
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
mgedminis this a good place to talk about the launchpad API/python-launchpadlib?10:30
mgedminI cobbled together a script to automate the copying of some PPA packages from precise to lucid: https://gist.github.com/mgedmin/630669410:31
mgedminI'd like to make it run faster10:31
mgedminwhich means I'd like to make it perform fewer HTTP roundtrips10:31
mgedminI think I want to start by counting the HTTP requests that launchpadlib makes on my behalf10:31
mgedminwhat would be a good way to do that?10:31
mgedminI thought maybe monkey-patch urllib.urlopen or something10:32
mgedminbut maybe there's some hidden debug variable/logging handler/etc. that I could enable?10:32
wgrantIt uses httplib2 internally.10:32
wgrantI usually start by just sticking an import httplib2; httplb2.debuglevel = 1 at the top of the script10:32
mgedmincool, thanks!10:32
wgrantIt'll print out the requests10:32
cjwatsonIt doesn't look too horrible, although I'd probably use Archive.copyPackages (which in turn requires using the "devel" API version) rather than Archive.syncSources.10:37
cjwatsonThe interface is a bit different, but it's asynchronous and thus doesn't tend to suffer from the timeouts you can easily get with Archive.syncSources.10:37
cjwatsonIt also corresponds to what the web UI does these days.10:38
mgedminthe most common use case is where no copying can be done (because the new package is still waiting in the build queue), and that takes about 4 seconds (and 12 HTTP requests)10:52
mgedminI think I can replace three source.getBuilds() with a single archive.getPublishedBinaries()10:52
mgedminoh, a question10:53
mgedminis there really no way to find out the estimated build time in the API?10:53
wgrantIt's not presently exposed.11:01
pmatulisfor https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bugs?advanced=1 , why can one only target 12.04 releases?13:05
wgrantpmatulis: Only the precise series has milestones: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+series13:06
pmatuliswgrant: hm, ok13:07
cjwatsonI believe we use series targeting for the others.13:09
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DaphneGreengrassanyone here experiencing slow upload speeds to LP? Im only getting ~20kb/s transfers, though it might be my internet...22:42
thomiCould I ask someone to turn on arm builds for ppa:autopilot/experimental please?23:40
wgrantthomi: Done23:42
thomiwgrant: thanks! I guess I'll need to push new versions of the packages already in that PPA to get ARM builds made, right?23:42
wgrantthomi: That's right.23:42
thomicool, thanks23:43

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