[01:21] This device is really gaining groound. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [02:05] hey, so i was trying to install ubuntu touch on my nexus 4. half way through it restarts and it got disconnected. so I have access to the recovery menu, whats the best way to either restore my android back up or get the script to start running again? [03:09] hi [03:10] how can I install ubuntu touch on my galaxy s [03:11] I follow the steps, but I get a black screen when phone is booting === Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo [03:43] lool: found another bug in the /lib/modules handling, this time in the initrd. Uploaded the fix, will wait for it to publish, then upload android and then it should be time for me to finally EOD. [03:49] mhall119: Not yet [03:50] hi [03:50] can i install Ubuntu Touch on my Sony XperiaZ? [04:45] stgraber: this will fix the security tests perhaps? [05:17] heyall [05:18] do you know how can I install dependencies to run messaging-app on my machine? [05:18] when I try to run it I got 'module "Ubuntu.Telephony" is not installed' [05:19] I am running raring here === jishnu|away is now known as jishnu7 [07:02] good morning [07:06] morning === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk [07:15] psivaa: hey [07:16] psivaa: would you help me relaunch the failed touch_ro tests? [07:16] psivaa: that is, retrying failed tests from http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3982/?sort=name which passed in http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3980/?sort=name [07:17] psivaa: hmm actually some might be running, so let's just look at the failed ones [07:31] Difference between phablet-flash cdimage-touch and phablet-flash ubuntu-system? | http://askubuntu.com/q/341613 [07:41] moin [07:42] ogra_: moin [07:42] psivaa: good morning [07:43] let me know when there ;) [07:43] sil2100: Mirv: morning ... once you are up and have a quiet moment ping me for a quick standup i guess [07:48] asac: morning! I should be ready in some ~30 minutes [07:49] does launching the g+ app work for anyone? [07:51] dholbach: we have a g+ app? [07:51] :) [07:51] asac: morning! [07:51] asac, a webapp [07:51] hum, looks like none of the apps can be launched [07:52] dholbach: ouch... which image? [07:53] * ogra_ always uses G+ from the browser [07:53] asac, 4.3 [07:53] but let me do an upgrade and see if that works [07:53] i wasnt aware we had a webapp [07:54] unity-webapps-qml:armhf from 0.1+13.10.20130829.2-0ubuntu1 to 0.1+13.10.20130904.2-0ubuntu1 [07:54] that was upgraded between .2 and .2 [07:54] err [07:54] ogra_, just install it from the store [07:54] dholbach: 4.3 is the latest available i think [07:54] .3 indeed [07:55] 05 is due in ~30min [07:55] dholbach: try downgrading above [07:55] no, it's not related to this [07:55] ogra_: yeah... and then we have a call :) [07:55] lol [07:55] none of the click apps work [07:55] asac, a call ? [07:55] dholbach: RO or RW image [07:55] ogra_: i just inviuted you [07:55] asac, the one I got through --pending [07:56] uh [07:56] dholbach: yeah. thats latest [07:56] no, still same problem after doing a dist-upgrade + reboot [07:57] dholbach: mako/maguro? [07:57] * asac installs latest [08:04] dholbach: g+ app didn't load for me yesterday, but it does work today. Other click apps are working here, as well [08:09] stgraber: so can we change the : to something that is < . [08:09] ? [08:09] stgraber: this would help us having a saner sorting [08:10] without investing in a smart version semantic tool :) [08:10] stgraber: alternatively we could change our . to something that is > : in the respin build id [08:10] asac: it's for QA team to change this [08:10] lool: where is the iamge version encoded in though? [08:11] lool: whatever you deliver as a version would be nice to just sort [08:11] asac: the version we deliver is "4" :-) [08:11] lool: so 4:20130904:20130903.2 [08:11] is invented by QA? [08:11] out of stuff they find in the image somewhere? [08:11] yes, it might be based on a script stgraber provided [08:11] I hope it's from the image itself [08:12] the other option would be that it's from system-image, in which case it's read twice and there's a possible race [08:12] lool: the channel has no knowledge about version and doesnt give yo a version? [08:12] So all we do to disable apparmor for all click apps... is... remove this line ? "apparmor switch ${APP_ID}" [08:12] asac: it does provide you with other versions [08:12] lool: so we have the encoded 4:...:... on the image? [08:12] asac: this is what our tools give: [08:13] or just the 4 and the ... individually? [08:13] asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6065595/ [08:13] asac: stgraber requested that we change this to "4 (ubuntu=20130904.3, grouper=20130904.3)" for clarity [08:13] Scratch that, g+ app seems to be intermittent. Not working now [08:13] * asac looks into the json [08:13] http://system-image.ubuntu.com/daily-proposed/mako/index.json [08:13] asac: once ids are unique (soon) we could switch to just the id [08:13] asac: look at the paste [08:13] asac: it's derived from the json [08:14] and sums up what we care about for testing [08:14] asac: "utils/check-latest --channel daily-proposed mako" in lp:~ubuntu-system-image/ubuntu-system-image/server [08:14] lool: how do we know whats the latest proposed image against "3" towards "4" is? [08:14] asac: I didn't understand your question [08:15] lool: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/daily-proposed/mako/index.json [08:15] how can i figure which of those is the latest [08:15] or rather: how does our update tool pick [08:15] what to download/install [08:15] asac: it's the highest "version:" [08:15] asac or lool.. do you know how to disable apparmor for all click apps? I have 2.6.35.. [08:15] lool: in that file we have multiple version: that are the same [08:15] asac: it happens to be two paragraphs from the end [08:15] you guys seem really smart [08:16] OrokuSaki: seems pretty dangerous to me! [08:16] lool: oh i see [08:16] we always have one full and one delta [08:16] so always exactly two [08:16] OrokuSaki: you'll be running untrusted code [08:16] ... kk [08:16] that confused me a bit [08:16] I am okay with it [08:16] asac: we have two fulls [08:16] I saw this in the new porting guide... "click: adjust the desktop file for the click package in ~/.local/share/applications/.desktop to not use aa-exec and/or adjust /usr/share/upstart/sessions/application-click.conf to not use 'apparmor switch' " [08:16] asac: in fact we have more, but we need at least two [08:16] lool: right. i was sayuing: we have two blocks for each version [08:16] one delta and one full [08:16] asac: so that QA can deploy version-1 to upgrade to latest version [08:17] right [08:17] we should just keep all [08:17] :) [08:17] asac: if you look at the output of the tool, you'll see it's also much clearer on what is what [08:17] maybe I should remove the override [08:17] version is 4, ubuntu version is so and so, and android version is so and so [08:18] OrokuSaki: if it's just to try things out then hand-editing generated .desktop files seem best; you can confirm things work without aa-exec [08:18] OrokuSaki: but after that you should make sure you get apparmor working [08:18] or don't use .click packages [08:19] psivaa: around? [08:19] thanks.. bu still.. eventually someone will ask... I bet its the override [08:20] lool: you want to be in todays CI standup? [08:20] lool: i will invite you in 10 minutes [08:20] its a one timer [08:20] for checking how we get unity8 and touch_ro done [08:20] I know my device to much to care about untrusted code [08:21] wellsb, that's strange - I get an error about .desktop files missing [08:22] asac: ok [08:23] lool: asac: good morning [08:23] psivaa: hey [08:23] mardy, hey, do you have any objection if somebody port ubuntu-system-settings from qmake to cmake? [08:23] Laney, ^ [08:23] psivaa: some tests didn't run as part of http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3982/?sort=name [08:23] psivaa: would be good to retry them [08:23] cmake is apparently you "standard build system" and it would make easier to have free support for stuff like code coverage, cross compilation [08:24] dholbach: Mine is not loading anymore [08:24] psivaa: I'm comparing with http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3980/?sort=name [08:24] Good morning all, happy Be Late For Something Day! :-D [08:24] wellsb, which error message? [08:24] psivaa: camera-app-autopilot, ubuntu-clock-app-autopilot [08:24] I'm getting apparmor denied errors [08:24] lool: i ignored the failed camera and clock earlier and restarted them both [08:25] seb128: No, I'm pretty equally clueless about both [08:25] lool: let me check if the new runs have made it through [08:25] seb128: does this somebody exist? [08:25] psivaa: cool; would you give back webbrowser-app-autopilot/? [08:25] test_progressbar.TestProgressBarAtStartup.test_chrome_initially_shown_then_hides_when_loaded failed [08:25] but doubt this is realted to touch_ro [08:26] wellsb: what do the errors look like? [08:26] Laney, yes, tvoss and asac care enough about us changing that they are trying to get some of Satoris' time allocated to help us converting it [08:26] wow, OK [08:26] psivaa: also notes-app-autopilot [08:27] well if it supports all of the normal things like PREFIX and DESTDIR and so [08:27] seb128: well. i am not sure [08:27] then +1 [08:27] at best folks would just give it a try [08:27] and convert [08:27] if you lack a good example lets focus on getting that out [08:27] also I could do that symlink properly ... [08:27] lool: kicked off webbrowser and notes [08:28] jjohansen: dholbach: The app does load if I wait long enough. The apparmor reports are dbus related [08:30] psivaa: thanks [08:31] asac, Mirv, ogra_: meeting, yes? [08:31] sil2100: here we are [08:31] sil2100, everyone but asac is there :P [08:32] lool: we may not see the results of the ones that we kicked off.. i see there is a new build image now and the tests are picking it up now [08:36] psivaa: I don't see this new image; which one is it? [08:36] lool: ignore me :), maguro is the one that's picking up new image. mako is still running the old image [08:36] right [08:36] haven't looked at maguro yet [08:36] looking now [08:37] asac: standup URL? [08:49] lool: too late [08:49] lool: so we finiah the currening of daily-release, which will give us friends-app test [08:49] then move to manual publishing, then let unity8 in, ensure we go back to green [08:50] lool: if touch_ro is at the end of the day in same state [08:50] we are happy to move over end of day [08:50] asac, sil2100, Mirv, FYI http://paste.ubuntu.com/6065706/ [08:51] asac: to switch from touch_ro to touch images tonight?> [08:51] cool [08:52] lool: yeah. thats the idea. if we see results similar, i will just focus on touch_ro and you can announce the default switch etc [08:52] similar == equal === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away [08:54] asac: well if the delta is super small and we can explain it, I think we should switch [08:54] lool: sure, i am open to stories [08:54] however, you got very far [08:54] lets go the last few steps [08:55] lool: do you already know about things that are understood to be different? [08:55] maybe start explaining :) [08:56] asac: for maguro, two tests of difference [08:56] asac: one I think just needs a retry [08:56] asac: the other is the SDK tests that stgraber uploaded a fix for missing /lib/modules [08:56] asac: sorry s/SDK/security/ [08:56] brainbug [08:56] should be in the current image [08:56] should be in the current pending image [08:56] :P [08:57] asac: for mako, some tests weren't run, a couple of retries needed, and one extra test passing on _ro [08:57] ogra_: right [08:57] asac: so the only true regression is this security test which is being worked on [08:57] lool: so we want to kick off a golden image [08:58] asac: there's also this thread on network failures in the lab, it seems orthogonal but I can't exclude that a race condition happens more frequently with ro than with touch, but it didn't seem touch related [08:58] that will be the /current for the unity8 isolated landing [08:58] can we get the secyurity fix in byu then? [08:58] asac: it should be in [08:58] asac: we will see once the tests run [08:58] lool: yeah, but the network seems to go away when retrying [08:58] so i am sure we are willing to retry a few omre times [08:58] lool: right. i asked psivaa to escalate in case the security thing is still failing [08:58] in te image coming out now [08:59] if its still failing we still have a couple hours [08:59] asac: BTW, I think touch tests get scheduled before touch_ro tests [08:59] anyway this is temporary [09:00] asac: lool: security tests still failing in this morning's run: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3982/security/ [09:01] psivaa: Yup; should be fixed with android=20130903-0ubuntu2 [09:02] psivaa: or Android 20130904.3 rather [09:02] err no, sorry, with 05 [09:02] psivaa: basically, should be fixed when system-image finished to import the image :-) [09:02] lool: ack :) [09:02] asac: could you bump this pxz ticket again? [09:02] lool: they should be in parallel ... we use separate devices at last [09:02] lool: whats the id? [09:03] asac: I think this is the origina of the delay [09:03] asac: #63025 [09:03] lool: you say that ticket is the cause of the security failure? [09:04] asac: no, it's the cause of the delay to test images [09:04] asac: because it takes 30 minutes instead of 5 to generate the xz tarballs [09:04] lool: oh you say the images come a bit later [09:04] kk [09:04] thats okaish given how fast our images are built, but yeah [09:04] we should [09:04] if we default now [09:05] 25mn image build time win for a one off 5mn backporting work is a nobrainer for me :-) [09:05] asac: exactly [09:05] lool, hmm, doesnt the compressing run on a fast x86 machine ? [09:05] * ogra_ is surprised it takes so long [09:06] it does but pxz still helps. nusakan has plenty of cores [09:06] lool: ok asking in IS [09:06] cjwatson, well, i think that part runs on the syste-image server [09:06] *system [09:06] $ grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | tail -n1 [09:06] processor : 11 [09:06] telling them it blocks a diligent transition to our final image format, so hope that is good enough for getting someone doing it nowish [09:06] * asac hopes that story is roughly rightly phrased :) [09:06] ogra_: according to the ticket just referenced which stgraber filed, he was asking for pxz to be installed on nusakan [09:07] oh, great then [09:07] ogra_: asac: sil2100: friends-app now in archive/proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/friends-app/0.92.0+13.10.20130905-0ubuntu1 [09:08] did it publish already ? [09:08] Mirv: great. anything else that is pumping still? otherwise i guess we can go to manual publishing [09:08] ah, no [09:08] and it seems the ppc build is in dep-wait [09:09] ev, ping [09:09] asac: galler-app, not sure if its update is wanted. and mediaplayer-app + upstart-app-launch would be upcoming [09:09] ogra_: which matters not at all since the previous version in saucy wasn't built on powerpc either [09:09] cjwatson, right [09:10] aquarius: pong [09:11] sil2100: can you schedule yourself to run the manual-mode semiautoscript in 30mins? [09:11] Mirv: what commit message do you see for gallery? [09:11] * asac checks if the tests are failing there [09:12] Mirv: gallery-app is green, so i guess we dont want it [09:12] Mirv: same argument would work for mediaplayer [09:13] Mirv: not sure what usptart-app-launch is about [09:13] Mirv: maybe that fixes dholbach's problem? [09:13] dholbach: can you start apps now? [09:13] ev, just reading your thread about runaway processes on the touch mailing list (I'm not subscribed to the list, so there's no good way of replying), and I had a thought: it seems to be primarily about *accidental* runaways (I put an infinite loop in my code by mistake), and all the discussion is "how do we know if this process is actually accidental, or if it's deliberately using 100% CPU because it's properly [09:13] busy doing a lot? The thought is: provide an API call yesIAmReallyBusy which you can call every few seconds while you're busy and then the runaway-killer will know you're not a runaway and will ignore you. This is how screensaver stuff works -- your movie-playing app calls "ignoreTheScreenSaverForAMinute" every minute, and then you don't have to worry about holding locks or anything, and if your app crashes the [09:13] screensaver doesn't stay disabled. [09:13] asac: content-hub, using url instead of filename [09:14] asac: and then we don't have unity8 building at the moment, now that it still didn't build I reported it onwards [09:14] Mirv: what does it mean that its not building? [09:14] doesnt have changes? [09:14] asac: FTBFS [09:14] aquarius: did you see cking's reply? It seems to be going down this route of "can we tell between accidental runaway and purposeful" [09:14] asac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1221102 [09:14] Launchpad bug 1221102 in Unity 8 "FTBFS Sep 5th" [Critical,New] [09:14] ok good [09:14] well thats ok [09:14] asac: fix should land soon according to #ubuntu-unity [09:14] we dont want a new unity anyway before we do the landing later today [09:15] after we turn off automatic publishing [09:15] they can start getting everything in place as they want [09:15] Mirv: maybe tell unity folks in channel that they might want to hold back landing stuff in trunk [09:15] that isnt related to getting unity8/mir landing ... [09:15] aquarius: getting stuck on poll() being an example near and dear to my heart [09:15] at least until we have talked to kgunn [09:15] ev, I did. The discussion is about being clever around trying to identify from outside the runaway process whether it is runaway or not, which is a useful thing to have if you can do it certainly. What I'm suggesting is making it explicit -- a system service should throw a yesIReallyAmBusy() into its high-CPU processing loop, and then we don't *have* to dwim it; we'll know. [09:16] ah right [09:16] asac: well to land unity8/mir I guess we need unity8 building anyhow? [09:16] ev, definitely if it can be reliably dwimmed then we don't need explicitness [09:16] any idea if Android already does something like this? [09:16] Mirv, details :P [09:16] Mirv: ack [09:16] Mirv: that they can surealy work on :) [09:16] lol [09:16] ev, I don't know, for background services. I've seen background services throw an error report on Android, but I don't know if that's because they ran away or because they crashed :) [09:16] asac: anyhow, since the manual mode is not yet switched on the gallery-app already landed and unless I abort them so will mediaplayer-app + upstart-app-launch [09:16] unless its a part of unity that will be disabled soon of course [09:17] aquarius: I realise you're not subscribed, but if you post anyway I'll con someone into letting it through [09:17] (but no others since other stacks aren't running / have run before) [09:17] Mirv: ok... in case we see mediaplayer failures, we should just backout [09:17] or if you'd prefer I can copy and paste all this into the thread :) [09:17] without waiting for them to fix [09:17] ev, I would if I knew a way of generating an email from scratch which looks like a reply to an existing email :) [09:17] Mirv: same for the upstrart launch landing ... if something very odd happens we should be preppred to remove it [09:17] ah, I'll handle this [09:18] aquarius: find Message-ID:, copy into In-Reply-To: [09:18] cjwatson, ha! Doable with a *proper* email client. AFAICT gmail.com can't do that sort of thing. [09:18] Sadly lists.launchpad.net doesn't show Message-IDs [09:19] aquarius: doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do this [09:19] cjwatson, shut up. :) [09:19] I suspected that response was coming :) [09:19] My predictability knows no bounds [09:19] aquarius: what's your email address? [09:19] Mirv: sil2100: any idea how it could land being not buildable? [09:19] (Also, bored waiting for a test livefs build ...) [09:20] Mirv: sil2100: i assume its an armhf only failure? [09:20] (and we dont buildtest during MPs)? [09:20] ev, I brought it up in case clever people like you and cking might say "we can't do that because $REASONS"; if you think it's worth bringing it up for discussion then I think that's a good idea. Two reasons I can see against it: the first is that if I drop yesIReallyAmBusy() into my main processing loop and that loop has a bug which makes it run infinitely by accident then I'm now immume from being killed, which [09:20] is bad. Secondly, it suggests that if this comes to the desktop that things like Firefox would need to drop a yesIReallyAmBusy() all over the place, which they ought to do (because they want to be a good citizen on Ubuntu) but probably won't (because being a good citizen on Ubuntu isn't a big enough deal to them). [09:20] ev, LP address is sil-launchpad@kryogenix.og [09:20] asac: no it's on all archs and no idea how it landed from upstream merger, the unity team seems know what's causing it so they probably have an idea where it came from (like some dependency got updated somewhere in between) [09:21] ok [09:22] Mirv: sil2100: i guess we dont have the ability to put auto-landing of MP into manual mode as well? [09:22] aquarius: I hope your HTML5 HOTP is eternal :) [09:22] (just asking for future, not for this time) [09:22] seb128: if this person also volunteers to maintain the build system, no [09:22] asac: no as we in me/sil2100, but maybe fginther would know [09:22] asac, what changed in the meantime? [09:22] seb128: I personally find cmake horrible, but as long as I don't have to touch it, it's fine [09:22] mardy, ok, seems they do [09:23] Mirv, well, it should be -- I'm not planning on killing the URL at kryogenix.org. However, it is a pure client-side app -- there's no server component -- so if you're worried about me deciding to screw up Canonical non-Android non-iPhone users just because it might be funny then you are welcome to copy the code and host it somewhere else ;) [09:23] mardy, apparently qmake cross-compilation support is not really there, where it's better for cmake [09:23] dholbach: we are seeing a landing of a package called upstart-app-launch :) [09:23] aha [09:23] dholbach: feels like a parcel that might carry your fix [09:23] aquarius: there, quick and dirty [09:23] haven't looked what is in there [09:23] mardy, but yeah, same for me, the less I need the care about the build system the better ;-) [09:23] ev, aha, sneaky! that's quite a clever way around :) [09:23] asac, ok, having a look at it [09:23] [ Guenter Schwann ] [09:23] * Make libupstart-app-launch usable by C++ programs. [09:23] asac, ^^^ [09:23] dholbach, [09:23] thats the only change [09:24] i doubt it fioxes webapps [09:24] *fixes [09:24] hum, the click apps we use don't have c++ bits [09:24] right [09:24] ogra_, and there's just one web app - the rest of the click packages are not [09:24] aquarius: good idea, to make a copy of it just in case [09:24] dholbach, oh, so none of the click apps start ? [09:24] aquarius: not that I'd be worried about that happening :) [09:24] Mirv, agreed [09:24] i thought only G+ [09:24] ogra_, dholbach: that change is just adding an 'extern "C"' to make the compiler happy [09:24] ogra_, correct [09:24] ah [09:25] seb128, yeah, i doubt it has anything to do with dholbach's issue [09:25] not likely no [09:25] Mirv, someone ought to turn it into an app showdown app; are people who need 2fa and using Ubuntu Phone using my thing, or something else, to log in? :) [09:26] * ogra_ sees click-apparmor and python3-apparmor in the changes [09:26] i think thats more likely to help [09:26] * ogra_ looks at the changelogs [09:26] ogra_: do you also see dholbach's problem? [09:26] ogra_, before and after a dist-upgrade I had the same problem [09:26] dholbach: which apps are click? calendar starts here for instance [09:27] Mirv: aquarius it's already an app [09:27] asac, still syncing the image [09:27] dholbach: you dist-upgraded? maybe install a fresh image :) [09:27] asac, alo i dont run the system image atm [09:27] even before that [09:27] ureadit, ushopper, hello world, google+, akari [09:27] ogra_: he dist-upgraded, so i feel its not the system-image [09:27] ah right [09:27] Mirv: aquarius https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/collection/+packages?field.name_filter=canonical&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter= [09:28] popey, what, my thing? It's certainly designed to be runnable offline and bookmarkable so that it seems like an app, and that'll work fine on, say, an iPhone, but I don't know if the Ubuntu browser supports offline HTML or bookmarking a thing to the app screen as an app. [09:28] asac, even before the dist-upgrade it didn't work [09:28] yes [09:28] mhall119: app-ified it [09:28] dholbach: so i am installing those apps [09:28] oh really? cool! [09:28] but they dont get installed (e.g. i onbly can install) [09:28] so I already have two Ubuntu Touch apps ;) [09:29] I'm happy to re-flash with 0905 and try again [09:29] asac, any error message? [09:29] dholbach: no... i just dont see it in "installed" apps [09:29] and if i click on the suggestions link again [09:29] it only offers to install [09:29] cjwatson, hm, I wonder if Mailman should have a "send this email, shown in the on-the-web archives, to my email address as if I'd received it originally so that I can reply, and incidentally subscribe me to the list while you're doing that" button, although how you stop it being the world's best spam vector is a problem :) [09:30] popey: \o/ [09:30] \o/ indeed [09:30] aquarius: I like "bts --show mbox BUGNUMBER", which is a tool for the Debian BTS that opens an entire bug thread in your mailer [09:30] aquarius: that style of thing works well for me [09:30] Mirv, there you go then, someone's already taken a copy of it :) [09:30] it's good that we support non-android non-iphone phones ;) [09:31] aquarius: I think it does require some MUA integration to do well though [09:31] dholbach: give a reflash a try i guess and explain to me where to find my installed click apps :) [09:31] thanks [09:31] cjwatson, actually, if mailto: URLs could contain a reply-to header as well as body and subject, that'd cover it. But they cannot :) [09:31] asac, yeah, right now I don't see them either (on a N7) [09:33] dholbach: ok, then i dont know how you know you cant start them :) [09:34] well, before the last reboot I could see them [09:34] yeah. feels that it might be related [09:38] lool: stgraber: you think you and stgraber could see if you can see anything that might cause this network issue? [09:38] dholbach: anything in "click list"? [09:38] (as the phablet user) [09:38] lool: stgraber maybe trying to reconnect wifi a few times and seeing if apparmor is a bit unhappy? [09:39] cjwatson: i have the apps i installed in click list, yes. [09:39] com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.ureadit 0.9.3 [09:39] com.ubuntu.dropping-letters [09:39] com.ubuntu.stock-ticker-mobile 0.3.7ubuntu1 [09:39] com.ubuntu.sudoku 0.4.3 [09:39] let me reboot [09:39] if its just a unity restart to show them [09:39] I was told yesterday that unity doesn't pick up changes to ~/.local/share/applications/ on the fly, so that's possible [09:40] right [09:40] although I don't know whether that was a categorical statement or whether it's only sometimes broken or what [09:40] hmm. they are still not in the expanded "installed" list [09:40] odd [09:40] asac: even so I'm not sure that that would be connected to the click scope not being able to launch them [09:41] hmm, i'm running 04.1 here and just noticed that my click scope is completely gone [09:41] cjwatson: there is a separate click scope? [09:41] i only have home and application [09:41] it's one of the data sources for the application page/lens/whateveritscalled [09:41] ok ogra_ that might explain what i am seeing :) [09:41] in applications you should see installable packages [09:41] right. i sree suggestions there, i used that to install [09:41] but now i cant find those apps [09:42] not if you expand "installed" ? [09:42] I'll reflash in a bit, I'm just trying to get this livecd-rootfs change tested first [09:42] though I don't know the click scope all that well [09:42] ogra_: no its not in there [09:42] ogra_: so i believe there is a click scope? [09:42] ogra_: yeah, having to expand that really is a dreadful UI gotcha [09:42] that i dont have? [09:42] * ogra_ sees all apps he installed in the installed scope [09:42] especially because the app you just installed continues to show in suggestions ... [09:42] but i dont have the "suggestions" that allow me to install [09:42] which i belive is the click scope [09:43] so to be clear, the click scope is part or all of what i see on the "Applications" homescreen? [09:43] my applications page only has "installed" and "dash plugins" atm [09:43] ralsina: hey ... see above [09:43] ralsina: me and dholbach cant find the installed clicks [09:44] ogra_: i have installed, more suggestions, dashb plugins :) [09:44] ogra_: maybe settings in $HOME are screwy? [09:44] I guess I have to flash cdimage-touch to reproduce this? [09:44] asac, right, i'm missing the suggestions part since this morning [09:44] thats what i used, yes [09:44] cjwatson: with --pending [09:45] hmm [09:45] i'm still on 04.1 though [09:45] will take longer then, that's a bigger image and slow internet. hopefully somebody else will get there first [09:45] (rsync is still 15min ) [09:45] cjwatson: if i just wipe my home, will whatewver click puts in .local/ be recreated? [09:45] i think i might get tricked by bogus settings [09:45] if it doesnt, file a bug :) [09:45] asac: should do, yes [09:46] as of yesterday evening we run "click hook install-user" on session init [09:46] and that works really well :) [09:46] my last upgrade kept all my click packages installed [09:46] though unity doesn't wait for that before starting, so there is a bit of a race until such time as it starts monitoring ~/.local/share/applications/ properly [09:46] wonder what .presage is [09:47] ogra_: it was really for proper handling of preinstalled apps though, which you won't be seeing yet [09:47] until I get this livecd-rootfs change landed [09:47] cjwatson: kk. so maybe two reboots with some time in between [09:47] ah [09:47] I wouldn't worry about some time, click hook install-user shouldn't take more than a second or so [09:48] (which is mostly slow python startup, will go away when I rewrite in C, but not for 13.10 ...) [09:48] yeah i see the .deskltop files are now there... rebooting [09:49] not sure... still nothing [09:49] moved .config .local and .presage away [09:49] didnt help [09:49] not sure if it redumbed a bogus config state right away [09:49] I don't know the scope/upstart side of things well enough to be able to debug this remotely I'm afraid [09:49] yeah no problem [09:49] might be able to grovel about locally and find it [09:49] lets wait [09:51] * ogra_ reboots his phone to see if the scope comes back [09:51] aha, reboot got it back [09:52] and there is G+ now ! [09:52] I'm trying to port ubuntu touch to a system that doesn't have a cyanogenmod port [09:53] psivaa: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3991/ first time? [09:53] we see gallery-app failure like this? [09:53] I'm trying to follow the web page here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting [09:53] unfortunately, some of what it says isn't true [09:53] asac, ogra: I reflashed --wipe with 0905 and get no click app suggestions, but when I searched for "ureadit" I could start the attempt at installing it, but get "Error using keyfile com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.ureadit_ureadit_0.9.3.desktop: No such file or directory" [09:53] ... when trying to launch it [09:53] dholbach, just installed G+, after a reboot i see the icon in "Installed" and tapping it starts the app fine [09:53] specifically, it says "The path to fstab is: [09:53] device/[manufacturer]/[codename]/fstab.[codename]" [09:54] oha... so thats a regression in 5 over 4.3 thne [09:54] let me see [09:54] i had 4.3 [09:54] asac, no I had the same issue on 4.3 [09:54] however, the android tree that I have for the device has no such "fstab.[codename]" file [09:54] dholbach: ls -l ~/.local/share/applications/ and see whether that's a dead link [09:54] dholbach: thats odd then. [09:54] (com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.ureadit_ureadit_0.9.3.desktop I mean) [09:54] asac: yes, first time. restarting to confirm it's recurrent [09:54] psivaa: thx [09:55] what is the best approach for porting to a device that has no cyanogenmod port? [09:55] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls -l ~/.local/share/applications/ [09:55] ls: cannot access /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/: No such file or directory [09:55] rah, does it have any fstab file ? [09:55] cjwatson, ^ [09:55] oSoMoN: gallery-app might be effected by libcontenthub? [09:55] dholbach: i got that yesterday when installing a click package [09:55] dholbach: could perhaps be bug 1214855 [09:55] bug 1214855 in Upstart Application Launcher "Package creating files in ~/.local/share/applications which may not exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1214855 [09:56] but it actually did put a file there, despite the warning [09:56] or indeed bug 1215478 [09:56] bug 1215478 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "upstart-app-launch-desktop hook fails when ~/.local/share/applications doesn't exist" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1215478 [09:56] asac: indeed [09:56] popey: yesterday things were different [09:56] cjwatson, thanks a lot for the link [09:56] popey: click desktophook was duplicating the work of upstart-app-launch-desktop - I made it stop doing so [09:56] ah [09:56] oSoMoN: can you try to reproduce and see if backing out libcontenthub (which gots updated) fixes the test? [09:56] which means that we're probably now seeing the bugs of upstart-app-launch-desktop more obviously [09:56] ogra_: there are two files, "vold.fstab" and "recovery.fstab" [09:56] ogra_: neither look like fstab files [09:56] ## Format: dev_mount