
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: The reason the kdenlive docbook doesn't work is because the index.docbook file is gzipped. (index.docbook.gz) I used gunzip on it and the documentation is fine. Bug #1219476 03:36
ubottubug 1219476 in kdenlive (Ubuntu) "Kdenlive: Help->docbook gives page not found." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121947603:36
OvenWerk1I tried looking through the package to see how to fix it, but I don't understand the make process well enough. The source is not zipped.03:38
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, OK03:38
micahgOvenWerk1: you want a meta upload for beta 1?03:40
OvenWerk1if you could... it can wait till .04 if it has to... but it is a bug. I should make one for it I guess :)03:41
OvenWerk1micahg: ^^03:41
micahgOvenWerk1: have a bug?03:48
micahgotherwise I'll upload so your meta matches the seed03:49
OvenWerk1"collecting problem information" Give me a minute03:49
OvenWerk1Bug #121962503:53
ubottubug 1219625 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "kdenlive requires khelpcenter for documetation to work." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121962503:53
micahghrm :(03:53
micahgthat means there's a bug in kdenlive03:53
micahgoh, maybe ont03:54
OvenWerk1There is also a bug in kdenlive ( Bug #1219476 ) but that is different... 03:54
ubottubug 1219476 in kdenlive (Ubuntu) "Kdenlive: Help->docbook gives page not found." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121947603:54
OvenWerk1(could also be a problem with khelpcenter4)03:56
micahghrm, the help center is a recommends on several kde packages03:56
OvenWerk1And kdenlive should hope to be able to to run on a non-kde system.03:57
micahgI think the proper way to fix this would be to add the recommends on kdenlive03:59
OvenWerk1I should bug that too then. 03:59
OvenWerk1I should be able to do a merge branch, but the better thing would be in debian.03:59
micahgonce that's fixed, it can be dropped from the seed04:00
micahgyeah, Debian would be best04:00
OvenWerk1May be some time before it trickles down.04:00
micahgneeds a merge anyways04:00
micahgriddell touched it alst04:01
* smartboyhw is from Kubuntu, so let him fix that04:01
micahgwell, fix in Ubuntu in the next merge, file a Debian bug so it gets fixed there as well04:01
micahgyou should probably coordinate that with Kubuntu04:01
OvenWerk1That should just be Thankyou smartboyhw 04:01
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, sure04:01
smartboyhwFirst of all, I shall bug Debian04:01
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: in kubuntu this is probably not a bug :)  :P04:03
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, :P04:03
micahgwhy not?04:03
smartboyhwIt should be anyways04:03
OvenWerk1I would think khelpcenter4 is installed anyway.04:03
micahgOvenWerk1: you'll need to ask for the meta to be unblocked due to the freeze04:04
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, yep04:04
micahgyeah, but it's still a packaging bug04:04
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, you need to file an FFe.04:04
micahgfow which?04:04
OvenWerk1micahg: I can pull the last commit for seeds. Might be best if kdenlive is going to be fixed.04:05
micahglast commit?04:05
micahgI uploaded already04:05
micahgsmartboyhw: which thing needs an FFe?04:06
smartboyhwmicahg, the unblocking of the meta?04:06
micahgI'd venture to say it doesn't since it's just making the archive reflect what the ISOs already had pre-beta 1 freeze04:06
* smartboyhw does not know if it is a new feature or something04:06
micahgIn Xubuntu's case, we were adding something new that wasn't in the seed at all04:07
micahgIMHO, IANA release team member04:07
* OvenWerk1 was slack in reporting the bugs as he found them in daily testing.04:08
OvenWerk1I should have done them in order.04:08
smartboyhwHmm, it sounds like kdenlive isn't maintained by the Debian Qt/KDE maintainers team04:09
smartboyhwInstead, it is an individual maintainer04:10
* smartboyhw has to sync as many images as he can today to prepare for Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 testing04:10
OvenWerk1all the more why it should depend on what it needs and not expect it to be installed as part of a KDE install.04:10
micahgOvenWerk1: hrm, yeah, that probably should've been an FFe, I thought I remembered 3 things added to the seeds before freeze04:11
smartboyhwBugged Debian04:11
micahgsmartboyhw: you were right, I thought it was in there before04:12
smartboyhwmicahg, :)04:12
micahgOvenWerk1: please get the FFe approved before asking for it to be unblocked04:12
smartboyhwNo worries, we can just file it04:12
smartboyhw\o/ http://smartboyhwubuntu.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/season-of-kde/04:13
OvenWerk1micahg: I have been thinking of any work I have done since FF as for .04 .. I forgot the seeds go now.04:16
* micahg isn't sure what .04 is?04:16
* smartboyhw thinks OvenWerk1 means 13.0404:16
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, heh, I've been thinking too04:16
micahgoh, /me was wondering if it was 12.04.404:16
smartboyhwmicahg, we are trying to make Ubuntu Studio 14.04 FREAKING AWESOME04:16
smartboyhwOvenWerk1 is possibly going to do some GRUB development;)04:18
micahgI would think the Studio limited development resources would be best spent elsewhere04:18
smartboyhwmicahg, ?04:19
OvenWerk1micahg: now that we have the desktop (our part of it) working well, we want to make sure all of the apps we ship work. So Ihave been trying to do small projects with them all. More than just "does it start".04:20
micahgI don't see flavors in general needing to worry about grub04:20
micahgOvenWerk1: that's great04:20
OvenWerk1What we have done is enough for now. If I did more it would be outsdie of ubuntustudio.04:20
* smartboyhw works on offline docs and linux-rt for 14.04 LTS04:20
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, yeah04:21
OvenWerk1By that I mean for grub.04:21
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, we know:P04:24
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, please file the FFe:004:35
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: is there a web page on how?04:36
micahg!ffe | OvenWerk1 04:36
ubottuOvenWerk1: Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.04:36
smartboyhwDamn, I was typing the link manually:)P04:36
smartboyhwmicahg, where do you live, BTW? Seems different to grasp when your uptime is04:37
micahghehe, that's what everyone says, though, I've been on normal US time for the most part the past few months04:38
smartboyhwmicahg, OK04:38
* micahg heads to sleep04:38
OvenWerk1And I found it by google...04:38
OvenWerk1Good night04:38
smartboyhwGood night micahg 04:40
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwzequence-work, welcome!07:26
smartboyhwBack at work, eh?07:26
smartboyhwHey cub 07:30
cubHello smartboyhw 07:30
smartboyhwcub, can you zsync the Ubuntu Studio daily i386 (13.10) ISO now?07:30
smartboyhwSo you can be better prepared when Beta 1 testing starts;)07:30
cubyeah I would probably need to anyhow. My Saucy installation died on me on Friday.07:31
smartboyhwcub, -.-07:31
cubJust won't let me log in07:31
cubNo idea what broke it. Won't work after updates or reinstallation of packages.07:32
cubso, new iso.07:32
cubBeta 1 is on thursday?07:36
smartboyhwcub, yes07:36
smartboyhwcub, just zsync it down first, we can't report test results against the Beta 1 images07:36
smartboyhwAnd, we will have changes coming ( I think)07:36
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, infinity unblocked ubuntustudio-meta07:42
cubhmm how come zsync is not pre-installed? :D07:42
smartboyhwcub, it isn't 07:43
cubI know. But since everyone use it i thought it was strange is wasn't installed07:43
zequence-workcub: Ususally not being able to login is the result of a change in user settings07:45
zequence-workcub: Once I had accidentally transferred ownership of my home files to another user - which made me not have the right to read those files07:46
zequence-workwhat you can do when you don't know what the problem is - delete all files in the home folder, except those you want to keep07:46
zequence-worknext login should work fine and you get default user settings07:47
zequence-workto make changes to files, you need to boot in recovery mode. enable networking to make the file system writable. then do what you need to do, and reboot07:48
cubyeah, I read up on several solutions for login issues but so far nothing really helped. I've already put in like 10 times more time than it would take to reinstall, so I'm going windows on the laptp. Reinstall. ;)07:59
smartboyhwcub, WINDOWS?10:02
cubsmartboyhw,  the windows way of solving problems, reinstall. ;)10:45
smartboyhwcub, heh10:45
* smartboyhw reinstalls quite often actually10:45
zequence-workOvenWerk1: I'm a bit puzzled over the kdenlive bug11:00
zequence-workIT seems to have been fixed for the ubuntustudio meta, but not for the kdenlive package itself11:00
zequence-workIf I'm understanding the bug report correctly11:00
zequence-workGoing out, but I'll read the logs later11:02
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, I'm going to call for a merge of kdenlive, the bug got fixed11:24
smartboyhwAnd a new version in debian is out11:24
smartboyhwStill uploading though, so will take some time11:27
smartboyhw(I mean, in Debian side)11:27
* smartboyhw tests the amd64 daily iamge11:47
cubhmm installed saucy from daily and run the first apt-get update "ubuntustudio-video" has been kept back?12:03
zequencecub: dist-upgrade?12:04
smartboyhwcub, um, that's because we uploaded a new ubuntustudio-meta12:04
cubno just simple upgrade the first one12:04
cubthings are moving fast. :P12:04
zequencecub: Always do dist-upgrade12:04
zequenceupgrade is not the "normal" upgrade12:05
zequenceit's a gentle variant that won't remove files on your system if the upgrade requires it12:05
smartboyhwcub, zequence I think we will have a good enough Beta 1 for release:)12:06
cubit use a lot of RAM though ..hmm12:06
smartboyhwFrom the current daily, at least nothing's breaking12:06
cub"update-apt-xapi" is taking 97% of my cpu. After I have ran the upgrades.12:08
xequenceThe interview was good. I think I got the job. 13:29
OvenWerk1xequence: Sounds great!13:31
* OvenWerk1 is wondering which bug smartboy fixed13:32
xequenceOvenWerk1 Yep. Sun is shining. Feeling pretty awesome13:33
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: which of the two kdenlive bugs did you fix?14:05
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, I didn't fix anything, Debian did14:06
smartboyhwThe maintainer uploaded a new build14:06
smartboyhwI mean, the khelpcenter4 bug14:07
OvenWerk1Which one?14:07
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, the recommends14:07
OvenWerk1So it still might not work.14:07
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, ouch14:08
smartboyhwI don't know what the "second bug" is14:08
OvenWerk1Bug #121947614:09
ubottubug 1219476 in kdenlive (Ubuntu) "Kdenlive: Help->docbook gives page not found." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121947614:09
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, this we will have to directly bug upstream14:09
* smartboyhw reports14:10
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, I don't think a fix for this can go in to Beta 1.14:10
OvenWerk1Ya but if one of our users asks... they can at least fix it on their own system.14:11
OvenWerk1I am thinking more of .04 anyway14:11
OvenWerk1This second bug may be with khelpcenter anyway. It is possible it is supposed to be able to read gzipped files.14:16
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, http://www.kdenlive.org/mantis/view.php?id=315614:17
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: Thankyou14:37
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: I can find lots of documentation on what is inside the docbook files, but nothing as to what the files are and how they are stored. Nothing as to what files should appear in which directory and how they should appear. I am guessing it is normal to use some kind of tool to create the source and another to compile it.14:54
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, OK14:54
OvenWerk1That makes me wonder if khelp is what is broken or if kdenlive uses an older tool 14:54
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, khelpcenter is itself not broken14:55
smartboyhwSince I'm basically using it for my Season of KDE project -.-14:55
OvenWerk1but is it missing a feature it used to have?14:55
OvenWerk1the source docbook in kdenlive is correct. The gzip happens at compile or packaging time.14:57
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, I'm thinking of the location14:58
OvenWerk1the debian package has the same pproblem though it is a higher version15:05
micahgsmartboyhw: did you get the FFe approved before you asked for the unblock?15:34
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
smartboyhwmicahg, um, I didn't, but it's a release team member (infinity) who approved it..15:35
smartboyhwI was just asking if I need a FFe15:35
smartboyhwAnd he approved it -.-15:35
micahg[02:38] <smartboyhw> Ubuntu Release Team: Please unblock ubuntustudio-meta (uploaded by micahg)15:36
micahg[02:38] <smartboyhw> We need it in15:36
micahgthat's all I saw15:36
smartboyhwmicahg, there's another line15:36
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> Ubuntu Release Team: Please unblock ubuntustudio-meta (uploaded by micahg)15:36
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> We need it in15:36
smartboyhw<infinity> smartboyhw: Done.15:36
smartboyhw<smartboyhw> infinity, \o/ thanks15:36
micahgthat's called responding to an unblock request, not ACKing an FFe15:37
micahgthough release team usually doesn't care much if a flavour affects only itself15:37

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