
=== Nisstyre-laptop is now known as nisstyre
sarnoldcjwatson: hey, I think I proposed a merge request :) please let me know if I got that right. thanks!00:45
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NoskcajHow can i apply to be a MOTU if i cannot attend either 1500 or 1900 UTC meetings?01:43
NoskcajAlso, can someone re-run the buildd for language-pack-mg  on i386?01:44
StevenKNoskcaj: Retried01:45
slangasekNoskcaj: I would expect such things could be handled via the mailing list instead if need be01:51
Noskcajslangasek: ok, thanks01:51
NoskcajThen is there anyonewho can add a testimonial to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU ?01:52
slangasekNoskcaj: typically you want to hound people who have sponsored uploads for you :)01:55
Noskcajslangasek: i will, just thought i would make a generic post first01:57
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pittiGood morning04:15
CaribouScottK: ping05:01
smartboyhwUbuntu SRU team: Can you please move https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-cangjie/0.0.1~git20130325-0ubuntu1.1 to raring-updates? All of the bugs has been tested05:31
smartboyhwAnd verified05:31
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dholbachgood morning06:39
tjaalton@pilot in06:40
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: Open, FF | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: tjaalton, xnox
* dholbach hugs tjaalton06:41
tjaaltondholbach: will be a short shift though ;)06:42
tjaaltonor :/06:42
xnoxdarkxst: gnome-shell is really outside of my area07:06
xnox / comfort zone07:06
tjaaltonSweetshark: need a sponsor for bug 1204449?07:14
ubottubug 1204449 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Raring) "[SRU] LibreOffice 4.0.4 for Ubuntu 13.04 (raring)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120444907:14
CaribouScottK: still around ?07:18
Sweetsharktjaalton: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue?queue_state=1 <- its already in the queue07:37
xnoxtjaalton: are you syncing packages at the moment, without closing bugs? =) or I am stopping with somebody else?07:38
xnoxhm looks like you also are stumbling on things that are sponsored but not marked as such.07:41
xnox@pilot out07:41
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: Open, FF | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: tjaalton
tjaaltonxnox: oh I can close those too07:43
tjaaltonand yes syncing stuff that are accepted/bugfix releases07:44
Laneytjaalton: syncpackage has a flag for that08:05
tjaaltonLaney: right, forgot that it exists08:07
xnoxtjaalton: -s to specify who you are sponsoring for and -b NNNNNNN with the bug number.08:07
tjaaltonnext time :)08:07
Caribouis there a 'clean' way to reorder quilt patches, other than editing the series file ?08:29
=== doko_ is now known as doko
NoskcajCan whoever maintains http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ add a category that shows the debian version and/or if the package built in debian? That would make finding the cause so much easier09:29
jpdsNoskcaj: Use the sauce.09:30
jpdsNoskcaj: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntuwire09:30
Noskcajjpds, thanks. I have no ability with any coding languages though09:33
jpdsNoskcaj: Then, you could file a bug, or ask wgrant nicely.09:34
Noskcajdo both of those things09:34
LaneyOr take the chance to gain the ability09:34
Noskcaj*i'll do09:35
NoskcajLaney, It's not that easy09:35
LaneySurely not, things often aren't09:35
Noskcajwgrant, bug 122164009:38
ubottubug 1221640 in FTBFS Report "Add a debian status column" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122164009:38
tjaalton@pilot out09:39
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: Open, FF | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
xnoxhappyaron: kylin wallpapers are accepted into the archive, you may want to adjust your seeds to install the main wallpaper package by default.09:40
happyaronxnox: thanks, I have a question, where is the configration of sepcifying default wall paper?09:43
dholbachseb128, Mirv: qtcreator built on armhf, currently uploading: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/2.7.1-0ubuntu10/+build/493852109:56
seb128dholbach, good09:57
dholbachseb128, will qtcreator-dev on armhf land in binNEW too?09:59
seb128dholbach, qtcreator-dev is arch all, it's only going to build on i38610:00
dholbachah, awesome10:00
seb128dholbach, which is why I NEWed it before the armhf build was done10:00
* dholbach hugs seb12810:00
* seb128 hugs dholbach back10:00
Mirvdholbach: yep, trying the lp:qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu merge request again so that jenkins would accept it10:08
xnoxhappyaron: it's a gsettings key, which you usually override in your settings package. Or something like that.10:11
happyaronxnox: I see.10:12
=== steveire_ is now known as steveire
* Sweetshark is happy we have two-factor auth, so that i have to get a snooped token via text message together with a password, so that I can open a hijacked MITM-SSL-connection. Except that the text message doesnt arrive.10:36
* Sweetshark waits10:36
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dholbachseb128, I uploaded qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu and it built - should it move out of proposed now?13:19
seb128dholbach, the binary as already existing in the archive so there is no NEW blocking13:20
dholbachseb128, I just wasn't sure if qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu and qtcreator would move out of proposed because of its dependencies13:22
Laneykeep an eye on update_excuses13:23
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LaneyI expect the missing ppc build will cause a problem though13:24
LaneyHmm, but it's all -> any13:25
seb128dholbach, Laney:13:25
seb128out of date on i386: qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-common, qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-cordova-common (from 0.1-0ubuntu3)13:25
seb128out of date on armhf: qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-common, qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-cordova-common (from 0.1-0ubuntu3)13:25
seb128out of date on powerpc: qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-common, qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-cordova-common (from 0.1-0ubuntu3)13:25
seb128should that binary be removed from the archive?13:26
dholbachMirv, ^13:27
stgraberno, it just means that last time britney ran the new packages weren't published yet to proposed13:27
LaneyIt's still built13:27
stgraberI'd expect the i386 and armhf entries to disappear in the next run13:27
Laneywait for the next run when they will be published13:27
stgraberthen you'll only be stuck because of missing powerpc13:27
LaneyI'm not sure what will happen with ppc, we'll see13:27
stgraberLaney: I remember we used to ignore those but I'm not sure whether that was reverted or not13:28
Mirvdholbach: looks good to me now, just upgraded all the qtcreator* from proposed13:43
Laneystgraber: looks like it worked13:44
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-lunch
evxnox: what's the state of the emulator? Is that something you're still working on?13:48
xnoxev: yes. but not usable yet.13:49
xnoxev: what are you after?13:49
eva working emulator for autopilot testing13:49
evxnox: any rough estimates on how far away it is?13:50
xnoxnot sure, no.13:50
xnoxev: you should be able to run autopilot/qml apps on the desktop... no?13:51
=== Guest92845 is now known as mew
=== mew is now known as wedgwood
evxnox: I *suspect* this testing is done on the phone because it needs to make phone calls and that sort of thing13:52
evthough I guess an emulator wouldn't entirely help there :)13:52
xnoxev: not sure emulator would be able to make phone calls.13:53
evit was just an example. Use of the camera would be another, which I believe you mentioned the emulator does support?13:53
xnoxsim card status is exposed and one sees "3G internet" which is just bridged to the host machines internet.13:53
xnoxyeah, camera should be possible. we'll still want testing on the devices though. As they seem to randomly regress =/13:54
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* ev nods13:55
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
seb128does anyone know a way to put a pbuilder env "offline" easily?14:57
seb128trying to reproduce a test issue than might happen only when internet is not available, but I don't want to go offline while those stuff are running14:57
seb128(if not I guess I'm just going to run that at my eod when I don't need the computer anymore)14:58
cjwatsonI don't have a recipe but it ought to be possible with lxc-clone -s NETWORK (or even just unshare -n) and then setting up networking that just lets you talk to the relevant mirror(s) and nothing else15:00
cjwatsonwould be nice to have that as a canned script to make it easier to reproduce bugs15:00
seb128cjwatson, ok, thanks for the suggestion (and indded, that would be nice)15:00
seb128stgraber, hey, upstart question for you ... how is the env (the one you get from "initctl list-env") populated?15:01
seb128stgraber, trying to figure out  why XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is not in there, it's supposed to be set by lightdm since http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-team/lightdm/trunk/revision/175315:02
cjwatsonor maybe arkose can do this15:02
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cjwatsonsome variant of arkose -n filtered?15:03
stgraberseb128: anything that's in the environment by the time upstart is spawned gets int there15:05
seb128stgraber, hum, I wonder if that lightdm commit is buggy then15:06
stgraberseb128: so anything that's set by the time Xsession is done running all the hooks15:06
stgraberseb128: you could try patching /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99x11-common_start to call "env > /tmp/debug" to confirm, but that should match upstart's environment15:07
seb128stgraber, indeed, it's not in the env at this point of time15:10
sdgsdgsdgsdgdsgsis anyone working on sni-qt any more? or will that even be a problem when unity is rewritten?15:10
seb128mterry, hey!15:14
seb128mterry, quick lightdm question for you15:14
seb128mterry, bug #1212408 ... at what time of login is that variable supposed to be set?15:15
ubottubug 1212408 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm/gdm needs to set $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121240815:15
mterryseb128, before launching the session15:16
seb128mterry, /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99x11-common_start doesn't have it15:16
seb128mterry, which means upstart user session (initctl get-env) doesn't has it15:17
seb128mterry, I tried adding a env > /tmp/debug in there and starting an ubuntu session, it's not defined15:17
mterryseb128, the lightdm session file has X-LightDM-DesktopName?15:18
seb128mterry, $ grep X-LightDM-DesktopName /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop15:18
seb128mterry, that's current saucy15:18
seb128mterry, is "initctl get-env" listing XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for you?15:18
mterryinitctl: No such variable: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP15:19
seb128mterry, should I reopen the lightdm bug or open a new one?15:20
mterryam looking at lightdm code, hold on15:21
seb128mterry, thanks15:21
ScottKmitya57: Any idea when we'll be ready to land Qt 5.1.1?15:23
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mterryseb128, we set the variables using pam_setenv during login15:27
mterryseb128, does user's session init wipe variables?15:28
seb128mterry, what is weird is that other variables like GDMSESSION are set15:28
mterryseb128, oh interesting...15:28
seb128mterry, no, it doesn't15:28
mterryI didn't check that yet15:28
seb128mterry, and as said an "env > /tmp/debug" in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99x11-common_start doesn't list it15:29
seb128mterry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6070819/15:29
seb128mterry, it has stuff like XDG_VTNR that comes from lightdm I think15:30
seb128no GDMSESSION in that env call though, weird15:30
seb128initctl get-env GDMSESSION works15:30
mterryseb128, sure, file a bug with lightdm15:30
seb128mterry, ok, and thanks for taking the time to have a look ;-)15:31
mterryseb128, np.  Code looks right in lightdm, but sure seems like the problem lies there15:31
smoserdoes this mke any sense to anyone15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1220918 in linux (Ubuntu) "networking does not come up in cloud image on hyper-v" [High,Incomplete]15:37
smoserjdstrand, or mdeslaur maybe (app armor related). why would dhclient fail like that ?15:37
seb128mterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/122180315:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1221803 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP not correctly set?" [High,New]15:39
mdeslaursmoser: how is the network interface started? with the usual stuff in /etc/networking?15:42
mdeslauruh, /etc/network15:43
smosermdeslaur, yes.15:46
smoserit doesn't make any sense to me. this is just a cloud image as far as i understand it.15:46
mitya57ScottK: I think blockers are listed at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.115:47
bdmurraysarnold: can you elaborate on the trouble you had when looking at bug 1171418?15:51
ubottubug 1171418 in maas (Ubuntu Quantal) "MAAS fails to power up machines when trying to install nodes" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117141815:51
mdeslaurjdstrand: have you ever seen dhclient require cap_admin? see smoser's bug 1220918...15:53
ubottubug 1220918 in linux (Ubuntu) "networking does not come up in cloud image on hyper-v" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122091815:53
mdeslaurjdstrand: sorry, I meant net_admin15:54
jdstrandmdeslaur: no I haven't. upstream seems to have made a number of changes recently that are causing new denials15:55
ScottKmitya57: Of those, #1215414 is fixed in Debian and while I don't like the fact that #1157213 isn't done yet, I don't see it as a blocker.  #1214374  also seems sufficiently resolved to move forward.   #1217338  seems like low enough priority not to block.  That leaves only #1217702.  I'm worried the longer we wait, the more likely we'll end up with surprises that are hard to fix in the time available.15:56
ScottKI'd suggest going ahead.15:56
mdeslaurjdstrand: any objection to me adding net_admin to the dhcp profile?16:02
mitya57ScottK: I share your opinion, but it would be better to say that to Mirv or seb128.16:03
ScottKOK.  We'll see what they say.16:03
seb128ScottK, mitya57: say about what?16:04
ScottKseb128: See a few lines up about proceeding with Qt
mitya57seb128: (I'm assuming you'll be sponsoring that again)16:05
seb128lool, asac, pmcgowan: ^ do you know if we are happy with Qt 5.1.1 enough to land it (e.g did we validate it doesn't create issues on the touch image)?16:05
pmcgowanseb128, no not yet16:05
pmcgowanseb128, there is a test and fix plan16:05
seb128ScottK, mitya57: from that list it seems like that the OSK bug should be resolved before upload, not sure then if the touch guys validated the update enough to process with it16:05
loolseb128: I know nothing about it16:05
ScottKDo we have a schedule?16:06
seb128pmcgowan, any eta?16:06
seb128pmcgowan, ScottK and mitya57 are concerned it's getting late in the cycle16:06
pmcgowantoday we have an image that will go through full smoke testing16:06
pmcgowanthre are a known set of issues being worked with tag qt5.116:06
asacseb128: i cant cope with qt 5.1.1 today16:06
ScottKpmcgowan: Right, I just looked at the list and of those, #1217702 seems like the only one that has the potential to be a real blocker.16:07
seb128pmcgowan, right, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.1 ... that was just discussed16:07
asacpmcgowan: do you send the image through our automation? or manual smoke testing?16:07
asaci assume manual16:07
seb128asac, next week?16:07
pmcgowanasac, its happening today16:07
pmcgowanfginther and plars are managing that16:07
pmcgowantimo and rsalveti have done manual testing16:08
asacpmcgowan: the testing is happening today?16:08
asacpmcgowan: but you dont plan to push this in today, do you :)?16:08
rsalvetiideally we would move to qt5.1 already next week16:08
rsalvetibut we're currently testing to make sure we have all the bugs in place16:08
asaci am happy to take that after we have unity/mir landed16:08
asacright after16:08
pmcgowanScottK, and seb128 yes plan is to try next week16:08
asacor before if that is further delayed16:08
rsalvetiwould next week be fine?16:09
ScottKNext week is fine.16:09
ScottKI'm just worried if it gets delayed too long.16:09
pmcgowanwe share the concern16:09
jdstrandmdeslaur: seems like it is busted without it. it would be nice to know what it is trying to do, but reading the capabilities man page, I'm kinda surprised it hasn't needed it in the past16:12
jdstrandPerform various network-related operations: * interface configuration;16:13
jdstranduh, that is clearly within dhclient's bailiwick I would think :)16:13
pittiremove-package -m 'deprecated years ago, broken in saucy, no remaining reverse depends, LP #1221254' hal16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1221254 in xbmc (Debian) "kill hal for good!" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122125416:17
pittiWHAT A DAY!16:17
pittiand it only took us like 5 years16:17
* ogra_ hugs pitti 16:22
ogra_congrats !!!16:22
mdeslaurpitti: congrats! \o/16:39
Peace-anyone here ? i have a problem i was reporting a bug , a guy asked me to upgrade the kernel so i downloaded and installed sucessfully the kernel , but i have seen possibile missing firmware radeon16:39
Peace-so i have rebooted after i did sudo update-grub216:39
Peace-and it doesn't show the new kernel16:39
Peace-btw sudo update-grub2 says that has detected 3-11 kernel16:39
* pitti hugs back ogra ;)16:42
mdeslaursmoser: I just uploaded a new dhcp package to saucy, let me know if that solves it17:01
smosermdeslaur, i would have thought the world would hav failed if dhclient was busted.17:02
mdeslaursmoser: me too :) I'm not quite sure why it's busted in that particular scenario, perhaps because it's not NM setting up the interface17:03
smoserwell, that image runs elsewhere fine.17:03
* mdeslaur shrugs17:03
sarnoldbdmurray: I believe the maas team took comment number 8 in bug 1171418 as indication that they had finished the SRU verification tasks needed for that bug -- yes, comment number nine spells out clearly that it wasn't done for precise, but comment number eight could have been more explicit about that17:07
ubottubug 1171418 in maas (Ubuntu Quantal) "MAAS fails to power up machines when trying to install nodes" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117141817:07
bdmurraysarnold: at the point in time comment #8 was made there was no more verification required because they had only uploaded a fix to one release, so techincally the verification was all done, although more work was required.17:37
mdeslaurbdmurray, barry: can someone verify/mark as verified bug 1058884 please, so I can eventually publish some security updates?17:39
ubottubug 1058884 in python3.3 (Ubuntu Raring) "Race condition in py_compile corrupts pyc files" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105888417:39
barrymdeslaur: won't be me today.  too busy17:40
mdeslaurbarry: wait, canonical isn't making you work weekends?17:40
barrymdeslaur: i'll slot it in from 3am-4am tonight, for sure! <wink>17:42
bdmurrayslangasek: we were talking about the verification of bug 1058884 the other day17:42
ubottubug 1058884 in python3.3 (Ubuntu Raring) "Race condition in py_compile corrupts pyc files" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105888417:42
barry(which still technically isn't "me today" :)17:42
mdeslaurbarry: hehe :)17:42
sarnoldbdmurray: Sure, the information is there in the bug report to figure out what happened and why it made sense :) I just know that I've been confused several times in the past and needed to put in the time to discover the steps that were taken. I'd like there to be less time spent figuring things out. :)17:58
slangasekbdmurray: 1058884> yes... did you have much luck gathering data from errors on this?18:26
bdmurrayslangasek: its a bit challenging without the database access but in comment #32 I talk about how I didn't find any instances of EOF crashes with packages from -proposed18:31
bdmurrayI'm looking into where package install failures end up18:31
bdmurrayI just sent one to errors but haven't been able to find it yet18:32
slangasekhmm, ok18:33
slangasekbdmurray: so it sounds like there's pressure to get a security update out; how long do you think it will take to get the answers you need out of errors?18:35
slangasekthree basic options: 1) delay the security update until we know, 2) let the security update jump the queue, 3) push the SRU through with the risk that it'll have to be rolled back due to regressions (and the security update as well)18:35
bdmurrayslangasek: looking for package install failures was because of bug 1198439 and that is the harder thing to query for right now. I'm satisified with the work I did looking for other EOF errors and the new version.18:44
ubottubug 1198439 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "package python2.7-minimal 2.7.4-2ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119843918:44
slangasekbdmurray: so are you happy to go ahead with publishing?18:47
slangasekcjwatson: so with lp:~vorlon/ubuntu/saucy/grub2/uefi-sb-netboot, I've managed to get all the way to a grub menu via shim->grub over netboot... but the grub.cfg is still a bit of a mess, I wonder if you can tell me what I'm doing wrong there18:53
Hammerhead2011-Scan one of you recommend a group that can talk to me about the network scripts in 13.04 my interfaces are coming up but the routes are not being added to my table19:20
Hammerhead2011-Sthis is not a general discussion question, the machines table in question is a VM running on 12.04 in virtualbox19:22
slangasekHammerhead2011-S: you can ask, but that sounds like a support question, not a development question19:23
Hammerhead2011-SThanks, was just hoping that I could get a push in the right direction. was not going to ask here just looking for a group that was NOT going to recommend that I check the "/etc/network/interfaces" file :-)19:25
slangasekerm, you're defining your routes somewhere other than /etc/network/interfaces?19:26
Hammerhead2011-Sgoing to try upstart, didn't see that one, longshot but we will see.19:26
Hammerhead2011-Soh no, they are there, just not being entered into the route table at startup19:26
Hammerhead2011-SSeems to be some issue with Virtualbox and Cisco UCS and Ubuntu19:27
slangasekwell, post-up scripts work fine in Ubuntu via /etc/network/interfaces19:28
slangasekif your routes aren't in your table when you look, maybe something else is removing them19:29
slangasekbdmurray: lp:~vorlon/ubuntu-release-upgrader/lp.1220898> I'm happy for you to take the machete to a bit more of the code as you merge it :)19:34
bdmurrayslangasek: maybe not as phased-updates won't help here since the crashes were never filed about python2 or python3 packages themselves19:37
Hammerhead2011-Sslang any hints as to what would be removing them? My guess is that the are not being entered. Any thoughts on debugging kernel actions? The kernel.log has nothing about any troubles with interfaces or routes.19:38
slangasekbdmurray: ok, so how do we get to the point where we're confident to publish?19:38
slangasekHammerhead2011-S: well, you could start something in early boot that uses netlink to monitor changes to the routing table; I don't know of anything offhand that does netlink debugging though19:41
bdmurrayslangasek: I think waiting for more people to be running saucy and continuing to watch for new instances until October(?) is the more conservative approach19:42
slangasekbdmurray: so I'm worried that even in that case, because these are backported patches, it may not be a good measure19:42
slangasekthere may not be a way to get more info than we already have except for publishing19:43
slangasekHammerhead2011-S: this is almost but not quite what you're looking for. http://bitsup.blogspot.com/2008/04/monitoring-ip-changes-with-netlink.html19:45
bdmurrayslangasek: well I could whip something up to watch the exisiting buckets in errors for the version that would be in -updates, but what would we do if we found the new version?19:48
slangasekbdmurray: to me, that seems less likely than that there's a regression that wouldn't show in that bucket at all19:49
slangaseke.g., that tentatively-tagged regression we had19:49
slangasekbdmurray: so I think at this point, we should pull the SRUs and let mdeslaur get on with his security update, until we can figure out a better regression testing plan19:53
MDesignerhey guys. who can I talk to about donating a new startup sound for Ubuntu 14.10 LTS?19:54
NoskcajMDesigner, 14.04 is the LTS20:16
MDesignersorry, my mistake20:20
MDesignerso who do I talk to about contributing a new startup sound?20:20
LaneyMDesigner: There's a "unity-design" team on Launchpad with a mailing list; that's the best place I can think of ATM20:30
Laneyand thanks for offering your time/skills20:31
MDesigneryou bet!20:36
MDesignerhappy to contribute somehow. I love Ubuntu. :)20:36
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
=== Nisstyre-laptop is now known as Nisstyre
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!