
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
dholbachgood morning06:50
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
iulianMorning dholbach.08:07
dholbachhi iulian08:22
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
Noskcajcjwatson, jamespage: Is it worth merging wagon? It fixes a debian RC bug caused by FTBFS with java 709:56
cjwatsonNoskcaj: Probably - you could test whether the current version FTBFS in Ubuntu first09:59
geserNoskcaj: wagon was a FTBFS in the last archive test rebuild: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/143924946/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.wagon_1.0.0-2ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:05
Noskcajthanks geser10:05
cjwatsonso that sounds worth merging, but wait for jamespage to reply in case he's already working on it10:06
geserbut it looks like a different error than those fixed in Debian (based on the changelog)10:07
Noskcajgeser, It is, i've just got it branched, i'll test what happens now10:08
Noskcajnever mind, i'm getting 20kbps, enough to paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/6065963/10:20
Noskcajoops, wrong channel10:21
jamespagecjwatson, I'm not10:50
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away

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