
dgalgmhall119: that sounds like a bug00:00
dgalgI can work around it but I do not know how to get the path to write to, from QML00:00
mhall119dgalg: I agree00:00
dgalgand even if that were fixed, the thing which is making the app crash is a pulseaudio error, and that has to be a problem in the platform, surely?00:01
dgalgI might be doing somethnig wrong with sound (although it works on my desktop) but even if I am, I should not be able to prevent pulseaudio from opening a folder in /var/run00:01
dgalger /run/user I mean00:01
dgalgthat's a platform thing.00:02
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dgalgmhall119: does it always fail with the same error?00:02
mhall119dgalg: yeah00:12
mhall119dgalg: I'm thinking there might be something in u1db that isn't playing nice with the security sandbox, I'll check in on that too00:12
dgalgmhall119: thank you00:12
mhall119dgalg: can you join #ubuntu-touch?00:21
balloonsiBelieve, just wondering about the merge for file manager00:32
camronIs "qtdeclarative5-nemo-qml-plugin-folderlistmodel" supposed to still be needed for "music-app"?05:44
dholbachgood morning07:00
dpmgood morning07:21
nik90_good morning everyone07:39
_5m0k3Good morning07:40
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PaoloRotoloGood morning!08:05
PaoloRotoloGuys, how can I "pause" an app for x seconds in Qt?08:15
nik90_PaoloRotolo: pause? What is your purpose?08:27
PaoloRotolonik90_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1200410 :)08:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1200410 in Ubuntu Clock App "While searching world cities provide a small pause before going online to search" [Medium,Triaged]08:27
nik90_PaoloRotolo: ah that one. That does not need a pause literally08:28
nik90_PaoloRotolo: what I meant there was a search be made online after the user stops typing for 1 or 2 seconds08:28
nik90_PaoloRotolo: for this you need to use a Timer (qml timer) which starts when the typing stops08:28
nik90_PaoloRotolo: if this timer is over 1 second, then perform the search08:29
nik90_PaoloRotolo: so you do not need to pause the app08:29
PaoloRotolonik90_, ok, thanks for the tip ;)08:29
nik90_PaoloRotolo: thanks for trying to fix it08:29
nik90_PaoloRotolo: cant believe we have over 6 bug fixes in 1 day :)08:29
PaoloRotolonik90_, last thing: according to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1197908 the reset button doesn't work if the clock hand animation is triggered. Can I stop it, before resetting the timer?08:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1197908 in Ubuntu Clock App "Timer sometimes does not reset its clock hands after stopping it" [Medium,Confirmed]08:31
nik90_PaoloRotolo: you could give it shot. I am really not sure about why that really happens08:34
nik90_so if stopping it before resetting works, good for everybody :)08:35
dpmthanks again oSoMoN for your Calendar app reviews, the app is really starting to look really good!08:37
dpm(too many reallys in there, but you get what I mean ;)08:38
oSoMoNdpm: yep, it’s looking really good, it’s good to see so many incoming contributions08:38
dpmyeah :)08:38
oSoMoNdpm: really, it really doesn’t really matter, really :)08:38
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Paperboy Day! :-D08:52
PaoloRotoloMorning JamesTait08:58
JamesTaitPaoloRotolo, o/08:59
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PaoloRotolonik90_, I added a new timer, but it doesn't work. This is my code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6061937/09:22
nik90_PaoloRotolo: the search_timer interval is in milliseconds09:25
nik90_so you cannot do if(search_timer == 1)09:25
nik90_PaoloRotolo: in the search_timer, add a onTriggered: count = count + 1;09:25
nik90_if this count == 2, then do a online search09:25
nik90_PaoloRotolo: also you may need to use the restart() function and clear the count variable when appropriate09:27
nik90_PaoloRotolo: try drawing a flowchart to see the logic and order of the operations going on09:27
PaoloRotolonik90_, ok, thanks!09:28
nerochiarogusch: when you have some time can you please have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/camera-app/camera-app-actions/+merge/183835 ? it's quite simple. i will run the tests on the device myself when jenkins finishes, but in the meantime would be great if you could have a look at the code.09:35
guschnerochiaro: ok09:38
nerochiarogusch: thanks09:39
guschnerochiaro: I think you can remove the quit action, as quit was removed from HUD09:46
nerochiarogusch: good point. i'll do that09:46
nerochiarogusch: done09:47
guschnerochiaro: is there a way to test it, or is HUD still broken? (even on desktop)09:51
nerochiarogusch: on desktop i don't know, i can't run unity for some reason and i never had the time to figure out what's wrong. on the device hud works after you type in any search and then clear it10:10
guschnerochiaro: ah - thx for the hint10:12
nerochiarogusch: you're welcome. and Wallark i think should be working on fixing this but not sure what the status is10:12
nerochiaroWellark: me and gusch (and bfiller) were wondering what the status is on fixing the hud so that it displays the actions correctly (without having to do a search first)10:14
WebbyIThi dpm :)10:15
dpmmorning WebbyIT!10:23
WebbyITdpm, I have an idea on bug #1217876, maybe is a stupid idea, but prevent the app to crash on PC...10:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1217876 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Calculator locks while scrolling" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121787610:24
WebbyITdpm, can you try on your phone? :)10:24
dpmWebbyIT, wow, that's pretty awesome, let me see if I can test it on the phone10:37
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dpmWebbyIT, I've just tested it, but unfortunately it still locks10:45
WebbyITdpm, ok, I said that maybe is stupid :P10:49
WebbyITdpm, I'll try other way10:49
dpmok, thanks WebbyIT10:50
WebbyITdpm, another question. I am invited to conference where I have to speak about Ubuntu Touch, there are some resources?10:50
WebbyITdpm, something like template for presentation, old presentation  to have some ideas...10:51
dpmWebbyIT, I'm not sure we've got much, but I'll have a look. When would you need the material?10:51
WebbyITdpm, it's for the end of november, a lot of time :)10:52
dpmWebbyIT, ok. Would you mind sending me an e-mail about it, so I can keep track of it?10:52
WebbyITdpm, sure10:52
dpmgreat, thanks10:52
WebbyITdpm, thanks to you :)10:55
popeydpm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6062223/ <- script to branch, build, push, install and reboot phone11:07
dpmpopey, nice!11:09
dpmwohoo, hourly scrolling landed for Calendar! \o/11:17
nik90_popey: why do you need the script? Cant you run the branch on the phone through qtcreator without having to build and install etc. That's what I am doing to test my local alarm branch :)11:27
popeynik90_: well that script is a fork of another script https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/phablet-flash-wrapper/revision/2411:35
popeynik90_: which branches _all_ of the core apps and shoves them onto the phone11:35
popeyfaster than using qtcreator repeatedly, for 12 apps11:35
nik90_popey: wow that's impressive11:35
popeyi like automating my life11:36
nik90_popey: in the future, your bot will be typing these messages for you :P11:36
popeyPeople have suggested "popey" is a bot11:37
Wellarknerochiaro: what's the bug number?11:46
nerochiaroWellark: i can't find it anymore, let me search the backlog11:52
nerochiaroWellark: the bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/hud/+bug/1205097 and i followed the advice in the last comment, then rebooted the phone. the hud is still not showing actions unless a search is made12:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1205097 in Unity HUD "HUD isn't working" [Critical,Fix released]12:00
nerochiaroWellark: i added a comment with more info on the version of image and package. I'm reopening the bug unless you say otherwise12:03
dgalgdholbach or mhall119 ping12:25
nerochiaroWellark: when you have a minute I'd really like to get to the bottom of this hud issue12:27
tmoenickezsombi: ping12:36
zsombitmoenicke: pong12:37
tmoenickezsombi: do you know who works on the popover component?12:37
zsombitmoenicke: atm noone :)12:38
zsombitmoenicke: either timp or me, depends on who's available :)12:38
zsombitmoenicke: what's the problem?12:38
tmoenickezsombi: i trying to use it in the osk for the extended keys, when you long-press a key the popover pops over and shows extended keys :)12:39
tmoenickeit looks really cool, but sometimes I only see the shadow around and no content12:39
tmoenickezsombi: ^12:39
zsombitmoenicke: maybe you don't have content :D12:40
dholbachdgalg, pong12:43
tmoenickezsombi: it shows this as debug: WARNING: QObject::connect: Cannot connect QQuickShaderEffectSource:: to ShapeItem_QML_24::onImagePropertiesChanged()12:44
dgalgdholbach: thank you for reviewing my app (Word Chain) (I think it was you) in the beta app store. however mhall119 ran it on a device and it didn't work. did it work for you? (I was hoping for some feedback helping to explain why it didn't work on a device.)12:44
dholbachdgalg, it worked on the device for popey - for me it worked on the desktop12:44
dholbachdgalg, looks like the u1db extension was /just/ added to ubuntu-touch, so it should be on the devices12:45
dgalgdholbach: it works on the desktop for me too (that is all I have to test it on!). popey tested it on a device as well and it worked there too?12:45
dholbachdpm, popey: does wordchain for you turn up in the store now?12:45
nik90_nic-doffay: ping. I am trying to use ItemSelector but it is giving me errors. Since you coded it, can you help identify the issue? I am pretty much copying the code from the examples12:46
zsombitmoenicke: that' sUbuntuShape problem12:47
tmoenickezsombi: ok, thx12:48
nic-doffaynik90, yeah post away12:48
nic-doffaynik90_, ^12:49
zsombitmoenicke: at least I think so :D12:49
nik90_nic-doffay: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6062554/12:51
nik90_nic-doffay: that's the code and error message I get12:51
popeydholbach: how can i see that?12:51
dholbachpopey, should turn up in "more suggestions" in the app scope12:52
dholbachor search for it12:52
dholbachfor some reason I can't see it12:52
nik90_nic-doffay: if it matters, I have applied a background gradient. I am trying to use ItemSelector to implement the alarms for clock app. Design as https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/bHiRIrFr5nlpKH455DEUjb_QVMmCLdyFftO_1qlokNeBNbD1OjwRQJRYw04KTsv3dIJ_Do52DwilFTcOL-hq6kWXUiZYd_LNFCRWB5xCGLcLKPSAQzw6y_RZdg12:52
dholbachbeuno, can you see the "wordchain" app in the app scope? (approved like 2h ago)12:52
popeyhmm, i see only 6 in more suggestions12:52
dgalgdholbach popey I haven't clicked on the "publish it" button yet because I was worried that it did not work on the device!12:52
popeywell it starts on the device12:53
popeydunno how to play it though ☻12:53
nik90_dgalg: does it matter? We are all early testers and would love to give feedback12:53
dgalgi havn't done instructions yet12:53
dholbachdgalg, ahh ok, so that's the issue then :)12:53
dgalgnik90_: i don't want to publish a thing which doesn't work because then people won't know to go back to it12:53
dholbachpopey, choose a letter in the lower half which might turn the word in the upper half into a new word12:54
dgalgpopey: pick a letter and change it for another one that makes a word, so POPEY -> POPES12:54
dgalgI am planning to add inline help12:54
popeydgalg: need to make the letters larger i think12:55
dgalgpopey: the keyboard letters or the word letters?12:56
popeyalso, i have broken my phone12:56
dgalgok, thank you, that's useful feedback12:56
popeydisable the applications scope and you can't get to the screen to re-enable it12:56
popeythis seems sub-optimal12:56
nik90_nic-doffay: also has the OptionSelector landed in the SDK? I cannot find any documentation related to it.13:00
popeydgalg: dholbach now I can't get wordchain to start13:00
nic-doffaynik90_ yeah it has.13:00
nic-doffaynik90_, think I know what the issue with that is.13:00
nic-doffayI'm prepping another branch to fix a scrolling bug now, so I'll include the fix in that.13:00
popeygoing to wipe my phone and start again13:00
nik90_nic-doffay: thnx13:01
dgalgpopey: thank you for testing13:03
popeyno problem, anytime, am going to try again with a clean phone13:03
nic-doffaynik90_, https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/scroll-nudging-fix/+merge/18386313:21
nic-doffaynik90_, can you comment if it's fixed?13:21
nic-doffayIt's ok for me now.13:21
AskUbuntuNotication bar not working | http://askubuntu.com/q/34125913:23
nik90_nic-doffay: I do not know how to test it. I previously trying building the files and broke my system :(13:24
nik90_as it caused some package conflicts all over my system13:24
nic-doffaynik90_, no worries13:24
nik90_nic-doffay: btw did jouni talk to you about extending itemselector to multiple selections?13:25
nic-doffaynik90_, yeah I started on it a bit this morning.13:26
nic-doffaynik90_, they will be separate components.13:26
nik90_nic-doffay: thanks again for the fix. And I am glad to hear about the multipleoptions13:26
nik90_nic-doffay: for now, I am using the optionselector13:26
nik90_nic-doffay: when the other one lands, i will change to that13:26
nic-doffaynik90_, cool. I've sent over that branch to the sdk guys for review, hopefully it will land soon.13:27
nik90_nic-doffay: awesome13:28
dpmdholbach, just came back from lunch, testing it now13:39
dpmdholbach, how does the store update? Do I need to just kill unity? Or reboot?13:40
dpmdholbach, nope, still not there after killing unity, trying rebooting now13:41
dholbachdpm, no worries - looks like dgalg didn't publish it yet13:43
dpmdholbach, ok. Yeah, it does not appear after reboot, either13:43
dgalgI have not published yet because I have not had a confirmation that it actually works on the phone yet :)13:44
dgalg(also I am adding first-run tutorial stuff so people know what to do!)13:44
dholbachmhall119, for your app you might need to get in touch with jdstrand13:45
nik90_dholbach: is there a way to remove installed click apps?13:46
nik90_dholbach: I installed some, but couldnt find a way to remove them13:46
iBelieveballoons, ping (or rather a late pong)13:47
dholbachnik90_, AFAIK that not implemented yet - not sure how to do it13:48
nik90_dholbach: ah ok13:49
nerochiaroWellark: ping13:58
mhall119dholbach: which app?13:59
dholbachmhall119, g+13:59
mhall119I did get with him13:59
dholbachah ok14:00
mhall119dholbach: is there something wrong with it?14:00
dholbachno, I just wasn't sure about the template being used14:00
dholbachif he's fine, he can probably go and approve it14:00
mhall119yeah, I got the template line from him14:01
mhall119and I was able to click install it on my N4 and run it14:01
mhall119RobbyF tested it too and it worked for him14:01
dpmhi zsombi, meet pkunal-parmar, the Calendar app developer. He is planning to use Qt Organizer and the e-d-s backend to store events, and he's looking at setting alarms and recurrence. I thought it might be worth considering using the Alarms API if that makes sense, so I then thought I'd get you two in touch to discuss it14:04
dpmpkunal-parmar, zsombi works in the SDK team and is the developer of the Alarms API that the clock app is going to use ^14:04
zsombiphunal-parmar: hi there14:05
pkunal-parmarhi zsombi14:05
pkunal-parmarso as I understand it, we can register alarm with alarm API14:06
zsombipkunal-parmar: ah, typo, sorry :)14:06
pkunal-parmarand how can we handle recurrance ?14:06
zsombipkunal-parmar: Alarm API also uses QtOrganzier to set alarms, my question would be what would you need alarms for? To pop up a reminder? Then you don't need Alarm API for that14:07
zsombipkunal-parmar: the QtOrganizer does the job for you14:08
pkunal-parmarso I dont need to use any particular API to register alarm right ?14:08
Wellarknerochiaro: I don't have time to look at it today14:08
pkunal-parmarI can just add that to Qt Organizer and its done14:09
Wellarkwill look at remaining HUD issue tomorrow14:09
wellsbActions defined on a page level instead of the mainview level don't appear in the hud when that page is opened.  Are others seeing this?14:09
zsombipkunal-parmar: I haven't checked what's available to QML, however in C++ you need to set AudibleReminder to get reminder triggered... however that doesn't work yet, or at least I couldn't get it working yet14:10
zsombipkunal-parmar: the EDS backend is still under development, so if something doesn't work, ping renato_14:11
pkunal-parmarzsombi, so you use same EDS backend that calendar is going to use ?14:12
zsombipkunal-parmar: yep14:12
pkunal-parmarI mean i dont need to add seperate entry to Alarm?14:12
zsombipkunal-parmar: nope14:12
pkunal-parmarok that's great then14:12
zsombipkunal-parmar: if you want to be reminded on a calendar event, then you don't need anything else, just play with the calendar events :)14:13
pkunal-parmarzsombi, that seems great :) thanks14:14
nerochiaroWellark: ok, but can you give us an idea of when you will do that ? and keep bfiller updated on the state ?14:16
dpmpkunal-parmar, does that answer your questions? If so, I'd suggest to move forward as we discussed: first the new event UI and then the Qt Organizer changes. Does that make sense to you?14:16
pkunal-parmarthat makes sense, but  is EDS plugin going to be back ported ?14:17
pkunal-parmarit not then can I build that plugin my self ?14:17
balloonsiBelieve, ping pong :-)14:19
dpmpkunal-parmar, I'll ask Mirv to see if it can be copied/backported to 13.04 in the SDK PPA. If you need to build it yourself, renato_ should be able to help you14:19
pkunal-parmardpm, then I will first work on newevent and wait for news, else will contact renato for build instruction14:20
dpmpkunal-parmar, makes sense. In any case, the project lives in https://launchpad.net/qtorganizer5-eds14:21
dpmawesome, really looking forward to your latest branch to land! :-)14:21
pkunal-parmardpm, me too, I also added theme support14:22
pkunal-parmarnow only some minor changes will be pending and Qt Organizer14:23
dpmyeah, I just ran the branch, the theme makes such a difference!14:23
dpmgood work14:23
pkunal-parmarBTW I got this error14:24
pkunal-parmarOSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory14:24
pkunal-parmarso that;s server issue or app issue ?14:24
mhall119dgalg: how did you make you 0.3 package?14:25
dpmpkunal-parmar, let's ask balloons, he's our QA mastermind :) balloons, any ideas about this failure and how to sort it out? ->
dgalgmhall119: with qt creator (but this is after you suggested that I upgrade, so I may have the newer version of things)14:26
balloonsohh yikes, looks like the virtual enviroment ran out of memmory.. I wonder how many forks you created14:26
mhall119dgalg: strange, the filename is wrong14:26
mhall119is should be com.ubuntu.developer.dgalg.wordchain_0.3_all.click14:26
dgalgmhall119: it is, isn't it?14:27
mhall119hmmm, not when I download it from myapps14:27
mhall119when I download it I get com.ubuntu.developer.dgalg.wordchain-0.3.click14:27
dgalgmhall119: oh. I think I uploaded it with the right name?14:28
pkunal-parmarballoons, I pushed change once after proposing merge14:28
pkunal-parmarso may be it ran twice14:28
mhall119beuno: does myapps rename uploaded files?14:29
pkunal-parmarso first time it got passed and second time out of memory14:29
balloonspkunal-parmar, we can try a simple re-run. if it fails again, we'll have to look closer at the vm, and make sure your not calling tons of forks for some odd reason14:29
balloonsiBelieve, whenever your back, I want to get this landed :-) https://code.launchpad.net/~mdspencer/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix-popover-caller/+merge/183225 That's what I'm pinging about14:29
pkunal-parmarballoons, what you mean by fork ? do you mean push the changes ?14:30
balloonsno, you have os.fork calls.. you are creating subprocesses14:31
pkunal-parmarahh, I am not sure if QML does that in background, or may be autopilot is doing it14:32
pkunal-parmarnot sure, may be we can try re-run and see what happens14:32
beunomhall119, it does14:33
mhall119beuno: ok....why does it do that?14:33
Wellarknerochiaro: tomorrow,14:34
beunomhall119, because you could give us a bogus name14:34
beunomhall119, and it's easier to rename than to have people try and cply manually14:34
nerochiaroWellark: i won't be around but please sync with bfiller when he comes in tomorrow14:34
beunofilenames don't actually matter here14:34
beunoexcept in our lint tools  :)14:34
balloonspkunal-parmar, right.. I didn't think you would be doing that in the application, so I'm sure it's an enviroment thing14:35
pkunal-parmarballoons,  thanks I will try to re-run may be tomorrow, once review is done14:37
iBelieveballoons, pong14:37
Wellarknerochiaro: will do14:39
dgalgI have just uploaded a newer version of Word Chain (version 0.4) which has some fixes in it (inline help, mainly, after popey's feedback). Version 0.3 is ready to publish, but 0.4 has not been reviewed. Should I wait until version 0.4 has been approved before publishing, or if I publish 0.3 now, will 0.4 be automatically published once it's reviewed?14:42
mhall119dgalg: I think you'll need to republish 0.4 when it's approved, but I could be wrong, beuno ?14:43
balloonsiBelieve, so I wanted to land that branch I pasted in there.. I know you do also14:45
dgalgmhall119: ok I will wait for 0.4 review14:45
beunodgalg, great question!   I'm not sure. Want to try it?  :)14:45
balloonswe've been playing ping pong for too long14:45
iBelieveballoons, sorry, I got busy working on schoolwork14:46
iBelieveballoons, so why is that branch failing?14:46
balloonsiBelieve, I just remembered why it's failing.. is it ready to land otherwise?14:46
iBelieveballoons, yes, the branch is ready to land14:47
dgalgbeuno: I don't mind trying it if two things are true... that there is someone willing to test that the app works on a device once it'spublished, and that it is possible for me to "unpublish" it if it doesn't work!14:55
beunodgalg, it is possible to unpublish14:55
beunodgalg, I'll help you out with whatever the outcome is14:56
wellsbThe accounts-plugin for devices does not seem to populate the displayName field of the account service model15:02
iBelievebeuno, ping15:14
beunoiBelieve, pong15:15
iBelievebeuno, I've got a couple questions about my click package namespace, are you the right person to ask?15:15
JoshStroblWould this be the appropriate place to propose an application be removed from USC? Wasn't really getting a response from #ubuntu-develop.15:18
popeyJoshStrobl: what app?15:18
JoshStroblafitness...its the Windows Phone app I was talking about in the JB Mumble server (to you on-air) that is in USC for some reason.15:19
popeydpm: why does the calendar app build two debs.. once called calendar-app_0.4_all.deb and one called ubuntu-calendar-app_0.4_all.deb ?15:19
JoshStroblIt's also in the WP8 Store, no surprise there. Identical. Not sure how it got passed the review process on USC15:19
JoshStroblthat's correct popey15:20
beunoiBelieve, sure, shoot15:20
dpmpopey, the ubuntu-* one is most probably a leftover from before we renamed the app and should not be built. Perhaps the daily recipe needs to be updated?15:20
popeyhow odd JoshStrobl15:21
popeydpm: if I branch trunk and "debuild" it builds it, I will take a look at the package and propose a fix15:21
dpmok, cool15:21
popeyJoshStrobl: I'll pass that on, thanks15:22
JoshStroblNo problem.15:22
iBelievebeuno, so I choose com.sonrisesoftware for my namespace, since my website is sonrisesoftware.wordpress.com and because I'd eventually like to get the sonrisesoftware.com domain. When I tried to submit my click app, I was told I can't use that since I don't own the domain.15:22
iBelievebeuno, so I need to change my namespace. But I'm also wondering if I'll be able to change back to com.sonrisesoftware if I ever get that domain?15:22
beunoiBelieve, you won't, as your namespace is assigned to you as a developer que sticks with you from then on15:23
beunoiBelieve, to be fair, the namespace isn't use visible in any way15:24
iBelievebeuno, so I'm not able to use com.sonrisesoftware now?15:24
beunoiBelieve, no, we need it to be something you own15:24
beunoto avoid conflicts15:24
iBelievebeuno, make sense, I just wanted to double check. Then how do I get it changed to something that I'm allowed to use?15:25
beunoiBelieve, I can do that for you, just tell me what to change it to15:25
iBelievebeuno, whatever the default was is fine. I don't remember what that was. My LP username is mdspencer15:26
beunoiBelieve, com.ubuntu.developer.mdspencer it is!15:26
iBelievebeuno, okay, cool. Thanks!15:27
beunoiBelieve, now I just need you to upload a new version with that namespace in the click manifest15:29
popeyJoshStrobl: seems that app is legit15:30
WebbyITdpm, can you review please https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/4Sep2013/+merge/183906 ?15:30
iBelievebeuno, okay, will do15:30
WebbyITdpm, the commit of yesterday introduced a little bug15:30
popeyWebbyIT: let me15:30
JoshStroblpopey: A windows phone app in the USC is considered legit?15:31
WebbyITpopey, thanks15:31
WebbyITpopey, there is all in the description of change,15:31
popeyJoshStrobl: have you installed it? Do you know it's a windows app?15:31
JoshStroblWindows Phone, not Windows. And yes, I'll go ahead and link you, one moment.15:31
popey(screenshots may not be indicative)15:31
szymon_beuno, Hi, could you help me with changing "Username namespace" in developer.ubuntu.com please ? ( someone said you have access to it )15:31
beunoszymon_, sure can. What to what?15:32
JoshStroblpopey: Links to screenshots of it can be found at: http://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxActionShow/comments/1l10hc/anyone_want_to_buy_a_windows_phone_app_found_this/cbv4ucy15:32
szymon_beuno, "ushopper" to "majster-pl" please.15:32
popeyJoshStrobl: where did those screenshots come from?15:33
JoshStroblMy Lumia 92015:33
JoshStroblauto-uploaded via Skydrive15:33
beunoszymon_, it'll be a bit of a problem as your app has already been published15:33
JoshStroblHence the Skydrive links15:33
beunoand will be orhpaned15:34
szymon_beuno, yeap... is there any other way around to change it ?15:34
popeyJoshStrobl: where did they come from, not how did you make them available on reddit15:34
beunoszymon_, I'll fix it and do a lot of manual tweaking15:35
popeyJoshStrobl: so you took photos of the app on windows phone?15:35
popeyI mean, screenshots15:35
beunoszymon_, but in the future, this won't be possible  :)15:35
popeyJoshStrobl: right, so if I take a screenshot of spotify on android does that mean its only an android app?15:36
JoshStroblI can use the Windows key and lock screen key to take screenshots in Windows Phone.15:36
szymon_beuno, whats about if I delate package... you change namespace and then I will upload app again ?15:36
popeyJoshStrobl: or if I take a screenshot of gmail does that make gmail an android app?15:36
JoshStroblNo, however the screenshots clearly indicate that afitness is a Windows Phone 8 app. Either the screenshot is out of date and should be changed, or its a Windows Phone 8 app and serves no purpose being in USC.15:37
iBelievebeuno, okay, uploaded the fixed verson. Thanks for your help!15:37
beunoszymon_, perfect, lets do that15:37
beunoiBelieve, anytime15:37
popeyJoshStrobl: neither of those is the case ☻15:37
JoshStroblthe screenshot a.k.a those available on USC15:37
szymon_beuno, doing it now.15:37
popeyJoshStrobl: what if the ubuntu app also looked like the windows app15:37
szymon_beuno, done.15:38
beunoszymon_, done15:38
szymon_beuno, thank you :)15:38
JoshStroblpopey: You mean to tell me that this passed the whole review process by Canonical despite it being an exact port from Windows Phone 8 to Ubuntu?15:39
beunoszymon_, np15:39
popeyJoshStrobl: if someone wants to submit an app which looks like a windows app or an android app to USC, they can15:39
JoshStroblI'm baffled...15:39
popeyJoshStrobl: what exactly is the issue here?15:39
popeyan app is in the USC which looks like a windows app by the *same* *person*15:40
JoshStroblLooks like? It IS. There is a different between an imitation and a port.15:40
popeyIts a port. What's the problem?15:41
szymon_beuno, I having problem with uploading app now... ;/ when I choose package name I get error: "You already have a Click Package with this package name."15:41
beunoszymon_, aha, of course15:43
beunoszymon_, and you can't upload it as an update?15:44
szymon_beuno, I can't even get to update page as there is no such application.15:44
beunoszymon_, ah, you deleted the app instead of unpublishing, right?15:45
szymon_beuno, yes, sorry I'm new to USC15:46
beunoszymon_, it's ok, it shouldn't be this confusing, this is what the beta stage is for  :)15:46
szymon_beuno, true :)15:47
beunoszymon_, should be back from the dead to push an update15:47
szymon_beuno, should I try to create/upload app tomorrow ?15:50
beunoszymon_, no, just upload a new version15:50
beunoszymon_, you should see it again now15:50
PaoloRotolonik90_, merge proposed :D15:54
szymon_beuno, uploading new version now. Thank you once again! ( hopefully reviewing my app with new namespace will go smoother :) )16:01
beunoszymon_, np!16:02
beunothanks for helping us through this phase16:03
popeyWebbyIT: tried https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/4Sep2013/+merge/18390616:29
popeyleft a comment16:29
WebbyITpopey, thanks16:31
WebbyITpopey, is not related, but I updated the branch, can you check please? :)16:39
* popey hugs his script16:42
popeyWebbyIT: NICE!16:44
dwisseIs anybody already busy with an IM app ?16:47
popeythere's http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/comments/1k235y/app_submission_fallback_messenger_the_smart/  dwisse16:47
popeybut I don't know of any others16:48
WebbyITpopey, thanks16:48
dwisseA frontend for libpurple would be nice I think, don't you ?16:51
popeyI do!16:52
popeyespecially if you can integrate torchat or some other really nice secure chat mechanism ☻16:52
popeynice selling point16:52
dwisseok nice16:53
nik90_popey: you free to do some testing?17:29
nik90_popey: I did some testing myself as well, but just need another opinion17:29
popeysure thing!17:30
nik90_popey: https://code.launchpad.net/~paolorotolo/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-for-1200410/+merge/18390817:30
nik90_popey: you need to make a small change to the code17:30
nik90_before you build and run your script :)17:30
popeyoh noes17:30
popeymy script doesn't cater for this! :D17:30
nik90_just 3 lines of code to produce some output to test stuff17:30
popeyok, what do I do?17:31
nik90_open clock/WorldClock.qml file17:31
nik90_add the import statement import "../common/ClockUtils.js" as Utils17:31
nik90_then in the function searchCityURL(), add Utils.log("Online")17:32
nik90_and in the function localCityUrl (), add Utils.log("Local")17:32
nik90_that's it17:32
nik90_popey: you are testing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1200410 btw17:32
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1200410 in Ubuntu Clock App "While searching world cities provide a small pause before going online to search" [Medium,In progress]17:32
nik90_so basically press add city, and then type any city. Previously it did an online query after every string you type. Now it should only search after a small pause (which is when the user stops typing)17:33
popeythis is a bit broken17:34
popeyi press "Add city" and get a blank screen17:34
* popey starts again17:35
popeyyeah, add city just gives blank screen every time17:36
nik90_popey: can you select all text in that file and replace with http://paste.ubuntu.com/6063466/17:36
popeydunno what I did wrong then, that works17:38
popeywell, when I say "works"17:38
popeynik90_: the add city screen disappears when i type a city17:38
nik90_popey: but it search and provide some results after that?17:39
popeyas soon as a keypress registers, it appears in the box and i'm dumped back to the clock17:39
Chocantonik90_: Hey ! :)17:39
nik90_Chocanto: hi17:39
popeyit looks like that, which is okay17:39
Chocantonik90_: Did you have the time to work on file-qml-plugin ? I'm sorry I was really busy these last time17:39
popeythen i highlight the search field, osk appears, then i press F and I'm dumped back to the clock17:40
nik90_popey: and let me guess it added a world city to your saved list17:40
nik90_Chocanto: my last work was my MP17:40
popeyooh, it added a few17:40
popeyi have lots of amsterdam17:40
Chocantonik90_: Ok :)17:40
nik90_Chocanto: I am busy with the alarms implementation now.17:40
nik90_popey: that's not a clock bug but more with the osk17:40
nik90_popey: which means you cannot test :(17:41
nik90_Chocanto: what more needs to be done?17:41
popeyi can roll back to an earlier image nik90_17:41
popeyif the osk bug is new17:41
nik90_popey: no it has been there for a while. I cannot say since when17:41
nik90_atleast after I got the phone17:41
nik90_popey: but it happens only rarely, so hard to reproduce17:42
popeyhappens every  time here17:42
popeybut never used to for me17:42
nik90_popey: anyway the reason I asked you to test is that the same pause time before making an online search can be adjusted.17:42
nik90_popey: can you try with some other application17:42
popeytry what OSK?17:43
Chocantonik90_: Right now we have something that would work with the clock app and the docviewer app, so we can create a package ? Or maybe ask to the sdk team to implement it, but I don't think the plugin is mature enough to do it17:43
popeyworks fine in notes17:43
popeyhah, now it doesnt ☻17:43
nik90_Chocanto: yes atm it has what we need.17:44
popeynever seen it this bad before17:44
* popey reflashes back to a previous image17:44
nik90_popey: I faced this when I started trying development branches of the app.17:44
nik90_popey: oh btw, I do not see the osk when I launch app in phone through qtcreator17:44
Chocantonik90_: Ok I'll try to start packaging17:44
Chocantonik90_: thank you17:44
nik90_Chocanto: I will try to organise a meeting with bzoltan regarding getting it into sdk. Will invite you to it17:45
Chocantonik90_: Ok, feel free to email me if I'm not in IRC :)17:46
nik90_Chocanto: definitely17:47
SasiI'm new to this17:48
Chocantonik90_: Ok, thank you !17:48
Sasiany body can address what's this17:49
rschrolllabsin: A follow up on styling Sliders:  The thing I needed was the __styledItem property, which gives you access to the widgets created by the style property.  Specifically, the thumb is available at __styledItem.thumb.  Now we know :)17:51
labsinrschroll, good to know17:51
popeynik90_: bah! even an old image does it, never seen this issue before.. sorry17:54
nik90_popey: no worries17:54
nik90_popey: I tried it on the desktop, and have asked Paolo to increase the pause timer a little bit more17:55
popeywe should have a bug for the same city being added twice too?17:55
nik90_popey: yes17:59
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nik90_popey: although that is due to the online api, so kinda hard to solve.17:59
mrqtrosHi, Lisette! How are you? :)18:26
JoshStroblpopey, can I use the Cordova APIs (for Ubuntu Touch) in the QML / JS implementation of applications?18:37
JoshStroblI believe so, just figured I'd double check with someone that is more experienced in the field. Obviously it is usable in the HTML5 implementation that is still in the works.18:38
jreisomeone here who could give me a hint on the nexus4 with ubuntu touch?18:48
jreii flashed cdimage-touch but i have no wifi or gsm data connection18:49
timpjrei: I think #ubuntu-touch is a better place to ask18:50
szymon_I'm playing with toolbar for Ubuntu Touch... I need toolbar to be opened but not locked... it looks like it can not be done at the moment or I'm doing something wrong ?18:56
nik90_szymon_: you can do it18:58
nik90_szymon_: try locked: false and opened: true18:59
timpszymon_: the toolbar automatically closes when you change to a new Page.18:59
timpszymon_: don't spend too much time on it, wait a week or so, the default behavior of the Toolbar will be changed18:59
szymon_jrei, I had this problem too, try turn of wifi, then go to settings->cellular and where is data: tap on "none" and then on "3g"  it should works ( data )18:59
timpszymon_: the new behavior will be that the toolbar is opened (and not locked) when there is a new active Page, so that users can see which actions are available.18:59
jreiszymon_: tanks, i'll give it a shot19:00
timpszymon_: I had the implementation for that done, but some tests for apps depend on the old behavior, so they need to be modified fiest19:00
timpszymon_: ^is that the behavior that you are looking for?19:01
szymon_timp, thanks for info this is what I thought that its not working as it should...19:01
timpprobably if the users don't interact with the toolbar for a while, it will automatically hide.19:02
szymon_timp, what I'm really looking for is to be able to open toolbar on let say on button click19:02
timpszymon_: true, at the moment it is not working like that. I am working on that and the changes should be in the ubuntu-ui-toolkit next week19:02
timpszymon_: are you using a Page that has a tools property set? you can then set the opened property of the tools to true19:02
szymon_timp, yes, I'm using pagestack and I have page in it which has tools property set and I want toolbar to be hidden by default and when button clicked I want this to be opened.19:05
szymon_timp, when I use opened: true its still hidden. dono why19:05
timpszymon_: this works for me http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6063776/19:08
jreiszymon_: didn't helped to get wifi or 3g working - wifi is not asking for a password19:10
* timp gotta go. bye.19:10
jreiany idea19:11
szymon_timp, checking it now...19:12
szymon_jrei, sorry dono how to help you, try #ubuntu-touch19:12
szymon_timp, it works just fine... I was doing it different way and it didn't work :D  Thanks for help!19:16
rickspencer3so, it turns out that it's not so easy to use a local sqlite database with my project20:00
rickspencer3how hideous would it be for me to make a huge json file and read that in as a model?20:01
kenvandinerickspencer3, i wouldn't laugh at you :)20:01
rickspencer3kenvandine, the sqlite dastabase is like 3 megs20:02
rickspencer3so maybe the json file would be 5 megs?20:02
kenvandinethe real questions is how much does it change?20:02
rickspencer3kenvandine, it won't change20:03
kenvandinereading the whole thing in and writing it back out for small changes wouldn't be great20:03
rickspencer3totally static20:03
kenvandinegreat, then that's a great solution20:03
kenvandinenot sure about the size20:03
rickspencer3I guess I can just try it20:04
kenvandineyou could do your own compression if it's an issue...20:04
kenvandinedo you have your own implementation of a JSONListModel ?20:04
rickspencer3kenvandine, maybe20:04
rickspencer3kenvandine, I'm more concerned about the size in memory20:04
rickspencer3and the speed20:04
rickspencer3kenvandine, no, I don't have a jsonlistmodel, I usually just use an actual json list and it works fine20:05
kenvandineah, as an object20:05
kenvandinei wish there was a JSONListModel in qml20:05
rickspencer3to get the json remotely you mean?20:05
kenvandineremotely or locally20:05
rickspencer3fair enough20:05
rickspencer3but alas20:05
kenvandinejust back a listview, etc from json20:06
kenvandineseems silly qml has that for xml20:06
kenvandinebut not json20:06
rickspencer3kenvandine, well, like I say, I do that all the time20:06
rickspencer3just convert the json to an object20:06
rickspencer3and so long as it's a list, it backs as listview just fine20:06
rickspencer3as a model20:06
rickspencer3xmlistview gives you a couple of nice things though20:06
rickspencer3one is you don't have to fetch the xml20:06
rickspencer3just point to the url20:07
rickspencer3the other is the query paths20:07
cleptoanyone knows what causing this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6063954/20:07
rickspencer3so you don't have to go: myobj["data"]["list"] or whatever20:07
iBelieveclepto, I've seen that error before. What are you trying to do in QML?20:10
cleptoiBelieve, I don't which part is causing the error20:10
cleptoiBelieve, I think its causing when I'm changing listview's model20:11
iBelieveclepto, I don't really know anything about that error, though I remember seeing it before. Maybe look at the code in your list view delegate20:13
cwayne_hey guys, i tried to click install a package today, and i got this: ValueError: Framework "ubuntu-sdk-13.10" not present on system20:15
cwayne_any ideas?20:15
mhall119daker: hey, I'm trying to compile your code on my N420:26
mhall119I get:20:26
mhall119phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/projects/rad.io$ cd src && moc player.h -omoc_player.h && cd ..20:26
mhall119moc: could not exec '/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/moc': No such file or directory20:26
mhall119am I missing a package for moc?20:27
dakernot sure what package you are missing20:28
iBelievecwayne_, are you doing that on the desktop? I saw a message on the mailing list with a way to fix that20:29
mhall119daker: looks like20:30
iBelievecwayne_, the command was sudo click install --force-missing-framework --user=$USER ./*.click20:30
mhall119daker: seems I need cmake too20:31
iBelievecwayne_, with --force-missing-framework being the key to your error20:31
dakermhall119: ya20:31
cwayne_iBelieve, trying to do it on the phone20:32
iBelievecwayne_, ah. Not sure if that would work then, but you could try it anyway20:32
mhall119daker: I must be missing other deps too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6064032/20:33
mhall119that's after installing qtbase5-dev-tools and cmake packages20:33
cwayne_iBelieve, it shows up in click list, but not anywhere in the dash20:34
iBelievecwayne_, I have no idea about anything related to running it on the phone, since I don't have an Ubuntu Touch phone20:34
mhall119cwayne_: did you search the dash for it?20:35
cwayne_mhall119, yeah, doesnt show up20:35
mhall119cwayne_: any .desktop file for it in ~/.local/share/applications?20:36
beunocwayne_, I believe you shouldn't be installing packages like that, but rather, using packagekit20:36
cwayne_mhall119, hmm, no there' s not20:36
cwayne_beuno, hm?20:36
beunoalecu, maybe you're around to clarify?20:37
dakermhall119: ok let me try to google that20:37
mhall119daker: in the mean time, I'm going ot install all of the ubuntu-sdk on my phone20:38
dakermhall119: do you have make installed ?20:39
cwayne_mhall119, is there a way to install a click package from software center via command line?20:41
mhall119daker: I installed it just a minute ago, didn't get me much further20:41
mhall119cwayne_: you can download the package and manually install it20:41
mhall119I've done that with `sudo click install` and `click register`20:42
cwayne_hmm, ill try that, maybe my click package is just borked20:46
cwayne_seeing as how it didnt copy a .desktop or anything20:46
mhall119cwayne_: how did you build your package?20:46
cwayne_mhall119, click build uWoot/20:46
cwayne_and also from qtcreator20:46
mhall119cwayne_: pastebin your manifest.json20:46
cwayne_mhall119, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6064086/20:47
mhall119daker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6064089/ even after installing ubuntu-sdk20:48
mhall119cwayne_: first thing I'd suggest us making the app name and .desktop filename all lowercase20:50
mhall119app name being lowercase is required, .desktop filename being lowercase shouldn't be required but currently there's a bug in unity8 that prevents it from working with mixed-case .desktop filenames20:50
mhall119cwayne_: make line 5 of your manifest.json all lowercase too20:53
dakermhall119: ok20:53
mhall119click uses that to build the final .desktop filename that goes into ~/.local/share/applications20:53
cwayne_mhall119, hm, my d/install seems to want to put stuff in /usr/share/uwoot instead of .local/share21:03
mhall119cwayne_: you click package? that's not right21:05
rickspencer3hey kenvandine thoughts on searching through a list of 27,000 objects in qml?21:05
rickspencer3I'm not seeing any obvious filtering functionality21:06
kenvandinerickspencer3, not really21:08
rickspencer3I'll figure something out21:08
cwayne_mhall119, yeah, i know right21:08
balloonsping iBelieve21:14
iBelieveballoons, pong21:15
balloonscan you swing into #ubuntu-quality quickly?21:15
balloonsiBelieve, ^^21:15
cwayne_mhall119, do you have an example click package i can grab to compare to mine to see whats wrong?22:14
alecucwayne_: https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/com.ubuntu.developer.alecu/qr-code/com.ubuntu.developer.alecu.qr-code-0.2.click?noauth=122:33
alecucwayne_: also, you should not be using "click install". I heard it was deprecated22:34
alecucwayne_: the click scope installs packages for the running user like this:22:34
alecu"pkcon install-local com.ubuntu.developer.alecu.qr-code-0.2.click"22:35
alecucwayne_: make sure the package name ends with .click and also, don't use sudo to run this22:35
jedidiahIs there anybody on I could ask a (hopefully) quick qml question about how to structure a query in a XmlListModel?22:49
popeyjedidiah: probably better asking during the European/US working day tbh22:53
jedidiahThanks popey :) will try again in the morning22:54
jedidiahThought it was a long shot but that I might have a chance of catching someone either physically or corporally in another timezone.22:56
mhall119cwayne_: https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119/xda-developers-app/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.xda-developers-app-0.1.7.click?noauth=123:00
beunomhall119, btw, that noauth=1 trick expires on Sep 15th  :)23:06
mhall119no!  you can't take away my options!  Choice..Open...Freedom...why are you evil and hate us?23:15
cwayne_mhall119, hey, is there a way to force the apps lens to refresh?  it seems to die after click installing23:16
dgalg_mhall119: do I have to do something to trigger review of my uploaded latest version of Word Chain?23:18
mhall119cwayne_: I've noticed that too, doing a search usually makes it refresh it's list of apps, but that doesn't help the dying23:18
mhall119dgalg_: nothing to do, no, just have to wait for somebody to come online tomorrow morning and start reviewing23:19
dgalg_mhall119: OK. I suppose complaining about a 24 hour wait is pretty ungrateful ;)23:19
mhall119dgalg_: soon you won't have to wait, but the final pieces of that are still being built23:23
mhall119so until then we still need human reviewers23:23
dgalg_mhall119: yeah...I think the error I made was uploading 0.4 while 0.3 was still under review, so 0.3 got approved and no-one noticed that there was a 0.4 too :-)23:23
dgalg_will review be completely automatic then?23:24
dgalg_also, if I write tests for my game, will those tests be run by the app store? and run on an Ubuntu Phone?23:24
mhall119dgalg_: it should be yes23:28
mhall119the app store doesn't run tests, no, you've got to run those yourself23:29
dgalg_ah ok23:29
dakermhall119: do you know if unity8 works on 13.04 ?23:29
mhall119daker: I don't know, but I don't think so23:29
dgalg_it would be very cool if the app store ran tests on Ubuntu Phones and didn't publish failed things23:29
mhall119IIRC, unity 8 uses new libunity APIS at least that aren't on 13.0423:29
mhall119daker: "Only Ubuntu 13.10 (saucy) is supported as a developement environment." from https://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity8/23:31
dakermhall119: ok, i can't do a demo with virtualbox because unity is very slow23:32
dakerso i think i need to find a way23:43
dakerto do the demo or upgrade to 13.1023:44
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