, i'm sure you will find documentation for how to do it from windows18:04
ogra_that should be a pretty standard task18:04
gaurav__could you please link me the website from where you have downlaoded these files18:04
gaurav__i mean not the download links18:04
ogra_does your IRC client have a scroll bar ? just scroll up18:05
gaurav__haha yea18:05
gaurav__thanks a ton?18:06
gaurav__could you share your email!!18:06
ogra_ogra@ubuntu.com ...18:06
gaurav__Thanks again18:06
ogra_Laney, did that settings package i was supposed to seed make it in ?18:07
ogra_aha, seems it did18:08
* ogra_ updates meta 18:08
gaurav__Hey Ogra !! just a random question18:10
gaurav__Is ubuntu like windows phone18:11
gaurav__or is it like android using Triple Buffering to make things smoother18:11
ogra_lol, no idea, i never had a windows phone in my hand18:11
gaurav__lets say apple18:11
gaurav__i mean smooth like how apple was from the beginning without hardware accleration18:12
aquariusjdstrand, ping: in a click package's manifest, do I need "audio" permissions to play any sound at all (even, say, a "ding" you've-picked-something-up sound in a game), or is that for apps that want to play background audio or something equally clever?18:12
ogra_its is a little less smooth than android in some places (browser for example) but smoother in others18:12
ogra_apple has always had HW acceleration18:12
beunoaquarius, I would expect he's not around today, labour day in the US, etc18:13
gaurav__you get my point about the smoothness don't you18:13
ogra_(as does android and ubuntu touch)18:13
gaurav__i mean its so natural on Ios18:13
gaurav__than it is on android18:13
aquariusbeuno, oh yeah, good point. Who else is on the security team and isn't celebrating the eventual triumph of socialism?18:13
gaurav__running the ui on background thread like ios18:13
ogra_gaurav__, dont forget it is less than 6 months old18:13
aquariusmdeslaur, ping18:13
aquariusbah, he's not around either ;)18:13
beunoaquarius, they're all socialists, these security folks18:14
sergiusensaquarius: sbeattie18:14
aquariuspower to the people!18:14
aquariussbeattie, ping :)18:14
aquariussbeattie, in a click package's manifest, do I need "audio" permissions to play any sound at all (even, say, a "ding" you've-picked-something-up sound in a game), or is that for apps that want to play background audio or something equally clever?18:14
ogra_try it our in that light and you will see sommther stuff than android, but also a lot of rough edges everywhere ... and even bad behavior sometimes18:14
sergiusensaquarius: but I think the answer is yes18:14
aquariussergiusens, yes to "you need audio permissions to play any sound at all"?18:15
sergiusensaquarius: and audio_files if you want to access files out of your namespace18:15
gaurav__hey ogra18:15
gaurav__i am done pushing the file18:15
sergiusensaquarius: correct18:15
ogra_gaurav__, so install it then18:15
gaurav__the file name appears to be ready to flash?18:15
aquariussergiusens, what does "access files out of my namespace" mean? I currently load some wav files in QML and play them.18:15
gaurav__"ready to flash!18:15
gaurav__is that the file18:15
sergiusensaquarius: files like $HOME/Music18:16
aquariusoh right, I don't need that :)18:16
gaurav__the file is succesfully pushed18:16
gaurav__but i dont see it18:16
ogra_it should still have the same name it had on your PC18:17
beunomhall119, try and upload again?18:17
gaurav__1 sec18:17
gaurav__i made a blooper18:17
annerajb_ogra_, do you foresee any problems with my partitions being in yaffs instead of ext4? i sometimes get crashes on yafs on recovery18:18
sbeattieaquarius: 'audio' gives you the ability to play sounds, access to $HOME/Music is through 'music_files_read'18:18
mhall119beuno: worked like a charm!18:18
ogra_annerajb_, well, the mounting obviously works, i think your issue lies somewhere in upstart vs the kernel config18:19
aquariussbeattie, excellent. So to play any sound at all I need "audio"?18:19
gaurav__could you give the command to push again please18:19
sbeattieaquarius: yes18:19
annerajb_ogra_, ok any benefit of using ext4 instead of yaffs18:19
aquariussbeattie, thank you!18:20
ogra_annerajb_, i doubt it helps your issue in any way18:20
annerajb_ogra_, i know it wont help the issue just asking for a future as in when it works fine18:20
sergiusensaquarius: /usr/share/apparmor/easyprof/policygroups/ubuntu/1.0/audio18:21
ogra_there is surely a reason the vendor picked yaffs18:21
ogra_might be the best with your flash chip18:21
beunomhall119, sweet18:21
gaurav__ogra is Basic data and WIFi working on this rom18:30
gaurav__it hasent booted yet18:30
gaurav__how do i put music on this thing18:34
gaurav__the mtp is not visible18:34
annerajb_cjwatson, ogra_, http://pastebin.com/bTYZuvBi "no_console_suspend=1 debug= --verbose datapart=/dev/mtdblock3 console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200"18:49
cjwatsondon't ask me :)18:51
annerajb_cjwatson, sorry , ogra_ forgot this  Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!19:05
annerajb_[   21.847560] Backtrace:19:05
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
sergiusensrsalveti: can you review this https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/android/+merge/183532 ? It's to support https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/cambridge/ufa-flash/+merge/183533 which I'm not sure you can view20:10
balachmaraah, crap I had the kernel config thing open. And answered a lot of questions already. For some reason I pressed control + c, now I need to start over again...20:23
balachmar\me hits head against the wall20:23
OrokuSakiAnyone know how the camera app decides to be portrait or landscape??21:37
OrokuSaki@netcurli thanks!22:23
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=== wi[ee-nilee is now known as wilee-nilee
OrokuSakianyone know how to compile an ubuntu touch application?22:35
OrokuSakiI see it uses cmake?22:35
* mhall119 was hoping to see click 0.4.2 available today :(22:45
OrokuSakiAnyone have a guide to setup an enviroment to compile ubuntu touch qt5 apps?23:10
OrokuSakiI want to recompile the camera-app23:11
OrokuSakiNeat. http://askubuntu.com/questions/260185/is-there-way-to-compile-qt5-programs-written-with-c-to-ubuntu-touch23:13
annerajb_cjwatson, hey you aroudn my kernel panic is because upstart dies.23:35
annerajb_[   21.791001] ANNER: running upstart.23:37
annerajb_[   21.795314] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!23:37
annerajb_[   21.801411] Backtrace:23:37
annerajb_hmmm maybe i should add back that tty1 -_-... let me try taht23:39

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