
SuperLagnautilus is a crashy mess for me, on a clean install00:47
SuperLagI can't even open a folder without it crashing on me00:47
LordPantshey all, I was asked to repeat my question in here... just finished installing 64-bit 13.10, and it's working great. but apt-get won't let me install ia32-libs to run 32-bit software. what's the new method in Ubuntu 13?05:18
IdleOne!find  ia32-libs05:19
ubottuPackage/file ia32-libs does not exist in saucy05:19
IdleOnehmm doesn't look like 13.10 has it05:20
LordPantsyeah, I figured it was deprecated05:20
LordPantsbut I don't no what the new package is, and my google-fu isn't turning anything up05:20
LordPantsdon't know*05:20
IdleOnetry searching for multiarch in the package manager05:20
IdleOneI'm not sure what it was changed to05:21
LordPantsIdleOne: all that turns up in the software center is a "transitional multiarch", whatever that is (and it's already installed anyway) and a multiarch binutils, which isn't needed for executing, only building and linking.05:22
IdleOneLordPants: don't know what else to suggest, stick around and someone will be along sooner or later05:23
LordPantscool, thanks05:24
LordPantsI actually only had a minute to ask, but I'll be back later05:28
LordPantsthanks again05:28
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iceroot_do we have something at the moment like ssh -X, rdesktop, vnc specially for mir? so that i can share the view and controls from another pc?07:43
iceroot_and what is a way to configure the display with specific resolutions if udev is failing? something like /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:44
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kellyhello guys, i'm using Ubuntu 13.10 64bit, how can i set up keyboard shortcut , i want to use alt+shift to change between English and French11:50
erle-will ubuntu 13.10 have gnome 3.10?11:51
bazhangis there a 3.10?11:51
erle-it will come on september11:51
ObrienDavebazhang==> yes, it's a pre-release. not officially supported yet11:52
erle-the schedule was always this way, bazhang11:52
erle-its an exception that ubuntu this time does not have 3.8 still11:52
bazhangObrienDave, but not part of standard ubuntu gnome11:52
erle-the release cyle of ubuntu is synct to the release cycle of gnome11:52
erle-gnome is released always a month before11:52
bazhangerle-, always being the last couple of cycles11:53
erle-no, the whole point of the april and october dates is that gnome is released a month before11:53
erle-and fedora does a similar thing by the way11:53
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kellyi installed gnome-tweak-tool and set "alt+shift" to change layout but still does not work, any idea11:58
kellyalso i used before setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,lv3:ralt_alt11:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:05
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erle-looks like saucy has gnome3.812:34
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LarsNis it possible to kill the "monitor my mouse battery" function?14:10
LarsNI'm not sure why but my Logitech MX Anywhere seems to think it's constantly at 1% power and the popups redefine annoying.14:11
DJonesLarsN: Looks like its a known bug anyway https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/+bug/1103064 the last few comments talk about logitech mice showing 1%, seems to suggest that fix has been released14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1103064 in upower (Ubuntu) "power indicator shows Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse batteries with 0%" [Low,Fix committed]14:14
LarsNDJones: fixed 2 days ago.  Alright I could buy that. :)14:16
LarsNDJones: I think I looked at that same bug, about a week ago.14:17
DJonesHeh, always assuming the fix filters down :)14:17
diogobaederHi guys, just out of curiosity, is anyone working on getting these guys fixed?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1212025 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/122116114:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1212025 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Upgrading to Saucy crashes with a unicode error" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1221161 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "I can't upgrade from ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:21
agresterHello, yesterday I upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 and some things are a bit off: many application menu14:31
agrestermistype, the things that are off are: application menus are not in the top panel when maximized, the dash doesn't have any scopes on the bottom list just one and other issues, how can I do a full reset of Unity to fix this?14:32
johnjohn101BETA 1 today!! yippeee15:45
johnjohn101i guess i'll upgrade my 13.04 system in a week or so16:12
xubuntu-fanatici have installed xubuntu 13.10 beta 64bit and i can't find ia32-libs package why ?  Does it means that i will not be able to run steam and other 32bit apps20:10
geniiSo long as multiarch-support is installed you should be fine.20:35
johnjohn101oh i reread the schedule. I guess for ubuntu we're not at beta but for the optional flavors we are?21:48

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