
Kilosmorning all06:05
Kilosmorning DeonP psychicist 06:24
KilosDeonP, have you contacted your service provider, maybe they got something stopping you getting setup06:25
psychicistmorning Kilos 06:28
Kilosor maybe resovconf06:28
Kilosi remember something about a conflick somewhere when doing ssh06:29
DeonPi have, waiting for call06:32
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:00
Kiloshi tonberry352_ 07:00
ThatGraemeGuymorning peeps07:21
Kilosoh DeonP also mail our list with the prob07:21
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:21
Kiloslots more clever peeps on our lists07:21
Kilosmorning superfly 07:22
superflyhi Kilos07:23
superflyHawkiesZA says hi too07:23
Kilosah ty tell him howsit07:23
DeonPi posted my problem an askubuntu, http://askubuntu.com/questions/340325/problem-connecting-to-isp-server-using-xl2tpd-as-client-ubuntu-server-13-0407:42
DeonPlets see what comes back07:42
mazalMorning everyone08:04
Kilos-hi barrydk 08:07
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
barrydkGood morning Kilos  and everyone08:08
barrydkKilos, what was the name and mod of that router we talked about?08:09
Kilosoh my08:10
Kilosthe one i have?08:10
Kilosor the one you wanna try get08:10
barrydkthink so is it a 220 (something) its all i remember08:10
barrydkOr how can i go back to last weeks posts?08:11
Kilosyou should try get one like the pros one. it can take a plugin ext antenna08:11
barrydkthink it was that one08:12
Kilosi can never find the logs, always have to ask here08:12
Kilossee if that helps08:13
mazalThat logs addy in the topic works nice08:18
Kiloshi mazal 08:18
mazalLo oom08:19
barrydkIsh looks like hard work where is the pro08:19
Kiloslekker gerus?08:19
mazal"gerus" is 'n  relatiewe term oom hehehe. Maar dit was lekker ja dankie08:19
Kiloshe has been so busy lately only pops in at night08:20
Kiloshi smile 08:23
smilehi Kilos :D08:23
smilehow are you? :)08:23
Kilosgood ty and you?08:24
Kilos:) :-)08:24
Kilosthats my smileys for the week08:24
psyatwhi Kilos08:25
psyatwhi smile08:25
psyatwhi ma08:25
smileKilos: only two? :)08:25
Kiloshi psyatw 08:25
smileI'm fine too :D08:25
Kilosya man smileys are hard work for me08:26
smileMy laptop is working now :)08:26
smileRunnin' Mint + Windows 708:26
smileYou know UEFI, Kilos? :)08:26
Kilosis that the thing thats replacing mbr08:27
smileIt's the successor of BIOS :)08:27
smileUEFI+GPT = BIOS+MBR08:27
smileGPT = GUID Partition Table08:27
smileUEFI quite sucks at the moment ;)08:28
smileI just erased my whole hard disk on the laptop and reinstalled everything again in legacy mode08:28
smileAt least Linux boots now :)08:28
Kilosi had to remove it once and put mbr back08:29
smileThat's what I did08:29
Kilostoo much to remember08:29
Kilosand we trying to learn LPI08:29
smileLinux Professional Institute ? :)08:30
Kilosyou can join #linux-studies08:30
Kiloswe gonna have a class on friday evenings08:30
Kilosno back slash08:32
Kilosfingers too fat08:32
smileKilos: I see :D08:33
* smile looks at the PDF08:33
smileHeavy PDF :D08:34
Kiloslots to learn08:35
smileYeah, it's basically a free book08:39
smileKilos: what's evening? ;)08:41
smile23:00? ;)08:41
Kilos19.30 about08:43
Kilosbut peeps pop in and out all the time08:44
smileokay :)08:47
maiatodayhi Kilos09:03
Kiloshi Tinuva wb09:31
Kilosyou work for an isp hey?09:32
Kilossorry for forgetting09:32
Kilosnot mtn by chance09:34
Kiloshehe we have one guy battling a bit09:34
Tinuvamtn you get things fixed only one way09:35
Tinuvayou start emailing them on a daily basis on what you need to get fixed09:35
Kiloshaha yeah thats what i did before i found 8ta09:35
Tinuvathen after a month, you track down who the personal assistants are of the managers, email them on a daily basis, they will then make sure it gets sorted out so that you can stop spamming them09:35
Kilossame with voda09:35
Kilosalso hassle them on twitter too09:36
Kiloshi Squirm 10:41
zerlgiMaaz seen Maiatoday11:03
Maazzerlgi: Maiatoday was last seen 2 hours and 31 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2013-09-02 11:03:00 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2013-09-02 12:32:23 SAST11:03
zerlgiHI Kilos11:13
Kiloshi zerlgi howit?11:13
zerlgiHi. Good tx11:13
Kiloswhy would one want to fiddle with runlevels?11:47
mazalOnly time I use it is when I need to force a restart11:48
mazalThen I iniate level 611:48
mazalOther than that I never fiddle with it11:48
zerlgiI use runlevels when rescueing systems. boot into runlevel 111:53
zerlgithen instead of rebooting (because servers take up to 15 mins to run through their hardware checks)11:53
zerlgi... I init 3 or 5 (whichever is relevent)11:53
zerlgigoodbye for now folks.12:35
barrydkBuy guys12:42
mazalBye everyone , have a good evening12:51
Kilosthings are getting too good. no one needs help anymore14:51
KilosThatGraemeGuy, you still gotta do the late avy sorting14:52
ThatGraemeGuythe what now? o_O14:53
Kilosothers already on thier way home or nearly14:53
Kilostill 6 pm14:53
Kilossysadmin stuff14:53
ThatGraemeGuyi'm trying to make sense of your sentence14:53
Kiloswell like the pro says when others go home the sysadmin starts working14:54
Kilosm0orning inetpro 14:54
inetprogoeie more oom14:54
inetprohoe't jy geweet ek het nou eers wakker geword?14:55
ThatGraemeGuyi think you should read what you said again... my brain is not able to parse it :P14:55
Kilosyeah i dunno why it came out like that14:55
Kilosmeant the sorting of other peeps day before you knock off14:56
Kilosi also meant are they still keeping you till 6 for these last coupla weeks15:08
Kiloshi Vince-0 15:27
ThatGraemeGuythey don't "keep" me til 6, my normal hours are 9.30 til 615:27
ThatGraemeGuyit works out well for me with the kids' routine and the traffic patterns15:28
Kilosaha too15:28
Kilosim not parsing to well today seems like15:28
Kiloshi Snowy2 15:28
ThatGraemeGuynew job is only 10km from home so traffic not really much of a concern at all15:28
theblazehenso I have 2 MB of ram free...16:00
theblazehenAnything that uses less ram than vi?16:00
theblazehenah there we go. arounk 300 KB less16:03
theblazehenI'm not sure if I should run a webserver + mailserver on 128 MB RAM...16:03
theblazehenthink wordpress will run in 3 MB?16:04
theblazehenubuntu server16:04
theblazehendoes sh use less ram than bash? .......16:06
Vince-0sh is bash16:09
theblazehenI thought bash had more features?16:10
Vince-0sh is a specification16:11
theblazehenah ok16:11
theblazehenWell which binary uses less ram?16:11
Vince-0bash is the implementation16:11
theblazehengot 24 MB free now.16:13
theblazehenAfter a reboot16:13
Vince-0are you running a minimal install?16:14
WOLFEYESgood day everyone16:17
Vince-0theblazehen: I have ubuntu with lxde running on my arm tablet and it uses 116MB RAM idle16:18
theblazehenVince-0, ah ok16:19
theblazehenat install mine used less than 28 MB16:20
theblazehenthen i installed lamp-server and mail-server16:20
Vince-0you could try a smaller web and mail server16:22
WOLFEYESsorry guys I need a little bit of help please....with kde16:22
WOLFEYESI did an upgrade and it removed all panels from off the desktop, how do I get them back, right click doesn't help.!16:23
WOLFEYESI have to open all programs with the terminal...16:23
theblazehenVince-0, good idea16:23
Kilosim just googling16:25
Vince-0WOLFEYES: try restoring default KDE settings? Is there any GUI16:25
WOLFEYESTheres nothing16:25
WOLFEYESmaybe I can open it with terminal but I do not know how16:26
Kiloshow do you open a konsole16:26
WOLFEYESCntrl + Alt +T16:26
Kilosthose are the keys for unity16:26
Vince-0WOLFEYES: are you using Kubuntu?16:27
WOLFEYESyes sir16:27
Kilosill go see WOLFEYES 16:28
Kilosmv ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4.old16:29
Vince-0If your KDE settings are broken, mv ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4.old16:29
Vince-0log back in16:29
Kiloswhew that sucks16:31
ci-pc-lap1heya guys me again16:31
Kiloswhat happened16:31
ci-pc-lap1I lost the window16:31
ci-pc-lap1couldntminimize firefox16:32
KilosVince-0, its WOLFEYES again16:33
ci-pc-lap1brb trying to find the other windows16:33
KilosVince-0, he is my son16:34
Vince-0oh haai16:34
Kiloswont installing kdm sort that prob?16:35
Kiloshi psychicist 16:36
psychicisthi Kilos 16:37
WOLFEYESok I found it16:37
Vince-0to remove Plasma settings: kquitapp plasma; rm $KDEHOME/share/config/plasma-appletsrc; plasma 16:37
WOLFEYEShad to close firefox16:38
Vince-0WOLFEYES: that will delete everything for Plasma and a relog will recreate default settings16:38
WOLFEYESbut did you see what it said in slexy16:39
WOLFEYESbut let me try log off and on.16:39
Tonberryanyone here on cellc internet? Can you upload more than 1MB over tcp?16:41
Tonberrysomething forcefully kills my tcp connections if I go over that16:43
Kiloslooks like he killed it Vince-0 16:49
Vince-0ow, that'd be me killing it too16:52
Kilosi wonder what went wrong with the upgrade16:53
Vince-0what's the problem now?16:55
Kiloshe dont seem to be able to boot16:55
Kiloslets hope he just went shopping and the pc is fine16:56
Vince-0ow, booting won't be affected by KDE settings16:59
Kilosmaybe black screen so he sees nothing16:59
Kilosmaybe those other things you turn off17:00
Kilosalt+shift+f12 bypasses it17:00
Kilosim just gonna boot into kde 17:01
WOLFEYESstill nothing17:02
Vince-0what upgrade broke it?17:02
WOLFEYESbut I can open the system settings page17:02
WOLFEYESI have no clue17:03
WOLFEYEShow do I check that17:03
WOLFEYESor how do I fix it17:03
Vince-0what did you do when it broke17:03
WOLFEYEStried to find the missing panel17:05
WOLFEYESnothing worked17:05
WOLFEYESso I tried the terminal17:05
WOLFEYESit worked17:05
WOLFEYESconnected to the net17:05
Vince-0ok so broken panel17:05
WOLFEYESand cames here17:05
WOLFEYESseems that way17:05
WOLFEYESand pidgin too17:05
Vince-0what did the command string return:17:06
Vince-0kquitapp plasma; rm $KDEHOME/share/config/plasma-appletsrc; plasma17:06
WOLFEYESI pasted it int he room17:06
WOLFEYEShold on I will fetch it17:06
Vince-0that's the previous command17:07
WOLFEYESlet me reopen it in firefox17:08
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kiloswhat did i miss Vince-0 . pc decided to auto reboot17:43
Vince-0nothin, *playing battlefield17:45
magespawngood evening17:57
Kiloshi magespawn 17:58
magespawnhow is it going?18:04
charl_hi Kilos 18:05
charl_hi magespawn 18:05
charl_hi Vince-0 18:05
Kilosgrrr 18:13
magespawnhi charl_ 18:17
Kilos-sorry for the join/part peeps. pc keeps rebooting on its own18:30
magespawnnot much luck Kilos 18:52
Kilosyour side mage?18:53
magespawninstalled and running, need to create a normal user18:54
Kilosi got mine going too, reinstalled18:55
magespawncool beans18:55
Kilosbut now need this pc to be online18:55
Kilosother one keeps rebooting18:55
magespawnstrange, is not, maybe, over heating?18:59
Kilostrying another old psu18:59
Kilosotherwise blow clean tomorrow19:00
Kilos-night all. sleep tight19:45
psychicistgood night Kilos- 19:45
magespawngood night all19:46

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