
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
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pittiGood morning04:43
tvoss_pitti, ping05:50
pittihey tvoss_05:50
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dholbachgood morning07:00
darkxstslangasek, you are patch piloting today?08:55
LaneyI doubt08:58
Laneyhe'll be around for several hours yet08:58
darkxstLaney, oh right, I still cant work out all the timezones ;)08:59
LaneyI just type "Time in XXX" into google :P08:59
xnoxI have a few locations in my datetime indicator: a couple across usa, utc, a couple in europe and beijing. =) and steve is west coast.09:01
xnoxWhat is the standard location: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ or http://ports.ubuntu.com/ ? they seemed to be the same...?09:05
cjwatsond-i prefers the former09:06
xnoxok, thanks.09:07
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hyperairpitti: hid-generic 0005:045E:0762.0019: input,hidraw3: BLUETOOTH HID v0.13 Keyboard [Microsoft Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000 <-- this keyboard has nothing in /sys/class/power_supply/ and nothing in upower --dump12:23
pittihyperair: ah, too bad; thanks anyway! I got three responses for the sysfs dump now, should be enough to construct a test case12:24
hyperairokay good12:25
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dokokees, hardening defaults ping13:12
pittiFourDollars: hey, still here?13:18
pittiFourDollars: I'm afraid I need some more data for bug 1153488, I followed up there with a question13:24
ubottubug 1153488 in upower (Ubuntu) "Treats bluetooth input device batteries as system power supply" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115348813:24
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FourDollarspitti: ack14:00
pittiFourDollars: I only became aware that you determine mouse vs. keyboard from the "bluetooth" parent device, and the dumps didn't include those14:01
FourDollarspitti: Yes.14:02
FourDollarsI will collect the data for you. Wait a minute.14:02
pittiFourDollars: no hurry; thanks!14:03
AmpelbeinHmm: "internal compiler error: Segmentation fault" on armhf and powerpc in the same source file. But not on amd64/i386. Who to contact to get this investigated?14:05
xnoxAmpelbein: usually you should have pre-processed source file available and together with it you can file a bug against e.g. gcc-4.814:06
xnoxAmpelbein: without pre-processed source file there is little to get investigated. Do you have it?14:06
Ampelbeinxnox: But I have neither armhf and powerpc.14:06
xnoxAmpelbein: so where did you get the failure?14:07
Ampelbeinxnox: This happens on the build-servers (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mrpt/1:1.0.2-1/)14:07
AmpelbeinSo I would need someone (from canonical?) to copy the preprocessed source out of the build-chroot?14:08
xnoxAmpelbein: it's gone and destroyed.14:08
AmpelbeinHmm, ok.14:10
xnoxAmpelbein: same is happening in debian https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=mrpt thus a FTBFS bug can be filed there as well. And on debian there are porters / porter boxes that a few people have access to to re-run builds.14:10
FourDollarspitti: There is no output from `grep -r . /sys/class/power_supply /sys/class/bluetooth`. Change it to `grep -r . /sys/class/power_supply/*hci* /sys/class/bluetooth/*hci*`?14:11
Ampelbeinxnox: Ok, will file a bug in Debian, thank you.14:12
knocteCimi: ping14:15
pittiFourDollars: hm, should be necessary14:20
pittiFourDollars: are you running saucy?14:20
pittiFourDollars: in that case, it might be easiest and best to install umockdev and do "umockdev-record --all > /tmp/out.txt" and attach that14:20
FourDollarspitti: no. I run Ubuntu 12.04.14:21
pittiFourDollars: this will provide a complete dump of all devices14:21
pittiFourDollars: ah, ok14:21
pittiFourDollars: ah, perhaps this:14:22
pittigrep -r . /sys/class/power_supply/* /sys/class/bluetooth/*14:22
FourDollarspitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/1153488/comments/2314:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1153488 in upower (Ubuntu) "Treats bluetooth input device batteries as system power supply" [Low,Triaged]14:28
pittiFourDollars: splendid, thank you!14:30
FourDollarspitti: no problem. :)14:30
slangasekdarkxst_: yes, what's up?14:47
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JoshStroblfwd from #ubuntu-quality:  Would this be the right place to go if I wanted to propose a particular application be removed from USC?14:53
tedgev, Reading your mail about high CPU usage services.14:57
tedgev, Seems to me that we could make it opt-in.  Then "bringing it to the desktop" would be a service by service thing.14:57
tedgev, Perhaps by adding a stanza to the upstart job config?14:57
tedgev, Something similar to the respawn limits14:58
evtedg: so the whitelist approach was discussed but the worry was that we wouldn't catch things like the ueventd bug14:58
evbecause we couldn't anticipate them going proper mental14:58
tedgev, The whitelist would be "everything on phone" where the set is smaller, no?  I mean we could grep for it and generate bugs.14:59
evtedg: hm? I mean in the general sense, going with a whitelist approach on the desktop means that we'll miss whatever we don't anticipate spinning out of control15:01
evunless I misunderstand what you're suggesting?15:01
tedgev, Sure, on the desktop.  But I think that it's an unbounded problem to watch everything.  You don't want to kill my SETI@Home.15:02
pittior totem or the flash plugin, etc. (this has already been discussed via mail)15:02
* tedg has a prime refactorting botnet. No reason.15:02
pittitedg: hah, recovered your lost secret GPG key yet? :-)15:03
evtrue, so whitelist rather than blacklist might be best15:03
evtedg: would you mind following up to the ML post with this? :)15:03
tedgev, Heh, sure.15:03
pittiwould "everything that provides a D-BUS service" be a good first bite into teh whitelist?15:03
tedgpitti, No, but I have kees' so we're good, mine isn't as useful.15:04
tedgpitti, +115:04
tedgPerhaps we could detect the case and generate a recoverable error for folks not in the whitelist.15:05
hallyn_jamespage: hey, are you around still?15:18
jamespagehallyn_, yes15:18
hallyn_jamespage: was wondernig if you'd had any thoughts on the likewise-open bug situation15:18
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jamespagehallyn_, I've not look at it hard yet15:20
jamespagebut I reckons there are a load of bugs that can be duped up15:20
jamespageI'm assuming that ubuntu-server was not a bug subscriber until recently right?15:20
hallyn_jamespage: ok.  I will probably take an overly broad brush and do that, and beg the reporters' forgiveness if I err.15:20
hallyn_that's my assumption too :)15:20
hallyn_all the old bug will drown out new, valid ones, so i'd like to just mark them invalid actually15:21
hallyn_and ask the reporters to respond and re-set to new if they still have the problem15:21
pittihallyn_: you could set them to "incomplete" with "does this still happen in saucy?" and let them time out15:21
jamespagepitti, alot of them look like dist-upgrades to lucid15:22
jamespageso I'd rather not do that15:22
pittinot for those where this quetsion obviously doesn't make sense, of course :)15:22
hallyn_jamespage: so if a dist-upgrade to lucid failed on likewise-open, is it fair to assume that the reporter must've gotten past it by now?15:23
hallyn_i.e. mark invalid and ask to re-open?15:23
hallyn_any which were not dis-tupgrades, set to incomplete?15:23
jamespagesounds reasonable15:23
* jamespage worries about the state of likewise-open in distro15:24
jamespageit does not get much love anymore15:24
hallyn_pitti: thanks for the suggestion, will do that for a bunch15:24
hallyn_jamespage: yeah i've considered spending a day to try it out so i can be better able to look over it15:24
hallyn_wasn't kirkland at one point our resident expert? :)15:24
jamespagemaybe - I'm not sure15:24
jamespageI'm not 100% clear why its in the supported seed15:25
hallyn_i just .. have *never* used it.15:25
hallyn_Daviey: ^ do you know how that showed up?15:25
kirklandhallyn_: jamespage: likewise?  I think that was dendrobates' doing15:25
kirklandhallyn_: jamespage: I think dendrobates, soren, or ttx might remember15:26
* jamespage is slightly embarresed he had to lookup who dendrobates whas15:27
kirklandjamespage: heh :-)15:27
hallyn_kirkland: i meant it showing up in server supported seed15:27
kirklandjamespage: hallyn_: yeah, looking at likewise-open's debian/changelog, it was dendrobates (Rick Clark) that packaged it originally;  I think he pushed the MIR as well15:27
Sweetsharkno seb128 today?15:28
kirklandhallyn_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/likewise-open/+bug/20153715:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201537 in likewise-open (Ubuntu) "MIR for likewise-open" [High,Fix released]15:28
kirklandhallyn_: oh, that one is zul's :-)15:28
jamespageoh zul... deary me15:28
ttxkirkland: at those times, integration with AD was seen as a key feature15:28
zulwhat did i do now?15:29
ttxand likewise-open was basically the component that was supposed to allow us doing it15:29
ttxso it was more of a product management thing15:29
kirklandttx: :-)15:29
kirklandttx: so let's blame nijaba, then :-)15:29
jamespageI can see the context - thanks for clearing that up ttx15:29
ttxalways blame nijaba15:29
kirklandttx: howdy, btw!15:29
dendrobatesjamespage: lol15:42
jamespagedendrobates, sorry :-)15:42
dendrobatesno worries15:43
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* kees looks forward to tedg's impersonation of him17:39
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* tedg does his best kees: "Oh, look, I've got a goatee and all my IP traffic is coming from Siberia" ;-)18:17
* tedg probably shouldn't quit his day-job18:17
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keestedg: hehe, A++ would be impersonated again18:42
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