
skaetJackYu, slangasek - when all the teams have got the images marked ready who want to release,  we'll be releasing.05:28
skaetsince Laney will be driving the bits,  we'll be trying to get it all ready during the UK working day timezone.05:34
skaetxnox - links to each of the flavors announce and images can be found: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Beta105:35
skaetLaney,  can you double check that the links for the downloads in ^ are matching the locations we'll be publishing to.05:39
skaetLaney, and on that note,  if it hasn't been done already,  can you pre-publish the CD images?05:41
skaetwhen you come on line.05:42
* skaet --> zzz, see you on the flip side.05:43
xnoxskaet: i have not idea what to do with those links to flavour release notes.08:36
cjwatsonxnox: the web team has a redirection table that can be per-flavour08:37
xnoxcjwatson: would it help for lubuntu cd to have .disk/release_notes_url ?08:38
cjwatsonIt sure would08:42
cjwatsonxnox: done, also for Mythbuntu and Ubuntu GNOME08:44
cjwatson(for the next build, of course)08:44
xnoxthanks...... I wonder if they would want to respin =/08:44
cjwatsonSeems a pretty minor point to respin for08:44
xnoxcjwatson: what os= names did you give them? mythbuntu ubuntugnome lubuntu08:54
xnoxcjwatson: kylin also missing release_notes_url.08:56
xnoxare the urls set on the nusakan?08:56
cjwatsonxnox: mythbuntu lubuntu ubuntu-gnome (as standard in cdimage)08:57
cjwatsonyes they are08:57
cjwatsonah yes, ubuntukylin too ...08:57
* cjwatson applies that one as well08:58
cjwatsonlp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu tools/add_live_filesystem FWIW08:59
xnoxcjwatson: #web-team has setup the redirects, but the os= field seems to get truncated at 10 characters limit, thus e.g. ubuntustudio, ubuntu-gnome, ubuntukylin are too long, get chopped and fail to redirect.09:33
cjwatsonxnox: I very much doubt that's the fault of our end :)09:34
xnoxcjwatson: should #webteam work on apache redirects to make those work, or can we reasonably change to shorter names, e.g. studio, gnome, kylin?09:34
cjwatsonthey should fix that09:34
xnoxcjwatson: ok.09:34
cjwatsonI don't want to make things irregular at our end - it will just be confusing later09:34
cjwatsonI have real trouble believing that their software stack cannot be fixed09:34
cjwatson(and not by apache redirects, but by just handling longer values of os= directly)09:35
xnoxcjwatson: yeap, Peter agreed but asked for an RT ticket, which I am filing.09:47
=== brendand is now known as brendand_afk
Laneyhighvoltage: how you looking for b1?10:17
LaneyThink I'm going to lift the block10:17
=== brendand_afk is now known as brendand
smartboyhwLaney, what is missing now for the release of Beta 1 to be official?10:59
Laneyreadiness of the remaining flavours, skaet to be around to send the announcement[D[D[Ds11:00
Laneywith less mangling11:00
smartboyhwLaney, OK11:00
LaneyI'm rusty on how to drive the release scripts so it might take a short while11:03
highvoltageLaney: we had an ltsp live problem but it doesn't have to block anything11:28
Laneyyeah, saw that one11:28
LaneyOK, unblocking11:38
Laneyhighvoltage: don't forget to mark as ready if you are happy enough11:39
* cjwatson moves ruby-augeas to main since it's just a rename of libaugeas-ruby12:08
sil2100Hi! I would need anyone from the release team to take a look at the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot/+bug/1220494 FFe - it's important for our daily-release process, as it's impacting us heavily12:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220494 in autopilot (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add check so we can determine if the Mouse is caught in an endless loop." [Undecided,Confirmed]12:15
cjwatsonsil2100: approved12:17
highvoltagestgraber: I went ahead and marked them as ready ^^^ - will just have to note the ltsp-live breakage12:18
sil2100cjwatson: thank you!12:19
darkxstLaney, Hi, sorry I was away bike fixing12:21
darkxstwe are good to go, images are ready so you can remove the migration blocks!12:21
smartboyhwdarkxst, it has been removed before you said it:P12:26
darkxstsmartboyhw, ok12:28
amjjawadNikTh: hi :)12:51
amjjawadgood to see you here12:51
NikThI know that most of people don't use these sites, but have a look here please12:51
* smartboyhw wonders who uses 12.04.0 -.-12:52
amjjawadLaney: are you there? it appears that I have no access to set a build to ready: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/302/builds12:52
NikThIt has 12.04.2 instead of 12.04.0 .. I know that 12.04.0 is in the DIR (if you scroll down..) but maybe it would more ... correct ... if it had 12.04.0 at the top12:52
amjjawaddarkxst: already have done that but for the next time, I guess I can do it but I have no admin panel12:53
skaetRiddell,  ScottK - you ok with the updgrade testing on Kubuntu?   or still finishing off some tests?12:55
skaetamjjawad,  what are you wanting to change on the admin panel12:56
amjjawadskaet: hi12:56
smartboyhwskaet, I think he wants to mark the images ready12:56
Riddellskaet: yeah that's fine12:56
amjjawadskaet: Laney has asked to mark the build as Ready for Beta 1 but I don't have access12:56
Riddellskaet: the Upgrade (image) test for kubuntu should be scrapped but I always get lost in that tracker for some reason so not been brave enough to do it12:56
amjjawadskaet: it is done already by Tim but for the next time, I'd like to do it myself12:57
NikThamjjawad: -) hi , we had some unexpected news lately .. a ? (Team Leader.. etc)12:57
smartboyhwRiddell, image-based upgrades failed for us:P12:57
* smartboyhw hates that *unexpected* news12:57
skaetamjjawad,  makes sense.12:58
skaetsmartboyhw,  bug number for the release notes?   Anything specific you want to write up?12:59
smartboyhwskaet, I wrote all the bugs we found in the release notes12:59
smartboyhwSo we are fine12:59
amjjawadskaet: so, how can I do that without having access? :)12:59
skaetamjjawad, :-)  you can't, and we need to fix that.12:59
amjjawadskaet: ok, thanks!13:00
amjjawadskaet: anything from my side to be done? email to be sent or something?13:00
smartboyhwamjjawad, it's marked ready anyways13:00
* skaet will look after she finishes some initial tasks, and if she can't figure it out... will ask stgraber. :-)13:00
smartboyhwskaet, I think amjjawad has to join the Ubuntu GNOME Release Team or something13:00
skaetamjjawad,  are your release notes for UbuntuGNOME up to date13:00
skaetsmartboyhw,  yes, its something like that.13:01
smartboyhwskaet, wait, amjjawad IS in the team13:01
smartboyhwamjjawad, are you logged in? -.-13:01
amjjawadskaet: I need to double check with jbicha, he already updated it13:02
amjjawadI was out of town and came back home last night with so bad migraine so trying to make my way without having migraine back13:02
amjjawadsmartboyhw: of course I am logged in :)13:03
smartboyhwamjjawad, -.- sigh13:03
skaetJackYu, do you have any  feedback on the update testing for UbuntuKylin?13:11
Laneystarting image publishing now13:11
smartboyhwLaney, \o/13:12
smartboyhwskaet, Laney BTW upgrades using images is NOT working13:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220986 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "On upgrade from image testcase ubiquity shows no upgrade option." [Undecided,New]13:13
smartboyhw(For both UbuntuKylin and Ubuntu Studio)13:13
LaneyOK, make sure it's in your release notes13:13
Laneyalso that xnox knows ;-)13:14
smartboyhwLaney, I put it in Ubuntu Studio's release notes13:14
* Laney has never actually tried an upgrade like that13:14
smartboyhwxnox, do take note of the bug:P13:14
xnoxLaney: smartboyhw: that bug is invalid, see my comment on the bug.13:17
smartboyhwxnox, -.- But UbuntuKylin is failing the test too13:18
smartboyhwI think they need to report a seperate bug13:18
smartboyhwypwong, JackYu maclin ^13:18
xnoxLaney: smartboyhw: with multiple operating systems installed we do not provide upgrade option, as per design. As it's imposible to adequately present which one of the multiple ubuntu instlalations to upgrade.13:18
skaetphillw,  is there anyone working on getting results for Lubuntu desktop preinstall for armhf+ac100?  or do we drop it from the list?13:19
LaneyThe testcase should say this then13:19
smartboyhwskaet, ogra_ is working on it (I told him to do so:P)13:19
xnoxsmartboyhw: before filing upgrade bug, do check the tables in the design spec, as depending on what other installations are present there are various options present.13:19
ogra_working on what ?13:19
smartboyhwLaney, I will edit it soon.13:19
smartboyhwogra_, you are testing the armhf+ac100 image of Lubuntu right>13:19
ogra_smartboyhw, i told you i'll do one test before final13:20
smartboyhwogra_, ah OK13:20
ogra_i dont have the time to do beta testing13:20
smartboyhwSo, dump it then?13:20
xnoxsmartboyhw: Laney: there are 8 typical variants of options available. and I'd rather not change the test-case as ideally we would do a matrix test of all 8 options, which is hard to cover/expose in the testcase.13:20
ogra_for beta ? yeah, just leave the daily around13:20
maclinxnox, you mean the upgrade option will be displayed only on a single OS?13:20
Laneyxnox: The test cases can't tell people to do things that aren't allowed13:21
LaneyThat doesn't make sense13:21
smartboyhwskaet, phillw resigned yesterday as Lubuntu QA lead and Release Manager, so you will find difficulties in finding somebody to ACK -.-13:21
xnoxmaclin: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bZ4yQIVgGaUGSYu3qiUHnQt3ieBZoqunP_DcleHCr3I/preview?pli=1#bookmark=id.35db66d9d3b313:21
skaetsmartboyhw,  ack.  ok, I'll mark it as not part of the release.13:21
smartboyhwskaet, sure13:21
xnoxmaclin: that's the table outlining when/which options should be shown. "Upgrade or Reinstall" should be available when there is only one ubuntu installation.13:22
skaetLaney,  ^ can you double check it isn't in the images you're pushing out?13:22
Laneyit is not13:22
skaetThanks Laney13:23
LaneyI guess I should remove old alpha images at the same time13:23
* skaet nods13:26
maclinxnox, I got it. Maybe we misunderstand the upgrade(image) testcase. we will do the test again,thanks:)13:27
skaethighvoltage, stgraber - what's the status of the release notes for Edubuntu?   ETA?13:37
skaetamjjawad, are all the Ubuntu GNOME release note edits done for your team?  or is there still some coming?13:40
amjjawadskaet: should be unless jbicha wants to add something else?13:43
LaneyDo I need to build source images? If so, how?13:46
Laneydoes the project matter?13:48
skaetjbicha,  any further updates to Ubuntu GNOME release notes from your perspective?13:48
skaetthanks amjjawad13:48
amjjawadskaet: at your service :)13:48
smartboyhwskaet, changed the Ubuntu Studio announcement link on the annoucement draft wiki page13:51
skaetThanks smartboyhw  :-)13:52
JackYuskaet, hi, I was in a meeting just now. Did I miss something? BTW, the release notes for UbuntuKylin is ready.13:57
skaetJackYu,  Thanks.    The upgrade tests for UbuntuKylin haven't been marked as ready yet.  Anything we're waiting on from there?13:59
jbichaskaet: amjjawad: I think the UG release notes are fine13:59
smartboyhwskaet, we are waiting for maclin to complete the Upgrade (image) tests13:59
maclinxnox, I do the upgrade with 13.10 image to upgrade installed 13.04,but the upgrade option is disabled. There is only one 13.0413:59
xnoxmaclin: hm that's a bug. Can you open terminal / switch to tty1 with Ctrl-Alt-F1, to get the logs from within that run?14:00
xnoxmaclin: with $ ubuntu-bug ubiquity14:00
JackYuskaet, we could not open http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ since five hours ago:(14:01
skaetmaclin - bug:1220986?14:01
maclinsmartboyhw, I can't open the tracker page since 19:3014:01
smartboyhwmaclin, I can14:01
smartboyhwJust refreshed14:01
smartboyhwmaclin, JackYu did the Chinese government blocked the webpage?14:01
smartboyhwYep, full access whatsoever14:01
smartboyhwskaet, I will remove the amd64 upgrade testcase for Studio, I am blocked on doing it (not much bandwidth on internet in a VBox)14:02
skaetJackYu,  am able to access http?://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/  any thing you want me to update for you14:03
jbichaskaet: bug 1220986 was marked invalid so should it be removed from the release notes?14:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220986 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "On upgrade from image testcase ubiquity shows no upgrade option." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122098614:03
smartboyhwjbicha, it is removed from mine14:03
smartboyhwNot sure on the main ones though:P14:03
skaetjbicha,  yup - doing.  thanks.14:04
smartboyhwHmm, both maclin and JackYu went MIA14:06
smartboyhwNot good:(14:06
smartboyhwJackYu, welcome back:P14:06
JackYuskaet, we change another network and it works. We will finish it soon. Thanks.14:06
skaetJackYu,  :-)  Thanks!14:07
xnoxFFe granted for eclipse-eclox bug #122036214:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220362 in Ubuntu "[NEW] [FFe] Sync eclipse-eclox 0.10.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122036214:10
smartboyhwskaet, \o/ everything is ready:P14:10
xnoxScottK: ^ eclipse-eclox synced into new queue.14:10
skaetsmartboyhw,  :-)14:19
smartboyhwskaet, waiting for your call:)14:20
skaetLaney, images are all signed off and ok to go now.   Let us know when we should start looking for them on the server and testing the links/etc.14:21
Laneycron.source is still running14:21
Laneyoop, just finished14:22
Laneyskaet: just triggered the mirrors14:42
skaetthanks Laney14:42
smartboyhwI think we can release soon!14:42
Laneytake a few minutes to sync up14:43
skaetsmartboyhw,  working through the release notes and checking the links all working will take some time.14:45
smartboyhwskaet, sure;)14:45
stgraberLaney: if you care about bittorrent, you should wait around an hour14:46
stgraber(it's fine not to care)14:46
Laneyskaet's call at this point14:47
skaetstgraber, Laney - prefer that bittorrent is working14:48
Laneyskaet: I'm getting data on xubuntu-13.10-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso now15:14
skaetLaney,  ok will start checking through the links15:16
LaneyI'm seeding to myself15:17
Laneythis is fun15:17
Laneys/seeding/whatever it's called when you haven't finished downloading/15:18
smartboyhwLaney, skaet: How is the checking going?15:44
Laneyomgubuntu already announced the beta for us :-)15:45
skaetLaney,  typical\15:45
smartboyhwSo it isn't officially announced by Ubutnu Release Team (yet)?15:45
Laneynot until you see the mail15:46
* smartboyhw does not know how fast can he see the mail:P15:46
smartboyhwSigh, got to sleep now15:50
skaetstgraber, highvoltage - link isn't working for Edubuntu notes - do I have the correct one?   or should I just point to the Beta1/Edubuntu page?16:05
skaetsmartboyhw,  thanks for your help getting this ready.   Sleep well.16:05
LaneyCan someone please remove gst-libav1.0 from s-proposed?16:08
skaetstgraber, highvoltage: is http://www.edubuntu.org/news/13.10-beta1 the right link to use?16:09
amjjawadFunny what OMG Ubuntu is always trying to prove: https://www.facebook.com/omgubuntu/posts/66080939059826816:11
amjjawadI couldn't help it, I had to leave a tiny small note :)16:11
stgraberskaet: no idea, let me check16:12
skaetthanks stgraber.16:12
stgraberskaet: yep, looks right (even if it doesn't seem to exist)16:13
skaetstgraber,  any feel for when it can be made to exist?16:13
stgraberskaet: no idea, I don't really have time for this at the moment, so hopefully highvoltage can take care of it16:14
skaetstgraber, ack.   Let me know if you hear back from him,  its now on critical path for sending out the announce.16:15
stgraberskaet: I created a basic one now16:17
cjwatsonamjjawad: OMG Ubuntu once removed my comments pointing out that they'd jumped the gun on a release announcement16:17
skaetthanks stgraber16:17
stgraberskaet: let me know when to mark it public16:18
amjjawadcjwatson: I'm not surprised but for me, I will keep posting and correcting the FUDs they are spreading :D16:19
Laneypost it on a forum you control if you want to do that :P16:19
cjwatsonamjjawad: (I was explicitly posting on behalf of the release team)16:19
amjjawadcjwatson: I had a word with them before16:20
skaetstgraber,  go ahead and mark it public.   Rest of flavors are visible.16:21
amjjawadI have also talked to web upd8 once because they have posted something incorrect as well about Lubuntu. Web Upd8 have edited their post and they did not remove my comments :)16:21
skaetall the links to the images seem to be working,  and that's the last link left.16:21
amjjawadbut for OMG Ubuntu guys, they don't really reply your comments! at least, that what I've seen so far16:21
xnoxcjwatson: i wonder if we can make a joke about OMG ubuntu in BetaFinal release announcement, to make their readers backslash at them ;-)16:22
xnoxcjwatson: i did email Joey, why it's causing problems (e.g. for final release mirrors are not synced up)16:23
stgraberskaet: marking it public will immediately post it to planet ubuntu16:23
Laneystgraber: Can you take care of the gst-libav1.0 removal request I asked for ^ please?16:23
Laney(sorry to ping but general requests are going unanswered)16:23
xnoxcjwatson: at least OMG don't blog about leaks, which is better than some Ubuntu Members.16:24
cjwatsonxnox: Needling them is unlikely to be productive, I think16:24
stgraberLaney: sure16:24
stgraberLaney: got a bug report?16:25
Laneynop, want one?16:25
stgraberthat makes it easier to figure out why something got removed later on (and avoids overly long removal comments)16:26
Laneyk, didn't know if you cared for proposed16:27
utlemmingI guess the bot doesn't supress the builk add any more....sorry :)16:27
Laneystgraber: bug #122132216:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1221322 in gst-libav1.0 (Ubuntu) "Remove 1.1.3-1 from saucy-proposed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122132216:27
xnoxutlemming: there is a magic command to silence / unsilence the bot, but i don't remeber the syntax.16:28
LaneyI thought it was supposed to buffer / abbreviate for mass build additions16:29
stgraberLaney: done16:29
stgraberthe bot has flood protection, but if you're unlucky enough to push the builds while it's scanning, it sees them as two smaller batches and so skips the flood protection16:30
xnoxcjwatson: hm. making locations 503 to general public? or will that block mirroring?16:30
cjwatsonxnox: it would block mirroring and it's not worth it for the relatively minor irritation caused16:30
cjwatsonor at least it could block some mirroring16:31
cjwatsonand generally, I don't think we should inconvenience ourselves because people suck :)16:31
cjwatsonfor instance it's useful for us to be able to examine our own web pages pre-release16:31
skellatAny possible way to break the OMG download links?16:32
skaetok,  announce email has been sent off...16:32
stgraberI think we had to publish a 301 to some html page once when slashdot announced a release before it happened, but in that case we had a check on the referrer and the links were pointing to the wrong ISO image to being with16:32
skaetstgraber,  go ahead and make your link public.16:32
stgraberskaet: done16:33
xnoxyeah.... at my old workplace we special cased all employee sub-nets to allow viewing changes ahead of releasing the lockdown. Not feasible for a public project the size of Ubuntu =)16:33
LaneyI'll re-cron and mark the milestone as released16:33
Laneyutlemming: want to mark your cloud images as ready?16:33
Laneynot sure what difference that makes, mind16:33
cjwatsonskellat: it's not worth it16:33
skaetstgraber,  can you update the header for this channel and #ubuntu-devel?16:33
stgraberskaet: I can't, no ACL16:33
Laneyyou both can16:33
Laneyno +t16:33
stgraberoh, good point16:34
stgraberskaet: you can do it yourself16:34
skaetstgraber,  I've got a password snag going, can't authenticate.16:34
stgraberskaet: don't need to16:34
skaet(or would have)16:34
skaet?? ok trying16:34
stgraberskaet: the topic isn't protected in either channel16:34
* skaet sees 12.04.2 should go to 12.04.3 and fixes at the same time.16:35
=== skaet changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: 13.10 Beta 1, 13.04, and 12.04.3 | Archive: open | Saucy Salamander Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
skaetcoolio.  :-) that worked.16:36
utlemmingLaney: yeah, I was just looking why my results for tests didn't land...working on that now16:37
Laneystgraber: will he still be able to update the status if the milestone is released?16:37
LaneyI re-cronned and don't really want new builds to land there16:37
LaneyOr I could just turn off build publication for that one16:38
Laneydoing that16:38
Laneyskaet: Think you picked up some whitespace damage in that email16:40
skaetLaney,   awe... drat.16:40
skaetyup did.   Resending to be  readable.16:42
utlemmingLaney: okay, I think I marked them ready16:43
Laneyutlemming: Great, thank you.16:43
amjjawadI have not noticed that before but I just had a look and every date on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/saucy/beta-1/ is 05-Sep-2013 except for the ISO files which is 03-Sep-2013 ... is that normal? as far as I remember, all the entries should be on the same day or maybe it is my rusty memory?16:43
skaetcjwatson,  can you reject the message waiting moderator approval in ubuntu-devel-announce?16:44
amjjawaddid not yet had my coffee so :P16:44
Laneyamjjawad: Some of them are made when the image is published and some when it is first built16:44
amjjawadso the MD5SUM which is dated 05-Sep-2013 will work for the image dated 03-Sep-2013 ??16:44
LaneyYou can see the same on e.g. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/raring/release/16:45
amjjawadLaney: I see, thanks a lot :) just to double check :D16:45
skaetcjwatson,  looks like I was able to cancel it directly.16:46
infinityxnox: Hrm.  Why does boost-mpi-source1.53 suddenly want to be in main?16:50
xnoxinfinity: there was a mistake in one of the upload, but all should be correct now, let me check.16:51
skaetLaney,  my test email to self came through ok.   trying again....16:51
infinity+Package: libboost1.53-all-dev16:51
infinityxnox: ^-- Perhaps because the metapackage moved?16:51
xnoxinfinity: that package was always in -mpi- package, no?16:52
infinityxnox: Oh, no.  Because libboost-graph-parallel1.53.0 moved.16:52
infinityxnox: And libboost-graph-parallel1.53.0 depends on libboost-mpi1.53.016:52
xnoxinfinity: moved from where to where?16:52
infinityxnox: From mpi to the base package.  Check the debian/control diff.16:52
skaetLaney,  google mail is giving me woes...16:53
xnoxinfinity: right, which is wrong.16:53
infinityErr, wait.  Everything moved?  I'm so confused by this diff.16:53
xnoxinfinity: boost1.53 does not build graph-parallel, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boost1.53/1.53.0-6+exp3ubuntu4/+build/492860416:54
* skaet cancelled post to ubuntu-devel-announce again.16:54
xnoxinfinity: it does not produce said binary package, what does component missmatches analyse?16:54
amjjawadskaet: two emails? I guess they are the same, right?16:54
infinityxnox: I think c-m is unhappy because your .dsc is wrong because your debian/control is wrong.16:55
infinityxnox: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/149223980/boost1.53_1.53.0-6%2Bexp3ubuntu4.dsc16:55
infinityxnox: Your source package CLAIMS to build all the stuff from -mpi- and that throws the extra-include rescuing operations off.16:56
xnoxinfinity: yes my .dsc lists things it doesn't build.16:56
infinityxnox: Again, see the confusing diff.16:56
infinityxnox: Why did you change that?16:56
xnoxinfinity: makes it a two-liner to convert from boost -> mpi source package, instead of spending time reapply the pathches and carefully checking that nothing got lost.16:57
xnoxinfinity: plus it makes it suitable to be committed in debian, which I did.16:57
xnoxinfinity: ok, so i have to clean up my .dsc.16:58
xnoxi guess such tricks are fine on gcc* packaging because well, it's all in main.16:58
infinityxnox: If you want to retain the 2-liner semantic, you'll probably want to switch to a control.in16:58
xnoxinfinity: can I lie in .dsc? =) e.g. sed it before uploading =))) muahahaha17:00
xnoxthat would confuse everyone.17:00
infinityxnox: No.17:01
Laneyskaet: bad17:01
Laneyskaet: can you turn off HTML mail?17:02
skaetLaney,  yup,  no links then,  but... better than what we're seeing.17:02
skaetI'll send the test one to you before trying to post again.17:02
Laneyit's fine how it was on the wiki17:03
skaetYeah,  that was what was cut/pasted in.   google mailer fun.  :-P17:03
infinityThat's some seriously unreadable email.17:03
ogra_not in a modern MUA17:04
Laneyhey, mutt was uploaded this year17:04
skaetinfinity,  yeah,  html mailers :-P   Looks fine in my inbox, but ....17:05
ogra_looks fine in evolution too17:05
Laneylook at the list archive17:05
infinityogra_: It only looks fine in a "modern" MUA because you're reading the HTML part.  The text part is universally ugly, no matter what you read it in. :P17:09
infinityOn the other hand, I can't complain TOO much, because at least there IS a text part.17:12
infinitySo, it beats the HTML-only email I get from, say, my bank. :(17:12
skaetLaney,  new test version on its way to you....   if that doesn't work,  I'll just give up on trying to have the links working.17:12
LaneyI could send it ;-)17:13
infinityskaet: Why do you care about having HTML links?  Any decent MUA will auto-linkify http:// links in a text-only email on the client side.17:14
skaetLaney,  there are a couple of edits to what's on the WIKI page version needed.17:15
skaetLaney,  how did it look17:15
skaetinfinity,  was standard process to add them.   Complaints in the other direction before.17:16
Laneyyes, looks fine now17:16
infinity"Standard process"?  None of the rest of us send HTML email.17:16
skaetThanks Laney.  Ok,  keeping fingers crossed that 3rd time's a charm.17:16
amjjawadballoons: you there?17:19
balloonsamjjawad, pong17:25
amjjawadhi balloons17:25
amjjawadjust to let you know, I am planning to post Kate's email on Ubuntu QA Social Sites17:25
balloonsexcellent, I wanted to share an easy link to all the images, but there's no master folder.. it's seperated by flavor17:26
amjjawadthe more testers, the better ;)17:26
amjjawadLeave it to me17:26
amjjawadwhat happened to our master plan by the way? :P17:26
balloonsit's still out there.. beta1 and tests failing took precedence17:27
amjjawadI did not forget it but I don't want to push hard, I know you are busy ;)17:27
balloonsUGJ is coming up, as usual I'd like to try and do something; a good time to test out ideas17:27
bdmurrayskaet: It just occurred to me that DevelReleaseAnnouncement was not updated to reflect the change from ALPHA to BETA.  I see it is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetaProcess, is that the right wiki page?17:34
skaetinfinity,  the HTML email was not intended and a result of using a new mail client.  Now know its an issue, and will check to avoid in future.   Adding the links to be hot links on the announce emails is something that's been done historically .  see: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-September/001979.html17:36
skaetbdmurray,  yes,  but that page needs a good hard scrub as several things no longer apply this cycle that are being called for on it.17:38
xnoxskaet: most email client auto-detect URLs and turn them into clickables, which includes all web email clients, desktop clients, mailing list archival websites and blogging engines.17:38
infinityskaet: That list archive post is just an example of what I was saying, that a decent client (in this case, the list archive software) will automatically linkify strings starting with "http://"17:38
xnoxskaet: thus plain text emails are preferred (without multipart html portions )17:39
skaetinfinity,  xnox - went through explicitly adding the links before for that one I pointed you at.   But if everyone is agreed it shouldn't be done in future,  then lets just make it explicit.17:41
bdmurrayskaet: is somebody going to be doing that scrub of the BetaProcess page?17:48
skaetbdmurray,  I'll do a scrub this weekend then mail out for comments.17:51
* skaet handling it as part of checklist17:51
slangasekskaet: please don't drop anything from that page without discussion.  Stuff already fell through the cracks last cycle because of the process pages not being followed.17:52
skaetslangasek, was thinking, I'd create a temp page,  let folks compare back and forth,  then merge.   ok?17:52
slangasekthere's nothing on that page that should be dropped, and if the optional beta-1 is no longer the point that it should happen, we need to make sure we have some other way to make sure it happens at the appropriate time17:53
slangasekskaet: as long as things don't wind up dropped from the page before we've sorted out where they should go, fine17:53
skaetslangasek,  approach I was contemplating was a table,  with tick boxes depending if applicable or not.  Columns being for optional vs everyone.17:54
skaethence,  scratch page to fuss on.   Agree very much don't want to accidently drop something.17:54
* apw notes this is the xen update (for raring for now) under a recent preliminary MRE approved by the techboard18:28
highvoltagestgraber, skaet: thanks for taking care of those notes, I was out19:20
highvoltage(been hanging with Richard Stallman, of all people :p)19:21
loolMighty release lords, please find a new FFE for gst-fluendo-mp3 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-fluendo-mp3/+bug/122143421:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1221434 in gst-fluendo-mp3 (Ubuntu) "FFE New upstream release" [Undecided,New]21:00
infinitylool: I'm offended by your test being in French.21:06
infinitylool: Approved, though.  Please close the bug in your changelog.21:07
infinity(Or if you're syncing from Debian, close by hand, whatever)21:07
loolunfortunately, it will be in NEW in Debian for now21:08
looldue to new binary package21:08
loolinfinity: ^ resulting binaries21:16
loolhmm missing armhf but coming21:16
loolthere we go21:17
slangasekbdmurray: interestingly, the oldest unverified SRU in precise right now seems to be for bug #1122596, which you sponsored the upload of... seems like that's a bug people might like fixed, any idea how we can get it verified?22:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1122596 in libappindicator (Ubuntu Precise) "Race condition in app_indicator_init() causes application crash" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112259622:14
bdmurrayslangasek: the test case mentions "we have many crashdumps"... I wonder where those are22:15
bdmurrayif we had some crashes then we could look in errors for them22:16
slangasekbdmurray: seems that edit was from John Vert, who I guess is with Valve22:26
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