[05:37] pleia2: still getting no luck on info for what's new from any of the dev teams [15:26] bkerensa: yeah, I forgot that ubuntu wasn't doing a beta1 either, so no release notes :\ [17:01] I'm having trouble editing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxSecureRemix - I think it won't let me edit because it's immutable. [17:04] crazyskeggy: are you logged in? (your logged in name should appear somewhere in the top of the page) [17:04] if so, refresh a couple times, sometimes caching is a bit aggressive [17:04] pleia2: no, but there is a "logout" link in the top-left, under the ubuntu logo [17:05] or try another browser [17:05] it needs to show your nick somewhere for the login to have fully been accepted [17:07] pleia2: oh, ok - I'll try clearing cache first, then try firefox or IE (I'm using chrome) [17:07] chrome caching + help.u.c caching can be a troublesome mix at times [17:12] pleia2: one odd thing i noticed: logging in on chrome it only said the site needed email & name - in Firefox it wanted my username too [17:13] ah, interesting [17:13] pleia2: also, I don't remember setting any username during the signup [17:13] crazyskeggy: can you submit a bug with canonical? they run all this stuff, email to rt@ubuntu.com [17:13] anyway, it's working now! [17:13] sure! [17:14] username is what shows up after the ~ in the launchpad url [17:14] like mine is launchpad.net/~lyz [17:14] so "lyz" [17:14] pleia2: i had only been on launchpad after i made my account - maybe it was the joining of the docs group that did it [17:15] ah, who knows :) [17:44] Hey, shaunm. Are you around? [17:45] pleia2: so I have opened a bug about What's New and subscribed you mhall119 for tracking [17:45] still no response on IRC from Desktop or Kernel Team [17:47] godbyk: what's up? [17:47] shaunm: Can I set platform=unity when the yelp script is exporting Mallard to HTML? [17:48] Or does that use the same internal check from libyelp? [17:48] bkerensa: are you just grabbing them on IRC? wondering if a mail to a list or showing up at their meeting might be better [17:49] I will mail their lists too [17:49] godbyk: are you using yelp-build? [17:50] shaunm: Yeah. [17:51] are you already passing an extension stylesheet with -x?' [17:52] shaunm: Yeah. We have an ubuntu.xsl script. [17:52] right, thought so. add this to it: [17:52] (note the quotes inside the quotes in select) [17:53] shaunm: Okay, cool. I'll give that a shot. Thanks! [18:13] thanks bkerensa