
xubuntu242I have a question, not sure if this is the right place for it. I have an ATI/AMD All-in-Wonder 2006 AGP Edition and I am trying the video input to work. I installed xatitv from the software center but when I go to run it, nothing happens, not even an error message. any sugestions?00:03
xubuntu242And if this is not the right place to ask, could someone please point me to a forum that could help me?00:04
David-Axubuntu242: drivers and most programs are the same in ubuntu as in xubuntu. you can wait here for a while or ask in #ubuntu or in http://ubuntuforums.org00:06
xubuntu242Ok thank you!00:07
JayneilHi. Hibernate does not work properly in Xubuntu 13.04 for me. The weird thing is that it works via the command line or even from the shutdown menu. But, I have configured my power settings such that my laptop will hibernate e if battery is low. The laptop even hibernates successfully but next time when I boot it, it does not remember the hibernate state. It just resumes normal boot. Any else facing this issue? Any suggestions?00:33
wood_quinnAre Xubuntu disc images hybrid images like Ubuntu ones?00:59
wood_quinn(i.e. can I just dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sdX)00:59
ubuntustudioHello, I have been here in the past to ask this same question, I've been having issues with it for months and months and months now - any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Essentially when I install Ubuntu - of any sort - it successfully installs but than the Radeon graphics card driver apparently doesn't work and the screen just turns on and off after boot.  WOrks great off usb.    Here is my driver info: http://paste.ubuntu01:05
ubuntustudio.com/6053323/ - also worth noting I've tried multiple times to DL the newest driver from Radeon site and the .run opens SO slow after 3 hours it was less than 25%, needless to say I quit out of that each time.... I've tried all the drivers I was able to find... and now I am unsure of how to even have these updates effect my actual filesystem on myPC - not just the USB, as I set up a 1.4G persistence.  Lastly it is worth noting01:05
ubuntustudiothat RANDOMLY it will work after the install, meaning, the graphics driver just works, the screen does not blink on and off.  THe only reason it doesn't still work is I've had to reinstall due to other issues.01:05
decciI am facing this issue : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6053399/01:08
David-Aubuntustudio: what xubuntu version? i googled and found this guy have similar setup: http://tech.deepumohan.com/2012/04/ati-radeon-hd-6600m-graphics-card-on.html01:35
ubuntustudioUbuntu or Studio 12 - 1301:35
ubuntustudioI am thinking its my Hybrid Graphics - i dont know.... this is getting nuts though.  I need to figure it out.  THanks for the help though, man.01:36
David-Aubuntustudio: have you tried just enable or disable the driver(s) suggested in System Settings > Additional Drivers ?01:36
ubuntustudioyes, but.... i am running off usb... studio 13 installed correctly but after boot my screen just turns on and off... so how do i make changes to that...?01:37
ubuntustudioAnd that goes for the link you just sent me... looks interesting but how are the changes I make on my live usb going to effect my already installed version that wont show me the screen after boot?01:38
David-Aubuntustudio: if it is a fresh install the drivers in Additional Drivers used to be disabled. (i don't know now). is there an option "failsafe" you can try when logging in? or does the screen turn off before login?01:40
ubuntustudioright after the f2 f4 options the screen goes on and off01:43
ubuntustudioits REALLY been difficult as I've bought this laptop from a friend 6 months ago and put ubuntu on right off and had issues since... I dont understand why SOMETIMES it would just WORK... others the screen does this.  Needless to say its not just 'worked' this go around.01:44
David-Aubuntustudio: right, you have to be able to login. it is not easy to manage these details from a live usb. you could edit config files on the hdd from the live usb, but that is beyond me.01:45
ubuntustudiowhat is the deal with a persistence file, that just effects the usb?01:46
ubuntustudioMan, I just don't know what the heck to do.... I wanna record!  Heh, all I can think about is whenever it finally DOES work I stil have 9,000 other things to do to get it back and running how I'd like.01:47
David-Aubuntustudio: when it works, save the /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere. then when it fails, in the next live usb session again save the then latest Xorg.0.log. look for differences when it worked and when it didn't.01:48
David-Aubuntustudio: I don't know if it will help. just a thought.01:48
ubuntustudioyeah, WHEN... cause thats the keyword... a good 10 goes in the last few days and nothing....01:49
ubuntustudioshit man.... ok well I truly appreciate the help, I am going to just try again I supose.01:49
David-Aubuntustudio: actually, the Xorg.0.log on the hdd would be from a faild session now, and the Xorg.0.log in the current live session from a successful session. but there are likely different configurations, so there are likely irrellevant differences.01:51
=== Maple__ is now known as Maple__{verybusy
Herr_Krisshey! I hope your day is going good :)02:03
Herr_KrissI wonder - is it possible to install Xubuntu on one computer and then move disk to another computer? They are very different.02:04
Herr_KrissI'm trying to install it and:02:04
Herr_Kriss1) install fails just after hardware check02:04
Herr_Kriss2) I was trying to do sudo apt-get remove ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu02:05
Herr_Krissbut it froze at "building database" at 25%02:05
Herr_Kriss3) I was trying to install it with polp but it randomly freezes at early start of installer or when it shows that keyboard and human logo (what's that?)02:06
Herr_Kriss3 was by CD/USB, because that laptop (Thinkpad T22) doesn't support USB boot by itself02:07
=== dormito___ is now known as dormito
David-AHerr_Kriss: iirc it should be possible if you don't install hw specific drivers. (but don't try a 64bit system on a 32bit cpu.)02:14
Herr_KrissDavid-A: ok, thanks :) I'll give a try with Ubuntu and then switch it to Xubuntu. Well, worth trying.02:14
=== azeam is now known as azeam_afk
letenkenhello, anyone ever have an issue with HDMI output not working correctly? After i plug in my HDMI cable, the screen is cloned straight onto my TV, however under Settings->Display, there is only a "default" display I am unable to control the resolution of the TV04:54
SunStarhave you tried Sttings -> ARandR05:26
SunStarmy bad05:26
xtrizis that possible to run gala without problems in xubuntu ?11:22
xtrizhow can i enable hotcorner ?11:34
bgardnerxtriz: Looks like you should install brightside for hot corners.11:35
xtrizbgardner, ok installing it.11:36
bgardnerxtriz: And while gala appears to work in Xubuntu, you probably won't find much support for it in this channel.11:36
xtrizbgardner, only basic functionality works..11:37
xtrizother functions are not working.11:37
xtrizthey just kick me from their support channel to here, from here i get kicked over there. :(11:37
bgardnerxtriz: Well, gala isn't part of Xubuntu, so there isn't much I can say.  I found this, as I'm sure you already did: http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1124446-using-gala-compositing-in-xubuntu-1210/11:39
bgardnerxtriz: But again, it's not part of Xubuntu so we can't support it here.11:40
xtrizok bgardner i can understand.11:40
bgardnerxtriz: Aside from wishing you luck :)11:40
xtrizyeah i have read that thread.11:40
xtrizbgardner, thank you so much :)11:40
xtrizone more thing11:41
xtrizwhere can i find the config files of xfce-settings ?11:41
bgardnerxtriz: The files themselves?  I imagine you want the folder ./.config/xfce411:42
xtrizbgardner, if any changes i want to make i can edit this files and it will be visible in the gui correct ?11:43
bgardnerxtriz: I would guess so, but I haven't done that myself.11:45
xtrizlet me experiment :)11:46
ui_At least for panels, you restart xfce4-panel, as in http://askubuntu.com/a/224037/2443211:47
ui_+for the menu, restart xfdesktop, http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu11:48
bgardnerAnd that's the kind of detail I wasn't sure about - thanks ui_11:49
ui_though I don't know whether there are other cases11:49
ui_But I think that logging out and logging in again should be sufficient.11:50
ui_... if you are unsure whether you forgot to restart some of these services.11:51
xtrizui_, that was very useful info :)12:52
T699Hello, last night I had to perform a hard shutdown after the computer froze while attempting to shut down normally. Now when I boot, I have no internet and wireless isn't detected. Any ideas?13:12
GridCubeis this a notebook ?13:17
ui_Next time, try the Alt+SysRq+REISUB before the hard shutdown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Uses13:18
ui_Please post the output of dmesg | tail and lspci -nn on paste.ubuntu.com13:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:18
xubuntu797I need help.13:33
xubuntu797So many niggas.13:33
* cfhowlett ... instantly realizes he's speaking with an idiot.13:34
pmjdebruijncfhowlett: :)13:36
=== Maple__{verybusy is now known as Maple__
Maple__Hai, this is a question not 100% releated to Xubuntu but an issue I haven't had on any of the other dozen or so other distros I've previously used. I'm trying to get Java Swing applications/online Java applets to use the GTK+ look and feel; I've tried editing ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc as well as /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/swing.properties without success. This is what I've tried so far (wi15:04
Maple__thout success) - http://pastie.org/829157415:04
Maple__Assistance would be greatly appreciated, please. :<15:05
GridCube:( i dont know about java15:22
bskMaple__: I've tried here and it worked, but I'm using the webupd8's PPA - http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html - instead of OpenJDK15:23
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
ozbrkhello everyone I have a question how can I install a new theme, windows border or ican pack on my xfce415:46
bullgard4ozbrk:  http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/appearance15:54
xubuntu306bien   le   bonjour    a   vous  ,problèmes pour   diffuser    du   son   de   ma carte    son15:58
nikolamxubuntu306, #ubuntu-fr ETC.. ? :P16:00
nikolamXubuntu is "next Ubuntu" :) http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux311_disk_encryption&num=116:42
imarkcan someone tell me which display manager xubuntu uses by default?17:10
imarkcan someone tell me which display manager xubuntu uses by default?17:11
pmjdebruijnlightdm IIRC17:16
pmjdebruijnps axuf | grep dm  # usually tells :)17:17
elfypmjdebruijn: they'll not see - they left :)17:24
pmjdebruijnoh damn, he wasn't particularly patient17:24
pmjdebruijnit's baffling why people even try, if you're not going to stick around with at least 20 minutes17:25
pmjdebruijnI mean you're average paid support desk takes at least that long :)17:26
elfypmjdebruijn: such is life17:28
pmjdebruijnimark: lightdm probably17:30
pmjdebruijnimark: ps axuf | grep dm  # usually tells :)17:30
pmjdebruijnbtw, does anybody know if there's is a xubuntu beta 1 planned this week as well?17:30
imarkpmjdebruijn: i dont use it, so i came here to ask. is there a guest session that you can get to from the login, similar to ubuntu?17:33
imarkim just figuring out options for the work laptop17:33
pmjdebruijnso he's probably having connectivity issues :)17:39
elfylooks like it :)17:41
=== ronin_ is now known as Guest80575
rauchwhat's the best way to run a scan on a efi partition to check for errors? fsck gives me a dirty bit, but won't seem to try to fix it18:15
=== ui_ is now known as Guest65088
Maple__bsk: did the same and failed19:14
Maple__yay, it works now :o19:36
xubuntu323hello, i have a problem:20:18
xubuntu323everytime i try to install xubuntu 13.4 the installation interrupts20:19
gallezhey guys, can anyone tell me where the software download thingy is? i'm new to xubuntu20:35
elfyin the menu - ubuntu software centre20:35
gallezelfy: thank you20:35
elfywelcome - though I have to say - I find it slow to do anything and install and use synaptic20:36
knome ...lo20:38
imarkcan anyone tell me: is there an option to log in as a guest session straight from the login screen21:30
imarkon xubuntu21:30
Sysiimark: yes21:40
imarkcool, thanks21:41
JitiHi all !23:01
JitiMy ALC862 ATI SB450 audio chip seems not working correctly... :/23:04

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