
pittiGood morning04:15
pittihey desrt04:15
pittidesrt: hm, any details? I've never heard about troubles there04:15
cyphermoxhey pitti04:55
cyphermoxsup ? :)04:55
pittihey cyphermox, how are you?04:55
cyphermoxnot bad04:55
cyphermoxand you?04:55
pittiquite fine indeed04:57
pittigetting prepared for the two conferences04:57
cyphermoxI'm actively trying to get as much code done as possible prior to next week's sprint04:58
cyphermoxstuff for MTP :)04:58
pitticyphermox: oooh, is Ubuntu Phone going to get MTP for 13.10?04:59
pitti(much needed indeed)04:59
cyphermoxit's likely05:00
cyphermoxI had written some initial stuff just for pictures, in Qt05:00
cyphermoxnow rewriting in boost, that was asked in my review... and it makes some sense to keep it as light as possible05:00
pittithere's no standard MTP server implementation in Debian/Ubuntu already?05:01
cyphermoxor anyway, not that we've noticed05:01
pittiindeed, a quick apt-cache search yields only client-side stuff05:02
pitticyphermox: do you use the android implementation, or completely from scratch?05:03
jibelgood morning05:03
cyphermoxpitti: yeah, using the android API, ported to C++05:03
cyphermoxgood morning jibel05:06
jibelGood morning cyphermox05:08
SweetsharkGood morning, NSA! Good morning, Ubuntu!07:40
Laneyhappy grey and wet friday08:11
larsugrey and wet? It's perfectly sunny here :P08:12
seb128Laney, happy warm and sunny friday!08:13
ogra_and *hot* !08:13
seb128good morning desktopers08:13
Laneyyou'll get it soon >:|08:13
seb128Laney, yeah, tomorrow it seems :/08:15
Sweetsharkseb128: do you think we can get the libwpd and libvisio synced in still? I agree with ricotz on them (visio for the bugfix and wpd is trivial security fixing).08:56
Sweetsharkseb128: sorry for not pushing for that before the freeze ..08:57
seb128Sweetshark, they have been synced this morning I think (I saw them in saucy-changes iirc)08:57
Sweetsharkoh, awesome.08:57
seb128Sweetshark, yw08:57
Sweetsharkseb128: btw, the libreoffice fixes are still building in the ppa. It took a bit longer, because there were tests that tried to ensure the product to be broken. :/09:00
jibelyay, I powered up my printer and the system asks me a password then to reboot. I double-checked and I'm really running Ubuntu not Windows :(09:04
happyaronseb128: can you have a look at ubuntukylin-wallpapers in NEW queue if convenient?09:06
seb128happyaron, sure, let me have a look09:06
seb128jibel, did you try if it was actually working without reboot?09:07
seb128tkamppeter_, ^ why does one need to reboot after installing a printer?09:07
jibelseb128, I just need to logout/login because apparently "something" added me do a new group09:07
jibelseb128, but I don't know what asked me the message in the dislaog box was a rather cryptic usermod command09:08
seb128jibel, what sort of printer is that? I wonder if you have one of those hp/hplip tools09:08
jibeland the printer is connected since ages to this machine, so I don't know why it is asking me now09:08
seb128jibel, things for sure don't look like that with the standard GNOME tools09:08
seb128jibel, could be a bug...09:08
seb128tkamppeter_ would know better09:09
jibelseb128, probably hplip but don't bother, I'll file a bug it is just super non-user friendly09:09
seb128jibel, yeah, agreed, hopefully it's not the "default experience" but specific to some printers models/brand09:10
jibelseb128, well HP is quite popular09:10
seb128jibel, I don't need hplip to drive my hp09:11
jibelanyway, I'll logout/in as I need my ticket before I leave home :)09:11
seb128jibel, and please open a bug09:11
seb128tkamppeter_, ^09:12
jibelI think I needed some specific piece of HP software to configure the wireless on the printer, maybe that's it. I'll dig a bit09:12
psivaasil2100: Mirv: just in case you haven't seen my message about jenkins in m-o:09:13
psivaai am having to restart jenkins in magners, due to some hang in the locks and latches plugin.09:13
psivaa there are some tests cu2d-* running and am wondering if i could abort them and restart?09:13
sil2100psivaa: let me check that09:21
psivaasil2100: thank you09:21
seb128happyaron, I guess they/you verified that the images are CC-BY-SA ones?09:22
happyaronseb128: yes, it was a contest, and using CC-BY-SA is prerequest for submiting works.09:23
sil2100psivaa: ok, I aborted the test jobs as the intel machine again entered an infinite loop...09:23
sil2100psivaa: so I guess we're done now, no jobs running09:24
psivaasil2100: thank you09:24
sil2100Mirv, jibel: so, intel once again entered the infinite mouse-movement loop so I had to abort it09:24
jibelpsivaa, but hurry, next tick is in 35minutes and it sometimes takes ages for m-o to reboot09:24
sil2100Mirv, jibel: but it seems that also the nvidia machine went offline, as well as intel (at least the jenkins slaves)09:25
jibelpsivaa, I mean for jenkins on m-o to restart09:25
psivaajibel: ack09:25
seb128happyaron, ok, it's weird that Kylin is having warty.... wallpaper as well, we have to keep that name in ubuntu to handle updates, but you would think that Kylin didn't do the same mistake for their first release09:25
seb128happyaron, anyway, looks fine, NEWing it09:26
Mirvsil2100: ok09:26
happyaronseb128: It was forked from ubuntu-wallpapers and find that name does not hurt...09:26
jibelsil2100, re slave same error than we already had Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile /var/run/jenkins/slave.jar09:27
jibelsil2100, I restarted the slave09:27
jibelsil2100, same on intel09:28
jibel# ls -l /var/run/jenkins/slave.jar09:28
jibel-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep  6 09:25 /var/run/jenkins/slave.jar09:28
jibelempty file09:28
jibelsil2100, I'll add debug code to the upstart job to understand what is going on here. I'm wondering if it could be related to the name resolution issues we are seeing09:30
jibelmeanwhile I restarted the slaves09:30
sil2100jibel: I wonder! Thanks ;)09:32
jibelsil2100, I'm pretty sure that's the cause of the problem, wget -O always creates the output file even if it fails to resolve the source and the upstart job only checks if slave.jar exists not if it is empty. So in this case it is successful.09:36
psivaasil2100: jibel: jenkins is back up in m-o, thanks for the help09:37
seb128Laney, you said I can approve https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/reset-unity-launcher/+merge/183490 right?10:36
Laneyseb128: let me do it10:37
seb128Laney, thanks10:37
Laneyseb128: there's a pending mardy review10:38
seb128Laney, I added him for the "do you see a real value about having the author info in the sources"10:38
seb128Laney, but that's not specific for this merge, I'm just going to bring it up at the status update next we"ek10:39
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128Laney, bah, stupid pot, https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-system-settings/filter-panels/+merge/184058 CI is unhappy, you need to rebase10:42
seb128Laney, from now on let's stop doing the pot updates in the mrs10:42
Laneycan we talk about getting hooks support to do it automatically?10:42
seb128yeah, I tried to ping alesage about that yesterday10:43
seb128I'm just not sure if that should be done at commit time10:43
seb128or on didrocks' side for uploads10:43
Laneyyeah, that's what I was thinking10:43
seb128upload time?10:43
Laneypre-upload jobs or so10:43
Laneydon't know if there is somethingl ike that already10:44
seb128so let's wait next week for didrocks to be back10:44
Laneymaybe sil2100 knows already10:44
seb128sil2100, Mirv: ^ do you know if there is any infra we could use to add a "update translation template" in the cu2d stack?10:44
Laneypushed again anyhow10:45
Laneywhat do other project do with this problem?10:46
Mirvseb128: I don't know right away, I agree that didrocks has probably the quickest answer to that. sil2100 has looked at the code base a bit, though.10:48
seb128Laney, I'm not sure we have many projects being set up to be translated in trunk that way10:49
seb128Laney, most of the unity stack is translated on the ubuntu side, through the pot import in package uploads10:49
Laneyhow do they get back upstream?10:50
seb128Laney, they don't10:50
seb128they don't really do "upstream"10:50
seb128e.g since we daily release they mostly stopped doing tarballs10:50
seb128Laney, though the daily release are buggy as well atm due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/langpack-o-matic/+bug/120148510:51
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1201485 in langpack-o-matic "Need to import translations for the unity daily builds" [Undecided,Triaged]10:51
sil2100seb128: I didn't really see anything like that in cu2d, not sure how didrocks had it planned out10:52
Laneyseb128: I guess you want to talk to infinity if you want that to be scheduled for work10:55
seb128Laney, right, pitti pinged wgrant/StevenK about it (http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/09/02/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t09:25) but that doesn't mean that's on somebody's todolist10:57
seb128infinity, hey, what do you think about ^? ;-)10:57
desrtpitti: i'm hitting problems later along when trying to build with -fno-common12:01
pittidesrt: ah, so that's the gist of it? build with -fno-common and see it blow up?12:07
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desrtpitti: building pygobject itself with -fno-common is fine, but then try to build another project that includes that header12:09
desrtunless you define some NO_IMPORT macros, or such, you'll get multiple non-extern definitions of that symbol (depending on how many .c files you include it from)12:09
desrtwhich makes -fno-common unhappy12:10
desrtthe error message that gets thrown is confusing12:12
desrtbut fixing that extern fixes the issue12:14
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happyaronxnox: I wonder when will binary NEW review happen? ask seb128?13:18
seb128so much pinging13:19
seb128happyaron, looking...13:19
seb128happyaron, btw https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings is where we set the default background13:19
happyaronseb128: thanks, I'll look into this.13:19
seb128happyaron, binNEWed13:20
happyarongreat, thanks13:20
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=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
bcurtiswxcyphermox, you are working with the indicator-messages menu, correct? I'm testing it and will start filing bugs soon, but i'm looking for a blueprint (if any) to see if there are things still being worked on before I go spamming bug lists :)14:08
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: not me, but yes it is still being worked on,14:37
bcurtiswxcyphermox, who is working on that then?14:38
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: larsu perhaps?14:39
seb128Laney, if you review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/storage-displays-clicks/+merge/184321 go to the launchpad UI, I put some review comments in the description14:42
seb128bcurtiswx, what sort of bugs?14:43
seb128bcurtiswx, larsu is, but I think he called it a day already for today14:43
Laneyseb128: k, will review in a minute14:43
Laneyfinishing up a branch14:43
seb128Laney, no hurry, I stacked a few easy other branches today as well14:43
seb128Laney, e.g mostly ValueSelector -> ItemSelector14:43
Laneyis that OptionSelector?14:44
bcurtiswxseb128, seems new empathy messages don't show, those who use the xchat indicators, that doesn't show notifications either. The difference being that the me-menu notices empathy is on, which it doesn't notice when xchat is on14:44
seb128Laney, yeah, it's a bit stupid, nic-doffay said they can't name 2 widgets the same thing, so they have "OptionSelector" which is the normal widget and ListItem.ItemSelector which is the list version of it14:44
seb128e.g different names14:45
Laneyoh I see14:45
seb128the difference is mostly UI, the first version is in an UbuntuShape, e.g round corners14:45
seb128the second one is a list item14:45
seb128Laney, the background panel use the round shaped variant if you want to see it ;-)14:45
seb128pitti, hey, do you have any spare cycle to help on a libgdata's test randomly blocking, by any chance?14:48
seb128pitti, it seems to happen often on the builder, the current version is blocked in proposed due to it :/14:49
Laneyoh interesting, it seems you don't get events if you aren't the top page on the pagestack14:49
seb128I'm pondering turning the tests off, but it would be better to get it fixed14:49
pittiseb128: not in the next two weeks, I'm afraid; sprint in Lexington next week, then LinuxCon/plumbers the week after14:49
pittiseb128: a retry of the build doesn't help either?14:49
seb128pitti, k, no worry, it doesn't hurt to ask ;-)14:49
seb128pitti, I tried like 5 retries, it worked once on i386 (but we had another upload since)14:50
pittido they reproduce at all in sbuild? (the hangs)14:50
seb128pitti, I try to not do it much because they hand so "take a builder down until timeout"14:50
Sweetsharklaunchpad down? or a glitch in the matrix for NSA update?14:50
pittiseb128: yeah, easier with PPA builds, as they can be easily cancelled14:50
seb128Sweetshark, wfm14:50
seb128pitti, I can't reproduce on a porter box schroot or in pbuilder14:51
Sweetsharkseb128: thx, yeah its back14:51
Laneythose environments probably have network access14:51
seb128Laney, right, but it's not purely online/offline since it built once on i386/launchpad14:53
seb128Laney, and ppc/armhf built14:53
Laneythere's probably some kind of race / fallback / something14:53
Sweetsharkseb128: the 4.1.1 update with fixes for tiff/eps/etc. image loading and unity menu integration just hit the ppas btw ....14:54
seb128Sweetshark, great, ready for sponsoring?14:54
seb128Laney, yeah, likely, it's just ETOOMUCHTODO, it seems a non trivial one, and I'm not sure I've an afternoon to spend on it :/14:55
seb128Laney, I'm going to try to get a backtrace at least to upstream a bug report14:55
seb128is there a way to put a pbuilder offline easily?14:55
seb128(out of disconnecting my laptop from the internet :p)14:55
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Sweetsharkseb128: well, I want the upstream point release updates still.14:56
Laneydon't know14:56
Sweetshark(from 4.1.2~rc2)14:56
Laneyask in devel, someone there probably has a recipe14:56
Sweetsharkseb128: that should be tagged ~tuesday next week.14:56
seb128Sweetshark, oh, right, I remember now14:56
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tkamppeterjibel, seb128, hi15:28
sil2100alex_abreu: ping!16:04
alex_abreusil2100, pong, have I done something wrong ? :)16:04
sil2100alex_abreu: ;)16:05
sil2100alex_abreu: depends... ;p16:05
alex_abreutell me16:05
sil2100alex_abreu: so, we have a sticky situation in libunity-webapps related to your last merge - the launch of the webapp container16:05
sil2100alex_abreu: it forces a dependency on webbrowser from within the webapps service, and this is a problem when thinking about powerpc16:06
sil2100alex_abreu: since we don't have webbrowser-app for powerpc, because of Qt516:06
alex_abreusil2100, arg . ... :/16:07
alex_abreusil2100, do we still care about powerpc ?16:08
sil2100alex_abreu: in overall, not really ;) But I wonder how it would be from the webapps perspective16:09
sil2100seb128: hi! Are migrations from -proposed blocked on no-powerpc?16:09
Laneynot no-powerpc but the same rule as any other arch16:09
seb128sil2100, if ppc existed before yes16:09
alex_abreusil2100, we don't really care afaik16:10
sil2100alex_abreu: I'm not really into webapps stuff, but is this dependency on webbrowser-app necessary? Is this the way it should be?16:11
alex_abreusil2100, is there a specific debian/control trick that we could use besides specifying the archs /16:11
alex_abreusil2100, well in saucy and upward webapps will use the webbrowser-app as a chromeless container, the only dependancy is the desktop file for each webapp indirectly calling it16:12
seb128ok, time for some exercice16:31
seb128have a good w.e everyone16:31
Laneysee you!16:31
seb128(I'm going to be back in ~1h just to deal with backlog before calling it a week)16:31
alex_abreusil2100, any ideas on how to "fix" the issue for powerpc? be more specific w/ the archs in control?17:39
sil2100alex_abreu: hm hmmm18:00
sil2100alex_abreu: I think we'll have to think about that in more detail on Monday, since the problem is that we were already releasing powerpc binaries18:07
alex_abreusil2100, ok, I'll take a note and ping you on monday18:11
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cyphermoxlarsu: is your change in indicator-messages fixing something that genuinely doesn't work?21:40
cyphermoxlarsu: as you know we're in feature freeze, and there is no FFe that I know of that covers non-bugfix for indicator-messages :)21:41
cyphermoxso I'll let you or someone else convince me that moving files around for consistency is fixing bugs :)21:41
larsucyphermox: it was just something that has been bugging me for a while and didn't get to it before FF. You're right though, we probably shouldn't include it in 13.10. I'll revert it on Monday.22:10
cyphermoxlarsu: bah. I'm happy to be convinced it's bugfix, since it's making the install cleaner; I'm just not willing to make that call myself22:12
cyphermoxif you want to revert, it's just as fine22:12
jbichait's sort of a multiarch fix, right?22:14
larsujbicha: sort of?22:15
larsuI'm fine either way. I can totally understand you not wanting it post-ff22:15
jbichado the indicators work as multiarch?22:17
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