
dougielI installed 13.04 on sda then I added a harddrive and install win7 on sdb (sdb1) then I installed 13.04 on sdb5 I let the installer adjust partition table/size and now I want to install grub on sdb but I keep getting "source_dir doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory" can someone clear up what I am missing?00:06
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mint_is .10 stable enough to use yet?05:21
mint_Is it true kde with comp off is the fastest de for 3D?05:32
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maizhi, i'm on kubuntu 13.10, and when i'm connected to an openvpn server with the network-manager; i cannot connect anymore to programs like: pidgin, konversation, kvirc, it founds the server, but gets stuck on "Connecting..."; browsing works fine; what could be causing this? thanks09:35
maiz13.04 i meant09:35
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maizactually even "ping" doesn't work09:57
Tm_Tmaiz: how ping doesn't work?09:59
maizTm_T: PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.09:59
maizand then nothing09:59
Tm_Tmaiz: sounds like routing issue09:59
Tm_Tmaiz: if you the following command in commandline: "route"10:01
Tm_Tmaiz: what is your default route then?10:01
Tm_Tmaiz: that with vpn, ofcourse10:02
Tm_Tmaiz: compare to what you have without vpn10:02
maizTm_T: http://pastebin.com/2pWsDDPN10:02
maizbrb sorry, if you have an idea you can write it i'll it right after10:02
Tm_Tmaiz: looks like ~all your traffic are now pointed to go through vpn10:19
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Tm_Tmaiz: but I suspect it's not actually routing it forward, I recommend contacting your vpn provider10:19
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maizthanks Tm_T 10:57
maizTm_T: here they say they don't block any port: http://www.vpnbook.com/features11:01
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BluesKaj'Morning folks12:05
Tm_Tmaiz: ah, what I was talking about has nothing to do with ports, but routing traffic12:11
maizTm_T: hm ok, so is there something that i can do on my end?12:11
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BluesKajI have something wrong with muon , when I try to "configure software sources" in "settings" , muon just updates and doesn't open the repos list. Strange behaviour 13:01
noirohey guys, I've got an issue with the LTS where plasma crashes on bootup after changing from autologin to login13:03
noiroIs there any way I can get into the system to fix it?13:04
BluesKajok, now i see what's going on the new muon discover has the source edit options instead 13:04
BluesKajnoiro, have you updated /upgraded lately 13:04
noiroBluesKaj: somewhat. But I can't atm. I don't even know how to get command line up at this point since KDE doesn't support Terminal13:05
noirowell, it doesn't support shortcut key terminal and plasma is dead. Does Kubuntu support a 'safe mode' type thing?13:05
BluesKajctrl+alt +F1-F6 will bring up a TTY (virtual terminal), run your commands then run startx 13:06
BluesKajnoiro, if you can;t get to TTY then choose recovery kernel in grub , and perhaps you need to update grub too, sudo update-grub  13:09
noiroI can get to TTY. When logging in, plasma just crashes. 13:09
BluesKajwhich LTS noiro ?13:11
noiroLooks like there is only 126kb of updates though, not sure if that will fix the crashing of plasma. Is there a way to reload it?13:13
BluesKajok , update/upgrade/dist-upgrade , and sudo update-grub , as well ,at the TTY , then reboot 13:13
noiroAlright kaj, rebooted, let's see if it crashes13:17
noiroI installed a minimalist package to get rid of effects (I forget the name), if that affects anything, but it worked when I first installed it13:18
noiroYeah, I get: Executable: plasma-desktop PID: 1786 Signal: Bus error (7)13:18
BluesKajnoiro, do you have the kubuntu backports enabled in the sources.list ?13:21
noiroBlues, I'm running a default config. Are they enabled by default?13:21
BluesKajno ,  you have to uncomment them or add , i've forgotten13:22
noirowhere are they located again? I'll nav to them and edit with nano13:23
BluesKajnoiro, it's a method of installing a newer version of kde desktop which brings plasma libs etc with it 13:24
noirowait, nvm, you said kubuntu backports? Where are those on the file? 13:24
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:24
noiroI'm not even seeing kubuntu ppa backports in /etc/apt/sources.list13:26
noirojust deb and deb-src for ubuntu precise and security13:26
tsimpsonlook in /etc/apt/sources.list.d13:27
tsimpsonit's probably named like kubuntu-ppa-backports-precise.list13:27
BluesKajnoiro, ,  13:27
BluesKajdeb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse13:27
BluesKajdeb-src http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse13:27
BluesKajmy archaive is in Canada , noiro , but it should still work 13:28
noiroI see us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse13:29
noiroIt doesn't look commented out. What am I supposed to do with it?13:30
BluesKajyup, that's it  , make sure there's no # in front 13:30
noirowould a sudo apt-get purge plasma-desktop && apt-get install plasma-desktop work?13:31
BluesKajdunno , never tried it 13:31
noironope, couldn't open lock file >.< And I was root13:32
BluesKajclose muon if it's still open , and your sources.list as well 13:33
lordievaderGood afternoon.13:39
lordievaderHey ruediger 13:47
ruedigerI'm trying to install Kubuntu on a thinkpad l430 but after I select "Start Kubuntu" in grub nothing happens.  The display is on but black.13:49
noiroScrew it, I'm going xubuntu.13:49
ruediger(I'm trying to boot kubuntu from a usb drive.  I already tried different usb ports)13:52
shadeslayerhm ...13:52
shadeslayerruediger: what release is this?13:53
ruediger13.04 amd6413:53
lordievaderruediger: And how did you create the live-usb?13:54
ruedigerlordievader: on an osx system https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles I already used the drive to install kubuntu on an older dell.  So it should be working13:55
lordievaderruediger: Hmm I see, as a work around you could try the 12.04 image and upgrade that one to 13.04 (or even use the alternate cd of 12.04)13:56
ruedigerlordievader: thanks.  I'll give it a try14:01
lordievaderGood luck!14:02
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ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:42
ruedigershadeslayer, lordievader: thanks.  I forgot to disable UEFI secure boot.14:46
shadeslayernot sure how that matters because if it boots it's good14:47
shadeslayeryou get to the installer14:47
shadeslayerso UEFI secure boot does work14:47
ruedigershadeslayer: I disabled it and now it works fine14:50
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kunguzI have linked a disk to an user home directory /media/username/disk to /home/username/disk. I have set the permissions to 750, and I have already chown the disk to that specific user. There are git repositories inside it. But unfortunately git clone remotely returns could not read from the location.15:24
kunguzAny ideas? on how to solve it?15:24
kunguzBy the way there is already a .ssh folder that contains authorized_keys15:24
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daemongnome_just leave it for 30 seconds and it will shut down 17:08
daemongnome_or choose log out17:08
daemongnome_and you can shut it down from there17:08
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daemongnome_does anyone have any idea how to get the kde android theme to work?17:18
lordievaderHey calwig 17:58
calwigWhere are the kubuntu settings for KDE Desktop Widgets?17:58
calwigwould you happen to use Widgets?17:58
lordievadercalwig: Rightclick the widget -> settings?17:59
calwigsure, but all widgets fall thru a general network setting, does it use the general network session settings?18:00
lordievaderPhew I guess so.18:00
calwiglordievader, setting up a proxy on the widgets 18:08
lordievadercalwig: Try finding out how to setup a system wide proxy.18:10
mR0rI0nhellp 18:17
daemongnome_whats up mr0rl0n?18:27
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NickDGEanyone willing to help me troubleshoot a screen brightness adjustment problem/kubuntu/acer 575019:35
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KpycNuKSo what is your problem?  You can't regulate it?19:49
KpycNuKNickDGE ? :319:57
NickDGEphunyguy ,the guide that you gave me for my brightness control problem - unfortunately when i update grub it gives me a syntax error on the line provided in the guide to add20:10
NickDGEKpycNuK yep?20:11
NickDGEoh sorry 20:11
NickDGEyeah, cant regulate it20:11
NickDGEi tried this 20:11
NickDGEbut unfortunately when i update grub it gives me an error on the exact same line i added 20:11
KpycNuKIt isn't help. But what shows you, when you  type         find /sys/devices/ -type d -name acpi*20:16
KpycNuKNickDGE I had forgotten to use nick for notification :320:22
KpycNuKshow the output from:    find /sys/devices/ -type d -name acpi*20:22
NickDGEwell 20:22
NickDGEif after i run sudo-update grub and it returns a syntax error20:23
NickDGEi presume the procedure didnt go as planned 20:23
NickDGEor it did20:23
NickDGEor linux just isnt loose like that 20:23
slatenailsthe help page says "sudo update-grub", not "sudo-update grub"20:26
NickDGEi didnt type it out here right20:26
slatenailsah, right20:26
NickDGEthe command update-grub returns an error on the same line i pasted, Syntax ")" 20:29
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geniiNickDGE: You originally wrote that you issued: sudo-update-grub       ..which is not quite the same as: sudo update-grub20:48
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Anne-senpaiHi, all.  Possibly complex question:  I'm running 13.04 (32bit), 3.8.0-30-generic kernel, and I want to ditch Noveau for the proprietary nVidia drivers (video card is GeForce GT 540M according to lspci).  I have seen references to a linux-restricted-modules and linux-restricted-modules-common pair of packages to install, as well as envy and envyNG (neither current).  I had tried this once before, but wound up with my screen @ 640x480 20:56
Anne-senpaicentered on the screen with the rest black (the entire usable area was the centered 640x480 box, mouse wouldn't enter outer area, changing resolution did nothing at all, etc)20:56
Anne-senpaiErgo, does this:  http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-ringtail-nvidia.html  work?20:56
RoeyBluesKaj:  hello20:57
NickDGEgenii, as stated before, i typed it out wrong here. i can make out the difference between sudo update-grub and sudo-update grub20:59
RoeyI'm on Kubuntu "Quantal". Using KDE 4.11.  When I press my cursor against a screen edge I've assigned a Desktop Effect to, the edge lights up in blue, but nothing happens past that.20:59
vijay13can some one please suggest link to learn kdebug 21:48
vijay13i'm new to kdevelopment 21:48
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maliks72flash plugin is not working properly in my kubuntu 12.04......it works on you tube but not on other website?23:44

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