
bdmurrayslangasek: reuploaded00:40
micahgScottK: any chance I could get a quick approval on Bug #1219613 ?03:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219613 in libsigrok (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync libsigrok 0.2.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121961303:57
ScottKmicahg: It's already in New.04:23
ScottKOh, wait04:23
ScottKIt's not.04:24
micahgthat was libsigrokdecode04:24
micahgunless it was rejected04:24
ScottKActually I was thinking of libgingotts, which is in New and I got an FFe for earlier today that I marked invalid.04:25
micahgand Uwe uploaded the fix for sigrok-cli, so once this is published, I'll look at getting that over as well (which should then clear at least 3 packages out of proposed)04:26
cjwatsonslangasek: I have edit access - I've updated it for 12.04.3 now05:25
cjwatsonI've noted that I can do it on PointReleaseProcess05:27
sarnoldcjwatson: thanks! :)05:37
slangasekbdmurray: and accepted05:56
slangasekcjwatson: ok05:57
LaneyYesterday I was under the impression that it was Wednesday, if you didn't guess from what I said before I left. :P07:01
LaneyI was talking to my girlfriend and managed to utterly confuse her before we figured out that misunderstanding.07:02
LaneySo ignore things I said that were coloured by this, and imagine that I said them at the same time today instead. ;-)07:02
mlankhorstLaney: your mind makes it real :-o07:06
LaneyCan someone remove gst-libav1.0 from proposed please?08:32
Laneylibav 9 looks less likely and so we'll carry on with the stable series of that one08:33
* sil2100 looks at infinity with small 'XIM' labels in his eyes09:08
mlankhorstogasawara: bah, you've beat me with the s-lts-backports :P I'm preparing the xserver, but it will take a bit longer due to pointer barrier abi breakage..09:24
xnoxocaml-estring library used to be part of ocaml-batteries, but isn't anymore, thus to unbreak e.g. ocaml-sqlexpr, ocaml-estring is now a separate source package.11:59
xnoxsynced from Debian.11:59
cyphermoxLaney: can we unblock NM ?13:53
xnoxit only has changes for ubuntu-touch right?13:55
Laneycyphermox: Should be able to13:55
Laneycyphermox: there you go13:58
cyphermoxLaney: thanks14:10
cyphermoxLaney: do you know how to convince it to recheck the test status?14:12
Laneycyphermox: you say "Oh jibel, why oh why isn't network-manager at PASSED?" and then magically it gets fixed14:13
cyphermoxawesome :)14:13
* Laney runs14:14
cyphermoxOh jibel, why oh why isn't network-manager at PASSED?14:14
LaneyI think there's a problem where it doesn't notice tests it didn't request14:14
Laneyi.e. pitti started this one manually14:14
rsalvetican someone unblock pulseaudio? latest upload was just a simple rebuild, to get the right headers when building for armhf14:45
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-bbl
rsalvetiawesome, thanks14:54
Riddellkubuntu good to go, although notable bug in installer and oem-config bug 122019315:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220193 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity kde frontend crash setting up wireless when ubiquity only or oem-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122019315:19
ogra_cjwatson, ugh ... could you take a look at the last ubuntu-touch failure mail ?15:27
ogra_looks like something is wrong with /etc/default-arches or some such15:28
* ogra_ ran "for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-live --live" so nothing special15:28
cjwatsonogra_: You sure you don't have ARCHES set in your environment?15:29
ogra_i freshly logged in to nusakan15:29
ogra_i can try again, but there shouldnt be any ARCHES15:29
cjwatsondefault-arches is fine15:29
ogra_cdimage@nusakan:~$ echo $ARCHES15:29
cjwatsonLeave it for now please15:30
cjwatsonI'll look after this meeting15:30
cjwatsonoh, which has just ended15:30
cjwatsonYou ran the wrong thing15:31
cjwatson02 8,20 * * *   for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-preinstalled --live15:31
ogra_oh, sigh15:31
ogra_grepping ~/bash_history for teh command wasnt so clever then :P15:31
ogra_no idea why i didnt use crontab as i usually do15:32
cjwatsoncrontab is usually a safer thing to grep15:32
ogra_sorry for the nise15:32
ogra_*noise too15:32
slangasekblink, who tried to build ubuntu-touch/powerpc?15:41
slangasekah, scrollback read ;)15:41
Laneyogra leaks existence of secret new device15:42
xnoxit's like android publishing atari II devices trees for android =)15:43
ogra_slangasek, well, infinity fixed installability of initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch on powerpc yesterday, so i thought i should try :P15:47
* ogra_ wont tell anyone about the new oracle winterphone that warms your pocket with a sparc :)15:48
* xnox ponders why lubuntu testers always mark "release notes link doesn't open release notes" as affecting their test images..... 13.10 is not released yet, hence the links are not active =)15:49
slangasekxnox: historically the release notes links would load beta release notes15:52
slangasekis this not being done now?15:52
JackYucjwatson, hi, may I know the deadline of beta1 QA?15:55
xnoxslangasek: well ubuntu & core/foundations bits are certainly not up, since well ubuntu is not participating.15:55
slangasekxnox: right; I think it's a valid request regardless, even if it's not currently a priority for the web team to address this15:56
xnoxslangasek: I did request for draft release notes to be started via email to you & infinity =) for core stuff. Not sure when it has usually been typically done.15:56
xnoxslangasek: sure, but e.g. under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander there are no releasenotes pages, I'll go and look if/where flavours typically have them.15:56
slangasekJackYu: I believe skaet is running the milestone this time, she's the one to ask about the deadline15:57
JackYucjwatson, ok, thanks.15:57
slangasekxnox: oh, if this is about *preparing* the release notes, as opposed to making links active under www.ubuntu.com, then yeah, if the flavors want those for beta-1 they should be writing something :)15:57
xnoxslangasek: yeah =) redirect goes to ubuntu.com if there is nothing to show ;-) it's a 404 fallback15:58
* xnox just filters to ignore comments on that bug. the redirector is correct..... there is simply nothing to show.15:59
=== psivaa-bbl is now known as psivaa
adam_gany SRU friends able to take a look at the openstack packages in queue raring-proposed (quantum, nova, keystone, horizon, glance, cinder)?  trying to get them out under their MRE before security updates start hitting whats  currently in -updates17:08
bdmurrayadam_g: I'll have a look today17:36
adam_gbdmurray, thanks so much17:37
bdmurrayslangasek: I've verified bug 1211511 now and was wondering if we could expidite its release17:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1211511 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager hides but wants to install ignored phased updates" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121151117:37
slangasekbdmurray: yes, I'm happy to release it17:41
slangasekmeh, it would be nice if sru-release and sru-review had consistent commandline options for 'release'17:42
mlankhorstom nom nom builds22:04

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