
bigjoolswgrant/StevenK: did the recipe builds change recently to append ~ubuntuNN instead of ~series?00:45
wgrantbigjools: Yes00:47
wgrantUbuntu's used the version number for backports for a while, and we need to switch before u-series00:47
bigjoolswgrant: ok.  you broke juju-core folks. haha :)00:47
wgrantWhy are they depending on the version number?00:47
wgrants/version number/structure of the version number/00:47
wgrantThat's pretty broken00:47
bigjoolsstupidity I think :)00:47
wgrantThat recipe is already pretty broken00:48
wgrantI'm going to close that tab and pretend I never saw it.00:48
StevenKwgrant: The next branches for buildd-manager are due RSN?04:00
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wgrantStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/buildd-manager-inlineCallbacks/+merge/18357807:44
StevenKwgrant: I'm wary of the the commit in the manager code07:55
wgrantStevenK: It's committing after it comes back from a Deferred07:57
wgrantWhich doesn't make much sense.07:57
wgrantThough I'm surprised you noticed that in the merged diff.07:58
StevenKIt's five lines into a green diff07:59
wgrantIn fact, you couldn't have noticed. Which commit are you talking bout?07:59
StevenK455+ # Commit the changes done while possibly rescuing jobs, to07:59
StevenK456+ # avoid holding table locks.07:59
StevenK457+ transaction.commit()07:59
wgrantThat's not new07:59
wgrantAnd it shouldn't do anything, but it's there to ensure that builder.currentjob is as up to date as possible.08:00
StevenKOh, it's just moved from other twisted garbage08:00
wgrantI didn't change any code except for removing two xmlrpc.Fault wrappers.08:00
StevenKAnd I guess that is one of the commits that is not long for this world?08:00
wgrantWe can't afford to calculate currentjob there.08:01
wgrantIt will be precalculated, and that method won't touch the DB until further down.08:01
StevenKSo thanks to a day of JavaScript and Twisted, my brain is now leaking out of my ears08:02
StevenKwgrant: r=me08:05
StevenKwgrant: Sorry, I got distracted08:05
cjwatsonwgrant: Your buildd-manager-inlineCallbacks branch and my destroy-builder-aborted branch clash.  Which would you prefer to have landed first?09:01
wgrantcjwatson: I was deliberately waiting for yours to land, sorry.09:06
cjwatsonOK, landing09:07
wgrantDuring the refactoring I discvoered something that I thought was just a production glitch a few months ago.09:08
wgrantA manualled, disabled builder won't get its current build terminated.09:08
wgrantProbably missed originally because of the convoluted callbacks. It makes no sense otherwise.09:09
wgrantcjwatson: test_binarypackagebuildbehavior still references AbortedSlave09:16
cjwatsonwhat.  I grepped.09:18
cjwatsonone moment :(09:19
cjwatsonOh, I must have only grepped buildmaster, damn09:19
wgrantAh, yeah09:19
cjwatsonVery confused by what buildbot just did09:21
cjwatsonIt successfully ran no tests09:21
wgrantIt doesn't check the exit code due to an old lxc-start-ephemeral bug09:22
wgrantThe testrunner probably died badly due to the import.09:22
cjwatsonwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/testfix-destroy-builder-aborted/+merge/18359809:29
wgrantcjwatson: r=me09:33
stubAnyone up for a Swift branch review? More /srv and /srv2 juggling underway it seems.09:57
wgrantI really should get to that eventually10:02
wgrantBut the /srv and /srv2 juggling can't stop for at least a few months after we start using Swift10:02
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk

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