
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1220967] The new Network Manager applet does not connect but System Settings > Network does @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1220967 (by Marco Parillo)00:04
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.11.1 saucy/ninjas 4.11.0 saucy/archive raring/backports precise/ninjas | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/commercial-support | 13.10 Beta 1 released
smartboyhw^ And nobody posted any announcements on the web!?05:42
* smartboyhw goes posting05:46
smartboyhwAnnouncement for Beta 1 posted05:51
soeegood morning06:08
lordievaderGood morning.06:48
smartboyhwHello lordievader 06:48
smartboyhwPeople: So 4.11.1 is still not out?06:48
smartboyhwI mean, for Saucy06:49
lordievaderHey smartboyhw, how are you?06:49
smartboyhwlordievader, good06:49
lordievadersmartboyhw: Can I test 4.11.1 somewhere?06:49
smartboyhwlordievader, private message?06:50
smartboyhw(And I'm not sure where it is now)06:50
lordievadersmartboyhw: Ninja ppa?06:50
smartboyhwlordievader, yes, if you have access:)06:50
lordievaderStill got that one laying around, should enable it again.06:50
lordievaderLovely 285 updates.06:57
lordievaderHehe allways nice "After this operation, 601 kB disk space will be freed." :D06:57
soeesmartboyhw, 4.11.1 tested by me for Raring yesterday07:01
soeesmooth update07:01
lordievaderRebooting now...07:08
lordievaderKde 4.11.1 boots up normally on Saucy :D07:12
jussiwho wants to package something? :D07:19
smartboyhwjussi, me07:20
smartboyhwWhat is the packaging?07:20
jussismartboyhw: It is already in their ppa, but not in our repos afaik (you get to check for certain, ive only raring here). https://code.google.com/p/vacuum-im/07:21
smartboyhwjussi, moo, OpenSSL07:25
smartboyhw(That requires an exemption)07:25
jussismartboyhw: still....... the client works much better than KTP at the moment...07:26
smartboyhwjussi, then work to improve KTp;P07:27
jussismartboyhw: I have done everythign I can (go check out my bug list for them). 07:28
jussismartboyhw: the fact that they exist shouldnt change that vacuum should be in the repos07:28
Tm_Toh, how many times I accidentally pronounce KTp as "Kopete" ...07:31
smartboyhwjussi, it is currently first-time test building07:31
smartboyhwTm_T, -.-07:31
Tm_Tthat said, maybe I should run Kopete now (:)07:32
jussismartboyhw: excellent :)07:33
apacheloggerRiddell: about about system... I think it was everything ... i.e. in kickoff's computer tab, in systemsettings and in kinfocenter09:35
smartboyhwRiddell, jussi's Vacuum app has a problem: the build will change a header-.-11:07
Riddellsmartboyhw: what's vacuum?11:18
smartboyhwRiddell, some type of instant messaging app11:18
smartboyhwjussi is using it to replace KTp11:18
jussiRiddell: https://code.google.com/p/vacuum-im/11:18
jussiRiddell: the simple fact is, it works. (and uses telepathy I think)11:19
Riddellktp doesn't work?11:19
jussiRiddell: unfortunately it has several issues which are dealbreakers for me.11:19
* smartboyhw calls for shadeslayer to fix it to make jussi happy11:21
Riddelljussi: so what's this about changing a header?11:22
smartboyhwRiddell, this happened11:22
smartboyhwdpkg-source: info: local changes detected, the modified files are:11:22
smartboyhw vacuum-1.2.2/src/loader/svninfo.h11:22
smartboyhw(At the second debuild run)11:22
jussiRiddell: no Idea, I didnt write it, smartboyhw is telling the story11:27
Riddellneeds investigation of build system to check it's sane, if it's not then moan to upstream, if it is then work out how to unapply on clean target11:32
Riddellanyone use imap with kmail?11:37
jussiRiddell: i do (but disconnected imap iirc)11:39
Riddelljussi: any problems?11:39
Riddellsmartboyhw: thanks for the beta 1 story11:40
smartboyhwRiddell, no need to thank me:)11:40
jussiRiddell: incredible slowness on loading mails up, (ie. when you click a mail, it takes 1-2 seconds to display), sometimes it gets stuck somewhere and needs a restart  to actually download mail again. (and a few more that I dont remember right at this second)11:41
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:46
jussiRiddell: I did also have a crash a while back, no comments on the bug, unsure if it is still there - kde bug 31786011:47
ubottuKDE bug 317860 in general "Kontact Crashed after attempting to add a large file as an attachment" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31786011:47
jussiRiddell: whya re you asking? 11:48
Riddelljussi: Tariq_ says he can't get it working11:51
Riddellat all11:51
Riddellin raring11:51
Riddellvinay_: you neither?11:51
jussiRiddell: Im on a pretty standard raring install for work, working reasonably fine. what issues are they having? 11:52
ejatcan someone help me on error11:52
Riddellejat: wibble, what release and what PPAs?11:52
ejatsaucy  , kubuntu-ppa11:53
Riddellejat: which kubuntu-ppa?11:54
BlizzzRiddell: i did, but had the issues as jussi described. sometimes folder contents where not displayed at all or even partially. More problems with calendar and contacts. Got frustrated and switched to evolution…11:54
jussiRiddell: Ive been through a bunch of things to sort things out, please feel free to send those guys to me to see if we can sort it out together11:55
ejatRiddell, any idea12:07
ejaty ?12:07
Riddellejat: you shouldn't be using kubuntu-ppa with saucy since saucy is up to date12:07
Riddellremove that and try again12:07
Riddelljussi: does it work for you?12:09
ejatok .. removing .. 12:10
ejatdoesnt work12:14
ejatits still the same12:15
Riddellejat: something conflicting must be installed, apt-get install kde-window-manager  ?12:15
Riddellprobably an obscure theme12:15
RiddellTariq_: you say it worked with non-ssl?12:23
RiddellTariq_: I tried with non ssl and it says user/pass refused12:23
Riddellejat: wherever is this from? 4:4.11.0+git20130819+bzr48502+pkg815~saucy112:23
Riddellsome daily build of something?12:23
ejatfrom kubuntu-ppa/ppa12:24
ejathow do i downgrade 12:24
ejatremove all ? and reinstall ? 12:25
jussi!ppapurge | ejat12:26
ubottuejat: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html12:26
jussiejat: you need to have the  ppa enabled to do that though12:26
ejatjussi, just now ive tried .... i try another time .. 12:28
Riddelljussi, Tariq_: thunderbird also can't connect with those account details12:30
jussiRiddell: not overly suprising. what about if you use starttls/143 as detected?12:31
* ejat downgrading .... 12:32
Riddelljussi: I got thunderbird to detect imap port 143 starttls normal pass, smtp 25 no-ssl encrypted pass.  but then it said uncorrect user/pass12:34
=== markey_ is now known as markey
jussiRiddell: its very strange, because in kmail, it says the account is fine, but doesnt actually act on it12:39
jussiright, Im off. talk to you all later.12:50
Riddellkubotu: newpackage plasma-mobile 4.013:18
kubotuPackage plasma-mobile already exists!13:18
Riddellkubotu: newversion plasma-mobile 4.013:18
Riddellplasma active 4 for the packaging!13:18
RiddellQuintasan: interested?13:18
* smartboyhw thinks PA4 is too complicated for him:P13:19
smartboyhwMore importantly: No ARM machine13:20
smartboyhwRiddell, I can help package a few, but it will not be the best results13:21
smartboyhwWhere should I put these into, BTW?13:21
smartboyhw(Ah, just remembered, I got my own PPA for ARM builds)13:21
RiddellI think that's a plasma-activa PPA too13:22
smartboyhwRiddell, activa-.-13:22
smartboyhwWell, I'd better check mallit-framework first13:23
smartboyhwOK, the patch is built against 0.93.113:23
smartboyhwWe are running 0.99.0+git here-.-13:24
Riddellreview http://dot.kde.org/2013/09/05/plasma-active-4-ready-when-you-are first13:25
smartboyhwRiddell, can you patch mallit-framework using http://download.kde.org/stable/active/4.0/src/maliit-framework-focusworkaround.diff please13:25
smartboyhwRiddell, why the review?13:25
Riddelland http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development13:26
smartboyhwAnd why the hell is the plasma-mobile ver 3.0 in Ubuntu while the PA4 version is 0.5 ~!?!?!?!?!?!?13:26
Riddellsmartboyhw: incase there's anything we should know in there13:26
smartboyhwRiddell, sigh, I need to do a 4.0~really0.5 thing again:(13:26
Riddellsmartboyhw: use an epoch13:27
smartboyhwRiddell, ah, that's a concept I haven't grasped yet. What's a epoch?13:27
Riddellonly use ~really is there's a reason to avoid an epoch like wanting to sync from debian later13:27
Riddellsmartboyhw: just a number at the start of the package version number to reset for mess ups13:27
smartboyhwRiddell, ^13:27
Riddellthe first 1 there is the epoch13:28
Riddelldefault is 013:28
smartboyhwRiddell, ah, that's the epoch13:28
smartboyhwRiddell, patch maliit-framework plz:P13:28
Riddellsmartboyhw: sorry for a full todo list just now13:29
smartboyhwRiddell, you  mean, a TODO list for me or you?13:29
Riddellsmartboyhw: for me13:29
smartboyhwRiddell, OUCH13:29
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yofel: Got time to do a simple upload with the patch?13:32
smartboyhwshadeslayer, patch http://download.kde.org/stable/active/4.0/src/maliit-framework-focusworkaround.diff alongside maliit-framework for PA413:32
smartboyhw!find solid/control/networkmanager.h saucy13:33
shadeslayerI'm not applying patches from PA, I've had bad experience with them13:33
ubottuPackage/file solid/control/networkmanager.h does not exist in saucy13:33
shadeslayerthey tend to break things13:33
smartboyhwoh oh13:34
smartboyhwRiddell, how are we going to deal with the patch then?13:34
yofelsmartboyhw: no13:35
shadeslayerplease consult with upstream if we should apply to Kubuntu packages13:35
shadeslayerthen if it makes sense, please consult maliit upstream13:35
Riddellmaliit is mostly used by active? so it wouldn't break many users in a worst case scenario where it breaks things13:37
Riddellanyone remember who the guy on the right in this photo is? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8349/8169377493_127c320792_n.jpg13:37
smartboyhwSo, what's the verdict? Ask upstream + mallit, Ask mallit or apply or don't apply!?13:37
Riddellhe's a maliit guy13:37
Riddellsmartboyhw: yes ask mallit and apply if sane13:38
shadeslayerRiddell: IIRC Ubuntu is also looking at maliit for their phone stuff13:41
smartboyhwHmm, I'm not understanding of how active is supposed to be built13:42
smartboyhw(Not even with the docs)13:42
smartboyhwSomeone know where a solid/control/networkmanager.h will be?13:47
Riddellsmartboyhw: in kde-workspace13:52
Riddellhmm but maybe it's gone in 4.1113:53
smartboyhwRiddell, can't find it13:53
smartboyhwI need it to build plasma-active13:53
Riddellwould be in kde-workspace-dev if it's there13:53
smartboyhwRiddell, I installed kde-workspace-dev13:54
smartboyhwBuild fail13:54
Riddellyeah looks like it's gone in 4.1113:54
Riddellask in #active13:55
smartboyhwRiddell, well, maliit thinks the patch is useless:P13:56
smartboyhw!find solid/control/networkmanager.h raring13:56
ubottuFile solid/control/networkmanager.h found in kde-workspace-dev13:56
smartboyhwOK, so it disappeared in Sauc13:57
smartboyhwHeh, even notmart says no:P13:57
smartboyhwLet's ignroe that patch13:57
smartboyhwThe question: Why is solid/control/networkmanager.h gone in 4.11?13:58
smartboyhw(We will have to build it on Raring then:P)13:58
smartboyhwGoing to reboot, see you all.13:59
BluesKajonce more kmail fails the usability/user friendly test , sure needs a lot of work ...can't imagine having to deal with it on a daily basis 14:16
RiddellScottK: able to look at kde-workspace in raring-proposed for bug 122175014:30
ubottubug 1221750 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu Raring) "sal does not reload menu entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122175014:30
Riddellit's for a mega kubuntu rollout in taiwan14:30
ScottKRiddell: Needs test case, etc.  The usual SRU stuff in the bug.14:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1221750] sal does not reload menu entries @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1221750 (by Jonathan Riddell)14:42
tsimpsonthat's quite a long time to have that kind of bug14:43
yofelif howard gets back, solid/control/networkmanager.h is part of the NON-EXISTENT plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dev15:21
ScottKShould probably fix that.15:25
Riddelljmux: http://blogs.kde.org/2013/09/06/come-kubuntu-bug-squashing-party-munich15:29
Riddellalso posted to kubuntu-devel15:29
ScottKRiddell: Did you see my ping about fixing up the SAL bug?15:33
RiddellScottK: yep thanks15:41
shadeslayerScottK: there's also ktp in the queue15:42
shadeslayerdon't forget about that :P15:42
Riddellbah, no 10,000 kubuntu rollout requires that one :)15:43
ScottKshadeslayer: I didn't.15:43
BluesKajthere are semantic arguments about the beta1 release definition ...guess one can't say it's really released until it's official on sept 26 15:46
BluesKajnot really released that is15:47
BluesKajthere's whole lot of pedantic types populating the chat's lately , one gets sidetracked 15:48
jmuxRiddell: thanks :)15:52
RiddellBluesKaj: it was released yesterday15:54
BluesKajok , I'll quote you on that , Riddell :)15:55
Riddellthere's beta-2 due in a few weeks15:56
ScottKBluesKaj: No.  It was a typo.  Beta 1 is released.  Beta 2 is coming later in the month.  It's nothing more complex than that.15:59
BluesKajScottK:  ok , thanks 16:01
santa__since you did some work on 4.11, do you guys have a ksnapshot able to load the kipi plugins properly?16:11
yofelsanta__: yes, what's your issue? And what release are you on?16:11
santa__I'm packaging it for siduction16:12
yofelit'll work as long as kipi-plugins is built with the matching set of libkipi16:13
santa__that's what I dont get16:13
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMeneses
santa__I have a ksnapshot built against libkipi from 4.1116:13
santa__a digikam built against 4.1116:14
santa__both depend on libkipi1116:14
santa__and I got this in gwenview16:15
santa__gwenview(15984)/KIPI (loading) KIPI::PluginLoader::init: Plugin  "Importar/Exportar a Facebook" has a SO version ( 10 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 11 ).  Refusing to load.16:15
santa__and similar lines for the rest of the plugins16:15
santa__and yes, gwenview was also built against kde 4.11 and depends on libkipi11 as it should16:16
santa__yofel: so if it works for you I wonder if you actually built it against libkipi11 or you patched something16:17
yofelsanta__: no, you just need to build it against the correct version, the error even tells you that it's built against the old libkipi16:18
santa__yofel: but it's not built against the old kipi16:19
yofelwell, *something* IS16:19
yofelcheck with ldd16:19
santa__yofel: http://paste.kde.org/pa737613a/16:23
yofeland gwenview?16:24
yofelnvm me16:24
santa__the thing is, is something is built against the old kipi, I just don't know what it is16:24
Peace-guys i have a problem to report a bug .... 16:32
Peace-i should install the new kernel but and i did but grub menu was not updated16:32
Peace-so i have done sudo  update-grub216:32
Peace-it says that there is the new kernel but then it doesnìt show it rebooting16:33
Peace-i have seen that installing the new kernel it says possible missing firmware radeon 16:33
Peace-maybe it's this ?16:33
ScottKPeace-: It's not a Kubuntu specific issue, so likely no one knows here.  Try #ubuntu+1 if you're on saucy.16:36
santa_yofel: bah, stupid me, I just forgot to restart kde16:45
santa_it works now, thanks for helping out16:46
yofelkubotu: newversion digikam 3.4.0 http://digikam.org/node/70317:21
santa_yofel: what about this one? I can't see the icons in kolourpaint17:23
santa_and yes they are installed17:23
santa_just wondering if it happens with your packages too17:23
Gsporta friend of mine tells me that linux devs get payed in beer17:34
Gsportar what site does amarok sotores its playlists?17:37
shadeslayerI don't think we'd get any work done if all foss developers got paid in beer20:17
Riddellsomething I always wondered about Free Software is where is all the Free Beer RMS keeps going on about20:18
shadeslayeryofel: did saucy + 4.11.1 work fine for you?20:19
shadeslayerstupid site :<20:20
BluesKajshadeslayer:  saucy + 4.11.1 works ok here so far , except kmail froze up ,. so i dumped it again :)20:21
shadeslayeryeah, kmail freezing happens here too20:22
shadeslayerbut I think thats because it's too slow20:22
shadeslayerpykde4 doesn't build20:22
yofelshadeslayer: works fine except python, but that's broken because of sip20:22
shadeslayerk uploading then20:22
shadeslayeryofel: you mentioned something about the addons package20:22
BluesKajI really don't need it anyway , just5 thought I'd try iot again for fun , but it wasn't , fun.20:22
shadeslayerand soee tested out raring, going to copy that over as well20:23
yofelshadeslayer: oh, that just needed a rebuild, like all rdepends of libtaskmanager after it's in the archive20:23
yofelplasma-addons will be fine in the archive20:23
shadeslayerah ofcourse20:23
shadeslayerRiddell: there was a patch in bzr that I don't think got added in ninjas20:23
shadeslayersomething in kde-workspace20:24
yofelyeah, that's not in ninjas and the version is wrong20:24
yofeldch -i doesn't go too well with UNRELEASED20:25
shadeslayeryofel: so change back to 0ubuntu1 in the changelog?20:49
yofelshadeslayer: erm, and move the patch to the right folder20:50
shadeslayeroh heh20:51
shadeslayeryofel: any reason to checkout the branches with bzr+ssh in the scripts?20:59
shadeslayereven when using --nopush20:59
yofelwell, not really, it's just so you can easily push later if required21:00
shadeslayerscript running anyway21:02
yofel--nopush was added for debugging reasons really21:08
shadeslayerwhat happens if the script crashes while running ?21:10
shadeslayerand when you run it again, does it add another entry?21:11
yofelshadeslayer: it might fail when committing an empty message21:14
yofelerm, an empty commit I mean21:14
yofelmaybe the committing should be skipped if the current tag already exists21:17
shadeslayersounds like a good idea21:27
shadeslayeryofel: can you run the script for precise while I work on saucy?21:55
shadeslayercool thx21:56
shadeslayeryofel: do you have the script to push everything to bzr somewhere?22:16
yofelI never made one, I simply write the loop for that into the shell when I do that22:17
shadeslayerright, have that in history somewhere?22:17
yofeldoesn't look like it. I need to make my history longer22:18
yofelI think it's something like:22:19
yofelcurdir=$(pwd); for pkg in *; do cd $pkg/bzr; bzr push :parent; cd $curdir; done22:20
shadeslayer4.11.1 uploaded22:23
shadeslayermplayerthumbs_4.11.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes rejected22:23
shadeslayersomeone needs to add that to the supported seeds ^^22:24
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ can you upload mplayerthumbs for saucy?22:25
yofelkeyring.errors.PasswordSetError: GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_IO_ERROR22:25
yofelnext try22:25
shadeslayeryofel: 4.11.1 raring to kubuntu-ppa/ppa right?22:52
shadeslayersince we'll be SRU'ing it22:52
shadeslayerhm no22:53
shadeslayerscript running22:54
shadeslayerall done22:57

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