
=== wedgwood is now known as Guest58173
wallyworld_davecheney: do you know how to get the magic gobbledegook to put into the dependencies.csv file for a new goose revision?02:40
wallyworld_nevermind, found it02:45
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davecheneywallyworld_: that deps file doesn't do anyting03:03
davecheneyyou know that right ?03:03
davecheneynothing consumes it03:03
davecheneyso we can't tell if it is wrong03:04
wallyworld_i think the bot uses it?03:04
davecheneyi recommend deleting the file until there is something that can consume it03:04
wallyworld_hmmm. i'll ask at the standup later today03:04
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: - | Bugs: 7 Critical, 94 High - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/
wallyworld_fwereade: i've been having a lot of issues with the bot today. io timeouts on RelationUnitSuite.TestProReqWatchScope and RelationUnitSuite.TestContainerWatchScope. 2 of my branches landed ok. the tests pass locally. one one bot run, a test setup also timed out. have you seen this at all before?08:02
fwereadewallyworld_, hmm, no, I have not... *but* I reinstated those tests only a few days ago, after they got dropped accidentally, and dimitern then modified them just yesterday08:03
fwereadedimitern, can I ask you to take a quick look please?08:03
wallyworld_strange that my first 2 branches landed, and the tird failed08:03
fwereadeI will be out for houses for, hopefully, the last time today08:03
wallyworld_np. i'm about to have dinner soon08:04
dimiternfwereade: will look08:07
TheMuefwereade: one short question regarding the result of ServiceGet in case of defaults. if an option is set to default but this default is nil we currently return "value: nil".08:09
TheMuefwereade: if i remember it right we said that in this case we can omit the output of value.08:10
TheMuefwereade: am i right? (not sure anymore)08:10
dimiternwallyworld_: is it always the same test failing?08:11
dimiternah, there are 2 of them08:12
TheMuefwereade: allready out?08:13
wallyworld_dimitern: yeah, the same 208:13
wallyworld_dimitern: https://pastebin.canonical.com/97052/ if it helps08:14
dimiternwallyworld_: it's strange that they didn't fail when I submitted my change08:17
wallyworld_yeah, and they seem to pass locally for me too08:17
dimiternwallyworld_: and the bot wasn't under load presumably08:17
wallyworld_don't think so08:17
wallyworld_i guess we can wait till the next bot run and see what happens08:17
dimiternit's something to do with the dummy provider I think08:18
dimiternyay i just got my Clean Code book08:20
dimiternwallyworld_: I have no clue what could have gotten wrong :/08:23
wallyworld_thanks for looking, i was hoping maybe something would jump out08:23
dimiternthere's no specific timeout that could've been triggered there08:24
dimiternit's just a state call08:24
dimiternmgz: are you the OCR today?09:05
dimiterni'd like a review on that if anyone's available09:06
TheMuedimitern: you've got a review09:19
dimiternTheMue: cheers!09:22
raywanghi, anyone knows how to change juju gui's admin password?09:27
TheMueraywang: did you already asked in #juju-gui? i can't help, sorry.09:27
raywangi see, thanks TheMue09:28
frankbanraywang: the password is the admin-secret in your environments.yaml. AFAIK there is no way to change that after the environment is bootstrapped.09:29
raywangfrankban, well, user sometimes need to change the password then. it's necessary to have this functionality :)09:30
frankbanraywang: improvements on the auth machinery are in progress, and eventually it will be possible to do that, but for now you can change the admin secret only before you create the environment09:34
raywangfrankban, understood, thanks for the information :)09:36
frankbanraywang: welcome09:36
dimiternTheMue: https://codereview.appspot.com/13269051 - this should fix the tests failing only on the bot and preventing stuff from landing10:23
TheMuedimitern: taking a look10:25
TheMuedimitern: those two calls lead to the failing?10:26
dimiternTheMue: yeah - see https://pastebin.canonical.com/97052/10:26
dimiternTheMue: I hope this should fix the issue, if not we'll look for other things10:27
TheMuedimitern: interesting, it dislikes the connection to mongo in that moment10:28
dimiternTheMue: it's really weird10:28
dimiternTheMue: but since I added these asserts recently, removing them shouldn't harm anything10:28
TheMuedimitern: yep, just lgtm'ed, give it a try10:29
dimiternTheMue: cheers10:29
dimiternit didn't work :(10:42
TheMuedimitern: still fails, yes10:42
TheMuedimitern: just took a look at the result10:42
dimiternTheMue: I still have no idea why that happens10:42
dimiternTheMue, natefinch, fwereade,mgz, wallyworld_: standup10:45
natefinchfyi the standup link is different from before (I had the old one bookmarked)10:47
natefinchfwereade, mgz ^^10:52
mgzah, doh, forgot about the time move11:08
natefinchheh, figured11:12
dimiternhmm some things were missing and had to be reconfigured after the bot machine reboot11:13
dimiternlike the crontab job11:14
dimiternand it appears the golang version got updated from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 so I had to wipe out the linux_amd64 object files11:14
dimiternseems to be working .. for now11:14
mgzhm... wonder how we'd cope with the updagrade in a less manual fashion11:15
dimiterneasy - put a rc.d script that does these steps on boot11:16
mgzthat seems sane11:16
dimiternbut in fact the charm should do that in a hook when it starts11:16
* dimitern fingers crossed.. tests almost done11:20
dimitern:( nope, still the same failure11:22
dimiternso, an update - tried downgrading go to 1.1.1 on the bot - the two tests stil fail, so I reverted back the go version to 1.1.2 from the archive and I'm proposing this change, which skips these two tests; tried manually on the bot - tests pass12:17
dimiternproposing now and will sent the link shortly12:17
dimiterncan someone lgtm that so I can land it12:21
dimiternmgz, TheMue: ^^12:22
mgzdimitern, have you files a bug?12:24
dimiternmgz: no12:24
dimiternmgz: will do12:24
dimiternadded bug 122170512:29
_mup_Bug #1221705: relationunit_test.go: 2 tests fail only on the bot <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1221705>12:29
dimitern\o/ !! it landed12:39
dimiternthe bot should be good again12:40
mgzwell played dimitern :)12:40
TheMue+1, super12:40
dimiternwell, I haven't really fixed the problem, but we have carte blanche for now12:40
* TheMue just made something to eat and now has lunch beside the computer12:41
dimiternwallyworld_: your last branch should be good to land12:41
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