
tierra_necesito ayuda sobre un problema con el audio00:09
moarcoresMy motherboard does not like 13.04 due to being... 2013/05/24 fairly new, which 13.10 ubuntu is the most stable for desktop use do far? LXDE, XFCE? I'm assumming main(unity) and KDE/Gnome3 would be pretty broken00:10
tierra_mi pc es una asus eee pc 1101hab00:10
wilee-nilee!es | tierra_00:10
ubottutierra_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:10
SuperLagI see we're at Beta 1 today. Does that only apply to the mainline Ubuntu? or is it safe to assume Xubuntu is there as well?00:26
snadgei loaded xubuntu onto an original eeepc, and it performed admirably00:31
snadgeit wasn't mine though, and apparently windows xp (asus eeepc edition) is faster00:31
snadgeat least from a potentially biased windows fanboy perspective, i wasn't going to push it00:32
om26ersnadge, windows xp came in 2001. Xubuntu which you are using is potentially a software of 2012 you can do your maths here :)00:48
* om26er thinks there is less point in comparing two OS from different times atleast from the resource consumption perspective00:48
snadgesure, except when the motivation is to make an original eeepc as useable as possible01:00
snadgeif it were mine, i'd probably use xubuntu.. actually, i'd retire it or give it away01:01
snadgeits something like 900mhz from memory, atom pc01:01
snadgeyou have to drop sd youtube videos to 240p from 360p, so they will play smoothly01:01
SuperLagsnadge: which version of Xubuntu though? the latest 13.10?04:34
LBoI just installed 13.10, ran .04 previously07:38
LBoWith Ubuntu 13.10 the battery life of the laptop is a lot shorter07:39
LBo1,5 hour less I thinks and it's also running a little hot07:39
LBoAre there any known problems with power management in 13.10?07:40
wilee-nileeNone that I have seen here, it is in development07:41
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:46
SuperLagI'm curious to know if/how the Nvidia drivers have worked on 13.10b1.12:31
punzillaHi all my ubuntu is broken12:32
punzillawell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6070101/12:33
punzillaI'm receiving dependency errors for python12:34
punzillaand I don't know of any way to recover from this.12:34
Ampelbeinpunzilla: Please pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy python2.7" and "sudo apt-get -f install"12:53
punzillasure I'll do that now.12:55
punzillaunfortunately, it may not capture the entire command for the second paste.12:58
Ampelbeinpunzilla: I see, let me quickly check something else12:58
Ampelbeinpunzilla: What is the output of "sudo dpkg --configure python2.7-minimal"13:00
Ampelbeinok, so that's the real error.13:02
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punzillado I have any options in relation to this?13:05
Ampelbeinpunzilla: Can you add a "set -x" to /var/lib/dpkg/info/python2.7-minimal.postinst, before the "set -e" line and re-run the dpkg --configure command and pastebin the output13:05
punzillasure just a moment I'll give that a try.13:06
AmpelbeinHah. found a way to reproduce13:08
Ampelbein"sudo apt-get purge python2.7-minimal && sudo apt-get install python2.7-minimal"13:08
punzillathat didn't work with the set -x13:09
Ampelbein"didn't work" is not a error message ;-)13:09
AmpelbeinBut nevermind, I found a way to recreate the error13:09
punzillathat was the result after the set -x was added to the python2.7-minimal.postinst13:13
Ampelbeinpunzilla: Yeah, one second I have a solution for you13:13
Ampelbeinpunzilla: Ok, to clean your error: "sudo mkdir /etc/python2.7 ; sudo touch /etc/python2.7/sitecustomize.py ; sudo apt-get -f install"13:14
AmpelbeinThat should run without error now.13:15
punzillasomething is happening ...13:15
Ampelbeinpunzilla: Can you confirm the error is gone and all packages are installed?13:16
punzillayes it seems to have run successfully13:17
punzillais there any other command that I should run?13:17
punzillasudo apt-get -f install completed, I wasn't able to do that earlier.13:18
punzillathat's as much of the output that it shows.13:18
AmpelbeinYes, that means that everything installed fine and your system should be usable again.13:19
AmpelbeinI will go and file a bug about this.13:19
punzillathank you very much for your assistance.13:19
AmpelbeinYou're welcome.13:19
AmpelbeinOh, and there is already a debian bug about this: debian bug 70996413:21
ubottuDebian bug 709964 in python2.7-minimal "python2.7-minimal: purging deletes /etc/python2.7/sitecustomize.py (owned by libpython2.7-minimal)" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/70996413:21
Ampelbeinpunzilla: Is bug 1220249 reported by you?13:23
ubottubug 1220249 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "package python2.7-minimal 2.7.5-5ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122024913:23
punzillayes it is.13:24
punzillaAnother issue - though it's with Adobe acrobat reader.13:35
punzillaI'm unable to run it.13:35
punzillalibxml2 libraries are already installed according to software manager.13:36
Ampelbeinpunzilla: The acrobat packages need updating so they reference the new location of libxml213:43
Ampelbeinpunzilla: There's nothing ubuntu can do13:43
punzillaoh ok thanks13:49
XeekIs there a regular ISO download for Saucy Beta 1? I only can find the source discs or the daily build, or is the daily build what I'm after?14:52
BluesKajXeek:  the daily build , the final beta isn't til the 26th14:58
BluesKajXeek:  these latest ones since yesterday are called Beta 1 (for opt-in flavors)14:58
XeekWell I'm trying to install this latest build in a VM (using vsphere) and the top gray status bar area is on multiple lines preventing me from seeing the bottom half of the install wizard15:03
BluesKajXeek:  I tried ubuntu on VB and it wouldn't install guest additions no matter where I put the file , on the separate HDD , cdrom , or even installing from the terminal15:12
BluesKajThe vsphere project is in its early phases according to muon details.15:13
Xeekvsphere project?15:14
XeekI'm just installing Ubuntu in a vm that just happens to be on a vsphere server nothing special.15:14
Xeekah oh well15:15
BluesKajlook in your package manger for details15:15
BluesKajVMs seem to have difficulty with ubiquity and unity15:15
XeekI can't look in a package manager. I can't even get Ubuntu installed.15:16
BluesKajXeek:  what are you running ?15:17
Xeekcan you be more specific in your question15:17
BluesKajwhich OS ?15:17
XeekUbuntu 13.10 (saucy) daily build15:17
XeekI'm not running it - I am trying to install it15:17
Xeekif your definition of running is - that its' already installed15:18
BluesKajnot it , but what OS are you using to run an irc client15:19
XeekWindows 7 through parallels in OS X 10.8 hehe15:19
Xeeki'm not sure how that helps any of this15:19
Xeekor how it relates15:19
XeekI'm trying to install Ubuntu 13.10 daily build in a VM that is blank - and has no connection virtual or physical to this machine I am chatting to you with.15:20
BluesKajI assumed you were using linux , hence the package manager suggestion15:21
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XeekI'm still not sure how that's relevant15:23
BluesKajwell, I guess in your case it isn't15:24
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Ian_Corneis lubuntu on +1 yet?16:13
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BluesKajIan_Corne:  yes , I believe so , the "offical release" on sept 26th is actually beta2 (there's a typo on the release schedule), so yesterday was official for all flavours as well16:22
Ian_CorneYeah, I'm trying to get update-manager to update me :)16:29
BluesKajthink the dailies is the place to find the image16:35
Ian_CorneI don't want to fresh install :)16:38
BluesKajIan_Corne:  you just install to / and leave /home as it is16:44
Ian_CorneI know how to do it, but I'd rather test upgrading as well :)16:49
BluesKajIan_Corne:  dunno if the images are in the backports17:11
SuperLagOkay. I knew that the potential existed for issues, running the beta... and I have no issue with that. That said, nautilus is a crashy mess. Are there any alternatives you guys would recommend, until things get more stable?17:22
mkanyicyno sound on laptop speakers but sound on earphones. running 13.10 on dell latitude e5520. any ideas?17:37
mkanyicyno sound on laptop speakers but sound on earphones. running 13.10 on dell latitude e5520. any ideas?17:41
johnjohn101so mir running mostly on intel graphics for now?17:58
johnjohn101so just run i3 with onboard graphics?  sandy, ivy and haswell?18:02
SuperLagNautilus is a crashy POS.18:03
ali1234SuperLag: xubuntu18:03
SuperLagand the logs don't even give anything useful to bug report on.18:03
SuperLagali1234: I just moved from Xubuntu, back to mainline Ubuntu.18:04
johnjohn101i was just going to try xubuntu18:06
bhaveshwhat could be the reason of multiple top-panel's in virtualbox running saucy? http://i.imgur.com/DNK44iK.png18:24
wilee-nileebhavesh, You might ask i #vbox18:26
wilee-nileeI would check the iso sum just as well, it takes but a few seconds18:28
trismbhavesh: bug 120789018:29
ubottubug 1207890 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "too many panels displayed during install (see screenshot)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120789018:29
bhaveshokay :)18:29
ChogyDanwhy isn't ubuntu releasing a beta? (if anyone happens to know)18:40
johnjohn101i think it's only for the other versions18:41
trismChogyDan: since 13.04 there is only a final beta release https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-December/000998.html (couple paragraphs in)18:43
johnjohn101ChogyDan: i'm using ubuntu 13.10 now.  it's been pretty good so far18:44
ChogyDanI should suscribe to that list, thanks trism18:45
trismI've always just used the daily images anyway, they work well enough most of the time18:45
ChogyDanjohnjohn101: Im using it under xubuntu.  There is a large bug with sound-indicator, but it's working otherwise pretty well as well18:45
ChogyDanOH, so it's not a bad thing that Ubuntu has no beta, they are trying to do better18:47
BluesKajChogyDan:  the best i can find is Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Beta 1 , don't see anything about Unity , http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/saucy/beta-1/18:49
ChogyDanBluesKaj: the link trism gave describes the Ubuntu folks wanting to focus more on the daily cd.  It is ambitious, and I think it makes sense from the little I heard about the "rolling release" discussion18:50
ChogyDanand here is the main beta1 page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Beta1    It probably should be linked on the release sched page, but o well18:52
johnjohn101six more weeks!!18:53
BluesKajChogyDan:  I haven't seen any release images in the repos/backports so upgrading over the 'net isn't available afaik18:53
BluesKajI did a Kubuntu clean install to / yesterday and all seems ok , so far18:55
ChogyDanI was just wondering if there was something wrong with the installer or something, and that was why no Ubuntu beta, but it looks like something different18:56
BluesKajwell, ubuntu-gnome ...I had trouble with ubuntu-unity on VB a few days ago , the "guest additions coudn't be found " error kept me from continuing with it , no matter where i placed the image19:00
BluesKajthe VB installer is as much to blame as the OS I think19:01
BluesKajUnity seems to be a problem for those who want "Ubuntu", or so it seems19:05
ChogyDanBluesKaj: What's wrong with Unity?19:06
ChogyDani mean, not generally, is there some issue?19:07
BluesKajdunno , it's conspicuous by it's absence , suspect something to do with Xmir , afaik the other desktops are still using X19:09
ChogyDanBluesKaj: "the Ubuntu flavour decided that it would reduce the number of milestone images going forward and the focus would concentrate on daily quality and fortnightly testing rounds known as cadence testing. "19:14
BluesKajChogyDan:  that sounds rather cryptic :)19:15
BluesKajfancy double speak for Unity still needs work , so it's excluded for now19:17
ChogyDanit was sent in december, if you missed it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-December/000998.html19:18
ChogyDanI mean, who knows, but I like to support folks experimenting, taking risks, so I'm giving them allowance19:19
BluesKajI'm not talking about 13.04 , 13.10 unity and Xmir seems to be the holdback19:21
BluesKajBBL ... taking a walk to  the mailbox19:22
SuperLagSince I modified my date/time settings to show the day name, my name has disappeared from the menu bar, so now I'm not sure how to sleep the laptop, as well as get my name back.19:31
SuperLagI'm on 13.10b119:31
ChogyDanof ubuntu?19:47
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BluesKajnyl_:  what does,  sudo lshw -C video give ?20:02
nylgonna reboot20:03
ChogyDannyl: did you say you used a ppa?20:05
BluesKajnyl:  xserver-xorg-video-intel definitely the wong driver20:07
nylxrandr 1.4 is the right version now20:07
nylnvidia driver is 325.1520:08
BluesKaj319 here on 8400gs20:08
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nylgt540m here20:09
nyl( System: Linux 3.8.0-29-generic on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz )( Bogomips: 23443.4 )( Memory: total: 7964.9 MB used: 2071.4 MB [||||||||||] )( Disks: total: 545.3 GB used: 14.0 GB [||||||||||] )( Uptime: 2d 4h 19min 24s )( Load avg: 0.07 0.13 0.13 )( Vpenis: 368.2 cm )( eth0: Rx: 1.1 GB [6.4 kB/s] Tx: 104.6 MB [2.4 kB/s] )20:15
nylthis one20:15
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