
qingluohi all, i need to port sfdisk for arm. where can i get the source code?  sourceforge?01:19
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html01:20
Unit193Might not be latest upstream, though.01:21
qingluolatest is not necessary, but it must be stable01:21
qingluoubottu: thankyou01:23
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:23
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html02:28
mint_So is the next release using lxde/qt?05:19
Unit193Nope, GTK.05:21
mint_or... gtk3?05:21
santhoshhai iam getting application database errors in wine on lubuntu05:58
santhosh hai iam getting application database errors in wine on lubuntu06:04
santhosh hai iam getting application database errors in wine on lubuntu06:07
Mondaysanthosh, what version are you using06:09
santhoshiam using 1.6 iam trying 1.4.1 but is graphics errors06:13
santhoshis there any sluaton to reslove the application database06:14
santhoshiam using 1.6 iam trying 1.4.1 but is graphics errors06:17
santhoshis there any soluaton to reslove the application database error on wine06:18
santhoshis there any soluaton to reslove the application database error on wine06:59
Mondaywhat app are you trying to install07:01
bradesIs there a non PAE installation version of Lubuntu 13.04 i386?  I downloaded the 13.04 cd and booted to it to install on an older IBM thinkpad and it stated that I needed a PAE CPU.  This was a surprise as I thought Lubuntu was supposed to be light and support older hardware, hence the reason I'm trying to use it to begin with.07:18
bradesUbuntu and its various flavors all seem to run just fine on PC's with 1 Gb of RAM, so why would there be a minimum requirement of PAE support?  That just seems silly to me with the name Lubuntu, it implies light version for older hardware.  PAE is new, not old technology in comparison.07:28
bioterrorCore2Duo is old hardware07:42
DANNNhi guys...10:13
DANNNi have any problems to install flash player...10:13
DANNNcan anybody help me? :D10:13
DANNNcould be the problem related with this post? ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/311453/flash-plugin-not-working-properly-in-lubuntu-13-0410:22
john_ramboI just installed lubuntu ......How do I install the nvidia non free driver?10:42
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:48
kiwitinkerI have an older version of lubuntu install, i forget exactly which, the thing i don't understand is when i run update manager and it finds 128 updates if i install these updates does it update my version of lubuntu or does it just update within the version i first installed?11:49
hateballkiwitinker: just within the version11:52
hateballif there's a version upgrade, there is a special button for that11:52
kiwitinkerthanks, i don't see any special button11:53
kiwitinkerfinally i can do the update without worrying that the version will change11:54
kiwitinkernot that i doubt hateball but it would be sensible for me to get a 2nd opinion on this considering the major hassle it will be if it updates the version11:57
hateballknowing what version you actually have would be helpful11:58
hateballlsb_release -a11:58
kiwitinker12.04 lts11:59
kiwitinkerhow sure are you hateball on the update question, assumption or you actually know?12:04
kiwitinkerwhat version is lubuntu up to now?12:04
hateballBy default LTS releases only offer version upgrades to new LTS releases12:07
hateballand 12.04 is the latest LTS release12:07
hateballbut feel free to ask someone else12:07
bioterrorlubuntu does not have lts12:07
bioterrorlubuntu does not support LXDE components like LTS12:08
bioterrorso I advice to use as much as possible the latest version to get the best working LXDE experience12:08
kiwitinkerok, some confusion here, when i used the version command it actually says ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, confusing that it does not say anything about lubuntu12:26
kiwitinkerbut it is definitely lubuntu that i have12:29
kiwitinkerbioterror the latest version of lubuntu does not work on this computer, the latest one that does is 12.04 hence why it is important that i don't accidentally upgrade to a later version12:31
kiwitinkeri should say release instead of version i think12:32
brades Is there a non PAE installation version of Lubuntu 13.04 i386?  I downloaded the 13.04 cd and booted to it to install on an older IBM thinkpad and it stated that I needed a PAE CPU.  This was a surprise as I thought Lubuntu was supposed to be light and support older hardware, hence the reason I'm trying to use it to begin with.16:29
bradesUbuntu and its various flavors all seem to run just fine on PC's with 1 Gb of RAM, so why would there be a minimum requirement of PAE support?  That just seems silly to me with the name Lubuntu, it implies light version for older hardware.  PAE is new, not old technology in comparison.16:32
bioterrorPAE is quite old technology16:35
bradesThat is my exact machine actually mentioned in that article.  It is a Thinkpad T41 with a Intel M processor.  Thanks for the info, hopefully that will help.16:35
bioterrorI just threw T42 away, which did not have PAE16:36
bioterrorit was also slow :D16:36
bioterrorit had a slow Pentium-M16:37
bradesFast enough for basic use for kids browsing on the internet since Windows is so crappy and gets infected so easily!16:40
wxli don't know what your kids are doing but every kid i see browsing the internet is typically playing some sort of flash-based game16:40
bioterrorwxl, I assume they browse web with Lynx16:40
wxlsheesh you could at least give them w3m bioterror ;)16:41
bradesCome on, basic google searches for innocent things can come up with malformed pages that do harm!  I've done it just doing a search for a picture of a dragon.  It doesn't take much these days.16:41
bioterroras much as I sit in front of a computer, I dont let my kids16:42
bradesOn Windows XP on old hardware it is easy to infect even with enterprise level virus tools!16:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:43
Mondayhey brades try the Lubuntu fake-PAE iso17:06
Mondayianorlin maybe you should of tried to help him17:07
ianorlinyeah I think someone linked it18:18
ianorlinearlier then they said they threw it away18:18
agrestringereHello, having an issue, the desktop background on Lubuntu has disappeared and isnt' working, what can I do?18:34
ianorlindid you log into lubuntu netbook?18:42
Mondayagrestringere, right click on the background and go to preferences and setup your background once again19:14
Mondaythere is a bug on lubuntu when it comes to background and monitor setup, which they won't admit19:14
Unit193What's the bug number?19:15
Mondayi've used LXDE on Mint, Debian, Slitaz and Trisquel and the monitor and background problems only happen in lubuntu19:15
Unit193Can you link to the LP report?19:16
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Guest51241Hi, guys, my computer is quite old, but I don't think my problem is that. I recently did a clean install of the new upcoming Lubuntu 13. Well, last night, I tried to turn it on, and it said I had "grub rescue>". I tried a boot repair disk which I downloaded, and came up two different times with two different numbers to write down on a piece of paper. That didn't fix it. I am now using a live xubuntu cd that I had awhile back. Even22:32
Guest51241 loading that took some time. I am not able to clean install. There must be something wrong with the grub of my latest Lubuntu. right? I've looked online about this and found a lot of things, but nothing simple for me. help22:32
wxlGuest51241: it gave no other errors?22:34
phillwGuest51241: did the cd pass the self test?22:35
Guest51241I'm sure it did, because I have used all the cd's I've downloaded successfully for sometime, including this one, Xubuntu. I have used a Lubuntu 12.04 and Lubuntu 13 for weeks even. The reason I changed to Lubuntu 13 is because I thought 12.04 wasn't going to be supported by next month. And no, I didn't do a self test of these burned cd's. I don't think I knew how to do that.22:37
wxlGuest51241: that's confusing. did the md5s pass or fail?22:38
Guest51241ummm I didn't check for any passes or failers, except my cd burner said it was alright. Kinda computer NOT savy here.22:39
phillwGuest51241: when you boot with a cd / dvd /usb - one of the options is to test the install media. You really *must* do this.22:40
Guest51241I did see something about those md5s. They are like tests for the isos, right? I don't know how to use those. So, how do you do that?22:40
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:41
wxlyou can test the iso and then further confirm the cd/dvd/usb by testing it22:41
wxlmd5sum is the command for the iso22:42
tonythope someone can help . just installed lubuntu . trying to install a driver and its telling me i need to do it as a super user . i only set 1 pass during the install and that password isnt working . anyone have any ideas ?22:42
wxltonyt: so you have only one account? can you log in with it?22:42
tonytya only 1 and im logged into it22:43
Guest51241thanks for the site info on the md5. I'll check it out.22:43
tonyti opened the terminal and did su root and it asked for a password and it fails22:43
tonyti thought the password i set during the install should be the admin pass22:44
phillwGuest51241: when you download an ISO, check it... when you burn the CD / DVD / USB you will see the option to self check. This is so, so important a step to do.22:44
tonytis that correct ?22:44
wxltonyt: there is no root22:44
Unit193tonyt: You use `sudo`, so  sudo make  for example22:44
Guest51241o.k. philw22:44
wxl!sudo | tony22:45
ubottutony: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:45
wxloops :/22:45
wxlwrong one22:45
wxl!root | tonyt22:45
ubottutonyt: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:45
tonyti tried sudo too22:45
tonytk ill read22:45
phillwtonyt: there is no default login and password on install. you are asked that during the install process for the admin user and asked your admin password. If this does not happen, your ISO you are trying to install off from is corrupt.22:46
tonytk got it22:46
wxltonyt: so if you do sudo something and it asks for the password, what do you get back?22:46
tonyti got it work . i did sudo sh ./amd.run22:47
tonytjust the vid driver22:47

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