
pittiGOod morning04:56
Mirvmorning pitti04:59
pittihey Mirv, how are you?04:59
pittiMirv: bring 'em on!04:59
Mirvpitti: fine, and haha, you guessed :)05:00
Mirvpitti: lcov being dropped from dbus-cpp, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6061394/ , hud starting to use libnih (plus making a whitespace change as well it seems) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6061397/05:01
Mirvpitti: and autopilot adding explicit dependeny on libautopilot-qt http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6061398/05:01
pittiMirv: dbus-cpp +105:03
pittiMirv: hud +105:03
pittiMirv: I don't quite understand the autopilot change, as apt installs recommends by default; though we might have disabled that on touch (that's going to cause a lot of bugs)05:04
pittiMirv: anyway, autopilot +105:04
Mirvpitti: I think it really might be disabled (a vague memory), but not sure05:05
Mirvthank you * 305:05
pittiyw :)05:06
pittiMirv: at that rate, didrocks is going to have to learn how to mix cocktails all day when he returns!05:06
Mirvpitti: I'm sure he has been practicing that on the beach :)05:07
Mirvpitti: one more, adding of gsettings-qt usage to unity8 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6061448/ both seem to be in universe05:36
Mirvall of it comes from the changelog entry "load launcher default config from existing dconf key."05:37
pittiMirv: c'est d'accord, unity8 itself is a long way before it goes to main, right?05:37
pittiMirv: +105:37
Mirvpitti: well... I guess it's one of those that should be in main since we're doing an official Touch release05:38
pittiMirv: oh hang on, NACK05:39
pittiMirv: that package isn't in Ubuntu05:39
pittiMirv: ah no, this was just me completely clearing my apt cache for testing an apport bug05:40
pittiMirv: so, +1 again, sorry for confusion05:40
Mirvpitti: no worry :)05:40
Mirvthe PPA's should only contain some demo assets as of this week if I recall correctly05:41
Mirvalthough the final cleaning of removal of references to PPAs is still ahead05:41
Mirvoh, actually it seems yesterday 95% of the PPA hooks were removed from the daily release system, but there are still some enabled on the images05:42
jibelGood morning06:47
jibelMirv, sil2100 good morning, mirslave tests were misbehaving, trapped in a "move pointer" loop.07:28
jibelI took this screenshot http://ubuntuone.com/5wRCBh6DdONmManPYMyf6J07:28
Mirvjibel: ok, cool, maybe attach it to bug #1219636 which is about that?07:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219636 in Unity "unity autopilot tests fails to move mouse, leading to infinite test run" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121963607:30
MirvI aborted the unity check run earlier today so that I could get other stacks finished (which they did)07:30
Mirvin the previous tick a few hours ago07:30
jibelMirv, done07:33
sil2100veebers, thomi: any of you still around?07:54
Laneysil2100: that seems to have gone away08:02
sil2100Too bad, guess I'll poke them by e-mail08:03
LaneyI meant the link you showed me08:03
Laneymaybe someone else reviewed it08:04
bkerensaDoc Team needs a new feature list before freeze from desktop team if possible08:05
sil2100Laney: ah! Yeah ;)08:06
veeberssil2100: I'm just making/having tea but will be around in a bit08:31
Mirvjibel/sil2100: down for you too?08:54
jibelMirv, no, I'm sending a notification to our internal ML08:54
jibelMirv, I mean it is down08:55
Mirvjibel: thanks..08:55
sil2100veebers: hi!08:56
veeberssil2100: hey, just bouncing back and forward while things are cooking :-)08:57
sil2100veebers: since there is this bug we've encountered, it would be nice to have soem AP expert looking at it:08:57
sil2100veebers: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/121963608:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219636 in Unity "unity autopilot tests fails to move mouse, leading to infinite test run" [Critical,Triaged]08:57
sil2100veebers: it seems to happen for unity8 tests as well08:57
veeberssil2100: hmm, ok (good to see a screen shot of it happening)09:00
veeberssil2100:  there is this: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot/catch_infinite_mouse_move/+merge/183792 and this https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/122049409:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220494 in Autopilot "[FFe]: Add check so we can determine if the Mouse is caught in an endless loop." [Undecided,New]09:00
veebersthat will help but not solve the issue09:00
veebersthe reasoning is, it detects these infinite mouse move loops and raises an exception (failing the test)09:01
sil2100veebers: oh!09:02
sil2100veebers: excellent to see that you guys are already on it, at least such a mechanism would help out in not blocking the whole stack until the jenkins timeout09:03
sil2100veebers: so it's still good! I wonder though why those infinite loops happen now, since in the past we didn't have those09:04
mlankhorsthm unity is going to be fun to backport to saucy09:06
mlankhorstsaucy's xserver in precise*09:06
Mirvwell, good that I had a good 2am UTC daily-release tick09:10
Mirveverything but unity and webapps got released09:11
sil2100Mirv: \o/09:11
sil2100Mirv: excellent! Actually, yesterday at the evening tick we also had that too, everything besides webapps and unity09:11
Mirvsil2100: and yesterday earlier we had unity too (and it's not in such rapid development as others) so it's mostly webapps that's hurting a bit for now09:12
Mirvand the webapps has the unfixed blocker bug09:13
Mirvso assuming we'll get back online later today, no big harm done09:13
sil2100Mirv: I think we'll have to re-ping the webapps guys to fix that bug finally09:14
Mirv10+ packages got released in the morning09:14
Mirvsil2100: re-pinging would be needed probably as it hasn't been touched by them like triaging09:15
sil2100Mirv: I shall do dat then ;)09:15
Mirvok :)09:16
* Laney prods sil2100 and others09:29
LaneyCan we try and be a bit more verbose in package descriptions?09:29
LaneyI attempted to find out what mediascanner was and came away from apt-cache show no more enlightened09:29
sil2100Laney: that's a fair point, I blame it on the pre-FF where I didn't have time to settle with the upstream guys on more verbose descriptions09:34
veeberssil2100: yeah I'm not sure either why it's just happening now. I'll try take a look in my am.09:43
veeberssil2100: another thing, re: that MR and FFe bug that I linked you. What else do I need to do now to try get it actioned?09:43
sil2100veebers: could you remind me with a bug number? ;)09:47
mlankhorstLaney: it's a package providing media scanner binaries, this is required to run mediascanner09:49
* mlankhorst ducks09:49
Laneymlankhorst: did you read it?09:50
Laneyit actually says something like that09:50
mlankhorstyeah :p09:50
jibelOh, and the launchpad page is much more informative09:50
Laneythe one that says it used to be called Hollywood?09:50
LaneyI enjoyed that one09:51
Laney"Description: This is Free Software. If you want to know what it does, just read the code."09:51
mlankhorstI'm guessing it's a canonical equivalent to09:53
mlankhorsterm whatever the thing kde had that was causing excessive disk seeks09:53
jibelahah, the code is even better http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mediascanner-team/mediascanner/trunk/view/head:/README.md#L309:53
mlankhorstthat should have been part of the binary! :D09:54
mlankhorstor at least part of the package description09:54
LaneyI almost feel like someone doesn't want you to know what it does09:54
mlankhorstoh right, nepomuk09:55
pittioh, no seb today? did the French revolution break out again or so?10:16
* pitti looks for someone to bribe to binNEW my shiny new python3-xlib package10:16
jibelpitti, he took a day off to enjoy the sun10:17
davmor2pitti: I'll tell you the ISP's have gone on strike, it's a french thing ;)10:26
jibelchrisccoulson, I tested in the lab, and I confirm that firefox testsuite runs if libgl1-mesa-dri is installed. Adding it to the dependencies of firefox-testsuite would be a solution.10:30
davmor2hey guys when did the default behaviour for power button press become instant switch off?  If you let the system in saucy sleep and lock and hit the power button it switches off with no prompts10:30
darkxstLaney, Hi10:31
darkxstjust to be clear the remaining issues are with g-c-c not g-s-d!10:32
LaneyI thought they were in unity10:33
Laneybut ok10:33
tkamppetermlankhorst, hi10:34
darkxstLaney, basically whatever is listed here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-gnome-3-8 (except ibus stuff which is fixed)10:36
Laneydarkxst: I can make g-c-c segfault if I randomly click on panels for a minute or so10:37
Laneyno debug symbols though :<10:37
darkxstLaney, that is not much use ;)10:38
Laneycan you get them enabled for your ppa?10:38
darkxstLaney, try gnome3 ppa10:39
Laneyhas the same versions?10:39
darkxstLaney, oh g-c-c has been outdated!10:41
darkxstby the archive version10:41
tkamppetermlankhorst, I cannot start XMir any more, it worked for long time as described on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Installing, the I deactivated it for some time (section: Removing unity-system-compositor, temporarily) for testing stuff in tablet mode, and now I activated it again and X starts, but in classic mode.10:41
tkamppetermlankhorst, there is no unity-system-compositor process and in /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log I get10:42
tkamppetermlankhorst, ** (lightdm:2075): WARNING **: Error executing child process unity-system-compositor.sleep: No such file or directory10:42
Laneydarkxst: I still have your one10:42
Laneyunless you mean in the gnome3 ppa10:42
mlankhorsttkamppeter: remove the line saying unity-system-compositor.sleep from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/10-*10:42
tkamppetermlankhorst, I have switched to saucy-proposed, as on saucy release I only got a black screen witrh mouse pointer with XMir.10:43
darkxstLaney, yes only gnome3 ppa is outdated, but copied over so give it a bit to build10:45
tkamppetermlankhorst, I have tried this now but I get in /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log10:45
LaneyI could just do a build myself to get symbols10:45
tkamppeter** (lightdm:2079): WARNING **: Error executing child process unity-system-compositor: No such file or directory10:45
tkamppeterSeems that the update has kicked out an important package10:46
mlankhorstproposed may not work.. else the package wouldnt be in proposed10:46
mlankhorstand I'm not going to track why mir doesn't work in proposed, probably incompatible versions10:46
Laneyit appears to be involved in some kind of transition10:47
tkamppetermlankhorst, how do I return to normal?10:47
LaneyI wouldn't be surprised if that made packages get removed10:47
LaneyDon't use proposed, kids.10:47
davmor2pitti: do you know who would be best to grill about this power button issue I have in saucy?10:48
tkamppeterpitti, mlankhorst, Laney, I have switched to saucy-proposed, how do I downgrade again to get to working MIR?10:50
mlankhorstno idea, you're on your own :-)10:51
LaneyFind the packages that you upgraded/removed and downgrade them to saucy again10:51
tkamppeterLaney, mlankhorst, probably better forget about MIR for the next few weeks until fixed packages come and get passed from -proposed to release superceding the broken packages.10:55
tkamppeterNormal X is still working.10:55
Laneydarkxst: Looks like your package doesn't have all the latest archive changes?10:55
veeberssil2100: sure, sorry for delay: https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/1220494 (this is re: FFe for autopilot10:56
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220494 in Autopilot "[FFe]: Add check so we can determine if the Mouse is caught in an endless loop." [Undecided,New]10:56
sil2100veebers: thanks! I'll modify it a bit and push it to the release team11:02
pittidavmor2: "this power button issue" sounds a bit vague11:05
davmor2pitti: hey guys when did the default behaviour for power button press become instant switch off?  If you let the system in saucy sleep and lock and hit the power button it switches off with no prompts11:05
pittitkamppeter: what Laney said with dpkg.log, or use apt pinning to give priority 1001 to saucy packages11:05
pittidavmor2: it's a bug, gnome-session should inhibit logind11:05
davmor2pitti: ah cool so it's a known issue then11:06
Laneyit's even filed11:06
davmor2Laney: woohoo11:06
veeberssil2100: awesome thanks. I'll see what you modify it to so I do it better next time ;-)11:07
pittidavmor2: bug 120118011:11
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1201180 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Pressing power button turns off the PC ignoring the presence of another session manager" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120118011:11
pittitkamppeter: btw, who told you to upgrade to -proposed? we need to fix any documentation which says so, and spread the word; using saucy-proposed without quadruple-checking and installing only single packages is ALWAYS wrong, as it's "broken packages" by definition11:12
davmor2pitti: thanks I was just looking for it :)11:14
tkamppeterpitti, I wanted to try MIR again, got a black screen and then I activated -proposed in the hope to get a newer version which is held back due to beta1. Now I have de-activated -proposed again so sooner or later the broken MIR packages should get superceded.11:33
darkxstLaney, g-s-d does, g-c-c just needs a quick rebase11:43
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for the hint with the pinning, "apt-get dist-UPgrade" is DOWNgrading 127 packages now ...12:14
tkamppeterpitti, all back working. thanks.12:19
pittitkamppeter: nice!12:22
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pittiwhat is the program du jour to record a simple video (for youtube, etc.)?12:42
pitti(from webcam and line in)12:42
jibelpitti, I used guvcview a couple of times to record videos from webcam with audio. It worked fine for my very basic usage12:50
pittijibel: that looks easy enough, thanks12:59
tkamppetermlankhorst, I have serious multi-screen problems with the XMIR as of saucy release (not -proposed) should I report a bug or are there already fixes in the queue for which I should wait?13:00
mlankhorsttkamppeter: ask in #ubuntu-mir, and please don't caps mir13:02
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sil2100Ok, need to change locations, be back in an hour13:43
mlankhorsthm bschaefer wrote the support for new pointer barriers right?13:50
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sil2100cyphermox, kenvandine: I started all the stacks manually (besides unity, as we don't want that released too frequently anyway)15:38
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cyphermoxsil2100: ack16:51
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cyphermoxkenvandine: hey. I'll publish click.20:30
kenvandinecyphermox, ok, i have a manual run for phablet-tools, i'll publish that one20:33
kenvandinetedg, should upstart-app-launch work on the phone yet?20:53
kenvandinetedg, more specifically, should upstart_app_launch_start_application20:54
tedgkenvandine, Yes, it should.20:55
tedgkenvandine, You can grab the tools and use upstart-app-launch the command line version to test.20:55
kenvandinei did... it didn't work :)20:55
kenvandinewe have a branch for content-hub that uses that20:55
kenvandineand it works on the desktop20:55
tedgkenvandine, Do you have any apps installed?  ;-)20:56
tedgkenvandine, I think that sometimes they don't open in the foreground20:56
kenvandinephablet   6687 90.5  0.6  18432 11736 ?        R    20:56   0:01 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/click pkgdir gallery-app20:56
kenvandinethat is right after running it for gallery-app20:56
tedgHmm, yeah, just worked for me.20:57
kenvandinethat click command runs for a couple seconds then nothing20:57
kenvandineKeyError: 'gallery-app does not exist in any database for user phablet'20:58
tedgkenvandine, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6064124/20:58
kenvandinetedg, any suggestions on how i can get debugging info?21:01
tedgkenvandine, I'm upgrading my phone... perhaps a new version of click?21:02
tedgkenvandine, ~/.cache/upstart/application.log should say something...21:02
kenvandineall errors from click21:03
kenvandine  Candidate: 0.4.321:03
kenvandineis the version i have21:03
* kenvandine checks for updates21:03
tedgYeah, looks like updating my click broke things.21:03
kenvandinedowngrading to 0.3.4 works21:07
* kenvandine does a little dance21:07
tedgkenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/upstart-app-launch/click-error-handling/+merge/18398221:08
kenvandinei'm looking forward to landing this in content-hub :)21:10
tedgkenvandine, Does it work for you?  Review!  Review!  So it can land in the next update (40min)  :-)21:12
kenvandinei'll test it21:12
kenvandinetedg, worked!21:17
* kenvandine ack'd it21:17
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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