
=== liam_ is now known as Guest751
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Wiz_KeeDis tehre anything wrong in creating a bzr init . and bzr init-repo .15:31
Wiz_KeeDin the same directory meaning?15:31
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Noldorinis colocated branch support already integrated in latest bzr?21:23
Noldorinthere seems to be a separate bzr-colo plugin21:23
Noldorinhow are they relateD?21:23
fullermdI think one is sketchy and incomplete, and the other is sketchy and incomplete.21:24
jelmerNoldorin: hi21:24
Noldorinhi jelmer21:24
Noldorinfullermd, ha i see21:25
Noldorinjelmer, yep, your work again ;)21:25
jelmerNoldorin: the two are unrelated; the bzr-colo plugin works better I think, though I've never used it21:25
Noldorinah right21:25
Noldoringot it21:25
jelmerthe support in core is incomplete, and sketchy at best. I wouldn't recommend using it for production stuff.21:25
jelmerNoldorin: nobody else is working on colocated branch support in bzr core; not sure about bzr-colo21:28
Noldorinyeah bzr-colo seems semi-active21:28
Noldorinjelmer, incidentally, why did you move to git? i'm curious21:34
jelmerNoldorin: the short answer is that that's what everybody else is using; the long answer is at http://stationary-traveller.eu/pages/bzr-a-retrospective.html21:35
Noldorinah, fair enough jelmer21:37
Noldorinbah, i have plugins installed on two places on my system it seems:21:57
Noldorin /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins21:57
Noldorin /usr/local/opt/bazaar/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins21:57
Noldorinwhat's up with this? :S21:57
fullermdHow bazaar.21:58
* fullermd hasn't had a good excuse to use that in _weeks_.21:59
Noldorinfullermd, it seems bzr is actually reading the former dir but not the latter, however22:01
fullermdThe latter sounds like a dropping from some sort of specialized intallation.22:01
jelmerhi thedac22:03
jelmerhi thumper22:03
thumperhi jelmer22:04
jelmerthumper: I sent in a merge request for wikkid recently; are you still maintaining it?22:05
thumperjelmer: hey, yeah I saw it, yes kinda maintaining it, not done a lot recently22:05
thumperI hove no real objection to merging it, just haven't gotten around to it :)22:05
Noldorinfullermd, what does that mean heh?22:07
jelmerthumper: I'm not in a hurry, just wanted to make sure it wasn't sitting there pointlessly :-)22:07
fullermdSome sorta super-install that includes a local python, maybe?22:08
fullermdOr maybe just an install from a somewhat screwy config that dropped files there due to being built against an odd python system, etc.22:09
fullermdI refer to such things professionally as "Idunnowasn'tme".22:09
Noldorinfullermd, probably homebrew making a mess of things...22:12
fullermdCould be.  The /opt/ bit is a dead giveaway for a lot of specialized package management/installation tools.22:13
Noldorinfullermd, should a normal bzr install have a root lib/ dir?22:14
Noldorinit seems to just include the python2.7/ dir that isn't getting used22:14
fullermdWell, it's gonna put files in whatever %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%% is, and that's usually /something/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/22:15
fullermdSo packages will usually have paths in them like "lib/python....." since they'll install rooted at /usr/local or /opt or the like, depending on the system.22:15
Noldorini see22:15
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Noldorinmeh, all fixed now :)22:22
Noldorinfullermd: unrelated question: is there any way to remove dead heads from a branch?22:22
fullermdThat sounds contradictory.  If it's in a branch, it's not dead  :)22:22
fullermdFrom a repository?  Not in any UI sense.22:23
Noldorinfullermd, well all non-tip heads are dead no?22:23
fullermd"Non-tip head" also reads rather contradictorialiciously   :)22:24
Noldorinfullermd, take it up with the develoepr of bzrtools then :P22:24
Noldorinthat's the terminology they use22:24
Noldorincontradictorily is the word you want incidentally :)22:25
fullermdNo, it's a word that would be _sufficient_.  The word I _wanted_ is the one I used   ;p22:25
Noldorinfullermd, haha okay then22:25
Noldorinwe'll grant you poetic licence for now i suppose...22:25
fullermdI've got 3 points on my poetic license currently.  2 more and I'll have to sit through another class.22:26
Noldorinnot surprised i am, the way you're at it122:26
Noldorinsheer gratuity, that is.22:26
fullermdAnyway, I think you're mis (or over-) reading.  In a branch, 'head' and 'tip' are pretty well synonymous.22:26
Noldorinfullermd, but are there not dead heads in a repo?22:27
Noldorinwhich are not tips of any branch22:27
fullermdIn the sense of the 'heads' command, it's tweaking the definition of head a bit to mean descendentless revs.22:27
Noldorini see22:27
fullermdIn that sense, a branch tip may not be a 'head' (e.g., I merge a branch into another; that branch's "head" now _does_ have a descendent in the repo, but it's still the tip of that branch)22:28
fullermdA head dead[1] in a repo would be one that isn't in any branch.22:28
fullermd[1] I didn't switch the words around.  I only switched the first letters.22:29
fullermdSo, there can't possibly ever be a dead head in a branch  :)22:29
Noldorinyes fair enough22:29
Noldorinfullermd, how can i remove dead revisions (or heads in the bzrtools sense) ? ;)22:30
fullermdPretty straightforward.  Just write a gc command/plugin.22:30
fullermdActually, you can even cheat and start from the gc plugin that almost existed and worked 10 versions and 2 formats ago, so it's even easier.22:31
fullermdNot only will that clean up your repo, but it's sure to get you money, fame, and chicks.22:31
fullermd(if you release it, anyway.  Nobody likes a jealous coder)22:31
Noldorinfullermd, gc?22:33
fullermdOh, I guess you could call it something else if you really wanted.22:33
Noldorini always knew getting into bzr would earn me those things!22:33
Noldorinnow it's finally paying off eh22:33
Noldorinfullermd, what does 'gc' mean though?22:33
fullermdExactly!  If it weren't for bzr, I'd have spent last weekend sitting at home alone!22:34
Noldorinwell jolly good you didn't then!22:34
* fullermd nods.22:34
fullermdThanks to bzr, I sat at home alone and committed things into a bzr repo.22:34
fullermd'garbage collect' or some inflection thereof.22:35
Noldorinfullermd, oh well, then what more could you ask for? who needs chicks, fame, money when you have that22:42
Noldorinfullermd, ah i see22:42
fullermdWell, I'd ask for colocated branches and a gc command, for starters...22:43
Noldorini'll have them both to you tomorrow sir!22:44
Noldorinfullermd, would you be so kind as to point me to the existing bzr gc stuff?22:46
Noldorinif it exists in a branch indeed?22:46
fullermdI have no idea if it exists anywhere publically.  I think either jam or lifeless was the one fiddling with it, but it was a long time ago.22:47
fullermdpre-2.0 even, I think.  So there have probably been 3 supercontinents formed and broken up since.22:49
Noldorinfullermd, maybe i can just fiddle with bzrtools to add the feature ;)23:04
fullermdHey, while you're in there, you can update it to quiet down and accept that 2.6.0 is a valid bzr release.23:05
Noldorinfullermd, oh, where does it complain about that?23:07
* fullermd shrugs.23:07
fullermdWhenever you use it.23:07
fullermdPlugin "Bzrtools" is not up to date with installed Bazaar version
fullermdThere should be a newer version of Bzrtools available, e.g. 2.6.23:07
Noldorinfullermd, looks like it's already been fixed in the devel branch23:08
fullermd(complains about the 2.7 in bzr.dev too of course, but you can pass two stones through one bird)23:08
fullermdMmm.  I don't see any; last change about versions was for 2.5 Thu 2012-01-19.23:09
fullermdmissing says I'm up to date.  Maybe upstream moved behind my back.23:10

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