
OvenWerk1Gack! It looks like we need to try the upgrade 4 times all together...03:34
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smartboyhwUbuntu Studio Beta 1 images are marked as ready.08:02
smartboyhwNow, the upgrade tests-.-08:02
* smartboyhw has to zsync the amd64 image to try08:07
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #ubuntustudio-devel to: Ubuntu Studio Development Channel | https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio | find Ubuntu Studio stable Releases at https://ubuntustudio.org/download/ | latest current ISO http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/ | Please test 13.10 Beta 1 upgrade tests
smartboyhwzequence-work, zsyncing the 13.04 amd64 image for upgrade testing here is a nightmare:(11:38
zequence-worksmartboyhw: Good work on testing. You take good care of your responsibilities11:39
zequence-worksmartboyhw: Why so?11:39
smartboyhwzequence-work, my internet is slow:(11:39
smartboyhwzequence-work, are you going to join the Software Freedom Day in your city?11:39
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, ^11:39
zequence-worksmartboyhw: There won't be one in my city. Only in two very small cities in Sweden, and not close to here11:43
smartboyhwzequence-work: Oh11:43
smartboyhwI'm going to mine11:43
smartboyhwAnd I just confirmed that I'll be giving a talk there:P11:44
zequence-workI'm not too eager to organize such an event myself, so I'll just skip it for now. Maybe someone will pick it up next year11:44
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: I my very well be the only Linux user in town...13:15
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, ouch. BTW, can you do the i386 upgrade tests?13:15
OvenWerk1In progress. They may take a few days13:16
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, heh13:16
smartboyhwWe will want to test it soon enough so we can tell people: "You can upgrade from 13.04 to Beta 1"13:16
OvenWerk1Ya, but there are 300 upgrades before I can do the upgrade.13:17
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, yeah:(13:18
OvenWerk1It is not like the LTS where there are still dailies13:18
OvenWerk1over 1000 packages to install for the distro upgrade13:36
OvenWerk1At 33/147413:37
OvenWerk1On 12.04 try a right click on clear desktop and in the minimenu hover over Applications. Our icons are really big. I hope that is fixed.13:42
OvenWerk1Installing linux-image-generic as Depends of linux-generic13:55
OvenWerk1found in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log13:56
OvenWerk12013-09-04 06:34:27,011 DEBUG ./get_kernel_list.sh returns: ['linux-generic', 'linux-image-generic', 'linux-virtual', 'linux-image-virtual', 'linux-rt', 'linux-image-rt']14:03
OvenWerk1zequence-work: notice linux-lowlatency is not in the list. This is why we get generic... yet somehow we also get the right lowlatency as well.14:06
zequence-workOvenWerk1: Good work14:13
zequence-workOvenWerk1: We should fix that14:13
zequence-workthe upgrade script has a set of subscripts I assume14:14
zequence-workand one of them is ./get-kernel_list.sh14:14
zequence-workshould be a trivial fix14:14
smartboyhw!find get-kernel_list.sh14:23
ubottuPackage/file get-kernel_list.sh does not exist in raring14:23
smartboyhw!find get_kernel_list.sh14:23
ubottuPackage/file get_kernel_list.sh does not exist in raring14:23
smartboyhwWhat the?14:23
zequence-workAnd that is apart of update-manager-core14:25
zequence-workdpkg -S do-release-upgrade14:26
OvenWerk1in python14:27
zequence-workhave to go. the file is in ./DistUpgrade/get-kernel_list.sh14:32
zequence-workbut, it's using another script to get the flavor14:32
smartboyhw!find DistUpgrade/get-kernel_list.sh14:32
ubottuPackage/file DistUpgrade/get-kernel_list.sh does not exist in raring14:32
zequence-work..in the source package for update-manager-core14:32
OvenWerk1/usr/share/ubuntu-release-upgrader/removal_blacklist.cfg lists all the desktops but not ubuntustudio-desktop14:37
OvenWerk1bug 214:38
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found14:38
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, Bug 2, nice;p14:38
smartboyhwYou want Bug 1?14:38
OvenWerk1I am saying that is the second bug I have found with upgrading.14:39
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, ah14:39
smartboyhwBug No. 2 will be better than Bug 2:P14:39
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, how's the upgrade?15:22
smartboyhwI have downloaded the 13.04 image and will be doing the upgrade tmr15:22
smartboyhwAnd do we recommend any upgrades?15:23
OvenWerk1I will see when I get there. All the packages are downloaded (1400+) and are now installing.15:45
OvenWerk1At least, even though there are two kernels, the lowlatency one should be default.15:45
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, let's see;015:46
OvenWerk1I expect ubuntustudio-* packages are installed towards the end of the install, but I think the is a postinstall for the kernels.15:48
OvenWerk1Interesting, The progress bar for the distribution-upgrader only shows about every third package it is dealing with.17:52
OvenWerk1wierd: The upgrade (re)creates grub.cfg a number of times before it has fully installed the new grub templates.18:43
OvenWerk1Our grub changes work by fluke not on purpose. We need to include the "hook" that makes sure grub.cfg gets rebuilt after our -settings. It actually only got rebuilt because of kernel removal in the cleanup stage.19:44
OvenWerk1That makes 3 bugs so far in the upgrade. The desktop looks fine... not that we changed much :) There are some things that will not (so far as I know) get updated such as the backdrop once we get a new one.19:46
OvenWerk1Anyone who wants to confirm Bug #1220898 ?20:30
ubottubug 1220898 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "generic kernel gets installed in ubuntustudio upgrade." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122089820:30
zequenceI'd need to an upgrade myself.20:30
zequenceI'll do one tomorrow20:30
OvenWerk1SB is doing one too, I think.20:52
OvenWerk1Probably back in school though, so he may have less time.20:52

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