
skellatmicahg: I'll FFe consent for Docs.  Please make sure to file a bug against xubuntu-docs so we remember to write something about gtk-theme-config in the 13.10 online documentation.00:13
micahgskellat: hrm?  doc freeze isn't for a while...00:14
micahg 2100:14
micahgSeptember 19th00:14
skellatmicahg: I meant Feature Freeze00:14
skellatSince that would really be a new feature on-image00:15
micahgFFe for gtk-theme-config?00:15
micahgmake it against xubuntu-meta and subscribe me please00:15
skellatAnd I'll consent as documentation00:15
skellatmicahg: LP Bug #121959200:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1219592 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Adding gtk-theme-config to desktop seed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121959200:24
Unit193skellat, knome: http://paste.openstack.org/show/GwJkok8M93DzaapXPQPc/02:20
skellatUnit193: Make sure you include a "Closes" for LP Bug #1219595 in the changelog if you commit and make a merge proposal 03:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1219595 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Verify mentions of pidgin-microblog are removed from documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121959503:58
skellatOf course, we also have LP Bug #1219593 to eventually deal with too04:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1219593 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Create documentation to ship in 13.10 for gtk-theme-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121959304:00
Unit193+gtk-theme-config does stuffs with themes04:00
Unit193Done. :---D04:00
skellatUnit193: More like do something to ease things with release team over LP Bug #121959204:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1219592 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Adding gtk-theme-config to desktop seed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121959204:05
skellatThankfully we didn't have pre-existing documentation to edit04:06
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
knomeUnit193, yeah, looks good08:36
knomeUnit193, we should see if that plugin affects fb too08:37
Unit193knome: It doesn't.18:02
knomeUnit193, ok, good19:03
Unit193(The Facebook plugin is shipped in pidgin-data, it's just xmpp.)19:11
knomei should probably update the slideshow then19:12
Unit193It says something about Twitter?19:14
Unit193I don't personally care about Twitter, Facebook, or Identi.ca (pump.io now)19:15
knomeor i think we mention twitter19:15
knomei need to double-check19:15
knomewant to do a merge proposal on your docs fix or should i just go ahead and fix it?19:16
knomeUnit193, fixed it, attributed to you19:22
knomeyyyup, we mention twitter in the slideshow.19:22
Unit193Eh, whatever works, it's just a simple fix.  Well, hopefully that's the last place we do. :P19:23
knomeok, both are pushed19:26
pleia2knome: these moderator requests are bothering my OCD, can we figure out what to do with ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org emails? :)20:00
knomepleia2, if you can copy/fw them to micahg, i'm fine with deleting them.20:02
knomewe should poke the website branch and stuff to include the license at some point20:03
knomeochosi, can you check if https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-s-artwork is accurate?20:04
knomeochosi, well mostly if the "new" greybird is already in20:04
knomeochosi, same if you know things about the -devel blueprint20:04
ali1234is there a blueprint for gtk3 indicators?20:52
knomeali1234, no, that's just a single work item20:58
knomeblueprints are to track broader stuff20:59
ali1234ok, micahg mentioned creating one the other day20:59
micahgknome: it needs a bunch of things to happen (package, stage, test, fix bugs)21:00
knomemicahg, "it"?21:00
micahggtk3 indicators21:00
knomemicahg, yep. but as i said later that evening, i kind of disagree more with the way the decision is made21:00
knomei understand your point of view and for me, it's only really important to get them for 14.0421:01
micahgdid I miss something?21:01
knomei said i don't agree with your decision to not upload indicators to 13.10 (only backports)21:01
knomebut after that, i told i kind of disagreed more in the way the decision was made (no discussion, just dropping a note)21:02
micahgI originally thought it was one patch + the plugin, it ended up being a few different packages that needed new versions21:02
knomesure, i understand21:02
ali1234regardless of when/where they go in, there is quite a list of things that need looking at21:02
knomeali1234, of course21:02
micahgonce I saw the list of things needed, it seemed way too rushed for 13.1021:02
knomethe decision itself is fine and with this timeframe, i don't know if there could've been any other way to resolve21:03
skellatknome: I have a merge request I submit for your consideration -- https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/18354421:10
knomeskellat, "new tool" sounds like we need to fix that next cycle21:11
skellatHold on21:11
skellatPushing new branch21:12
knomealso wondering about the wording in offline-packages (mostly "no work-around")21:13
knomeotherwise, it looks good to me (i'll do the actual review + merge tomorrow)21:14
skellatknome: Leaving a comment here saying you're okay with this exception would also be appreciated so that "we have our ducks in a row": https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/121959221:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1219592 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Adding gtk-theme-config to desktop seed" [Undecided,New]21:16
knomealso linked the bug reports to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-s-documentation21:20
ali1234what is gtk-theme-config supposed to actually do?22:37
ali1234only the custom highlight seems to do anything here22:41

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