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joseguys, how can I get a unit's name without the /#? Let's say, instead of returning wordpress/1, return just wordpress05:06
lifeless | sed -e '|/*||' ?05:16
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raywanghi just a quick question, anyone knows how do I know where can i get those EC2 variables from openstack env (horizon doesn't have that)?07:00
mattrae_hi, with juju core i have a services and machines that are stuck in the dying state07:19
mattrae_how do i get them to move along07:19
mattrae_using 1.13.307:20
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mattrae_or is there a better working version?07:20
raywangmattrae_, I used 1.13.2, and had the same problem like you :)07:23
mattrae_raywang: cool thanks for confirming :)07:29
raywangmattrae_, I think jpds might report the block bug like that, Maybe he has findings :)07:31
gnuoyBug#1214651 looks similar07:31
_mup_Bug #1214651: Machine stuck in 'pending' state cannot be terminated <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1214651>07:31
raywangmattrae_, or melmoth also run into the problem like that07:31
gnuoyin that bug the agent-state is pending and  life: dying07:32
gnuoydoes anyone know when the python based openstack charms are likely to be replaced by the python-redux one ?07:34
gnuoyurgh, I meant: does anyone know when the *bash* based openstack charms are likely to be replaced by the python-redux one ?07:34
mattrae_raywang: great thanks for the bug. i'm trying to just redploy the charm with a different service name07:38
mattrae_raywang: i'm just leaving the old charm there dying since i have a spare machine to use07:38
raywangmattrae_, that's good :)07:38
mattrae_hopefully it will work07:38
mattrae_gnuoy: you might ask adam_g about when the python-redux charms will be available07:39
gnuoymattrae_, thanks, will do.07:41
mattrae_does debug-hooks in 1.13 work for the install hook?07:51
mattrae_i have an error on an install hook07:51
mattrae_how do i debug?07:52
mattrae_debug-hooks didn't take me to the install hook when i ran: juju resolved hook/0 --retry07:52
mattrae_i mean juju resolved charm/0 --retry07:52
melmothraywang, indeed. There are a couple of similar bugs. The main thing i remember is: never destroy a unit before the end of the install hook07:59
melmothotherwise, your fskcp with the machine in a state you cannot change and cannot remove it neither, all is left is destroy env07:59
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jamespagegnuoy, re openstack redux charms - once they have had enought testing08:58
jamespagewe agreed a few general approach changes at vUDS that still need to be implemented08:59
jamespagegnuoy, of course if you want todo some testing much appreciated!08:59
gnuoyjamespage, I'll certainly take them out for a spin :-)09:01
jamespagegnuoy, lovely09:02
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mthaddonanyone know what this means from the local provider on bootstrap (juju-core, 1.13.3-1~1737~ubuntu13.04.1): error: required environment variable not set for credentials attribute: URL10:06
mthaddonalso, I'm following https://juju.ubuntu.com/get-started/local/, but "juju init -w" gives "error: flag provided but not defined: -w"10:08
mthaddonalso, "juju init" creates a file that includes instructions to use -e to switch environments, but that fails with "error: flag provided but not defined: -e"10:10
* mthaddon files bugs10:11
_mup_Bug #1221127 was filed: juju docs recommend "juju init -w" but that fails <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221127>10:12
thumpermthaddon: people coming to help RSN10:13
mthaddonI've worked around it, as juju init does the right thing, just trying to help improve the docs10:13
mgzI don't know what the local provider error issue is, it looks like that's not the local provider at all10:16
mgzas it's an error we get from the openstack provider if you don't have an identity server url set in config or envvar10:16
TheMuemthaddon: hmm, i've done it the doc way (to check what i wrote *smile*) and it worked10:17
mgzmthaddon: double check you have "type: local" set, and are using the right env?10:17
TheMuemthaddon: i've used a clean environment, no other juju installation before10:17
TheMuemgz: +110:17
TheMuemgz: but that may be a good hint. when generating we default to amazon. and i didn't wrote about setting it to local.10:18
mthaddonTheMue, mgz: I've fixed it by creating a new env (using juju init) but are you saying "juju init -w" works for you?10:18
TheMuemgz: will add this10:18
_mup_Bug #1221134 was filed: "juju init" creates a file that includes comments recommending -e to switch environments <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221134>10:19
mgzmthaddon: nope, the docs are just wrong on that (did it change at some point?) init only takes what --help says it does, which does not include  -w or -e10:19
mthaddonmgz: ok, thanks - I guess those two bugs are valid then10:19
mgzthe second one I find slightly confusing...10:20
mgzcommands where having an environment makes sense should interpret -e10:20
mthaddonmgz: how so?10:20
mthaddonmthaddon@mallory:~$ juju -e amazon status10:21
mthaddonerror: flag provided but not defined: -e10:21
mgzhm, maybe it's only registered as a normal flag now, after the plugin changes... I take it `juju status -e amazon` works?10:22
mthaddonah, yeah, it does, will update the bug report10:23
mgzwallyworld_: ^was a deliberate change to how we parse -e in commands?10:23
wallyworld_mgz: not for juju commands, only plugins10:24
mgzhm, am sure that the before-the-command form used to work10:25
wallyworld_mgz: InitCommand extends BaseCommand and not EnvironCommand, that is the issue if -e is required10:25
wallyworld_but init should not need the -e option10:26
wallyworld_mgz: i *think* -w was removed because init now writes by default10:27
wallyworld_and --show is required just to dump the contents10:27
wallyworld_mthaddon: it seems get-started/local is out of date10:27
mgzwallyworld_: that makes sense for the -w removal... I guess we just update the docs10:27
wallyworld_it's a doc issue rather than a juju bug10:28
mgzwallyworld_: what I'm not sure about is if we've changed from accepting `juju -e amazon status` to only allowing `juju status -e amazon`10:28
mthaddonwallyworld_: absolutely, I'm happy for it to be a doc bug rather than a juju bug10:29
wallyworld_mgz: i think the -e may now need to come after the sub command, but not 100% sure10:29
wallyworld_mgz: yes, it appears so10:30
wallyworld_so if any docs say otherwise, they need to be changed too10:30
mthaddonis juju-core lxc supposed to work these days? bootstrap node seems fine, but deployed machine is stuck in pending10:32
wallyworld_mthaddon: it will be pending while it downloads the image10:33
wallyworld_can take a while10:33
wallyworld_i think we need a better status10:33
mgzmthaddon: looking at juju.ubuntu.com and the branch, the local provider setup instructions say `juju generate-config` not `juju init -w` it seems10:33
wallyworld_wow, generate-config is old10:34
TheMueit's an alias10:34
mthaddonmgz: is that different from https://juju.ubuntu.com/get-started/local/ ?10:35
mgzhm, clicking on local configuration from the getting started link gets me to the right page, but not that one...10:38
TheMueoh, just seen, we're inconsistent in our internal help texts. some times "init -w", some times "generate-config -w".10:39
mthaddonah, I see - if you navigate from the website you get to https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-local.html10:39
mthaddonI was following the link in the generated juju env file from "juju init"10:40
mthaddonI'll note that in the bug report10:40
mgzbah, I don't have the karma to edit the askubuntu response, so I'm not sure if that's directly linked or just copied10:40
mgzha, yes I do, and it is live updated10:43
mthaddonsorry, which askubuntu question is this?10:44
mgzso, -w is gone from that page now, hopefully people on older versions will now not be confused10:44
mgzmthaddon: that page is generated from an askubuntu response10:44
mgzif you click the byline at the top, it links there10:44
* mthaddon nods10:45
mgzor, actually, the title, clicking jorge links to jorge10:46
mthaddonmgz: so why do we have to pages for getting started with the local provider? should the juju init comment link to https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-local.html ?10:46
mthaddoner, why do we have *two* pages10:46
mgzmthaddon: I think so10:46
TheMuethe config-local.html has been written during the doc sprint last week like those other config-foo for other providers.10:48
mgzI think we just need to migrate properly to the lp:juju-core/docs stuff, askubuntu was a stopgap10:48
mthaddonmy env is still in pending... :(10:50
TheMuemthaddon: which bandwidth? loading the images can last some time?10:51
mthaddonTheMue: 20Mbits download - I guess it could still be working10:52
TheMuemthaddon: still pending? after the image the software itself is downloaded and installed (e.g. worpress, mysql)10:58
TheMuemthaddon: this may last longer on a private box than on fine ec2 instances ;)10:59
mthaddonyep - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6066089/10:59
gnuoydoes the requirement to ufw disable still exist ?10:59
* gnuoy looks for the bug11:00
TheMuemthaddon: a ps could show that there are some wgets running11:00
mthaddonno wgets running11:01
_mup_Bug #998238: local provider unit agents get stuck in pending state because of host firewall blocking communication <juju:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/998238>11:01
gnuoymthaddon, is ufw enabled ?11:02
mthaddongnuoy: it was, lemme destroy env, disable it and try again11:02
gnuoymthaddon, the other issue I had some time ago was a bad image in /var/cache/lxc/cloud-precise . I removed it and all was good, but I think the ufw problem is the most likely11:04
mthaddon    agent-state: started <-- seems like it was ufw again...11:05
* mthaddon will comment on the bug report after confirming the instance boots to completion11:06
mthaddon2013-09-05 11:08:47 ERROR juju git.go:188 worker/uniter/charm: git command failed: exec: "git": executable file not found in $PATH11:09
mthaddonthis is from the unit log11:09
mthaddongnuoy: does that sounds like the bad image issue you had a while back? ^11:13
gnuoyno, machines were stuck pending11:14
mthaddonk, thanks11:14
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marcoceppimgz: the -w isn't even needed anymore11:52
mgzmarcoceppi: do you know what the status of the old askubuntu pages is?12:07
marcoceppimgz: I don't know what you mean12:08
mgzshould we just make sure everything in those answers is also in the new configuring docs, then remove the links and pages?12:08
marcoceppimgz: we had a hybrid aproach planned for the new docs, embedding some questions in the docs, it's just been deferred12:08
marcoceppiif something is out of date, anyone can edit and rectify the issue12:09
mgzcompare juju.ubuntu.com/get-started/local and juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-local.html12:09
marcoceppimgz: we should probably just drop that get-started link and have it redirect to the docs12:09
marcoceppijcastro evilnickveitch: thoughts ^12:10
evilnickveitchmarcoceppi, mgz - i am not sure but I think those pages may be culled in the redesign happening later12:10
evilnickveitch(the non docs ones)12:11
evilnickveitchI think we should redirect to the docs for all the getting started stuff12:12
jcastroI agree12:20
jcastrohowever the AU pages get a bunch of google juice, so we need to make sure they are up to date so they act as an onramp to the docs12:20
mattywI can't seem to ssh into unit's I've deployed locally, anyone else seen this?12:34
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marcoceppimattyw: how are you sshing?13:17
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mattywmarcoceppi, juju ssh13:17
mattywmarcoceppi, I get permission denied public key13:17
marcoceppimattyw: are you using the machine number or the unit name?13:18
mattywmarcoceppi, machine number13:18
marcoceppimattyw: that doesn't work with local provider, use unit name instead13:19
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X-warriorWhen you add postgresql service to bootstrap machine, the log goes into a loop and keep increasing forever13:49
X-warrioris it a bug?13:49
mgzX-warrior: file a bug with a complete description and steps how to reproduce it, easiest way to find out13:54
marcoceppiX-warrior: I think this has been documented already13:57
* marcoceppi looks13:57
_mup_Bug #1218616: all-machines.log is oversized on juju node <juju-core> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1218616>14:01
X-warriorhow could I get juju/devel to work on mac ?14:18
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mattywmarcoceppi, ok thanks14:20
marcoceppiX-warrior: You'll need to compile it, there are instructions on this14:20
marcoceppiX-warrior: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6066656/14:22
marcoceppiX-warrior: that will be in the docs soon, just a little bit behind14:23
marcoceppiX-warrior: also, that will get you the tip of trunk, which should be fairly tested, but won't exactly be what's in the devel ppa14:24
mattywmarcoceppi, is not being able to do juju ssh <machine-number> on the local provider a long term thing? or just a bug at the moment?14:28
marcoceppimattyw: core team is aware of it, not sure if it's a long term thing or not. AFAIK, there are two local provider caveats; no ssh to machine number and debug-log doesn't work14:28
mattywmarcoceppi, ok cool, thanks again14:29
mgzarosales: actually, I don't have the edit bit set for the juju status doc it seems15:00
arosalesmgz, sorry, please refresh and you should have edit access15:01
mgzarosales: thanks!15:02
arosalesmgz, thnks for updating :-)15:02
X-warriormarcoceppi: ty15:09
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dalek49 when trying to bootstrap my local environment, i get "TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"15:52
dalek49I also saw this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/117831215:52
_mup_Bug #1178312: ERROR state: TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <ui> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1178312>15:52
dalek49I'm not seeing any information on how to troubleshoot this15:52
diegonathi im using juju local but I cannot log in into lxc instances. What are the username and password??16:37
mgzdiegonat: you can't login, you need to ssh in, use `juju ssh UNIT`16:38
diegonatPermission denied (publickey,password).16:40
diegonaterror: exit status 25516:40
mgzdiegonat: paste bit the juju status output and the exact command you ran to ssh in?16:41
rick_hI had this I think. You have to ssh manually with ubuntu@xxx when I tried it out16:42
mgzthat should be fine regardless, yeah (unless ~/.ssh/config is borked)16:44
diegonatmgz, any error?16:45
mgzdiegonat: you can't ssh to the machine number with local, you need to use the unit, eg mysql/016:45
mgz...oddly we don't seem to have a bug open for that16:48
diegonatanother question that i cannot find an answer online. How does juju work with AWS ? I mean, when I deploy a server, does it launch an instance automatically with the service without me configuring the instance?16:48
mgzdiegonat: yup, by default16:48
diegonatgoing back to my test machine with lxc... I jujued wordpress and mysql. Is there any way that I can do the same but with wordpress and mysql already configured? For example with mysql user and pass set as I want ?16:50
mgzyuo can pass configuration to the carms to customise them, but user/pass is really not something you want to put it, it's much better from a security perspective to autogenerate16:51
diegonatok, now for example... I have wordpress and mysql. How can I configure wordpress without knowing mysql user and pass?16:52
diegonatwhere should i find them?16:52
mgzyou just add a relation between the two, and that information gets communicted across16:53
diegonatok thats nice16:53
jcastroyeah, the entire idea is for you to not have to care about doing that by hand17:07
diegonatis it possible to install the web UI ?17:11
jcastrojuju deploy juju-gui17:11
jcastrowill deploy the web UI in the environment17:11
jcastrohttps://jujucharms.com/precise/juju-gui-HEAD/#bws-readme has the instructions17:11
jcastrorick_h: hey, can you guys stick the copyright of the gui README at the bottom or something?17:12
jcastrothat top thing pains me17:12
sarnoldI miss the older charm browser.. it was so much faster17:13
jcastrohttp://manage.jujucharms.com/ still works!17:14
sarnolddon't get me wrong, I'm thrilled there's a juju gui demo around, and once it has listing code, I cna understand why you'd rather just maintain the one..17:14
sarnoldjcastro: oh thanks :) nice. near-instant response. hehe.17:14
jcastroI think once the URLs are sorted and the load time is reduced it'll be fine17:16
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jackweirdyDon't suppose anyone could help me with my juju hanging on mongo problem? http://askubuntu.com/q/341845/6182118:28
AskUbuntujuju hangs when connecting to mongo | http://askubuntu.com/q/34184518:29
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jrwrenjackweirdy: are you doing something non-standard with a local environment?18:44
jrwrenjackweirdy: normally the bootstrap of the local environment creates a completely separate mongo db instance, so you wouldn't have a mongodb.conf like your question states.18:45
jackweirdyI've followed the steps here to the letter18:45
jackweirdythe only difference was that I had mongo already installed from the 10gen repo18:45
jackweirdyso I had to purge that and remove it from sources.d18:46
jackweirdybut after an update & autoclean everything seemed ok18:46
jrwrensounds like you edited the mongodb.conf to listen on the port which juju wants. don't do that.18:46
jackweirdyI changed that because beforehand it was just failing18:47
jrwrenjuju bootstrap will start a mongo instance with its db dir in .juju/  not the system mongo.18:47
jackweirdyAh I see;18:47
jrwrenit might not have been failing. it might have been REALLY SLOW. first connects would take 30sec for me sometimes.18:47
jackweirdyIn debug it was implying nothing was listening on that port18:48
jackweirdyI'm getting lots of this when I juju bootstrap --debug18:51
jackweirdy2013-09-05 18:51:05 ERROR juju open.go:89 state: connection failed, will retry: dial tcp connection refused18:51
jackweirdy2013-09-05 18:51:05 ERROR juju open.go:89 state: connection failed, will retry: dial tcp connection refused18:51
jackweirdy2013-09-05 18:51:06 ERROR juju open.go:89 state: connection failed, will retry: dial tcp connection refused18:51
jackweirdyoh, it's working now :)18:51
jackweirdyI should be more patient :)18:51
jackweirdyThanks :)18:51
jcastrojackweirdy: it should take about 30 seconds19:25
jcastroanything longer than that is a problem19:25
jcastrojackweirdy: is this the very first time you're bootstrapping?19:25
marcoceppijackweirdy: it depends on how fast your disks are, but it could take up 90 seconds until the bootstrap comes back. It does a bunch of stuff behind the scenes for the local provider20:00
jcastrohazmat: around?20:08
jcastrohazmat: hey so for the local instructions, we have the `lxc-local` convenience package so you don't need to install "mongodb-server", which I think is overkill anyway, isn't it mongodb-clients?20:12
hazmatjcastro, local provider needs mongodb server20:15
hazmatjcastro, the client lib is builtin-to the juju binary20:15
hazmatits basically two extra packages though20:15
hazmatwhich we made a new package to automate ;-)20:15
jcastrooh, nm, I see mongodb-server is a depends on lxc-local20:16
jcastroanyway, I was thinking we could slim down the install line on that page20:16
jcastroto just `sudo apt-get install juju-local`20:16
jcastrowhich pulls in lxc and mongo20:16
jcastrook mind if I make the change?20:17
hazmatfine by me20:17
kentbwhere can I go if I want more info on whether or not I need the ext-port set on a quantum-gateway charm? I'm deploying grizzly on bare-metal using maas & juju and each server has multiple nics....just not sure when ext-port is appropriate.20:29
kentband is it wise / safe to put quantum-gateway on the same server as nova-cloud-controller, keystone, mysql, rabbitmq-server using juju-core?20:30
marcoceppijamespage adam_g ^20:30
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mwhudsondavecheney: ping22:29
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davecheneymwhudson: ack23:54

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