
sarnoldNickyP: the 'equivs' package may help you there00:14
NickyPequivs ?00:15
sarnoldNickyP: equivs can help you fake up a package to satisfy a dependency00:15
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a|3xsarnold, cpanel default for sessions is /tmp, seems insecure01:43
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pcnerdHey all, is there a manifest listing default packages for server distributions?04:48
sarnoldpity a|3x is gone. I whole hearted agree that cpanel is insecure. just in case anyone wanted my opinion. :)05:23
maxagazis there a recommended web hosting control panel for ubuntu ?05:26
maxagazkloxo seems to be the best choice but it only works for CentOS 5.905:27
sarnoldpcnerd: it doesn't directly answer your question, but ubuntu-dev-tools provides seeded-in-ubuntu, which can tell you which CDs a given package is on.. might be alright for answering smaller questions05:29
cppCzarNvm. OSX shell is just terrible compared to linux05:38
cppCzargotta install homebrew05:38
pcnerdsarnold: thanks. I'm actually trying to find the list of manually installed packages so I can document the setup - I can only find the manifest for desktop is my main problem.05:41
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sarnoldpcnerd: ahhh. I wonder if the /var/log/dpkg.log* files would help you figure out what wasn't installed during system install?05:48
geserpcnerd: "apt-mark showmanual" lists the packages which apt considers to got manually installed (e.g. not through a dependency)06:24
jamespageadam_g, not that I am aware of06:40
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cppCzarwget is awesome07:08
Sakrecoergot disconnected... i hope i didn't miss anything..07:18
Sakrecoeri had a hopefull dream where there was a a package similar to usb-creator-common but, LAN-creator-common, allowing you to just inject any readymade ubuntu distro .iso to any PXE capable machine :)07:26
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Sakrecoer_hmm... seems i got a flacky connection... sorry... i hope i didn't miss any magic answers? :D07:28
Sakrecoer_interesting in my case: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetbootManagement07:45
maxagazsarnold: not sure to understand what you mean07:49
maxagazsarnold: about web hosting control panel07:49
maxagazis there a better choice than webmin to administrate my server with a web interface ?07:50
Sakrecoer_maybe my dream of serial LAN booting all my family memebers computers, is obsolete for todays diskless aka cloud world ? :)08:01
kalle_I need some help with a ubuntu server that sometimes resets some tcp connections..08:03
zetherooI made this file "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" read only with "chmod 444" - is it in any way possible that it is still being written to - perhaps on bootup!?09:10
jpdszetheroo: Yeah, I think it's generated on boot.09:10
zetheroojpds: I thought it was edited on boot ... not generated ...09:11
jpdszetheroo: /etc/init/udev-finish.conf09:11
zetherooI need to be able to ensure that the OS does not fix itself to any MAC Addresses ... otherwise we have networking issues when moving disks from one host to another ...09:13
jpdszetheroo: Well, yes. You're suppose to delete the file before you move the disks over.09:14
zetherooHa - that's not really possible if the host they were in originally dies ...09:14
jpdszetheroo: Delete it after you've moved across then.09:15
zetherooyes, that is what I want to avoid!09:15
jpdsThat file exists so your eth0 doesn't become a eth1 the next time you boo.09:15
zetherooI want to be able to put them into the backup host and have them up and running off the bat ... no editing etc ...09:15
jpdszetheroo: Yeah, but what are you going to do when your interfaces start renaming themselves?09:16
jpdszetheroo: You're going to have even more networking issues then.09:18
zetherooso there is no way to properly do what I need?09:18
jpdsInstead of just doing a simple 'rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules' on first boot.09:18
jpdszetheroo: No, because udev needs a way to map your interface names to MAC addresses.09:19
jpdsJust delete the file when you move the disks across.09:19
zetherooso you have to delete the file and then reboot?09:19
jpdsThen it's regenerated with the new MAC addresses.09:20
zetheroohmmm ok09:21
jpdsSame thing applies for when you clone a VM and the new VM has different MAC addresses.09:22
zetheroowell with a VM if I take the image and boot it up with a new xml (new mac address) it seems to not mind it and the networking works fine ... without having to manipulate any files etc ...09:25
zetherooat least a Linux VM09:26
jpdszetheroo: Not if you literally cp the installed image and define different XML for it.09:27
zetherooI have had to create a new XML for a VM and never had an issue with networking due to change of mac address ... only issue occurred if there was a software license on the VM which was locked to the mac address ...09:30
zetheroothe Linux OS on the VM never booted up and said it could not connect to the network due to a different MAC addres ..09:30
jpdsWell, in my experience I've had issues with 70-persistent-net.rules on Ubuntu VMs because of the issue you stated above.09:31
zetherooSo I don't get why it happens with the Host disks being moved ...09:31
zetherooAh, maybe Debian doesn't do this the same way Ubuntu does?09:31
zetheroomost all our Linux VM's are Debian VM;s09:32
jpdszetheroo: That's not the experience I've had, and I'm pretty sure Debian uses udev too in the same way.09:32
zetheroohmm ... odd09:32
jpdsYep: http://www.ducea.com/2008/09/01/remove-debian-udev-persistent-net-rules/09:33
jpdsAnd yes:09:33
jpds"I am speaking about situations when you will copy the files from a system and use them to recreate a new system, or when using some virtualization tools and cloning your vm"09:33
zetherooso if I delete (or rename) this file "70-persistent-net.rules" on the current running machines that would allow the disks to be placed into another host without experiencing network issues!?09:55
andolzetheroo: Yepp, if you move/clone a virtual disk you will want to remove that file09:58
zetheroowell I was referring to physical machines ... not virtual  ...09:59
jpdszetheroo: Yes.09:59
andolzetheroo: Same thing09:59
zetheroook yes09:59
jpdszetheroo: Do you understand why that file exists though?10:01
zetheroowell the file sorta locks the MAC address of a NIC to an interface label that is then used by the user to configure the network - no!?10:21
whitesharkcould any1 spare some time to help me getting my PXE server install a full 12.04 on new servers10:53
whitesharkgoogle didnt offer any working solution10:53
whitesharkon google i read about a casper folder, none of the iso i downloaded have a casper folder10:54
whitesharkmy problem is that mid pre-install when i need to select a mirror server, it refuses my mounted iso on my http server10:55
whitesharktelling me that the release is wrong10:56
whitesharkany1 able to help on PXE issues?10:59
whitesharkany1 able to help on PXE issues?11:00
njuergensmaybe the release _is_ wrong? i think the installer is very picky about the versino you boot and the version on CD11:03
whitesharki collected the installer from the iso11:05
whitesharkinstall/netboot folder11:05
whitesharkon google i found some explanation telling me that i need an alternate iso, so i did, but still no casper folder on it11:06
cfhowlettwhiteshark, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads11:13
cfhowlettwhiteshark, for the network installer11:14
whitesharki will take a look11:14
whitesharknope, i already tried this11:15
whitesharkthis is the netboot installer11:15
whitesharki manage to boot from pxe, and i manage to start the install, but the installer want to download from internet11:15
cfhowlettwhiteshark, I've never done PXE but it sounds like something is still pointed at the internet and not your custom source11:16
Sakrecoer7hi. i am trying to netboot 12.04 desktop on two PAE capable machines on a LAN without internet. all info i find suggesting to use a local mirror serve earlier ubuntu versions  and suggest that the .iso be mounted on a path accessible with apache2. is this still the case? i have tried every available iso. when using netboot for12.04 the manual mirror selector conplains about wrong kernel version. netbbot 13.04 just wont even bother finding anyt11:16
whitesharki mounted an iso on my webserver an choose my own mirror giving the ip + folder, but the installer refuses it11:17
whitesharksakrecoer7, i have the same issue11:17
whitesharkit works till the mirror select option, then it just refuses the mounted iso11:18
Sakrecoer7ah... whiteshark :-) so we are 2! lets get this and setup a proper howto afterwards! :-)11:18
whitesharki used this to start with11:18
whitesharkeverything works except, the ubuntu11:18
Sakrecoer7same here...11:19
whitesharki used 12.0411:19
whitesharkand on google u see that some special folder called casper is needed11:19
Sakrecoer7i tied both 12.04 and 13.0411:19
whitesharki downloaded like 10 iso's none of them have a casper folder11:19
Sakrecoer7yes the documentation is very poor and confusing for netboot11:20
whitesharkyes it is.11:20
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whitesharki used http for mirror and it doesnt work, nfs for mirror doesnt work either11:21
Sakrecoer7whiteshark: will you hang arround today? i have to go afk now but back ~2pm cet11:22
cfhowlettoutmoded tutorial for 9.04?  try an update    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto11:22
whitesharkim in server channel and here11:22
Sakrecoer7lets merge experiences and get this straight for future ubuntu heads! :-)11:23
njuergens11.10 still had the casper directory, so that must have changed afterwards11:23
matzipanhey guys.... I'm trying to deploy a small vm cluster on 2 quad core machines... what do you recommend? openstack seems to be a bit too complicated for the job11:25
matzipananyne around?11:27
matzipanhey guys.... I'm trying to deploy a small vm cluster on 2 quad core machines... what do you recommend? openstack seems to be a bit too complicated for the job11:27
matzipansorry for double message11:27
whitesharkcfhowlett i just read the instructions, but this is for the desktop version, and as mentioned there is no casper folder on the server edition iso found in archives11:31
whitesharki have no clue which folder substitute the "casper" folder on the server editions11:31
whitesharki never see the casper folder and content11:32
jamespagezul, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/neutron/version-depends/+merge/18385511:34
njuergensmatzipan, cluster and 'small' dont mix well11:35
zuli should probably login to launchpad11:35
njuergensdo you already have storage for a cluster?11:35
zuljamespage:  +111:36
njuergensalso, is this a HA cluster or what do you expect from a cluster :-)11:36
patdk-lapI expect it to have coffee ready for me each day11:37
whitesharkdoes any1 have a pxe server used to install 12.04 ?11:38
matzipannjuergens: I might be naive and look for something unatainable with what I have and maybe not know the terms, so this what i wanna do: i have 2 quad core rackmounted servers and I want to decomission some of my old servers and make them as vms on these  new machines. the final result should have vms that share the resources of the 2 servers and migrate between them if it crashes (which i believe is called a vm cluster) ?11:38
patdk-lapwhiteshark, asking every 15min won't help11:39
whitesharknew time new users11:39
patdk-lapthat still doesn't invalidate what I said11:40
matzipannjuergens: after decomissioning the old servers, I might even wanna add them as nodes to this cluster11:40
whitesharkdidnt hear u giving me any help, so wonder why i should listen to what ur sayin now, if it bothers you, click on the red cross on the right upper corner11:41
zetherooI am trying to setup bonding and bridging on a KVM host server ... the bonding/bridging works on the host fine, but the VM's cannot ping the gateway ...11:41
patdk-lapwhy? a channel ban is simpler11:42
patdk-lapthere are simple rules to follow on irc11:42
njuergensmatzipan, so you are using local storage? you need a way to sync the storage between nodes if you want failover11:42
patdk-lapif someone can't follow those simple rules, people won't be willing to help you11:42
patdk-lapcontinuing to be a troll, will cause a ban11:43
whitesharkyes, like.... dont speak on channel, saying nothing usefull11:43
matzipannjuergens: i can easily add a filestore to the setup if needed11:43
whitesharkim asking for help, your are the one who is anoying11:43
matzipannjuergens: openstack looks a bit of an overkill, and if ever anything breaks seems like it's gonna be really difficult to debug... although maybe jujucan help with that11:43
whitesharkso leave me alone, u can also get banned dont forget11:44
njuergensmatzipan, do you want/need automatic failover?11:44
matzipannjuergens: want yes... although automatic is an option11:45
njuergenspacemaker might  work for you, but that too is complex and hard to debug11:49
njuergenspersonally, I like to use libvirt to manage my VMs11:49
njuergensif you set it up the right way you can do manual failover quite nice11:50
matzipannjuergens: okay then... we might just end up doing that11:50
njuergensbut you have to set up your storage first, because you need shared or syncronized storage first11:50
matzipanis there a monitoring dashboard that plays nice with plain libvirt?11:50
njuergensthere again a a lot of options, ceph, drbd, sheepdog11:51
jamespagezul: recheck on https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/neutron/version-depends/+merge/18385511:52
jamespageI found some more missing versioned depends11:52
njuergensor SAN storages from $VENDOR :-)11:52
matzipannjuergens: nah, it would probably cost too much... we have our own storage nodes anyway11:54
njuergenswhat kind of storage is that?11:54
matzipannjuergens: don't know the exact details but it's a big ugly box with raid hdds in it11:55
matzipannjuergens: http://nss.cs.ubc.ca/remus/ have you ever used this ?11:56
matzipanwe might need HA on some of the vms...11:56
matzipan*read want not need*11:57
matzipanshit... read "we might want HA" not "we might need HA"11:58
rbasaksmoser: have you backported simplestreams to precise at all yet?11:59
rbasak(if not I can stick it in a ppa against precise for testing)11:59
njuergensfor a real HA cluster you need a lot of stuff, at least 3 nodes (so yo have a real quorum), redundant communication paths, STONITH and so on12:00
zuljamespage: +112:00
matzipannjuergens: oh.. okay... if it looks like we have no idea what we're trying to do, it's because we're students :P12:02
matzipannjuergens: university radio york station, in the uk... we're trying to virtualize some of our stuff and hopefully learn stuff on the way12:02
matzipannjuergens: http://nss.cs.ubc.ca/remus/doc.html doesn't look that difficult to setup...12:06
matzipani might be naive saying that12:07
njuergensi have never heard of it, although that doesn't have to mean anything :-)12:09
matzipannjuergens: thanks for the help, esspecialy for pointing out what are the right terms for what i'm trying to do12:10
matzipani'm going to give it a go later today... fun fun fun12:10
jpdszetheroo: Yep.12:11
njuergensgood luck with your project :-)12:11
matzipannjuergens: thanks12:11
msafiWhat umask should I set to a directory to make sure all newly created files are owned by a www-data group?12:22
patdk-wknot possible12:25
patdk-wkumask can only control if the group has permissions, not control what group it is12:25
smoserrbasak, no ppa, but trunk should build packages. ./tools/build-deb12:27
* smoser reboots12:28
kalle_I need some help with a ubuntu server that sometimes resets some tcp connections..12:30
msafipatdk-wk, okay, is it possible to set umask on www-data group to give it access to all newly created files at /var/www?12:32
patdk-wkyou can't set umask on a group12:34
patdk-wkyou set umake on programs12:34
msafipatdk-wk, okay, can I set umask on the program that creates new files (like Explorer in Windows) so that it gives access to all newly created files to the www-data group?12:36
rbasaksmoser: before I saw that I tried a simple backport to precise. There are a bunch of dependencies not available in precise: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6062495/12:36
rbasak(not all of them - just that apt-get can't resolve all of them)12:37
smoserrbasak, hm.. those are all available in cloud archive.12:37
smoserbut, yeah.12:38
rbasaksmoser: ah. I'll add the cloud archive then!12:38
smoserpython-requests could/should be not a depends for precise.12:38
jamespagezul, github.com changed IP I think12:38
jamespagelab no longer has access...12:38
smoserthe rest we'll have have to think about how to do that right.12:38
zuljamespage:  lovely...i didnt want to get anything done today anyways ;)12:38
smoserrbasak, maybe just move the python-requests to a recommends ?12:39
msafiI have a directory that's created by "git". Now I can't edit that directory with sftpuser. How can I  solve this problem?12:40
rbasaksmoser: that sounds reasonable.12:40
msafiI created the directory using "git clone <url>"12:40
rbasaksmoser: I think it'd be useful for us to agree on the release and cloud archive entries to use as a primary test/development environment.12:41
rbasakI've been using precise to help make sure that I don't accidentally do things that we can't backport later.12:41
smoserrbasak, sure. its interesting actually...12:41
* msafi thinking of giving up on trying to administer his own server. He may have underestimated the scope of this challenge...12:42
rbasakBut then the catch is that I might do things that break in saucy I guess.12:42
smoserbecause specifically we dont want to depned on that stuff for the 'cloud-tools' pocket that we're targetting12:42
smoserwe dont want to depend on the openstack stuff.12:42
* msafi likes having full control over his machine, though...12:42
smoseras cloud-tools is not necessarily compatible with precise-<openstack-release> pocket12:42
smoserso for precise, i think we say dont depend on that stuff, dont ship the files that use it (that should be easy enough as we dont ship them in python3-sipmlestreams)12:43
smoseri guess we could have python-simplestreams-openstack12:44
smoserbut 112:52
smoserbug 112:52
uvirtbotsmoser: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable12:52
smoserbug 66523512:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 665235 in cloud-init "grub-legacy-ec2: attaching a volume to maverick instance may boot off it" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66523512:53
rbasakqemu-kvm has been replaced by qemu-system-* now or something, right? If I want to depend on having qemu available with kvm in saucy, what should I depend on?12:54
jamespageadam_g, I just landed support for havana/neutron into the quantum-gateway charm12:56
jamespageflushed out a few upgrade issues for havana as well - fixes made in neutron packaging branch ready for next upload (hint zul)12:57
msafiOkay friends, good bye!12:57
zuljamespage:  meaning i should probably upload a new neutron right?12:57
jamespagezul, well wait until thurs/friday12:57
zuljamespage:  ack12:58
zuljamespage:  hmmmm https://review.openstack.org/#/c/40218/13:21
jamespagezul, zo/\jreonvderkjnvdf13:22
jamespagenew dep right?13:22
jamespagebut a better dep that nodejs13:22
rbasakDo they not have an approval process for new dependencies?13:23
zulrbasak:  yeah but im not sure who approved it in this case13:25
Sakrecoer7another interesting project for netboot http://www.tcosproject.org/13:30
Sakrecoer7but somehow, the hole netboot thing seemed to have stopped at 10.04 ...13:31
Sakrecoer799% of tutorials for netboot recommend usiong dhcp3-server, which is deprecated in 13.04 ...13:32
rbasakzul: could you try and get the process amended, perhaps, to make sure that all downstream distros are explicitly notified at the start of the processes?13:32
zulrbasak:  thats a good idea13:32
rbasakzul: something for the next ODS-or-whatever-it's-called-now perhaps?13:33
zulrbasak:  yep yep13:33
rbasakChecklists FTW :)13:34
baswazz_hdparm does not spindown my hd's can anyone help me out?13:49
rbasak!details | baswazz_13:51
ubottubaswazz_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:51
baswazz_ubottu: Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS, i have a problem with hdparm, my hdd's do not spindown when i enable spindown_time = 24 in /etc/hdparm.conf, after a reboot nothing happen disks stay idle/active. Also when i manually add it to hdparm -S24 /dev/sd[b-g] nothing happen. I tried 60 (5min) 120 (10min) last weekend it did work, i also reinstalled ubuntu but it does not mather.13:55
ubottubaswazz_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:55
baswazz_i am a little lost how to fix this, google did not present a answer13:56
baswazz_i tried to add it to update-rc.d upstart by making a script and put it in /etc/init.d/hdparm chmod +x13:58
baswazz_but sinds it does not respond on my manually added cmd's i think this would do nothing to help yet13:58
baswazz_AdvancedPM=yes: disabled (255) WriteCache=enabled13:59
baswazz_so it could not intefer with apm 254-12814:00
rbasakbaswazz_: start by verifying that when you ask hdparm to spin down your disk by hand, it actually spins down.14:00
rbasakBeyond that, I'm not sure I can offer any additional help. I don't spin down disks on my servers! Perhaps someone else will come along.14:01
rbasaksmoser: I have simplestreams patches ready to land. How do you want them? A separate MP for each separate little thing seems a bit obtuse.14:01
smoserrbasak, i didn't design bzr workflow :)14:02
rbasaksmoser: git format-patch/send-email output OIK?14:02
smoseryou can git-send-email to me if you want.14:02
rbasakAwesome. Thanks!14:02
smoserrbasak, push your branch somewhere though.14:03
smoserpush a bzr branch.14:03
baswazz_rbasak: yes if i do: hdparm -y /dev/sd[b-g] the disks do spindown, i have test it for a 24 hour and the disks stay stanby when i use hdparm -y /dev/sd[b-g]14:04
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smoserrbasak, i think you broke --output-format with your --pretty arg.15:02
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rbasaksmoser: it's sort of intentional. I didn't mean for --pretty to be used with --output-format. --pretty is supposed to supercede it. Perhaps I should check and fail if both are used at parsing stage though.15:04
rbasaksmoser: I don't see how we could make the two work together.15:04
rbasak--pretty is useful to see what's going on though.15:05
rbasaksmoser: anyway that patch isn't important. Feel free to skip it if you think it needs work.15:05
smoserright. i dont think they work together. but maybe '--output-format=PRETTY'15:05
rbasakI guess.15:06
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smoserrbasak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6063024/15:18
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Sakrecoer7haha... the level of confusion regarding netboot is immense...15:24
patdk-wkheh? netboot is simple, and I have never used dhcp3 for it15:27
Sakrecoer7like this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto it's brilliant. very well explained. But it is stated in the beginning: "Diskless Booting simply uses the remote server for storage and still runs all applications on the local client station. This works better if you have full powered PC's to work with, and are working with a large number of clients that would require too much CPU and RAM to run all their applications o15:27
Sakrecoer7patdk-wk cheers! how did you do? server version is easy... but desktop? i've been trying for about 2 weeks now...15:28
patdk-wkheh? it's all the same15:29
Sakrecoer7patdk-wk i havn't been using dhcp3.server either (its replace by isc-dhcpsomething anyways)... i've used bootp, tftpd-hda and apache2... but since it failed everytime, i might try dhcp3..15:29
patdk-wkisc-dhcp-server is dhcp315:29
Sakrecoer7i know they are the same, except some conf files that have different location...15:29
patdk-wkwhen I mean I don't use dhcp3, I mean, I don't use isc-dhcp*15:30
Sakrecoer7patdk-wk : cool! so what do you use?15:30
patdk-wkwell, just about everything15:30
* Sakrecoer7 notes that he ment to say "i know ther are NOT the same etc.." :)15:30
patdk-wktechnically, isc-dhcp, windows dhcp, dnsmasq, sun dhcp15:30
patdk-wkI manage a lot of different networks with different needs15:31
Sakrecoer7sweet, would like to hint me on how to do it on a LAN that is striclty ubuntu ?15:31
Sakrecoer7preferably 12.04<15:31
patdk-wkthen you are pretty much limited to isc-dhcp or dnsmasq15:31
Sakrecoer7also i need the mirrors to be local... this is where it always fail in my scenario..15:32
patdk-wkwell, that is harder15:32
patdk-wkyou need to rewrite the mirrors or do dns replacement15:32
Sakrecoer7i can boot, no problem... bit just keeps complaining about kernel versions in the local mirror...15:33
patdk-wkare you sure you mirrored the repos correctly?15:33
patdk-wkdoing it from the iso image isn't good enough15:33
Sakrecoer7ok... so i can safely ignore anyone who tells me i should mount the .iso at a location accesible by apache?15:33
patdk-wkwell, I guess it might work, but I have never done that or attempted it15:34
patdk-wkeasier to just mirror the repos15:34
Sakrecoer7well.... no.. i'm not sure...this tutorial took me the furthest: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Desktop_Installation15:34
patdk-wkyou could feed the mirror from the iso at first though15:34
patdk-wkwhere did you get your netboot images?15:34
Sakrecoer7"mirror teh repos"... sounds delicious.... could you point me to some sort of howto please?15:35
patdk-wkI'm thinking your netboot image is newer than your iso image, and there is the issue15:35
Sakrecoer7i've tried this one: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/15:35
Sakrecoer7and this one : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/15:36
rbasaksmoser: lgtm, thanks.15:36
Sakrecoer7both with all iso version available for 12.04 and 13.04 ...15:36
Sakrecoer7and i really mean it by ALL :) two times each :D15:36
rbasakOooh. I wasn't aware of ArgumentParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group.15:36
patdk-wkSakrecoer7, there are two ways15:37
patdk-wkapt-mirror or rsync15:37
patdk-wkI used apt-mirror for awhile, but didn't like it, rsync just seemed to work better15:37
patdk-wkit will use some diskspace, wonder what current is? 10gigs?15:38
Sakrecoer7sorry patdk-wk, diskspace? as on the drive of my server?15:39
patdk-wkwhereever this mirror copy is going live15:39
patdk-wkif you use like apt-cacher, it could mirror only the needed parts15:40
patdk-wkbut your still likely to run into issues doing that, without full time internet backend on it15:40
Sakrecoer7ok.... well... second bogus: there is no internet to be obtained in my scenario.... :(15:40
patdk-wkI personally use apt-cacher-ng so all my servers use the local cached copy, except for first time accesses15:41
patdk-wkSakrecoer7, there is no netboot on your iso image?15:41
Sakrecoer7ah man... i had this delcious dream where someone build this package like usb-creator-common, but it was called LAN-creator-common.. and it would let me inject my own system and all its app but no personal settings/personal home to any PXE capabale machine...15:42
patdk-wkheh, I have a pxe server that does that15:43
patdk-wkhave whole lists of installs to pick from, management tools, and backup software15:43
Sakrecoer7sorry patdk-wk, my iso images come from ubuntu server.... i beleive they keep netboot and iso seperated, except the mini.iso that is in the netboot section of their downloads...15:43
patdk-wkbut I think it's just a mix of different netboot and iso images causing the issue15:43
Sakrecoer7aaaw.... now you made me jalous :D15:44
Sakrecoer7yes.... i think so too... but where is cahlry aka the corresponding kernel?15:44
Sakrecoer7it's not in ubuntu12.04.1-2-3 alternate/dekstop, nor in xubuntu, lubuntu.... :(15:45
patdk-wkSakrecoer7, on the internet mirrors15:47
patdk-wkSakrecoer7, maybe you should try that15:47
patdk-wksetup apt-cacher-ng15:47
patdk-wkfeed it the iso15:47
patdk-wkinstall using your netboot15:47
patdk-wkthen you will have a complete mirror of what is needed locally15:47
patdk-wkcause it will pull what it doesn't have from the internet15:47
patdk-wkthen you can take it offline15:48
smoserrbasak, 'filter_item' moved to simplestreams/filters.py15:48
smoserare you opposed to dropping unused argument 'target' ?15:48
Sakrecoer7apt-cacher-ng you say? i have to try that! that would sort of cache everything apt-get is pulling down localy?15:48
Sakrecoer7anyways, thanks you SO much for your time patdk-wk, it is HIGHLY apreciated :)15:50
rbasaksmoser: my intention was that the args are identical to MirrorWriter.filter_item.15:50
rbasaksmoser: although I'm not doing it, a basic implementation of a MirrorWriter subclass that wants to filter items could just use *args, **kwargs that way.15:50
smoseryeah, but they're not anyway. :)15:50
patdk-wkSakrecoer7, yep15:51
rbasakThey're not?15:51
smoser    def filter_item(self, data, src, target, pedigree):15:51
smoser        return filters.filter_item(self.filters, data, src, pedigree)15:51
smoserself.filters is added.15:51
patdk-wkbut when you take it offline, you need to move it from apt-cacher-ng to a normal webserver15:51
zuljamespage:  mongodb is getting there i had to backout a patch for precise and include a patch so far15:51
patdk-wkcause apt-cacher-ng will still want internet15:51
rbasakRight, but you can still do it with *args, **kwargs15:51
patdk-wknot sure if it has an offline mode15:51
jamespagezul, urhg15:51
rbasakJust tack the filters on to the front.15:51
jamespagezul, which ones?15:51
zuljamespage:  debian/patches/0007-Use-TIME_UTC_-macro.patch and a patch that adds a header file15:52
Sakrecoer7aha.... but.... that would sort of "cp /everything_in_apt-cacher-ng /var/www/ on the apache / bootp/ tftpd-hda server?15:52
Sakrecoer7i mean... its just about copying the files pulled down into apt-cache to the accessible webroot aka manualyset mirror adress?15:53
patdk-wkit's about telling apt-get to use apt-cacher-ng as a webproxy15:53
patdk-wkjust make sure you install, and configure the sample one, with everything you want to install15:54
Sakrecoer7haha.... this has got to be the most difficult/frustrating linux excerise i've been trhu :)15:54
jamespagezul, can you tweak the TIME_UTC one to work on precise?15:55
patdk-wkit's really simple :)15:55
Sakrecoer7but but... i keep moral and faith!15:55
patdk-wkthe trick is you want it offline15:55
jamespageand does the new one work on saucy15:55
smoserrbasak, i dont know. your "basic implementation" described is hardly different or more complex without that.15:55
Sakrecoer7i hope i will say so too very soon :D15:55
smoserie, is 'A' significantly worse than 'B' ?15:55
zuljamespage:  possibly i havent tried on saucy yet15:55
zuljamespage:  im still building locally so im still trying to iron things out15:55
Sakrecoer7and if i ever get to say so, i will write a superduper howto!15:56
jamespagezul, you might want to disable tests otherwise builds take a long time15:56
Sakrecoer7(ok maybe only super due to my spelling :D)15:56
zuljamespage:  heh now you tell me ;)15:56
rbasaksmoser: I mean: filter_item(self, *args, **kwargs): return filters.filter_item(self.filters, *args, **kwargs).15:56
rbasaksmoser: it stops you needing to deal with the details of the args.15:56
rbasaksmoser: or perhaps the parent class should default to self.filters=[], and define filter_item as standard.15:57
rbasakWould that be cleaner?15:58
smoserrbasak, i just pushed with all 4 of your patches.15:58
smoserwe can argue about that change separately.15:58
rbasakThank you!15:59
rbasakI have instructions and some rudimentary packages ready.15:59
smoserie, i removed the target.15:59
smosermostly because pylint odesn't like it.15:59
rbasakJust testing again now, and I'll stick them in a PPA for an initial review.16:00
rbasak(of the basic idea that works all the way through. There's still plenty to be done)16:00
zuljamespage:  woot it builds...lemme try the patches against saucy16:01
Sakrecoer7patdk-wk: you don't happen to have a sort of howto setup your super magic pxeserver? (sorry for stupid question, but better stupid 2 seconds than stupid life long)16:04
patdk-wkI don't do howtos, they are pretty useless16:09
patdk-wkthey work for a specific set of simular enviroments16:10
RoyKpatdk-wk: they may be pretty good if written well16:10
patdk-wkand only work for a limited length of time16:10
patdk-wkroyk, you mean made so generic it's almost useless?16:10
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patdk-wkand my case doesn't help him at all, cause mine is all online, and he wants offline, that is highly different for what his issues are16:11
RoyKpatdk-wk: some, well, yes, but I've had good help with some as well16:11
patdk-wkhis issue isn't setting up pxe and dhcp16:11
patdk-wkbut with getting a good set of offline repo to install from16:11
RoyKpatdk-wk: sometimes it's good to learn the basics first - how things are put together16:11
Sakrecoer7both RoyK and patdk-wk have good points: its good to learn from howtos, because more often they are so generic that you get the right vocabulary to develope your own procedure :D16:13
RoyKSakrecoer7: they are usually a bit better than manpages, though :P16:14
Sakrecoer7RoyK: yes :) and much better than nothing!16:15
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jamespageadam_g, I pushed a couple of neutron/quantum related fixes to the nova-cloud-controller redux branch16:32
jamespagelooking at nova-compute now16:32
adam_gjamespage, cool16:33
adam_gjamespage, do yous till have concerns re: quantum/neutron naming of things?16:33
jamespageadam_g, i've not tested an upgrade quantum->neutron in ncc yet16:33
jamespageworks OK in quantum-gateway16:33
adam_gi did some more testing and added comments to http://pad.ubuntu.com/redux-testing16:33
jamespageaside from the fact the charm name is now fud16:33
adam_gceph volumes + images tested just fine for grizzly but was hitting an issue with havana, but am unsure if its the charms, packages, openstack, etc.16:34
jamespageadam_g, hmm - not touched that yet16:34
jamespageceph was looking OK on havana/saucy last time I tested16:34
adam_gok. ill poke closer at it today16:35
jamespageadam_g, 'band16:38
jamespageor #bang even16:38
jamespageswift-proxy has no package set for havana16:38
* jamespage fixes that16:38
Dian_Le_Rouxhi all16:39
Dian_Le_Rouxi'm looking for documentation about qmail-ldap with courier-imap on ubuntu 12.0416:40
Dian_Le_Rouxany ideas?16:40
jamespageadam_g, argh - this is like unpicking a stitch16:48
jamespageadam_g, really needs a redux to new model16:48
adam_gjamespage, for what?16:48
jamespageadam_g, swift-proxy16:48
jamespageadam_g, I stated but .. lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/precise/swift-proxy/havana16:49
adam_gjamespage, whats the problem?16:50
jamespageadam_g, its just not had the updates for havana yet16:50
jamespageversion mappings etc...16:50
jamespageit currently has dumb template path resolution as well16:52
jamespagetemplates + os_release16:52
adam_gjamespage, oh, you mean redux to the new model?16:52
jamespageadam_g, yah16:52
adam_gjamespage, ill add it to the blueprint16:52
adam_gjamespage, keystone needs it too16:52
jamespageadam_g, +117:01
jamespageeod for me17:02
adam_gjamespage, cya :)17:02
jamespageadam_g, oh - could you do me a favour?17:03
smoserutlemming, ping.17:03
jamespagethe openvswitch-datapath-lts-raring-dkms packages are awaiting verification in precise-propsed17:03
jamespageadam_g, they are for the lts-raring kernel17:03
utlemmingsmoser: pong17:03
jamespageany chance you could give them a sniff?17:03
adam_gjamespage, ya. bug #?17:04
smoserutlemming, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6063358/17:04
smoserdoes that make any sense to you ?17:04
smoserthe context is basically that on hyper-v 12.04 "just works" but 13.10 does not.17:05
smoserand 13.10 seems to fail to get an IP address.17:05
jamespageadam_g, bug 121302117:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1213021 in openvswitch-lts-raring "[SRU] openvswitch 1.4.0 not compatible with lts-raring HWE kernel" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121302117:06
utlemmingsmoser: er, no it does not make much sense....otp, but I'll dig on it17:06
adam_gjamespage, ack17:10
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adam_gjamespage, zul new pkg17:15
zuladam_g: +117:16
adam_gzul, k. all its dependencies look to be satisifed in precise already17:16
smoserutlemming, ugn...17:40
smoserare you able to launch azure instances and log in ?17:40
jamespageadam_g, zul: github.com connection is working again17:45
zuljamespage:  cool i have mongodb that passes tests in saucy and precise ill post the debdiff tomorrow morning for you to look at before uploaded17:46
adam_gjamespage, ya, saw the jenkins instance get bombed with a bunch of builds17:56
utlemmingsmoser: negative, I was just looking at that right now18:19
smoserconsole output sure would be nice :)18:21
utlemmingsmoser: so we do have a problem...no ovf-env.xml in /var/lib/waagent18:22
utlemmingsmoser: utlemming@utl-0904-p1.cloudapp.net has Saucy mounted under /mnt118:22
utlemmingsmoser: you're auth'ed for access18:22
smoserutlemming, there are files in /mnt1/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/18:27
utlemmingsmoser: wtf?18:29
* utlemming looks deeper18:29
smoseryeah, confirmed that looks to be it.18:30
smoser2013-09-04 17:15:16,621 - stages.py[DEBUG]: Loaded datasource DataSourceNoCloudNet - DataSourceNoCloudNet [seed=/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net][dsmode=net]18:30
utlemmingsmoser: found the issue. There is a typo for the test to see if it is either Saucy or Precise for configuring cloud-init to use Azure provisioning. I'm fixing that now, and will have a test image in ~30 minutes.18:31
utlemmingsmoser: can you file me a high priority bug?18:32
utlemmingsmoser: building now....18:34
utlemmingsmoser: brb, have to reboot...my keyboard is flaky18:34
utlemmingsmoser: back18:37
smoserutlemming, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122085518:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1220855 in ubuntu "azure images have populated /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net, breaking login" [High,Confirmed]18:38
utlemmingsmoser: launch test image now...18:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1220860 in ubuntu "azure simplestreams data has odd pubname" [Medium,Confirmed]18:54
utlemmingsmoser: ack18:55
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smoserbug 66523520:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 665235 in cloud-init "grub-legacy-ec2: attaching a volume to maverick instance may boot off it" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66523520:41
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