[00:40] tick tock [00:58] 2 minutes and look i'm still here [01:00] hello all [01:00] Who all is here? [01:00] howdy cmaloney [01:00] here [01:00] i'm actually here. hah [01:01] Woo woo [01:01] i'm watching Silk too so if 'm slow… :) [01:01] Agenda for the meeting is here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-michigan/519/detail/ [01:01] Thanks to everyone for coming out on this Labor Day weekend. :) [01:02] eh, i was already here. missed RR so i figured i'd make it to this meeting. [01:02] :) [01:03] Oh, let's get started then [01:03] http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/519/agenda/1697/update/ [01:03] yeah Verification [01:04] As expected, there has been a change in what used to be called the approval process for loco teams [01:05] We previously decided that the old model was pretty resource intensive, and thus decided not to go through with it an dlet our approval status lapse. [01:05] ok [01:05] With this new change, it doesn't appear that it'll take much to keep verified status [01:05] Should we go through with verification? [01:06] I'd like to hear if anyone has any sentiments they'd like to share about this [01:06] My personal feeling is it's still a little much to do for verification, but I think it would be worth the effort [01:07] i think it should be fine. sorry was reading hte link you provied. [01:08] *the, i can't type tonight [01:09] The only problem is I can't find the previous bug that we had for reapprovlal [01:09] we had a bug for that? sorry i've not been here in awhile. i'm sorry [01:09] so I'll have to check with the loco council to see what we'll need to do t omake it happen [01:09] It was a private bug [01:10] ok [01:10] I'm not sure who had access to it [01:12] any dissenting opinions? [01:12] i don't think i did but it doesn't matter. [01:13] ok. if someone doesn't want us to go through with verification, please let me know and we'll discuss [01:13] our approval bug had until October, so there is still time [01:14] what's the advantage of going through it or not? [01:14] or disadvantage? [01:14] iit makes getting things from Canonical easier [01:14] that's about it [01:15] then let's be verified. *shrug* [01:15] Yeah, previously it was quite the ordeal [01:15] felt more like an inquisition [01:16] "nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!" [01:16] Or like some Egyptian god was weighing your hear to see if you were worthy [01:17] yeah! sorry, whenever i hear that word i think of Monty Python. [01:17] I don't think anyone in this channel didn't think that way. :) [01:17] :) [01:18] Anywho, moving on [01:18] http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/519/agenda/1698/update/ [01:19] Who all is going to Ohio Linuxfest? [01:19] I know Jorge is [01:19] I know rick_h and I aren't [01:19] i'm probably not. [01:19] along with waldo323 [01:20] Yeah, I don't think we're going to have much participation then [01:20] sorry but work. :( [01:20] also i have nobody to stay with. [01:20] If someone is going, please contact the Ohio Loco (Steve Kellat) and see if there's something we can do to help [01:20] that said, I think it's going to be pretty light this year. [01:20] However, that brings us to the next part: [01:21] http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/519/agenda/1696/update/ [01:21] Ubuntu S-Series Global Jam [01:21] Last time we were able to do this all remotely [01:21] S-series? [01:21] And I think that trend will continue [01:21] yeah, we're up to 13.10 (Saucy Salamander, i think) [01:22] derp. sorry! [01:22] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/community-announce/2013-March/000004.html [01:22] i'll try to be on in the evening but my job blocks like everything so no irc during business hours [01:22] danke [01:24] That's quite alright. It'll be pretty much on from Friday to Sunday [01:24] as before, if you're looking to jam, just hop onto IRC and say "I'm jamming" and see if anyone else might be jamming [01:25] Hopefulyl we can get a little more folks involved. [01:25] sweet. i'll see if i'm free. [01:25] I'll also make sure to drop it on the calendar [01:26] awesome. i'll make sure my main machine is logged into irc and i'll hang in the room [01:27] OK [01:28] That brings us to the release party [01:28] James Hice was looking into places for that [01:28] So, more to come, as he's not around at the moment [01:29] That's likely to happen in October, and is one of the times that we can get together to celebrate [01:29] sounds like fun. i really wanted to go to the last one but my friend's baby shower was that weekend. i promised i'd go. :( [01:29] Which leads me up to the last item on the the list [01:29] jcastro had an idea for getting together at the end of summer / beginning of fall to have a cook-out [01:29] Which sounds awesome [01:29] it does. [01:30] For some reason he thinks it should be around Royal Oak. [01:30] royal oak isn't too far from me. [01:31] RE release party; i think i have something on oct 12th that i absolutely must attend for Nile. don't schedule round me but i can't be there if it's that weekend. [01:31] http://www.ci.royal-oak.mi.us/portal/departments/recreation/facility-and-pavilion-rentals [01:32] my apartment complex in auburn hills also has a picnic area [01:32] not sure what i have to do to reserve it but that's also a thought. [01:33] I'm a resident of Royal Ok, so I could rent it out [01:33] we'd need to agree on a date, and I could make the trek down to do the rental. [01:33] nice [01:33] you'd want reimbursment for the rental. and that's no problem for me to throw in $10 or so [01:33] That's no biggie. [01:34] ok [01:37] Anywho, watch the mailing lists for more information [01:37] That's all I have for now. Anyone have anything else? [01:37] nope [01:37] i will have more time for bug triage. i've not contributed in a long time and i feel bad about that. [01:41] Yeah, I think life has become more hectic for all of us [01:41] There's currently a push to get the teams more "energized" [01:41] mine has become less hectic, much to my disappointment. [01:41] energized. there's a good word. [01:41] i wonder if the lack of energy is because it isn't needed. [01:42] ubuntu is damned good. is work needed? [01:42] *shrug* i'm still employed and as busy as ever in Nile… [01:42] that's a good point, jwren [01:42] i look at things and i'm like "what can i contribute to this?" [01:43] jrwren: there's always something to be done [01:43] but frankly I couldn't care less about tablet or phone OS [01:44] That and I'm already falling behind and getting discouraged in things that I actually care about [01:44] i'd like a simpler way to fix my ATI graphics drivers than "backup before kernel update and reinstall OS and drivers and programs" [01:44] sorry to hear that, cmaloney. [01:45] It's my own apathy demons. :) [01:45] personally? i think Android is "good enough" for a phone/tablet OS. not sure if ubuntu can compete with Android and ios. [01:45] i have apathy demons. not to be confused with deamons. :-P [01:46] Anywho, if nothing else, I move we adjourn to the mailing lists. :) [01:47] that works [01:48] Thanks everyone for taking the time out to meet! [01:48] Now go make something awesome [01:48] or at the very least, don't kill each other. [01:48] i'm watching Silk. and going to the Ren Fair tomorrow. awesome will have to wait till Tuesday. [01:49] and i'm going to Canada on Wednesday. :) [01:54] Fun times [01:54] OK, heading off for a while. Laterness. [01:59] see you. so am i. :) [10:52] cmaloney: hah, yea so we'll have to adjust the 50 point thing. It borked http://www.itnews.com.au/News/355204,why-paypal-chose-openstack.aspx [11:34] rick_h: breadable content in RSS is working with goread.io [12:23] brousch: sweet [12:23] brousch: released that last week [12:57] yeah. I hadn't tried it yet [12:57] brousch: cool, well good to know it's better. [13:14] rick_h: figures. [13:15] cmaloney: yea, the slide at the bottom is picked as the main content to display [13:15] ugh [13:16] did the previous version dothat too? [13:16] https://codereview.appspot.com/13469043 [13:16] I don't think so [16:05] jcastro: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/9653442379/sizes/l/ getting some love at company HQ [21:56] Evening [21:56] Just replaced my ATI card with an NVidia card [21:56] because ATI / AMD have pissed me off with their shit drivers for the last time for a while [22:07] Intel or DIAF [22:28] brousch1: Intel can DIAF [22:30] http://lmgtfy.com/?q=high+performance+Intel+video+cards&l=1#seen [22:32] vs high performance nvidia graphics card [22:32] high performance ati graphics card [23:00] Who needs high performance? You some kind of FPS gamer? [23:00] I'd rather have a card that just works without fiddling