
lanc3rDoes this channel support Xbuntu LAMP servers?01:12
lanc3rIt's all the same Terminal, right? the only diffrence is the GUI01:12
bradmlanc3r: servers generally don't run X01:14
bradmlanc3r: but there's no difference to the server side of things01:14
lanc3rWell, what's the biggie useing the GUI just to navigate to the terminal? how would you stop X and just run the command line?01:15
bradmwhy would it even be installed if its a server?01:15
bradmor do you mean you're using a desktop to do server related tasks?01:15
lanc3rIt came with X, how do you downlad it without the gui?01:16
bradmyou'd download the server install cds if you just want a server01:17
bradmbut regardless, all the server related stuff is the same if you use the desktop install or the server install, its all the same packages01:17
lanc3rOh, I feel dumb.. I just installed the desktop version and put the extra tools I needed on there.01:18
bradmthose tools will be the same01:18
bradmbut in general, I wouldn't want X on a server, unless you had a specific reason for it01:19
lanc3rI'm still a bit new to Linux servers, It's pointless cause I just go straight to the terminal.01:20
bradmthats fine, everyone was new once :)01:21
bradmyour situation might be different, but when someone says server, I think of a machine sitting in the corner somewhere, without anyone directly logged into it physically, and doing the admin via ssh01:21
bradmin general you only want running on a server what you need to provide the service, but situations are different for different people01:22
lanc3rI've got the packages for useing SSH but not sure how to implement them.01:23
qman__apt-get isntall openssh-server01:24
lanc3rUh, duh. i said i have them.01:24
qman__that's it01:24
qman__you can now SSH into your server01:25
mgwIs it possible to access the functions in a bash script without executing other top level code?01:32
mgwI think not… but hoping someone has some ideas.01:33
qman__I don't understand what you're asking01:38
bradmmgw: other than refactoring the bash script to have the functions in another file that you source, no, I'm not aware of anything01:39
qman__right, the way to share code in a shell script is to move that code to a separate script and source it01:40
mgwbradm: that's what I thought… it's a 3rd party script that I'd rather not refactor, but I guess I have no choice01:41
mgwBut maybe somebody has a better idea for what i'm trying to do. I want to wrap the lxc-ubuntu LXC template and perform some additional package installation and configuration.01:43
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rdw200169are there any known bugs with software raid in the ubuntu installer for 13.04?05:32
rdw200169i keep getting a segfault during install while trying to setup a software raid... tested with mdadm in the installer shell and creating the raid isn't the problem05:34
rdw200169dangit, it's mkfs.xfs06:03
rdw200169Aw... it wasn't xfs... (even tho mkfs.xfs failed after install on a new software raid array)06:31
rdw200169gah, any mkfs fails on the assembled raid *sad*06:51
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bin__how can i update linux kernel using apt-get?08:31
bin__am running lucid, but do not want to do a full release upgrade08:32
cocoa117bin__, apt-get dist-upgrade09:23
zetheroowhere are the vnet interfaces defined and/or configured?09:32
jpdszetheroo: libvirt?09:32
zetherooI was hoping for a config file or something09:32
jpdszetheroo: It's generated, when the machine boots.09:33
zetheroois there any way to generate it without rebooting the host?09:34
jpdszetheroo: No.09:34
zetherooall the other hosts have vnet interfaces on their bridge ... but one host has only eth0 and eth109:35
jpdszetheroo: http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Networking09:36
zetheroojust rebooted the host - still not a single vnet interface09:40
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msafiI have "KiB Mem: 603840 total, 497856 used, 105984 free." Why is that even though I have nothing running on my server?11:48
GargoyleHi guys, I am trying to put firewall rules into /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/001.sh and 002.sh. I've given them root ownership and execute, but after a reboot the rules are not applied. (script work fine if I manually run them as root)11:49
msafiAlso, when I look under %MEM, I don't see any single process that's using much memory...11:49
Gargoylemsafi: Buffers!11:49
GargoyleFree RAM = wasted RAM.11:49
msafiGargoyle, how come? Free ram -- in my mind -- means RAM available to be used...11:50
Gargoylemsafi: buffers = RAM available to be used (but while you're not using it, the kernel is going to use it to make stuff faster)11:51
msafiI see.11:52
msafiWell, Gargoyle, my buffers is at 4536. What unit of measure is this number?11:52
Gargoylemsafi: http://www.redhat.com/advice/tips/meminfo.html11:53
msafiGargoyle, Thanks!11:54
* ogra_ recommend "sudo apt-get install htop" to msafi 11:54
msafiogra_, what does it do?11:54
ogra_that displays memory usage more enduser friendly11:54
msafiogra_, cool. Will try it!11:55
ogra_its like top, but computes the MEM usage for actually used RAM11:55
GargoyleAnyone got any thoughts on my if-pre-up.d? Have I missed something?11:55
GargoyleOooh. htop is nice! :D11:55
msafiogra_, hey htop looks good!11:56
GargoyleOh wow… Seems I've stumbled into a 2009 "pre-up" argument… wonder what the outcome was...12:06
GargoyleSeems that NetworkManager took over… but I don't have that on a 10.04 server?12:09
adacHow to remove a password of an user so he cannot login anymore?12:59
just-a-visitoradac: passwd -l username maybe.13:01
ogra_adac, sudo passwd -l <user>13:01
PiciThat won't prevent them from using key authentication to ssh in.13:02
adacPici, what can prevent this as well?13:06
Piciadac: You'd need to set an expiry date on the account as well, by using usermod -e 1 <username>13:08
adacPici, I see! thanks!13:08
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Katafalkashey, anyone could give me a resource on parted disk label types ? or could briefly explain em to me ? "bsd", "gpt", "loop", "mac", "mips", "msdos", "pc98" or "sun"13:19
zuljamespage:  we need a new package for keystone13:28
jamespagezul, what13:28
zuldogpile.cache https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dogpile.cache13:29
zulwelcome back mr freaking kotter13:29
rbasakKatafalkas: what are you trying to do? On a normal Intel server machine you probably want msdos, or gpt if you have >3G disks.13:38
rbasak(or a UEFI-only system)13:38
jamespagezul, gah - you better offer an archive admin beer next time you see them then!13:38
zuljamespage:  i tried offering myself but that didnt go over too well13:39
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Katafalkasrbasak: I am making partition for database server. I am using parted. parted gives an error unrecognised disk label when I am trying to make ext4. I need to make label first. What albel should I use. I assume the gpt is the right one here.13:51
baswazz_how do i add hdparm to the Ubuntu "init" upstart system13:53
just-a-visitorKatafalkas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1457901 seems to be on topic, albeit dated.14:09
Katafalkasjust-a-visitor: cheers <314:10
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DammitJimok, I just installed 12.04.3 LTS server 64 bit on a VMware VM15:01
DammitJimonly package I picked was openssh15:01
DammitJimthen I did an sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:01
DammitJimthen when I tried install ubuntu-desktop15:01
DammitJimthe system is telling me: "Size mismatch"15:02
DammitJimsorry.... somebody!15:30
RoyKDammitJim: grammatically correct, sir15:30
RoyKhuh - size mismatch?15:30
DammitJimyeah, it's the weirdest thing15:30
DammitJimI didn't have this problem when I tested it at home15:31
RoyKDammitJim: try an apt-get dist-upgrade first15:31
DammitJimbut here in the office it's spilling that15:31
DammitJimI did... came out with no problems15:31
DammitJimmeaning... no upgrades15:31
DammitJimcould it be a network problem?15:31
DammitJimI'm downloading a package at a time and see if that makes any difference15:34
DammitJimthis is ridiculous15:34
DammitJimthere is someone on askubuntu.com that said it was a problem with his firewall??15:34
jcastrothat's a network/mirror problem15:35
jcastroor proxy15:35
DammitJimno proxy here15:36
DammitJimOK, I finally got it to install15:36
DammitJimbut I installed a bunch of lib packages manually15:36
DammitJimI hope there isn't an underlying problem for this production server15:36
jcastroa size mismatch is a problem with the mirror or the server getting to the mirror15:36
jcastrodoing a sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get update can clear that up15:37
DammitJimoh ok, but if I installed the stuff and I got no errors, then it probably means it installed lxde properly, right?15:37
DammitJimok, I'm cleaning just in case15:37
DammitJimI think that clears the apt cache, right?15:38
DammitJimok, now to exim4 config15:38
DammitJimanyone know what options I need to pick to only allow exim4 to deliver mail to 1 single domain?15:38
rbasakmdeslaur: have you seen bug 1215282?16:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1215282 in puppet "Possible puppet performance regression with 2.7.11-1ubuntu2.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121528216:04
mdeslaurrbasak: no, I had not, thanks16:21
rbasakmdeslaur: np. I'm not really sure what to do with that bug.16:22
mdeslaurhrm, me either...we just use the patches upstream provides us16:23
marcel__can I ask a question about pxeserver17:08
RoyK!ask | marcel__17:09
ubottumarcel__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:09
marcel__Is it possible to make a pxeserver that supports win64 and win32 environments in the same pxeserver.cfg?17:10
RoyKmarcel__: do you still have 32bit hardware to be tanked with windows?17:11
marcel__I have 32bit and 64 bit hardware17:12
* RoyK hasn't had 32bit hardware except for a raspberry pi or other embedded arm things for some time17:13
marcel__I did not ask for an opinion I ask for a solution17:14
rbasakmarcel__: what's pxeserver.cfg? Am I missing something? On Ubuntu Server I'm only aware of pxelinux.cfg and to use Ubuntu to netboot Windows, I imagine you need to do something Windows-specific from dhcpd.conf. ISC dhcpd can certainly differentiate based on things like vendor-specific options in the DHCP request, for example to specify a different "filename", if that helps you.17:19
RoyKmarcel__: I'd answer if I knew17:21
marcel__The problem is that in the remap file you give the location of the windows boot files. But this is done before you get the menu.17:21
marcel__But win32 and win64 are different files and can't be placed in the same folder.17:22
RoyKmarcel__: I beleive we've done that at work with different choices in a menu, but I haven't done it myself17:26
marcel__can you figure out how they did it?17:26
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RoyKmarcel__: we're not using that thing anymore - the M$ guys took over and we're only rolling out windows with the M$ things17:32
RoyKmarcel__: and that was before I even started in this job17:33
marcel__I am afraid you can't help me, or have you any suggestion where I can ask this question?17:33
RoyKlooks so17:34
sarnoldhrm, asking for windows help in a linux irc channel might not have been the most expediant way to get a solution..17:36
sarnoldpity he left before I could suggest serverfault.17:36
RoyKsarnold: it wasn't asking for windows help, it was asking for how to boot windows from pxe from linux, which is quite ok imho17:37
sarnoldRoyK: I saw the core of the question as "can win 32 and win 64 pxe boot from a single server".. smells like something that would require heavy windows experience, to me.17:38
RoyKsarnold: he was talking about pxe booting windows from a linux box17:40
RoyKsarnold: that is - perhaps I misunderstood - but normally windows don't use config files for such stuff17:41
sarnoldRoyK: you're right that the pxe all happens well before an OS is involved..17:41
smoserutlemming, i just opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122036618:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1220366 in ubuntu "cloud-images have inconsistent filenames in 12.04.3" [High,Confirmed]18:03
utlemmingsmoser: ack18:05
freakynlHi, since I have a bug open for quite some time and it was apparently not necessary to update user space tools for a newer kernel with 13.04 - what are the chances it's going to be updated with 13.10?18:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1111852 in targetcli "targetcli bug - buffered fileio mode not saved across reboots" [Medium,Triaged]18:27
freakynlIt's not only the buffered mode btw, whilst 3.8 supports passwords on the portal as well (instead of just targets), the userland tools to configure it do not (that is, the ones that come with ubuntu do not as they're not updated)18:28
Vasahey can i make a user for FTP usage on the whole server that can read/write all the files in the system however can't execute anything?18:37
Vasaso i wouldn't have to use root18:37
sarnoldVasa: read more or less implies execute.18:37
sarnoldVasa: what problem are you trying to solve?18:38
Vasajust want to disable root for security but instead keep a way to edit all the files anyway18:38
Vasathought it would be smart to not let that new user run any scripts at all, just read them/write to them18:38
Vasaand access via FTP only18:38
sarnoldeven if the user adds an entry to /etc/crontab that opens a shell on a port?18:38
Vasaohhh well dont have cron anyway18:39
Vasais there a way?18:39
Vasai will take care of blocking what you mentioned18:39
freakynlyou can not execute over ftp, ftp is ancient and unsafe, use sftp or if you must ftps. Unless you like sending passwords with that much power clear/text over the wire, in which case you definitely want ftp18:39
sarnoldVasa: Will you also block writing to /etc/init? or /bin/sh? I fear what you want to do is likely impossible. what is the problem you're trying to solve? there may be a better way to do it..18:40
Vasafreakynl please read original  question, it was not my intention i already use sftp my intention was to avoid using ROOT to access the server and make a FTP account in aprallel with access to everything excpect for executing scripts18:40
Vasasarnold just want to avoid using root account yet still have a way to edit all server files18:40
shaunoby 'all server files', do you mean wwwroot? or the entire filesystem?18:41
andolVasa: How is that really any different, given the examples provided by sarnold?18:41
RoyKVasa: sounds like a jolly bad idea to me, but you can set a root password and use sftp - old style ftp might work if you run the ftpd as root, but it will be entirely madness to open such a hole18:41
freakynlThat's gonna be hard. Extended ACL's should help, just adding it to the root group will grant too much perm18:42
Vasaentire file system because i got various configurations in /etc and got to view logs in /var/log and got most of the files in /home18:42
Vasai use only sftp18:42
Vasaok maybe i don't need this much control18:43
freakynlmost stuff in /etc, /var/log and /home isn't executable (or better said, nothing in there *should* be executable although there's stuff like ssl-vpn clients that install in ~)18:44
Vasaif i give access to a single user to /etc/nginx /etc/php5 /var/log/nginx  AND /home/Websites  it should not ruin the rest of the system right?18:44
freakynlhave a look at setfacl18:44
Vasai mean with chown18:44
Vasaalright thanks everyone i think i know my solution thanks all18:45
andolVasa: I'd be carefull about blatantly using chown on those directory, as there might very well be some file where the daemons in question expect certain filer ownerships.18:45
Vasayes you are right18:45
Vasai will be extremly careful18:45
sarnoldVasa: that's significantly better -- I expect it is possible to elevate privilegs from /etc/nginx/ to root, but it'd take slightly more effort and probably be more easily audited. :)18:45
Vasabut if in htop i see that the proccess is with user www-data18:45
Vasaits safe to make those configs all www-data right?18:45
Vasaplus if the proccess starts as ROOT anyway he doesn't care what chown i put18:46
sarnoldVasa: you do not want the web server to be able to write anything except its log files, upload directories if any, and database sockets if any.18:46
Vasayou got a point i better take care of that18:46
Vasai made the user of nginx the owner of all the websites directory and all files in it18:47
Vasai guess it gives him all he needs to do his evil18:47
andolVasa: Really, this approah of yours really creates more problems than it solves.18:47
sarnoldand nginx is going to start as root, so it can bind it's socket. if you allow an untrusted user to write its configuration files, it can probably be configured to not drop privileges. BUT, this problem is so much more confined, it's significantly better... :)18:47
Vasaalright alright you are right :P18:47
Vasai'll go with that thanks all good luck18:48
freakynlVasa: setfacl is safer18:49
freakynlhmm he might be back soon ;)18:49
jamespagehallyn_, hey - I just got passed this by one of the ceph rbd devs19:39
jamespageit enables logging for librbd in qemu19:40
jamespageand allows debugging via admin sockets in /var/run19:40
jamespageany chance you can review and add if you feel appropriate19:40
hallyn_jdstrand: ^19:41
hallyn_jamespage: is anything under /run/ceph supposed to be privileged?19:42
hallyn_jamespage: do you mind opening a bug for it with just the contents of the pb)19:45
hallyn_(so i can point security team to it :)19:49
jdstrandhallyn_: so, /var/log/ceph/* rw and /{,var/}run/ceph/** seems like they should be vm specific? I'm not keen on 'capability mknod,' at all, but I guess it wouldn't be the worst if the process was unprivileged19:57
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jamespagehallyn_, sure20:32
jamespagehallyn_, bug 122043120:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1220431 in libvirt "Updates to apparmor profile for ceph rbd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122043120:36
adam_gjamespage, any known issues with ceph + havana + juju-core?20:42
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SysFailure0x5aHello. I'm having an issue with PHP on Ubuntu Server 12.04 that is driving me nuts. I've been at this for two days.21:51
SysFailure0x5aI set the memory_limit is php.ini but it's being ignored.21:52
hallyn_jamespage: ^ do you have any testcases that use ceph, so that you could confirm whether /run/ceph/** and /var/log/ceph/** can be made per-vm (i.e. it's actually /run/ceph/libvirt-$uuid or something)?21:58
msafiWhy do I have to use sudo before almost any command? Is this how things should be? It doesn't feel right.22:22
sarnoldmsafi: It Depends. :)22:24
sarnoldmsafi: sometimes people who have over-used sudo find they need to use it all the time to work with files that should not be owned by root, but are anywhere..22:24
sarnoldmsafi: but if you're working on configuring services you will quite often need sudo, because standard users do not have permissions to modify important system configuration files22:25
msafisarnold, even when I'm in directory var/www/ I have to use sudo mkdir <new website>...22:26
msafiI'm getting tired of it...22:26
msafiHere we go again, git clone <url> permission denied.22:27
sarnoldmsafi: you could change the privileges of that directory to allow your user account to create and modify websites without any effort, but I'd rather be forced to use 'sudo' as a simple check, to make sure I'm thinking. :) hehe.22:27
msafiGood point. But I like to learn from mistakes instead of being too careful.22:28
sarnoldit is a good idea to check your backups work from time to time :)22:29
msafiCan I tell ubuntu to execute all of my commands as sudo?22:29
sarnoldmsafi: run 'sudo -s', that'll give you a root shell.22:30
msafiI see.22:30
msafi"sudo -s" added to my cheat sheet... Thanks!22:31
SysFailure0x5a I'm having an issue with PHP on Ubuntu Server 12.04 that is driving me nuts. I've been at this for two days22:32
SysFailure0x5aI set the memory_limit is php.ini but it's being ignored22:32
sarnoldSysFailure0x5a: in what way is it being ignored?22:32
SysFailure0x5aphp.info still shows the default value22:32
SysFailure0x5aI.E. I set memory_limit = 256M but php.info shows 128M22:33
sarnoldSysFailure0x5a: did you restart the server or fastcgi thing that you use for executing php scripts?22:33
SysFailure0x5aI can set it to 64M as well and it still shows 128M22:33
SysFailure0x5aYeah, reload, restart, and even server reboot does nothing22:33
SysFailure0x5aNo value works. 16, 32, 64, 96, 256, 512, I even removed/purged and reinstalled php.22:34
sarnoldSysFailure0x5a: are you confident that you were editing a file used in the php-fpm configuration? perhaps it uses a different php.ini by default?22:35
patdk-lapSysFailure0x5a, there are many places to edit that22:44
patdk-lapin /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini and also /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/*22:45
patdk-lapI personally perfer to only modify the /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/* files22:45
SysFailure0x5aYes, I do a mv php.ini under /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini (same location in info.php) and it said config not loaded. Put it back and it said it was loaded.22:46
SysFailure0x5aThe files in pool.d have no mention of memory_limit22:46
patdk-lapyou sure? cause by default they do22:47
SysFailure0x5aWhat file?22:47
SysFailure0x5aI did a cart of each one.22:47
patdk-lapcat is not very useful22:47
SysFailure0x5aroot@liquidio:/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d# ls22:47
patdk-lapgrep could be22:48
SysFailure0x5aI sitll pipe cats lol22:48
SysFailure0x5abad habbit22:48
* sarnold arrests SysFailure0x5a for senseless abuse of cat :)22:48
patdk-lapdefault is, ;php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 32M22:48
patdk-lapbut commented out22:48
patdk-lapthat will override anything in php.ini22:49
SysFailure0x5athat must be it22:49
SysFailure0x5aI must have over looked it22:49
patdk-lapif it is, grep would of found it22:49
patdk-lapassuming you did grep, and used grep properly22:49
SysFailure0x5aI don't ever remember having an issue with this file. It's worked in the past with ubuntu by just modifying php.ini22:50
SysFailure0x5aYep, that fixed it.22:50
patdk-lapthat file by default HAS NOTHING TURNED ON22:51
patdk-lapit's all commented out22:51
patdk-lapbut you use that file to adjust defaults, so you can run many php, with different options22:51
patdk-laplike, we use a normal one for webusers22:51
patdk-lapbut use one with higher timeouts and memory use, for admins22:51
SysFailure0x5aI'm the only user on this server, I've never touched that file ...22:53
SysFailure0x5aIt was uncommented22:53
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a|3xif im running a web server, would i need to allow non-root read permission on /tmp directory ?23:36
sarnolda|3x: that question is kind of all over the place :) hehe23:43
sarnolda|3x: (a) /tmp is already by-default world readable23:44
sarnolda|3x: (b) I don't imagine any reasonable web server uses /tmp/ for anything it does internally23:44
sarnolda|3x: (c) if you're running php scripts or similar that -does- require /tmp/ access, hopefully they create their own directory and restrict access as far as they can23:44
NickyPIs it possible to apply guest additions to server under virtualbox? My attempts want x11 to be in play. I don't care about the mouse or display but would like to mount vbox shared folders.23:53

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