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jamespageadam_g, if you are in today - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charms/precise/keystone/fix-requested-roles/+merge/18358008:00
jamespagethat's the cause of the openstack-dashboard lack of member role stuff that jpds hit last week08:00
jamespagethey are not using swift and the keystone identity-changed hook was not creating the role for services not registering endpoints....08:01
raywanghelle jamespage08:58
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marcoceppikurt__: Is the unit in a dying state? RE: Before I file a bug, is it a known issue with the inability to destroy service in 1.12 with status showing stuck in "life: dying" ?13:04
marcoceppihazmat: pong13:04
kurt__hi marcoceppi: I did file bug.  Sorry have to run13:04
marcoceppikurt__: no worries13:06
marcoceppikurt__: is the unit in an error state* is what I meant to ask13:06
kurt__I think so, yes13:07
marcoceppikurt__: cool, next time you want to kill them off, just run `juju resolved <unit-in-errror-that's-dying>` a few times13:15
marcoceppithis is expected behaviour of juju13:15
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X-warriorIf I'm receiving relation not found, when adding a relation between 2 charms. It means that the metadata from both doesn't match?13:50
marcoceppiX-warrior: Is this in regards to your editing the metadata.yaml file after deployment?14:16
jcastrojamespage: http://askubuntu.com/questions/340465/juju-ceph-deployment14:17
jamespagejcastro, posted14:20
jamespageits a bitch14:20
jamespagesecond hit in three days on that one14:20
jcastrojamespage: where else? should I post it somewhere?14:21
jamespagejcastro, raywang pinged me about it as well14:21
jamespagethats where I raised that bug from14:21
* jcastro nods14:21
jamespageI pulled back the point release to ensure it got included14:21
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X-warrior`marcoceppi: yes, I created a service but I forgot to add a 'relation joined' on it to provide the service address14:41
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hazmatmarcoceppi, pong14:46
marcoceppihazmat: hey, just got your ping from a day ago14:46
marcoceppi2 days*14:46
hazmathmm.. that thought is paged to disk14:47
hazmatmarcoceppi, i was wondering about getting juju-plugins up to snuff14:47
marcoceppihazmat: sure14:47
hazmati'm currently tossing tangentially related plugins into deployer14:47
hazmatbut some are not.. and i'm wondering if we should fold everything into something like juju-plugins14:48
marcoceppihazmat: I've got juju-plugins already, it's really light weight, but I'm happy to beef it up in terms of adding more plugins to it14:48
hazmatsome of the packaging dependencies might increase though depending on the plugin14:48
marcoceppihazmat: I was considering doing a package per plugin, with a "juju-plugins-all" package to install all plugins14:49
hazmatmarcoceppi, the juju-faststat plugin for example from the ml.. is a nice speed focused status replacement for the moment.14:49
marcoceppihazmat: just to keep the list of dependencies down for single plugins14:49
hazmatmarcoceppi, package per plugin sounds bad..14:49
hazmater. overkill14:49
marcoceppihazmat: okay14:50
marcoceppiwell if14:50
marcoceppiwell it's a trade off then, lots of deps, or bunch 'o packages14:51
marcoceppiI'm fine either way, whichever convention makes the most sense14:51
marcoceppihazmat: right now they're just all in one package14:56
marcoceppiso we can just keep it that way14:56
X-warrior`this is my 2 metadata.yaml ( http://pastebin.com/KbXLkQ4K ), if I would like to add a relation from service to authserver, where authserver will provide it ip address ... does the authserver needs a hooks/authserver-relation-joined and the service needs a hook hooks/authserver-relation-changed. And the commmand should be 'juju add-relation authserver service'15:26
marcoceppiX-warrior`: Pretty much, you can get the IP address of a current running unit with `unit-get private-address` so your hooks/authserver-relation-joined hook would look like `relation set hostname=$(unit-get private-address)` and the authserver-relation-changed on the other service would havethe following `relation-get hostname` to recieve that value15:38
marcoceppiX-warrior`: however, unless it truely implements the HTTP protocol (which requires both a port and hostname to be set) I'd recommend naming the interface something different15:38
marcoceppiusing the HTTP interface tells juju that your authserver could work with haproxy, varnish, etc. If that's not the case you'll want to use a different interface name15:39
marcoceppiIf that is the case you'll want to make sure you set both the hostname and the port options in the relation-set command15:39
marcoceppilikewise, your service charm requring the http interface means it could connect to wordpress, mediawiki, and a majority of other charms and be able to handle that data properly. So, if that isn't the case, you'll want to do what I recommended above and create a new interface name (or find an existing interface that matches what you're trying to do)15:40
marcoceppiSince the interface name is what juju uses to match charms with each other15:40
X-warrior`marcoceppi: could I name it with any name as I want?15:43
marcoceppiX-warrior`: yup! Anything that makes sense to what that interface is for15:43
marcoceppiX-warrior`: so you could call it "authserver" as the interface, then the first metadata.yaml relation name could be server and the second one's relation name could client15:44
marcoceppiX-warrior`: interface could be authserver for both, but you could name the relations in a way that makese sense of what the role of the relation is to the charm15:44
* marcoceppi creates an example paste15:44
marcoceppiX-warrior`: http://pastebin.com/iUVJb6Fk15:45
marcoceppiX-warrior`: I wouldn't use such a generic name as "authserver", unless you can make the interface generic, If it's a particular authentication softare, like ldap, I'd name the interface ldap or something similar15:46
marcoceppiX-warrior`: the interface should embody exactly it's purpose. So we have generic interfaces, like http, and specific ones, like mysql or pgsql15:46
marcoceppiX-warrior`: while the name is up to you, we do prefer people to name them wisely, at least for the store.15:47
marcoceppiIf these are just for you, you can do whatever15:47
marcoceppiFOr the store we'd prefer it to be more specific, but again it's up to you15:47
X-warrior`for now I'm just running more tests to understand how it works15:48
X-warrior`but I know what you mean15:48
X-warrior`marcoceppi: the test worked destroying the machines and redeploying...15:55
marcoceppiX-warrior`: sweet!15:55
X-warrior`What does the 'IDEMPOTENCY' means? I mean, let's say I have a hook to a db relation changed... and this hook add the options (login, pass, dbname, etc) to a file... if it is idempotent the login, pass, dbname will not be updated. So I'm not sure I understand what does the "# IDEMPOTENCY is very important in all charm hooks, even the install hook. " means from https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-writing.html16:16
jrwrenit means it can run again with the same result.16:17
jrwrenwhere same result means it doesn't hurt either.16:17
jrwrenso I can run it 100 times and everything is still good. I don't have things like messed up config with 100 screwed up lines.16:17
jrwrenof course that is my bad interpretation of what it means. It has a much nicer computer science definition which you are free to google.16:18
X-warrior`well the definition means it will be exactly the same.16:18
X-warrior`But on a relation-changed event... if you do it, it will preserve the values that was there before it calls the hook... so it doesn't make sense to me16:19
marcoceppiX-warrior`: idempotency means with the same set of parameters, the hook will produce the same results16:26
X-warrior`marcoceppi: ty16:26
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m_3bbcmicrocomputer: please mark reviews in progress when you start them this week16:41
m_3so we won't step on each others toes16:41
jcastrofwereade: heya16:41
jcastroor jam16:42
bbcmicrocomputerm_3: ok, sure16:43
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mrsolohi where does juju store ssh private-key?17:20
mrsolonm got it17:22
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fwereade_jcastro, heyhey18:40
jcastrofwereade_: hey so I was wondering when we can default to the local provider18:42
jcastrobut I think we can do that at the distro level instead of upstream?18:42
* jcastro needs to ask jamespage18:43
fwereade_jcastro, to be fair, I should not be trusted with anything distro-related18:43
jcastrofair enough ... James Page it is!18:44
jamespagejcastro, ?19:03
jcastrojamespage: hey so I was thinking, we should default to local in juju in the distro19:04
jcastroinstead of "amazon"19:05
jcastroso when someone apt-get install's juju19:05
jcastrothey can deploy right away without anything else19:05
jamespagejcastro, is that not driven by their environments.yaml?19:05
jcastroit is19:06
jcastrobut by default right now it's "amazon"19:06
jcastrojamespage: also, out of curiosity .. do we need all 61MBs of mongodb-clients?19:06
jcastroseems like a rather heavy dep ...19:07
jamespagejcastro, yeah - that does suck19:07
jamespageI'll take a look19:07
jamespagejuju generate-config generates environments.yaml tho19:07
jamespagejcastro: so I think thats a change in juju-core right?19:08
jamespagewe can Recommend: juju-local from juju which means by default you get the local provider19:08
jcastroI was unsure if this would be an upstream thing or a distro thing, the choosing of a default19:08
jcastroI think I'll just ping thumper when he comes online and ask him to do it19:09
jamespagejcastro, ack19:25
jamjamespage: recommending juju-local means that by default you end up with a mongodb-server running on your local machine (even before "juju bootstrap") because of how the mongodb-server package works19:28
jamwhich I *think* defaults to 3GB prealloc19:28
jamespagejam: yep19:28
jamespageOK - I won't do that19:28
jamespagejcastro, that makes making local the default tricky19:28
* jcastro nods19:29
jamjamespage: I'm not positive about the 3GB prealloc, but I am sure that you end up with mongodb running on a port nobody will connect to.19:29
jcastrohey so could we do it so if you install juju by itself19:29
jcastroit does what it does now19:29
jamespagejam: that rings a bell - I had issues with the DEP-8 tests I wrote because it won't start on a 2GB root19:29
jcastrobut if you install juju-local we do the right thing to make it spin up local with no config other than installing the package?19:29
jamjamespage: I know you can configure with or without prealloc, I'm just not sure what the .deb default is today.19:30
jamespageprealloc rather19:30
jamespagejcastro, you still get a mongodb-server running in the background that no-one is actually using...19:30
* jcastro nods19:30
jcastroah nuts ... :-/19:31
jamespagejcastro, if we had thought about this a bit harder I'd have split the binary into a monogodb-server-common package19:31
jamespageand then just install the init script in the mongodb-server package19:31
jcastrojamespage: so it's probably better to leave that an explicit decision by the user then?19:31
jamespagejcastro, I think so yes19:31
jcastrojamespage: is that something we can do post-13.10 bute pre-14.04 you think?19:31
jcastrook .... /me PUNTS the ball19:32
jamjamespage: it would be nice that if you "apt-get install juju-local" you would end up with an environments.yaml that points to local19:33
jamespagejam: that involves a package manipulating user data != no go19:33
jamjcastro: I think there is a bug about switching to local by default because we know you have those creds. And if bootstrap doesn't work we could tell you about the apt-get juju-local package.19:33
jamjamespage: I did say "would be nice" but even if "juju init" does that bit19:34
jcastroI remember filing a bug with thumper @ IOM, but I haven't been able to find it all day19:34
jackweirdyHey all; I'm entering the charm championship and I'm having trouble with Juju - I'm running 13.04 on the stable juju ppa. I'm running kvm and I was wondering if I could configure an environment to spin up a new VM in KVM when I run juju deploy? I've found docs for stuff like OpenStack, but that's a bit heavyweight for what I want :)19:39
jackweirdy(unless it's not? I'm new to all this so I may have the wrong end of the stick :) )19:40
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jackweirdyGoogling suggests this isn't possible :s Can I add custom environment handlers?20:05
jamjackweirdy: juju has support for LVM containers, we haven't yet implemented KVM support20:09
jamyou can install "juju-local" from the ppa, and then set up a "local" environment.20:10
jackweirdyOk; thanks anyhow :)20:11
jackweirdyDoes the local environment use lxc?20:11
sinzuiHi charmers, login to manage.jujucharms.com is broken at the moment. Those already logged in can feature and QA charms. We expect a fix in a few hours20:20
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adam_ghazmat, darwin merged to lp:juju-deployer20:48
xnoxjam: LVM is a type of volume/disk storage, it's not a container....21:14
xnoxjackweirdy: yeap local environment uses lxc.21:14
bachi thumper21:18
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