
rafaeloi tried before 10 years to experiment with linux OSes  but the most common problem that i havent managed after much much reading is to install a programm.....  i.e. .tar.gr00:01
rafaeloit is really pain..........00:02
daftykinsthat's why you're not meant to install things that way ;)00:02
rafaelo.deb  files are super00:02
rafaeloone click00:02
daftykinsno that's wrong as well, they need to be repos else they'll get stuck00:03
rafaelofor a newbe yes....  but i want to work permanent with ubuntu , so i must install programs, and i dont want to use wine00:04
rafaelobtw i havent installed wine yet, but i have read so much for it00:05
rafaelodo you thing that is better to use the last version of ubuntu>00:06
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinssurely you'd want to stick to a distributions best practices?00:07
rafaelo12.04 LTS i thought that is better for me00:08
rafaelodo you know how disable the alternate sampling rate in  configuration?00:09
rafaelothis is what is asking00:09
ali1234you edit /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and comment out the line that says "alternate-sampling-rate"00:15
ali1234then run pulseaudio -k00:15
ali1234i bet it won't help though - it is probably already commented out anyway00:16
rafaeloi will try00:18
ali1234have you tried a different video player? such as totem or mplayer?00:19
rafaelono.   whichone to try?00:19
ali1234both of them00:22
rafaelook i try them00:22
ali1234totem is the default one in ubuntu00:22
daftykinshey guys, the silly form is down when i was attempting to help someone with a package to install to get wireless going00:22
daftykinswould it be linux-firmware-nonfree that might contain wireless drivers?00:22
ali1234firmwares, yes00:23
ali1234got a dmesg?00:23
ali1234there will be an error about missing firmware, if that is the problem00:24
daftykinsit's the one where someone has no wireless with a broadcom 431100:24
daftykinsthere's a thread i keep going to to link people to but as the forum is down i can't cheat :(00:24
ali1234yeah that has the b43 firmwares in it00:25
daftykinsexcellent :) thanks ali123400:25
daftykinsi have sent the user to install + reboot00:26
ali1234actually there is also linux-wlan-ng-firmware00:26
daftykinshopefully having wired connected doesn't stop network manager from showing networks00:26
ali1234it doesn't00:26
daftykinsgood good :>00:26
ali1234ah wlan-ng is for a bunch of different cards00:26
shaunooh man.  gnome-shell on debian, in vmware.  for some reason the screen has picked 5120x3200.  obviously my laptop doesn't do this.  but vmware helpfully decided to scale it instead of refusing it00:54
shaunothe systems settings dialog is about the size of my thumbprint, and I look like a moleman trying to read it00:55
daftykinsshauno: is that down to not specifying a max monitor res in the VM's settings?01:01
shaunoI don't have such a setting01:01
shaunoI'm not complaining really, that's my fault for firing up gnome before the guest additions.  just not used to it going to that extreme.  usually you login and find yourself in 800x600 or something silly01:02
daftykinsah in vmware workstation on Windows i get that beside the 'enable 3D' option in the VM config01:03
shaunoI just get a tick-box for whether or not it should lie to the guest about a 'retina' display (which I don't have)01:06
daftykinsah, fusion?01:06
daftykinshmm that'd be pretty sweet, you could probably have lots of 1:1 VMs up beside one another at once on a retina display01:07
daftykinswell you know, a grid of 2x2 instead of 101:07
shaunoI think I'll have to keep on fighting with that tomorrow.  it's way too late for this01:09
shaunofor some reason, the guest just won't receive a v4 address from my router01:09
shaunowhich leaves me with a very, very small internet01:09
daftykinsattached to the bridge adapter?01:09
daftykinshow quirky01:10
shaunoit's reaching the router fine because it's getting a v6 route through it01:10
shaunoI mean, I can get to google, facebook, etc01:10
shaunobut ipv4 still comes in handy, to put it mildly01:11
daftykinsthat's very funky01:13
shaunoit is.  I have another debian VM that's having no problems at all01:15
shaunooh well.  I finished what I came for.  I have a program that runs under osx & linux.  but the osx version has an unfortunate bug that breaks a couple of laws :/01:23
daftykins:O breakin' the law, breakin' the law01:24
shaunoa small program to program to program frequencies into a 2m handheld.  for some reason, when I attach the cable to an osx host, it holds down the send key.  under a linux VM, it's fine.  and I'm not licenced, so going anywhere near the send key is a no-no01:24
daftykinswhat's said device?01:25
shaunobaofeng something or other.  cheap as dirt, but it's fine for listening01:26
daftykinsi mean is it a radio of some form?01:26
shaunooh, yeah, 2m/70cm amateur bands01:26
daftykinsah :)01:26
shaunowhich is why it's a pain to troubleshoot.  I can't just leave it jammed on send while I mess around.  the only reaction to seeing the light go red is to turn it off01:27
shaunoso I don't know if it's me, the cable, the software, etc.01:28
shaunoanyhow.  'night01:28
daftykinsnn sir o/01:28
MartijnVdSMorning everyone!04:24
=== emma is now known as em
shaunoI Think that's still debatable at this point04:28
shauno(and yes, I may have just given away the reason I'm a caffeine fiend)04:43
MartijnVdSI just woke up at 6:0104:48
MartijnVdSno caffeine required04:48
shauno5:30 after ~3 hours sleep, takes just a little coercion05:16
moodoomorning all07:11
moodoowassup Myrtti07:13
Myrttinokia mobiles sold to ms. the other shoe fell.07:13
moodooa few billion dollars07:19
Myrttitoday is a good day for me to stay out of Facebook07:23
MartijnVdSHow unexpected.07:23
MartijnVdSMyrtti: you know Nokia people who won't like working for MS?07:23
Myrtticouldn't see that coming in a billion years.07:23
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I bloody hope so ;-)07:24
MartijnVdSTime to boil some water.07:26
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
popeyoof.. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQ1MTU  didn't expect that07:41
Myrttiwhat did you expect then07:42
Myrttithat they'll write about your kitten :-P07:42
popeyexpected my friends on G+ to go "oh, thanks for writing that blog post you promised a year ago" :D07:43
Myrttiyou're Internet Ubuntu famous07:43
Myrttithey'll latch into anything07:43
shaunoit's a bit weird seeing them use your full name07:44
popeyit is07:47
popeythat made yesterday my busiest blog day for months, maybe years07:50
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
MartijnVdS*drool* http://shop.lego.com/en-NL/Sopwith-Camel-1022607:56
dwatkinsDon't tempt me with such things, you evil user, MartijnVdS ;)07:56
shaunothat esata tower looks pretty swish07:56
MartijnVdSdwatkins: but.. lego!07:57
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: precisely, I'm trying to cut down (for financial reasons, nothing more)07:59
AlanBelldwatkins: I have a friend who is into lego, he wrote this http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/184533812X/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_til?tag=elsmorenet-21&camp=1406&creative=6394&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=184533812X&adid=0YF7DVG4NEHZTJVRV4DH&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwarrenelsmore.com%2Fbrick-city%2F08:00
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I have this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Forbidden-LEGO-Models-Parents-Against/dp/159327137908:01
mungbeanMartijnVdS: i've made a sopwith: http://i.imgur.com/hA7X4a9.jpg08:10
MartijnVdSmungbean: sopwith - port of the 1980's side-scrolling WWI dogfighting game08:10
MartijnVdSapt-get install sopwith \o/08:10
dwatkinsAlanBell: ooh, neat08:10
MartijnVdSmungbean: cool, how big is that IRL?08:11
mungbean1/72 scale, let me find a matching pic08:11
mungbeando you know how big these paint tinlets are? http://i.imgur.com/X4lkZxR.jpg08:12
dwatkinsAlanBell: I suspect my brother will get that, he really likes St Pancras station and Lego ;)08:13
SuperMattst pancras in lego form? are you people mad?08:18
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: http://now-here-this.timeout.com/2013/05/08/in-pictures-the-incredible-lego-st-pancras-international-station/ ?08:21
SuperMattI can't even find my way around inside, how the hell has he managed it in lego?!?08:22
AlanBellyeah, that is Warren08:22
AlanBellhttp://warrenelsmore.com/blog/ mixture of Lotus Notes stuff and bricks08:23
SuperMattoh I see08:23
SuperMatthe likes lotus notes08:23
SuperMattthat explains everything08:23
MartijnVdSthis explains everything08:23
moodooMartijnVdS: some people have too much time on their hands08:23
* AlanBell used to be a notes developer08:23
mungbeanhave you recovered?08:24
AlanBellit is good stuff, it is NoSQL, like couchdb and mongodb before they invented the term08:24
mungbeannurse, more pills08:24
AlanBelland it is a rubbish email client, and people for some weird reason think it is an email program08:24
MartijnVdSAlanBell: a bit like people think Emacs is an editor.08:26
AlanBellyeah, kinda :)08:26
AlanBellwell, actually probably more like if everyone thought emacs was a mail client08:26
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I give you gnus.08:27
AlanBelland flamed emacs for not being as good as thunderbird as a mail client08:28
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I give you mutt users08:28
shaunooi, what about mutt users?08:28
AlanBelleventually IBM destroyed the partner ecosystem and community around it08:29
MartijnVdSshauno: they complain a lot :P08:30
mungbeanisn't (al)pine better than mutt?08:30
dwatkinsthat depends who you ask, mungbean ;)08:30
mungbeanyes, religious wars etc08:30
dwatkinsI used pine for years, really liked it, but later on I tried to use mutt and couldn't get to grips with it.08:30
shaunowe still use Notes.  I hear it's going to be phased out.  can't come soon enough08:30
dwatkinson the flipside, I had a colleague who really liked mutt and used it all the time.08:31
mungbeani know about 50 pine users08:31
dwatkinsWe sometimes get issues reported by customers using Notes, mainly large corporations though.08:31
mungbeanthey funny thing is, a few of them still login to a server and run it, rather than run it on their desktop, because thats what you had to do in the 80s08:31
shaunoI think we count as large now; somewhere between 160-180,000 heads, give or take an acquisition or two08:32
shaunobut Notes has grown into a monster.  no-one knows what's in which database anymore.  the only way to track down what you're looking for is to find someone over the age of 40 and rob their bookmarks08:34
AlanBellyeah, that is how it is supposed to be used :)08:34
shaunoand this silly naming convention where everything I need should be on one of the servers that are named after fishes.  so you get strange conversations where people will be standing around asking if a galdr is a type of fish or not08:37
Myrttigah selective eyesight08:47
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Welsh Rarebit Day! :-D08:49
Laneyposh cheese on toast08:49
SuperMattis it really?08:50
SuperMatt(or sauce)08:50
dwatkinsI never understood the name, perhaps it's Welsh.08:52
MartijnVdSWere-rabbit Day?08:54
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:54
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:25
bigcalmczajkowski: thanks for the card :)09:26
czajkowskibigcalm: np sorry we cannot make it also, cant get the site to work :/09:26
bigcalmOh poo, means the db is down AGAIN!09:27
bigcalmWhy does mysql keep falling over on that server? :(09:27
moodoomorning morning09:28
* bigcalm installs supervisor09:28
popeyhttp://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/22.png illustrates nicely what I was getting at about being locked into google.09:29
popeyfrom http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/09/balky-carriers-and-slow-oems-step-aside-google-is-defragging-android/09:29
mungbeandid canonical launchpad ever take off09:31
czajkowskipopey: aye tisannoying and when you uninstall some of those apps if you dont use them on each update they get reinstalled again09:31
czajkowskimungbean: what do you mean ?09:31
mungbeanhaving serious discussions about which linux distro to roll out, resulting in around 500+ desktops09:31
TheOpenSourcerer"Google has purposefully made every effort to make Android OS updates as boring as possible" << That's an assumption. Where's the evidence?09:31
mungbeanRPM based distros are v good for running spacewalk/satellite etc for deployment09:32
mungbeanunsure about enterprise level deployment of ubuntu and ongoing management09:32
mungbeanczajkowski: sorry i mean landscape, not launchpad09:34
czajkowskipopey: Laney I'm getting a PUG!!!!!!!09:35
popeyoh dead09:35
popeyLook out chickens09:35
bigcalmOh my09:35
czajkowskihopefully the pug wil get on with the hens09:35
AlanBellchickens won't be bothered by a pug09:35
popeymungbean: landscape is part of the support offering, so people automatically get it at some levels I believe09:35
czajkowskiand the hens have their nice run09:35
mungbeani wonder what the pricing model is like for ubuntu advantage09:35
czajkowskiAlanBell: keep telling Jon that :)09:35
TheOpenSourcererWill look a bit like filace then I'm sure ;-)09:36
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: LOL!09:36
popeymungbean: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=41_3809:36
czajkowskinot getting the pug till nov till after the next 9 weeks travel where I'm on the road most weeks09:36
popey"Looking for business volume licensing? Request a call.09:36
mungbeanwowzers. not gonna be cheap just to get lanscape09:37
Laneyczajkowski: nice!09:37
mungbeanconsidering we have experts  in house09:37
Laneygot pics?09:37
Laneydo the head and body belong to the same species?09:38
Laneyif not, not trying hard enough09:38
czajkowskiLaney: not getting it till november till I come back from NYC09:38
Laneystill enough time to do the splicing then09:39
czajkowskiwouldn't be fair to get  a puppy as september nad october I'm going to live at an airport09:39
czajkowskiLaney: you are not being let near the pug!09:39
czajkowskipuppy pug :D09:39
popeymungbean: call and find out09:40
mungbeanit seems that way. then i get on a sales person's christmas card list :(09:41
bigcalmWhere are upstart scripts kept?09:51
Laneybrief scraping noise that sounded like it came from inside my laptop09:51
Laneyprobably alright...09:51
Laneybigcalm: /etc/init09:51
mungbeani've found foreman which looks like a good replacement for spacewalk09:51
bigcalmLaney: thank you :)09:52
bigcalmMy tv dongle didn't arrive in the post today :'(09:57
bigcalmWoe is me09:58
dwatkinsI bought a TV dongle a while back, couldn't get it to work for ages, then I found a different app for OS X which Just Worked.10:00
bigcalmOh, this is an Android stick to plug into my TV10:01
brobostigonchromecast ?10:02
Myrttichromecast should come to Europe sooner10:02
MyrttiI can't wait to throw my money at it10:03
brobostigonits dead cheap aswell, i could find a few useful things to do with it.10:03
popeysam would love one of them10:04
mungbean30 quid :-|10:04
popeyyeah, all minecraft merch is a bit spendy10:05
mungbeanminecraft lego must be ££10:05
bigcalmbrobostigon: no, http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00B18K4T210:05
brobostigonbigcalm: i will point out, that is not chromecast, but yes, it does looks interesting.10:07
mungbean$35 = £5510:07
bigcalmbrobostigon: I did say that it wasn't chrome cast10:07
mungbeanah..."This is a very nice little set for all LEGO / Minecraft fans but do not get ripped off but paying well over the odds. This set is on sale at £34.99 at the LEGO Shop, "10:08
bigcalmmungbean: that's an interesting exchange rate you have there10:08
brobostigonbigcalm: ok sorry, i am not fully awake yet.10:08
mungbeanjust amazon 3rd party thieves10:08
dwatkinsalso, you get it from Lego in an awesome box, I'd wager (their plastic bags look ace, so I assume this is the case if you order from leco.com too)10:09
mungbeanalso lego shop at westfield stratford10:09
* dwatkins may have a bit of a reputation for being the local Lego expert in the office from having two phone cradles on his desk made from it10:10
dwatkinsyeah, there's one in Glasgow too, I think they sell individual parts (so you don't have to faff around on bricklink)10:10
popey"There is a widely held belief in the wireless business that there will and should be a third option to Google and Apple." - http://gigaom.com/2013/09/03/why-i-think-the-7-2-billion-microsoft-nokia-deal-is-a-terrible-idea/10:12
popeydon't agree with his next conclusion of course ㋛10:12
davmor2Morning all10:19
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 10:21
davmor2czajkowski: thanks I needed that what the hell possessed me to have a week off :D10:23
Myrttioh man, play.spotify.com doesn't work :-(10:26
LaneyMyrtti: I found that10:26
Laneyclearing all of its cookies worked, at least for now10:26
czajkowskidavmor2: fun inbox and queues eh :)10:26
davmor2czajkowski: yeah fun that's the word10:27
mungbeanwhy does 10.04 on this old pc work smoother and nicer than any release since?10:28
davmor2mungbean: is it i386 or amd 6410:33
mungbeandavmor2: 32bit10:39
mungbeanrunning gnome210:39
MyrttiLaney: yeah, didn't work :-(10:39
LaneyI was considering cancelling when it broke for me10:40
Laneythe client has been busted for months too10:40
bigcalmdavmor2: you won't be coming to the LUG this weekend?10:40
davmor2bigcalm: possibly not on Wednesday either10:44
bigcalmErm, week :)10:47
bigcalmdavmor2: didn't think so10:48
xnoxpopey: i was trying to be subtle ;-) now it's all over G+ again =)11:02
dwatkinshaving a vibrating watch makes it seem like I keep hitting thins when I move my arm every time I get an e-mail11:03
* bigcalm wonders if tv dongle will come via courier. Seems doubtful as I have no tracking information :/11:05
popeyxnox: Happy Birthday! :D11:06
popeythink of it as my little present to you11:06
Laneythe crushing weight of internet fame11:07
xnox\o/ thanks =)11:07
davmor2mungbean: right so part of the reason is might be the newer pae kernel on i386, another might be the graphics updates are stressing it more, or it is dropping to unity 2d which I found much slower, you might want to see if 64bit can run on it an if it can try the 64bit live cd and see if it runs any better11:08
xnoxLaney: i'm not crazy, I just perform this way ?! http://youtu.be/ss_BmTGv43M11:08
mungbeandavmor2: i think the reason is just that 10.04 didn't have bloat11:08
mungbeanand gnome was mature by then11:09
davmor2mungbean: the other thing you can do is try xubuntu11:09
AlanBell13.10 is going to be a good release11:09
AlanBellpossibly if you turn off xmir11:10
mungbean$release+1 is always going to be good11:10
davmor2AlanBell: from what I've seen it is :)  even with xmir11:10
mungbeanafter a couple of days on 12.04 with an uber fast PC i run out of RAM and CPU in no time11:10
mungbeanuptime 12:10:46 up 515 days, 20:58,  6 users,  load average: 0.46, 0.33, 0.3511:10
AlanBellyeah, I am running xmir at the moment, it barfs frames in random order to the screen on secondary monitor11:11
davmor2AlanBell: I'm about to start stress testing xmir bypass by migrating 900+ apps to saucy :D11:11
AlanBellthe best xmir can hope for is to be nearly as good as not running xmir11:11
AlanBelldavmor2: single screen or multi monitor?11:11
davmor2AlanBell: single I have too many pcs to have more screens11:12
mungbeani might revert to single monitor11:12
popeymungbean: what insecure machine is that uptime from?11:12
mungbeani thin kdouble monitor ssetup = resource intensive11:13
mungbeanpopey: a desktop PC11:13
mungbeanall updates applied except kernel. would need to prove that 2.6.32-38 has remote exploits11:13
AlanBelldavmor2: yeah, single screen works fine, it is pretty much as good as not running it11:13
drussellmungbean: if you're really struggling to get something smooth, I migrated all my older desktop/laptop machines to http://www.bodhilinux.com/11:14
drussellmungbean: lowest of all resource consumption for a basic desktop (lower than xfce or lxde)11:14
drussellmungbean: nice thing is that it's ubuntu based at the backend11:15
mungbeanmaybe its just chrome and firefox are RAM beasts11:15
mungbeani use elementary now in my quest for simple and fast OS11:15
davmor2mungbean: all browser are ram beasts11:17
mungbeansince 2010 :(11:17
mungbeanused to be ok11:17
mungbeanor maybe it's the websites?11:18
mgdma bit of both11:18
directhexaggressive caching11:18
mgdmthe average page size across a bunch of popular websites is of the order of a meg and a half11:18
mungbeanmgdm: you sure about that?11:18
mgdmwith loads of ad calls and AJAXy widgets and all that nonsense11:18
mgdmmungbean: pretty sure, but that is the average. Some are lots bigger11:19
davmor2mungbean: your firefox and chrome will auto update to newer versions so I doubt they are the original 2010 versions11:19
directhexthere's a good blog post on this, hang on11:19
mungbeanmaybe wobbly windows make my pc *feel* faster... :P11:19
directhexthey do.11:20
mungbeanbut there's no lag here11:20
mungbeanon my i5 i get chug chug grind splutter11:20
directhexyour system feels fastest when it's most responsive, and it feels responsive when there's a tangible response to your actions, with minimal delay11:20
mungbeansomething has changed in recent kernel or DEs.11:20
directhexgenerally an app which takes longer to finish, but has some kind of progress bar, is considered faster by the casual observer11:20
davmor2mungbean: on the i5 what version are you running i386 or amd6411:25
mungbean64bit, with more RAM and better video card11:26
davmor2mungbean: then I have no idea what you do then, if you are running bittorrent try turning it off, try not opening a million tabs, run some tests on a known lite site like duckduckgo/google/bing search pages11:32
mungbeanthe fix is to install 10.04 :( i've had it on multiple machines. linux/ubuntu is getting hugely slow11:32
mungbeancould be a kernel scheduler problem11:33
davmor2mungbean: no idea what you are on about for me unity is getting lighter and faster with each release, I can't wait for 14.10 when unity8 lands then it will be blistering quick11:35
AlanBellis unity8 the mir native version?11:40
davmor2AlanBell: it is, it is also the converged version so is the one under development on the phone currently so is really light11:48
AlanBellcool, it would be nice to have some convergence of the marketing and the reality around the converged unity11:51
czajkowskipopey: davmor2 any idea why the EN is appearing up there on the right, it's for the keyboard I know, but no idea why or how it appeared and no idea how to remove it https://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/374858681415786497/photo/111:52
popeyyou can disable that11:52
popeyclick it, choose last option, then in the dialog there's a tickbox11:52
czajkowskino idea how it got there11:53
davmor2czajkowski: ah popey beat me to it11:53
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1217240 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Displaying even when there is only one layout to choose from" [Low,Confirmed]11:53
czajkowskibeen bugging me11:53
czajkowskithanks :)11:53
funkyHatThe gui that allowed for some remapping of keys seems to have disappeared11:54
czajkowskiThe downside to adding ones phone number to a signature means I'm getting random calls going hi laura and I've zero context and all from withheld numnbers11:54
popeyheh, mine has been in my sig for years, never got a call as a result11:54
davmor2funkyHat: System settings→keyboard→shorcuts tab?11:55
czajkowskiI've had 3 today alone11:55
czajkowskiit's handy just a bit odd - new :)11:55
czajkowskishall be in london this week wed- friday if anyone is about11:56
funkyHatdavmor2: actually I'm at work so I can't check til later, but I did look at that last time and didn't spot it :()11:56
funkyHatlast night*11:56
* davmor2 reminds himself to stop giving czajkowski number out instead of his own when he is asked for it :D11:57
czajkowskidavmor2: LOL11:57
funkyHatdavmor2: do you also introduce yourself as Laura?11:57
davmor2funkyHat: no but I bet most of the calls czajkowski gets start is Dave there11:59
diddledangruff voice: "Dave? Hello Dave?" </league of gentlemen>12:01
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
davmor2popey: Why do I get a dialogue for shutdown when I selected restart from the system menu why not just restart or cancel?12:03
funkyHatActually I prefer that12:03
davmor2funkyHat: I like the confirmation, but why in this context driven world is the confirmation box not12:05
AlanBellwhat do we all think about middle click paste? (which might be going at some point)12:10
diddledanAlanBell: I love it12:11
diddledanI don't want it to go anywhere!12:11
AlanBellme too12:11
AlanBellapparently there is a plan to change it so that it pops up a bubble with copy/paste options or something12:11
AlanBellwhich means it will use the main clipboard I think12:12
diddledanthat sucks12:12
diddledanI use it many times daily12:13
AlanBellme too12:13
mungbeanmmm fudge12:14
diddledanmungbean: if only your last name was "packer", I'd offer you some. </lame associative humour referencing cannibal the musical>12:15
davmor2AlanBell: depends if I select paste and it pastes I'd be happy with that,  ie highlight text goto where I want to paste it middle click and press paste and it pastes.  Not ideal but would cork if I have to use the copy and paste options then they may as well do away with the option all together and just allow the right click to deal with it12:15
AlanBelldavmor2: as far as I can tell, you would have to highlight text, middle click on it, press the copy bubble (overwriting clipboard contents) then go where you want it to be, middle click and click the paste bubble12:28
AlanBellwhich would paste with formatting rather than a text only paste12:28
davmor2AlanBell: then that sucks12:29
TheOpenSourcererWhat is the rationale behind changing something that has worked since the year dot?12:34
mungbeanthanks youtube. massive pciture of miley cyrs makes my boss think i'm looking at smut12:34
mungbeanon my homepage no less12:34
popeydavmor2: ask mpt12:35
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: because it is a feature that other operating systems don't have, so to catch up, Gnome want to go back12:37
AlanBellas far as I can tell. Anyhow, they rolled back the commit for Gnome 3.10, and will ponder it for the next Gnome12:38
TheOpenSourcererSo we lose the great feature if having 2 paste buffers12:38
MartijnVdSTime to check out KDE I guess12:38
AlanBellyeah, I think it is great having a text only secondary paste buffer12:38
popeyWell, there are apps that can make multiple paste buffers work12:39
diddledanyeah, but it's built-in right now12:39
diddledanmaking it optional means more hoops to jump12:39
AlanBelland more inconsistency as different apps do different things with middle click12:40
TheOpenSourcererIt's great the way it is. Unless you *know* how to use it it doesn't get in anyone's way...12:40
AlanBellwell apparently it does get in the way of people from windows who use middle click to scroll things12:40
diddledanTheOpenSourcerer: exactly, and if you accidentally "discover" it by clicking the middle button you think to yourself "oh, that's cool, I'll remember that"12:40
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Well, Windows gets in my way when I use middle click to paste12:40
MartijnVdSwith its "scroll" thing12:41
TheOpenSourcererBut Windows sucks and is on a downward spiral anyway. Who cares?12:41
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: Nokia cares.12:41
AlanBelldunno what the mac does12:41
AlanBellthey do have more than one mouse button these days don't they?12:41
TheOpenSourcererDoesn't have a "middle" button.12:42
TheOpenSourcererOnly has one doesn't it?12:42
diddledanwe (as in the community) should not be bending over to accommodate paradigms that we've superceded12:42
MartijnVdSAlanBell: officially they still only have the one12:42
diddledanI use multibuttons on my mac12:42
TheOpenSourcererI've been able to configure & use Logitec mice with > 10 buttons for years and years without needed any new drivers or other apps.12:43
diddledanbut I'm missing middle-click-paste :-p12:43
TheOpenSourcererWhen evdev first appeared it was just full of awsomeness.12:43
TheOpenSourcererI saw a very interesting comment regarding MS/Nokia this morning. Who on earth is going to make WP devices now? Other than MS/Nokia of course?12:45
AlanBellthe phone market is too much "winner takes all" at the moment12:47
TheOpenSourcererGoogle/Android is a *very* different proposition. Apple know how to make stuff work and market it properly. MS is just a bag of fail outside of Enterprise.12:47
TheOpenSourcererAhh maybe that's it.12:48
TheOpenSourcererThey become the new RIM ;-)12:48
AlanBellsomeone could be the new RIM12:48
AlanBell(that is the new, old RIM)12:48
diddledanhas rim been bought yet?12:48
mungbeanhow can i reply to a gumtree mail?12:49
mungbeandoesn't seem to have a mail facvility like ebay12:49
AlanBellUbuntu Touch could be the new RIM, but I don't think they want that market12:49
davmor2popey: I did :)12:52
diddledanwhatever ubuntu touch becomes, it'ld better not do a rimshot and bounce back :-p12:52
diddledanba dum tsh12:52
MartijnVdSdiddledan: joke.popey.com?13:00
MartijnVdSthey used to have http://rim.jobs/13:01
diddledanis that sfw?13:01
diddledanaah, phew13:01
mgdmI don't believe it resolves any more, but it used to go to their jobs site13:02
diddledanit can't find the server :-p13:02
MartijnVdSdiddledan: "This page is not available", but it used to link to the "Open positions" page on RIM's web site13:02
mungbeanyou guys are risky13:02
MartijnVdSmungbean: that's what you get for living on the bleeding edge 8-)13:02
diddledanwhen you refer to rim jobs and bleeding edge in the same sentence you're really risking it :-p13:03
diddledanobviously I'm referring to RIMs lack of innovation <.<   >.>13:03
MartijnVdSdiddledan: but.. businesses love it!13:04
MartijnVdSor something13:04
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diddledanMartijnVdS: I guess it takes a certain sort ;-)13:05
MartijnVdSdiddledan: *something about a brown nose*13:05
diddledanyou _had_ to go there! :-p13:05
MartijnVdSdiddledan: it's the only reason I can think of for RIM to be popular in "the enterprise"13:06
diddledanuntil NSA/Snowdon debacle businesses believed that their communications were encrypted on RIM's servers13:07
diddledansame with the terrorists13:07
MartijnVdSDidn't the deals with Saudi Arabia and the like disprove that theory?13:07
diddledanyeah, good point. head-in-the-sand?13:08
diddledanthe saudi sand13:08
mungbeanlol http://i.imgur.com/JHgtVbp.jpg13:24
mungbeandad birthdays13:24
mungbeannote: i've never said this out loud at home13:25
MartijnVdSmungbean: you can do that once they've moved out :P13:26
mungbeanwhat about the wife?13:26
MartijnVdSmungbean: same.13:26
mungbeanwhats even more funny is the tradition i have with my brothers and sisters of buying birthday presents, now that its just degnereated into amazon voucher exchange13:27
mungbeanbit pointless13:27
diddledanyup, same13:27
MartijnVdSoh we just buy each other exotic beers13:27
mungbeanwhen do you stop?13:27
TheOpenSourcererIn 2 days time I will have been married for 15 years!!!13:27
diddledanalthough this year they clubbed together and bought me an "extreme rib experience"13:27
mungbeananyone in guildford area this is an awesome deal http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/doctor-who-daleks-in-manhattan-airfix/1029962073#photo-content13:27
mungbeanTheOpenSourcerer: happily?13:28
TheOpenSourcerermungbean: Yeah mostly.13:28
TheOpenSourcererIf I said *every* day I'd be lying13:28
mungbeanmy wife wants a 2 storey extension :S13:28
MartijnVdSmungbean: tell her "But you said size doesn't matter!"13:29
TheOpenSourcererI've had a few moments where I just wanted to "get off the planet" and disappear for ever but they pass.13:29
mungbeaneverybody wants to get off the planet for some space and lack of responsibility occiasionally13:30
diddledanmungbean: 2 stories upwards or sidewards? :-p13:30
MartijnVdSIsn't that what homesickness is? :P13:30
mungbeanan extension on the back13:31
mungbeangreat. the doctor said the results have come back and there's no infection found. certainly doesn't look normal...13:33
mungbeanstupid toe13:34
diddledanI've got a tooth that doesn't feel normal. it was fine until I had a filling at the weekend13:35
diddledannow it hurts13:35
mungbeanhad the same problem , used sensitive toothpaste and it sort of went away13:36
MartijnVdSdiddledan: new fillings can be weird for a while, but if it still hurts after several days, I'd call the dentist13:36
mungbeanstill feels "different" but the dentist said the only way to find out is to take it out and look at it lol13:36
MartijnVdSMine uses some kind of plastic/epoxy/magic stuff now13:36
diddledanI went NHS13:36
diddledancan't afford fancy fillings13:37
MartijnVdSdiddledan: these are the only ones he uses, he never worked with the old metal ones13:37
* mungbean has a gold crown13:37
MartijnVdSmungbean: front tooth?13:37
mungbeanright at the back13:37
diddledanmungbean: can I punch you and keep the profit?13:38
mungbeanits my favourite tooth now13:38
mungbeanshe almost dropped it down my throat. would have been interetseting13:38
mungbeangold is a very warm and smooth metal13:38
diddledangold teeth rock13:38
mungbeanthat tooth always feels smooth13:38
diddledanwhen I win several meelion (either through the lottery or some kind of ransom) I'm going to replace all my teeth with gold ones :-p13:39
diddledanthen I'll be like JAWS in the bond movies13:40
diddledanand I'll be able to bite through thick cables13:40
mungbeananyone used foreman to deploy ubuntu?13:42
mungbeanessex shark :-\ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGGoOKjtQ5A13:44
directhexheadington shark :-\ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo5s1AwDqzA13:49
bigcalmHi peeps :)14:03
bigcalmIn QueryBuilder, how do I correctly have more than one select statement?14:03
bigcalmWrong window :)14:04
mungbeanwrong life14:04
bigcalmmungbean: what?14:04
MartijnVdSwrong language14:04
diddledanwrong multiverse14:04
mungbeandiddledan wins14:04
diddledanwho's going to bash.org that then? :-p14:06
mgdmI'll bash YOUR org. </dave2>14:06
diddledan(yes, really, it's still on the net)14:06
directhexhm, press release14:11
MartijnVdSdirecthex: where? what? how?14:11
mgdmdirecthex: are you still at Collabora or are you elsewhere now?14:11
directhexmgdm, i am still at collabora14:11
directhexMartijnVdS, http://www.collabora.com/press/2013/09/collabora-productivity-targets-a-marketplace-of-one-billion-desktops.html14:12
mgdmdirecthex: I think I'm mixing you up with resiak, then, who I think was and is no more?14:12
directhexmgdm, yeah, resiak quit to do boring closed source rubbish for a big evil corp14:12
mungbeandont say hackers in a press release!14:12
mgdmdirecthex: booo14:12
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bubuhey guys, I have "0 clients:"14:14
bubuhow can I grep is for just the first number, so the 014:15
diddledanbubu: you need to advertise better14:15
diddledanit's a tough marketplace14:15
MartijnVdSbubu: is it always a number? or do you only want the 0?14:15
bubui want just the number14:15
bubuso the number before the clients:14:15
mgdmbubu: echo '0 clients' | egrep -o '[0-9]+'14:15
mgdmor something like that14:16
diddledan\d+ clients14:16
bubueven better would be 'unless number is 0, do bla'14:16
awilkinsNot sure \d works even in egrep14:16
bubugreat thanks14:16
MartijnVdSpgrep \o/14:16
diddledanwho said it had to work in egrep? :-p14:16
MartijnVdSPerl compatible regexes14:16
awilkinsRegex are great, but the lack of convergence is horrible14:16
diddledanawilkins: much like javascript then14:16
awilkinspgrep is for processes14:16
mgdmdiddledan: JS isn't that bad nowadays. Though the DOM and CSS are 'orrible abominations14:17
MartijnVdSawilkins: ah, sorry. grep -P14:17
MartijnVdSawilkins:   -P, --perl-regexp         PATROON is een reguliere Perl-expressie14:17
MartijnVdSsorry for the Dutchness ;)14:17
diddledanmgdm: yeah, I quite like javascript14:18
mungbeanargh i lost my epic bash history14:18
MartijnVdSdiddledan: the thing I hate most about js is that you can't add a trailing comma in a data structure14:18
directhexpatron? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYxO3Y-wOrM14:18
MartijnVdSdiddledan: so var x = { foo: 'bar', baz: 'quux', }; is not allowed14:18
diddledanMartijnVdS: yeah, that's bitten me many times14:18
awilkinsEven worse, in IE that crashes but in everything else it just works silently14:19
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awilkinsHooray for JSlint / JShint14:19
mgdmyes, eactly14:19
mgdmdrives me nuts because every other language is fine with it14:19
diddledanreally the only reason we complain about anything on the web is because of IE14:19
awilkinsJava ; no14:19
awilkinsDunno about Pythin14:19
mgdms/language/language I use/14:20
dutchiefine in py14:20
awilkinsBut I'd expect C languages, C# etc, to have a shitfit14:20
MartijnVdSmgdm: except SQL14:20
awilkinsPardon my channel-inappropriate French14:20
MartijnVdSmgdm: but you fix that by using prefixed commas14:20
diddledanawilkins: poopfit?14:20
awilkinsYes, I use prefix commas14:20
awilkinsIn variable length lists14:20
mgdmawilkins: C is fine with it14:21
mgdmand prefixed commas look terrible, though I can understand why you'd use them14:21
mgdmawilkins: (tested in gcc and clang)14:21
awilkinsI use prefixed commas mostly because the most common edit you do to a list like that then only generates a 1 line patch rather than a 2 line patch14:22
awilkinsWhich makes for better behaviour WRT merges in VCS systems14:23
awilkinsI suppose for languages that imply a non-element when you terminate the list with a comma that's a moot point14:23
bubuguys, in a bash script how could I do something like, wait until this command: "passenger-status --show=requests | grep clients | egrep -o '[0-9]+'" returns a 0, then move onto the next step14:33
bubunot a 0 exit code, an actual 014:33
diddledanwhile command; do echo "useless echo which can be omitted, but shows each time the loop runs"; done14:35
diddledanyou might want while ! command; do14:35
diddledanoh, not an exit code14:35
bubuja, not an exit code, it's actually a 014:36
diddledanin that case then you want `VAR=1; while [ $VAR != 0 ]; do VAR=$(command); done`14:37
diddledanwhere command is the entirety of your passenger status line above14:37
bubuthanks diddledan14:38
diddledanI sense a disturbance in the foo - as if someone used bash on a million voices at once14:39
diddledanoh god14:40
diddledanI just caught myself doing the stereotypical video meme from several years ago of a kid dancing in his chair14:40
diddledanyeah, so that video was me just 5 minutes ago14:42
diddledancomplete with obesity <-- I'm a fatty!14:43
mungbeanthat was ...14:46
mungbeanhe is spitting image of our resident neckbeard14:46
diddledanperhaps he _is_ your resident neckbeard14:47
bubudiddledan: I have one more huge question favour to ask :D15:03
bubuI need to run 'passenger-status --show=pool' until I can't grep 'spawning' from it's output i.e. it has stopped spawning15:04
mungbeani've tried to be a fatty but find it impossible to gain weight15:05
mungbeanwii fit reckons my BMI is ideal but everyone else says i'm too thin :S15:06
diddledanthat one should be simpler - `while ! bash -c "passenger-status --show=pool | grep -e spawning"; do true; done`15:06
diddledanwhere I've replaced the echo from the preivous while loop I gave you with "true" which just returns 0 and doesn't output anything15:07
bubuawesome :D15:08
diddledanthese while loops are "tight loops" in that they'll use up all available processing power to run if allowed to. I forget whether bash has a sleep command but if it does it might be worth sleeping in the loop to ease the power requirements15:09
mgdmsleep 1 = sleep for one second15:09
diddledanthanks, mgdm15:09
bubuI like that idea15:09
bubuthanks guys :D15:09
diddledanso yeah, just plop sleep 1 in the loop between do and done15:09
diddledandammit, I'm dancing again!15:10
bubudiddledan: passenger-status --show=pool | grep -e spawning returns nothing at the moment as there is no 'spawning' being output15:12
bubuso I would expect `while ! bash -c "passenger-status --show=pool | grep spawning"; do true; done`15:13
bubuto return nothing too but it just hangs..15:13
bubuis it in the loop I guess15:13
bubusorry to be a PITA :/15:13
diddledanyeah, sounds like I got something wrong :-p15:13
bubumy bash is aweful, better in ruby tbh15:13
bashrcI'm not much of a bash wizard15:15
diddledanok, try without the bash -c "" wrapper around the if15:15
mgdminteresting choice of nick, then :)15:15
diddledanwhile ! passenger-status --show=pool | grep spawning15:16
diddledanany joy?15:18
bubunope :(15:19
bubuit gives me a >15:19
bubuas if the command isn't finished15:19
mgdmthe ! will be a history thing, I suspect15:20
mgdmwhich will confuse the issue15:20
diddledanwhile ! passenger-status --show=pool | grep spawning; do echo I'm looping; sleep 1; done15:20
diddledanthat'll at least tell you it's looping rather than just breaking entirely15:21
bubugives me > still ...15:21
diddledanso it does15:22
diddledanwhy is that I wonder15:22
diddledanmaybe mgdm is right15:22
bubuhow could I get around that?15:23
diddledanI'm <-- opens a quote that isn't closed again15:25
mungbeanalso the pipe15:25
diddledanwhile ! passenger-status --show=pool | grep spawning; do echo "I'm looping";sleep 1; done15:25
mungbeanis causing issues15:25
mgdmalso shouldn't passenger-status --showpool be in $() or at least `` ?15:26
diddledanI've tested that and it definitely works locally15:26
diddledanmgdm: it doesn't need to be15:26
bubuexcellent, works thanks diddledan mgdm mungbean & co :)15:27
diddledando I get consultancy fees? :-p15:28
diddledanis passenger the ruby-on-rails runner?15:29
mgdmwell, Ruby, yes, not specifically rails15:29
diddledanwait, microsoft have completely bought nokia's phone business?!15:30
diddledanthat's an interesting move15:31
diddledandoes that make them microkia?15:31
awilkinsLet's face it, they owned it the moment Elop sacked off the Linux phones15:32
shaunoI think it's quite funny.  Elop is ex-msft.  he's gone out, beat nokia to death, and now he's dragging the corpse back to the lion's den15:33
diddledanthat's a different slant on things :-p15:33
mungbeanburning platform was a lie15:34
diddledannokia had a good thing in owning qt but still they sold it off15:35
mungbeannok ia value dropped 85% and they got it for half of the current value anyway15:35
mungbeanshareholders should be v angry15:35
mungbeannot after elopalypse came15:35
mungbeanthen nothing non MS was worth having15:35
diddledanindeed, it's a good ploy as shauno pointed out15:36
mungbeansurely not allowed though15:36
shaunoI'm curious who's move it was.  whether balmer's as crazy as we like to think, or if elop said he'd only come back if he could bring his new toys with him15:37
mungbeanafter elop then it was always gonna happen15:37
diddledandevelopers developers developers .. and phones15:37
mungbeanballmer heard about banana phones15:38
diddledanwait, the banana phone is real?!15:38
mungbeani had one15:38
diddledanwhat about the batphone?15:38
diddledanwhy did skippy the bush kangaroo just hop into my heaD?!15:39
* daftykins calls the RSPCA on diddledan 15:40
daftykinsput the wallaby down...15:40
directhexpfft. nokia news is boring. what about the libreoffice news?15:40
daftykinsthere's libre office news!?15:40
mungbeanto be fair, that PR had no discernible content15:40
mungbeancoll* are making some LO tools but you don't need to know details.15:41
directhexbasically selling enterprise support for LO to corps. suse technically were in that business - hence buying their team - but didn't really accept many contracts on it due to it not fitting their corporate model15:43
ig_ssspopey: how may i help you15:44
* Seeker` blinks15:44
diddledanwhat exactly is suse/attachmate's business model these days?!15:44
ig_ssspopey: needed something in #design?15:44
directhexdiddledan, attachmate's model is selling an inferior putty to giant corps for infinity money15:44
directhexdiddledan, suse's is to sell SLES15:45
popeyig_sss: heh, thats service!15:45
popeychasing people down to other irc channels to see if they need something ☻15:45
diddledanputty as in a gooey substance or putty as in the ssh client?15:45
popeyig_sss: nah, I joined #design on the wrong irc network, sorry ☻15:45
directhexdiddledan, the latter15:45
davmor2daftykins: I think you were going for <rolf> hu ha hu ha tie me kangaroo down sport </rolf>15:45
ig_ssswhich other network has one?15:45
directhexdiddledan, attachmate's core business is terminal emulators15:46
popeyig_sss: internal company one ☻15:46
mungbeanrolf is off the menu now..15:46
diddledanyeah, aparently rolf is a sexual predator now15:46
ig_ssspopey: ah ok15:46
ig_sssalright later15:47
mungbeanalleged indecent assult15:47
popeythat twitter picture is ridiculous15:47
popeytotally US biassed15:48
mungbeanhowever, in terms of smartphones...15:48
diddledanpopey, still funny :-p15:48
mungbeannokia don't have many loyal customers of high end devices15:49
diddledannokia don't have many^H^H^H^Hany high end devices period.15:49
popeyI have seen to nokia handsets in the wild in the last few months15:49
popeyone was owned by a nokia employee15:49
awilkinsMy N900 was teh awesomes15:49
popeythe other was owned by a microsoft employee15:49
mungbeanawilkins: but they lost you as a customer right?15:49
awilkinsMy mum and my sister have Lumisa15:49
popeyI think my nephew has a nokia thing15:50
shaunowe have a bunch of them.  but they're the 5-10 "when it all goes wrong, it'll be cockroaches, twinkies and nokia handsets" variety.  for just that reason15:50
shaunoer, 5-10yo15:50
awilkinsmungbean, Yeah, I kept using it long after it's deprecation and then got a Nexus 415:50
diddledanan ex colleague used to have one - she loved it15:50
mungbeanMartijnVdS: happy days15:50
mungbeanhowever, with autorip, *all* prices have gone up15:51
diddledanautorip for books?>15:51
awilkinsMartijnVdS, I'd prefer it if you got a free ebook of every paper book you bought15:51
shaunohonestly, if nokia had gone android, I'd probably have gone that way.  they were the only brand I ever owned until smartphones15:51
MartijnVdSawilkins: yeah, but this might be a step in the right direction15:51
awilkinsBut some publishers have soo got their head up their butt about ebooks15:51
awilkinsLike Neal Stephenson's publisher15:52
awilkinsTook me a while when reading Anathem to work out that what I thought was techno-nuspeak was actually just OCR errors15:52
bigcalmMySQL help needed again :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6059327/ - this is returning the data I need, except I need meter_reading to be the most recent record, not the 1st created15:52
MartijnVdSawilkins: it's a mix of both :)15:52
awilkinsAnd then I thought "WTH? They're OCRing paper books to make the eBook?!? Did they lose the source code?"15:52
ali1234oh did microsoft FINALLY buy nokia then?15:53
shaunobigcalm: then don't use "order by id", use order by .. reading_snap_shot_time ?15:53
ali1234next: elop to replace ballmer15:53
awilkinsA bit like one of our data suppliers who maintain their enormous 1,100 page reference manual as Word and transcribe the changes manually to their data maintenance system :-S15:53
ali1234this is the exact same trick he pulled with adobe and macromedia15:53
MartijnVdSali1234: and then? run that into the ground?15:53
mungbeannobody in europe will ever hire a trojan CEO again.15:54
mungbeanif they have any balls15:54
ali1234MartijnVdS: yes, he ran macromedia into theground so adobe could buy it15:54
MartijnVdSali1234: sure but who will buy MS15:54
mungbeansounds like he's good at his job15:54
bigcalmshauno: that only orders the result once it's been grouped15:54
popeywell nokia are allowed to make smartphones again in 201515:54
popeybut not before15:54
popeythe agreement stops them making smartphones under the nokia name till then15:55
mungbeana windows only deal?15:55
awilkinsbigcalm, ORDER BY id DESC15:55
dwatkinsa CEO with people hidden inside him? sounds cramped.15:55
popeythem being nokia15:55
mungbeanwow thats crazy15:55
MartijnVdSoh the not-bought part of Nokia15:55
mgdmawilkins: won't work15:55
awilkinsbigcalm, Presuming id is an incrementing autonumbered field15:55
mungbeanwhich bit?15:55
popeythey still get to make S30 and S40 phones (dumb/feature phones)15:55
mgdmbigcalm: you probably need a self join15:55
awilkinsmgdm, Why not?15:55
popeywhich Microsoft clearly aren't interested in15:55
awilkinsAh, the meter reading time15:56
mgdmawilkins: order by doesn't work on groups15:56
awilkinsmgdm, Curses15:56
popeyor Nokia could make smartphones based on some as yet decided software platform... .....15:56
ali1234wasn't "microsoft buys nokia" on my list of 12 predications i did at new years?15:56
mgdmawilkins: and by groups I mean joins with group by, etc15:56
popeyeveryone predicted it15:56
mgdmawilkins: been a pain in my side for about 3 months :)15:56
bigcalmawilkins: the id is incrementing, but the reading_snap_shot_time is the field of interest. It may not relate to the order in which the records were created15:56
ali1234no they didn't, actually15:56
ali1234several mobile industry analysts told me it wouldn't happen15:56
mungbeanmost people predicted as soon as they eloped15:56
ali1234they also told mean valve would never make a console too15:56
shaunoI didn't expect something like this mid-ceo-transition15:56
mgdmbigcalm: you'll need a subselect, I think15:57
mungbeanwhat is the latest onthe valve console?15:57
bigcalmmgdm: I did wonder, just not sure how15:57
mgdmbigcalm: select ... left join (select thing from meter m)15:57
bigcalmmgdm: and once I have the SQL working, I need to translate it into QueryBuilder :)15:57
popeyJul 20 10:28:14 <ali1234>microsoft should have teamed up with RIM instead of nokia15:57
mgdmbigcalm: blech15:57
diddledanit seems pretty obvious that elop is headed into ballmer's chair once the big dude leaves15:57
bigcalmOh, okay15:57
popeythats the only line I found from last year15:57
ali1234popey: no on g+15:58
popeyah ok15:58
ali1234popey: you did that "what are your predictions for 2013" post as uuk-podcast15:58
popeyah yeah15:58
shaunoalmost completely unrelated, I noticed the bbc use the term 'monkey boy' in a headline re: balmar.  didn't expect that15:59
diddledanwait, what?!15:59
diddledancitation totally required15:59
awilkinsFair journalism, he's been called that by the tech community for ages15:59
popeyjust checked, none of us said it on the show16:00
popeyhaha tony said "Nokia will ditch Windows or go bust.16:00
awilkinsI'd say being bought out is akin to going bust16:00
shaunojust .. I remember the beeb being a bit more like my grandfather, not a bit more like me.  so it raised an eyebrow16:00
ali1234i can't find that post now :(16:00
popeyI said "There will be an Ubuntu phone available to buy in shops in at least one large western country16:00
awilkinsThere was the *promise* of one available to pre-order on the internet16:01
bigcalmInsider knowledge (just not yet)16:01
awilkinsI'm not sure they ever realistically expected the Edge to get backed it's full quote16:01
awilkinsBut it sure did make a point16:01
popeywe did hope it would16:01
awilkins"Hey look, $14M dollars worth of people like the idea of a deskphonetab"16:02
Daraelawilkins: fourteen million dollars dollars worth?16:03
diddledanI think that needs more clarification: "hey look, $14M dollars worth of people are willing to pay up-front for an unknown and unproven product because they like the idea of a deskphonetab, so imagine what that value will raise to once the product is proven!!!!!"16:03
awilkinsDarael, Was it more?16:03
awilkinsCan't recall16:03
popeyawilkins: pedant alert16:04
diddledanergh, and I did dollars dollars, too16:04
Daraelawilkins: I was more referring to the inclusion of both the dollar-sign and the word "dollars" because I'm a pedantic git.16:04
diddledanI was copy+typing16:04
ali1234https://plus.google.com/u/0/107381207738558467919/posts/8UULeoNsqkL <- found it16:04
shaunothe first step is being able to admit it16:04
ali1234"July - Nokia finally gives up after consistently terrible Winows Phone  sales. Branding and patents sold to Microsoft. Everything else sold to  Huawei. Elop returns to Microsoft to head Windows Phone division."16:04
Daraelshauno: The second step is amplifying it to the point of self-parody.16:04
awilkinsDarael, pedantic git from the dept. of redundancy dept.16:04
DaraelThat's the *redundant* dept. of redundancy dept., thankyouverymuch!16:05
MartijnVdSali1234: you missed at least one (there hasn't been a  Secure Boot key revocation, has there?) ;)16:05
bigcalmmgdm: this is my non-working attempt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6059365/16:05
ali1234sure, most of them turned out to be wrong16:06
MartijnVdSali1234: though you did predict a phone for September :)16:06
awilkins" As a result of getting ubuntu devs to port to nexus 7 with relatively less ram, cpu and storage, Raring will absolutely zoom along on a fast pc."16:06
mungbeanwill it?16:06
awilkinsWhat actually happened : Google released a Nexus 7 with more RAM and CPU16:06
Azelphurand a better screen16:08
Azelphurand qi charging16:08
diddledanwhy do I feel a pang of sadness about microsoft being in the dulldrums?16:08
diddledanthat article shauno linked made me feel :-(16:08
awilkinsBecause it's nice to have an enemy?16:08
shaunobecause it makes you feel old.  back in my day, etc etc16:09
awilkinsQuickens the blood and sharpens the nerves16:09
diddledanI almost want to defend monkeyboy16:09
diddledanbut then I realise I've called him monkeyboy again16:09
awilkinsWe have a project manager at work we call that16:09
awilkinsQuite independently evolved16:09
shaunothe term, or the species?16:09
awilkinsThe term16:09
awilkinsI'm not sure how he evolved though16:10
awilkinsThis is a man who's phone wallpaper is a finger pointing out with the caption "Who's the most awesome today then?"16:10
shaunoheh.  that reminds me of of when we found out our bosses' password hint was whos$product.  and his password, my$product16:11
diddledanthat's a good hint then16:12
awilkinsMy favourite memory of bosses and passwords was the boss having his Administrator account on Windows have a blank password16:12
diddledanaah joy16:12
shaunothat made the whole "no, they haven't fixed the password exposure bug at all .." conversation just that bit more cringeworthy16:12
awilkinsHe caught CodeRed and saturated our entire outgoing bandwidth (dual-link ISDN) with spam16:12
awilkinsWhen he claimed his machine was secure I put a text file on the root of his C:\ drive that said "Bet you're glad I'm not a REAL hacker then"16:13
diddledanI wonder if Sony UK have changed their network-wide admin password from <insert really simple one-word password that you only get in the daytime> yet?16:13
awilkinsWe used to host our own CRM system as well so that little episode put it offline for a day16:13
shaunothis was the most sunday school of bugs.  a password field that was sent back to the browser as input value=therealpassword16:13
shaunowe told them, they disabled right click.  so then we started mailing people their passwords until it stopped being an issue16:14
awilkinsI think Huawei's router web UI does that, sends WPA keys to the page as plaintext16:14
diddledanI think a lot of router web uis do that16:15
awilkinsFor which I'm grateful when I visit Mum and need the wifi password16:15
awilkinsThey're in a password box though, so they are plaintext that appears as a line of ******16:15
awilkinsQuaint notions of security16:15
dwatkinssome VoiP systems which have a java-based front-end will only let you login to a page that uses HTTPS16:16
dwatkinsI mean only uses HTTP16:16
shaunothat reminds me of the "disabled" features on the model upc sent me.  they've just commented the fields out of the webui16:16
shaunothrow up web inspector, uncomment them, and they work just fine16:16
diddledanmy dad's wifi password is easily googleable16:16
popeyKiB Mem:   8056964 total,  6894708 used,  1162256 free,     6984 buffers16:16
popeyKiB Swap:  8267772 total,  5662956 used,  2604816 free,   876896 cached16:16
popeyThanks chromium.16:16
dwatkinsI'm sure a lot of people don't bother changing their wifi router password16:16
awilkinsMy old employer had their catalog web app running as the root account on the database server16:16
awilkinsAnd it was vulnerable to SQL injection16:17
awilkinsWas soo tempted to reset the prices on an nvidia card and buy opne16:17
* dwatkins shudders at the memories of SQL injections16:17
awilkinspopey, That bug where your Google account auth times out and if chromium is your default browser it keeps spamming about:blank pages is v.annoying16:18
popeyworse if you have 2fa16:18
diddledanan in-house product at work uses \ to separate tag-type\tag-name - htere are several places where escaping goes 8 or more deep16:18
diddledanso you've got SYSTAG\\\\\\\\tag-name16:20
diddledanit can't be changed now without a lot of pain16:20
diddledanso it's a case of which pain is worse?16:21
bigcalmmgdm: thanks for the pointer on left join (select ...). I _think_ I have what I need now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6059435/16:30
bigcalmNext challange is to translate it into QueryBuilder :)16:31
mgdmhave fun with that :-)16:32
mgdmthat's part of the reason I don't use query builders, they're another syntax to learn on top of SQL16:32
bigcalmmgdm: I like the abstraction16:35
shaunois it really abstracted if you already wrote the SQL?16:35
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
shaunoat college I used to get told off for writing my code before my pseudocode.  it feels like you're doing the same thing16:36
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diddledanshauno: that's assbackwars16:36
shaunoit works in my head though.  make it work, and then fill in the fluff16:37
diddledanshauno: but technically when you're the developer and the analyst who cares when the pseudo code gets done?!16:37
diddledanI never understood the point of pseudo code anyway16:38
awilkinsYou should just replace pseudocode anyway16:38
awilkinsIf your real code gets changed are you going to change the pseudocode to match it? no16:38
diddledansurely it's up to the developer how to implement it, and not some idiot in an office who has no clue about programming16:38
davmor2popey: you could always change back to firefox :D16:38
mgdmpseudocode is pointless16:39
mgdmwriting tests first however is not16:39
gordonjcppseudocode is just a wanky ressurection of flowcharts16:39
awilkinsThat's the habit many of us need to cultivate better, self included16:39
mgdmArgh! UML!16:39
shaunowell, in my mind, it was so the people that couldn't actually make it work, could still get some marks for showing where their head was.  like showing your "working out" in maths16:39
awilkins"I need to do this... I need to write this test to prove it works... first"16:39
ali1234gordonjcp: no, that is flowcharts16:39
ali1234er, UML16:40
diddledanTDD can be faked - if you want a certain response given certain input. just return that response to all input. done. the test passes :-)16:40
mgdmdiddledan: well yes, but if you do that, you deserve everything you get16:40
awilkinsThat's how you start anyway16:40
awilkinsYou're supposed to just write something that passes the test16:40
awilkinsBut then you make the test more interesting16:41
shaunoI really fail at design.  I tend to just write a bunch of empty functions with convincing looking names, and call that my design.  and then fill in the gaps until it stops breaking16:41
diddledanshauno: I don't even do that :-)16:42
diddledanI just make it stop breaking period.16:42
shaunowell you're a web developer.  you're special :p16:42
diddledanwho cares about function naming :-p16:42
bashrcDesign never survives contact with users.  You can start out with a very elegant looking system and have it turn into a hairball once it meets the real world.16:43
awilkinsYeah, let's all just write things in Brainf**k16:43
diddledanawilkins: now you're getting the idea!16:43
awilkinsOr even better M / MUMPS16:43
diddledanbashrc: indeed16:43
awilkinsOh, wait, they already did that with the most successful OSS electronic healthcare record in the USA :-S16:44
diddledanthe usa has a successful oss electronic healthcare record at all?16:44
awilkinsWell, VistA16:45
awilkinsIf that counts16:45
diddledanoooh, so that's why microsoft failed. they took an electronic healthcare record and rebranded it an operating system.16:46
awilkinsTHey probably did write the Window 8 UI in MUMPS16:46
awilkinsI think I encountered MUMPS in one of my previous jobs and was lucky to escape alive16:48
shaunoI've had an odd 'career' path.  I encountered a rubber Nixon mask and a bullwhip in a previous job16:58
diddledanthat's some serious bongade16:59
shaunonah.  it wouldn't have been weird, but for the Nixon mask17:00
diddledanyou mean bullwhips are an every day occurrance?17:02
shaunonot everyday, just an eventuality17:03
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shaunoevery job has these.  if you stay here long enough, you will run into ...17:05
shaunoeg, if you work in web dev long enough, you will run into someone who doesn't understand the difference between hiring you, and hiring his 12yo nephew17:06
diddledanto be fair, there isn't much difference :-p17:07
shaunoanyway, back later.  I appear to have shrank my sofa covers, and now need a plan B17:09
diddledanthere's a big difference between hiring me and outsourcing to india, however17:09
xnoxpopey: look what you have done, everyone is now quoting the messenger (me) rather the slangasek who actually turned the question around at vUDS.... =)17:28
diddledanI need to pull an "x locator" using google maps out of my bottom by tomorrow17:33
diddledanannoyingly it needs to be in drupal which I know very little about17:33
ali1234x locator?17:38
ali1234i did a kml integration from a web service into google maps once17:38
diddledanali1234: in this case it's stores17:41
ali1234hmm, that's a little more complex17:41
diddledanI have zero data to work from, 'cos it's a POC17:42
ali1234now i think about it i did google earth integration, not google maps17:42
diddledanthis looks promising, though I don't know how easy it'll be to theme: https://drupal.org/project/google_store_locator17:43
popeyxnox: yay, you're internet famous!17:45
diddledanhow does someone become "internet famous"?17:45
mgdmbecome famous, on the internet.17:45
diddledani.e. how do I.. become internet famous17:45
diddledanand will I get money from it?17:46
daftykinsdiddledan: you might if you were a youtube sensation that got ad revenue17:51
xnoxpopey: does that make you, my producer?!17:51
diddledanI've got as much charisma as mark zuckerberg tho17:51
MartijnVdSdiddledan: so.. enough to get millions of people to use your website?17:57
MartijnVdSdiddledan: even though it's privacy hell?17:57
ali1234xnox: publicist18:03
daftykinsmmm, android 4.4 - kitkat, guaranteed 4 bars18:26
daftykinsaww yeah18:26
mgdmdaftykins: /o\18:26
mgdmdaftykins: *slow clap*18:26
daftykinsty sir18:27
diddledanlol  @ mega bites and chunky bite18:28
diddledanthat's actually awesome!18:28
daftykinsprops to them i say18:29
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ali1234i tried to convince mer project they should name each release after a seafood dish eg fish fingers, prawn cocktail etc18:58
ali1234but they wouldn't have it18:58
daftykinskilljoys :(18:59
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diddledan\o/ I got macports running on 10.9 mavericks20:00
mungbeansince upgrading from precise kernel to 12.04 and raring kernel , when i resume from suspend i don't get the lock screen, and wifi takes longer to resume. any ideas?20:07

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