
=== nesthib is now known as TdCT-lycan
=== TdCT-lycan is now known as nesthib
=== reed_ is now known as reed
=== wedgwood is now known as Guest58173
=== wedgwood is now known as Guest92845
=== Guest92845 is now known as mew
=== mew is now known as wedgwood
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMeneses
adam_ghi.. failing to build a PPA package that contains a Build-Depends-Indep: doxygen.  doxygen never gets pulled in and the amd64 build fails. i'd expect this to come in from the main archive. is there something obvious i'm missing?19:11
=== tstevenson is now known as codenamekt
=== codenamekt is now known as tstevenson
maxbadam_g: If you need it in your amd64 build, it's not an -Indep dependency19:19
maxb-Indep fields only apply when the build is being run to include building the architecture-independent binary packages, i.e. those marked Architecture: all19:19
maxbOn the Ubuntu build farm, the i386 builds are the nominated ones which are chosen to build the Architecture: all packages19:20
adam_gmaxb, is that the same for Architecture: linux-any packages?19:21
adam_gfor context, im trying to rebuild a saucy package for precise. its built fine elsewhere, including other precise PPA builds19:21
maxbno, 'any' and 'all' are close to opposites19:21
Electronpeople don't know ssl ?20:28
Electronare be launched20:29
Electronare be launchped20:29
Electronand don't give me to tell20:31
Electronis your country?20:32
Electronyou need spanish content20:33
Electrondonde es eye20:33
Ampelbein!es | Electron20:34
ubot5Electron: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:34
Electron!es | Electron20:35
ubot5Electron, please see my private message20:35
Electronhow old are you?20:40
Electronde quien estaja tu ejes?20:40
Electronhow old are you?20:41
AmpelbeinElectron: This channel isn't for chit-chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic for that. This is for launchpad support requests.20:42
Electronsee eye?20:42
Electroncaillaïté cabri20:43
Electronsmoke one20:44
Electronhas a long time i know chatroulette20:46
Electronokay, warm up20:48
Electroni kill radio20:49
Electronvampir finest20:51
Electronbye tees20:51
Electronit escape beware20:53
Electronif you ask20:54
ElectronGwaihir tines20:54
Electronskull skunk, bye20:55
Electrondon't tell me who i' am20:55
Electronyou waiting xchat box?20:57
Electronteess teezz20:57
Electronwhy you haven't skype?20:59
Electronyou cannot see red line?21:01
Electronho is not primative lost21:02
Electronand now21:06
Electronfor you is one letter for me is kabul straight21:07
Electronhello mars21:07

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