[02:32] xnox: Assuming the script was a direct copy and paste (I didn't look for byte-for-byte compat), it all looked sane, except for the changelog being wrong. :) [09:16] infinity: yeah, reading back the changelog makes perfect sense.... when translated into russian. [09:18] xnox: The Russian word for "driver" is "firmware"? [09:18] * infinity will try to remember this the next time he needs to hire a car in Moscow. [09:21] infinity: if you speak English it's triple the price for everything in Moscow. [09:21] =) [09:25] I'm too old to learn a new language, I should probably just avoid Moscow instead. [09:25] And maybe nap. [09:25] =) [09:26] infinity: or take someone russian speaking as a guide with you. It should be easy to find russians anywhere. [09:26] Is there, like, a shop where I can pick up a Russian? Do they come with care and feeding instructions? [09:40] infinity: yeah, check your email spam folder I'm sure they have been emailing you already =) === brendand is now known as brendand_afk === brendand_afk is now known as brendand [14:22] xnox: I posted review comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/hw-detect/fix-firmware-order/+merge/181886. Can you take care of implementing those or are you out of time? [14:31] cjwatson: good point, I think that's all the case in the new patch against debian-git, which I was sending the review via pastebin. Let me update the merge proposal in launchpad, such that the history & comments & code are all in one place. [14:38] I merged hw-detect too, it's sitting UNRELEASED in bzr [14:41] ok. [14:53] cjwatson: update merge-proposal, It's a merge of both yours and infinity's concerns. So install-firmware stays the same, but also enabled nonfree if there are driver-inject debs. [14:53] cjwatson: and driver-inject debs are installed at pre-pkgsel.d time. [14:53] I don't think it should stay the same - it should have the .deb installation removed from it if you're doing that somewhere else [14:53] cjwatson: thus driver-injection debs does use a different location from firmware debs. [14:53] and I don't agree with infinity's suggestion to duplicate the code - I think that's unnecessary [14:54] cjwatson: this is aimed for an sru, so you are ok changing the behaviour of /var/cache/firmware/ in precise? (e.g. installing later than before?!) [14:54] basically the same concerns apply to the output of check-missing-firmware.sh and driver-injection-disk.sh IMO [14:55] or at least nobody's persuaded me otherwise yet [14:56] so I rather suspect that the behaviour of /var/cache/firmware/ didn't necessarily work properly before anyway [14:56] maybe we got away with it because firmware packages typically have only trivial dependencies [14:56] but yes, I'm OK with changing that behaviour [14:57] with driver-injection-disk we established that there are no injections-disks in use for ubuntu/debian at the moment, so we are sure of not breaking anything. [14:58] no idea about /var/cache/firmware usage. [15:04] I'm not too worried [17:34] cjwatson: ok. i'll not be able to look into it today, but will update the merge proposal tomorrow. [18:44] xnox: thanks [18:45] xnox: (and thanks for dealing with it while I was on vacation so I could have a nice warm "Dmitrijs is sorting this out" feeling when I saw it in my pile of mail) [18:46] cjwatson: well, sorting out, but wasn't sorted. [18:47] at least calxeda is unblocked i think, and probably should be promoted to -updates pocket in raring. [19:03] A lot more needs to happen to unblock Calxeda than just the libdi change, I suspect. [19:03] But that's a start. [19:05] xnox: Also, not going to promote that until we can actually test it, which means landing more bits. [19:25] infinity: ok. well 'unblocked' was accurate then.