
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
melmothanyone have deployed swift with tempauth ? I cannot use swift with "swift -U system:root -K testpass -A stat00:53
melmothno idea if i m doing something wrong or if the charm did. I never used tempauth before, but it look to me the charm created an admin user with 'testpass' as a password00:53
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dalek49I think there's an issue in the documentation00:57
dalek49at https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/getting-started.html, it says to run 'juju init'00:57
dalek49and what it means is run 'juju init -w'00:57
sarnoldjcastro: what happened to the "report a bug on this page" footer?00:59
jcastroit got dropped01:00
marcoceppidalek49: nope, juju init in versions of juju > 1.12 will create the file if it doesn't exist. The -w doesn't exist anymore01:00
jcastrowe filed a bug to put it back01:00
sarnoldjcastro: haha :)01:00
sarnoldjcastro: thanks01:00
marcoceppidalek49: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6068620/01:01
dalek49marcoceppi: thanks01:08
dalek49I've been trying to make juju work on a 12.04 desktop, and there have been many corners that have prevented me from getting it up and running.  I just got a micro instance from digital ocean (vps), and I was going to try to get local mode working on it (13.04).  It is also proving difficult.  What is the best way for testing deployments and experimenting?  I'm a poor college student (trying to get servers from01:12
dalek49I had 0.7 working before and then decided to upgrade01:12
sarnolddalek49: if my memory serves me, you can get multiple free micro nodes from AWS to play with, so long as you don't leave them on continuously..01:14
sarnolddalek49: the downside is micros are heavily penalized on io and setup can take forever :/01:15
dalek49sarnold: i didn't know they had free micro instances.  Thanks!01:18
marcoceppisarnold: you get 700 hours of compute time from amazon a month using micros01:26
sarnoldmarcoceppi: hah, so you could leave one on continuously in february? :)01:27
marcoceppisarnold: you get maybe it's 750 hours, but it works out to being a free micro a month01:27
marcoceppifor up to one year01:27
sarnoldoh! I must be getting close to that year.01:28
sarnoldan important point :)01:28
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dalek49when I bootstrap, why is the ~/.juju directory owned by root?03:25
jcastroIt should be owned by your user03:39
marcoceppidalek49: how are you bootstraping?03:50
marcoceppidalek49: you should only ever use sudo juju bootstrap when using the local provider03:51
dalek49marcoceppi: I'm using a local provider right now03:52
marcoceppidalek49: did you run sudo juju init ?03:52
dalek49marcoceppi: yes, but I'm on 1.12.  Would that change things?03:53
marcoceppidalek49: You don't need to run sudo for any commands except bootstrap and destroy-environment with the local provider03:53
marcoceppiall others are used without sudo03:54
marcoceppiso you just would run juju init03:54
marcoceppithat's why it's owned as root03:54
dalek49ooooh.  I see03:56
josehey marcoceppi, still around?04:21
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
gnuoyhi, I'm doing a fresh deploy and  I have charm stuck with "agent-state: pending" , the machine hosting the charm has agent-state: started and instance-state: ACTIVE. Looking at the log the following output is being reported to the charm log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6069918/ every few seconds. I'm deploying with juju-core 1.13.2-1~1670~precise110:59
mthaddongnuoy: symlinks anywhere?11:00
gnuoyohh, interesting11:00
gnuoyI see symlinks for various things in /var/lib/juju/tools11:02
gnuoybut no to a charm dir11:02
mthaddonyeah, I was meaning symlinks in the charm dir you're deploying from11:02
gnuoythere are symlinks there, yes11:03
gnuoyI shall purge and redeploy11:03
mthaddonI think this is a juju-deployer issue rather than a juju issue - checking if there's a bug already11:08
marcoceppijose: I am now11:53
FraberHi, where can I join the Ubuntu Juju Charm School?13:01
marcoceppiFraber: you'll find it in the channel here, we'll be broadcasting in about 4 hours13:07
jcastroFraber: we'll paste in the URL in here13:07
marcoceppiFraber: the recordings will also be available online afterwards13:07
FraberThanks, and is there an option to participate right now?13:08
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
jcastrofeel free to ask questions in here and in askubuntu.com13:12
jcastrothe channel is always open for questions/discussion13:12
jcastromarcoceppi: let's post the video on the upstream forum this morning! And ours as well!13:15
jcastroI shared it on G+ last night13:15
jcastronice nice!13:20
jcastromarcoceppi: should we put it in the existing juju topic we had from before?13:22
marcoceppijcastro: I want to create a new and improved Juju post13:22
marcoceppibut I want it to be /the/ juju and discourse post13:22
marcoceppiand just have it be a reply as new topic13:22
marcoceppito the old one13:22
marcoceppijcastro: I need to prep for the charm school, but after cs we can post it13:23
jcastrowant me to do it?13:23
marcoceppijcastro: sure13:23
jcastromarcoceppi: can you report that config bug to the GUI team?13:35
marcoceppijcastro: let me upgrade to the latest charm and verify13:35
marcoceppijcastro: that version of the gui is still last release13:35
jcastromarcoceppi: it can wait until after the CS13:36
jcastroI just don't want to forget13:36
marcoceppijcastro: cool13:36
marcoceppijcastro: I'm going to make a video for just deploying discourse with juju (using the gui) so I'll verify it then13:36
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mthaddonbbcmicrocomputer: if I'm understanding the calendar right you're on review rotation at the moment. Can I bug you for a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~mthaddon/charms/precise/pgbouncer/package-holds/+merge/180533 ? It's relatively trivial and has been in the queue for a while14:12
kentbI'm using juju-core 1.13 and (currently) the standard set of charms pulled in locally for raring using charm getall (i'm behind a firewall).  Is there another set of charms I should be using, primarily for OpenStack?  All of my maas-deployed machines are using 13.04 as the base OS.  I've read on jamespage's blog that "Not all of the OpenStack Charms are14:16
kentbcompatible with the latest version of Juju".14:16
marcoceppikentb: the maas machines should be running precise for the most part, not raring (13.04)14:24
marcoceppikentb: I think that's a safety statement, from what I've seen, the core charms (if not all of them) work with the latest version of juju14:25
kentbmarcoceppi: ok. thanks. yep. Raring is sort of a band-aid right now.  I'm behind a pretty restrictive firewall, which has so far prevented the 12.04-based images from pulling in the needed SSL-enabled mongodb packages.  From what I understand those are pulled in from a PPA and the lab firewall (from what I can tell) is preventing that ppa from getting added.14:26
marcoceppikentb: ah, gotchya14:27
marcoceppikentb: it might be worthwhile adding *.launchpad.net to the firewall, if you have that power14:27
bbcmicrocomputermthaddon: I am on review but I'm really pre-occupied with some other things that have to be done by EOD.. sorry :(14:29
mthaddonok, thanks anyway14:29
kentbmarcoceppi: It might be worth a shot...it's the corporate firewall for this company (big OEM) that's being the problem child, so, I don't know how lucky I'll get there :)  I might try and mirror the ppa and see if that works.14:30
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X-warriorIf I'm working with postgresql/mysql, juju and amazon. Amazon instances are not persistent, so should I add the databases file to a persistent storage?15:14
timrcSpamapS, wtf are they doing to you guys over at HP? Just saw this nice one of Cody... https://sphotos-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/998429_10151723100558686_1007083002_n.jpg15:21
jcastromarcoceppi: can you fire up the hangout 10 min beforehand so I can get ubuntuonair ready?15:46
marcoceppijcastro: yup15:47
jcastromarcoceppi: also, kill your downloads. :)15:47
marcoceppijcastro: done and dead15:47
X-warriorI think postgresql should have an option to add the directory that we want to create it15:50
X-warrioror something like this, to be able to update database location file15:50
marcoceppiX-warrior: patches welcome! :)15:56
X-warriormarcoceppi: I can't think on a easy way to do it. I'm just used to amazon. but starting from that point... the16:00
X-warriorthe EBS (persistent storage) must be created on amazon and then attached to a machine... after that we need to mount it and then call a hook on postgresql sending the new directory... but to call a hook I need a add-relation... so I will need a charm to EBS storage... but that will start another instance16:03
X-warriormaybe this 'volume' handling should be added to juju, but then... there is the differences between ec2, maas, openstac, hpcloud :S16:03
SpamapStimrc: sensitivity training? I have no idea wtf that is. :)16:18
timrcSpamapS, Whatever it was, it was compliments of Microsoft apparently...16:19
bloodearnestheya all - if I have a gojuju lxc environment up, but I no longer have the correct details for that env in .juju/environments, how can I destry that environment?16:20
SpamapStimrc: well I see our openstack community manager, mark atwood, in there holding a black flower.. the symbolism is mind blowing ;)16:21
mthaddonX-warrior: see the volume-management stuff in config.yaml for the PG charm16:21
mthaddonX-warrior: this is how postgresql (and other charms) deal with persistent storage until juju handles that somehow (means creating and attaching storage volumes outside of the charm)16:22
* X-warrior looking 16:26
marcoceppiCharm School starting in about 10 mins16:53
jcastrowe'll be on http://ubuntuonair.com16:56
marcoceppiAnyone want to join the hangout and ask questions, please do! https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/79462401dbe333e26c19481815990e70360ee6d4?authuser=0&hl=en16:56
jcastrook we're broadcasting in about 30 seconds on http://ubuntuonair.com17:02
hazmatwoot! got an aws vpc default by request17:11
jcastrom_3: hey what web server do we use in the node-app charm? the example one you wrote?17:14
m_3jcastro: node directly17:33
m_3jcastro: i.e., no web server other than the http node.js library listening on a port17:33
* jcastro nods17:34
arosalesany other questions on charm helpers in regards to the charm school?17:52
arosalesthanks marcoceppi. good info on charm helpers17:54
arosalesa lot easier to include than I had originally thought17:54
timrcHm.. "Auth GET failed: https://keystone.canonistack.canonical.com:443/v2.0/ 200 OK"... that seems a little confusing to me18:07
timrcSeems like an odd choice of status code for a failure18:07
timrc(this was in the swift client :))18:16
sinzuiI love the new http://juju.ubuntu.com18:33
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