
kostkonNeonSpeed, the total amount of swap and the amount that's in use right now00:00
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NeonSpeedKiB Swap:  8120316 total,        0 used,  8120316 free,  1130072 cached00:00
Johnny_Linuxgood enough00:01
Oliver__daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6053266/00:01
NeonSpeedSo should i avoid using preload?00:01
Johnny_Linuxid leave it alone00:01
RalliasOliver_, Are you seeing ANY wireless networks?00:01
Streuselcould always free it up00:01
kostkonNeonSpeed, it could speed up things, or it could also cause problems.00:02
Oliver__Rallias: No00:02
kostkonNeonSpeed, in theory, it should improve the loading speed of your apps00:02
NeonSpeedkostkon, Is it easy to go back if I try it out?00:02
RalliasOliver_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:02
daftykinsRallias: stop interrupting please00:02
daftykinsthere's a better resource than that one00:02
kostkonNeonSpeed, i guess, by removing it, but not 100% sure about that00:02
Ralliasdaftykins, For that wireless card and that problem, that's the page I always use.00:03
Oliver__daftykins: Rallias What should I do?00:03
Oliver__Go by what the page says/00:03
daftykinsOliver__: fully update and upgrade the system first00:03
Oliver__daftykins: Ok.  How?00:03
daftykinsyou're serious?00:04
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daftykinsare you a new user?00:04
Oliver__daftykins: Sadly yes00:04
Oliver__New user.00:04
daftykinsin the terminal type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"00:04
Oliver__Well, I've used it before, but only for a few minues as a rescue for my mom's old files on this laptop before it died.00:04
Oliver__daftykins: It's downloading.  Thanks.00:05
daftykinsso do that and restart, then run the two commands in post #2 here:00:06
daftykinsbookmark it so you don't forget00:06
Oliver__daftykins: Setting up libpci3 (1:3.1.8-2ubuntu6) ... Setting up pciutils (1:3.1.8-2ubuntu6) ... Setting up libgnome-control-center1 (1:3.4.2-0ubuntu0.12) ... Setting up gnome-control-center-data (1:3.4.2-0ubuntu0.12) ... Setting up gnome-control-center (1:3.4.2-0ubuntu0.12) ... Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place00:07
Oliver__Is it done?00:07
Oliver__I have the command line after that00:07
kostkonOliver_, yes00:07
daftykinsit'll return to the prompt once it's done00:07
daftykinsit's pretty easy to tell 'cause it stops doing things ;)00:08
Oliver__Ok.  Going to reboot.  Be back in a few.00:08
fosstererHello, I've trouble conecting to freenode from Thunderbird.. anyone with the same problem?00:08
Ralliasfossterer, How are you trying to connect to freenode with Thunderbird in the first place?00:08
kostkonRallias, thunderbird now uses libpurple for im stuff00:09
fosstererRallias: At port No: 666600:09
kostkonRallias, aka the lib used by pidgin00:09
Ralliaskostkon, I recognize the library, but WHEN?00:10
Ralliasfossterer, Try 666700:10
kostkonRallias, about a year ago i think00:10
kostkonor even more00:10
fosstererhave been going through 6664 to 6668 for teh last two weeks00:10
fosstererRallias: I can connect to irc.mozilla.org but not freenode00:11
daftykinsfossterer: #freenode for freenode support, not here00:11
Ralliasfossterer, Could be your university blocks IRC..00:11
Oliver__daftykins: You said to do what is in the second post?00:11
fosstererRallias: I can connect to irc.mozilla.org00:11
daftykinsOliver__: yes, how have you forgotten so soon?00:12
RalliasOk, certain networks then.00:12
Oliver__daftykins: st mem loss00:12
Oliver__I got a notification saying I have drivers to install?00:12
Oliver__Should I install them?00:12
daftykinslook at what it says00:12
Oliver__It's a driver for Broadcom wireless.  I tried to activate it, but it failed.00:13
RalliasOliver_, It'll help if you're connected to the internet via ethernet still.00:14
Oliver__Rallias: I am00:14
Oliver__This is what I get when I go to activate it.00:14
Oliver__Sorry, installation of this driver failed.  Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log00:14
RalliasCan you pastebin your /var/log/jockey.log ?00:15
daftykinsyeah, do what i said in post 2 then00:15
Oliver__I would if I knew how to activate it.00:15
Oliver__or access it.00:15
daftykinsRallias: it's going to be useless. seen it 5 times in here already00:15
daftykinsOliver__: ignore that, run the two commands and restart00:16
daftykinswith any luck wireless will then work00:16
Oliver__Give me a couple of minutes00:16
daftykinsi'm timing you!00:16
daftykinstype those commands, TYPE THEM!00:17
daftykinsdo it do it00:17
Johnny_Linuxsit booboo00:17
RalliasDidn't anyone ever tell you not to antagonize the noobs?00:17
Johnny_Linuxdaftykins, knows what hes doing00:17
Johnny_Linuxgood fella00:18
Oliver__daftykins: Done with terminal.  Rebooting now00:18
RalliasYep, and I've done what he's trying to do a hundred times before with a completely different path.00:18
brian__Can anyone help me with an error message for zynaddsubfx?00:18
daftykinsRallias: they may have, but progress was never made that way :(00:19
daftykinsholy moly more than one way to solve a problem on computers you say? well i never00:19
daftykinsRallias: don't worry if it doesn't work he's all yours! :D00:19
NeonSpeedkostkon, That preload worked awesome so far!!!00:19
daftykinsit's late where i am so sleep must be had00:19
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RalliasAlso, I'm relatively sure that the 4312 isn't in linux-firmware-nonfree00:19
kostkonNeonSpeed, nice!00:20
daftykinswell, 5 people with 43xx have been in here of late and the above has got them going00:20
NeonSpeedI used to have a computer with the 4312 and always had problems in Linux, but always got it to work after a lot of trial and error00:20
daftykinsRallias: so did you reclaim any space by disabling root's reserved space or was that a non-starter?00:20
Ralliasdaftykins, Naw, I got lazy and decided to ignore it.00:21
Oliver___Nothing shows up under Wireless00:21
NeonSpeedkostkon, Thank you soo much!00:21
kostkonNeonSpeed, my pleasure :)00:21
NeonSpeedkostkon, It is def working, I click on a program and boom it's opened00:21
Oliver___daftykins: Still nothing00:22
daftykinsRallias: ah well i guess you win this round, sir - he's all yours00:22
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kostkonNeonSpeed, that's nice. so it has definitely made a difference and that's good in my book ;)00:22
quilemanhola como estan00:22
quilemanalguien habla castellano00:22
Oliver___no habla espanol00:22
grendal-primeomg is there any way to delete a raid in the disk utility program?00:23
kostkon!es | quileman00:23
ubottuquileman: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:23
RalliasOliver___, Do an "apt-get install firmware-b43-installer"00:23
quilemanok gracias00:23
Oliver___Rallias: does that have "sudo" before ti00:23
Oliver___adios quileman00:23
joufflubuenas tardes...00:23
NeonSpeedkostkon, That was the last big problem I needed to fix, I fixed the cpu temp problem yesterday and now the speed problem now I'm good to go00:23
kostkonNeonSpeed, and now enjoy (using it) :)00:24
NeonSpeedNow time to theme it out lol00:24
RalliasOliver___, After that, reboot.00:25
Oliver___Rallias: daftykins kyle@Latitude-D630:~$ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-insatller [sudo] password for kyle:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package firmware-b43-insatller kyle@Latitude-D630:~$ ^C kyle@Latitude-D630:~$00:25
kostkonNeonSpeed, gnome-look.org for that. check for related posts at omgubuntu.co.uk and iloveubuntu.net00:25
RalliasThat's... unique...00:25
Oliver___Rallias: How so?00:25
xubuntu242_Not sure if this is the right place for this, trying to get my video in on my video card to work.00:25
NeonSpeedkostkon, Yeah I downloaded 2 from gnome-look.org but a lot of them look the same so I'll have to spend some time going through all of them00:26
kostkonNeonSpeed, good luck then :P00:26
daftykinsRallias: he typo'd00:26
|ryan|Oliver___: try chmod -R u+s /usr/ /bin/00:26
daftykinsOliver___: you need to spell installer correctly00:26
Oliver___long day00:26
Oliver___kyle@Latitude-D630:~$ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   fakeroot dkms Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. The following extra packages will be installed:   b43-fwcutter The following NEW packages will be installed:   b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-i00:27
daftykinsyeah you don't need to tell us after everything00:27
Oliver___What now00:28
daftykinsjust run it and reboot as Rallias said00:28
daftykinsgod damn man you're like a goldfish00:28
Oliver___So I reboot now00:28
ubuntustudioHello, I have been here in the past to ask this same question, I've been having issues with it for months and months and months now - any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Essentially when I install Ubuntu - of any sort - it successfully installs but than the Radeon graphics card driver apparently doesn't work and the screen just turns on and off after boot.  WOrks great off usb.    Here is my driver info: http://paste.ubuntu.00:28
ubuntustudiocom/6053323/ - also worth noting I've tried multiple times to DL the newest driver from Radeon site and the .run opens SO slow after 3 hours it was less than 25%, needless to say I quit out of that each time.... I've tried all the drivers I was able to find... and now I am unsure of how to even have these updates effect my actual filesystem on myPC - not just the USB, as I set up a 1.4G persistence.00:28
|ryan|you should consider running chmod -R -x /bin/ 1st00:28
Oliver___daftykins: Nah.  Long day, and I'm new to it.00:28
Rallias|ryan|, This is a support channel.00:29
|ryan|Rallias: yes indeed00:29
RalliasGo back to #lowendbox where your trolling is welcome.00:29
|ryan|im giving people good life advice00:29
ubuntustudioLastly it is worth noting that RANDOMLY it will work after the install, meaning, the graphics driver just works, the screen does not blink on and off.  THe only reason it doesn't still work is I've had to reinstall due to other issues.00:29
Ralliasubuntustudio, Do you use that flash drive exclusively for ubuntu or do you also use it for windows stuff?00:30
ubuntustudiono windows00:31
ubuntustudioits just a 4 gig flash00:31
ubuntustudioits got studio 13 on it, this one.  I've tried it with all the Ubuntus and Studios00:32
Ralliasubuntustudio, Well, you could install ubuntu directly to the flash drive, but it wouldn't be usable as a storage disk for a windows platform.00:32
|ryan|you could run ubuntu from NTFS00:32
ubuntustudioI want these installed on my computer, not the drive.00:32
ubuntustudioI do audio recording.00:32
ubuntustudioOnly using the USB as its my only option to get online and talk to you guys  :)00:33
Ralliasubuntustudio, That being the case, you COULD use your liveusb creation utility against the ubuntu alternate installation CD.00:33
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RalliasAnd use that to install.00:33
ubuntustudioI am a tad lost, what do you mean?00:33
Oliver_daftykins: Rallias I go to "edit connections" and I still don't see anything under wireless.00:33
daftykinsyou should just see them from left clicking the network manager icon00:34
RalliasOh, never mind... they seem to have dropped the alternate installer.00:34
ubuntustudioBasically, whatevr gets Studio or if I can't than Ubuntu (or both) installed successfully without that graphics issue so I can just get back to using my computer rather than pulling my hair out will make me one happy camper!00:34
Oliver_Network manager?00:34
Oliver_daftykins: ^00:34
kostkonOliver_, the wifi icon in your tray00:35
Oliver_kostkon: It's two arrows, one up, the other down.00:35
Oliver_Next to battery and volume00:35
kostkonOliver_, that's the icon for lan00:36
Oliver_I'm on ethernet00:36
daftykinsclick it anyway00:36
Oliver_ Literally right next to the router00:36
daftykinsshould show some wireless networks if things are working00:36
wilee-nileeRallias, 12.10 beyond the alternative is the mini.00:36
Oliver_Wireless networks and disconnected are both "greyed out"00:36
daftykinso rry00:37
Oliver_Enable netoworking and enable wirelless are checked00:37
daftykinsah well i have to go now, heading for 2am00:37
Johnny_Linuxmight not be turned on00:37
Ralliaswilee-nilee, Yeah but that takes forever to do an install unless you have 1gigE like I have at work.00:37
daftykinsRallias will help you :)00:37
ubuntustudioRallias: Just feel like I exhausted all of my darn options.... and I'm not following the last statement you'd made about using the live usb creation util against the ubuntu alt install cd.  I have downloaded these from net and made startup utility USBs - no install cd00:37
Oliver_daftykins: Ok.  Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.00:37
wilee-nileeRallias, downlaod is a download. ;)00:37
Oliver_Johnny_Linux: What might not be on?00:37
Ralliasubuntustudio, I can't really help... You could google "ubuntu mini.iso", but I don't know if that works with liveusb.00:37
wilee-nileemini runs on a uab like any other install00:38
ubuntustudio... yes, I don't want to be on the live USB, I want to be running from my computer.... its the graphics issue.00:38
furyso, i have 13.04 x64 server on a server with a matrox G200ew card… i can't seem to get the thing off of vesafb with scroll mode: redraw, and the console is very slow. everything i've tried (uvesafb, matroxfb, various fiddlings of the grub default command line) has either turned the screen black, been ignored, or given me a warning in dmesg "ywrap is invalid for parameter scroll"00:38
Ralliaswilee-nilee, Yeah but the mini.iso is really a clutz when it comes to USB.00:39
furyhow can i get it to either accept that parameter, or use some other driver that scrolls fast00:39
RalliasGranted, I've taken a razor blade and used the mini.iso's initrd and vmlinuz to upgrade centos 5 to ubuntu 13.04, but that's a different story.00:39
Oliver_Rallias: Any ideas?00:40
Oliver_What bit torrent client do you guys use?00:40
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RalliasOliver_, I'm trying to remember what I did with my grandma's laptop...00:40
Dr_Willisfury:  tryed the 'nofb and text' boot options ?00:40
Oliver_Rallias: ?00:40
wilee-nileeRallias, clutz, can you define that?00:40
Dr_Willisfury:  'noquiet nosplash nofb text'     i belive kills the framebuffer for me.00:40
Oliver_Dr_Willis: Do you have any ideas to fix my "wifi woes"?00:41
Dr_WillisOliver_:  no idea. i rarely have wifi issues. I buy wifi cards/dongles known to work.00:41
RalliasOliver_, What's the output of "sudo cat /proc/modules"00:41
Ralliaswilee-nilee, I have to have a network connection to use it, and my datacenter doesn't have any sort of standardization as to which ethernet port they plug the bloody cable into.00:42
furyi believe i tried nofb and the screen ended up black00:42
Oliver_Rallias: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6053348/00:42
furyi'll give text a shot00:42
wilee-nileeRallias, That is al personal opinions, no real world application,.00:42
Dr_Willisfury:  theres also the fbset command i recall to tweak the framebuffer consoles00:43
wilee-nileenetwork yes ill that is valid Rallias00:43
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Ralliaswilee-nilee, Tell me that again once you've reinstalled 30-ish servers from openvz to xen with a s***** IPMI interface and 60-80 ms latency.00:44
wilee-nileeRallias, This channel is for facts not opinions, period. ;)00:44
Ralliaswilee-nilee, And that's why I'm providing evidence to substantiate my argument.00:44
zymasterHello everyone, I am experiencing some problems with my ubuntu install. I attempted to install NVIDIA driver but it skrewed up by computer horribly. I think I managed to fully get rid of it but now my desktop has no Unity. I opened ccsm from terminal and tried to enable Unity plugin, but it wouldn't let me. Same with OpenGl and any other plugins requiring OpenGL. Any ideas? I'm kind of desparate.00:45
serewilee-nilee: to get your nexus to sync music did you mess with .is_audio_player by any chance00:45
kostkonzymaster, just try to reset it.  http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html00:45
wilee-nileesere, I just synced the htc dna straight with rhythm box in 13.04 the nexus was just data trandfer00:46
RalliasOliver_, Run the following command: "sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb && sudo modprobe b43"00:46
zymasterkostkon: alright, I'll try that thanks00:46
kostkonzymaster, np00:47
furynope, nofb text in the command line did nothing - vesafb started right up00:47
Oliver_Rallias: Nothing happened, entered exactly what you put and it gave me another command linne00:47
serewilee-nilee: ah ok...i believe i will have this up and running soon .. hopefully :)00:47
RalliasOliver_, Unfortunately, I don't know what else to try :/00:48
Oliver_Rallias: Ok.  I'm sure I'll figure something out.00:48
furylemme see what fbset does00:48
Oliver_So how do I go about theming ubuntu and installing stuff?00:49
junktextzymaster, are you trying to manually install an NVIDIA driver? If so, I wouldn't recommend it in general, as NVIDIA's stock installer doesn't work well for Ubuntu (and other distros).  Stick with the NVIDIA drivers provided by Ubuntu itself (as it comes with a few of them known to work).00:49
Oliver_How do I open an apt link?00:49
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wilee-nileeOliver_, open an apt link, what do you mean?00:50
zymasterjunktext: yeah I realize that was a bad idea now. I'm just trying to sort of reset ubuntu so I can try again with the other safer method00:50
Oliver_Trying to dowload deluge wilee-nilee00:50
wilee-nileeOliver_, sudo apt-get install deluge00:50
kostkonOliver_, open the software centre, search for it and click install00:51
junktextYeah, I've been where you are, zymaster.  Yeah, the Ubuntu versions of the NVIDIA drivers may be somewhat older, but at least they work.00:51
furyfbset can't change the scroll mode from redraw to ywrap, can it?00:51
Oliver_Is Deluge any good?00:51
Johnny_Linuxnvidia-current is prolly best00:51
kostkonOliver_, deluge and qbitorrent are the best gui torrent apps00:51
Oliver_kostkon: Ok00:52
Oliver_So do I need to reboot for it to take affect after doing the sudo command?00:52
kostkonOliver_, nope00:52
Oliver_Ok, so now what than?00:52
wilee-nileeOliver_, If you need to reboot the computer tells you.00:52
kostkonOliver_, click on the ubuntu icon, search for it in the dash, click on its icon00:53
decciI am facing issue with environmental variable setup00:53
Oliver_I found it.00:53
zymasterkostkon: that didn't work I ran all the commands but unity still won't appear00:53
Oliver_Does anybody use docky?00:53
furythe other thing is, when i try to use uvesafb, it starts up vesafb first and then uvesafb is like "can't get region…"00:53
kostkonzymaster, did you restart unity after the reset00:54
wilee-nileeOliver_, YOu want to get orientatted to using this channel opinions like is the good or best are not valid, nor is anyone, state the issues for help. ;)00:54
zymasterkostkon: what's the command for that?00:54
Oliver_wilee-nilee: Ok00:54
kostkonzymaster, what version of ubuntu are you on00:55
zymasterkostkon: 13.0400:55
kostkonzymaster, try: setsid unity00:55
zymasterkostkon: nope, got a bunch of "compiz (core) - Error: Failed to load plugin: someplugin"00:56
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wilee-nileezymaster, messing with compiz may need a logout or reboot at times.00:57
kostkonzymaster, try rebooting00:57
zymasteralright I will be right back on this channel00:57
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asdfiihi all00:58
=== FreezingCold is now known as ________
=== ________ is now known as __________
ubuntustudioHello, I have been here in the past to ask this same question, I've been having issues with it for months and months and months now - any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Essentially when I install Ubuntu - of any sort - it successfully installs but than the Radeon graphics card driver apparently doesn't work and the screen just turns on and off after boot.  WOrks great off usb.    Here is my driver info: http://paste.ubuntu.01:02
ubuntustudiocom/6053323/ - also worth noting I've tried multiple times to DL the newest driver from Radeon site and the .run opens SO slow after 3 hours it was less than 25%, needless to say I quit out of that each time.... I've tried all the drivers I was able to find... and now I am unsure of how to even have these updates effect my actual filesystem on myPC - not just the USB, as I set up a 1.4G persistence.  Lastly it is worth noting01:02
ubuntustudiothat RANDOMLY it will work after the install, meaning, the graphics driver just works, the screen does not blink on and off.  THe only reason it doesn't still work is I've had to reinstall due to other issues.01:02
palomeris there a way to listen to a port on my own system?01:03
palomerI want to imitate a library01:03
ubuntustudiosorry, closed the app  :/01:04
ubuntustudioHello, I have been here in the past to ask this same question, I've been having issues with it for months and months and months now - any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Essentially when I install Ubuntu - of any sort - it successfully installs but than the Radeon graphics card driver apparently doesn't work and the screen just turns on and off after boot.  WOrks great off usb.    Here is my driver info: http://paste.ubuntu.01:04
ubuntustudiocom/6053323/ - also worth noting I've tried multiple times to DL the newest driver from Radeon site and the .run opens SO slow after 3 hours it was less than 25%, needless to say I quit out of that each time.... I've tried all the drivers I was able to find... and now I am unsure of how to even have these updates effect my actual filesystem on myPC - not just the USB, as I set up a 1.4G persistence.  Lastly it is worth noting01:04
ubuntustudiothat RANDOMLY it will work after the install, meaning, the graphics driver just works, the screen does not blink on and off.  THe only reason it doesn't still work is I've had to reinstall due to other issues.01:04
OerHeksubuntustudio, dual gpu, does the ati site give info ? or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics01:04
zymasterkostkon: still didn't work.01:05
ubuntustudioOerHeks:  I am going to look at this link now, thank you.01:06
ubuntustudioDual gpu is what I have?01:06
OerHeksubuntustudio, yes, i avoid those machines, good luck01:06
kostkonzymaster, you downloaded the unity-reset utility and ran it, right01:06
ubuntustudioCould you breifly explain to me what that means?01:06
zymasterkostkon: no the ppa's were outdated and returned 404s so I ran the alternative commands the link gave me01:07
ubuntustudionevermind, the link says it!01:07
decciHi I am facing this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6053399/01:08
ubottuasso8700: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:09
wilee-nileeubuntustudio, thise posts being so long and full of unneeded info and copy and pasted close together just get you ignored by some01:09
ubuntustudioSorry about that, I was told I should repost if I hear nothing01:09
ubuntustudioDid not mean to be rude by any means.01:09
wilee-nileeubuntustudio, at the most 10 min, and keep it to what is needed to be known, ;)01:10
kostkonzymaster, you could try reinstalling the ubuntu-desktop metapackage just to be sure:  sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --reinstall01:10
ubuntustudioOK, I was hoping to have all the info one might need included... again, I'll work on that, sorry!01:10
zymasterkostkon: alright thanks I'll try that01:11
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zymasterrebooting now brb01:11
ubuntustudioDerHeks:  That link you sent me has a section, "Using vga_switcheroo" - would you be able to tell me which option would be the likely one I'd need to use?01:12
wilee-nileezymaster, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ will tell you what is missing if needed.01:13
chamunksIs there a commandline social media posting / message sending service?01:14
chamunksor something that I can install.01:14
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kostkonzymaster, then you could just try installing the nvidia driver from the repos. sudo apt-get install nvidia-current01:14
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zymaster_kostkon: didn't work, I don't know but I think it might be something with me not having a driver capable of doing opengl since I can't enable that in ccsm, maybe there's a way to reset driver?01:16
kostkonzymaster_, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current01:17
zymaster_kostkon: thanks01:17
CurlyGroganHey y'all, relatively fresh ubuntu install, new to freenode.. where should a life-long GUI user hang out to learn a little more?01:18
kostkon!info finch |  chamunks, for im check this01:18
ubottuchamunks, for im check this: finch (source: pidgin): text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.10.7-0ubuntu4.1 (raring), package size 194 kB, installed size 768 kB01:18
Dr_Willis!manual | CurlyGrogan01:18
ubottuCurlyGrogan: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:18
CurlyGrogangreat! I tried using vim for the first time.. took me about 20 minutes to append a line to a config file. :D01:18
CurlyGrogangetting used to it now, though01:19
andrejubuntu 12.04, rsyslog 5.8.6.  Trying to push messages from freeradius into a separate file (not syslog).01:19
andrejI created /etc/rsyslog.d/21-freeradius.conf, which says: :msg,contains,"freeradius" /var/log/freeradius.log01:19
andrejMy file gets created, but lines from the radius server only end up in /var/log/syslog still - what did I miss?01:19
CurlyGroganSo I am trying to turn this linux box into a neat-o VPN + IRC server + seedbox + media streaming center. I'm stuck on step 1, the VPN. To what extent is this like trying to put a new engine in a car the first time you open the hood?01:25
furyhmm. i've done a little more digging, and it would appear that vesafb does not do ywrap or ypan under amd64. how can i disable vesafb so that uvesafb works?01:26
andrejand to answer my own question: the name of the program isn't part of the message, so I had to change :msg,contains,"freeradius" /var/log/freeradius.log to :programname,equals,"freeradius" /var/log/freeradius.log01:29
=== peter is now known as Guest8144
arowanaHi All. Good Morning01:34
name5566goodmorning all01:34
darkangelHey whats faster and stabler? Ubuntu or Zorin?01:35
kostkondarkangel, try both01:36
darkangeldone tryed just makin sure01:36
wilee-nileedarkangel, This is ubuntu support not polling01:36
DynaMcHmm never had this problem before, but getting ('Error: Unknown filesystem.') and kicked to grub rescue for a ubuntu server install.. any suggestions or reinstall and partition.. I was trying to do raid0 on a new box.01:37
wilee-nileeDynaMc, There is a #ubuntu-server channel if needed.01:39
Oliver_Rallias: Guess who's on wifi now...01:41
name5566oliver, what's your meaning?01:45
Oliver_name5566: Ys?01:46
wilee-nilee!tab | name556601:46
ubottuname5566: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:46
Oliver_name5566: What do you mean by what is my meanting?01:46
oncaI have a lovely new partitioning scheme where sda4 is a LVM "crypto" which has one partition "ubuntu" with my root filesystem on it, and my boot partition is simply sda1 however my system complains at boot and fails because it couldn't open /dev/mapper/ubuntu. What do I have to do to make my kernel open sda4 as /dev/crypto and /dev/crypto/ubuntu as /dev/mapper/ubuntu?01:51
zymasterkostkon: Thanks, my system is pretty much restored and working, but now somehow my system is stuck with my driver being "Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.2, 256 bits)" which I'll assume is crappy and is using my integrated graphics and not my dedicated card, so I was wondering if you or anyone else knows of the safe way to install nvidia drivers. Thanks01:52
aaasanyone know how to get the boot scroll (all those info/error messsages) that occur at boot and pipe it to a file (or show in a log somewhere; dont see them in syslog or messages)01:52
indoomeSup Ubuntu <33301:53
=== deamonologist is now known as Guest46536
zymasteranyone know the safe way to install nvidia drivers? I have tried so many ways so many times and skrewed up my system each time.01:57
jrib!nvidia | zymaster01:59
ubottuzymaster: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:59
zymasterthanks jrib01:59
=== Maple__ is now known as Maple__{verybusy
aeon-ltdstirnwer: test failed02:11
=== dormito___ is now known as dormito
n1670anyone mind helping?02:12
stirnwerok... a question regarding fdisk and boot flags02:13
lotuspsychjestirnwer: ask away02:13
stirnwerin fdisk, if i choose "a" for toggling a bootable flag, does that just mean that the chosen partition gets a boot flag, or does it mean that the chosen partition gets a bootflag, and whichever partition had it before, loses it?02:13
n1670i have a question about ndiswrapper.02:13
n1670well, a problem with ndiswrapper02:13
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | stirnwer02:14
ubottustirnwer: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 516 kB, installed size 1201 kB02:14
lotuspsychjestirnwer: thats a nice package, where it all will make sense for you02:14
=== wiak_ is now known as wiak
stirnwerlotuspsychje, mainly wondering whether setting a boot flag for /dev/sda4 will disturb my current boot config where grub is written into the MBR of the hd. i just want lilo installed on the fourth partition, not into the MBR02:15
lotuspsychjen1670: you could try to describe your problemmate?02:15
n1670private chat me please?02:15
lotuspsychjen1670: no sorry, ask in channel mate02:15
n1670allow me to start from the beginning02:16
wilee-nileestirnwer, Why would you need lilo in a partition with grub in the mbr?02:17
n1670i installed ndiswrapper02:17
bazhang!enter | n167002:18
ubottun1670: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:18
n1670i had installed the ndiswrapper and then after that i put my windows wireless drivers on there which was netwg121 and restarted my pc - the lights on the wireless adapter were working and the network list showed up02:19
n1670however, every time i tried connecting to my home network, it constantly kept asking for my wifi pw02:20
itanshiWhat is a good laptop spec range for doing programming tutorials? (or a chatroom to ask that at)02:20
n1670so anything i can do to fix the bug?02:21
Dr_Willisspec range?   I imagien most any laptop these days can do basic programing tasks02:21
stirnwerwilee-nilee, lilo loads ttylinux nicely. i could experiment without later02:21
Dr_Willismost likely you want to decide your budget, then  find the best deal for the $$$02:21
stirnwerwilee-nilee, but ive read a little, and i now think that if i add boot flag to e.g. the fourth partition, then it will disappear from the partition which currently has it, disturbing my boot config02:22
n1670so anyone have a suggestion?02:23
wilee-nileestirnwer, Not sure you need either I believe grub will boot it.02:23
lotuspsychjen1670: did you install windows wifi drivers on ubuntu?02:23
n1670yes i just said that lol02:23
Dr_Willisn1670:  see if can connect to your network if its dosent use any encryption/password  (as a quick term test)02:23
Dr_Willistheres cases where some drivers dont like specific types of encryption i recall.02:23
lotuspsychjen1670: did the windows driver have a linux folder inside?02:24
Dr_Willishes using ndiswrapper ;) that uses the windows driver files.02:24
Dr_Williswhich is getting to be a rare thing these days.. having to use ndiswrapper.02:24
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: doesnt he need the proper wifi drivers?02:25
n1670what kinds of encryption?02:25
n1670oh i do02:25
Dr_Willislotuspsychje:  ngiswrapper uses the windows .inf stuff or somthing. i had to use it once. ages ago02:25
lotuspsychjen1670: whats your wifi card chipset?02:25
n1670ndiswrapper reads it as - netwg121: driver installed02:25
wilee-nileestirnwer, At the least the grub  40_custom02:25
Oliver_Would anybody be able to help me with a small project?02:25
lotuspsychjen1670: whats the cards name/brand?02:26
itanshiwell it'd take screen and sound recording so imagine a bit nicer spec range than just that02:26
Dr_Willisn1670:  wep/wpa/wpa2 that stuff..  on the router. see if you can  get it to connect if you use some of the other modes02:26
wilee-nilee!anybody | Oliver_02:26
ubottuOliver_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:26
n1670it reads it all and everything and the name is Netgear WG12102:26
Oliver_Now that I have this second laptop running Ubuntu is there a way for me to set it up as a VPN?  So that I can use it as a tunnel while on my Android phone.02:26
Oliver_Or a file server?02:26
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN02:26
Dr_Willisfile server -- just install the services you want.02:27
Dr_Willisssh, samba, whatever02:27
Oliver_Wow.  There's something for evrything is't there.02:27
Dr_Willisi use andftp to get to my linux box via ssh all the time.02:27
lotuspsychjen1670: did you check your additional drivers section if your netgear appears?02:27
n1670let me see02:27
n1670its not there02:28
lotuspsychje!wifi | n167002:28
ubottun1670: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:28
lotuspsychjen1670: check if your models shows in list02:28
n1670it does02:29
n1670i went to system settings > network > wireless02:29
Oliver_How do I stop seeding in Deluge?02:29
n1670and i see all of the networks around me02:29
n1670hit stop02:29
n1670or pause02:29
Oliver_There's no stop afaik02:30
=== ignacio is now known as ignacio_afk
Oliver_But pause will work?02:30
lotuspsychjeOliver_: set uploads speed to 1?02:30
Oliver_Can't seed on my netwrk02:30
Dr_Willisn1670:  see any open networks you can try to connect to? ;)02:30
n1670no open networks02:30
Oliver_Nevermind.  I got it.02:30
n1670all have security02:31
n1670my encryption key is correct02:31
Dr_Willistry some of the other types of encryption. Ive defainatly heard of some wifi cards/drivers in linux not working with  some modes.02:32
Dr_Willisnot a great thing i know..but its a test you can try02:32
n1670ok lemme try02:32
lotuspsychjen1670: on wich ubuntu version are you?02:32
n1670ubuntu 13.0402:33
lotuspsychjen1670: did you clean install or upgrade? did your wifi driver installed by default?02:34
n1670wifi driver is not installed by default and yes i did02:34
Oliver_Can you get viruses/spyware/malware on Ubuntu?  I don't think you can, but maybe it's just very rare.  Noob question here.02:35
n1670its hard to02:35
n1670like youd have to try to lol02:36
Oliver_Care to explain why?02:36
Dr_WillisOliver_:  viruses - unlikely -   i know of none. malware - you have do so some reallys stupid things.02:36
Oliver_Wouldn't open source be easier to infect?02:36
n1670because all of your personal belongings are kept under root access02:36
Oliver_Dr_Willis: Thanks.02:36
Dr_WillisOliver_:  just the opposite. More peer review.02:36
n1670it's harder02:36
Oliver_Which means?02:36
Oliver_Ah.  OK.  Ic02:36
Dr_Williswine somemalware.exe     ;)02:36
Dr_Willisbiggest danger i see to a ubuntu/linux box - is the end user doing somthing stupid02:37
Oliver_Dr_Willis: Isn't Wine a Windows like linux distro?02:37
Dr_WillisOliver_:  No.02:37
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:37
n1670question - would WPA, WPA2 work with ndiswrapper?02:37
Dr_Willisn1670:  ive heard of cases where wpa2 dident work. but wpa did.  and so on.02:38
n1670how do you use wpa and not wpa202:38
Dr_Willisset it on your router02:38
n1670it says WPA and WPA2 together02:38
Oliver_Dr_Willis: That's what I meant by Windows like.  It's basically emulation?02:39
n1670errrr ok02:39
Oliver_I had an idea of what it was, but could'nt formulate it quite right02:39
Dr_WillisOliver_:  wine is not a disrto. wine lets you run windoes executables on linux02:39
n1670wait how?02:39
Dr_Willisits not an emulator02:39
n1670actually nvm02:39
n1670ill figure it out, brb02:39
Oliver_Dr_Willis: Ok.  I'm still reading in to it.02:39
Dr_Williswine solitare.exe     ;) runs the windows solitare game02:40
Dr_Willisif you got the exe ;P02:40
Oliver_So would I be able to setup this laptop at my home as a VPN.  And when I'm at school on the school's wifi, would I be able to tunnel to this laptop and avoid the school firewall?02:41
Oliver_Or would I need to work it a different way.02:41
Dr_WillisOliver_:  or a ssh tunnle02:41
Dr_Willisvpn is not the same as  a ssh tunnle02:41
Oliver_Dr_Willis: But that was the basic idea right?02:41
Dr_Willisdepends on what all the firewall does.  if you can ssh out.. you basically are out. ;)02:42
NeonSpeedHow can I change my mouse cursor? I have tried using Ubuntu tweak and unity tweak tool but they only make the cursor change is certain programs02:42
Oliver_Ok.  They're FW blocks sites like Facebook, Twitter, and other sites that my teachers want us to use sometimes such as non .edu domains.  I'm thinking about doing this because it will be easier than the current process.02:43
Dr_WillisNeonSpeed:  you logged out/back in since youve changed the cursor?02:43
NeonSpeedDr_Willis, Yeah and when I go in my browser the cursor is the new one but in everything else it is the stock cursor02:43
Dr_WillisNeonSpeed:  i think it has somting to do with gtk vs nongtk apps.. ive seen people ask a similer question befor. and never seen a good answer02:44
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com may have some info on it02:44
Oliver_What would be the easiest way to transfer my music from my primary laptop to this one?02:45
wmorrihi, is there a way to install mariadb without removing mysql?02:45
NeonSpeedDr_Willis, It worked the first time I changed my cursor but now it doesn't work anymore02:45
Dr_WillisOliver_:  dropbox ;)02:46
Oliver_Even if it's copyrighted music?02:46
Dr_WillisOliver_:  depends on how they are networked also02:46
Dr_Willisdropbox stores your stuff..02:46
Oliver_Dr_Willis: They're literally next to each other atm02:46
crazyharrycan I install Linux Ubuntu/Mint as a dual boot on a computer with Windows 8 having bitlocker on ? I already created two partition for linux native and swap02:46
Dr_WillisOliver_:  if they are networked on the same lan. you can use ssh/scp/sshfs to do some transfers02:46
Dr_WillisOliver_:  or set up some samba shares02:47
Oliver_Some whats?02:47
sereanyone know why synaptic would be asking for two passwords and only needs the first to work02:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:47
Dr_Willissere:  launch it from a terminal see if it asks?02:47
Dr_Willissere:  i think the default menu launcher runs 'gksudo synaptic'02:48
Gedge_I fixed ndiswrapper, thank you!02:48
Dr_WillisGedge_:  oh? How.02:48
Gedge_I turned off WPA202:48
Gedge_And made it WPA only02:48
Dr_WillisGedge_:  you worked around a bug/issue in ndiswrapper. :)02:49
Gedge_It apparently also made my internet a lot more stable too02:49
sereDr_Willis: ahh ok.. that sounds right in terminal with sudo it doesnt ask for another02:49
Gedge_:3 ty.02:49
sereDr_Willis: ty02:49
Gedge_Running on - Core i7-Extreme, Raedon HD 7950, 32 GBs of ram, Two 512 SSDs02:49
Gedge_Anyone know how to make linux look more unique?02:50
Dr_WillisGedge_:  linux techincally is just the kernel. ;)02:50
Gedge_True. lol02:50
Dr_WillisUbuntu uses Unity as the default GUI.02:50
Gedge_I'm using Compiz02:50
Dr_WillisCompiz is a window maanger, unity is a plugin for compiz02:50
crazyharrycan I install Linux Ubuntu/Mint as a dual boot on a computer with Windows 8 having bitlocker on ? I already created two partition for linux native and swap02:50
Gedge_I'm having a keyring problem.02:51
Gedge_It says - "Enter password to unlock your login keyring."02:51
Gedge_I enter it in, it says it's wrong.02:51
rhin0need to develop fast for ipad .. viable on ubuntu?  ubuntu is my platform - do not need a mac.02:51
Gedge_OS X = A crappy unix based software to me02:52
* rhin0 sips coffee02:52
CountryfiedLinuxHow long are non-LTS releases supported for? I forgot.02:52
rhin04 yeaers02:52
rhin0no hango n non-?  not long its on wikipedia site for ubuntu02:52
rhin0nice little chart02:52
renebarbosanon-LTS are 4 years supported?02:52
CountryfiedLinuxrhin0: I knew it wasn't that long haha02:52
rhin0i just got off 10.04 oO ... this morning02:53
renebarbosarhin0, for me it was 9 months supported02:53
Gedge_10.04 wow02:53
renebarbosathanls for the info02:53
rhin0yeah .. I jumped a quantum leap to 12.0402:53
Gedge_We all know how Windows 7 is soon to be outdated lol02:53
Gedge_DX 11.2 is gonna be for windows 8 only, luckily, we don't need to worry about thaqt.02:53
rhin0I need to develop i-apps02:53
ClientTestwin7 is nice tbh02:53
Gedge_It is02:53
rhin0some sites telling me I need a mac02:53
Gedge_But linux makes you do whatever you want.02:53
lotuspsychjeguys, stick to ubuntu support please02:54
ClientTesti'd only use linux for python scripting..02:54
lotuspsychjeuse #ubuntu-offtopic for other discussions02:54
wmorrihi, is there a way to install mariadb without removing mysql?02:54
CountryfiedLinuxWhat about the people that have new hardware when the next LTS is out but can't use it because their graphics card is too new for Debian Testing? After 9 months are they supposed to just go 3 months without updates or just upgrade to the latest alpha for the next release?02:54
lotuspsychje!lts | CountryfiedLinux02:54
ubottuCountryfiedLinux: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)02:54
CountryfiedLinuxOh nvm 6 months between releases sorry02:55
CountryfiedLinuxI was thinking 12 for some reason :P sorry02:55
Dr_WillisCountryfiedLinux:  thats what  ubuntu point releases often address - they updated the graphic stack and kernel i belive02:55
CountryfiedLinuxDr_Willis: in LTS?02:55
Dr_Willis12.04.4  uses  some new stuff for newer hardware02:55
Gedge_I have a big problem.02:55
CountryfiedLinuxDr_Willis: Oh that is good news then.02:55
Gedge_Keyring password says it's wrong and it's not.02:56
maximusmaximus2well i just got back from watching jackass 1,2,3,and 3.502:56
Dr_Willisi dont worry about sticking to LTS. ;)02:56
CountryfiedLinuxme neither02:56
CountryfiedLinuxone more question02:56
lotuspsychje!ot | maximusmaximus202:56
ubottumaximusmaximus2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:56
CountryfiedLinuxWhen an LTS is released, does the release behind the LTS actually have newer packages?02:56
lotuspsychjeGedge_: keyring password and your wifi password are not the same right02:57
CountryfiedLinuxBecause that would feel kinda funny upgrading to the latest release just for it to have older packages than what you've got :P02:57
Dr_WillisCountryfiedLinux:  i doubt if thats the case02:57
CountryfiedLinuxAnd I hear that downgrading is riskier than upgrading packages, which is what a user would be doing02:57
Dr_Willissince the older releae would be 6+ mo old.02:57
aaasfor some reason i cant browse my network share from windows8 by hostname (\\servername) but can using ip \\  i purged samba completely, reinstalled, installed winbind, modified nsswitch.conf to put 'wins' but i just cant brows by hostname...any suggestions02:57
Dr_Willisyou dont really 'downgrade' packages in ubuntu to earlier releases02:57
CountryfiedLinuxDr_Willis: Is 6 months about the time between debian testing and sid?02:58
Dr_Willisaaas:  having to use ip# is a common thing.02:58
aaasDr_Willis it works on my other computer fine02:58
Dr_Willisaaas:  i think theres some package  that helps it out. buti never can rember its name02:58
aaasactually it works for many people02:58
aaasi think winbind02:58
Dr_WillisI cant recall it ever working here. and i think its somthing other then windbind. but i cant recall the name. I looked it up once. ;) ages ago02:59
Dr_WillisI cheat and edit my hosts file. but these days i dont even use samba shares. so ive not had to fight withit in  a year or more02:59
Gedge_Keyring password = Your computers PW03:00
ClientTestsorry just testing my CLI client lol03:00
Dr_WillisGedge_:  it dosent have to be.03:00
gasshohow do i find out how much memory my graphics board has03:00
lotuspsychjeaaas: maybe the #networking guys or #ubuntu-server guys might know?03:00
aaasyeah it was workign for AGES for me (I use samba for faster personal network speeds) ...i just dont know what happened03:00
Dr_WillisGedge_:  but people often put that in when it first asks for the keyring password to use03:00
nerdtrongassho, on the BIOS03:00
aaaslotuspsychje ok thanks03:00
gasshowhat does BIOS mean03:00
gasshon tyvm03:00
Gedge_Dr. Wilis, what is the default keyring pw?03:01
nerdtrongassho, the BIOS (reboot and see the SETUP) of the computer, you can see there the onboard video03:01
BluesKaj!bios | gassho03:01
Oliver_My new chair is from the fbi...03:02
sirajpersonnobody around03:14
BluesKajsome are03:14
Pinkamena_Dhow can you change the icon for the terminal that appears on the launcher03:15
Dr_WillisPinkamena_D:  edit the  apps .desktop file would be one way03:16
lotuspsychjesirajperson: ask your question mate03:17
Pinkamena_Dwould you know what folder would be useful to search for that in in a default installation?03:17
sirajpersonany pros around? I have been trying to get my Ubuntu Svr to display shades of colors but can't since it isnt using vt10003:17
sirajpersonanyone know how to get vt100 term through VGA?03:18
sirajperson(without X)03:18
sirajpersonmaybe there's just some concept I dont get about vt10*03:18
sirajpersonI have been searching around google for hours now, so I thought it might be a good idea to come here to discuss the topic.03:19
lotuspsychjesirajperson: ubuntu server?03:19
qinPinkamena_D: dpkg -L name; man dpkg03:19
lotuspsychjesirajperson: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might know your issue?03:20
BluesKaj!vtest | sirajperson03:20
sirajpersonI have an ubuntu server install that I would like to display shades of blue/green to report data from a script i wrote03:20
BluesKaj!info vtest | sirajperson03:20
ubottusirajperson: Package vtest does not exist in raring03:20
sirajpersonjust a sec, I'll give it a shot03:21
sirajpersonhmmm, is vtest a package?03:22
lotuspsychje!info vttest03:22
ubottuvttest (source: vttest): tool for testing VT100 compatibility of terminals. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7+20120603-1 (raring), package size 92 kB, installed size 249 kB03:22
BluesKajsirajperson, yes03:22
sirajpersonokay, let me go for vttest03:22
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: tnx for the hint03:22
Dr_Willissirajperson:  so how are you connected to the linux box? a serial terminal?03:22
sirajperson:-) this channel is the best :-)03:23
sirajpersonubuntu communit is awesome!03:23
lotuspsychje!cookie | BluesKaj03:23
ubottuBluesKaj: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:23
sirajpersonokie dokie03:27
sirajpersonI ran the tests03:27
sirajpersonNot sure if this is quite what the trouble is.03:28
sirajpersonvttest is tests the screen for vt100 functionality, but doesnt give it the functionality if it doesn't have it. The problem is that I cannot make shades of colors with a monitor attached to the VGA of my server install03:29
sirajpersonexample::::                 for i in {16..30}; do; echo -en "$CLR_HEAD${i}m${i} $CLR_CR"; done; echo03:31
sirajpersononly prints one color of blue, instead of dark blue( almost black ) to light blue03:31
sirajpersonSo, I guess the question is, how do you make a server install show display text color shades without installing X?03:32
sirajpersonwhen i read the info for xvt, it says that xvt is a vt100 emulator for X windows, is there a way to get a vt100 terminal without installing X windows (an alternative to xvt)?03:36
chgojoecan someone please help me with an ubuntu 13.04 installation issue?03:37
hanasakihow to install grub on sdb ?    ran grub-install and it does boot to grub... but the kernel is not run... just comes up grub>  prompt03:38
chgojoeI am totally new to irc and ubuntu03:38
sirajpersonoh, there is a handy tool for grub. do you have a graphical display working?03:38
hanasakisirajperson:  ya03:38
sirajpersoncheckout boot-repair. its a gui tool that lets you customize all that is Grub :-)03:39
chgojoecan someone help me? I have NO desktop after install03:40
chgojoesomething about compiz03:40
sirajpersonhmmmm, did you have a desktop from live cd?03:40
hanasakiCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "boot-repair"03:40
sirajpersontry help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair03:41
chgojoeI used a few different versions when I realized I didnt know what the hell I WAS doing lol03:41
hanasakisirajperson:  any help via the command line?03:41
wilee-nileehanasaki, try google bootrepair03:41
chgojoeI also tried to google my issue and couldnt figure it out03:42
wilee-nileehanasaki, save that bootinfo summary url.03:42
sirajpersonsure: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update03:42
sirajpersonsudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)03:42
hanasakisirajperson:  lol i mean to fix it by had03:43
hanasakithanks wilee-nilee03:43
hanasakiis ubuntu going to continue adding more commercial stuff? like unity suggests amazon movies to buy when i search on my  hard drive03:44
wilee-nileehanasaki, YOu can turn that off or remove.03:44
sirajpersonLoL, okie dokie: if your looking to fix by hand we are going to need to know more about partition scheme.03:44
hanasakilike whoopsie?03:44
hanasakiwilee-nilee:  where?03:44
wilee-nileehanasaki, they are lenses, I use synaptic.03:45
hanasakisirajperson:  what do you want to know?03:46
wilee-nileehanasaki, http://www.itworld.com/software/354007/disable-online-search-lenses-ubuntu-130403:46
zymasterhey I'm having a slight problem installing my nvidia drivers. I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 with an Nvidia GeForge GT 650M. I've read that under software sources/additional drivers you can install proprietary drivers but for some reason no drivers show up for me on that tab. Any ideas? thanks03:50
lotuspsychjezymaster: what are the symptons you have under your default driver?03:50
zymasterlotuspsychje: well for one I'm pretty sure it's just using my integrated graphics and not my dedicated card, and I want to get as much performance as possible.03:52
sirajpersonto reset compiz, you may want to try opening a terminal by pressing: ctrl+alt+t03:52
sirajpersonthen typing:: unity --reset03:52
zymasteralso its a little flaky and slow sometimes03:54
lotuspsychjezymaster: lshw -c video please?03:54
lotuspsychjezymaster: what does driver= show?03:55
chgojoethe rest option is now deprecated is what I get03:55
wilee-nileechgojoe, A bit more detailed description might help, do you get to the login?03:55
zymasterlotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/A3EXNx6603:56
tux_hello, what are the command lines to access an encrypted Ubuntu home folder? thanks03:56
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lotuspsychjezymaster: its integrated intel graphics on board?03:57
zymasterlotuspsychje: yeah its intel integrated graphics on my processor but I want to use my nvidia card03:58
zymasterthanks btw03:58
lotuspsychjezymaster: ok did you disable onboard graphics in bios?03:58
lotuspsychje!nvidia | zymaster03:58
ubottuzymaster: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:59
zymasterlotuspsychje: no I'll try that thanks03:59
lotuspsychjezymaster: then install your nvidia ubuntu drivers03:59
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-current03:59
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)03:59
wilee-nileetux_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory03:59
lotuspsychjegtg work04:00
tux_ok wilee-nilee i'll try that out04:01
wilee-nileetux_, Without a context it is kinda difficult to help you for the channel.04:02
chgojoehow do I get online with no desktop04:03
BoomerBileis there any way to get rid of the annoying flash plugin installer message?04:04
wilee-nileechgojoe, Did the install medium get to a live desktop?04:05
BoomerBileThe following packages requested additional data downloads after package installation but the data could not be downloaded or could not be processed. . . flashplugin-installer . . This is a permanent falure that leaves these packages unusable on your system.04:05
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, what packages what context?04:06
BoomerBilei just typed the error out04:06
chgojoehow do i access my wirless networks with nno desktop so I can get online to fix my compiz?04:06
BoomerBilewilee-nilee, i just typed it out for ya... context yellow light bulb04:06
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, Read the question04:06
BoomerBilehappens every boot and randomly when it figures out that it needs to tell me that... flash works fine04:07
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, What were the packages, and how were you trying to install?04:07
BoomerBilewhen i run the suggested action it installs the plugin fine04:07
BoomerBilei wasn't trying to install anything04:07
BoomerBileit just keeps popping up04:07
BoomerBileit says flash plugin installed04:08
BoomerBilethen the message comes up again04:08
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, Try sudo apt-get update?04:08
BoomerBilei've done that many times04:08
BluesKajBoomerBile, firefox ?04:08
BoomerBilei've dist-upgraded 3 times and it's still going04:08
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, Starting at what release?04:09
BoomerBileflash works in firefox04:09
BoomerBileflash works everywhere04:09
BoomerBilestarting at 10.xx04:09
BoomerBiledid it in 12.04 and now 13 too04:09
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, NO eol upgrade eh?04:09
BoomerBileeol upgrade?04:09
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:09
BoomerBilei'm using a supported release04:10
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, not starting with 10.xx04:10
BoomerBilei've uninstalled and re-installed this package many times04:10
BoomerBileit's not 10.xx anymore it's 1304:10
wilee-nileeBoomerBile, Correct it is something, if done correctly you would have started with a eol specific upgrade at 10.xx, however maybe you will be lucky and this will be okay.04:12
zymasterHey, that didn't work my BIOS wouldn't let me disable integrated graphics, so is there any other way to ensure that the right drivers show up for me in software sources/additional drivers because right now there are none. Thanks04:12
BoomerBileif you're saying that i should uninstall and re-install ubuntu then there is a reason that ubuntu is my last choice for an os and maybe i should install gentoo on my laptop, like on my desktop04:13
BluesKajzymaster, you should b able to make the pci card the default without disabling the onboard.04:13
wilee-nileedo what pleases you, I'm just pointing out what you did that was wrong.04:13
BluesKajin the bios04:13
zymasterBluesHaj: how I didn't see an option for that?04:14
tux_BoomerBile, try out Slitaz it is super fast and lightweight, and amazingly the ISO is only 30MB and it uses 30MB or ram!04:14
BluesKajmove pci card up in the graphics sequence/list, zymaster04:15
BoomerBileif'n i'm going to have to install another os, i'll go gentoo, the "releases" just work... been running the same install on my desktop since 2005 and all the upgrades work04:15
BoomerBileand i can install gentoo using ubuntu04:15
wilee-nileeOS's work when you follow the directions04:16
zymasteralright thanks BluesKaj, I'll brb if that doesn't work04:16
BoomerBilewithout rebooting or downloading a dvd/cd04:16
tux_BoomerBile, you can also try the Ubuntu based distro Trisquel, it doesn't have all the bloat of Ubuntu like the ads of Ubuntu One, Ubuntu Software Center, Amazon...04:16
BoomerBilewilee-nilee, i did... it said a new version of ubuntu is available... i clicked the upgrade button and waited 3 hours04:16
BoomerBilei use kubuntu04:16
BoomerBilewilee-nilee, then it said that again, so i did it again04:17
BoomerBileand then a third time04:17
Dr_Willisupgrades can break - depending on what ppas and other stuff. its often much faster to do a clean install instead of going through 3+ upgrades.. if you put off upgradeing that long04:18
BoomerBileif (k)ubuntu can't upgrade itself, i think gentoo will be a better decision...04:18
digitalfizhey guys i have an issue with AMD drivers and 13.04. After installation of both choices my install only boots to a blinking cursor. I can't use ctrl+alt+1 to get to a prompt or anything but when I hit the power button I go get a bunch of stuff shutting down then it turns off. How can I uninstall them. Oh also hitting shift at boot doesnt give me anything04:18
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | digitalfiz04:19
ubottudigitalfiz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:19
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  use what you want. we dont care. Upgrades to the next release CAN break. they ARE tested. but there still can be issues. Backups are a good idea. and  somthing like a Powerfailure during a Upgrade can be VERY bad.04:19
BoomerBilei seriously doubt this has anything to do with (k)ubuntu, it's a flash installer issue04:19
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  clarify the exact problem please.04:19
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Dr_Willissome one was in here yesterday having issues getting the flash-installer package to install flash.. then it suddendly worked for him. (not sure what he did)04:20
digitalfizwilee-nilee: I cant get to grub for some reason. Its a fresh install and the only thing on the drive04:20
wilee-nileedigitalfiz, YOu tried the shift key?04:21
BoomerBilei log into X... in my taskbar i get a yellow light bulb that says there is a problem with a package... i click the yellow light bulb and an error pops up that says that flashplugin-installer didn't install properly, i click the fix problem button and wait while it downloads the flash plugin in a terminal, it says flash plugin installed and i close the terminal04:21
digitalfizwilee-nilee: yes04:21
Dr_Willispress and HOLD shift - and if the grub menu is hidden is should have grub appear04:21
BluesKajdigitalfiz, hold the left shift key down right after the bios screen04:21
BoomerBile5 minutes later i get the same light bulb04:21
wilee-nileedigitalfiz, The live cd get to a desktop?04:21
wilee-nileeor usb04:21
BoomerBilei'll see if i can get some screen shots of it04:22
Dr_WillisBoomerBile: id reinstall the flashplugin-installer package  with the command line. and see if any errors are mentioned, I THINK yesterday the guy removed/reinstalled the flashplugin-installer package, it might also be adobe renamed or did somthing to their servers04:22
digitalfiz can boot the live cd but i dont know how to uninstall the drivers on my system once I boot the cd04:22
BluesKajBoomerBile, just check your bios , we already know you probly prefer gentoo04:22
Dr_Willisapt-get error mesages would be more helpfull then screenshots04:22
co-XZistDr_Willis:  does that also work if ubuntu is in a Vm ?04:22
Dr_Willisco-XZist:  does what also work?04:22
co-XZistDr_Willis: the shift key04:23
BoomerBileBluesKaj, i prefer gentoo till it comes to slow machines and compiling ;)04:23
Dr_Willisco-XZist:  it should04:23
BoomerBilegentoo isn't very mobile04:23
digitalfiz wilee-nilee: when I mount /sda1 I see some weird folders for EFI not what I expect04:23
BluesKajBoomerBile, no kidding :)04:23
co-XZistDr_Willis: ok thks, I'll give it  try04:23
Dr_Willisco-XZist:  i always setup grub where it never hides.04:23
BoomerBileubuntu is definitely a good second choice... over most of the other distros i've used regularly (and i've tried them all for a year or two)04:24
BoomerBilesure beats slackware 1.0 and building my own system and finding my own deps04:24
zymasterThat didn't work I can't change the priority of my graphics cards but anyway that's not my main problem  I have an nvidia GeForce GT 650M but I can't find any additional drivers in software sources. Is there a way to fix that?04:25
Dr_Williszymaster:  its not a dual-gpu optimus system is it?04:25
waterlitehi all04:25
zymasterDr_Willis: No just the one card and integrated graphics but I don't want to use that04:26
xirreps -p [pid] -o pcpu > 'cpu.txt'   How could you turn this in to a command that reads CPU more accurately and current but still outputs to a text.04:26
Dr_Williszymaster:  if you are feeling lucky - you can try installing the 'nvidia-current' package via apt-get  and see if it works04:26
Dr_Willisxirre:  accurately? meanind what? you want the temp in more decimal points?04:27
digitalfizwilee-nilee: o you think the nomodset would help me thought because my problem is not until after I install the proprietary drivers. i was hoping to recover without reinstalling this time as that's the only way I know how to fix it04:27
Dr_Willisxirre:  or are you wanting to make a log file of the output every few min?04:27
zymasterDr_Willis: Thanks, but I have done that so many times, one time my resolution get messed up, the other time all of my text gets reversed. Unless you know a safe way to do that I'd like to avoid that04:28
Dr_WillisI just install the nvidia-current package on all my nvidia systems. rarely had an issue. but my cards are all 2+ yrs old these days04:29
Dr_WillisYou can always get to the console/recovery mode and uninstall the packages i guess.04:29
zymasterDr_Willis: Yeah it was hilarious but unusable everything got turned upside-down04:29
xirreDr_Willis: Currently when using this method it seems if th process shoots up to 100% and back down to 0% that it'll take a while for this command to realize it's at 0% and instead it'll go down slowly by 0.1% every few seconds.04:29
wilee-nileedigitalfiz, The efi is a bit of a red flag, did this have a windows system at ine point now gone?04:29
BoomerBilehttp://pastebin.com/UmLhwebc <<-- Dr_Willis04:30
BoomerBilegoing to re-log to see if the light bulb comes back brb04:30
xirreDr_Willis: I want the file to only contain the current CPU of a specific process. It's for third party means. A server I'm making. This is the last piece I need. :)04:30
digitalfizwilee-nilee: yeah but I had it working until I upgraded to 13.10 and broke it so I had to reinstall and now im getting this04:30
tux_is it possible to access my encrypted Ubuntu home folder with a liveCD or do i have to do something special?04:31
wilee-nilee!13.10 | digitalfiz04:31
ubottudigitalfiz: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:31
Dr_Willistux_:  yes to both parts i think.04:31
digitalfizyeah im not on 13.10 anymore :) I reinstalled with 13.04 and its broke, wasnt before04:31
Dr_Willistux_:  you have to do somthign special from the live cd to access them04:31
Dr_Willisxirre:  you may want to ask in #bash  they are good with that sort of stuff04:32
tux_sudo ecryptfs-recover-private doesn't work04:32
xirreDr_Willis: Thanks. Will do.04:32
wilee-nileedigitalfiz, I'm not up on uefi in general hard to say for me, however that is key info to include, and what when and how drivers you have installed.04:32
* wilee-nilee is getting a gentoo tattoo right now04:33
zymasterDr_Willis: wait it does have optimus its just not dual GPU, does that change anything?04:34
waterliteHi all04:35
digitalfizim typing from my tablet so its hard to type to much. I installed a fresh install of 13.04 when it was released and the proprietary drivers worked and then I forced an upgrade to 13.10 recently and messed everything up so I did another fresh install with 13.04 now and the proprietary drivers don't work.04:35
wilee-nileewaterlite, we see you this is support do you need any?04:35
BoomerBileDr_Willis, http://imgur.com/qIx2K9H04:35
BluesKajzymaster, optimus uses 2 gpus04:35
waterliteAny1 frm India04:35
wilee-nileestate it then04:35
waterliteIm indian04:35
waterliteneed some help04:36
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India04:36
BoomerBilewilee-nilee, that should be written in Indian ;)04:36
wilee-nileethat is a bot04:37
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  does flash actually work - is the big question04:37
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  the text log shows it installed.04:37
BoomerBileyes just fine Dr_Willis04:37
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  so theres some old error log file thats showing that info incorrectly would be my guess04:37
BoomerBileDr_Willis, but i get that error regardless of the status of the package, if i uninstall it i still get the error, as you can see in my pastebin the package was not installed, still got that message04:38
zymasterBluesKaj: No that can't be true because this link says that optimus is just some sort of energy conserving system that comes onboard the card, without needing to, http://www.geforce.com/hardware/notebook-gpus/geforce-gt-650m/description04:38
Dr_Willisthe error reporter has some log file that needs cleared out - is my guess.04:38
Dr_Willisi dont know if kde uses apport or not04:39
BoomerBileDr_Willis, where to look?04:39
BoomerBile /var/log?04:39
Dr_WillisI dont use kde. so not sure if its kde specific or not.04:39
williangliaoDr_Willis: do you remember when we fell in .....04:39
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  id check on askubuntu.com  someone may have had a similer issue04:39
BoomerBilethanks Dr_Willis04:39
BluesKajzymaster, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_Optimus04:39
Dr_WillisOptimus is not 'just' a engery conserving system. ;)04:41
Dr_Willisits a pain in the backside. ;)04:41
zymasterBluesKaj: Ohhh I get it, thanks sorry to incorrectly correct you. So does that mean my system is using both cards automatically?04:41
Dr_Williszymaster:  in theory its supposed to switch from one card to the other as needed to save power, and reduce heat04:41
elixirHow can I make wifi from ubuntu (provide lan sharing internet) for my android device? I used connectify in Windows but ain't getting a clue here, do we have a s/w?04:42
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:42
zymasterDr_Willis: thanks, does that still work on linux04:42
BluesKajif you install bumblebee zymaster , it might. there no guarantees04:42
Dr_Williszymaster:  no idea. I dont have an optimus system. and i definatly plan on NOT ever getting one.04:42
wilee-nileeno uefi no optimus04:43
BluesKajgetting away fron uefi is becoming difficult04:44
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Guest93334i delete pulse and now i have no sound...anyone know why?04:44
zymasterAlright well thanks BluesKaj, Dr_Willis, I'll probably just stick with using my integrated card this is too complicated04:44
Dr_WillisGuest93334:  because pulse is the soundsystem that ubuntu uses..04:45
Dr_WillisGuest93334:  perhaps tell us why you deleted pulse?04:45
BoomerBilehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/222696/download-flashplugin-installer-error <-- Dr_Willis seems i'm not the only one, thanks for that info, i don't use ubuntu enough to know where to look for answers04:45
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  definatly bookmark that askubuntu.com site. ;)04:45
Guest93334cos i meant to delete pulse equaliser04:45
Dr_WillisBoomerBile:  the dash search feature is supposed to search there. but i still go to the site.04:45
Guest93334i reinstalled pulse but still not working04:45
Dr_WillisGuest93334: reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package perhaps.04:46
elixirubotto: on my Ubuntu 12.10, I goto System Settings->Networks->Wireless and Use as Hotspot, but it isn't shown on my android device!04:46
Dr_WillisGuest93334:  then reboot04:46
Guest93334how do i do that?04:46
Dr_WillisGuest93334:  install the 'ubuntu-desktop'package? or 'reboot' ?04:46
BoomerBileDr_Willis, yeah i prefer the manual way myself ;) (thus a gentoo lover)04:46
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:46
BluesKajGuest93334, you probly have to reboot04:46
Dr_Willisthen 'sudo reboot'04:46
Guest93334ive rebooted many times already04:47
BoomerBileDr_Willis, p.s. there is no dash search in kde which is why i use it04:48
BoomerBilei hate unity04:48
Dr_Willisunity is handy.04:48
Dr_Willisgotten where i cant stand kde.04:48
BoomerBilei recommend unity to my newb linux users for sure, to me it's annoying04:48
BoomerBilebut i'm a cli guy04:48
Dr_Williscant say i really have any problems with it at all04:49
BoomerBilenope, it works great04:49
Guest93334Dr_Willis, thank you04:49
BoomerBileif you like gui's04:49
xmetali almost feel (in some ways) lxde seemse like old (pre 3.x) KDE04:49
Dr_Willisbeen using lxde for the last few weeks. but its lacking in ways that annoy me at times04:50
xmetali have never hated KDE though it seems to have gotten more "bloated" to me lately04:50
BoomerBileyes kde is very bloated04:50
BoomerBilethe only thing i like in kde are the widgets and the panel, if i could mix kde4 with e16 like i could with kde 3.5 i would04:50
BoomerBilebut it doesn't work well04:50
xmetalagain the beauty of Linux .. use w/e DE you want :)04:51
gasshochromium-browser keeps 'hiding' underneath 'dash home'04:51
BluesKajto keep kde fast and clean , one has to aotoremove and autoclean every week or so04:51
BoomerBilekde is a pain in the ... especially if you run gentoo ... you have to remove all of it and re-install it every release04:52
BoomerBile284 packages04:52
BoomerBilegood thing for compiler farms04:53
FloodBot1BoomerBile: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:53
BoomerBileand having 15 pcs04:53
BluesKajI have no complaints about kde , considering the alternatives :)04:53
xmetalinstead of being stuck with one "DE" like in MS ... in Linux you can use whichever one you like :)04:54
BoomerBilefvwm-crystal is pretty nice04:54
s00pcanI installed xmonad and have never looked back, so I guess I will never get to enjoy these pointless DE aguments04:54
Dr_Willisjust think - if all those years ago there wasent that big stink about the QT licenseing..  that sort of put the fire under gnome.. we could all be using kde right now04:54
BoomerBilegnome used to be good, before nautilus and metacity, back when e16 was the wm04:55
Dr_Willissort of sad that Metisse never got popular.04:55
Dr_Williscant say i ever recall e16 being the default for gnome.04:55
BoomerBileDr_Willis, way back in the early 90s04:55
Dr_WillisI recall  the old Ximian gnome days04:55
Dr_Willisdont recall e16 being part of it.04:56
Dr_Willisi think i was using sawfish ;)04:56
BoomerBileever run slackware?04:56
BoomerBileslackware had it as the default wm04:56
BoomerBilefor quite a long time04:56
Dr_Willisdont see the point in slackware really. so ive only toyed with slack04:56
james_my sound still not working04:56
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BoomerBileslackware is a good base if you want to learn to do your own linux04:57
BoomerBilethat's about it these days04:57
xmetali use mint regulary, though i do like to "mess with" slack from time to time04:57
BoomerBileslack was the only choice of distro when i started using linux, there was no other maintained distro04:57
BoomerBilemint is nice04:58
BoomerBilei like min04:58
BoomerBilei like mint*04:58
BluesKajGuest30767, open alsa mixer and tell us which audio chip is listed in the top left04:58
BluesKajerr alsamixer04:58
Guest30767it doesnt open04:58
BluesKajit's one word04:59
BluesKajGuest30767, in the terminal04:59
xmetali say Mint/Ubuntu (either) would be a godo start for newbies04:59
BoomerBileunless they want to play games04:59
xmetal(and heck .. for anyone :P)05:00
BoomerBiledon't give them Mint if they want games05:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:00
BoomerBilethey will be sadly disappointed05:00
Guest30767BluesKaj, │ Chip: SigmaTel STAC9228                                                      │05:00
xmetaloh geez05:00
Guest30767preferences>sound doesnt open thou05:01
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BoomerBileGuest30767, or james_ this is a bug --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/119729005:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1197290 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "No sound on speakers with HDA Intel, SigmaTel STAC9228, kernel 3.10" [Medium,Confirmed]05:11
Guest30767BoomerBile, ok thx05:12
BoomerBilei didn't finish reading the page there may be an answer there05:12
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Guest30767hope so05:13
BoomerBilelooks like there is a patch at the bottom05:13
BoomerBilethe link at the bottom05:14
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BoomerBilei seem to be missing sound in my mp4 files, what would cause this in ubuntu ?05:19
ntzrmtthihu777BoomerBile: missing codecs? did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?05:22
kumarat9pmI see there is no /etc/inittab file in ubuntu..05:23
waterlitehi kumarat9pm05:23
kumarat9pmI am bit puzzled with this05:23
kumarat9pmis it replaced by upstart or something?05:23
kumarat9pmcan any one throw some light?05:24
ntzrmtthihu777erm, what did ubottu just do?05:25
A1Reconi want to use the curl command for this ..... http://magpi.techjeeper.com/The-MagPi-issue-2-en.pdf  . There are about 12 issues (actually i don't know how many)..... what do i type?05:36
A1Recongot it....05:37
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: for i in {1..12}; do curl http://magpi.techjeeper.com/The-MagPi-issue-$i-en.pdf > The-MagPi-issue-$i-en.pdf; done05:37
ntzrmtthihu777wget would be better, though. do wget -c url; done05:38
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, bans have a time length and the bot removes them I believe05:41
BoomerBileyeah had that installed ntzrmtthihu777 turns out it was the file had no sound lol05:42
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: ah, gotcha.05:42
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: found something nice for ls :305:43
wilee-nileedo tell05:43
A1Reconntzrmtthihu777: oh no... the issues are on different sites ..... when i click on download it first goes to www.themagpi.com/issue/issue-2/pdf/ which then redirects to the actual file...on another site... issues 1 to 5 are on techjeeper but the rest are on different sites. Is there any way i can tell the wget command to follow the www.themagpi.com/issue/issue-XYZ/pdf/ and then download the pdf from the site/server..05:43
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: wget can follow links.05:44
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: a nice wrapper script around ls that can show octal file permissions :D05:45
A1Reconntzrmtthihu777: so i tell it to go one level down and get the pdf?05:45
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: if you can get a direct link to one (you can do that with your browser) you can figure out the output you need.05:46
BoomerBilewget -r or wget -R i forget which to "clone" the site ;)05:46
A1Reconntzrmtthihu777: The output is pdf. I know that but do i tell it go one level down or something else??05:47
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nille: http://paste.debian.net/33569/05:47
geirhaOn a side note, there's a #wget channel; they'll probably know which options to use to get the result you want (or if it's possible with wget at all)05:47
A1Recongeirha: Thanks!!05:48
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: do you have a direct link? do all the links follow the same format? the use a for loop like I told you.05:48
sunny_hi friends05:48
sunny_when i install apche2 server on my system05:49
sunny_i got error05:49
sunny_like this05:49
sunny_root@ebiz123-Vostro-1540:/home/ebiz123# sudo apt-get install apache2 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   ant ant-optional antlr3 aspectj bsh bsh-gcj default-jdk-doc gcj-4.7-base   gcj-4.7-jre-lib javahelp2 jsvc junit junit-doc junit4 junit4-doc   libantlr-java libasm3-java libaspectj-java libbe05:49
FloodBot1sunny_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:49
sunny_please help me05:49
sunny_    @FloodBot1 <@FloodBot1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054007/05:51
ntzrmtthihu777sunny_: FloodBot is a bot.05:52
sunny_ok bot05:52
geirhaHm. It aborts even though you answer "y"?05:52
|ryan|try n05:52
geirhaCould be a localization issue05:54
ntzrmtthihu777execute with --force-yes?05:55
sunny_when i trying to apache restart05:58
sunny_it says05:58
sunny_No apache MPM package installed05:58
sunny_any one help me plz05:58
A1ReconNoone is there in #wget05:59
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: I gave you your solution, lol. hell you don't even need a for loop, just use shell expansion06:05
ntzrmtthihu777wget -c magpi.techjeeper.com/The-MagPi-issue-{1..12}-en.pdf06:07
A1Reconntzrmtthihu777: all links are not the same... some are on techjeeper and some on mythicbeasts and god knows where.... I want wget to follow the first link "www.themagpi.com/issue/issue-XYZ/pdf/" (replace XYZ with issue no.) and then download the pdf file06:11
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: I just downloaded 12 issues using the command I gave you.06:11
A1Reconntzrmtthihu777: OK06:12
ntzrmtthihu777A1Recon: and thanks for letting me know of this, I've been intending to get a raspi at some point.06:12
A1Reconntzrmtthihu777: thanks for the help...06:16
=== qos is now known as qos|away
CapprenticeSound Input does not lists any Input Devices "(i.e My Microphone), And In Output Profiles, I dont see the "Headphone" profile ! Can anyone help ? I have tried deleting .pulse in home to reset, but that did not worked !06:17
CapprenticeHello Anyone here ?06:18
DeonPgood morning06:19
bazhangpatience Capprentice06:19
CapprenticeIm facing Sound Issues on Ubuntu 12.04. Can anyone help ?06:19
homeawayhow do i connect with tor to this chatroom06:20
bazhanghomeaway, ask about tor and sasl in #freenode06:20
Ghostx562Hello, I am thinking of installing ubuntu on my new laptop, that has HDMI output, will that still work to watch movies if i decide to use ubuntu?06:22
ntzrmtthihu777Ghostx562: assuming you setup your video drivers right, yes.06:23
ntzrmtthihu777heh, I just setup tor.06:23
MrS1lentczhello, i have troubles with empathy client. i had set all accounts what i have, but it reports "xxx account requires authorisation". i have no contacts, but facebook plugin shows wall posts... how can it to do if it says that facebook account is not authorized?06:23
Ghostx562ntzrmtthuhu777, and the "hot Keys" will work as well? using the FN key?06:23
MrS1lentczpidgin in linux mint on this notebook is ok06:23
ntzrmtthihu777Ghostx562: I've had several machines with those, and they all worked for me. However, I've never used hdmi out, so I cannot say with 100% certainty that it will. But, I've heard many success stories.06:24
Ghostx562ntzrmtthihu777, awesome, backing items up and will install and try it out.06:25
=== River_Rat is now known as RiverRat
Ghostx562ntzrmtthihu777, you recommend 64 or 32 bit version. i've used ubuntu before, so will it be the same? also i don't have UEFI or Windows 806:26
qingluohello all, im dealing a small recovery mechanism for linux. master os use ubuntu kernel image, which i can't hack it. i need to enable input&output on both serial port and VGA! my bootargs is "console=ttymxc1,115200 console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p6 rootwait" thus VGA can input and output, but ttymxc1(serial port) can't input. cause linux kernel unregister_console after boot up. how can i enable it? or append an bash for  it?06:28
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ntzrmtthihu777Ghostx562: if your pc is capable of 64 bit use it.06:31
NeonSpeedIs there another site for themes other than gnome-look.org?06:32
Ghostx562ntzrmtthihu777: thanks!06:32
ntzrmtthihu777NeonSpeed: xfce-look.org, kde-look.org, here and there.06:32
qingluocan any one help me? hello all, im dealing a small recovery mechanism for linux. master os use ubuntu kernel image, which i can't hack it. i need to enable input&output on both serial port and VGA! my bootargs is "console=ttymxc1,115200 console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p6 rootwait" thus VGA can input and output, but ttymxc1(serial port) can't input. cause linux kernel unregister_console after boot up. how can i enable it? or append an bash for  it?06:32
NeonSpeedntzrmtthihu777, Those themes will work with gtk3?06:33
NeonSpeedntzrmtthihu777, I'm using unity Ubuntu 13.0406:33
ntzrmtthihu777NeonSpeed: can't say for all of them. xfce uses gtk, so they should. noobslab has a ppa for it, though.06:33
ntzrmtthihu777*for themes, though.06:33
furoidoanyone knows django?06:34
Ghostx562the movie?06:34
furoidothe framework06:34
Ghostx562guess not06:34
=== stub` is now known as stub
furoidoi cant join the channel06:35
Ghostx562tried / join?06:35
furoidomight not work06:35
NeonSpeedntzrmtthihu777, Yea I've added the noobslab ppa and been through gnome-look.org but not liking most of the themes06:35
furoido /join #django06:35
ntzrmtthihu777furoido: does it give you a message?06:35
ntzrmtthihu777NeonSpeed: dunno what to tell you. themeing is a matter of personal preference, not technical expertise, so I personally can't help much there. I use the dkgreen theme with azenis-green-icons06:36
NeonSpeedntzrmtthihu777, Can I use themes for gtk2 on gtk3?06:36
Ghostx562furoido: try searching the channel list06:36
furoidook thanks06:36
Ghostx562i found tons of channels just by searching.06:36
ntzrmtthihu777NeonSpeed: no clue.06:37
NeonSpeedGuess I'll have to try and hope nothing goes terribly wrong06:37
NeonSpeedThe best way to learn new things is trial and error lol06:38
furoidoCannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services06:38
ntzrmtthihu777furoido: identify yourself to nickserv, then you can join.06:40
CapprenticeIm facing Sound Issues on Ubuntu 12.04. Can anyone help ? Sound Input does not lists any Input Devices "(i.e My Microphone), And In Output Profiles, I dont see the "Headphone" profile ! Can anyone help ? I have tried deleting .pulse in home to reset, but that did not worked !06:41
uronuhi, where could I find slapd.conf on ubuntu 12.04?06:43
ntzrmtthihu777uronu: not sure, but located slapd.conf would find it ;)06:45
ntzrmtthihu777*locate slapd.conf06:45
CapprenticeUm ! Still Waiting for some one to Answer :(06:48
uronuntzrmtthihu777: Thanks.06:48
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DeonPany experts on xl2tpd online06:52
ntzrmtthihu777!ask | DeonP06:52
ubottuDeonP: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:52
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/06:53
DeonPlol ok, i did ask last night bat ran out of patience waiting :)06:53
findCould any one have tried to log detail of sftp  implemented via sssh06:53
CapprenticeIm facing Sound Issues on Ubuntu 12.04. Can anyone help ? Sound Input does not lists any Input Devices "(i.e My Microphone), And In Output Profiles, I dont see the "Headphone" profile ! Can anyone help ? I have tried deleting .pulse in home to reset, but that did not worked !06:54
|ryan|You're using pulseaudio right?06:55
DeonPok the Q: i'm using xl2tpd to connect to my isp to get a static ip, not using ipsec. if i have a current pppoe connection it connects to the server but no traffic. without existing pppoe connection xl2tpd wont start pppd and create its own pppoe connection and connection to server fails06:56
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DeonPhope thats enough info06:56
|ryan|Capprentice: sec06:56
CapprenticeHere I've posted a question related to my problem : http://askubuntu.com/questions/340312/sound-problem-no-audio-input-is-shown-i-e-microphone-is-not-visible-neigher06:57
ntzrmtthihu777I think I'll call it a nite. later all06:58
=== Dave is now known as Guest92486
|ryan|Capprentice: try wget loki.zf0.org/fix_pulseaudio.sh -O-|bash06:59
NeonSpeedAnybody know where I can get a clearlooks theme for gtk3 the one on gnome-look.org is down07:00
Capprentice@ | ryan |, What that script will do ?07:03
|ryan|it should automatically repair pulseaudio configurations Capprentice07:03
CapprenticeCan I just run this command in terminal - "pulseaudio --dump-conf" ?07:04
oncaSo, I am being set back left and right here, I have half a mind to give in and accept linux as not my os of choice. I can't get vino to host my desktop when I have fglrx drivers installed.07:05
|ryan|I dont know07:05
|ryan|not particualarly familiar with the issue but that script fixed someone elses problem earlier07:05
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions07:05
nerdtronhi all! anyone can tell me how to make firefox use all cores? right now my cpu usage won't go higher than 50%07:05
Ghostx562nerdtron, do you really need it to eat up all the cores?07:06
Capprentice@ Ryan, Im getting "Unexpected End of File" !07:06
nerdtronGhostx562, I have more than 50 tabs and when i render a CPU intensive page, it maxs out at 50%07:07
A1Reconnerdtron: 50 tabs?07:07
Ghostx562one sec07:07
|ryan|Capprentice: try |dash instead of |bash07:08
nerdtronA1Recon is there a limit on how many to use? I use the Group tabs feature in firefox07:08
A1Reconnerdtron: no limits i think...07:08
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nerdtronA1Recon, that's is why i'm looking for a solution. I wish firefox can be faster, i don't want to switch to chrome07:09
Ghostx562nerdtron, seems like there isn't a way to change it07:09
nerdtronGhostx562, ouch07:09
Ghostx562yeah, theres an open bug online in the ubuntu site, someone asking for it to be done.07:10
Ghostx562also seems to be a problem only with ubuntu.07:11
NeonSpeedI installed gnome-theme-extras from the Software Center how can I open it?07:11
Ghostx562search for it in the software center07:12
Ghostx562should pop up as installed07:12
NeonSpeedGhostx562, Nothing popped up but it says it's installed in the Software Center07:12
Ghostx562maybe it installed as a different name?07:13
=== ingrid_ is now known as Bella_
Ghostx562try going to settings and seeing if there is something under the theme/background menu07:13
=== thunder is now known as Guest26077
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NeonSpeedGhostx562, I've looked in settings, Ubuntu Tweak, and Unity Tweak Tool and none of the themes it listed in the program are in there07:16
Ghostx562one sec07:16
Ghostx562neonspeed, i don't think you're supposed to open it, it might just be a tweak to allow for a theme07:18
NeonSpeedGhostx562, But it supposed to add a couple themes and I can't find those themes07:19
Ghostx562what os?07:20
NeonSpeedUbuntu 13.0407:21
NeonSpeedI'm thinking it might be for gtk2 or something07:21
Ghostx562you should try this link07:23
Ghostx562has some cool stuff, maybe you need to install something else for those themes to install07:24
universalE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:26
universalwhat is it ?? and how to fix it ???07:26
Ghostx562universal, try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/15433/how-do-i-fix-a-could-not-get-lock-var-lib-dpkg-lock-problem07:27
NeonSpeedGhostx562, I found one of the themes it said it came with but no other ones07:27
NeonSpeedlet me try to log out and back in07:28
Ghostx562go for it.07:28
Ghostx562brb gonna hit the john07:28
oncawhat can I do to have 3d rendering with fglrx drivers and also vino VNC server running?07:33
oncaI tried looking through bug reports of this nature to find a fix but the suggestions failed to work07:33
oncaI kinda need both. I am hard-pressed for time because I start school tomorrow and need both.07:34
Ghostx562sorry, i have no knowledge on that,07:36
DeonPi posted my q and more details on askubuntu , http://askubuntu.com/questions/340325/problem-connecting-to-isp-server-using-xl2tpd-as-client-ubuntu-server-13-0407:36
=== Kabaka_ is now known as Kabaka
uronuHello, I need help on how to allow ldap user to change password.07:42
Ghostx562uronu, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/ldappasswd.1.html07:44
Ghostx562afk, reboot07:44
uronuGhostx562 thanks, i'll try it.07:45
uronuldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Invalid credienttials (49)07:48
uronuadditional info: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database07:48
sunny_i have a problem on apache server07:50
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sunny_when i restart the server07:50
sunny_it doesn't restart07:50
NeonSpeedCan somebody tell me which programs are safe to disable in startup applications?07:54
aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: what have you got there so far?07:55
uuball_gabrielhi all, my linux mint cat make any sound, what's the problem?07:58
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histo!mint | uuball_gabriel07:58
ubottuuuball_gabriel: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:58
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, AT-SPI D-Bus Bus,Certificate key storage, files, gnome settings daemon, gpg password agent, gsettings data conversion, mount helper, network (I know this one has to stay), onboard, orca screen reader, policy authentication agent, pulseaudio sound system, secret storage service, ssh key agent, update notifier, user folders update, and seitgeist datahub07:59
NeonSpeedSorry it took so long lol07:59
=== linuxguy101 is now known as modmod293432
aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: well do you use orca screen reader? or does anything you use depend on it? if not you could disable that08:01
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, Not sure what that is, so I'm gonna guess I probably don't need it?08:01
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aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: it reads things outloud for added accessibility08:02
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, Oh no I don't use that, so it safe to disable that?08:02
aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: should be08:02
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, Okay disabled, anything else I can disable?08:02
aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: if you're trying to net speed gains by doing this it isn't going to help much unless they are buggy08:02
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, No I'm trying to get my startup time as fast as possible08:03
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aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: i'm sure there are better ways to go about this08:04
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, Like what? When I enter Ubuntu it takes some time to load and be ready for use08:05
szahrathello silly ubuntu users08:05
szahratusing arch here08:05
BallmerCurvelol.  really?  you're going to come into a #ubuntu channel and talk about how you're leet because you use something else?08:06
ajenkinsszahrat: stop trolling the ubuntu users =P they have to start somewhere08:06
ajenkinsplus nothing wrong with ubuntu08:06
BallmerCurve^ this08:06
* xmetal has a policy to not feed trolls08:07
BallmerCurve^ good policy08:07
aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: changing software, i assume you are using gnome or unity, there are lighter and faster DEs and WMs out there though i wouldn't change unless you don't like how it is now08:09
visualisewho uses arch here?08:10
visualisedid somebody mention arch?08:10
visualisewhy would anybody do that to themselves.. almost as bad as using gentoo08:10
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, I like the unity though, I have tried the other desktops and would like to stick to unity08:10
aeon-ltdNeonSpeed: ok08:10
xmetalnot sure what happened but in Mint, i found Cinnimon 1.8 slower then 1.608:10
xmetal(just using an example)08:11
NeonSpeedaeon-ltd, I disabled a couple things from startup that I read on a site so I'll see how it loads next time I restart08:11
xmetalso switching DE's may help08:11
aeon-ltdvisualise: i wasn't the guy/girl but i use arch, it's a hassle sometimes but it's worth it08:11
xmetal(i am talking to the one finding certain DE's "slow")08:11
visualiseaeon-ltd, how so? ubuntu seems to have packages for most everything :)08:11
aeon-ltdvisualise: because bleeding edge08:12
visualiseso ubuntu's packages are too out-dated for you?08:12
aeon-ltdubuntu users have to keep doing major updates every 6 months to keep up or 18 months for lts, arch just keeps rolling ahead08:12
xmetalnewer (in any oS) doesn't seem to always mean better08:12
peter110what command can i use from Ubuntu live cd to fix errors in ext4 partition?08:12
szahratif you want rolling release why not migrate to arch linux08:13
aeon-ltdi am on arch08:13
visualisei don't mind spending an afternoon once every 6 months doing a dist-ugrade08:13
szahratsame here08:13
aeon-ltdalso arch is a blank slate, the closest ubuntu has is the server install08:13
histoaeon-ltd: no you can do ubuntu minimal08:14
histoaeon-ltd: still not arch08:14
histopeter110: what's wrong with the ext4 partition? typically you would fsck08:15
xmetali only do major updates every few versions08:15
xmetalno need to "get the latest, greatest" every single time08:15
szahratubuntu just can't compare with arch08:15
histovisualise: I'm also running Arch on my laptop.08:15
szahratdifferent philosophy08:15
peter110only fsck? the partition is on dev/sda608:16
aeon-ltdi guess a bad experience once when i was updating from 8.04 to 8.10 ended up breaking my install has to do with my reasons for prefering rolling release08:16
peter110what exactly command to type?08:16
visualisei think if you're experienced enough to use arch, you're experienced enough to fix a broken dist-upgrade with some googling08:17
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot08:17
aeon-ltdvisualise: i wasn't then08:17
xmetalevery so often i will do a major upgrade and when i download the deb's i back them up .. so i am good for awhile08:17
xmetaland i can just transfer them to another PC without having to redowlnoad for that PC too08:17
peter110thanks, i will try it08:18
aeon-ltdvisualise: i only got good enough to use arch by using arch (if that makes sense) ubuntu stock hides so much of the system that you learn very little because it is configured for user simplicity08:18
visualiseaeon-ltd, true08:18
histoPeterman: what is wrong with your filesystem?08:19
histoPeterman: actually, Why do you think somethign is wrong?08:19
aeon-ltdpeter110 left08:20
szahratso what de are u using on top of arch?08:21
aeon-ltdsometimes openbox08:22
histoThinking about going to debian for a while for no apparent reason just boredom.08:25
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
szahratdebian packages are all out of date08:26
histoszahrat: so. If it aint broke don't fix it.08:27
szahratthats theory won't keep you moving08:29
szahratwith time08:30
szahratdebian feels artificial, and thats another problem08:31
visualisewhy move when you can snooze08:31
visualisedid our ancestors work their asses off so their children and suffer working their asses off too??08:31
visualisei say to honour the dead we must be lazy-like in our approaches08:31
jpds!ot | visualise08:32
ubottuvisualise: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:32
jackarghey again! i'm about to install 13.04, I'm on 12.04. But at the same time I want to use the live cd to keep all my data on a home partition. How would I do that? Do I just need to create an ext4 partition and mount it at /home ? thanks08:33
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving08:33
visualisejpds, it annoys me though. there's so much bs about not causing problems which future generations will have to fix, then at the same time indoctrinating them in school to work their asses off and try to achieve everything.08:33
* visualise rages quietly08:33
bazhangjackarg, the installer should have that option, to preserve home08:34
jackargbut bazhang will the installer create a seperate home partition? That's what i'm looking for08:34
cfhowlettjackarg, it will create a /home if you manually partition08:35
jackargcfhowlett, ok and what are the steps breifly to create a home partition?08:36
cfhowlettjackarg, during installation, select manual partition, make a /home in the unpartitioned (free) space.08:36
universalhow to list all processes with pid number ?08:36
nerdtronuniversal, ps -ef08:37
jackargcfhowlett and change the used space to mount at "/"?08:37
szahratim thinking of hardening up with grsecurity/pax08:37
cfhowlettjackarg, correct08:37
jackargcfhowlett are there any complications if I'm about to install 13.04 right after?08:37
universalnerdtron: I dont remember but I used some other command......is ther any other command than this ?08:38
nerdtronuniversal, ps aux08:38
nerdtronor top08:38
cfhowlettjackarg, not that i know of.  creating a /home is a pretty standard operation.08:38
ElFizbanioso has anyone successfully ran Space Station 13 on ubuntu?08:38
jackargcfhowlett ok thanks I'll backup my home and do that. Also, do you know any application that makes a log of all installed appliations so you an reinstall them on say 13.04 ?08:39
cfhowlettjackarg, there was a script that did that exact function but it seems to have vanished behind a paywall.  search around or ask in the channel.  one of these clever folk will have a notion, I'm sure.08:40
jackargok, I'll ask again more generally: Does anybody here know of a script or app that saves a log of all currently installed applications to reinstall them on another setup?08:41
universalnerdtron: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=7954a4008:41
nerdtronuniversal,  so you have another process using apt?08:42
nerdtronand you want to kill it?08:42
cfhowlettnerdtron, i'm guessing you have auto update running which would cause the lockup you are seeing08:43
nerdtroncfhowlett, i'm not the one asking, universal has showed me a screenshot08:44
wilee-nileejackarg, http://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/best-way-to-backup-all-settings-list-of-installed-packages-tweaks-etc08:45
cfhowlettuniversal, if you have autoupdate running, that would invoke another apt process and would cause the type of lockup you are seeing08:45
nerdtronuniversal, your command to kill has wrong PID08:45
jackargthanks wilee-nilee08:45
wilee-nileejackarg, no prob I just back up the sources, a key loader list and packages same as this one.08:46
universalcfhowlett: nerdtron I was removing ttf-mscorefonts-installer package and inbetween it was downloading flash.....wifi connection broke down and it stuck inbetween....now when i am doing it again its saying that process is locked down08:46
ghostx562universal, tried killing process?08:47
cfhowlettuniversal, reboot would kill it ...08:47
nerdtronuniversal, your command to kill has wrong PID08:47
nerdtronuniversal, the second column is the correct PID and also force kill it by kill -9 1700108:48
universalas you can see in the screenshot....its pid does not exist and ps -ef output is giving its pis as 1700108:48
ghostx562universal, rebooting kills the process, try that?08:48
gordonjcp"kill -9" like in Tron Legacy ;-)08:49
nerdtrongordonjcp oh yeah!08:49
igor__всем привет08:49
ghostx562igor__  |ru08:50
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:50
universalghostx562: how about rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock file as specified in the page suggested by you http://askubuntu.com/questions/15433/how-do-i-fix-a-could-not-get-lock-var-lib-dpkg-lock-problem08:50
ghostx562reboot might also kill the process, or if not use the command posted on the thread see if it works.08:50
universalkill 17001 says operation not permitted.....so should I sudo it or kill -9 ??08:51
histouniversal: sudo08:51
universalok...what is this -9 for ??08:52
ghostx562sudo should work08:52
histouniversal: it's the kill signal that can't be blocked08:52
gordonjcpuniversal: -9 means that kill should send signal 9 to the process08:53
gordonjcpuniversal: that means "stop now, don't bother about any cleanup, just die"08:53
universalkill -9 17001 :operation not permitted.......sudo killed it but again 3 more process left root     17010     1  0 Sep01 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 43 --force-depends --force-remove-essential --purge ttf-mscorefonts-inst root     17041 17010  0 Sep01 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-notifier-common.postinst triggered /usr/share/package-data-downl root     17042 17041  0 Sep01 ?        00:00:00 /us08:54
CatbuntuAre 64 bit versions less efficient?08:55
universalprocess 17010, 17041 and 1704208:55
histoCatbuntu: no08:55
CatbuntuI just read that in a blog, is that true?08:55
CatbuntuAnd why do they say it lol08:55
histoCatbuntu: No08:55
histoCatbuntu: because they don't understand08:55
cfhowlettCatbuntu, cause they know you'll believe it.08:55
CatbuntuI don't, I doubted it.08:56
CatbuntuI have only 3GB of RAM, but my CPU is x64 capable, should I use x64?08:56
CatbuntuThe computer came with Vista x8608:56
histoCatbuntu: you can.08:56
cfhowlettCatbuntu, might have better success with lubuntu or xubuntu 6408:56
CatbuntuYeah now I use everything x6408:56
histoCatbuntu: x64 bit will use more RAM than 32bit but it will be faster.08:56
CatbuntuI see08:56
universalwhat about these process 17010, 17041 and 17042 ???08:57
histoCatbuntu: you are using 64bit memory addresses instead of 32bit etc...08:57
cfhowlettCatbuntu, 3 gigs ram is pretty minimal.  x/l/ubuntu are optimized for older and lower spec machines such as that.08:57
CatbuntuGod no.08:58
histouniversal: looks like dpkg and post installation stuff still running to me.08:58
Mace268ya think rythmbox will get a google music plugin?08:58
CatbuntuIt's not that minimal, XFCE and LXDE are aimed to people with ~1GB of RAM.08:58
universalso what should I do with those processes ?? histo08:58
CatbuntuLast time I used Unity, I think 13.04 x64, it only took ~700MiB of RAM.08:58
histouniversal: kill them if you want. I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish though.08:59
cfhowlettCatbuntu, disagree.  ubuntustudio 64 is built on xubuntu ... and runs great, I might add on my dell 1545 2009 model with 4 gigs ram08:59
Catbuntuindeed cfhowlett08:59
cfhowlettCatbuntu, but ... YMMV.08:59
CatbuntuNo no I agree completely, even if you have 16GB of RAM, XFCE or LXDE are great DEs as well.09:00
universalhisto: i was removing a package and it got interuppted....so when again i tried to uninstall it then it said it was locked.....so I killed its process 17001 before, now these 3 process are left09:00
universali mean apt was locked09:00
CatbuntuBut I meant that while Unity is for people with enough RAM, Xfce and LXDE don't require that much RAM thus they're suitable for people who can't run Untiy09:01
CatbuntuAnd I can run Unity besides its buggyness09:01
histouniversal: then kill those as well and try removing it.09:01
cfhowlettCatbuntu, got it.09:01
newhoaDoes anyone know how "stress -c 4" or whatever number is different than running an mprime/prime95 torture test? I'm testing an OC and mprime fails immediately, but the system is totally stable with the stress -c command.09:05
universalalso how to remove a wifi connection from network connections......there are 3 connections and when i am trying to delete any one then nothings happening09:06
histouniversal: right click NM > edit connections > Wifi tab > delete09:07
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histouniversal: nmcli c  in a terminal should list the connections. then you can nmcli c delete id WhateverID09:10
universalhisto: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=622373509:10
universalwhen i am deleting any one connection....nothing happening09:10
histouniversal: or remove it from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections09:10
universalwhats this etc folder stands for in ubuntu ?09:11
histouniversal: sudo rm "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/MyNet 1"09:11
histouniversal: it's where all your system wide configs are stored09:12
universalet-config ?09:14
universalwhat "et" stands for ?09:14
histouniversal: et cetera09:15
histois etc09:15
histoI don't know how else to explain it.09:15
universalso is /etc/ named after et cetera ?09:16
MonkeyDustet caetera09:16
wilee-nileeemotively tangoing cats09:16
histouniversal: are you familial with the latin phrase?09:16
evenflowhi, i upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and now eth0 shows as down no matter what i do, anyone familiar with this?09:16
histoevenflow: are you using network manger to configure connections?09:17
universalsounds like all the "EXTRA" system stuff goes in /etc/ ??09:17
evenflowno, machine has no X09:17
rrolandjust started ubuntu for the first time09:17
cfhowlettrroland, greetings09:18
evenflowhisto, i saw in google something related to these interfaces being not managed, but there's no network-manager afaik09:18
histoevenflow: is this a server install?09:19
universalevenflow: do lshw in terminal....look for its driver.....do sudo rmmod <driver> and then sudo modprobe <same-driver>09:19
histoevenflow: then add it to /etc/network/interfaces09:19
evenflowhisto, did that, doesnt work09:19
evenflowuniversal: didnt work either09:19
histoevenflow: pastebin yoru interfaces file09:19
evenflowits e1000, i rmmod and modprobe e1000, i see the interface, there's light from behind, but link is perm. down09:20
rrolandwhere might I go to talk about ubuntu crashing on my  uefi intel haswell pc09:20
torubi'm having the same error as this guy after tor-browser was upgraded: http://askubuntu.com/questions/336481/tor-browser-opens-with-and-unexpected-error-window is there a way to fix it? the answer doesn't help because ~/.tor-browser doesn't exist anymore (not does the executable tor-browser)09:20
universalmaybe your router's link is down ?09:20
universalcheck it09:20
histoevenflow: well if you can post your interfaces file to paste.ubuntu.com we can point you towards the error09:20
evenflowhisto, i have an identical machine here (before the upgrade, so ill post its interfaces) sec..09:20
histoevenflow: no you need to post teh machine with the issues09:21
evenflowits the same interfaces file...09:21
histoevenflow: ifconfig eth0 manually and post the interfaces file09:21
universalhisto: what "cli" stands for in nmcli ??09:21
evenflowthe machine is in a server room without network, so its easier this way  :)09:21
histoevenflow: sudo ifup eth0 && sudo dhclient09:21
evenflowhisto, doesnt work09:21
histouniversal: command line09:21
histoevenflow: erro?09:22
evenflowlemme paste the interface in pastebin for you09:22
histoevenflow: does ifconfig show eth0?09:26
evenflowshows as down09:26
jnqhas anyone ever had trouble with an install ignoring the static network config in a kickstart file?  my install still goes to dhcp09:26
histoevenflow: well ensure that is infact your interfaces file and sudo services networking restart09:27
histo!kickstart | jnq09:27
ubottujnq: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning09:27
evenflowanother thing i must say, i upgraded from 10.10 -> 11.04 -> 11.10 all  worked great, when i moved from 11.10 -> 12.04 this happend.09:27
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jnqhisto: ta09:27
histoevenflow: Have you actuall diff'd the interfaces files?09:27
evenflowhisto... that does not work09:28
universalhisto: network connections gui shows connections but not shown in /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=0003b5609:28
histoevenflow: look at dmesg for any errors?09:28
histouniversal: then remove them with nmcli like I said09:29
universalnmcli c delete id ??09:29
histouniversal: nmcli c del id "MyNet 1"09:29
evenflowi dont think diffing the files will help here, since the interface does get the correct ip and everything, its just that it is down09:29
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histoevenflow: what happens when you ifup eth0?09:29
evenflowit stays down09:30
universalhisto: and why is it acting like this.....it was good until yesterday ?09:30
evenflowdmesg says something about link down09:30
evenflowi can tell you exactly, (trying to save walking to the server room :)09:30
histouniversal: no idea.09:30
PMJPhello people09:30
histoevenflow: how are you connected to this box if the network is down?09:30
evenflowi am not, as i said, i go to the server room09:31
histoevenflow: What is the output of sudo ifup eth0 ?09:32
universalevenflow: the same is happening with my wifi....but simple disabling and reenabling network does the trick....if not then rmmod and modprobe <driver> bring it back online09:32
histouniversal: which wifi chipset are you using?09:33
histouniversal: lspci | grep Network09:33
evenflowuniversal, it doesnt help in my case09:33
universalbroadcom bcm 141309:33
evenflowhisto, ill go check and brb09:33
histo!bcm | universal09:34
ubottuuniversal: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:34
universalyea its 4313...and not 1413 srry09:34
histouniversal: did you install firmware?09:34
universali checked but i was not able to find any firmware,,,,,and the only driver supporting it seems to be wl09:35
histouniversal: go to the additional drivers dialog09:35
universali tried brcmsmac also....but its not working09:35
PMJPwhat is mir?09:37
jpds!mir | PMJP09:37
ubottuPMJP: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir09:37
cfhowlettuniversal, the linux broadcom driver is available at their website ...09:37
universalhisto: yes its enabled....but is there any other way coz i think speed is a lot less than what should be cfhowlett09:38
histocfhowlett: the wl driver is their driver from what I understand.09:38
universalcfhowlett: broadcom site gives source, that too 2-3 years old09:39
universalhisto: is there any firmware ?09:39
PMJPthank you09:39
histouniversal: what is the issue you are experiencing?09:41
universalspeed is a lot less than with the same card on windows....less than half09:42
PMJPI like to move to ubuntu but I am afraid I will have problems once I install it09:43
histoPMJP: then boot to the installation dvd and test it out09:44
cfhowlettPMJP, wait, you haven't even tried it .. and you're scared?  best you stick to windows then.09:44
chgojoehow do you change channels in irc?09:44
evenflowhisto: ifup eth0    says interface eth0 already configured09:44
NeverHerechgojoe, /join #channel09:44
histoPMJP: you can run in live mode from the installation media without installing and changes willb e lost at reboot without harming your disk.09:45
chgojoei want to go to the linux mint channel09:45
chgojoeto get some help09:45
ubottuchgojoe,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:45
PMJPIt works fine just unlucky in the past09:46
chgojoeyean my install of ubuntu really sucked ass09:46
universalPMJP: you'll have a lot of errors for sure but help and troubleshooting is alot better than windows that too everything free of charge.....plus no malwares, virus etc....decide for urself09:46
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cfhowlettchgojoe, you did say you wanted mint.  #linuxmint-help is the channel for you.09:46
chgojoejoin/ linuxmint-help09:47
PMJPwell my problem is graphics09:47
chgojoejoin/ #linuxmint-help09:47
cfhowlettPMJP, boot the live cd.  test ubuntu.  or don't.09:47
universalPMJP: install right drivers and test09:48
cfhowlettPMJP, pretty hard to diagnose/solve an imaginary problem.  come back with data maybe?09:48
chgojoejoin/ #linuxmint-help09:48
PMJPsorry I was getting to that09:48
chgojoecrap how do i get to that server?09:48
cfhowlettchgojoe, type   /join #linuxmint-help09:49
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PMJPI am running WoW in Wine but I only get 13fps I was wondering if there was a way to make it better09:50
ubottuPMJP,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:50
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/09:50
aeon-ltdPMJP: run windows? :)09:50
PMJPusing the latest drivers from AMD09:50
universalPMJP: maybe downgrade your driver a version or two09:51
universalsometimes latest drivers conflict with systems09:52
universaltune your settings09:52
PMJPthank you universal09:52
PMJPIm sorry for annoying you guys09:55
cfhowlettPMJP, no apologies needed09:55
NeverHerePMJP, thats what this channel is for, questions09:55
PMJPI just wanted to play wow without having to duel boot09:56
PMJPthough having a AMD APU doesnt help I think09:57
NeverHerePMJP, I use a LiveUSB to run Ubuntu on any desktop, it saves to the USB stick so everything stays, and i didn't have to dual boot my laptop09:57
PMJPoh I didnt know you can do that09:58
narcosHi all. I'm trying to get hostapd running on Ubuntu by following this tutorial: http://nims11.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/hostapd-the-linux-way-to-create-virtual-wifi-access-point/. When starting the service I get : " * Starting advanced IEEE 802.11 management hostapd [fail]". I can't seem to find any logs in dmesg or syslog - any ideas?09:58
PMJPis that what a persistence file is?09:58
AxlinPMJP, Assuming you're using the proprietary drivers for your video card, have you enabled OpenGL in WoW?09:59
NeverHerePMJP, not sure, but I would make sure your USB drive is 8 gb or more, there is a tutorial on the Ubuntu website for making a Live USB after you start the download of the ISO09:59
PMJPalright thanks09:59
PMJPAxlin where is that option?09:59
AxlinIn config.wtf in the WTF directory inside your install directory there should be a line which reads SET gxApi "d3d". You'll change d3d to OpenGL10:02
mcantsingood day. how can I write 0-data to a drive after partitioning, using mkfs?10:02
mcantsinor should I just run dd?10:02
mcantsin(can't find the option in "man mkfs.ext3")10:03
nerdtronmcantsin dd if=/dev/nul of=/dev/sdx10:03
PMJPok thanks Axlin10:04
nerdtronthen sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx to format it to ext410:04
mcantsinnerdtron: thanks. thought so just using dd. - there is no option in mkfs ?10:04
mcantsinnerdtron: rgr10:04
nerdtronwhat's rgr?10:04
mcantsinnerdton: aviation slang ;)10:04
mcantsinnerdtron thanks10:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:05
nerdtronmcantsin, don't thank me yet, you'll be pulling out your hair waiting for dd to wipe the whole drive :D10:05
nerdtronmcantsin, you can just run sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx and the partition will be formatted10:06
PMJPsee you later guys10:07
mcantsinnerdtron: sure. the issue is that I have a broken hard-drive which I can send back to the manufacturer for exchange but I want to make sure they cant read data. dd only writes to the writable blocks, and stops at the broken ones...10:07
PMJPthanks for everything10:07
mcantsinnerdtron: is there a way to "surpass" the broken blocks using dd?10:07
mhrI am trying to make a deb file for a package from its source, and getting this error : dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libhtp-0.2.so.1 needed by debian/cs-suricata/usr/sbin/suricata (ELF format: 'elf32-i386'; RPATH: '').10:08
mcantsinnerdtron: I know dd takes a while to write data for large drives, that doesnt matter10:08
nerdtron broken block? what is that?10:08
nerdtronmcantsin, does your drive has unhealthy sectors?10:09
mcantsinnerdtron: well there seems to be a physical problem with the disk. so dd stops after 5.2 GB on a 2TB drive10:09
mcantsinnerdtron: excatly10:09
mhrI am using ubuntu server 12.0410:09
nerdtronmcantsin, hhmmm oh, you don't want them to read you data... no idea sorry, i'll just send them the drive and wait for it come back :)10:10
mcantsinnerdtron: so I would like dd to surpass the "unhealthy" sectors, continueing on the "healthy" ones10:10
mcantsinnerdtron: well but there is sensitive data on the disk...10:11
mcantsinnerdtron: there is a minor chance the manufacturer could forensically read some data...10:11
nerdtronmcantsin, recovering data from a bad disk is very difficult. they won't vother make an effort unless it is really "worth it"10:12
mcantsinnerdtron: FYI: I have full backup of the data so that is not the issue...10:12
mcantsinnerdtron: ok10:12
mcantsinnerdtron: thanks anyways...10:12
nerdtronmcantsin, ok goodluck with that..10:12
mcantsinsure. That is why I asked if mkfs has an option because it writes a fs on the healthy sectors only, whereas dd stops at the unhealthy sectors...10:13
grimetonmcantsin: ddrescue10:14
mcantsingrimeton: thanks10:14
universalnot a single connection shown in /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but 3 connections still shown in edit connections gui.....did nmcli c del id <connection> but to no avail10:15
frinottwhat does it mean to start a var. assignment with ! in a makefile? like  !CONFIG_XYZ=yes10:15
grimetonfrinott: are you sure you're in a make file?10:16
grimetonfrinott: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#toc_Using-Variables10:17
mhrI am trying to make a deb file for a package from its source, and getting this error : dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libhtp-0.2.so.1 needed by debian/cs-suricata/usr/sbin/suricata (ELF format: 'elf32-i386'; RPATH: '').10:18
grimetonmhr: apt-file search libhtp-0.2.so.110:18
nerdtronuniversal, i don't have a file  /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections10:19
universalnot a single connection shown in /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but 3 connections still shown in edit connections gui.....did nmcli c del id <connection> but to no avail10:21
mhrgrimeton, it gives me this --:libhtp1: /usr/lib/libhtp-0.2.so.110:22
mhrlibhtp1: /usr/lib/libhtp-0.2.so.1.0.210:22
grimetonmhr: then install libhtp110:22
furoidowhats wrong with this?10:22
furoido        user = super(RegisterForm, self).save(*args, *kwargs)10:22
grimetonmhr: and add the lib to the debian/control file as dependency10:22
grimetonfuroido: #python ?10:23
furoidogrimeton: yeah. it says syntaxerror in django10:23
gordonjcpfuroido: off the top of my head, you probably mean **kwargs10:24
gordonjcpfuroido: you'd be better asking in #django though10:24
grimetonfuroido: i meant ask in #python ;)10:24
furoidooh wrong channel here hehe10:24
gordonjcpfuroido: also, without the error message it's impossible to give much of an answer10:24
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mhrgrimeton, actually libhtp is a package which is installed by main package by default, during normal installation of the main package only ldconfig is to be executed. but during the deb file creation of main package I got the error.10:25
mhrgrimeton, do you think it is good to install libhtp manually?10:26
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grimetonmhr: are the libs all for i386? or are you building on x64?10:27
mhrgrimeton, I am not sure of that, I guess its for i386, Is there a way to check that quickly?10:28
grimetonmhr: uname -a10:28
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grimetonparted magic is now available for 5 bucks.us only :D10:30
mhrgrimeton, last few parts says:  i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux10:30
grimetonmhr: then you're fine10:30
grimetonmhr: is there a libhtp-0.2* in your system already?10:31
aryansIOMMU Pagefault on logout , login10:32
aryanscan anyone help10:32
alexaI can't run adb. It's installed but it shows no device10:32
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alexaI followed the tutorial about connecting android device to PC. editing rules.d/51-android.rules10:33
mhrgrimeton, find gives me --: ./libhtp/htp/.libs/libhtp-0.2.so.110:34
alexabut it just doesn't show my device when adb devices typed10:34
grimetonmhr: ah, that's not an official path - so it's not visible in the include/lib statements of the package built10:34
grimetonmhr: you should only built packages against system wide available versions of libraries10:35
grimetonmhr: or provide the library in an extra package10:35
grimetonmhr: because everyone that installs your package later won't have the libhtp you have ...10:35
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mhrgrimeton, how can i do that with extra package?10:36
aryansUbuntu login logout gives IOMMU Page fault and then system craches10:36
grimetonmhr: if i were you i'd install the ubuntu libhtp and then try to built the package against the ubuntu version and see what happens10:36
Aaruniif I want someone not on my local network to be able to connect to my computer, how can I ?10:36
grimetonAaruni: there are multiple possibilities: port forwarding, vpn, direct connect ...10:37
Aaruninot sure if correct place for support. but I guess something to do with router port forwarding10:37
grimetonyeah, port forwarding then10:38
grimetonAaruni: read the router's manual10:38
MonkeyDustAaruni  sounds like an ip tables thing, block an IP address10:39
AaruniMonkeyDust: can I PM, because not really ubuntu support...10:40
mhrgrimeton, in normal installation of a package if one has to explicitely run ldconfig command, which/where should the ldconfig command be executed you think?10:40
grimetonmhr: there is no need todo that10:40
grimetonmhr: you only do that because your libhtp is not in a default location10:40
MonkeyDustAaruni  no, in case I should say something wrong, keep it in the channel or do some reading, first10:40
grimetonmhr: /etc/ld.so.conf has been modified to reflect your custom setup10:41
Aaruniok, MonkeyDust I think I have to configure something in the router settings, but I don't know what.10:41
mhrgrimeton, thank you so much...10:41
MonkeyDustAaruni  again: do some reading about networking10:42
DJonesAaruni: This should help you get started http://portforward.com/ forwarding your ports from your router10:43
universalnot a single connection shown in /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but 3 connections still shown in edit connections gui.....did nmcli c del id <connection> but to no use10:43
universalhisto: ^^^10:43
MonkeyDustAaruni  https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/ip-tables-how-to-block-range-of-ip-address-from-ip-table-947696/10:45
grimetonMonkeyDust: you got the question right?10:45
AaruniMonkeyDust: I think DJones' link is apt. I want to enable outside connections, not block anything10:45
AaruniDJones: got a manual for my particular router. thanks!10:46
MonkeyDusti misread this part "someone not on my local network"10:46
jackarghey, could i have some immediate help? I'm currently updating to 13.04 with the live image and I would like to create a seperate home partition while doing so. So I now see dev/sda2 which is ext4 and has everything on it. What do i do to split that into a root and home partition? exact steps would be great! thanks10:49
ikoniajackarg: you need to do that seperate from the upgrade10:49
ikoniajackarg: boot from livemedia, resize the partition, create a new partition, sync the home directory to that new partition, update your fstab to mount home from the new place10:50
aryansubuntu 12.04  gives IOMMU page fault and crashes with blue screen of death when I logout and login. Can anyone helo10:50
ikoniajackarg: once this is working remove the old data on the old /home10:50
ikoniaaryans: ubuntu doesn't have a blue screen of death, please explain truthfully10:50
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skapismThis is not directly related to ubuntu, but I have a file containing 8 hex digits in its name, anyone happen to know what checksum algo I would need to verify it?10:51
jackargikonia: yes i know i chose the "something else" option to edit the partitions but what do i do now? sorry having difficulty typing (im on ipod)10:51
ikoniajackarg: shrink your existing partition to allow it to be split10:52
ikoniajackarg: you may find this easier from the gparted live media if you are not comfortable with the current media10:52
universalnot a single connection shown in /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but 3 connections still shown in edit connections gui.....did nmcli c del id <connection>........connections still shown in edit connections gui with full password and not getting deleted10:54
co-XZist  /part10:56
universallooks like deleting connection entry from edit connections gui deletes them from /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but not from gui.....how to fix it ?10:56
skapismany idea anyone?10:57
ActionParsnipskapism: you can use the md5sum command to calculate MD5 hash of the file10:57
grimeton8 digit hash sumss?10:58
jackargok ikonia im back sorry :) can you repeat? also, can i do this from the live cd or not? if not i'll upgrade and do it later but that may be harder10:58
lyoko1Hi, I have a friend who needs to upgrade from 11.10 to 13.04 (or at least 12.04 LTS). How can this be done?10:58
aryansikonia: I am telling you what I saw....10:58
skapismActionParsnip: no, I mean, I have a file with say [AAAAAAAA] in its name. but I have no idea what they used to create the hash10:58
ActionParsniplyoko1: you can grab the Precise ISO and boot to it, you will be offered an upgrade10:58
ikoniaaryans: try again, you saw wrong10:59
skapismgrimeton: yes10:59
grimetonskapism: are you sure that it really represents a hash?10:59
ActionParsnipskapism: contact the author10:59
skapismgrimeton: yup, sure.10:59
skapismActionParsnip: unforunately, the author is not available10:59
grimetonlyoko1: or use the update manager10:59
jackargjust copy and paste ikonia11:00
grimetonskapism: so how was that hash generated?11:00
skapismgrimeton: that's just the question I asked11:00
aryansI logged in Ubuntu 12.04, It logged in, then I logged out and tried to login again, now this time a message appeared that MSM_IOMMU: uNEXPECTED iOMMU PAGE FAULT11:00
grimetonskapism: you can only tell that it is a hash if you know how it's been generated ...11:01
grimetonskapism: and i can't remember a tool that generates 8 digit wide hashes11:01
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
ActionParsnipskapism: you can generate hashes in many ways, there is no way of knowing just by the actual hash itself11:01
universalnot a single connection shown in /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but 3 connections still shown in edit connections gui.....did nmcli c del id <connection>........connections still shown in edit connections gui with full password and not getting deleted11:01
universallooks like deleting connection entry from edit connections gui deletes them from /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but not from gui.....how to fix it ?11:01
ActionParsniparyans: have you looked online for what the error means?11:01
skapismgrimeton: yes. but it is pretty probable.11:02
grimetonskapism: get your set of hash generating tools and test on after eachother and see what happens11:02
lyoko1Ok thanks, I'll tell him to upgrade to 12.04, probably a safer bet11:02
grimetonif you see a hash that matches be happy11:02
aryansIOMMU is related to virtual to physical address conversion. but why this message occurred is nowhere to be seen11:03
jackargcan anyone here help? I'm trying to pake a seperate home partition while upgrading from 12.04. I am on the 13.04 live mage right now. anyone?11:03
skapismgrimeton: I actually tested with cksum, md5sum and sha1sum (assuming they simply took the last 8 hex digits)11:03
universalanyone ???11:03
=== bauer_ is now known as ultrabauer
jackarguniversal whats your prob11:04
universalnot a single connection shown in /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but 3 connections still shown in edit connections gui.....did nmcli c del id <connection>........connections still shown in edit connections gui with full password and not getting deleted11:04
universallooks like deleting connection entry from edit connections gui deletes them from /etc/NETWORKMANAGER/system-connections but not from gui.....how to fix it ?11:04
universaljackarg: ^^^^11:04
grimetonfor i in $(openssl dgst -h |& grep "to use" | awk '{print $1}' | sed -E 's/-(.*)/\1/g'); do openssl $i $your_file_here; done11:05
jackarguniversal yeah sorry i dont know11:05
grimetonskapism: ^11:05
NET||abusehi folks, i'm having trouble getting a desktop file i made in .local/share/applicatoins/  to show up in unity application search lens11:06
universalanyone else ??11:06
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linuxtai kuai le11:08
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universalanyone else ??11:09
linuxjack hao a you!11:09
Voidvoidhello everybody11:10
ActionParsnipuniversal: if you log off and on, are they gone?11:10
universalActionParsnip: no11:11
chalcedonygood to see you ActionParsnip *hugs*11:11
ActionParsnipuniversal: are they present for all users (make a new user if necessary)11:11
ActionParsnipchalcedony: howdy :)11:11
universalit looks like they are glued there11:11
Johnny_Linuxtry rebooting and or logout11:11
chalcedonyi'm trying to install znc on ubuntu 13.04 - sudo apt-get install .. but it needs the name of the ubuntu, what's it called?11:12
Voidvoidim having some problems executing rapidsvn i can install it without problem but when i execute it doesnt open and if i open it from console i get the next message "rapidsvn: error while loading shared libraries: libsvn_subr-1.so.1"  it seems to be something with the libs but i cant fix it could anyone help me plz11:12
grimetonchalcedony: what's the name of the ubuntu?11:12
universalJohnny_Linux: tried that also....no use11:12
ActionParsnipchalcedony: cat /etc/issue    will tell you the release name11:12
grimetonVoidvoid: apt-cache search libsvn_subr-111:12
grimetonVoidvoid: eeer apt-file search libsvn_subr-111:13
Voidvoidlet me try it11:13
chalcedonyActionParsnip, it just says Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l11:14
universalJohnny_Linux: any other ideas ?? ActionParsnip11:14
chalcedonyis there a recent znc in nautilus?11:14
jackargok last try please help me. how do I create a seperate home partition while upgrading to 13.04. I have all my files on the main partition. do i just substract space from it, and mount the remaining space at /home and that's it? please someone just say yes or no11:17
grimetonjackarg: yes11:17
grimetonjackarg: shrink the existing partition to make space for another one11:17
chalcedonythe example command is:  sudo apt-get install znc/quantal-backports  - quantal wouldn't apply to Raring-Ringtail or do i put all of that?11:17
grimetonthen create another one and put your home there11:17
grimetonjackarg: then be happy11:17
grimetonjackarg: it's important to SHRINK the partition and NOT to delete it11:17
grimetonthe later will kill everything11:17
jackarggrimeton and there is no problem after? no additional steps? i had someone else here telling me all sorts of things11:18
grimetonjackarg: shrinking a partition is abit complicated: shrink the filesystem, shrink the partition (the order is important)11:18
Voidvoidit doesnt find anything11:18
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
grimetonVoidvoid: is the apt-file cache up2date?11:18
grimetonVoidvoid: run apt-file update11:18
Voidvoidi have installed svnlib1  but still it doesnt work11:18
grimetonlibsvn_subr-1.so.1 is in libsvn1 on my ubuntu11:19
jackarggrimeton lol ok lets just do it this way: I click on /dev/sda2 where all my gigs are. its mounted on / and has ubuntu 12.04 as system. i click change. then i see the megasbytes and to the right is a minus. i click the minus according to the space i want and thats all?11:20
Voidvoidive installed it but when i try to execute it .. doesnt work :/11:20
grimetonjackarg: yeah, sometimes it's that easy11:21
grimetonVoidvoid: can you paste the error message on a paste service?11:21
jackarggrimeton sometimes?11:21
jackarggrimeton then i make it ext4 and mount it at /home and its done?11:21
grimetonjackarg: after the partition has been shrinked you create another one (e.g. sda3) and then create your /home on it11:22
Voidvoidgrime i havent do that with apt file but the error i got its rapidsvn: error while loading shared libraries: libsvn_subr-1.so.111:22
jackarggrimeton well if i shrink it there is automatically unallocated space somewhere else no?11:23
grimetonVoidvoid: which release?11:23
Voidvoidubuntu 12.0411:23
grimetonjackarg: you shrink the fs and then you shrink the partiton (TWO STEPS !)11:23
jackarggrimeton which is which?11:23
grimetonVoidvoid: install apt-file and verify that the file is in the package11:23
grimetonjackarg: ?11:24
Voidvoidok ill do that 1 sec11:24
jackarggrimeton which is the one i just described?11:24
grimetonjackarg: let's do it in a different way: after you resized the actual fs/partition - is there free space available?11:24
jackarggrimeton ok let me do it hold on11:25
skapismoh well, cksfv did the job11:25
jackargwhats the minimum size grimeton?11:25
grimetonjackarg: of what?11:25
Johnny_Linux /11:25
DJonesthom_ass: Its /quit11:25
jackargi put 20gb and it says its under the minimum idk11:26
jackarggrimeton ^11:26
grimetonjackarg: if you have 30gb of data on the partition you can't shrink it below that size11:26
jackargright. ok hold on. brb11:26
gulzargetting this http://pastebin.com/dJUcg5zS what tot do?11:27
grimetongulzar: remove the 403 files, check why you get a 403 or fix the user/password setup11:28
gvogulzar might try apt-get update11:29
gulzargrimeton: I did "clean" and re downloaded all files continuously but same eror11:29
chalcedonygot it!11:29
gulzargvo: tried many times ..no effect11:30
grimetongulzar: you don't have access to some files in your upgrade list ... that can have multiple reasons. if you just want to get rid of the error, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment the urls that point to that repo out11:30
grimetongulzar: after that run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and check again11:30
intihello someone there how has knowlege about 3D-diagramms?11:32
gulzargrimeton: which one to comment? The list is not specific.11:33
grimetongulzar: hmm, interesting ... on a closer look it turns out that there might be a problem on the mirror - maybe an update lock11:34
grimetongulzar: wait a few minutes and try again11:34
gulzargrimeton: this problem is since yesterday...11:34
gulzargrimeton: What if IO change the mirror?11:34
grimetongulzar: give it a shot11:34
grimetoni'm able to download the file11:35
Zanaty_hello , its my first time here , i have excellent skills in c/c++ and i am interested in ubuntu developing , any hints ?11:35
usr13gulzar: Did you "try with --fix-missing"?11:35
grimetonZanaty_: work on your reading skills: www.ubuntu.com11:36
gulzarusr13: tried. no effect11:36
gulzarZanaty_: awesome. do you have practice materal for C?11:36
Zanaty_grimeton: sry i cannot understand you11:36
intihello guys, looking for someone how can tell me wich programm for 3D-diagramms is good an simple?11:36
grimetonZanaty_: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/developers11:37
Zanaty_gulzar: iam  an ACM icpc contestant and almost iam doing every problem solving in c/c++11:37
Zanaty_grimeton: i've already read the begginers tutorial and setup enviroment , but i have no experience to start fixing bugs on my own11:38
grimetonZanaty_: it's as always - learn what the software does - fix the bugs11:39
gulzarZanaty_: good. I want practice examples for begineners. short applications. it will help me in unoderstanding C in more depth. Any link? Gogle drive, site?11:39
usr13gulzar: uname -a   #What does that say11:39
gulzarusr13: Linux Cryptic 3.8.0-19-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 17 18:16:28 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:40
usr13gulzar: cat /etc/issue  #What does that say?11:40
Voidvoidgrimeton, im updating apt-file ... sorry im at work11:40
Zanaty_gulzar: many problem solving online judges are present somthing like topcodr.com , spoj.pl11:40
Voidvoidif it doesnt work despite its a dependence problem should i try to do another thing ?11:41
gulzarusr13: Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l11:41
gulzarZanaty_:  Thank You11:41
Zanaty_gulzar: u r w :)11:42
grimetonVoidvoid: if the file is there and it isn't found - you can deal with the ld cache - but be careful - fucking that up can kill your system11:42
Zanaty_grimeton: i thought maybe working in a team may grant me experience , is there any teams here accepts begginers ?11:42
grimetonZanaty_: http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/11:43
gulzarusr13: any idea?11:43
usr13gulzar: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list11:43
Voidvoidshould i execute ldconfig ?11:44
grimetonVoidvoid: after you modified /etc/ld.so.conf11:44
grimetonVoidvoid: but again: BE CAREFUL11:44
Voidvoidok, but what i should put in there the path of svnlib ?11:45
gulzarusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054881/11:45
grimetonVoidvoid: check if the file is there - everything else depends on that - and to get knowledge of ldconfig read the manual page BEFORE you change anything11:46
Voidvoidok ...if i just execute ldconfig it will update the libraries i guess it wont do anything wrong with the system right '11:47
grimetonVoidvoid: if everything is configured correctly - yes11:47
Zanaty_grimeton: i've already read the tutorials and these pages , iam asking if any one here are working on teams11:48
Voidvoidgood .. so for example if ld.so.conf theres the lib  libsvn_subr-1*i should do a simbolic link to it ?11:48
gulzarusr13: any hint?11:49
usr13_gulzar: Temporary outage, send url again.11:49
gulzarusr13_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054881/11:49
grimetonVoidvoid: what? go read the manual page - you're playing with the fire and you want to read about how to douse that11:50
Voidvoidokk :)11:50
gulzarusr13_: anything?11:52
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usr13_gulzar: Show me the apt-get error pastebin URL again.11:53
gulzarusr13_: http://pastebin.com/dJUcg5zS11:53
universalhow to logout using terminal ?11:53
gulzarusr13_: need to go... urgent. sorry.  I will login after few time. Please save the soggestion in a file. Thank uyou11:54
Zanaty_is there any one here working on teams in developing ubuntu ?11:54
universalhow to logout using terminal ??11:55
grimetonuniversal: exit11:55
universalgrimeton: not terminal but logout from current session11:56
Voidvoidgrimeton, if i update the distro version it would be a good idea ?11:56
grimetonuniversal: what?11:56
grimetonVoidvoid: don't know11:56
universalgrimeton: logout from current user11:56
grimetonuniversal: exit11:56
universalexit closes terminal but not logged in user11:56
grimetonuniversal: ah, you want to close the x session?11:57
universalgrimeton: ^^11:57
grimetonuniversal: end the x-blocking process (usually the window manager)11:57
universallike ?11:57
grimetonuniversal: you know what? kill -9 $(ps auxw | grep X | awk '{print $2}')_11:57
universalwindow manager is compiz and session usually is gnome-session grimeton11:58
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universalgrimeton: ps aux | grep gnome gives - ubuntu   21273  0.0  0.1 427404 10624 ?        Ssl  09:45   0:00 gnome-session --session=ubuntu12:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 21273 in metacity (Ubuntu) "adding edge resistance to metacity" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2127312:02
universalso should i just kill this process12:02
ann-mariyahi, how can I use desktop sharing in ubuntu12:02
gvoann-mariya: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html12:05
universaluse Remmina...its for remote desktop sharing12:05
karab44how do I change terminal resolution?12:06
etfbHaving trouble with Nautilus.  Files with spaces in them no longer work, even when I use quotes around them.  They used to, pre-12.10 or so.  For example, echo x>"Foo Bar" ; nautilus "Foo Bar" used to work, and now reports that "Foo" and "Bar" don't exist.12:06
karab44in ubuntu 120412:06
Voidvoidgrimeton, apt-files says svnlib1 and svblib-dev i already have it installed but it doesnt work .. so im upgrading the distro :/12:07
Voidvoidi hope it works12:07
karab44Hello, Where I can find resolution matrix for text terminal and how do I change resolution in it?12:08
cfhowlettkarab44, see the terminal settings/preferences12:09
karab44no no, I mean in tty12:09
karab44changing it in grub12:10
cfhowlettkarab44, oh.  sorry.  I don't know about that one.12:10
tasslehoffCan the super+<number> shortcuts in unity be disabled?12:10
karab44cfhowlett: no problem, I didn't tell it explicitly12:10
karab44Any ideas? I did the trick on ubu 1204 server two weeks ago but now kill me but I don't remember12:11
usr13_If gulzar comes back, show him http://paste.ubuntu.com/6054937/12:13
karab44ok I found vesa framebuffer modes. It's getting better12:13
mikubuntudoes anybody yet have luck using facebook video chat on ubuntu? the google results i found dated back to 2011, and said it wasn't supported12:17
\\Mr_C\\you think thats spam?12:19
karab44does ubuntu 1204 desktop uses grub or grub2?12:20
cfhowlettkarab44, grub212:20
ubottu\\Mr_C\\,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:20
\\Mr_C\\its about linux12:20
karab44good, where to instert this vga=795 to have desired resolution in terminal?12:20
\\Mr_C\\linus is in the lead12:20
cfhowlett!ot|\\Mr_C\\, at best it's offtopic to ubuntu support12:21
ubottu\\Mr_C\\, at best it's offtopic to ubuntu support: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:21
karab44if only holstein was here, he would help me12:25
etfbIs there an alternative to Nautilus that understands how to open files with spaces in the name?12:27
Kartagisyoutube videos play twice their speed on chrome12:27
Kartagisany ideas?12:27
usr13_karab44: At the end of the kernel line.12:27
cfhowlettKartagis, make sure you're using the html5 version12:28
karab44usr13_:  pardon? I am completely diesel in that. What file, what line?12:28
etfbKartagis: not for me, which suggests a config problem rather than a low-level bug. Reinstall?12:28
geirhaetfb: What do you mean? nautilus have no trouble with whitespace in filenames12:28
usr13_!grub2 | karab4412:28
ubottukarab44: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:28
etfbgeirha: I thought that, but as of 12.10 or so it has been, at the shell.  Try opening a file at the bash prompt, eg nautilus "My File".12:29
Kartagiscfhowlett: I thought I was. how do I check it tho?12:29
cfhowlettKartagis, last I saw YT ( in china now, so it's been awhile) there's  a html5 tab/setting on the page12:29
burghello. i am trying to set default acl for one directory and all newly created files/directories from within, but some are always created with an effective mask (different from my acl). http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18538131/remove-acl-effective-mask - here is what i tried, but with no success12:30
Kartagiscfhowlett: thanks, it worked12:32
geirhaetfb: Tried with 13.04. Worked fine. Perhaps you have an alias or function named nautilus? What does  ''type nautilus''  output?12:32
cfhowlettKartagis, have fun, be safe12:32
mikubuntudoes anybody yet have luck using facebook video chat on ubuntu? the google results i found dated back to 2011, and said it wasn't supported12:32
Yu-YuNow I can't join #ubuntu+1… Don't know why. Hi there all.12:33
etfbgeirha: D'OH!  Yes, I made an alias because I sometimes used a Xubuntu box that used pcfileman.  Dagnabbit!12:33
cfhowlettYu-Yu, worked for me.  they must not like you for some reason.12:34
Yu-YuDoes anyone know why there in Ubuntu oftenly pulse+bt loose a2dp or get output to headphones glitchy?12:34
etfbAh yes. Thanks, geirha! That was the problem.12:35
usr13_!sound | Yu-Yu12:35
ubottuYu-Yu: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.12:35
Yu-Yuusr13_: It's all about two headsets via bluetooth.12:36
usr13_Yu-Yu: Why can't you join #ubuntu+1 ?12:37
etfbThere's still the problem that when program A opens program B, program A remains on top of the z-order, instead of giving focus to program B.  That's definitely new to Ubuntu 13.04 or so.12:37
etfbIn this case, my text editor is opening Nautilus, and the Nautilus window is remaining behind it instead of popping up when it's opened.12:37
geirhaetfb: I find it best not to use aliases (or functions) to change the behavior of commands; rather make a new name for it.12:37
GoldenVirginiaHow do I limit users bandwidth usage ?12:38
usr13_Yu-Yu: (I'm sorry but I do not know about bluetooth headsets.)12:38
Yu-Yuusr13_: Gonna investigate the guidelines you gave me, first.12:38
etfbgeirha: Yes, this was a stupid decision. I was so used to using the nautilus command, and on Xubuntu I kept having to go and google to find out that pcfileman was the equivalent (I think!).  So I thought "I know, I'll make an alias!"  And my troubles began...12:39
usr13_GoldenVirginia: That is a job for your router, dd-wrt might be for you.12:39
GoldenVirginiausr13_: it can be used on servers too ?12:40
MagePsychohow to find the modifided date as well12:40
MagePsychofind . -mtime -312:40
MagePsychothis only list the name of the modified fiels12:40
Yu-YuGoldenVirginia: Why not?12:41
karab44I don't have grub menu while login, just ubuntu splash screen12:41
karab44I used to have it before...12:41
karab44What could happen?12:41
cfhowlettkarab44, does it still login?12:42
GoldenVirginiaYu-Yu: also after they used their bandwidth usage, can I limit them to lower speeds ? lile from 100Mb/s to 10 Mb/s?12:42
karab44I didn't make any changes to config files. I did but I reverted them and made grub-update12:42
usr13_GoldenVirginia: No.  But are you using a Linux computer as a router?12:42
karab44cfhowlett: yes, everybody works but grub menu dissapered12:42
karab44So it boots directly to Ubuntu12:42
GoldenVirginiausr13_: No12:42
karab44I don't know why12:42
cfhowlettkarab44, and you're the only user?  i.e. only a single user account?12:42
usr13_GoldenVirginia: Local users?12:43
gvoHe's probably running grub 2 which by default doesn't display a menu12:43
usr13_GoldenVirginia: http://serverfault.com/questions/222559/traffic-shaping-for-certain-local-users12:44
Yu-YuGoldenVirginia: You mean shaping on a router controlled from your server?12:44
karab44gvo: okay, but I had a menu this morning.12:44
karab44now it's gone12:44
gvoSo what changed.12:44
karab44what the heck? :)12:44
GoldenVirginiausr13_: Yes , I have a ubuntu 12.04 LTS server. I have local non sudoer users on them ... how do I limit their bandwidth usage and lower their speeds after they have used their allocated TB's12:44
GoldenVirginiakarab44: Yu-Yu: ^12:44
cfhowlettkarab44, if you set it to auto login ...12:44
usr13_GoldenVirginia: Ok, see URL I sent.12:44
GoldenVirginiaYou didn't send me anything yet.12:45
GoldenVirginiausr13_: ^12:45
usr13_GoldenVirginia: http://serverfault.com/questions/222559/traffic-shaping-for-certain-local-users12:45
cfhowlettkarab44, make sure your account has a login password.  Matter of fact, (and I know this is silly), you SHOULD have at least 2 accounts ... one administrator and one for daily, normal use.12:45
gvokarab44: Try holding the shift key down at boot.12:45
GoldenVirginiaAlright thanks12:45
karab44cfhowlett: I tell you what I did12:45
karab44I tried to make my terminal in high resolution adding a vga=795 mode12:46
Yu-Yucfhowlett: You must be misreading karab44.12:46
karab44but it did not work at all.12:46
karab44so I reverted this change every experiment and made grub-update12:46
Yu-Yukarab44 made grub-update.12:46
* cfhowlett ... is now commenting less and reading more ...12:47
usr13_karab44: Are you talking about console mode's screen size?12:47
karab44yes, still but in effect I have my grub menu lost.12:47
usr13_karab44: Or GUI terminal?12:47
gvokarab44 look in /etc/default/grub for a GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0   Comment it out if it's there.12:48
gvokarab44: then run update-grub again.12:48
karab44usr13_: I told you before, that I try to change Console mode, not GUI12:48
gvokarab44: Or increase the timeout to something non zero.12:49
karab44gvo: yes it's there set to 012:49
gvoset it to 512:49
FloodBot1karab44: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
gvoThat line says how long to wait before booting while displaying the menu.12:50
BluesKajHiyas all12:50
karab44I'll experiment with these parameters.12:51
gvokarab44: Sorry, comment out the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=012:51
gvokarab44: Leave the GRUB_TIMEOUT=1012:51
karab44no problenm12:52
karab44so ok, it's done time to grub-update and reboot12:52
karab44see you in 30s12:52
karab44I can see grub bootmenu now12:53
gvokarab44: another one bits the dust!12:54
karab44I don't know why it dissapeard anyway :)12:54
gvoDid you possibly remove another OS?12:54
karab44just ubuntu12:54
karab44fresh installation12:55
karab44quite fresh12:55
gvoOK can't help then.12:55
karab44gvo: What are you talkin about?! You did it! You've helped me! Menu works again. That's it :D12:55
karab44maybe because I boot on ssd and it's damn fast? Or like Yu-Yu said it could be a matter of bios changes, where I remember I set fast boot but it wasn't today for sure.12:57
karab44ok nevermind, problem solved12:58
karab44but still can't figure out how to set higher resolution in text console.12:59
karab44I read grub docs that you sent me and nothing works12:59
usr13_Kartagis: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18444/how-do-i-increase-console-mode-resolution13:05
Kartagisusr13_: are you sending this to the right guy?13:06
usr13_Kartagis: no13:06
usr13_karab44: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18444/how-do-i-increase-console-mode-resolution13:07
KeyboardNotFoundif I'm in /opt/android-studio/bin and I execute command: ./android studio.sh, how to execute when I will be in /home ?13:08
KeyboardNotFound./opt/android-studio/bin/android studio.sh ??? this don't work13:08
geirhaKeyboardNotFound: Lose the .13:10
KeyboardNotFoundgeirha, where ?13:10
geirhaKeyboardNotFound: at the start13:10
KeyboardNotFound/opt/android-studio/bin/android studio.sh13:11
KeyboardNotFound-bash: /opt/android-studio/bin/android: No such file or directory13:11
KeyboardNotFoundwhen i'm in /opt/android-studio/bin/ and i start ./android studio.sh13:11
KeyboardNotFoundall is ok13:11
geirhaKeyboardNotFound: sure you didn't typo anything there?13:11
KeyboardNotFoundi can't execute the file :/13:12
geirhaKeyboardNotFound: If   cd /opt/android-studio/bin && ./android   works, then   /opt/android-studio/bin/android   should work too13:12
KeyboardNotFoundgeirha, but /opt/android-studio/bin/android dont work13:13
geirhaKeyboardNotFound: are you sure you got the path right? keep in mind that it's case sensitivie. E.g. "Android" != "android"13:14
Yu-YuKeyboardNotFound: In '/opt/android-studio/bin/android studio.sh' certainly there are some errors. Try your tab completion.13:15
T699Hello, last night I had to perform a hard shutdown after the computer froze while attempting to shut down normally. Now when I boot, I have no internet and wireless isn't detected. Any ideas?13:15
KeyboardNotFoundgeirha, yes the path is correct13:15
geirhaKeyboardNotFound: so   ls -l /opt/android-studio/bin/android   doesn't give an error?13:16
deanrock0hi, i have a static ip configuration in /etc/network/interfaces, but ubuntu waits on boot for 60 seconds with the message "waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration". what could be wrong?13:16
Yu-YuKeyboardNotFound: If you start ./android studio.sh in /opt/android-studio/bin then you should run /opt/android-studio/bin/android /opt/android-studio/bin/studio.sh13:16
Yu-YuT699: Probably you can try recovery mode from grub boot menu and then select checking all filesystems?13:18
Yu-YuAnd it's gone…13:18
KeyboardNotFoundYu-Yu, this works thank you very much :)13:19
geirhadeanrock0: Sounds like it's still trying to get an ip from dhcp, so possibly a misconfiguration...?13:19
=== Yu-Yu is now known as Setha
SethaKeyboardNotFound: No problem, you're welcome.13:21
deanrock0geirha: i have eth0 set on manual and then a bridge with staticly configured network settings13:21
T699Is there a command I can use to start wifi?13:22
SethaT699: iwup?13:22
geirhadeanrock0: Yes, though that it's waiting 60 seconds suggests otherwise. Perhaps a typo somewhere.13:22
SethaT699: ifup?13:22
deanrock0geirha: http://pastebin.com/vWNeUCxG doesn't seem so13:24
deanrock0but even if it was trying to get ip from dhcp it should work, because dhcp server is available on the network13:24
T699Setha, just ran: ifup -a  nothing was output13:24
tsongkiHey guys need help. I receive error message during software update. My ubuntu version is raring ringworm 13.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/6055144/13:25
cfhowletttsongki, ringworm?  ewwwwwww13:25
BluesKajT699, iwconfig13:26
tsongkii mean ringtail sorry13:26
=== Setha is now known as Yu-Yu
tsongkiwish somebody could help.13:27
BluesKajtsongki, what's the error message , if it's more then 3 lines , pastebin it13:27
Ampelbeintsongki: The deluge-team ppa has no packages released for raring13:28
DJonestsongki: Looks like there is ppa included in your sources list that isn't being found13:28
Ampelbeintsongki: So you have to remove that from your sources13:28
tsongkiW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found13:28
tsongkiE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:28
Yu-Yutsongki: Check yourself at http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/13:28
T699Blueskaj, I get: eth0, lo, and wlan013:29
Yu-YuIs there raring?13:29
Ampelbeintsongki: software-properties -> other sources, remove that ppa.13:29
tsongkiok ill going to remove that ppa13:30
BluesKajT699, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up , then , sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid13:31
MonkWitDaFunkHi #ubuntu, there is windows fonts with debian. Is there windiws fonts for ubuntu 12.04.2?13:32
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, yes they are in the restricted extras13:32
cfhowlettMonkWitDaFunk, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:32
boopla7Installed lubuntu alongside windos. Now i dont need windows anymore. How do i recover the disk space allocated to windows? Is there a way to do it without reinstalling lubuntu (using entire disk this time)?13:34
ActionPa1snipboopla7: did you resize NTFS, or did you use wubi?13:34
Yu-YuMonkWitDaFunk: Moreover, you still can query apt database like that: `apt-cache search microsoft fonts | less´.13:34
boopla7i think resize13:35
gvoboopla7: You really need to know for sure13:35
cfhowlettboopla7, be sure.  wubi / not wubi is a major factor13:35
boopla7yes if i remember correctly during installation quite a bit of time went into resizing13:35
ActionPa1snipboopla7: you can resize your Ext4 into the NTFS space after deleting the partition13:36
Kaapahey guys - my mic capture volume is very low. Any tips on how I can configure pulseaudio to increase the volume?13:36
boopla7how do i do it?13:36
ActionPa1snipKaapa: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload13:36
ActionPa1snipboopla7: use Ubuntu liveCD, you can resize there. Be sure that your backups are up to date13:37
BluesKajKaapa, open alsamixer in the terminal and increase the vol there13:37
gvoboopla7: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToRemoveWindows13:37
Yu-Yuboopla7: You can identify what's there on your capacitors online using `lsblk´ tool.13:37
KaapaActionPa1snip: doing that!13:37
tsongkithanks i guess removing deluge ppa works13:38
tsongkithanks guyz13:38
* Yu-Yu gz tsongki.13:38
boopla7thanks you13:38
KaapaActionPa1snip: done - is there an url this thing generates that I can share?13:38
KaapaYour ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=7592009683637377cf2e1986b00d6787a0f59315 <- there13:39
Yu-YuKaapa: Use pastebin?13:39
Kaapait's the usb camera mic volume I'm trying to increase13:39
=== tsongki is now known as DEMENTED
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Oliver___Hi all13:43
Yu-YuAll greetz Oliver___…13:44
ubottuck: To test your hardware, you can use the packages memtest86+ (for memory, can be started from the !GRUB boot menu), smartmontools (for hard drives), cpuburn (which MIGHT damage your processor if cooling is not adequate!). Additionally, lm-sensors can be useful to monitor temperatures and fan speeds - See also !benchmark13:47
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )13:47
BluesKajKaapa, does, sudo gstreamer-properties , show anything ?13:48
KaapaBluesKaj: hum... not sure what I'd be looking for there13:49
BluesKajKaapa, a gui should popup with some options13:50
BluesKajit's a gui to control usb audio devices. Kaapa13:51
Kaapadefault input: custom13:51
dean_zahi , i have been force to roll out a new server after a hard drive crash , went from ubuntu 8.04 ltsp to 12.04 ltsp , i have restored most apps for users but I am having serious problem with printing. I have correct entries in lts.conf and port 9100 is open on thin client and appears to be accepting connections. Nothing prints though and I cant find any error log anywhere. Can anyone tell me where I can look for solution / evidence of problem ?13:52
BluesKajKaapa, ok run lsusb , try to se if you can recognize the camera13:52
cfhowlettdean_za, http://localhost:631/13:52
cfhowlettdean_za, look under the printers tab13:53
ker2xfriendly greetings \o/13:54
ker2xi finally updated my desktop from 10.0.4 LTS to 12.0.4 LTS, i had some troubles but now it's ok. however, my fingerprint isn't working anymore fingerprint-helper: error while loading shared libraries: libMagickCore.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:56
ker2xi tried to remove/install it. but13:56
ker2xsudo aptitude install fingerprint-gui13:56
ker2xNo candidate version found for fingerprint-gui13:56
FloodBot1ker2x: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:57
TNTSHi, I got me some trouble with installing Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit on my system, Grub isn't showing and Ubuntu isn't in the Windows 7 boot manager. I used a USB Flash Drive as an install medium13:57
martinrameHi, I can connect to a windows VPN from Ubuntu 12.04, but can't browse the internet while connected, what can I do to be able to browse?.13:58
cfhowlettTNTS, was this a dual boot or windows/wubi installation?13:58
universalhow to measure or see the signal strength of wifi ?? gui or in terrminal - both ??13:58
TNTScfhowlett: Its a "Install alongside Windows 7" so I would consider it as a dual-boot13:58
geirhaker2x: Sounds like you need to re-add the ppa13:59
Oliver___Ok.  I just downloaded a theme.  How do I apply it?13:59
ker2xgeirha: that's what i'm doing, indeed :)13:59
Oliver___daftykins: I got it working14:00
Shakazcan someone please seed the ubtunu 13.04 desktop 64bit torrent pls14:00
iceroot_!torrent | Shakaz14:01
ubottuShakaz: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P14:01
geirhaker2x: Yes, all PPAs get disabled when you upgrade to a new release. You have to manually re-enable/add them14:01
iceroot_!torrents | Shakaz14:01
ubottuShakaz: Raring can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/desktop/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/server/ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696914:01
ker2xgeirha: ok thank you :)14:01
=== Maple__{verybusy is now known as Maple__
Shakaziceroot_ can you seed14:01
iceroot_Shakaz: why?14:01
universalhow to measure or see the signal strength of wifi ?? gui or in terrminal - both ??14:02
universalwhich torrent client gives the best speed ?14:02
philinuxuniversal:  iwconfig wlan0 | grep -i --color signal14:03
Shakaziceroot_ so i can download quicker14:04
philinuxuniversal:  iwconfig wlan0 | grep -i --color signal14:04
TNTSWhere should I reinstall the Grub? Should it be in the ext4 or the swap partition?14:04
philinuxuniversal: for more info just do iwconfig wlan014:05
universalphilinux: wlan0 no such device14:05
iceroot_Shakaz: then use the http download14:05
BluesKajTNTS, ext4  if it's the only OS on the drive14:05
iceroot_Shakaz: and the torrent has enough seeders to reach 100MBit/s14:05
ker2xmmmmmmmmm same problem : fingerprint-gui: error while loading shared libraries: libMagickCore.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:05
philinuxuniversal: look with ifconfig14:05
universalphilinux: wlan0: error fetching device information: Device not found14:06
=== gcx674 is now known as gcx
universalphilinux: did- ifconfig wlan0 | grep -i --color signal14:07
Yu-Yuiwconfig 2>>/dev/null | grep -i --color signal14:07
TNTSBluesKaj: What if its not? I got one that's labeled ubuntu and one ext414:07
philinuxuniversal: no, just type in ifconfig to see the interfaces14:08
geirhaker2x: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude reinstall fingerprint-gui  # maybe14:08
=== oyvin is now known as oyvind
universalphilinux: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ iwconfig eth0      no wireless extensions.  eth5      IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:"GAURVNS"             Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: 00:08:5C:9C:AE:DA              Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off           Power Management:on            lo        no wireless extensions.14:08
philinuxuniversal: what does ifconfig show14:08
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ker2xgeirha: trying14:09
philinuxuniversal: what does ifconfig show14:09
universalYu-Yu: your msg was for me ?14:09
Yu-YuTNTS: Do you want to install GrUB2 onto a swap partition??14:09
Yu-Yuuniversal: Sure. And not only.14:09
=== Guest35153 is now known as oyvin
TNTSYu-Yu: Its a problem with the boot menu. I think Grub got corrupted or didn't go in right (PS: I am dual-booting here with Win 7 x64)14:10
Yu-Yuuniversal, philinux: Rather, `iwconfig 2>>/dev/null | grep -i --color signal´14:10
tester_hi :)14:10
mdik____how do i do "passwd" with an encrypted home dir without losing it?14:10
BluesKajTNTS, run sudo fdisk -l , to find the device names , like /dev/sda14:10
tester_whats up everyone14:10
TNTSBluesKaj: And then I look for the one labeled?14:11
ActionPa1snipmdik____: the home is a separate entity to the password system14:11
ActionPa1snipmdik____: use root recovery console to set your password for your user14:11
universalhttp://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=2a417ff Yu-Yu philinux14:12
Yu-YuTNTS: One can decide on their own, while it's always a good decision to put your bootloader onto either your primary system partition or your hdd containing the system partition.14:12
mdik____ActionPa1snip: i recovered already, but how do i change both, so it works as if installed freshly?14:12
universalYu-Yu: did- iwconfig 2>>/dev/null | grep -i --color signal but nothing happening14:13
Yu-Yuuniversal: W.h.y.?14:13
ActionPa1snipmdik____: how do you mean?14:13
mdik____i'm doing support for a not-so-computer-savvy friend and can't find good documentation on the whole "encrypted home dir" thing in ubuntu14:13
universalYu-Yu: if I knew that then i would had not asked that question14:13
philinuxuniversal: looks like you on wired not wireless14:13
jribmdik____: you've written down your passphrase in a safe place, yes?14:14
Yu-Yuuniversal: Then iwconfig can't see your wireless interface. But likely you lie.14:14
universalphilinux: I'm on wireless....14:14
mdik____ActionPa1snip: say you install ubuntu and click the option "encrypt home dir". then you unlock your home dir when logging in. simultaneously.14:14
TNTSYu-Yu: I'm sorry I don't speak HDD or Boot managers and such but according to the Windows 7 Disk Manager, the 2 partitions that Ubuntu made are "primary" so does that mean either way is good?14:14
karab44is grub2 changing terminal resolution buggy in 1204??14:14
mdik____ActionPa1snip: but when you change your password with passwd, the encrypted home-dir does not follow14:14
universalphilinux: Yu-Yu if you can connect to remote desktop connection then i can show you my desktop14:14
mdik____or my friend did something wrong14:14
ker2xgeirha: nope, no luck. look like the package is broken. there is no libMagickCore.so.2 in 12.0.4 anymore14:15
ActionPa1snipmdik____: not sure there mate, I avoid encrypted file systems. Far too many headaches14:15
karab44Why every linux aspect has to have a bug in it? Where ever I turn there's a bug. Why I can not do a simple thing without hacking?14:15
Yu-YuTNTS: Hey. I told you: either onto your HDD or onto your system partition. Anyways, the choice is yours.14:15
mdik____you never got your laptop stolen then i guess :)14:15
ActionPa1snipmdik____: no because I'm not a dumbass14:15
* Yu-Yu knows nothing on Windows 7 whatever-manager.14:15
philinuxuniversal: just click on the networking icon then connection info and screenshot it14:16
universalActionPa1snip: why not encrypted systems ? its a lot more of privacy....only problem is recovery on accidental deletion or crash14:16
ker2xi run on encrypted fs since years without problem14:16
jribmdik____: did you see my question?14:16
ker2xwith dmcrypt14:16
ActionPa1snipuniversal: never had an issue and not used it. never lost a single piece of hardware, laptop or ANYTHING14:16
ActionPa1snipuniversal: causes lots of headaches and stuff. keep the system simple and you win14:17
philinuxuniversal: just click on the networking icon then connection info and screenshot it14:17
jribActionPa1snip: you should think of it like insurance though.  It's not something you want to ever have to use, but you appreciate it in case you do14:17
universalhttp://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=c3d33ad philinux Yu-Yu14:17
ActionPa1snipuniversal: if you need encrptfs to protect you from your own stupidity you need to re-examine yourself14:17
jribActionPa1snip: you can get mugged for example; that's not due to your stupidity.  But I fear we're no longer discussing support14:18
philinuxuniversal: wconfig eth5 | grep -i --color quality14:18
Yu-YuLol. universal: This time I can see you're having it like eth5. Not like wlanX.14:18
ActionPa1snipjrib: again not had that issue, but yes it is OT14:18
philinuxuniversal: iwconfig eth5 | grep -i --color quality14:18
Yu-Yuphilinux: Lol, tell it once more?14:18
universalActionPa1snip: actually i appreciate encryted fs for privacy from others snooping....nothing on my part14:18
davvoalguien habla español?14:19
dean_zacups just says that document printed , however nothings comes out , no errors on cups logs on server14:19
DJones!es | davvo14:19
ubottudavvo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:19
ActionPa1snipuniversal: security groups and so forth keep snoopers out14:19
NetCattyI have a problem with aqemu. Evertime I try to start it it only prints: Sender: bool Emulator::Load( const QString &path ) / Message: Loading emulator file version 0.8 / Segmentation fault (core dumped) Can someone tell me what's wrong?  Linux Farnsworth 3.8.0-29-generic ubuntu 13.04, 64bit, gnome-shell14:19
ActionPa1snipuniversal: each user cannot see the other user's home folder14:20
universalphilinux: Yu-Yu now god knows why it is eth5 and not wlan0....or your specialist examination on this also ?? lol14:20
philinuxuniversal: did u get the signal stuff now14:20
universalActionPa1snip: but if you take out hdd and connect it on other system then you have everything14:20
geirhaker2x: How did you re-add the ppa exactly?14:20
Yu-Yuuniversal: I can see the tab you're not checking.14:20
jribmdik____: you aren't replying so I'll just make some remarks as I have to go: the encryption passphrase is wrapped (encrypted) by the user's login password.  Presumably the gui, takes care to "rewrap" the passphrase in the event of a password change.  But passwd may not (don't know).  So your options are 1) use old password 2) use gui (assuming gui takes care to rewrap) 3) rewrap your passphrase yourself14:21
ziadingohi, how show file permisions (CHMOD) numeric style eg. 0777 0666, in my file browser?14:21
universalhttp://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=776b8ab Yu-Yu philinux14:22
Yu-Yuziadingo: What file browser?14:22
ziadingoubuntu files14:22
universalYu-Yu: yea....srry lol14:22
ziadingoYu-Yu ubuntu files14:22
NetCattyziadingo: u mean nautilus14:22
jribmdik____:  some random comments found through google suggest that PAM should handle the re-wrapping so as long as the old password is provided, the passphrase should be being rewrapped14:22
ker2xgeirha: i followed this https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/fingerprint-gui14:23
juniourhi ubuntu Geeks14:23
juniouri have a dought??14:23
=== gavin__ is now known as gavinguo
ziadingoNetCatty: yeh, how to do?14:23
juniourhow to make iso image of the running ubuntu14:23
MonkeyDustziadingo  top left, Files > preferences > list columns14:23
ActionPa1snipjuniour: use dd14:23
NetCattyziadingo: look up the config. there u can choose what information it list's u14:23
universalYu-Yu: philinux http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=776b8ab ???14:24
Yu-Yuuniversal: Try `wavemon´ utility.14:24
universalwhat about the commands ??14:24
OerHeksziadingo, open terminal:  stat -c '%A %a %n' *14:24
philinuxuniversal: i've no idea why your wireless is eth514:25
juniourActionPa1snip like i have i have my ubuntu customized, my friends want to copy mine, but fresh installation and again customization take time so, i want to create copy of my running settings,, help me??14:25
mdik____jrib: yes. thank you. i think my friend did it that way, but i will ask back.14:25
ziadingoOerHeks: bur how to set this?14:26
juniourActionPa1snip how to use dd??14:26
philinuxuniversal: sudo apt-get install wavemon or use SC or synaptic14:26
philinuxuniversal: and a bit of internet search14:26
ActionPa1snipjuniour: read:  man dd14:26
universalphilinux: ok....but why are commands not working ?? Yu-Yu and what is SC for ?14:26
juniourActionPa1snip k14:26
philinuxuniversal: Software Centre14:26
ActionPa1snipjuniour: thats why we have backup, you can restore user data and settings for apps (including Gnome etc) by restoring from backup14:27
ActionPa1snipjuniour: you basically want the hidden folders in your users home folder14:27
Yu-Yuuniversal: Probably because of driver.14:27
universalActionPa1snip: does backup works on a full drive or os with encryption ?14:27
universalYu-Yu: driver is default wl14:27
geirhaker2x: apt-cache policy fingerprint-gui   # does it list several versions?14:28
ActionPa1snipuniversal: not sure, I don't use encryption......14:28
Yu-Yuziadingo: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=86096d7 — with nautilus.14:28
ker2xgeirha: no14:29
geirhaker2x: Ok, so only 1.05-dfsg2-0ppa1~precise1 ?14:29
universalYu-Yu: whats your os ??14:29
ker2xgeirha: yes14:29
Yu-Yuuniversal: WIndows 9 beta.14:29
universalYu-Yu: what ?? kidding14:30
martinrameHi, I can connect to a windows VPN from Ubuntu 12.04, but can't browse the internet while connected, what can I do to be able to browse?.14:30
geirhaker2x: Hm. Ok. There is libMagickCore in precice, but it's at version 4, not 2, so it's odd that it would depend on an "ancient" version.14:31
ActionPa1snipmartinrame: add a route for web to your router, or add an excpetion to the VPN config on the server14:31
philinuxuniversal: have you manually changed anything with network settings or udev14:31
Yu-Yuuniversal: Aren't you?14:31
ker2xgeirha: yes, it is14:31
martinrameActionPa1snip: I cannot access to the router nor the VPN server.14:31
ker2xand yes, there is v2 on 10.0.4 and only v4 on 12.0.414:31
bunjeeDear people........does Ubuntu have a hard drive recovery tool?14:32
ker2xperhaps i could try to compile it manually14:32
ker2xbut... meh14:32
martinrameActionPa1snip: everything is client side.14:32
ActionPa1snipmartinrame: then you will need to check your routing14:32
MonkeyDustbunjee  testdisk, photorec14:32
bunjeenew to Linux - please xplain14:32
philinuxbunjee: yep testdisk and photorec14:32
martinrameActionPa1snip: I know, but I don't know what I should check/unckeck in the routing dialog.14:33
ker2xgeirha: i'll try to compile it from source14:33
Yu-Yuziadingo: Well, I can't tell yet.14:33
=== Catbuntu is now known as Guest84210
ActionPa1snipmartinrame: make sure there is a route going to the router's internal IP14:33
=== Guest84210 is now known as Catbuntu
ziadingoYu-Yu: I want to do this http://pzdc.tk/chmod.png14:34
Yu-Yuziadingo: Yah, I yet got that. Thinking yet.14:35
Yu-Yuziadingo: But also tell me why, ever?14:35
ActionPa1snipmathfreak: if you run:  route      you should see the currently set routes14:35
ActionPa1snipmartinrame: ^14:35
ActionPa1snipmathfreak: tab fail, sorry14:35
ziadingoYu-Yu: i like numeric style14:36
bunjeeMonkeyDust/philinux - where is testdiak/Photorec14:36
ActionPa1snipmartinrame: you may find that the subnet of your home network is the same as the network you are VPNing to14:36
Yu-Yuziadingo: You do like it numeric and you do like it in Nautilus, both?14:37
martinrameActionPa1snip: ok, I'll try.14:37
Yu-Yuziadingo: I started Nautilus just to see if I can help you. Last time I started it was an accident, and I had to kill it by Process ID, twice.14:38
ziadingoYu-Yu: yes14:38
Yu-Yuziadingo: Eh. Okay. I can try to make a workaround.14:39
MonkeyDustbunjee  install testdisk/photorec from the software center14:40
Yu-YuMonkeyDust: Why? Why did you tell that?14:41
Yu-YuMonkeyDust: Let people live their lives and use computers. Not maintain, if they ain't wanna know a thing.14:42
auronandaceYu-Yu: people come here for help, let people help others14:42
MonkeyDustbunjee  read this first, to get familiar with disk/data recovery14:42
universalphilinux: no I have not changed anything14:43
eos__hi everybody! I have a ricoh sdhc card reader, but I do not seem to be able to read the sdhc cards .... the kernel module seems to be loaded properly. Any clue?14:44
ker2xgeirha: when compiling /usr/bin/ld: warning: libMagickCore.so.2, needed by /usr/local/lib/libfprint.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)14:46
ActionPa1snip!info libMagickCore.so.214:46
ubottuPackage libMagickCore.so.2 does not exist in raring14:46
ActionPa1snip!find libMagickCore.so.214:46
ubottuPackage/file libMagickCore.so.2 does not exist in raring14:47
ActionPa1snip!find libMagickCore.so14:47
ubottuFile libMagickCore.so found in libmagickcore-dev, libmagickcore514:47
ker2x5 ^^14:47
ActionPa1snipker2x: install that, you may need a symlink14:47
oooaaaoooohi guys i would like to install the intel linux graphics installer but am on precise; is there a deb out there?14:47
ker2xi have the v4 installed.14:47
Asad3ainJaloutHey guys I have a weird issue. I tried to install teamviewer through the .deb package and since than whenever I try to update it gives me this error. E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)14:47
Asad3ainJaloutE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/14:47
toughlamayou can install nvidia14:48
Asad3ainJaloutI have tried sudo apt-get update and it gives the same error as well14:48
eos__sorry! I have a ricoh card reader, but I do not seem to be able to read the sdhc cards .... the kernel module seems to be loaded properly. Any clue?14:48
ker2xso /usr/bin/ld: warning: libMagickCore.so.2, needed by /usr/local/lib/libfprint.so it's not fingerprint-gui that need this lib, but libfprint ?14:49
toughlamawho can make kernel14:49
universalAsad3ainJalout: ps aux | grep apt14:50
eos__it is a pci card reader and the output of the lspci is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/6055425/14:50
universalAsad3ainJalout: paste output screenshot14:50
universaltoughlama: what are you doing ?14:51
eos__I do not seem to find a solution using google14:51
Bentydo alt+F4 for a new smiley14:52
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: imgur acceptable?14:52
jhutchinsAsad3ainJalout: You are using sudo, right?14:52
universaleos__: its integrated or external ?14:52
Asad3ainJaloutjhutchins yes14:53
universalAsad3ainJalout: ok14:53
Asad3ainJaloutjhutchins: yes14:53
eos__universal: integrated, it is on the pci14:53
solarsdoes anyone know about problems with a  k5005 lte stick under ubuntu 13.04? as soon as I insert the stick, it crashes14:53
ker2xgeirha: problem solved.14:54
ker2xit was a problem with libfprint, not fingerprint-gui14:54
universaleos__: simplest is to unload and reload the module14:54
universalrmmod driver* and modprobe driver* with sudo14:55
universaleos__: also check if your sdhc card is working or not. many times the card stops working14:56
stomanataHi, i make wrong klick (trying to close windows) and now my clock and icons are next to my K menu. Hot to fix this?14:56
eos__universal: the card is working correctly .... shuld I also remove the sdhc and sdhc_pci?14:56
eos__universal: I mean the sdhc and sdhc_pci kernel modules ....14:57
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Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: http://i.imgur.com/14INK4g.png14:59
=== ximian__ is now known as ximian
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Maple__Hai, this is a question not 100% releated to Xubuntu but an issue I haven't had on any of the other dozen or so other distros I've previously used. I'm trying to get Java Swing applications/online Java applets to use the GTK+ look and feel; I've tried editing ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc as well as /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/swing.properties without success. This is what I've tried so far (wi15:07
Maple__thout success) - http://pastie.org/829157415:07
Angelhey ... anyone here know how I can get X11 over mobaxterm working for 12.04?15:07
Maple__Assistance would be greatly appreciated, please. :<15:07
fly-awaylooks like mirrors.ubuntu.com down15:09
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: Also i am running kubuntu15:09
=== swserver is now known as CurlyGrogan
ActionPa1snipMaple__: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:13
mmanhelp with jail user for sftp! I followed many sites like this: http://codeinthehole.com/writing/how-to-chroot-a-user-in-ubuntu-1204/ but I still not be able to upload anything15:16
eos__ok .... new kernel, let's see whether it works this time .....15:17
gvomman anything in the /var/log/secure that might be helpful?15:26
gvoSorry that would be  /var/log/auth.log15:27
Squarismhey, how do i just print the matched pattern of a '/pattern/ {...}' awk program?15:28
gvowrong OS :)15:28
mmangvo: Sep  2 17:23:52 rv1359 sshd[8476]: Accepted password for test from port 48339 ssh215:28
mmanSep  2 17:23:52 rv1359 sshd[8476]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user test by (uid=0)15:28
mmanSep  2 17:23:52 rv1359 sshd[8616]: subsystem request for sftp by user test15:28
mmanSep  2 17:24:10 rv1359 sshd[7826]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user test15:28
ThePieMananybody can suggest me a good text-to-speech software with gui?15:28
gvomman: OK not useful.  Just a though.15:28
c4iffordHowdy, having issues finding a definite answer to an issue i'm having with a wireless connection. I'm using the stable version 12.04 and I'm trying to connect to an Access point running WPA-PSK encryption15:29
universalwhat does -a do in sudo dpkg --configure -a ?15:29
Yu-Yuuniversal: Means --all?15:29
universalYu-Yu: me ?15:29
mmangvo, i know.. i saw that already and before I had the problem that the above folders had to be owned by root15:29
universalhmm ok15:29
gvomman so what error message do you get?15:29
BluesKaj!who | Yu-Yu15:30
ubottuYu-Yu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:30
mmangvo but i solved the problem of that...15:30
jiffe99this is really starting to get old, ubuntu rarely seems to boot on these supermicro machines now15:30
Yu-Yuuniversal:        -a, --all — to reconfigure all debconf-using packages. Taken from `man dpkg-reconfigure´ page.15:30
Yu-YuBluesKaj: Ping on ya'.15:31
universalhow to get info about flashplugin-mozilla and flashplugin-downloader ? yu15:31
universalYu-Yu: ^^15:31
BluesKajYu-Yu, good luck15:31
Yu-YuAsk `apt-cache show «package_name» | less´ or what?15:31
universalYu-Yu: but that package is not present in cache ? will it show ?15:32
Yu-Yuuniversal: Then other way. Try fetching that package you don't have info on.15:33
WoetI leave my gateway address empty during installation and it says "the gateway address you entered is unreachable"15:33
universalmeaning ? Yu-Yu u mean installing ?15:33
Yu-Yuuniversal: I mean any getting you can perform. Your choice on your path you tell us nothing about.15:34
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
mmangvo: i tried again and it worked now... strange.. one more question.. if i want to change the path where the sftp user will land after loggin I just have to change the ChrootedPath in sshd_config or?15:35
c4iffordSo anyone have any clues regarding this issue with network manager and wifi devices connecting to WPA2-PSK device besides downgrading from WPA2?15:35
universalYu-Yu: packages flashplugin-mozilla and flashplugin-ownloader are not installed.....I want to have info about it....like it showed for apt-cache show flashplugin-installer15:35
gvomman: Don't know.  Check the docs or that web site you referenced.15:35
Yu-Yuc4ifford: What issue?15:36
Yu-Yuuniversal: If they exist on packages repository, apt knows on them. If not, what question do you have now?15:36
universaland Yu-Yu can it done sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a instead of sudo dpkg --configure -a ?15:37
c4iffordyu-yu: there seems to be a bad password issue, when attempting to connect to a device running WPA2-PSK or any mixmode encryption beyond version 10.0 in ubuntu15:37
c4iffordyu-yu: this is similar to what i'm having an issue with http://pc-freak.net/blog/how-to-fix-wicd-1-7-0ds1-5-connection-failed-bad-password-on-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-merkaaat/15:37
Yu-Yuc4ifford: Can be it reproduced on 13.xx?15:38
universalYu-Yu: for apt-cache show flashplugin-mozilla it says unable to locate package15:38
c4iffordyu-yu i'm using 12.04 currently15:39
Yu-Yuuniversal: $ ( LANG=C apt-cache search flashplugin )15:39
Yu-Yuflashplugin-installer - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer15:39
Yu-Yuflashplugin-downloader - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package)15:39
Yu-Yuflashplugin-nonfree-extrasound - Adobe Flash Player platform support library for Esound and OSS15:39
Yu-YuHell… Beg your pardon.15:39
Yu-YuNo Mozilla version.15:39
universalwhat about flashplugin-downloader package ?15:40
Yu-Yuuniversal: Ask `apt-cache show «package_name» | less´ or what?15:40
Yu-Yuuniversal: I told you, I refuse helping with Adobe software, especially Flash Player.15:41
ChogyDanuniversal: chrome has the latest flash, fwiw15:42
universalwhat about [21:07] <universal> and Yu-Yu can it done sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a instead of sudo dpkg --configure -a ?15:42
universalChogyDan: fwiw ?15:42
xtre_i have installed cinnamon, now how can i modify cinnamon panel from .config file ?15:42
xtre_where are those file located ?15:42
ntzrmtthihu777xtre_: check ~/.config/cinnamon15:43
ChogyDanuniversal: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/for_what_it%27s_worth#English15:43
Yu-Yuziadingo: Some workaround: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=d11f41615:43
gvoxtre_: Alternatively install Mate.  I found Mate to work better on some hardware.15:43
universalalso if I download and install desktop environments than is there any performance enhancement or degradation ? and performance difference between xubuntu, kubuntu and xfce, kde on ubuntu ?15:44
gvoxtre_: Lightdm has been flakey for me.15:44
universalYu-Yu: ^^15:44
Yu-Yugvo, xtre_: Switched to Mate in mate-settings-daemon. Works ok.15:44
Yu-Yuuniversal: What?15:44
xtre_ntzrmtthihu777, i don't have that cinnamon folder in .config15:45
universalYu-Yu: ?15:45
gvouniversal: only if you have limited memory.15:45
xtre_gvo, Yu-Yu ok :)15:45
ntzrmtthihu777xtre_: dunno then. that's just a guess on my part15:45
universalgvo: i have 6gb ddr315:45
universal13xx mhz15:45
gvouniversal: then I would not think you would see much difference in performance.15:45
Yu-Yuuniversal: Well,        --configure package...|-a|--pending is «Configure a package which has been unpacked but not yet configured.  If -a or --pending is given instead of  package,  all  unpacked but unconfigured packages are configured.»15:45
ntzrmtthihu777CPU~Dual core Intel Core2 Duo CPU U9600 (-MCP-) clocked at 1596.006 Mhz Kernel~3.7-trunk-amd64 x86_64 Up~15 min Mem~277.5/4928.4MB HDD~160.0GB(-) Procs~133 Client~Irssi 0.8.15 inxi~1.8.415:46
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMeneses
SakrecoerHi all!15:46
universalgvo: but which is better xfce or kde on ubuntu or full xubuntu pr kubuntu ?15:47
SakrecoerI was hopeing someone could give me a little light on this issue i have.15:47
ntzrmtthihu777!ask | Sakrecoer15:47
Sakrecoeron point 3 at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Set_up_the_servers15:47
ubottuSakrecoer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:47
Yu-YuAll greets Sakrecoer.15:47
Sakrecoerit syas: "Start bootp: Here is a wrapper to start and stop bootpd from the command line." How do i use a wrapper?15:47
gvouniversal: Better?  It's subjective and not something all would agree on.15:48
universalgvo: still....whats your view ?15:48
gvouniversal: I'd never say any were better, except Unity is worse.15:48
MrMonkey31ooh, does switching out unity give you a new file manager?15:48
SakrecoerThanks ubottu! :) and sorry y'all... i will keep it in mind for next time...15:48
gvouniversal: I'm a minimalist.  So xfce works fine for me.15:48
ChogyDanuniversal: I think that attempts are made to make them similar, but it is usually better to just install the flavor15:48
Yu-Yugvo: Where worse?15:48
universalgvo: but unity is default...and most use that only15:48
ntzrmtthihu777universal: the only difference is that installing xubuntu/kubuntu will drag in all the default xubuntu/kubuntu apps, installing xfce/kde just gives you the desktop15:49
gvouniversal: and many hate it.15:49
xtre_i am also hating unity a lot now :(15:49
* ntzrmtthihu777 hates it15:49
MonkeyDustunity is controversial, but that's not discussed here15:49
gvoUnity is why I now run Mint15:49
universalntzrmtthihu777: but what about performance difference ? xfce vs xubuntu ?15:50
gvoSorry MonkeyDust15:50
Yu-Yuxtre_: Have you seen Awesome?15:50
raven_system does not send status mails any more: 12.04lts, ssmtp - manually via sendmail or ssmtp mails go out - any ideas?15:50
ntzrmtthihu777universal: same, except you may have some default apps running in xubuntu.15:50
xtre_Yu-Yu, using dwm right now.15:50
xtre_Awesome is also good15:50
ntzrmtthihu777xtre_: damned windows machine?15:50
MrMonkey31I'm a newbie trying to install the opera browser under 13.04, and I've never "authenticated" anything else that I would install, but am assuming this time around there is a good reason for it.  has anyone had trouble authenticating opera?  I'm getting the (standard?) 'a package can't be authenticated' msg15:51
universalwhat about system load ? meaning xfce=xubuntu plus default ubuntu apps/processes running in background ?15:51
universalntzrmtthihu777: ^^^15:51
xtre_ntzrmtthihu777, he he he :D :P15:51
ChogyDanMrMonkey31: if the package installs ok, and you trust the source, you can ignore that message.  It has to do with digital signing15:51
Sakrecoeroneagain: on point 3 at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Set_up_the_servers it syas: "Start bootp: Here is a wrapper to start and stop bootpd from the command line." How do i use a wrapper?15:52
ntzrmtthihu777universal: depends, again. this current machine was installed as xubuntu 13.04, converted to ubuntu 13.04, and now runs gnome-panel15:52
ntzrmtthihu777!patience | Sakrecoer15:52
ubottuSakrecoer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:52
ntzrmtthihu777xtr: funny no?15:53
ChogyDanSakrecoer: I think you put the code into a script, and run it from the cli15:53
MrMonkey31chogydan, yeaaaahhh... but ideally I'd want to make it work as intended right?15:54
ntzrmtthihu777Sakrecoer: try sudo service bootpd start15:54
universalso which desktop environment should I run ??15:55
universalinstead of unity15:55
* MrMonkey31 runs away15:55
ChogyDanMrMonkey31: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html15:55
ntzrmtthihu777universal: that's personal choice, but if you liked pre-unity ubuntu gnome-panel or xfce would be familiar to you.15:55
SakrecoerThanks a milion ntzrmtthihu777 ( ChogyDan & ubottu too) !15:56
SakrecoerService bootpd start won't do it somehow...15:56
ntzrmtthihu777!bot | ubottu15:57
ubottuntzrmtthihu777: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:57
raven_system does not send status mails any more: 12.04lts, ssmtp - manually via sendmail or ssmtp mails go out - any ideas?15:57
universalntzrmtthihu777: yea gnome was very good......it was the reason I left windows......but now i am using unity.......I'm one adjustable kind of guy :)15:57
ntzrmtthihu777universal: oh I'm damned adjustable, but crap is crap lol. unity is a mistake on the level of windows 815:58
Sakrecoer'wrapper' is such a large keyword for searchengines... however, if i find my sollution i will get back to you and post it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210556116:00
karab44how to modify grub2 to change terminal resolution?16:00
universalntzrmtthihu777: lol16:01
karab44Im on ubuntu 120416:01
universalntzrmtthihu777: so what do you use ?16:01
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
eos__universal: mmmm .... new kernel let me see the 4GB SDHC cards, in a convoluted way .... but not the 16GB SDHC card ....16:02
KeyboardNotFoundcan i change my partition from ext2 to ext4 without lost data ?16:02
eos__universal: I get a "No NAND device found" in my syslog .... any clue?16:02
universaleos__: is your 16gb card in working condition ?16:03
ChogyDankarab44: maybe try here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Displays16:03
jribKeyboardNotFound: sure, just have backups.16:03
ntzrmtthihu777universal: 3 os's on two machines; xubuntu precise on a Dell Inspiron ONE 2205, and dual boot on a dell latitude xt2 Kali linux/Ubuntu 13.04 with gnome-panel16:03
Yu-Yueos__: Cool.Does your reader/adapter work with the card?16:03
universalno idea....16:03
=== 16WAAZ40T is now known as tvoss_
jribKeyboardNotFound: (in case something goes wrong)16:03
eos__universal: yep, new and read both from the camera and from MS Windows 716:03
KeyboardNotFoundjrib, which software i need to use ?16:04
eos__Yu-Yu: yep ....16:04
karab44ChogyDan: thank you mate, I was already there16:04
Yu-Yueos__: On the same machine?16:04
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: did you get the screenshot?16:04
ntzrmtthihu777KeyboardNotFound: no.16:04
eos__Yu-Yu: this is what I get in syslog .... 2196.050168 r852: detected xD writeable card in slot; 2196.351174] No NAND device found;16:05
jribKeyboardNotFound: "no"?16:05
jribntzrmtthihu777: "no"?16:05
eos__Yu-Yu: what the heck is this NAND device?16:05
jribKeyboardNotFound: one second, I will find documentation for you.  You just run some tune2fs commands16:06
Yu-Yueos__: NAND memory device is the device your card is.16:06
KeyboardNotFoundthank you jrib16:06
universalAsad3ainJalout: no16:06
eos__Yu-Yu: mmmm .... completely puzzled .....16:06
ntzrmtthihu777jrib: convert ext2 to ext4 directly. Unless I'm just a dumbass in this case I coulda sworn that sort of conversion was impossible.16:06
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: here it is again http://i.imgur.com/14INK4g.png16:07
universaleos__: sdhc card technology is NAND flash16:07
jribKeyboardNotFound: https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext416:07
jribntzrmtthihu777: see above16:07
KeyboardNotFoundjrib, i have ext2 no ext316:07
universalAsad3ainJalout: what was your problem ?16:07
jribKeyboardNotFound: read ...16:07
Yu-Yueos__: Your device tells your system it has a card installed. They used to be of NAND memory. However, your system does not detect any _writeable_ card. Check write lock?16:07
Sakrecoerfurther research brought me into believeing i should put the "wrapper" in a file named "bootp" into /etc/init.d .... could i be guessing correct?16:08
KeyboardNotFoundah, thanks you very much jrib16:08
* Yu-Yu likely misread.16:08
eos__Yu-Yu: universal: yep, but why does it say not found? write lock is off .... card writeable ....16:08
=== jaya is now known as jaya_
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal if i try to use apt-get or the software center in any way i recieve this error16:08
eos__Yu-Yu: it say first detected, and then not found? either it finds it, or not ....16:08
Yu-Yueos__: No guess good for you on that.16:08
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)16:08
Asad3ainJaloutE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/16:08
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: you asked for that screenshot16:08
jribKeyboardNotFound: again, you should have back-ups of any data you care about just in case something goes wrong16:09
KeyboardNotFoundjrib, how i can backup all my data ?16:09
jrib!backup | KeyboardNotFound16:09
ubottuKeyboardNotFound: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:09
universalAsad3ainJalout: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15433/how-do-i-fix-a-could-not-get-lock-var-lib-dpkg-lock-problem read this and you will have some info abou tthis problem16:09
jfritzHello friends - I need a hand with accessing a samba share from Ubuntu 13.04. It seems that when I mount a share through the file explorer, i'm always given guest permissions, even though my username/password matches the one on the server. if i mount the share from the command line and specify the username/password explicitly, i get the correct permissions. Any thoughts?16:09
Asad3ainJaloutuniversal: thank you16:09
eos__Yu-Yu: universal: also, when loading the 4GB SDHC card .... it uses mmc0 / mmc_block ....16:09
jribKeyboardNotFound: and I'm not sure if it's mentioned there but make sure the partition you work on is unmounted16:09
Yu-Yueos__: Likely either your system works not okay, or your reader does.16:10
=== jaya_ is now known as jaya
universaleos__: thats alright....its a memory module thatsy it is using mmc...16:11
eos__Yu-Yu: mmmm .... likely ubuntu does not work well with SDHC, there is a list of bugs long like wikipedia since 8.10 .... the reader works.16:11
=== jaya is now known as jaya_
eos__Yu-Yu: well, all diagnostics suggests that it works ....16:11
eos__Yu-Yu: mmmm .... wait a moment!16:11
universaleoss: open disks or gparted and see if its listed there16:13
KeyboardNotFoundjrib, thanks for help :)16:13
User2005I have a (I believe) udev mount in /media/{username}/{what-loos-like-a-uuid}16:15
User2005IT is a raid controller, with a single volumn on it; But I can't figure out howto mount this as a "regular" mount, in fstab.16:15
john_johnIs there any linux distribution that comes with GTK nowadays?16:16
User2005Could anybody tell me, how I can't figure out what filesystem (I think it is ext4), and what device it is mounting?16:16
ikoniaerrr ubuntu16:16
raven_system does not send status mails any more: 12.04lts, ssmtp - manually via sendmail or ssmtp mails go out - any ideas?16:16
john_johnwait so unity is GTK?16:16
ActionPa1snipjohn_john: unity is a plugin for Compiz16:17
ChelseaHi all, is/will Mir be used as default backend for other distro's than Ubuntu?16:17
* Yu-Yu works with her SDHC cards (8/16 GB) for a long while.16:17
ActionPa1snipjohn_john: when you use Unity, you are using Gnome desktop with Compiz WM16:17
john_johnI see16:17
Yu-Yuraven_: Lol, here you again.16:17
ActionPa1snipjohn_john: both are coded using GTK16:17
ActionPa1snipjohn_john: Unity is not a desktop environment and does not replace Gnome16:17
john_johnSo I could essentially just disable Unity and use Ubuntu just like before?16:17
ChogyDanChelsea: Mir hasn't been released.  The other distros will likely decide after release16:18
ikoniajohn_john: not quit16:18
ikoniajohn_john: you'd need something to replace unity16:18
john_johnBecause I like the gtk theming and I'm not a fan of kde. But this unity thingy is scaring me16:18
john_johnI see16:18
ActionPa1snipjohn_john: install gnome-panel and log off, then log in to the new session in LightDM, you can use Compiz as the WM if you wish but you will need to disable the Unity plugin using ccsm16:18
ntzrmtthihu777ikonia: install gnome-panel or gnome-shell16:18
ntzrmtthihu777ikonia: whoops, wrong nick. john_john ^^^16:19
john_johnoh so unity is just a replacement for the panel16:19
john_johngood I c16:19
ChelseaChogyDan, just out of curiosity, do you know of any distro's (other than ubuntu offcourse) that is looking to use it as a default graphical backend?16:19
ntzrmtthihu777john_john: not so much a replacement as a plugin.16:19
john_johnidk I don't like all these new tablet oriented designs. Ima stick with my mouse and keyboard for a few years more.16:19
eossuniversal: i am not eos__16:20
universalntzrmtthihu777: gnome-panel is same as gnome2 ?16:20
ntzrmtthihu777universal: very close. like about 95% the same.16:20
ChogyDanChelsea: no.  We will have to wait to see how it stacks up to wayland16:20
ChelseaChogyDan, k, thanks!16:21
jfritzHey guys, can anybody take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/340492/ubuntu-13-04-mounts-samba-shares-as-guest-by-default-shares-can-be-manually-mou for me?16:23
eeosYu-Yu: universal: I am trying to see whether VirtualBox can read the card .... that would be slightly funny, anyway ....16:23
jfritzi'm having trouble mounting a samba share with correct permissions16:23
universalntzrmtthihu777: hmm....how is openbox cinnamon comapred to gnome-panel and is gnome-panel better than gnome2 ?16:24
universaleeos: maybe virtual machine is causing the problem....check your card on a installed system and not in VM16:25
john_johnwait so Unity is just a launcher with menus in it?16:25
Sakrecoerit seems that i was guessing right!16:25
john_johnor is it like a file browser in it as well?16:25
john_john(sorry haven't used ubuntu for ages)16:25
universaljohn_john: its a desktop environment.....file browser is nautilis16:26
eeosYu-Yu: universal: nope, the vm was not fired when I tried ....16:26
ntzrmtthihu777universal: these are all matters of opinion, mine will not be the same as yours.16:26
eeosYu-Yu: universal: incredible ..... I did modprobe -r 852; modprobe -r sdhc_pci; modprobe r852; modprobe sdhc_pci; with the card in the slot .... and the system now reads it fine.16:27
eeosYu-Yu: universal: what on earth ....16:27
Yu-Yueeos: What?16:27
* Yu-Yu is gonna resume her boring life.16:28
eeosYu-Yu: I followed the last post here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1611491.html16:28
eeosYu-Yu: thanks!16:29
john_johnNow it's time for install :D16:33
john_john(i'm so excited wowow)16:33
vmachinedoes anyone know how to uninstall gns3 from source...16:33
vmachineive installed it but cannot find a way to remove16:33
ntzrmtthihu777vmachine: make uninstall?16:34
ntzrmtthihu777vmachine: should be, but not all follow the manual on that. In any case, install checkinstall and use that instead next time. it will install the source as a deb and make for easy removal.16:35
jlharmon001I am starting with a minimal install of ubuntu 12.04 with no DM. I've copied over my sources.list.d directory from another machine with 12.04 installed and used apt-ket to export all keys and imported those keys to another machine. However when I attempt to install packages it seems to refuses to isntall due to other package dependancies not being installed. After manually entering all the files it says it needs to be installed i16:37
Mike9863My external mouse and keyboard stopped working for some reason. I'm sure they will work if I restart my computer but I'd rather not do that. Does anyone know of a way for me to refresh them being detected or something? I tried removing and inserting the USB dongle but that didn't work.16:37
ntzrmtthihu777Mike9863: do you know the module they use? rmmod and modprobe it.16:38
vmachineno i dont16:38
ntzrmtthihu777jlharmon001: apt-get -f install?16:38
ntzrmtthihu777vmachine: don't what?16:39
jlharmon001ntzrmtthihu777: apt-get -f install doesn't seem to change anything16:40
vmachineapt-get installs v0.83 but source installs v0.8416:41
vmachinei need to uninstall v0.8416:41
Ampelbeinjlharmon001: Can you provide a paste bin with the actual errors you get?16:43
jfritzHey guys, I'm having some trouble mounting a guest share from Ubuntu 13.04 - seems as though the username/password isn't being passed. I wrote up the issue here http://askubuntu.com/questions/340492/ubuntu-13-04-mounts-samba-shares-as-guest-by-default-shares-can-be-manually-mou16:47
tonph`hey guys, how can i specify my private key in connecting using ssh in ubuntu ?16:49
john_johnIs there still no Adobe Shockwave support for Ubuntu?16:49
yigaltonph`: -i16:50
tonph`yigal: ssh -i /path/to/my/priatekey user@myserver.com ?16:50
yigaltonph`: ssh -i <private key> <user>@<server>16:51
tonph`yigal : thanks let me try that...16:51
yigaltonph`: cool16:51
jlharmon001Ampelbein: http://pastebin.com/yyUGae5016:53
Ampelbeinjlharmon001: There is no package named mate-core in any Ubuntu Series.16:54
john_johnWhy are there so many websites that need shockwave to be displayed properly, is the only option to run Firefox through Wine and install shockwave in it?16:55
yigaltonph`: tbh it's the same in any OS using openssh, so pretty universal16:56
tonph`yigal : :(, it didnt work, permission denied. I had the key in ppk format so converted using `puttygen id_dsa.ppk -O private-openssh -o id_dsa`16:56
Ampelbeinjohn_john: Either wine+firefox or stop using sites that require proprietary plugins.16:57
tonph`yigal : then used `ssh -i id_dsa user@server.com` but it shown me permission denied... :(16:58
yigaltonph`: do you have access from another server?16:58
yigaltonph`: if so what are you using to get it?16:59
yigaltonph`: did you look at ssh -v (verbose) ?16:59
tonph`yigal: m just trying to connect to my linux laptop ... i havnt tried -v .. let me check that16:59
yigaltonph`: see what it might be hanging on17:00
yigaltonph`: it might be the permission of the key, or of the host filesystem17:00
yigaltonph`: anyways that's where I would go next17:00
tonph`yigal: thanks let me wrestle a bit more and bell the ring back .. thanks17:01
darkelfjuggaloI am using ubuntu 13.04 is there a way to do a direct Downgrade to 12.04 LTS without wiping all of my personal data?17:01
yigaltonph`: gl sir17:01
Ampelbeintonph`: Just to make sure: You added the public part of your key on the server side? (ssh-copy-id)?17:01
tonph`yigal : thanks ..17:01
tonph`ampelbein: yeah thats is there... let me wrestle a bit more and come bak to u guys, thanks17:02
AcidRain2012Ampelbein, try #openssh but i can tell you yigal is probably right. when i was getting 'connection refused' and no errors at all, it was the permissions on the ca file and the filesystem17:02
AcidRain2012you can have the right owner and group. but if permissions arent set then you get locked out17:02
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: please read http://askubuntu.com/questions/49869/how-to-roll-back-ubuntu-to-a-previous-version17:03
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: this is just the state of trying to downgrade17:03
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: if you are considering an upgrade from 12.04 -> 13.04 and are just wondering what your options are for downgrading.  The bottom line is make a full system backup, if possible so you can roll everything back if necessary.17:05
darkelfjuggaloThank yigal; is there way to fresh install and import my personal data... not so much the packages as to my docs, images and music etc... the work that I would otherwise be using?17:05
darkelfjuggaloyigal; I migrated from Win7 to 13.04 but many of the packages I need are unstable in 13.04 and I'm trying to go to a version that will be more stable17:06
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: in terms of data, it's an application per application sense of migrating17:07
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mikeredarkelfjuggalo: Back up your documents and then copy them back in after a clean install.17:07
mikeredarkelfjuggalo: unless you have some unusual applications that require things to be stored in odd formats like in a mysql database.17:08
kenshiroHi, what's the best way of install Open Sound System in Ubuntu 12.04? (and remove alsa and pulseaudio)17:08
darkelfjuggaloSo what I need into my drop box and start over...17:08
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nomikeI'm running ubuntu 13.04 with gnome desktop and I'm having problems connecting to a WPA2 Enterprise WLAN because of a UI bug.17:09
darkelfjuggaloYes, MySQL is one of my problems...it keeps crashing17:09
mikeredarkelfjuggalo: For migrating mysql from one install to the next, you'd best check the mysql data backup/restore documentation.  Some times it's a bit tricky.17:10
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: what versions is 12.04 using17:10
socrates_johnsonhello, I installed ubuntu 13.04 on my asus laptop in legacy mode using a DVD, but when I try to install from USB I only have the option to boot uefi. Is there a trick I'm missing?17:10
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: I can see that 13.04 is using 5.5.3117:10
universalhow to clean up temporary files and recent files list etc like disk clean in windows ??17:10
nomikeWhen I try to join the network using the network manager icon the dialog pops up asking me for the credentials and the authentication details. When I press connect, another dialog pops up warning me about that I'm not using a CA for connecting and asks me to either ignore or choose a CA certificate.17:11
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: which appears to be the default of 12.04 as well17:11
stevePage129hey all! i have a quick question about IPTables Logging:17:12
nomikeMy Problem is that though this dialog is modal to the previous one (it's on top, the other one is greyed out), the event focus (keyboard and mouse) is still on the prevoous dialog.17:12
yigaluniversal: deborphan is possibly useful in this case17:12
optimusprimemhi, Ubuntu run fine in this configuration: 2GB RAM, HDD 5400 RPM, AMD Fusion C-60 (Dual Core)? <- this is a netbook17:12
nomikeI can enter text, press buttons, etc. but I can not click on the buttons in the warning dialog.17:12
darkelfjuggaloI have never used 12.04, but my MySQL database, I can't complete due to crashes, I can't properly use several of my personal applications, like Skype, and my browser without Crashing, the drivers for my Mic and Webcam have not worked since I installed 13.04 over a month ago17:12
ubottudeborphan is a program used to clean up packages that are no longer needed (install from Synaptic/Adept).17:12
nomikeDo you know how to configure a WPA2 Enterprise in network manager without using this gui?17:13
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: are you certain 12.04 will work, then?17:13
yigalnomike: NM is for woosies, just my opninion17:13
stevePage129i have added a Log All Packets value to INPUT and FORWARD chains to satisfy PSAD, but it seems that megssages are being logged to DMESG but not /var/log/messages. i am running this inside an OpenVZ container with a 2.6 kernel on 12.0417:13
nomikeyigal, appart from that I never had problems with it17:14
darkelfjuggalomost of the people I talk to out of the chatroom are still in 12.04 becuase it is stable for them... a few never upgrade unless the new version is LTS and over a month old17:14
stevePage129lts = long term support >.<17:14
eosuniversal: hi there .... probblm17:14
yigalnomike: have you already read http://askubuntu.com/questions/279762/cant-connect-to-wpa2-enterprise-peap17:14
eosuniversal: sorry, SDHC problem solved in the most stangte way .... there must be something wrong at kernel level17:15
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: personally in your position I would dual boot with 12.04, you will likely need to spend some time to get that OS to actually support your hardware.17:16
eosuniversal: every time you insert a new card, you remove the kernel modules r852 and sdhc_pci, and you reload them .... then you can mount the cards.17:16
yigaleos: dbus time?17:16
eosuniversal: if you do not do it, it returns a No NAND device found.17:17
eosyigal: hi there .... what do you mean?17:17
darkelfjuggalomy Hardware is just Toshiba Satellite Laptop, no modifications to the factory hardware17:17
yigaleos: get the right stuff to load at the right time, nvr mind :)17:17
utusanevery now and then the bootup gets messed up and sound is dummy output.  Anyone knows how to recover without rebooting?17:18
yigaldarkelfjuggalo: I understand but it will depend on the model and the actual components17:18
eosyigal: mmmm .... no, it loads them, but you need to unload them and manually reload them with the card in17:18
yigaleos: that would be the use of dbus to have them autoload17:18
ubottupupino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:18
eosyigal: strange, but it seems to work ....17:18
nomikeyigal, thanks. Haven't found this before. However, I found a workaround: I logged in using Unity-Desktop and there it worked.17:19
eosyigal: do you mean to unload and then autoload?17:19
darkelfjuggaloSome of my programs that are not in the repository, are crashing becuase 12.04 is the latest unbuntu version available on the site.17:19
eosyigal: how would you do that?17:19
yigaleos: the best method would be for the system to recognize the device and then behave as you are right now manually loading the drivers17:19
yigaleos: sorry man that's all I'm getting at17:20
eosyigal: yes, this is what the system does .... but if you autoload them, it returns the error No NAND device found17:20
eosyigal: so, you insert the card, the system loads the modules, you unload them manually (modprobe -r) and then you reload them manually (modprobe) and it works .... how strange is that?17:21
yigaleos: which means something is likely being read before it should be17:21
yigaleos: it's likely a matter of digging through dmesg17:21
eosyigal: there is a lot of documentation of this bug across all ubuntu releases since 8.10 ....17:22
yigaleos: but as long as there is a pragmatic method of actually arriving at a working solution then automate, that's all I'm saying17:22
nomikethanks for your help but I gotta go...17:22
yigaleos: and in this case automating means loading the drivers multiple times17:22
yigaleos: or loading/unloading and then loading17:23
universalyigal: he is doing that inside a VM17:23
eosyigal: it could be .... but I frankly prefer manual loading, at this point. The bug is reported and documented quite extensively, and there have been several half batched solutions and regressions.17:24
yigaleos: what ever works, as long as you can live with it :D17:24
eosyigal: yep, it gives you more low level control .... even if because of a bug. :D17:25
yigaleos: or perhaps it's ... a feature :P17:25
eosyigal: I am slowly dropping down to enlightment and CLI.17:25
eosyigal: yes :D17:26
universaleos: modprobe -r only blacklists the modules and doesn't unloads them....try rmmod module and then modprobe and test17:26
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eosuniversal: ? but the man page of modprobe says the oposite!17:27
universaleos: whatever....try rmmod and see if it works17:27
optimusprimemmy solution for my asking17:27
yigaleos: you mean the man pages for rmmod write to the effect that modprobe -r should be used in most cases17:28
WilliamGrantIm very new to Ubuntu and I have problem with starting up. When booting ubuntu it only shows a command promt(GBU GRUB) and it wont start ubuntu gui17:29
eosyigal: nope, I mean the man pages of modprobe at the option -r says "This option causes modprobe to remove rather than insert a module. If the modules it depends on are also unused,17:30
eos           modprobe will try to remove them too. Unlike insertion, more than one module can be specified on the command line (it17:30
eos           does not make sense to specify module parameters when removing modules)."17:30
daedelothI'm a bit lost with video drivers. Steam sais I don't have direct rendering. When I run 64bit versino of glxinfo, I have direct rendering just fine. I don't know how to check the 32bit version17:30
eosyigal: universal: I have tried with rmmod and it works exactly the same way.17:30
yigaluniversal: where are you getting your info on using rmmod?17:31
yigaluniversal: over modprobe, reading its man page it's not 'blacklisting'.  Is this what it's doing at the kernel level?17:31
universaleos: simple thing is that some other module is accessing your flash card and giving that error.....you have to find that module and blacklist it17:31
yigaluniversal: I mean modprobe -b is utilizing the module blacklist17:33
Marleneei delete folder of "dev" by mistake in my ssh server ?17:33
yigaluniversal: just from a tersary rtfm attempt17:33
yigalMarlenee: read http://askubuntu.com/questions/18282/rebuild-dev-accidentally-deleted17:35
eosyigal: not using -b but -r17:35
yigalMarlenee: as far as I can tell rebooting and you should be good to go, but make sure you have backup17:35
holygh0streconhello. trying to config printer in xubuntu 12.04LTS to scan documents17:35
yigaleos: exactly, so I want to understand what universal is getting at17:35
eosyigal: universal: anyway, it works exactly the same with rmmod.17:35
eosyigal: sorry .... misunderstood.17:36
pensacola_hi all. I have a laptop Lenovo ideapad u310 and I'm uisng ubuntu 13.04 but my battery is not charging 100% only 90%. How can this be fixed?17:37
Marleneeyigal : my python application crashed after i delete the 'dev' folder ?17:37
eosyigal: (by the way, they are all symlinks to kmod)17:38
yigalMarlenee: yes, the /dev/ directory is absolutely essential but should be recreated after a reboot17:38
yigaleos: lol, interesting17:39
eosyigal: yes :D17:39
holygh0streconanyone using a multi-function printer to scan in ubuntu?17:39
decciI am unable to run hive command on command prompt. It says
motzhi, I have mini boombox by logitech. How can I get it working under ubuntu?17:39
yigalholygh0strecon: yes most desktop users are.  What is your question sir?17:40
decciThe error it shows: While I run hive on shell it says "Cannot find hadoop installation: \$HADOOP_HOME or \$HADOOP_PREFiX must be set or hadoop must be in the path17:40
decciI am able to run echo $HADOOP_HOME and $HADOOP_PREIX without any error17:40
yigaldecci: just because these variables are set doesn't mean that the daemon is up and running17:41
willows0I've been having some issues with the fullscreen mode of this gaming emulator I use (fceux). It worked fine on Unity, but with LXDE when I select fullscreen a window takes up the whole screen, but the actual game only takes up about 1/4 of the screen (as opposed to the full screen on Unity). Any idea what the issue is?17:41
holygh0strecon<yigal> using dell sc420 xubuntu 12.04LTS canon pixma mg3222. found driver on irish canon printer site but no scan funtionality so far. simple scan and ristretto say there is no scanner connected but print function works fine.17:41
decciyigal: All I know is one need to run hive command and it should run right17:41
decciyigal: How to fix it?17:42
yigaldecci: can you see via netstat if the hadoop daemon is running, that's #117:42
Marleneeyigal : the folder dev is restored as default17:42
Marleneeyigal : i need tool that can back up my whole server ??17:42
yigalMarlenee: no, the /dev/ directory should be restored because that is normally what happens at boot17:42
yigalMarlenee: yes, removing the /dev directory is NOT good17:43
decciyigal: Let me check one by one17:43
yigaldecci: cool17:43
loki_Hello.  can anyone tell me how to enable the built in VNC server in ubuntu from the CLI?17:43
Marleneeyigal : i remove it by mistake17:43
yigalMarlenee: mistakes happen, that's why backups should be made17:43
Marleneeyigal : what is the tool built in ubuntu for backup whole server17:43
yigalMarlenee: there is no single tool, but there are tools that will do it17:44
MakkusuHi guys, I want to install Ubuntu 13.04 x64 and I have an EFI BIOS. Disk0 has Windows 8 installed. I want to install Ubuntu on Disk 2. Should I create an EFI partition on Disk 2? Where do I install the boot loader then?17:44
yigalloki_: server or client?17:44
stevePage129i have added log all dropped packets to input and forward chains under iptables, however, no messages appear in /var/log/messages. i have found what i am looking for when running the command "dmesg", however, i require these to be logged so that they can be monitored17:44
loki_Makkusu: I have had no issues installing17:44
loki_yigal: would be the server I presume17:44
holygh0streconsorry loki  noob here17:44
yigalloki_: what version of Ubuntu?17:44
loki_I am trying to connect to it without plugging it in to a monitor17:45
loki_yigal: 12.04.317:45
yigalloki_: vino17:45
loki_is the built in?17:45
Makkusuloki_: So you installed Ubuntu on a 2nd disk and it automatically gave you dual boot? Did you choose "Install along side" or "Replace"17:45
loki_Makkusu: install alongside17:45
yigalloki_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/181915/installing-vnc-server-client-in-ubuntu-12-0417:45
decciyigal: What is the exact command to check hadoop through netstat17:45
loki_yigal: that doesn't answer my question17:46
loki_I want to enable that from the CLI17:46
yigalloki_: actually it does exactly answer the question you posed17:46
Makkusuloki_: Unless someone is logged in, it won't be easy. You need to start it from the command line with Display:0 or something similar17:46
eosyigal: it is interesting that there is no man page for kmod though ....17:46
yigaldecci: there are several default ports Hadoop will use17:46
loki_Makkusu: someone is logged in17:46
loki_yigal: ….17:46
basichashHow can I check which processes are using a particular port?17:47
loki_yigal: this would have been more fitting17:47
loki_just FYI17:47
yigalloki_: gl17:47
sysop3231Is there anyone here able to answer an EXPECT question?17:47
yigaldecci: try ps -ef|grep hadoop17:47
sysop3231or able to point me to a channel able to do so17:48
basichashHow can I check which processes are using a particular port?17:48
SchrodingersScat!ask | sysop323117:48
ubottusysop3231: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:48
loki_yigal: don't need luck.  the link you threw my was was helpful if I wanted to setup vino using the GUI.  not doing that.17:48
loki_thanks though17:48
yigalbasichash: using netstat17:48
sysop3231netstat -an17:48
holygh0strecon<yigal> using dell sc420 xubuntu 12.04LTS canon pixma mg3222. found driver on irish canon printer site but no scan funtionality so far. simple scan and ristretto say there is no scanner connected but print function works fine.17:48
sysop3231ss is a good one too17:48
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yigalbasichash: if you want to know which services are listening for requests use 'netstat -nlpt'17:49
yigalbasichash: using 'sudo'17:49
eosyigal: this is really good https://events.linuxfoundation.org/images/stories/pdf/lf_elc12_marchi.pdf.17:49
sysop3231wonderful. i will do so.17:49
yigaleos: I'll check it out17:50
sysop3231I am trying to use a heredoc, using EXPECT to answer 'yes' to a bundle rake command. wow. im not sure how to ask on one line.17:50
eosyigal: ok, have to leave! Have a good evening .... thanks for help.17:50
jfritzHey guys, I'm having some trouble with guest shares in Ubuntu 13.04 and SAMBA. Can somebody take a look at this for me? http://askubuntu.com/questions/340492/ubuntu-13-04-mounts-samba-shares-as-guest-by-default-shares-can-be-manually-mou17:50
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basichashyigal: I'm trying to use Tor, but Im getting these errors. I've changed to the to 9052: http://pastebin.com/uAPN0Yu417:50
basichashubuntu 12.0417:51
yigaleos: u2 see you around man17:51
sysop3231I've asked this question on a forum,.. and laid out the question and information very well. Anyone with EXPECT knowledge and a spare minute or two, please have a look. Any advice is apprectiated: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/trying-to-use-expect-heredoc-to-answer-a-ruby-rake-request-4175475599/17:51
sysop3231sorry -- not able to fit that entire question on one line.17:52
holygh0streconusing dell sc420 xubuntu 12.04LTS canon pixma mg3222.  no scan funtionality so far. simple scan and ristretto say there is no scanner connected but print function works fine.17:52
sysop3231im new to irc, dont want to be annoying,.. but what does !ask and !patience mean?17:52
mikeresysop3231: it means just ask the question, don't ask to ask it, and be patient waiting for a reply - don't repeat it every few seconds.17:54
bujitsubrohello , i really need help please i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  i just bought and i cant get it to dual boot17:54
sysop3231mikere: no problem. will do. thanks for any help.17:54
yigalbasichash: what you will likely want to try to do is just telnet locally to that port17:55
holygh0streconusing dell sc420 desktop xubuntu 12.04LTS canon pixma mg3222.  no scan funtionality so far. simple scan and ristretto say there is no scanner connected but print function works fine.17:56
bujitsubro!ask hello , i really need help please i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  i just bought and i cant get it to dual boot17:57
ubottubujitsubro: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:57
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bujitsubrohello , i really need help please i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  i just bought and i cant get it to dual boot17:57
bujitsubrohello , i really need help please i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  i just bought and i cant get it to dual boot17:58
bujitsubrohello , i really need help please i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  i just bought and i cant get it to dual boot17:59
bujitsubrohello , i really need help please i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  i just bought and i cant get it to dual boot17:59
bujitsubrohello , i really need help please i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  i just bought and i cant get it to dual boot17:59
FloodBot1bujitsubro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
ham1bujitsubro, asking lots of times won't get you an answer any faster17:59
basichashyigal: How can I do that?17:59
bujitsubro i fell alone18:00
holygh0streconbujitusbro. sorry no help here im noob. was there an option in the install to format existing or install alongside?18:01
loki_if I run this command 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' how can I disable it?18:01
ham1bujitsubro, well just remember how much you are paying for any support and the first thing people will ask is have you googled it18:02
bujitsubroham- yes i did but i hve gotten no where18:02
holygh0streconbujbro what version of ubuntu? what does it display when you bootup?18:03
bujitsubroi was able to partion and instal and i can even see a boot file that says ubuntu in a list  in the boot from uefi file but but it wont load18:03
bujitsubromy ubuntu version is 12.04.3 lts 6418:04
holygh0streconwhen i dual-booted a machine i had a grub do you have one?18:04
kooty_ncan i get help about vidalia settings18:04
bujitsubroi dont think i have a grub a18:05
jfritzbujitsubro, what are you trying to dual-boot with? What other operating system aside from Ubuntu?18:05
XXXwhen installing ubuntu on a macbook, should i use the alternative mac iso, or stick with the normal 64 bit iso?18:05
loki_I guess no one has that answer18:06
bujitsubrowhen i choose  "osmaneger" it goes to th"hp loading scren " but it never give me a list of my os's18:06
bujitsubroi have win 818:06
MarleneelibOpenCL.so.1 is missing ???18:06
SchrodingersScatloki_: could export it as something else18:07
loki_SchrodingersScat: is there any way to disable the command completely?18:07
bujitsubrojfritzz- i have a HP Pavilion 15-b119wm Sleekbook  with win 818:08
loki_SchrodingersScat: is vino-server something that starts at startup automatically?18:09
SchrodingersScatloki_: export is a bash built-in afaik18:09
sysop3231SchrodingersScat is the internet-hero of the day. with his/her advice i was able to use empty-expect to solve my issue. code:18:10
sysop3231 56  empty -f -i in -o out sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:setup RAILS_ENV=production18:10
sysop3231   57  empty -w -i out -o in "(yes/no)? " "yes\n"18:10
nemsystem booting without full network configuration18:10
nemand now i have no internet18:11
nemwhats the deal with this issue?18:11
holygh0streconbujitsu have you ever heard of escrima? try this link for your grub problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/302680/how-do-i-install-ubuntu-alongside-uefi-enabled-windows-8-on-a-dell-xps-850018:11
holygh0streconbujitsubro; specifically thsi part: After installation is complete just reboot and check if everything works fine. Although, as your Windows is installed in UEFI mode you can experience problems, such as booting straight to Windows and not passing through GRUB. For problems like that you should use Ubuntu Boot-Repair tool. Also check these Q&As if in trouble: Windows 8 doesn't allow Ubuntu start-up and http://askubuntu.com/a/218:12
holygh0strecon"this part"18:12
bujitsubrothe philipino martial art heck yea its awsome18:13
holygh0streconyeah i love it. check out that link it kind of smells like your problem.18:13
MarleneelibOpenCL.so.1 is missing ???18:13
sysop3231thanks for the assist. take care all.18:13
holygh0streconmarlenee is that for bujitsu's problem?18:13
nemcan anyone tell me how to add my pci card18:14
nemi rebooted after updates and now ubuntu is saying18:14
nemthat there is not network configuration18:14
nemifconfig lists the devices18:15
nemthey are there18:15
nembut ubuntu dont let me use them18:15
holygh0strecongoing afk later all.18:15
loki_could someone please help?18:18
loki_it looks like running that command doesn't allow me to log in locally anymore18:18
loki_how can I fix it?18:18
loki_no one?18:20
loki_1721 people in the room and not 1 person?18:20
loki_wtf kind of craziness is that?18:20
nemi know right18:20
nemim just going to switch to gento18:21
mikereloki_: I just scrolled back 2 pages and I have no idea what you are asking18:21
seventhsamuariwhats gentoo?18:21
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/18:21
loki_mikere: thanks18:21
loki_mikere: I was following these instructions18:21
gordonjcploki_: what command?18:21
loki_mikere: and I ran the export DISPLAY=:0.0 command.  now when I try to log in locally, I can't18:22
jfritzHi friends, I'm having some trouble getting Ubuntu 13.04 to properly mount a public SAMBA share. Nautilus doesn't seem to be passing the logged in user's credentials to SAMBA, and I'm only getting guest priveleges when it mounts. Details here:http://askubuntu.com/questions/340492/ubuntu-13-04-mounts-samba-shares-as-guest-by-default-shares-can-be-manually-mou18:22
loki_mikere: it tries to log in, then it goes to a black screen with a lot of text on it, then it drops me back to the log in screen18:22
loki_mikere: how can I resolve this?18:22
loki_basically I need to disable the export display thing18:22
loki_now all I see is "could not write bytes: broken pipe"18:23
mikereloki_: do you have two boxes side by side, one that you are ssh in to?18:23
MonkeyDustloki_  can you do ctrl-alt-F1 ? if you can, try to fix the fix the problem from there18:23
gordonjcploki_: so where did you type the export line?18:23
gordonjcploki_: and, do you know what it does?18:23
loki_mikere: I am have them here18:23
loki_gordonjcp: I don't know18:23
MagePsychomysql -h<ip> -u<user> -pSome!d123 --> how to bypass ! in password18:23
karab44Hello, is there a big sense to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10?18:24
loki_MonkeyDust: yes.  I was trying to get VNC setup for demoting in18:24
loki_MonkeyDust: but apparently something went wrong.  now I want to drop that command so I can log back in to the desktop18:24
gordonjcploki_: okay, so where did you put that command?18:24
loki_MonkeyDust: I was trying to set it up remotely from the CLI.  Apparently this was a bad idea18:24
mikereloki_: a reboot would fix it for sure, but there has to be a less intrusive solution18:24
loki_gordonjcp: I typed exactly what you see there18:24
loki_mikere: I just rebooted and it didn't fix it18:25
loki_like I said, now I see "can not write bytes: broken pipe"18:25
loki_and it drops me back to the login screen18:25
gordonjcploki_: typed it into what?18:25
wilee-nileekarab44, Not really a support question.18:25
loki_gordonjcp: I SSH'd in to the box and entered the commands at the CLI18:25
SchrodingersScatloki_: afaik export sets a variable that is then passed onto what you run, in your case telling vino server which x display to use.18:25
loki_SchrodingersScat: right, so how do I stop it from doing that?18:26
loki_let me be clear, I do not want it to export the display anymore18:26
loki_how do I stop it from doing that18:26
karab44wilee-nilee: ok but 12.04 is rather old18:26
=== companion is now known as Companion
gordonjcploki_: so unset DISPLAY18:26
karab44anything I want to install I install from outer sources18:26
loki_gordonjcp: so I type 'unset DISPLAY'?18:26
gordonjcploki_: yes18:26
loki_gordonjcp:ok let me try18:26
wilee-nileekarab44, That is an opinion, and your asking for opinions, not support, the validity is only personal. If you have specifics state them in actual use.18:27
loki_gordonjcp: Just typed that and tried to log in.  again I see "could not write bytes: broken pipe"18:27
loki_how can I fix that18:27
gordonjcploki_: without knowing exactly what you did, it's hard to know what to suggest18:28
loki_gordonjcp: I did exactly what was in that link18:28
loki_what else do you need to know?18:28
gordonjcploki_: didn't see a link18:29
FloodBot1loki_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:29
loki_gordonjcp: do you see it now>18:29
gordonjcploki_: no need to post it multiple times18:30
gordonjcpas you can see, you get quieted for flooding ;-)18:30
gordonjcp"Ubuntu Forums is down for maintenance18:30
gordonjcploki_: it was on a forum so it was probably wrong18:30
loki_gordonjcp: that's frustrating18:30
loki_ok.  let me copy and paste18:30
gordonjcploki_: into a pastebin, please18:31
loki_I stopped after the last command because it didn't work18:31
sysop3231is it possible to install mysql-server on 12.10, and specify the mysql root password ahead of time? Im automating an install and I dont like the purple user-interactive screen that comes up. Id rather automate it. Thank you.18:32
SchrodingersScatloki_: looks like it started vino-server in the background, so you could check if it's still running and then kill it18:32
loki_gordonjcp: just rebooted again and tried to log in.  still get the "could not write bytes: broken pipe" error.18:32
loki_SchrodingersScat: it didn't18:32
loki_I just said it didn't work18:32
karab44How many cats Schrodinger has?18:32
mikeresysop3231: no idea - but if you figure it out I'd love to know =)18:32
bazhang!ot | karab4418:32
ubottukarab44: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:32
gordonjcploki_: can you log into the machine locally?18:32
loki_gordonjcp: I have been saying that for the last few minutes.  NO.  When I try to log in locally to the account I get a black screen that says "could not write bytes: broken pipe"18:33
loki_if I use a different user account on the machine it works.18:33
karab44bazhang: what do you want? When I ask topic questions I am simply ignored18:33
bazhangkarab44, you asked opinion not support questions18:34
karab44omg don't kill me please18:34
bazhangkarab44, thats not appropriate here.18:34
justaguygoodevening ubuntu users \o/18:34
karab44are we in a church?18:34
karab44I am not offensive to anybody18:35
bazhangkarab44, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here18:35
loki_gordonjcp: no suggestions?18:35
karab44In your judgement I asked opinion question but in my it was technical18:35
SpeedRacerDo you want more traffic to your website / blog / projects? Get free traffic with  http://www.te4everyone.com/index.php?ref=4918:35
loki_gordonjcp: what do you need from me to get this working?18:36
mikereloki_: you might need to edit the ./bashrc ./bash_login or ./bash_profile files for that user login to change the display variable18:36
karab44So why shouldn't Upgrade to 12.10? How maintanance of 12.04 looks like? I don't see it's maintained18:36
loki_mikere: how do I do that?18:36
karab44I see a lot of old applications, sometimes with many bugs18:36
bazhangkarab44, 12.04 is LTS18:36
karab44yes so please explain what is LTS because I don't see any support there18:37
bazhang!lts | karab4418:37
ubottukarab44: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)18:37
mikereloki_: log in as a user that still works, su to root and edit the previous files I mentioned to change the display variable you exported previously.18:37
sysop3231got it. to install mysql without a password interaction:18:37
sysop3231echo mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password THEPASSWORD | sudo debconf-set-selections18:37
sysop3231echo mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password THEPASSWORD | sudo debconf-set-selections18:37
sysop3231apt-get install -y mysql-server18:37
FloodBot1sysop3231: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
loki_mikere: where are those files located?18:38
karab44bazhang: okay it's a definition but explain me please what does it mean? Because I don't know what does mean support18:38
karab44in canonical way18:38
gordonjcploki_: I don't really know, to be honest18:38
loki_mikere: if I type nano ./bashrc it's blank18:38
gordonjcploki_: can you log into the machine locally?18:38
MonkeyDustkarab44  support means, that you can ask for help, that new updates are being made etc18:38
loki_gordonjcp: I can with a different user account18:38
mikereloki_: /home/*username*/.bashrc18:38
FastCodeloki_: because its .bashrc18:39
loki_mikere: let me try18:39
FastCodenote the dot18:39
loki_mikere: If I see that export display line should I just comment it out?18:39
karab44MonkeyDust: the problem is packages are quite old in this distribution. And it were not wrong if it was System, but applications should be updated but they're not18:39
gordonjcploki_: I think mikere may have just told you what you need to know18:39
gordonjcploki_: yes18:39
loki_let me see what I can come up with, be back in a few18:40
mikereloki_: but just for the user that can't log in18:40
MonkeyDustkarab44  what's the outcome of     cat /etc/issue ?18:40
loki_mikere: I am looking at the bashrc and I don't see that line anywhere18:41
ubuntu-studioi try to run a program with c. extension that i saved on desktop, but terminal says no such file...why18:41
gordonjcploki_: must be *something* in that user's profile18:42
karab44issue is that I feel 12.04 is not supported anyway. If it were situation like that I've installed Steam and later I had to format and reinstall system it's unpropriate. I feel like it's not supported but left dead.18:42
loki_mikere: are there any logs I can check to see exactly where the broken pipe is?18:42
loki_gordonjcp: I agree, I am coming through it again.18:42
loki_gordonjcp: is there a log I can check?18:42
karab44there are many problems like that. I can not even change resolution in textmode terminal because of bigger or lesser grub problems18:43
loki_it looks like ./bash_login and ./bash_profile do not exist either.  is this normal?18:43
gordonjcpyes, that's not unreasonable18:44
karab44The same stuff with software- it's old. Imo core should stay untouched but any software should be updated in LTS, otherwise it is comes useless18:44
Guest8423Any testdisk/photorec expert here? I need an huge help, please18:44
loki_gordonjcp: could I import the bash_rc from the working user account in to this one?18:44
SchrodingersScat!ask | Guest842318:44
ubottuGuest8423: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:44
gordonjcploki_: yes18:44
loki_gordonjcp: and it should not break anything?18:44
gordonjcploki_: cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~18:45
djsis it possible to install ubuntu on windows8 via wubi?18:45
gordonjcpdjs: don't use wubi18:45
wilee-nileedjs, wont install18:45
gordonjcploki_: or, cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /home/<whoever>18:45
wilee-nileedjs, not a uefi anywat18:45
djsis there any easy way to install ubuntu on windows 8?18:45
loki_gordonjcp: so like this? cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /home/USERWITHGOODBASHCONFIG?18:46
wilee-nileedjs, virtual18:46
ubuntu-studio i try to run a program with c. extension that i saved on desktop, but terminal says no such file...why18:46
loki_gordonjcp: or like this cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /home/userwithbadconfig18:46
mikereloki_: there are two more files - bash_profile and bash_preferences to check18:46
SchrodingersScatloki_: I think bad config, since that is the one missing it, right?18:47
loki_mikere: they don't appear to exist.  at least not in /home/username/18:47
mikereloki_: ok, sorry I couldn't help more.18:47
loki_SchrodingersScat: let me try.  I just tried the first one.  but it didn't work.  tried the second one and that didn't work either18:49
loki_are there any logs I can check to find this broken pipe?18:49
mikereloki_: actually, check for a /.profile variable18:49
mikereloki_: file I mean18:49
loki_mikere: what do you mean?18:49
mikereloki_: ./home/username/.profile - it's used by the display managers - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables18:50
loki_checking it now18:50
loki_nothing about the display in there18:50
mikereloki_: sorry, I'm stumped on this one.18:51
ubuntu-studiocan anyone help me please_18:51
loki_mikere: I have asked this a few times, but are there logs I can check for this?18:51
cloudy_nzubuntu-studio: what's the command you're using to run the C file?18:51
mikereloki_: I'd just be guessing, but possibly the Xorg log in /var/log18:52
ubuntu-studiocloudy   gcc18:52
karab44okay is making desktop upgrade from 12.04 to 13.04 totally safe?18:52
karab44I'd like to mention that I have practicly clean system18:52
cloudy_nzubuntu-studio: you compiled the source code file?18:52
loki_mikere: what data can I provide to help get this solved?18:53
wbfis 29*c a good temp for an I7-3770K?18:53
gordonjcploki_: can you just delete the user and recreate them?18:53
cloudy_nzubuntu-studio: sometimes you need to put "./" in front of the executable file18:53
cloudy_nzubuntu-studio: e.g. ./myfile.bin18:53
loki_gordonjcp: hmm.  that may be an option, but I don't know how well it would work.  let me try.18:53
mikereloki_: the limitation is actually with my knowledge - sorry.18:53
loki_mikere: no worries.  thank you18:53
=== jack is now known as Guest50952
ubuntu-studiocloudy   i try18:54
wilee-nileekarab44, May I suggest looking up critical thinking. ;)18:54
mikereloki_: is it just the one user that can't log in locally or are there other user accounts affected?18:54
gordonjcpubuntu-studio: what is this file you downloaded, and what does it do?18:54
loki_mikere: only the one18:54
mikereloki_: then gordonjcp's suggestion should work18:54
loki_mikere: I need to verify some things real fast18:55
loki_hang on18:55
cloudy_nzalas, for it is time to get on a bus & go to work :-/18:55
ubuntu-studiogordonjcp its just hello world18:55
karab44I just upgraded to 12.10 and I am encouraged of how fast it works in desktop. I mean 12.04 was nice smooth and fast but 12.10 is thousand times better18:55
loki_mikere: this is ubuntu running amahi, so I don't want it to break anything18:55
gordonjcpubuntu-studio: so you need to compile it18:55
crazyHorsehow can i remove landscape service?18:56
karab44So I am upgrading from 12.04 to 13.04 and just wondering is it safe and stable? My installation is quite fresgh18:56
cloudy_nzubuntu-studio: gcc -Wall helloWorld.c -o helloWorld.bin; ./helloWorld.bin18:56
crazyHorsekarab44: yes18:56
mikereloki_: believe it or not, I've never heard of amahi before.18:56
wilee-nileekarab44, why did you ask about 12.04 to 13.04 if your on 12.10?18:56
loki_mikere: i believe it. and that's ok18:56
karab44wilee-nilee: because half hour ago I was on 12.0418:56
karab44System upgrade takes about 15 minutes18:57
karab44or less18:57
* cloudy_nz is a heathen using Quassel in Windows18:57
karab44so 12.10 is that damn fast, so I decided to try 13.0418:58
crazyHorsei am trying to format a 3 TB drive and i was using this walkthrough and everything seems to process fine but then it doesn't actually allow me to put any files on the drive and i get a warning in gparted http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/fdisk-unable-to-create-partition-greater-2tb.html18:58
wilee-nileekarab44, That makes no sense as all you posts have, you are working on opinions and asking for them, you are not even close to using this channel correctly, or a critical thinking methodology18:58
ubuntu-studiocloudynz why i cant run it from the name of the file18:58
cloudy_nzubuntu-studio: find some C tutorials, you gotta learn how to compile source code, dude18:58
sylvia79824i have a question18:58
sylvia79824can i ask a real newbie question here on getting18:59
sylvia79824wifi to work on jolicloud18:59
ubuntu-studiocloudynz i already compiled it18:59
SchrodingersScat!ask | sylvia7982418:59
sylvia79824sorry, unformiliar with both irc and jolicloud18:59
ubottusylvia79824: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:59
loki_gordonjcp: I am checking on this.  like I said, I don't want to break anything with amahi.  give me a sec18:59
wilee-nileesylvia79824, jolicloud has there own channel I believe, not supported here.18:59
cloudy_nzubuntu-studio: this is a nice free ebook I read myself: http://bookboon.com/en/c-programming-in-linux-ebook19:00
doubleaykayany tips on customixing xfce19:00
sylvia79824wifi works when i boot to windows, but not jolicloud.  ideas?19:00
wilee-nileesylvia79824, I don't see a channel on freenode you might try ##linux, but you will have to register with freenode for that channel.19:01
ubuntu-studiocloudynz thanx19:01
wilee-nileesylvia79824, probably a driver is needed is all, run lspci to find the wifi info.19:01
sunsetlovermy wifi details is : 07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:4727] (rev 01)19:02
sunsetlover " but is not working . any help ?19:02
=== sethj is now known as dude1
wilee-nilee!broadcom > sunsetlover19:02
ubottusunsetlover, please see my private message19:02
jfritzHi friends, I'm having some trouble with SAMBA public shares. Please take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/340492/ubuntu-13-04-mounts-samba-shares-as-guest-by-default-shares-can-be-manually-mou19:02
sylvia79824this is what lspci shows - Xtreme BCM5752 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02) 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)19:03
SchrodingersScatwhen will broadcoms reign of terror end ;_;19:03
wilee-nileesylvia79824, The problem is that jolicloud is a b it different so I would take that info and use it for help. We can't really advise a ubuntu fix on a not supported OS is all, it is the channel policy. ;)19:04
crazyHorsehow can i uninstall landscape service and will it screw anything else up?19:04
wilee-nileecrazyHorse, How did you install it?19:05
ubuntu-studiocloudynz but wich is the command to find a file on terminal19:05
sylvia79824ah ok.  the support website suggested this irc channel, that's why i tried.  i'll try some other optinos.  thanks19:05
wilee-nileecrazyHorse, Appears to be a canonical product, however never seen it mentioned here, so some details will be needed really.19:06
nodiewhy collectd fails to run after installing in Ubuntu 12/13?19:07
mikereHow do I remove older kernels from my grub boot menu and remove the old files I don't need any more?19:07
bazhanghttps://landscape.canonical.com/    wilee-nilee19:07
wilee-nileebazhang, Thanks I found that, just not sure where its tentacles are attached is all. ;)19:08
sunsnapis this the support irc19:09
auronandacesunsnap: ubuntu support yes19:09
sunsnapmy mouse isnt recognized by my computer19:09
sunsnapi went on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingMouseDetection19:11
sunsnapbut it doesnt say what to do if the computer doesnt recognizze your mouse19:11
sunsetloverany help with my wifi19:11
wilee-nileesunsnap, Usb mouse?19:12
hydruidsunsnap: usb or ps2 mouse?19:12
hydruidsunsnap: is the light on? the light is usually red19:12
wilee-nileesunsnap, does it show in lsusb  ?19:12
loki_gordonjcp: it looks like that did the trick.  now I need to set vino-server to start at startup19:12
wilee-nileesunsetlover, You see the bits message?19:12
sunsnapmy mouse lights up19:12
hydruidsunsnap: does it show up in lsusb?19:12
blip-hid, i've been trying to boot my system from USB drive (Live Linux loaded on it).  I checked the MD5 sum of the iso, also I tried 2 different programs to create the bootable USB.   I manually select the usb disk as my boot up device, but then it displays "loading operating system" and gets stuck there19:13
blip-in fact my machine cannot boot from my normal sdd if that usb flash drive is even plugged in (I manually select the ssd) !19:13
hydruidsunsnap: perhaps remove the mouse, then run "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" ,  and then plug it back in to see what the error is19:13
blip-I tried Linux Live Usb Creator and Unetbootin as instructed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick19:14
blip-no luck19:14
sunsetloverwilee-nilee, sorry i didn't saw any thing can help me with my prob. i need to install my wifi driver to make it works19:14
gvoblip: do you have a second usb stick to try19:14
wilee-nileeblip-, Flash stick? do you get a black scree?19:14
hydruidblip-: you have a newer windows 8 laptop?19:14
gvoblip preferably a different manufacter19:14
wilee-nileesunsetlover, That is the wiki on that broadcom card you posted.19:14
loki_gordonjcp: do you know how I can start it at boot time?19:15
w30mikere, I just use synapatic and seach "kernel". Then uninstall kernel stuff lower number wise lower than the one you use. On reboot grub removes the deleted kernels from it's list.19:15
wilee-nileesunsetlover, IF you do not understand it that is okay, state that.19:15
SchrodingersScatloki_: crontab is one way19:16
loki_SchrodingersScat: I am on the local machine now in the startup applications gui19:16
sunsnapso i did what hydruid said and this is what popped uphttp://pastebin.com/LXW90G3u19:16
mikerew30: thanks - that sounds like a great way to do it.19:16
w30mikere, if it just says kernel with no numbers I leave it. Works for me.19:16
sunsetloversorry but i didn't understand how to install the bcm43xx driver19:17
wilee-nileew30, you have to run a update grub to remove them from the grub menu, unless synaptic is doing that.19:17
loki_SchrodingersScat: as a test I opened a terminal and typed "sudo /usr/lib/vino/vino-server" and I get an error that says "the desktop sharing service is not enabled so it should not be run"19:17
hydruidsunsnap: is your mouse this "Holtek USB Gaming Mouse]"19:17
loki_SchrodingersScat: so how can I work around that19:17
blip-wilee-nilee, hydruid:  The issue is stuck on the "Loading operating systems" screen, ie before or during when the bios is loading the OS from the USB flash stick.  I run windows 7 currently, I think bios/hardware config is preventing the boot19:17
sunsnapits actually perixx but19:17
sunsnapperixx mouse19:17
sunsnapi think its Holtek USB gaming mouse though19:18
MagePsychohow to copy and replace existing files19:18
wilee-nileeblip-, So a stuck screen?19:18
hydruidblip-: see if there is an option in the bios for legacy boot19:18
wilee-nileeblip-, Is this a uefi W7?19:18
SchrodingersScatloki_: don't think you need to run it as root, but you should check that page again, I think it mentions setting the preferences first19:18
sunsetloverwilee-nilee, sorry but i didn't understand how to install the bcm43xx driver19:18
loki_SchrodingersScat: I set those in the GUI19:18
wilee-nileesunsetlover, That helps to know, someone more familiar will help you most likely, not an area I'm real up on is all.19:19
hydruidsunsnap: good and bad news, I found a post on the Ubuntu forums with a solution.....bad news it the forums are down for maintenance lol19:19
MagePsychocp -rf * .htaccess ../dev2/ doesn't work.. it ask confirmation for overriting19:19
loki_SchrodingersScat: I need this thing to start at startup.  it is critical19:19
sunsnapcan i get the link? for later19:19
blip-wilee-nilee, no, regular updated bios on Gigabyte Z68XP-ud3 motherboard.  odd that it cannot even boot my normal windows OS when this USB drive is simply plugged in..19:19
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | blip- try this as a start19:20
ubottublip- try this as a start: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:20
justaguyaha! i know how to get broadcoms working on ubuntu! , wait i will look up the command for you!19:20
hydruidsunsnap: sure, made it shorter since it's uber long: http://alturl.com/stn8i19:20
wilee-nileejustaguy, make sure you use their nick to help them is all. ;)19:20
sunsnaphydruid, which link is it?19:21
sunsnapim guessing the first result?19:21
Shakazwill ubuntu install on a GPT disk?19:21
hydruidsunsnap: the first one lol19:21
cigfreshHey niggers19:21
wilee-nileeblip-, There is efi use yes.19:21
justaguywilee-nilee : i don't know who is having problems :p , but try sudo apt-get install kernel-bcmwl-source19:21
cigfreshEnjoying the flavor off each other's dicks?19:22
EaglemanWHy is this script not being run once every minute, it does run when i use /gameservers/sa-mp/checksamp.sh:  http://lpaste.net/648743408211119308819:22
Shakazwill ubuntu install on a GPT disk via legacy?19:23
blip-wilee-nilee, thank you, from the appearance the issue is happening pre-kernel bootup.  about uefi, I don't have uefi bios installed, normal bios19:23
SachIs there a command I can run in terminal to identify why Ubuntu 12.04 keeps freezing?19:24
ubuntu-studioi found a C. file on desktop with the locate command, but when i do gcc  it tells me no such file or directory19:24
wilee-nileeblip-, Your description is a bit confusing, a usb plugged in should not affect the windows boot, unless you have moved the usb first and it is doing what ever it does, and windows does not get the boot call.19:24
ubuntu-studiowhere is the error19:24
EaglemanWHy is this script not being run once every minute, it does run when i use /gameservers/sa-mp/checksamp.sh:  http://lpaste.net/648743408211119308819:25
sunsetloverjustaguy,  when i tried the code you mentioned it gives me this error : E: Unable to locate package kernel-bcmwl-source19:25
wilee-nilee!details | Shakaz19:25
ubottuShakaz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:25
Shakazwilee-nilee not so much a problem19:26
Shakazmore a question19:26
wilee-nileeblip-, uefi system have it in the hardware is this a possibility?19:26
Shakazwill ubuntu 13.04 64bit install sucessully on a GPT disk that has been partionied?19:26
Shakazvia legacy boot mode19:26
Shakazbecause for some reason uefi doesn't recognise the USB boot even though i've set it up to boot first19:26
wilee-nileeShakaz, This channel can answer questions, however you have to be detailed.19:26
blip-wilee-nilee, hmm not sure19:26
wilee-nilee!uefi | Shakaz19:27
ubottuShakaz: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:27
blip-wilee-nilee, ok i will check my boot settings again19:27
Shakazubuntu forums down19:27
gordonjcploki_: I haven't used vino before19:27
loki_gordonjcp: I got it19:27
gordonjcploki_: cool19:28
gordonjcploki_: what's it for?19:28
loki_gordonjcp: it wasn't letting me start it from the terminal, but it let me set it as a startup application19:28
SchrodingersScatgordonjcp: vnc19:28
loki_gordonjcp: it's the built in VNC program in ubuntu19:28
sunsetloveri found in the additional drivers a broadcom driver need to be activated, but when i press on activate i hve this error : Sorry, installation of this driver failed.19:28
sunsetloverPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log19:28
sunsetloverwhat is that mean ?19:29
Shakazubuntu forums are down19:30
FloodBot1Shakaz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:30
loki_ugh.  something broke. FUCK.19:30
ubuntu-studioi found a C. file on desktop with the locate command, but when i do gcc  it tells me no such file or directory....yesterday someone gave me the command and i solved it but i forgot wich was..19:32
EaglemanWHy is this script not being run once every minute, it does run when i use /gameservers/sa-mp/checksamp.sh:  http://lpaste.net/648743408211119308819:32
gordonjcpSchrodingersScat: ?19:33
gordonjcploki_: vnc?19:33
SchrodingersScatgordonjcp: that's what vino-server is19:33
loki_gordonjcp: no, this is an amahi issue19:33
SchrodingersScatubuntu-studio: apt-cache search ia32-libs ##was it that?19:33
gordonjcpno, what's a vnc?19:34
darkelfjuggaloI run Ubuntu 13.04 on a Toshiba Satellite S855...nothing I find online tells me what the Built in Mic and Webcam are... Some of my work requires these two features, and Screencasting/recording [which should be available through the webcam] for the Camera, I have attempted every package for Webcam in the 13.04 repository, and the only thing that finds it at all is Google Chrome... my Microphone i nothing is finding it... Can someone assist me in fi19:34
SchilcoteHi, I19:34
Schilcote'm having a problem with a server running Ubuntu Server, the latest version19:34
SchrodingersScat!details | Schilcote , tell me more19:35
ubottuSchilcote , tell me more: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:35
SchilcoteFor whatver reason, it's refusing to accept any incoming connections from outside the network19:35
SchilcoteI have port forwarding configured on the router19:35
wilee-nileeSchilcote, If needed there is a #ubuntu-server channel19:35
EaglemanWHy is this script not being run once every minute, it does run when i use /gameservers/sa-mp/checksamp.sh:  http://lpaste.net/648743408211119308819:36
SchilcoteAh. should I head over there then?19:36
wilee-nileeonly you will know19:36
wilee-nileeSchilcote, sometimes the channels are not as fast as some want just options is all.19:36
SchilcoteExact version from the banner that shows up after I log in is "Ubuntu 13.04 (GNU/Linux 3.8.0-19-generic x86_64)"19:37
ubuntu-studioschrodinger no it wasnt19:37
ubuntu-studioschrodinger no it wasnt19:37
Shakazwhy are the ubtunuforums down19:37
MagePsychohow to ignore existing files while cp19:37
SchilcoteI can connect to the server from inside the network, but attempting to connect to the internet-facing side of the router gives me nothing.19:37
SchrodingersScatubuntu-studio: heard; was just checking19:37
Shakazfuck the maintenance19:37
blazemoreShakaz: The Ubuntu Forums is temporarily down for maintenance.19:38
blazemoreShakaz: I read that on http://ubuntuforums.org/19:38
Shakazfor how long19:38
SchrodingersScatMagePsycho: -n19:38
blazemoreShakaz: I don't know, and presumably its unplanned maintainance or there'd be a timeframe19:38
EaglemanWHy is this script not being run once every minute, it does run when i use /gameservers/sa-mp/checksamp.sh:  http://lpaste.net/648743408211119308819:39
basichashHow can I use sudo with inline password?19:39
blazemorebasichash: You can't19:39
blazemore!sudo | basichash you can configure your sudoers file to get the behaviour you want19:40
ubottubasichash you can configure your sudoers file to get the behaviour you want: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:40
phong_hi guys19:40
SchrodingersScatMagePsycho: for more, see 'man cp' or 'cp --help'19:40
=== dean|away is now known as dean
loki_gordonjcp: it was username woes.  because I added another user but appended a number to the end then I couldn't access the file shares from a remote computer.  created a new user with the old username and deleted the new one and that fixed it19:41
basichashblazemore: I've written a script that periodically needs access to root, but obviously i get a password prompt when it runs. What do you suggest?19:41
loki_looks like I am sorted.19:42
loki_thanks guys, I know I was a bit short, but this stuff can be frustrating at times :)19:42
blazemorebasichash: What command does your script try to run as root? Is it only the one command?19:42
basichashblazemore: ifconfig commands19:43
blazemorebasichash: Why not run your script as root in the first place then?19:43
ubuntu-studioschrodiger     if  have to find a a C. file and then see the content doing ./a.out how i have to do to find the file19:43
EaglemanWHy is this script not being run once every minute, it does run when i use /gameservers/sa-mp/checksamp.sh:  http://lpaste.net/648743408211119308819:43
basichashblazemore: didn't think of that, good idea19:43
xerxasHi all ! how can I check when did the last "apt-get update" occured ?19:44
SachIs there a command I can run in terminal to identify why Ubuntu 12.04 keeps freezing?19:44
blazemorexerxas: Look in /var/log/apt/19:44
xerxasI'm booting some ubuntu vagrant box and archive.ubuntu.com is really slow where I am, I want to avoid running apt-get update so frequently19:44
see1can any1 help with comiling jsmin into php?19:45
xerxasblazemore: thanks, any idea how I can do it in /var/lib/apt ?19:46
xerxaswith a stat (based on atime, ctime or mtime)  ?19:46
blazemorexerxas: You could check the Access times on the files in /var/lib/apt/lists which is updated when you run apt-get update. If apt-get update was run with sudo you should also have a line logged in /var/log/auth.log when it was done.19:47
xerxasare you sure about atime ?19:48
blazemoresee1: From the jsmin page: This project is unmaintained. I stopped using it years ago. You shouldn't use it. You shouldn't use any version of JSMin. There are much better tools available now.19:48
xerxasI mean , apt-get install sth , doesn't access these files ?19:48
xerxasI would have thought of using mtime19:48
blazemorexerxas: Yes, 100%. The files are read, and only updated if the version on the server differs19:48
blazemorexerxas: you said update, not install...19:48
blazemorexerxas: and it absolutely would access those files, where do you think it knows where do download sth from??19:49
xerxasblazemore: yes, that's what I'm saying, I would have thought that apt-get install , updates the atime of some files in /var/lib/apt/list/*19:49
XXXwhen installing ubuntu on a macbook, should i use the alternative mac iso, or stick with the normal 64 bit iso?19:49
blazemoreXXX: What macbook, and what Ubuntu version?19:49
xerxasblazemore: where , apt-get update , changes both the atime and the mtime19:49
XXXblazemore: macbook air and 12.0319:49
blazemorexerxas: I'd still recommend the history file rather than atime etc19:50
karab44my upgrade from 12.04 to 13.04 fails19:50
karab44I asked you before IS IT SAFE19:50
blazemoreXXX: Which Macbook Air?19:50
XXXblazemore: 13''19:51
blazemorekarab44: I didn't think you could do that?19:51
karab44hehehe you could warn me then19:51
blazemorekarab44: I thought you could go from one LTS to another, which would be 10.04-12.04, or from one version to another, which would be 12.10-13.0419:51
blazemorekarab44: Well in my defense I wasn't here, or I would have done19:51
xerxasblazemore: yes, it's less a hack, but parsing auth.log, extracting the date, converting it to epoch , comparing whith $(date +%s) - 86400 is so much easier19:52
xerxasI meant , harder19:52
karab44blazemore: I thouth it's risky so I came here and heard that Ubuntu is so perfect and it can handle such upgrade19:52
blazemorekarab44: Well in principle there shouldn't be a problem19:52
karab44yes especially that I had quite fresh system19:53
karab44I mean freshly installed19:53
blazemorekarab44: If you've got a botched upgrade I'd probably recommend just doing a completely fresh install and restoring your stuff from backups19:53
blazemorekarab44: Why did you do a fresh install of an old version, and then try to upgrade? Why not just install the latest version straight away?19:53
Extreminadorguys with compiz can we switch workspace using the mouse movements to the edge ?19:53
blazemore!info compizconfig-settings-manager19:54
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compiz): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:0.9.9~daily13.06.19~13.04-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4471 kB19:54
karab44Because it was LTS but finally it didn't meet my expectations19:54
blazemoreExtreminador: Yes, use that ^^^^19:54
see1blazemore: pls wait i will look into into..19:54
karab44doing LTS should be critical and flawless but 12.04 it's not really best deployment19:54
Extreminadorblazemore ny link to see the options because i have already read many options but i don´t see that one19:55
blazemoreThe point of an LTS is you don't have to do an upgrade for a few years, karab44. This is good for businesses and such19:55
blazemoreExtreminador: There's definately an option in there for screen edges, try searching for it, ccsm has a search box19:56
ubottualfonsopio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:56
Extreminadorfor edges thanks blazemore good ideia indeed19:56
Extreminadorthis has a filter option19:56
karab44blazemore: Like I used to say before - in my opinion policy of LTS is wrong. There's no fresh tools and aplications so in the matter of fact it's hard to do anything without upgrading it19:56
XXXblazemore, any idea?19:57
Npchow do i enable pinch zoom?19:57
MonkeyDustkarab44  discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic, please19:57
sharifubuntu 13.4 blutooth problem help me19:57
karab44Yes here's the one that told me upgrading is safe19:57
see1i´m on Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.45-x86_64-jb1 x86_64)19:57
sharifubuntu 13.4 blutooth problem help me19:58
XXX64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop CD19:58
XXX    Choose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon, Core 2). If you have a non-64-bit processor made by AMD, or if you need full support for 32-bit code, use the Intel x86 images instead. This image is adjusted to work properly on Mac systems. "19:58
FloodBot1XXX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
wutangI'm low key like seashells I rock these bells19:59
XXX64-bit PC (AMD64) install/live DVD     Choose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon, Core 2). If you have a non-64-bit processor made by AMD, or if you need full support for 32-bit code, use the Intel x86 images instead.19:59
karab44blazemore: truth is that even mouse settings doesn't work well on 12.04 LTS. and it's more than year when deployed and bug still not fixed19:59
XXXso which so i take?19:59
see1i do this on my server -> mkdir jsmin19:59
sharifubuntu 13.4 bluetooth problem help me19:59
see1cd !$19:59
karab44so what ubuntu LTS has in common with long term support?19:59
see1wget http://www.ypass.net/downloads/php-jsmin/php-jsmin-1.0.tgz19:59
shariffile not shared into my phone20:00
Clearcoat_Bencan anybody help me with setting up necessary partitions to install 12.04 LTS 64-bit on Windows 7 machine? The Ubuntu installer is not giving me option to "install alongside Windows"20:00
see1how i untar it now?20:00
gvoClearcoat_Ben: Last time I did it manually I trashed my W7 installation.20:01
sharif can anybody help me ubuntu 13.4 bluetooth problem  file not shared into my phone20:01
gvoClearcoat_Ben: so be sure you backup anything important.20:01
MonkeyDust!partiton | Clearcoat_Ben get an idea here20:01
MonkeyDust!partition | Clearcoat_Ben get an idea here20:01
ubottuClearcoat_Ben get an idea here: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:01
sharif can anybody help me ubuntu 13.4 bluetooth problem  file not shared into my phone20:02
gvoMonkeyDust: Isn't the recommended way of resizing Win parts to use the Win native disk tools?20:02
TheLordOfTime!privmsg | garrettkajmowicz20:02
ubottugarrettkajmowicz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:02
sharif can anybody help me ubuntu 13.4 bluetooth problem  file not shared into my phone plzzzzz20:02
MonkeyDustgvo  not sure what you mean20:03
see1if i do mkdir jsmin ...why i can´t see or find it in my root browser?20:03
see1some1 knows the location?20:03
see1mkdir: cannot create directory `jsmin': File exists20:03
gvoMonkeyDust: I've been told to use the windows disk utilities to reduce the size of the existing partition.20:03
see1cd !$20:03
gvoMonkeyDust: because they are more reliable than the linux tools.20:04
see1and i´m in the dir /jsmin20:04
gvoMonkeyDust: That used to be the general concensus.20:04
MonkeyDustgvo  you don't need windows to work with linux, they are completely different systems20:04
OerHeksgvo correct. let windows diskmanagment handle resize partitions ( vista/win7/8)20:04
garrettkajmowiczTheLordOfTime: I posted an AskBuntu question here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/307509/upgrade-to-12-04lts-dumps-to-busybox-on-boot20:04
Clearcoat_Bengvo: I had managed to reduce the size of my original windows partition, but then when I tried to make it a usable partition it said there wasn't enough disk space20:04
gvoOerHeks: Thanks for the support.20:04
MonkeyDustOerHeks  ?20:05
gvoClearcoat_Ben: who said that and how big was the space you freed?20:05
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
see1Ubuntu Forums is down for maintenance20:06
Clearcoat_BenW7 disk utility said that, I had reduced my original partition from 972 GB to 437 GB20:06
Clearcoat_Benbut when that didn't work I now have it back to original I can send you a screenshot from the Ubuntu disk utility showing what it is set up now, I just need to know what partitions to make so I can install Ubuntu alongside W7 and be able to boot from either20:07
EaglemanWHy is this script not being run once every minute, it does run when i use /gameservers/sa-mp/checksamp.sh:  http://lpaste.net/648743408211119308820:07
OerHeksMonkeyDust, it is stated here > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows#Resizing_partitions  as windows diskmanagment checks for the empty space, and gives a max Mb to decrease the partition.20:08
gvoClearcoat_Ben: since you restored it you can't install ubuntu.20:08
arcskyhello what is the default syslog in ubuntu? i have installed syslog-ng and all are now fucked up :/20:09
MonkeyDustClearcoat_Ben  it's common to have a separate / and /home partition, and swap, use whatever disk partitioning utility you're familiar with20:09
Clearcoat_Benthe last time I had installed Ubuntu I didn't partition so this is the first time I'm partitioning and I'm just a wee bit lost20:09
gvoClearcoat_Ben: and what does w7 disk utility know about how much space ubuntu wants?  ;)20:09
Clearcoat_Benno W7 said there wasn't enough room to turn the unallocated space into a "dynamic" disk20:10
SchrodingersScatEagleman: what does the /1 do in that crontab line?20:10
Clearcoat_Benbasically I just need a link to tell me which partitions to make, what minimum size they need to be, what settings etc. to install ubuntu20:10
MonkeyDustClearcoat_Ben  i wasnt aware W7 is already installed and you want to resize without data loss20:10
gvoClearcoat_Ben: forget w7.  Once the w7 partition has been resized, use linux utilities from then on.20:10
OerHeksClearcoat_Ben, sounds like you have 4 primairy already?20:11
EaglemanSchrodingersScat, */1 should run it once every minute20:11
Clearcoat_BenI had reduced the size of the W7 primary partition. Which gave me 430+ GB of unallocated space. I then booted from a USB into Ubuntu and began install, it wouldn't allow me to use the unallocated space on the disk to create a useable disk via the Ubuntu disk utility.20:12
gvoClearcoat_Ben: what error did it throw?20:12
see1jsmin.c:59:17: fatal error: php.h: No such file or directory20:12
see1what means this?20:12
see1how i can get php.h ???20:12
Clearcoat_Benit didn't give an error just wouldn't let me select "install alongside windows" and it wouldn't let me select the unallocated space as the point to install20:13
MonkeyDustClearcoat_Ben  was that WUBI you tried?20:13
gvoClearcoat_Ben: OK boot that disk/stick and run a live cd.  Then use gparted to create a partition.20:14
Clearcoat_Benno not using Wubi, installing 64-bit in efi20:14
Clearcoat_Benshould I resize the Windows7_OS partition through Gparted or Windows Disk Manager?20:15
Clearcoat_BenHow many partitions do I need to make and what settings for each?20:15
gvoClearcoat_Ben: windows20:15
OerHeksClearcoat_Ben, sounds like you have 4 primairy already?20:16
Clearcoat_Ben4 primary?20:16
Clearcoat_Benhow do I send you a screenshot in here?20:16
gvoClearcoat_Ben: How many?  That's up to you.  I usually make 3 a very small boot, a reasonable root and home.20:16
szahratClearcoat list ur partitions20:16
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:17
crazyHorsehow can i uninstall landscape service and will it screw anything else up?20:17
SachIs there a command I can run in terminal to identify why Ubuntu 12.04 keeps freezing?20:18
gvoClearcoat_Ben: can you boot a live cd/stick?20:18
Clearcoat_BenI'm booted off of a USB right now20:18
OerHeksClearcoat_Ben, yes, you have 4 primairy/ delete one partition, make an Extended partition, and let ubuntu make the logical partitions20:18
gvoClearcoat_Ben: Running linux?20:18
gvoClearcoat_Ben: sudo fdisk -l      and pastebin the output.20:19
gvoOerHeks: We'll see what he's got, (maybe)20:20
OerHeksgvo the image is clear20:20
lordfreakhi everybody20:20
gvoOh, I missed the image.20:20
garrettkajmowiczTheLordOfTime: No luck. I still see the question marked as a duplicate. Title still lists: Upgrade to 12.04LTS dumps to busybox on boot [duplicate]. Might this be some advanced permissions that you have?20:20
Clearcoat_Benit's not showing anything is that dash capital i?20:20
gvoClearcoat_Ben: Nevermind.  I missed the image.  You have all 4 partions defined.  You can't add any more.20:22
Clearcoat_Bennm, got it, screenshotting now20:22
Clearcoat_Benah crap, hmm..20:22
gordonjcpgvo: that's what logical partitions are for20:22
gvoI know.20:22
gordonjcpor LVM20:23
lordfreakI'm trying to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 8 and I don't consider myself an Ubuntu/linux newbie but I just can' t figure it out. I tried normally installing Ubuntu alongside windows. But then it just boots directly to windows. So i tried to run boot-repair using a live cd and this just runs forever. Then I tried installing Ubuntu in legacy mode, but then upon restarting I just get a message operating system not found and can' 20:23
lordfreakAny help would be appreciated!20:23
* OerHeks wonders why 2 lenovo partitons20:23
gvoBut he's got 4 primary all redy.20:23
gvoOerHeks: Me too.20:23
Clearcoat_Benyeah I don't know what the two lenovo partitions area, I'm going to look at that20:23
gordonjcpyeah, you need to delete a primary partition and make logical ones ;-)20:23
gvoand best if you remove the last one20:23
Clearcoat_Benalright, well thanks for the help guys20:24
gvoClearcoat_Ben: You could always buy a new disk and add it.20:24
Clearcoat_BenI don't think my laptop has room for another disk20:24
Clearcoat_BenI would completely get rid of Windows but I need to run some school specific software (MatLab, Solidworks and other such things)20:25
gvoCould maybe replace the existing HD20:26
DiusghAnyone familiar with PPC G4 notebooks floating on here?20:26
gvoClearcoat_Ben: gotta be a way to restore win7 to a new disk.20:26
gvoClearcoat_Ben: Then that wouldn't work either.20:27
gvoClearcoat_Ben: you'd still have 4 pri partitions.20:27
szahratDiusgh: straight into the question20:27
Clearcoat_BenI don't think I have a W7 install disk I think I have a reboot partition20:27
gvoThat's probably what the lenovo parts are.20:27
Clearcoat_BenI'm sure one of these lenovo partitions can be ditched20:27
aaasso during boot i get lots of mount errors from samba...it's as if mountall runs before my network is up, anyone see anything like that20:28
Diusghszahrat: cant boot a '05 ppc lappy off ubuntu disk, burned through disk util on low setting20:28
Diusghszahrat: trying to do a clean instal20:29
Clearcoat_BenOne of the Lenovo partitions isn't even mounted...20:30
jribaaas: did you specify _netdev in the mount options?20:31
aaasjrib no i didn't (in fstab) is that what you have to do nowadays?20:31
szahratwhats on the screen when u try to boot??20:32
jribaaas: not sure why you say "nowadays"20:32
aaaswell nowadays to not have this problem20:32
aaasmaybe it was always a requirement20:32
=== wt is now known as Guest90220
AcidRain2012aaas, actually i find that in ubuntu 12, fstab is less needed. by me at least. all my external and internal hdds seem to mount at the same location each time20:33
gallezhey guys, couple of quick questions20:33
AcidRain2012ubuntu 11- had some issue with this20:33
aaasAcidRain2012 how do they mount without fstab?20:33
AcidRain2012they just auto mount.20:33
aaasAcidRain2012 actually they are network (samba) drives20:34
AcidRain2012idk how. i didnt code ubuntu. lol20:34
aaasAcidRain2012 so through the gui?20:34
AcidRain2012what gui? :/20:34
AcidRain2012theres a gui for fstab? im mad now i didnt know of this20:34
aaasAcidRain2012 they automount through the gui?20:34
DiusghIs there a foolproof method for converting an .iso to a .dmg that a '05 PPC OSX would recognize?20:34
aaasthrough the desktop20:34
AcidRain2012aaas, through the desktop env. yes20:34
aaasyeah im not using a desktop20:34
jribaaas: I'm guessing AcidRain2012 is just referring to how partitions get mounted when you click on them in nautilus20:34
AcidRain2012aaas, mount? ;)20:35
aaasyeah i want them to automount20:35
LinuxGoldanyone good with gcc?  I need assistance.20:35
jribDiusgh: why?20:35
jrib!anyone | LinuxGold20:35
ubottuLinuxGold: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:35
AcidRain2012aaas, not using a desktop env, yes id use fstab20:35
AcidRain2012jrib, man all of my drives mount as soon as my desktop finishes loading. no clicking on them in nautilus20:35
shadejI can not pipe the shutdown command frm with in a java program. is there any other program to shutdown other than the shutdown command?20:35
aaasok thanks for your help AcidRain2012 jrib  ill look into _netdev20:35
AcidRain2012they appear on my desktop as well, because i selected that option.20:35
Diusghjrib: PPC can't boot off the .iso file from dvd20:36
AcidRain2012aaas, id use UUID= in fstab to be sure fstab gets the right disk everytime20:36
jrib!cifs | aaas20:36
LinuxGoldjrib: ok, I'm trying to compile something and make found an error, no type named 'iterator_cateroy' and few other classes -- looks like I am missing something20:36
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aaasyes i have uuid and using cifis20:36
jribDiusgh: you want to boot an operating system from a dvd?20:37
LinuxGoldI upgraded gcc and the ubuntu server (console only) to latest version20:37
jrib!smb | AcidRain201220:37
ubottuAcidRain2012: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:37
jribLinuxGold: you're being too vague.20:37
Diusghjrib: no want to install off dvd completely remove osx off of it.20:37
jrib!ppc | Diusgh20:37
ubottuDiusgh: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ20:37
AcidRain2012hmmm... all of my external drives are formated to ext3 (from a few yrs ago)20:37
jribDiusgh: I don't know how well maintained ubuntu ppc is; you may want to check out debian20:38
LinuxGoldeasier this way :)20:38
jrib!compile | LinuxGold20:38
ubottuLinuxGold: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall20:38
jribLinuxGold: you need to install -dev packages for whatever libraries you need to build whatever you are building20:38
AcidRain2012mapcraft hax i see20:39
c4iffordSo been bashing my head against this issue all day long, I can't seem to get my wlan0 to connect to my access point running wpa2, i've been researching all day, found a few options that said it was an issue with gnome network manager and to remove it and configure it manually, i'm kinda out of ideas at this , no matter what I do the wpa is rejected20:39
Diusghjrib: great thanks for the tip. I read through that faq already and havent gotten it running I'll try debian!20:39
trismLinuxGold: did you just mistype it? maybe iterator_category? (just a guess)20:39
AcidRain2012c4ifford, did you try WICD?20:39
AcidRain2012if that is the right package im looking for20:39
LinuxGoldtrism: That website is what i needed.20:40
c4iffordAcidRain2012 yessir, did that was my first try after removing network manager20:40
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Diusghjrib: just trying to give my old ppc a new lease on life and try out ubuntu so see if I like it.20:40
c4iffordI've heard reports that this is a possible bug in version 10.0 + ?20:40
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AcidRain2012c4ifford, now do you have a network key? or a password that you are trying to connect through?20:40
AcidRain2012c4ifford, i did have this issue on 10.0420:40
c4iffordAcidRain2012 I have the network key, and it works on all my other RHEL servers20:40
tableshow can i do full disk encryption on ubuntu?20:40
AcidRain2012tables, right click on "filesystem" and encrypt :P20:41
AcidRain2012c4ifford, hmmm.... getting any errors?20:41
tablesi want to do it  from the setup20:41
AcidRain2012c4ifford, are you sure they are detecting your wireless card?20:41
c4iffordAcidRain2012 I heard it was possible and issue with mixmode encryption, but i Have a shitty router from comcast that won't let me change anything below wpa2-psk without crashing20:42
c4iffordAcidRain2012 just says bad password20:42
c4iffordin the wicd log20:42
AcidRain2012c4ifford, may indeed be the router. i had this issue the other day at my brothers house on a windows comp. my suggestion is to use backtrack and crack the keys ;D or force authentication into the router. lol jk20:43
c4iffordwell I have the keys20:43
c4iffordthey work20:43
AcidRain2012c4ifford, but for real though. i have seen that with routers.20:43
AcidRain2012but lets investigate more while i am curious20:43
tablesi have ubuntu 12.04 livecd, how can i do full disk encryption?20:43
AcidRain2012hang on one moment20:44
AcidRain2012c4ifford, what version of ubuntu?20:44
serequeston: in order to get my mtp device to sync the play list it has to be in a .pla playlist format is this possible ?20:44
c4iffordAcidRain2012 12.0420:44
AcidRain2012c4ifford, do you have a built in wireless card? or a usb?20:45
c4iffordthe one i'm using now is built in iwscan works and iwconfig shows it broadcasting to all the access points20:45
AcidRain2012https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo  and you have read this and installed the wpasuppliment?20:46
c4iffordYes, I have20:46
Maple__Gah, why don't I have logs?20:46
Maple__Hai, this is a question not 100% releated to Xubuntu but an issue I haven't had on any of the other dozen or so other distros I've previously used. I'm trying to get Java Swing applications/online Java applets to use the GTK+ look and feel; I've tried editing ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc as well as /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/swing.properties without success. This is what I've tried so far (wi20:46
Maple__thout success) - http://pastie.org/829157420:46
Maple__Assistance would be greatly appreciated, please. :<20:46
c4iffordAcidRain2012: I first ran through it and people were saying network manager was the issue like I said, and that it was incorrectly passing the WPA key20:46
Maple__I've also tried using the webupd8 Oracle Java 7 PPA.20:47
c4iffordAcidRain2012 so far I've tried to configure it through network manager, wicd, and just through setting up the interfaces file20:47
AcidRain2012c4ifford, and you backed up the interfaces file right?20:48
tableshow can i do full disk encryption on ubuntu?  through the setup livecd20:48
AcidRain2012c4ifford, pastebin.com ifconfig20:48
c4iffordAcidRain2012 when I removed network manager?20:48
c4iffordAcidRain2012 there wasn almost nothing in my interface file20:48
AcidRain2012c4ifford, nvm. just pastebin the output20:48
AcidRain2012actually, go ahead and pastebin everything you have for me. including the output of ifconfig20:49
aJayMet66crhabal im20:50
AcidRain2012c4ifford, also the output of iwconfig20:50
c4iffordAcidRain2012 hang on I gotta switch my wired connection over20:50
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AcidRain2012c4ifford, give me these outputs while your wireless card is enabled20:51
ubuntu-studiowhy if i use the command  gcc file.c   it tells me    gcc: fatal error: no input files20:52
c4iffordAcidRain2012 well i can't paste because the machine has no connction, i'm another box for irc20:52
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AcidRain2012c4ifford, have you tried using a laptop as a bridge? lol20:54
AcidRain2012c4ifford, i did that for the longest time20:54
AcidRain2012c4ifford, this may help u.  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=25924520:55
benbro1is there a global LibreOffice config file on ubuntu?20:56
benbro1I've found /home/someuser/.config/libreoffice/3/user/registrymodifications.xcu20:56
benbro1but I need to change a settings for all usrs20:56
AcidRain2012flood bot!20:58
bekksubuntu-studio: http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/gccintro/gccintro_54.html20:59
LinuxGoldok -- need help installing mapcraft the mapper for minecraft game -- on my ubuntu server.  installed gcc, package-dev, etc...21:06
LinuxGoldmissing something still -- pastebin is the same.21:06
=== julian is now known as Guest12188
ubuntu-studiobekks     it doesnt work  >*21:10
daftykinsubuntu-studio: there's a switch you have to use with gcc to tell it 'input file' iirc21:11
ubuntu-studiobekks i need to see what the c compiler did about my C. file saved on my desktop....how i have to do21:11
SubCoolwhere are the background wallpapers stored?21:12
SubCoolhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/272058/where-are-the-ubuntu-12-04s-unity-desktop-wallpapers-located is wrong21:12
jaterSubCool: /var/www21:12
ubuntu-studiodaftykins and how is the command ?21:13
SubCooljater, no21:13
jaterSubCool: I know?21:13
bekksubuntu-studio: Please read the link I gave you.21:13
SubCooljater, ?????21:14
SubCoolits not /usr/share/wallpapers either21:14
jaterSubCool: use the find command?21:14
SubCooli have21:14
jaterSubCool: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Flinux.about.com%2Fod%2Fcommands%2Fl%2Fblcmdl1_find.htm&ei=yP8kUt3gM-aJ7AbD5oHAAQ&usg=AFQjCNEunQsG-0xPpu8TYantJTW91hXtcw&bvm=bv.51495398,d.ZGU21:14
daftykinsubuntu-studio: you really should get in the habit of looking things up for yourself, 'man gcc' i'm sure would tell you how to format it21:15
SubCoolhttp://www.kubuntuforums.net/archive/index.php/t-56476.html - they mentioned it..21:16
ubuntu-studiodaftykins thanks21:18
chachanguys, which kernel modules are needed to work with VPN?21:20
chachanusing vpnc, to be more specific21:20
ActionParsnipchachan: network drivers. the vpn is software and handled by network manager21:23
bibi23hi, I'm trying to allow remote connection from a given ip to my mysql database, after making changes in my mysql configuration and realized it didn't work, I'm wondering if the connection isn't refused at another level (networking), maybe port 3306 isn't accessible, when I do "telnet server-ip 3306" I'm getting a connection refused message.21:23
jaterbibi23: cry me a river21:24
chachanActionParsnip, hm that shouldn't be a problem. But I'm having this one http://askubuntu.com/questions/340508/vpn-connection-problem-with-vpnc21:24
ActionParsnipbibi23: did youbrestart the service to apply the new settings21:24
zykotick9bibi23: <ot> i'd say any "remote" database connection is a bad idea...</ot>21:24
bibi23ActionParsnip: yes, restarted after applying21:25
ActionParsnipchachan: what is the oyutput of: cat /etc/issue21:26
compdocbibi23, you should read the mysql logs in /var/log/mysql/21:27
ActionParsnipzykotick9: can be useful. Easy managing of sql21:27
chachanActionParsnip, Ubuntu 13.0421:27
compdocyou have to gzip the newest one21:27
ActionParsnipbibi23: ask in #mysql as well21:27
chachanActionParsnip, on amd6421:27
=== bartbr is now known as tioVagner
chachanbibi23, are you sure serving for remote connections?, try with: netstat -an | grep 3306 # from server21:29
ActionParsnipchachan: is the endpoint a cisco system?21:30
xapkimse var  mı?21:30
bibi23chachan: it's showing this line "tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN", I've put in mysql conf instead of remote server ip for testing21:31
chachanActionParsnip, I need connect to a cisco VPN, but I'm not sure what type of system it is. That connection works great for me but have no idea what crashed it21:32
daftykinsbibi23: you've ruled out firewall i take it21:32
ActionParsnip!bug 116928321:33
ubottubug 1169283 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Recent Update broke Cisco-VPN connection" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116928321:33
SubCoolcan someone explain to me why my computers are responding to their hostames?21:33
SubCoolmaybe one of them.. -21:33
ActionParsnipsubcool: computers should do that.....right?21:35
bibi23ActionParsnip: so you think it  has nothing to do with ubuntu and I should ask in mysql?21:35
SubCoolActionParsnip, that is one of the points of a hostname isnt it?21:36
ActionParsnipbibi23: someone in there may have configured the same in Ubuntu and have a pointer or two21:36
Shakazdoes ubtunu work via legacy boot?21:36
Shakazif i was to install it21:36
ActionParsnipsubcool: netbios names make communication between systems easier for humans21:36
ActionParsnipshakaz: what is 'legacy boot'?21:37
SubCoolActionParsnip, isnt that kinda the same?21:38
ActionParsnipsubcool: same difference, yes21:38
SubCoolid rather stick to Linux/Unix operations.. - not Windows.21:39
SubCooleverything im reading refers to netbios as Windows..21:39
=== michael is now known as Guest88803
ActionParsnipsubcool: hostnames and netbios are not windowsbspecific21:40
SubCoolthe few guides im reading shows netbios names to be assocaited with windows particulars21:40
SubCoolcifs, winbind etc21:40
MonkeyDustSubCool  but windows is the MainStream for the desktop (kind of)21:40
bekksSubCool: You want to read about DNS21:40
SubCoolthat i dont mind21:41
SubCoolif DNS will fix it- sure..21:41
SubCoolbut- im really trying to keep away from Windows21:41
ActionParsnipsubcool: netbios was made in 83. wasnt put into windows til 8521:41
ShakazActionParsnip, idk. but when i try UEFI, my USB drive isn't recognised and it only gets recognised when i change to legacy21:41
SubCoolevery guide i've come across mention windows smb stuff to amke netbios work. meanwhile.. my Hostname files isnt doing it.21:41
ActionParsnipsubcool: its a defacto standard and not windows specific21:42
Shakazbut will ubuntu install in a GPT disk?21:42
Shakazor does it have to be MBR21:42
SubCoolActionParsnip, i know what your saysing.. i coulda sworn it was apart of Novel and such.. or something21:42
daftykinsubuntu 12.04 and newer will install in UEFI mode to a GPT disk21:42
SubCoolbut- everything im searching comes back as windows stuff.21:42
rabidmonkeyHi, I'm trying to install Kindle for PC v-1.10.6 onto my Ubuntu 12.10 laptop using WINE version 1.4.1. When I do it seems to install fine but then when it tries to automatically run the program after installation it runs into this error message http://pastebin.com/0qngv0Sp21:43
ActionParsnipsubcol: 86 novell netware 2.0 has it21:43
SubCoolone of my 4 machines respond to their hostname21:43
SubCoolmy freenas server use to.. not anymore21:43
ActionParsnipsubcool: you'll find people use windows as an example because admins can relate to it21:43
zykotick9rabidmonkey: you might want to try #winehq for wine specific questions21:43
SubCoolwell yeah, windows is #1 for users21:43
SubCooli keep pushing people to apply in my dialy practice21:44
daftykinsnobody serious relies on hostnames.21:44
rabidmonkeythx zykotick921:44
ActionParsnipsubcool: do they respond to ip? maybe dns is failing or they havent published a name to your dhcp server (most likely your home grade router)21:44
SubCooldaftykins, yeah, i know- im jjust aggitated cause o fmy router. my ip's keep changing, and i cant assign them. Not really without issues atleast. So- puttin gin my FStab a HOSTNAMe would make it work. but nope..21:45
SubCoolActionParsnip, yeah, theey respodne to IP- but.. my ips keep changing21:45
ActionParsnipdaftykins: sure they do. how do you think email clients function....?21:45
daftykinsActionParsnip: i'm talking LAN based here :P21:45
SubCoolFor instance my Freenas server is usually on .2.4 - but occasionly it ends up on 6 or 8.21:45
daftykinsSubCool: you can set static IPs, there is absolutely no need for the router to support static leases just to allow that.21:45
daftykinsin fact, i advise against DHCP leasing21:46
SubCooldaftykins, yea- i know.. but sometimes the router messes it up and DHCP's an address to someone tablet or something21:46
bibi23ActionParsnip: mysql guys told me that if I telnet to the port mysql is listening to, even tough my mysql configuration is wrong, I should have mysql responding, but connection refused means it is blocked by a firewall or something before mysql21:46
daftykinsSubCool: well you keep DHCP open for mobile devices of course, but why aren't you running PCs and the NAS on static?21:46
SubCoolmaybe i should just assing my machines to addresses further in on the ip range..21:46
SubCooldaftykins, im trying.. thats the problem21:47
SubCooli have a crappy ISP router..21:47
Shakazdoes anyone know?21:47
SubCooland sooner or later imma run a VPN21:47
daftykinsSubCool: yes, the way to do it is to modify the DHCP scope to (for example) then allow the static devices to exist in the gap afterwards - e.g. .101 - .25421:47
Shakazwill ubuntu install on a GPT disk or does it have to be MBR?21:47
daftykinsShakaz: i already answered this above21:48
SubCooldaftykins, yeah, now that we have been tlaking about it- thats what i was thinking21:48
daftykinsubuntu 12.04 and newer will install in UEFI mode to a GPT disk21:48
Shakazdaftykins, it would help if you could highlight me.there are about 10 conversations going on.21:48
Shakazdaftykins what about legacy/GPT?21:48
daftykinsShakaz: it would help if you paid more attention.21:48
daftykinspro tip - do not tell helpers what to do.21:49
SubCooldaftykins, i just kinda prefer my hostnames thing worked.. :/21:49
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:49
Shakazdaftykins, problem is. when i enable UEFI setting in BIOS, it doesn't recognise my USB to boot21:49
daftykins'fast boot' disabled?21:49
tableshow do i do full disk encryption on ubuntu from the set up?  i have the 12.04 cd21:49
SubCoolk- well i have normal work to d- so il catch u guy later21:50
Shakazit's a scaled down BIOS from SONY daftykins, it's not the regular bios. but secureboot is disabled.21:50
daftykinstables: i saw you ask this earlier, i'm sure there are plenty of guides and documentation on the ubuntu site to be had21:50
tablesi can't find any21:50
daftykinsShakaz: so there's no 'fast boot' option?21:50
tablescan you help me?21:50
tablesi tried google already21:50
daftykinsso the whole internet has no single guide on encryption with ubuntu?21:50
Shakaznot one that I can see daftykins21:51
daftykinsShakaz: how did you make your USB flash drive up, with which ubuntu also?21:51
tablesdaftykins: not from the set up livecd21:52
gordonjcpdaftykins: a quick google suggests there is lots of information about using full disk encryption on Ubuntu21:52
ActionParsniptables: its part of the install process as an option. just dont encrypt swap21:53
Shakazno daftykins, i made it a bootable media with one of the programs on windows 7 (my other pc)21:53
daftykinsShakaz: i meant which ubuntu is on it? which program did you use then? unetbootin has issues with making UEFI boot drives21:54
daftykinsShakaz: "One of the programs" is pretty vague21:56
daftykinsah ok21:56
Shakazthe bootable USB isn't recognised when i set it to UEFI21:57
Shakazonly gets recognised when it's in legacy mode21:57
Shakazso i'm wondering whether ubuntu will install in legacy and on GPT drive21:57
Shakazor do I have unpartition all the drives on windows 8 (effectively remove windows 8) and hope to god that by converting it to MBR and using legacy it works?21:58
daftykinsShakaz: does this system have USB3 and USB2 ports? you're trying the 2 only yeah?21:58
Shakazi'll call up my manufacturer later on tommorow21:58
Shakazi've tried all the USB ports on the device.21:58
daftykinscold booting also?21:58
Shakazcold booting? i havent heard of that before21:59
daftykinspower up from off21:59
daftykinsversus keeping a system on and say, trying repeatedly to boot with ctrl+alt+del22:00
ActionParsnipshakaz: pressing the power button to turn on the system is a cold boot. a warm boot is when you tell your OS to reboot the system22:00
Shakazoh ok i've done that before.22:01
Shakazyes i've done cold booting, it just won't recognise the usb device unless it's a legacy boot22:01
Shakazand for some reason I have GPT drives22:01
Shakazwhen on my other device from the same manufacturer (same HDD size) i have MBR drives22:02
daftykinsShakaz: did you say it was a Sony? they're real pains in the ass. have you checked for any 'BIOS' (BIOS/UEFI) updates?22:02
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Shakazit is.22:04
mr-richUbuntu 13.04 on System76 Gazelle. Launched FireFox a second screen via HDMI and tried to full screen a video ... it went full screen on my laptop, not the TV ... How do I tell FF or whatever to full screen on the TV?22:04
Extreminadorguys i have mess with a option in compiz and now i can´t see any menu on desktop...22:04
Shakazhttp://www.sony.co.uk/support/en/product/SVF1421C5E/updates daftykins can you find one?22:04
Extreminadorhow can i move back ?22:04
Shakazi certainly can't22:04
Extreminadorforget i got it... i set up a terminal22:05
ActionParsnipmr-rich: does it do the same with all browsers?22:06
daftykinsShakaz: if you installed ubuntu in legacy mode beside, win8 i assume? you'd be able to use it but likely you'd have to go into the BIOS and switch UEFI boot off and on to switch OS each time22:06
daftykinsi've seen people do that in here. heh.22:06
mr-richActionParsnip: no ... Chrome will full screen to the TV, but the audio/video is not synced ...22:07
Ca11umHow can I install Adobe Flash for FireFox on Ubuntu 13.04?22:08
mr-richActionParsnip: on FF, the audio/video is synced ...22:08
Extreminadorguys is there any command to make force compiz use the default options ?22:08
ActionParsnipmr-rich: did firefox start on the tv?22:09
_krambiorixhi guys, how can i put more padding between the icons  in the top panel?22:09
ActionParsnipextreminador: try renaming ~/.config/compiz and restart compiz22:09
ActionParsnipca11um: install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:11
ExtreminadorActionParsnip will try22:11
mr-richActionParsnip: I launced FF on the TV ...22:11
mr-richActionParsnip: first, I closed it on the laptop screen and re-opened it on the TV screen ...22:12
mr-richActionParsnip: twice22:12
ActionParsnipmr-rich: is the tv set as the primary display?22:12
mr-richActionParsnip: no ... is that under display settings?22:13
ActionParsnipmr-rich: not sure. worth a look22:13
ActionParsnipmr-rich: its a thing in windows. maybe ubuntu has similar. i dont use multimonitor in ubuntu. i have 1 screen for 4 systems22:14
Ca11umActionParsnip, a GUI license agreement has appeared for ttf-mscorefonts-installer, but I cannot select <Ok>22:14
SachUbuntun 12.04 keeps freezing on me.  Can I identify the cause of this somehow by generating a report in the terminal??22:14
ActionParsnipca11um: use tab and enter22:14
Ca11umAh thanks22:14
ActionParsnipsach: test ram using memtest86 from grub22:15
confusedfluffyHey, Ubuntu 13.04 can't find a network configuration at all, I've tried editing my network interfaces, removing the delay on finding it, but it still isn't working. Anyone had this problem?22:15
_krambiorixhi guys, how can i put more padding between the icons  in the top panel?22:15
GalaxorHi.  After installing grub with grub-install, it still boots to windows 8 and doesn't go to grub.  Meanwhile, update-grub fails to detect windows 8.  This is all using efi (no secure boot enabled), and gpt.22:15
ExtreminadorActionParsnip i think it not work.. but i am rebooting22:15
Extreminadoryehh did not work :(22:16
haseo_hey everybody.22:16
Extreminadorlet me check if i can open the window of compiz22:16
Andy397Hi guys, Sorry to ask such a stupid question but I've just booted from an Ubuntu live CD and it's asking for a username and password. Looked it up and it says use "ubuntu" & "blank" but that doesn't work. Any ideas please?22:17
SachActionPArsnip: you mean "sudo chmod +x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+" from terminal?22:17
confusedfluffyHey, Ubuntu 13.04 can't find a network configuration at all, I've tried editing my network interfaces, removing the delay on finding it, but it still isn't working. Anyone had this problem?22:18
haseo_i need help connecting to the internet with ubuntu. a wireless internet connection actually.22:18
ActionParsnipsach: no. hold shift at boot and select memtest22:18
haseo_its not connecting at all. with windows xp it works22:18
mr-richActionParsnip: I just put the tv on top of the laptop monitor in settings and that did what I wanted ... thanks ...22:19
daftykinshaseo_: what wireless device do you have?22:19
ExtreminadorActionParsnip removing compiz22:19
haseo_um im not sure.22:19
ActionParsnipandy397: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and run: passwd ubuntu22:19
ActionParsnipandy397: then press CTRL+ALT+F7 and log in22:20
ActionParsnipextreminador: how will that help?22:20
confusedfluffyHey, Ubuntu 13.04 can't find a network configuration at all, I've tried editing my network interfaces, removing the delay on finding it, but it still isn't working. Anyone had this problem?22:20
ActionParsnipmr-rich: not bad for a guess22:21
Extreminadorlol ActionParsnip it seems on nothing22:21
haseo_daftykins: im not sure. ill look it up.22:21
ActionParsnipextreminador: the configs are in $HOME and are not changed when you remove compiz. So removing and reinstalling compiz changes nothing22:22
Andy397ActionParsnip, Thanks mate. "Ctr+Alt+F1" = Row after row of "Authentication failure"? There is no cursor to input a pword.22:22
ActionParsnipandy397: try hitting enter a few times, or ALT+CTRL+F222:23
Extreminadoryehh ActionParsnip now i know that22:23
ActionParsnipextreminador: there will be guides all over. Or ask in #compiz22:24
Andy397ActionParsnip: All of them are the same except for the gui x22:24
Extreminadorthere is a compix channel nice22:24
ActionParsnipandy397: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloadedñ22:24
jaterIs it normal I sleep with my eyes closed?22:24
ActionParsnipjater: very22:24
oiawis there a lightweight ubuntu version with the unity interface? thanks22:25
SachActionParsnip: http://picpaste.com/DSC02650-49fxRcD3.JPG22:25
ActionParsnipoiaw: if you run compiz as a standaline wm younwill get a light-ish OS22:25
haseo_daftykins: i found out what kind of wireless adapters i have22:25
ActionParsnipoiaw: standalone*22:25
Fyodorovnaoiaw, not  from canonical22:25
daftykinshaseo_: yeah?22:25
Andy397ActionParsnip: MD5 test? Sorry mate but what does that mean?22:26
pacerhi can someone can give me a working server for linknet please22:26
pacernot ssl22:26
ActionParsnip!md5 | andy39722:26
ubottuandy397: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:26
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Andy397ActionParsnip: I'll go check it out. Thanks again mate.22:27
haseo_daftykins: its 3 actually.i have a 1394 Net Adapter #6, Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx  Gigabit Controller #2, and a Dell wireless 1490 dual band Wlan Mini-card22:27
ActionParsnipsach397: let it run a while. if you get no errors then you can isolate ram issues as not the cause of the issue22:27
daftykinshaseo_: does your wired connection work?22:29
haseo_daftykins: yes that works. but i prefer not to use it.22:29
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daftykinshaseo_: indeed, it's just the method by which to get internet access to fix your issue22:30
daftykinshaseo_: run the commands in the second post here whilst connected with a network cable: http://askubuntu.com/questions/139168/dell-1390-wireless-bcm4311-ubuntu-12-04-no-wireless-icon-in-unity22:30
zykotick9oiaw: unity and "lightweight" don't go together ;)22:31
c4iffordSo help.ubuntu.com shows that in the wireless config tutorial that are /etc/init.d/wpa.sh files needed by wpa_supplicant which I have installed but those files are not there22:32
haseo_daftykins: i need to be running ubuntu right. for this? im running windows xp right now.22:32
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daftykinshaseo_: yep22:34
confusedfluffyHey, Ubuntu 13.04 can't find a network configuration at all, I've tried editing my network interfaces, removing the delay on finding it, but it still isn't working. Anyone had this problem? Also, it is saying my eth0 is *-network disabled, how do I reenable it?22:34
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ActionParsnipconfusedfluffy: does the interface have a driver module loaded for it?22:35
haseo_daftykins: oh ok. thank you ill see how it goes.22:35
confusedfluffyActionParsnip: I don't know, how would I find out?22:36
ActionParsnipconfusedfluffy: sudo lshw -C network22:36
ActionParsnipconfusedfluffy: if it doesnt have a driver loaded then its pointless setting IPs22:37
paceranyone ?22:37
confusedfluffyActionParsnip: According to this eth0 is loading and 'working' and then there is a eth1 which is disabled,they both have driver=r816922:38
c4iffordSo can anyone confirm or deny that there is an issue with mixmode WPA2-PSK encyrption, i've been fighting this issue all day to no avail22:38
c4iffordI'm running 12.04 stable and i've tried just about everything to get this adapter to work22:39
daftykinsc4ifford: if it's WPA2 what do you mean by mixed mode?22:41
c4ifforddaftykins: the PSK extention22:42
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c4ifforddaftykins: or just WPA2 in general, can't seem to get it working22:43
daftykinspre shared key conveys nothing of mixed modes22:43
confusedfluffyActionParsnip: Any ideas?22:43
c4ifforddaftykins: I've tried to connect via network manager, and through wric , now going through trying to find the options to do it manually form the configs22:44
daftykinswhat settings are your router/AP using?22:45
Clearcoat_Beninstalled Ubuntu 12.04, but OS selection screen not coming up when starting, goes straight to W7. If I hit F12 to select boot options it only lists the main disk which resorts to W7. Any ideas?22:45
c4ifforddaftykins: wpa2-psk with AES22:45
c4ifforddaftykins: I removed network manager trying to follow one of the guides that had stated that it was an issue with the way wpasupplicant sent the info22:46
c4ifforddaftykins: it would see the AP, and attempt to connect and just time out every time22:47
daftykinsi'm sure there are lots of people out there running wireless with that config22:48
daftykinsif they understand security...22:48
c4ifforddaftykins: agreed, and i've had every flavor of unix connected without any issue until now22:49
zykotick9c4ifford: my /etc/network/interfaces with WPA2 (nothing else) with static (if you want DHCP, just uncomment line 2 and comment lines 3-8 at http://paste.ubuntu.com/6056954/22:49
c4iffordzykotick9: and that's all I should need? the help guide I'm reading says something abou wpa_supplicant having config settings and some init scripts as well22:50
zykotick9c4ifford: you need wpasupplicant for that to work!22:50
c4iffordzykotick9: correct, it's installed22:51
c4iffordzykotick9: i haven't configured anythign though22:51
zykotick9c4ifford: i don't think you need to.  i don't do anything but install it, then use that interfaces file.22:51
c4iffordzykotick9: Ok let me give this a whirl22:52
szymon_ghow can i generate Xorg.conf file? X -configure (while xorg is off) doesn't seem to generate proper one22:52
zykotick9szymon_g: are you using nvidia?  why do you need one?22:53
c4iffordzykotick9: actually one quick thing, do I need to generate wpa_passphrase? or do I just take my PSK and stick it in?22:53
Marleneei run my programme in background bt using at the end of the command "&" after i log out my session on my server i log in again and i see the programme is not running and its shutdown ??????22:53
haseo_im back.22:53
hanranHi there  everyone :)22:53
zykotick9c4ifford: that depends on your wireless router/ap/etc - i don't know.22:54
daftykinsMarlenee: sure because you logged out...22:54
bekksMarlenee: Thats intended. & puts a program in the background of the job queue of the running shell. No running shell anymore, no backgound process. If you want to put it into backgound and detach it from the shell, use nohup cmd &22:54
hanranHas anyone here ever used OCRfeeder?22:55
Marleneedaftykins : i need to run it in back ground even if i logout22:55
haseo_daftykins: im on ubuntu right now installing the things i needed. what do i do now?22:55
bekksMarlenee: Then use nohup cmd &22:55
szymon_gzykotick9, i'm using laptop with intel and nvidia graphics card. i wanna to use both of them with custom kernel22:55
Marleneewhat is nohup cmd &   ???22:56
bekksMarlenee: a shell command to run cmd even if you close the connection.22:56
daftykinsMarlenee: then either daemon-ise it, or run it with something like screen22:57
Marleneei know how to do that in screen but i dont like to use it because screen make my server is very slow and take alot of memory22:58
Marleneeyou can tell me how to daemon-ise it ??22:58
bekksMarlenee: screen uses just a few megabytes of RAM. I strongly suspect screen is causing your server to be slow.22:59
Marleneejust sec23:00
justin__when i try to install ubuntu i get the following errors: "error: failure reading sectore 0x4f500 from 'cd0'." and " 0.323258] Kernal panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) "23:00
bekksjustin__: your installation cd is corrupted.23:00
Marleneebekks : i will show you pic from htop when i use screen23:00
justin__the md5sum is good though, and its like the third CD i've tried23:00
bekksjustin__: but the cd is broken - or the drive even.23:01
wilee-nileejustin__, how fast are you burning23:01
justin__as slow as i can 3x23:01
wilee-nileejustin__, No usb"?23:01
justin__when i burn a cd for chakra linux or fedora it works23:01
justin__wilee-nilee: I guess I'll try a usb23:02
justin__if you guys really think its the cd drive23:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:02
wilee-nileejustin__, I have had the md5 be right and still be messed up.23:02
zykotick9szymon_g: honestly, hybrid graphics is something i know basically nothing about...  i don't have the h/w.  best of luck.  FYI, i hope you've looked into bumblebee and it's alternatives.  for a regular nvidia xorg.conf, using "sudo nvidia-xconfig" should generate a valid one, but for hybrid - I HAVE NO IDEA HOW IT WORKS.  best of luck.23:02
justin__wilee-nilee: the iso be messed up?23:03
wilee-nileejustin__, Yes.23:03
Marleneebekks : see this pic -  http://imagebin.org/26960223:03
wilee-nileensrare but it happem23:03
justin__wilee-nilee: so should I not use the same iso on a flash drive? and instead find somewhere else to download another iso?23:03
wilee-nileejustin__, I would change the iso to the torrent name and check it with a torrent app23:04
bekksMarlenee: So whats the output of "lsb_release -a; uname -a; screen -v"?23:04
zykotick9szymon_g: fyi, [don't worry about it!] but using nvidia-xconfig isn't the "greatest" thing in the world to use, there are some "bugs" with it.  but it has always WFM.23:04
wilee-nileeor just download it again it is hard to say what is going on, the one I had with a bad md5 was finew same download same place on another justin__23:05
justin__wilee-nilee: i downloaded it with a torrent23:05
wilee-nileejustin__, Hard to say it just is not working, there may be know known actual answer, things happen.23:06
szymon_gzykotick9, thanx :/. I was also going to include the better settings for touchpad23:06
justin__wilee-nilee: i guess i was just wondering if there was something wrong with my partitions or grub or bios or something that was messing it up23:07
justin__wilee-nilee: I'll try a flash drive :/ I hope it works23:07
Marleneebekks : here is  -  see this pic -  http://imagebin.org/26960223:08
Marleneebekks : sorry this one     -  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6056997/23:08
wilee-nileejustin__, Where did you get the torrent link?23:09
bekksMarlenee: Thats a virtual private server, isnt it?23:09
zykotick9szymon_g: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory?  if so, i might be able to put the two separate (1 nvidia, 1 touchpad) in there somehow, and that would be the "closest" to right answer that i'm aware of... but best of luck, hopefully you'll figure it all out.23:09
Marleneebekks : yes23:09
zykotick9s/i might/you might/,23:09
justin__wilee-nilee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu the official website23:10
szymon_gzykotick9, no directory like that :<23:10
bekksMarlenee: so how much RAM (according to htop) is the process inside screen using?23:10
zykotick9szymon_g: ummmm... well, i got nothing further to suggest.  best of luck!23:11
Marleneebekks : 2816 MB RAM23:11
szymon_gah, i've got it. /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics23:11
wilee-nileejustin__, You could try a mini download and do a net install as well.23:12
bekksMarlenee: So you have another problem rather than screen using your memory - its the application you are running.23:12
szymon_gindeed :)23:13
Marleneebekks : i show you that when i just start the screen and i dont run in thing inside it  thats why i dont like to use screen !!23:13
zykotick9szymon_g: for nvidia you might be able to use something like this: echo -e 'Section "Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver "nvidia"\nEndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf23:13
chalcedonyi have a ubuntu computer 13.04 that won't let me ssh into it, i can ssh out. i want to wrk on it remotely?23:15
Trelare there any editions of ubuntu that do not require PAE?23:15
zykotick9Trel: (i could be wrong) but i don't think so.  i believe debian still has a non-PAE option.23:16
wilee-nileeTrel, You can use the mini on any.23:16
zykotick9Trel: or is there a way to disable PAE on ubuntu somehow?23:17
wilee-nileeTrel, The pae's are on the downloads is all, the mini is a net install will work.23:18
snake_hello. Brasero has this bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=549272 too. and I was wondering if there was a program that could do what this bug report describes.23:19
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 549272 in brasero "No way to burn across multiple disks" [Medium,Closed: wontfix]23:19
wilee-nileesnake_, What OS are you running?23:20
snake_wilee-nilee, Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit.23:20
bekkssnake_: So which version of brasero do you use on which Ubuntu version?23:20
Marleneebekks :  how to daemon-ise applicaton instead of using screen command ???23:20
bekksMarlenee: nohup cmd &23:20
snake_bekks brasero 3.4.123:21
=== Nisstyre-laptop is now known as Nisstyre
Marleneebekks :  man page "nohup" provide no option just the command23:23
Trelwilee-nilee: this is for an older laptop, I can't use wired for the net install.23:23
bekksMarlenee: it needs no option. Just replace "cmd" with your command you want to run.23:24
Marleneehow i bring it to foreground to see the application work and result and bing it back to background23:24
wilee-nileesnake_, THe only thing I notice is how old that bug report is and the OS it mentions is not even supported, nor ubuntu, file a bug with ubuntu on your problem.23:24
zykotick9bekks: does nohup and & on the same command make sence?23:24
snake_wilee-nilee, I'm currently having this issue, and I need to know if there is a way to fix it or if there is another program that will do this.23:25
Marleneebekks : ?23:25
bekksMarlenee: Thats not possible. You cannot see any output, unless you make your command log everything. Or you just "tail -f nohup.out"23:25
bekksMarlenee: At least gimme the time to answer...23:25
bekkszykotick9: Sure, it sends nohup to the background :)23:25
zykotick9Marlenee: <i don't see you> but you might want to check out screen or tmux, for keeping things running in the background - that you can re-open/interact with.23:26
Marleneecheck that -    nohup cmd > output.txt &23:26
TrelSo there's no way to install it on this laptop it doesn't look like.  Only thing I could find was lubuntu and xbuntu in version 12 were non-pae, but now they're not anymore.23:26
Marleneebekks : ^^23:26
bekksMarlenee: Nope.23:26
wilee-nileeTrel, The mini will instal, do a net install.23:26
bekksMarlenee: nohup produces the nohup.out logfile without any further options.23:26
wilee-nileeTrel, I don't believe you have to have pae kernels on any release.23:27
Marleneebekks : if i perform it like that -    nohup cmd > output.txt &   so it willnot work23:27
bekksMarlenee: Correct. And it is not needed. nohup produces the nohup.out logfile.23:28
Marleneebekks : nohup just use one file to save the log !23:28
Trelwilee-nilee: how then would I install them....I couldn't even use the non-live install option from lubuntu.  Wired install is not an option.23:28
bekksMarlenee: I know. nohup produces the nohup.out logfile...23:29
Marleneebekks : what if i want to run 3 command using no hup and save the output it may be miss with output ???23:29
wilee-nileeTrel, The mini install, which by the way if you ndaon;t know what that is say so.23:29
bekksMarlenee: Then you have to run three nohup cmd & instances. And please dont abuse your ., ! and ? keys.23:29
Marleneebekks : its just one file in nohup.out23:29
snake_wilee-nilee, nevermind that last message. I do not need to fix the bug in brasero. is there another application that you might recommend that can burn a lot of data onto multiple discs23:30
wilee-nileeTrel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:31
Marleneebekks : if i run it 3 time instance the output is still in same one output file no 3 output file23:31
Trelwilee-nilee: Wired install is not an option.23:31
wilee-nileeTrel, Then you are stuck.23:32
bekksMarlenee: Then run your three nohups from three different directories.23:33
altaco /msg NickServ identify jpg57123:34
snake_wilee-nilee, I am asking in #opensource :) they might have a recommendation :P23:34
socrates_johnsonhello, I would like to install ubuntu from a usb in legacy/bios mode, but I can only boot the usb as uefi. Any suggestions?23:36
daftykinssocrates_johnson: most BIOS/UEFI setups list boot devices twice, once for legacy and once for UEFI. do you not see this behaviour?23:36
MrObviousQuestion. My work uses EAP-FAST. I can't seem to get it working with Network Manager.23:37
MrObviousBut I can configure it manually with just wpa_supplicant.23:37
MrObviousI have the entries ssid, key_mgmt=WPA_EAP, eap=FAST, identity="username", password="password", phase1="fast_provisioning=3" and pac_file="/tmp/wpa_supplicant.pac".23:37
socrates_johnsondaftykins: if I use a cd/dvd I see two listings, but booting from usb only results in one listing23:37
MrObviousHow would I configure it on 13.04?23:37
daftykinssocrates_johnson: interesting, could be worth writing a CD/DVD23:37
MrObvioushttp://askubuntu.com/questions/179435/problem-connecting-to-eap-fast-wireless It's similar to this.23:38
socrates_johnsondaftykins: I can do that, but, longer-term, I was planning to replace the disk drive with an ssd so I was just wondering how that would go in the future23:38
socrates_johnsondaftykins: do "most people" just have gpt disks and do uefi installs now?23:39
daftykinssocrates_johnson: it's becoming the forced-norm due to the way laptops coming with Windows 8 are going, yeah23:39
socrates_johnsondaftykins: okay, thanks. can you still just do partitioning with gparted, etc.? i've just avoided the gpt/uefi things until now23:40
daftykinssocrates_johnson: i'm not sure that gparted can handle GPT stuff23:41
snake_wilee-nilee, I'm going to try imgburn23:41
snake_I used this site to find some alts but they need to support multiple disks http://alternativeto.net/software/brasero/?platform=linux&license=free23:41
reveldevelany way to access logs of this channel from 13:19 today? ...to avoid asking question again; was disconnected before i got a response...23:43
reveldevelor can copy/paste...23:44
socrates_johnsondaftykins: okay interesting, is there an equivalent graphical tool you would recommend?23:44
chalcedonyi have a ubuntu computer 13.04 that won't let me ssh into it, i can ssh out. i want to wrk on it remotely?23:45
chalcedonycan someone help please?23:46
daftykinssocrates_johnson: i've no further experience i'm afraid, i might even be remembering wrong - might be worth looking up gparted and GPT support online23:46
socrates_johnsondaftykins: okay, i'll look into it further. thank you for your input!23:46
daftykinsnp :)23:46
zykotick9socrates_johnson: ahhh, just to be clear, gpt and uefi are separate things!  i use gpt (for 3TB+ support), but i don't have any uefi hardware...23:47
haseo_i tried connecting to my wireless internet connection and it doesnt work. ive already installed the drivers and also did the terminal command.23:49
daftykinshaseo_: hello again, how did it go?23:50
haseo_daftykins: not working -.-23:51
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daftykinshaseo_: you were able to run those commands ok?23:52
reveldevelneed help resetting login key ring password to match new (reset from admin) user account password23:53
haseo_daftykins:  yes the commands ran without any problems.23:53
daftykinshaseo_: nothing appeared on the network manager icon at all to show wireless was there?23:54
reveldevelyesterday i reset my user account password from admin account, due to being locked out. while i have regained access to the user account at large, i have not regained access to the password file and some sudo actions.23:54
reveldevelany help is appreciated23:54
zykotick9reveldevel: if you run "groups" in a terminal, does it show sudo?23:55
socrates_johnsonzykotick9: thank you, i admittedly don't entirely understand all of the details. i have uefi hardware, but i've been installing things in legacy mode until now23:55
zykotick9socrates_johnson: i just wanted you to be aware that gpt has nothing to do, with the uefi stuff (which i know nothing about).  ;)23:56
haseo_daftykins: what kind of icon? right now i see two arows going in oposite directions cause im using a wired internet connection23:56
daftykinshaseo_: yep left clicking on that, do you see a tick beside 'wireless' ?23:56
socrates_johnsonzykotick9: i appreciate that. i've been trying to make my default gpt (with uefi) windows laptop behave like the mbr (with legacy bios) systems i'm more comfortable with, but next time i reformat i guess i'll "modernize" or whatever23:58
zykotick9socrates_johnson: gpt replace MSDOS partition type, which has 2 cool benefits: 1) support for large disks 3TB+ stuff & 2) no 4 primary partition limit, just nice sda sdb sdc sdd sde etc. ;)23:59
haseo_daftykins: it doesnt say wireless at all. it just says wired connection 1, disconnect, VPN connections, enable networking ( with a check next to it.) connection info and edit connections.23:59
MrObviousAny EAP folks here?23:59

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