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rammyhello anyone know how to install R Studio on 13.1011:04
elmargolHi I'm wondering if there is a list of new enduser features in 13.10 is there something on the wiki?11:39
philinuxelmargol: I've listed a few here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214238111:49
elmargolphilinux, tank you11:53
BluesKajHowdy folks12:03
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johnjohn1011where is #ubuntu+2?20:42
BluesKajjohnjohn1011:  it doesn't exist20:44
johnjohn101114.04 release skedule is out... i thought there would be a site for it20:44
BluesKajnot until 13.10 is officially released , but then 14.04 will be ubuntu+1 OS :)20:46
johnjohn1011so seven more weeks, i guess.  I wonder what 14.04 will bring to the desktop.20:47
BluesKajwell for ubuntu users mir is their future , for kubuntu it's probly wayland20:49
johnjohn1011really no difference to me what display is used. I don't see where it benefits me.20:50
johnjohn1011is that a bad thing to say?20:54
BluesKajdunno , depends if you rely on desktop effects , or if you're a gamer etc , it's supposed to replace the X graphics system20:57
johnjohn1011but unless i'm doing gaming, touch or desktop effects, will it make a big diff to me?20:59
BluesKajcan't predict how you wouldn't21:04
BluesKajor would benefir since I don't know your situation21:05
johnjohn1011i just use basic apps, firefox, chrome, libreoffice,  maybe once in a while kmail (if i get bored with using web based email).  that's all.  just seems like unity for desktop is on hold until after 14.04 is released. I'm done griping.  using 13.10 on vmware player has been a decent experience.21:07
BluesKajwell, I'm using KDE ...tried ubuntu/unity in VB but the guest additions wouldn't install so it was very clunky and I dumped it21:10
BluesKajnever was a gnome fan either , and that unity sidebar isn't my taste , and the default orange for folders etc is a head scratcher21:13
johnjohn1011would be nice to get some customization in unity.21:14
BluesKajand ubuntu-tweak isn't available for 123.1021:14
BluesKajsome pll love it , but it's not my style21:15
bazhang!find tweak21:15
ubottuFound: mousetweaks, freqtweak, gnome-tweak-tool, tweak, unity-tweak-tool21:15
bazhangunity-tweak-tool is available21:16
BluesKajtoo late , already gone21:16
BluesKajthis partition is being saved for kubuntu 14.0421:18
bazhangjust setting the record straight on having tweak tools, one for gnome-shell as well21:19
johnjohn1011can't wait to get my qml widgets on the desktop!!21:22
BluesKajbazhang:  well record or no , I was  disappointed with the new ubuntu once more, I give it try every release anyway.21:23
johnjohn1011every new distro with a custom desktop now is using ubuntu as the back end. I think that is a good thing21:27
vexati0nso um... wtf happened to multiarch in Saucy? where is my ia32-libs ?22:28
vexati0nmultiarch-support is failing to work for wps office22:28
ali1234vexati0n: ia32-libs is replaced by multiarch22:35
ali1234it was left in older releases for compatibility, perhaps it has finally been removed totally22:35
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