
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottukostkon called the ops in #ubuntu (flufflepuff)01:16
=== io is now known as IdleOne
bazhang<ASHER1> I syndicate the following:12:07
bazhangirc logs as IP!12:07
LjLi am back17:20
Picithat was fast17:20
bazhangdo the Alps still stand?17:22
Myrttiprobably just a big hole left17:24
LjLbazhang: mostly, landslides here and there17:25
bazhangmostly? thats good17:25
LjLwell i don't really know, i last saw them about 2:30 hours ago17:26
LjLanything might have occurred in the meanwhile17:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 639 bans)21:19
ubottuphunyguy called the ops in #ubuntu (Gsport)23:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from gsport)23:47
PiciI was hoping it was just some kid, but it looks like they've dropped into #ubuntu-women now too23:50
* Pici watches23:50
Picior I guess earlier. /me just saw the ops call23:50
LjLPici maybe your troll detector needs calibrating23:52
LjLtry rotating it in an 8 pattern, or on all 3 axes23:52

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